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  • The blogger died of a snakebite on the air. Famous blogger Arslan Valeev died after being bitten by a snake on the air

The blogger died of a snakebite on the air. Famous blogger Arslan Valeev died after being bitten by a snake on the air

In the event of an actual or probable black mamba bite, take the following first aid measures without delay.

  1. Make sure you are not in danger of causing any additional injury.
  2. Call a doctor immediately.

For the victim

  1. Calm the person down. Allow him or her to lie down and avoid movement as much as possible. If possible, position the bitten limb at a lower level than the heart.
  2. Avoid bending or moving the limb.
  3. DO NOT cut the wound
  4. DO NOT apply ice to the bite site

Intoxication ends with death within 30 - 120 minutes.

Please read the attached Medical Management Protocol and respond accordingly.

For medical professionals

Call your local poison control center. They should find a specialist to help you treat this patient.

Watch for signs and symptoms of toxicity.

If signs or symptoms are present, follow these steps:

  1. Inject lactate Ringer from 200 to 250 ml per hour.
  2. Take samples and collect laboratory data.
  3. Inject the contents of 4 ampoules of polyvalent antidote at a rate of 1 vial (10 ml) per minute.
  4. Remove the cotter pins and crepe bandage slowly, 10 minutes. If symptoms progress rapidly, reapply the dressing and apply 4 additional ampoules. Try again to remove the bandage.
  5. Allergic or adverse reactions to antivenom should be treated with corticosteroids, epinephrine, Benadryl, Atarax, or other antihistamines as appropriate.
  6. Monitor signs, symptoms, and laboratory data and administer additional antivenom in increments of 1 vial at a rate of 10 ml over 5 minutes as needed to monitor symptom progression.
  7. The amount of antivenom required will vary depending on the severity of the intoxication.

You should expect using (including from the starting dose):

  • 4-6 ampoules in total for a minor bite.
  • 8-20 ampoules or more may be needed for moderate to severe bites.

Arslan Valeev: mamba bite

The recent death of a blogger live from a black mamba bite confirms the extreme danger of this type of snake. The fatal accident became fatal for the famous serpentologist, collector of a unique collection of reptiles, and a surprise and tragedy for everyone.

Health care

Intoxication from a poisonous bite is manifested mainly by systemic neurological reactions. Drowsiness, neurological and neuromuscular symptoms may develop at an early age; paralysis, respiratory failure, or death occurs quickly.

Please read and follow the procedures below without delay.

  1. Apply a bandage above the bite level as first aid to slow the absorption of the venom. DO NOT remove the bandage until the patient has arrived at the hospital and received the antidote.
  2. Make sure at least 10 vials of the polyvalent antidote are present. This antidote contains the appropriate fractions needed to neutralize the poison of the black mamba.
  3. Treatment is 4 to 20 vials of intravenous antidote. Intoxication is diagnosed by the presence of characteristic signs and symptoms.
Published on 09/25/17 18:20

The blogger who set on himself a black mamba on the air died. The death from a snakebite has already been commented on by biologist Nikolai Drozdov.

Russian video blogger Arslan Valeev, known for his public about big wild cats BobCat TV and a video channel about snakes and other reptiles "Exotarium", died from the bite of a poisonous snake. This is reported in blogger's group.

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On the night of September 23, while on the air of his channel, Valeev received a black mamba bite. He was immediately hospitalized. At about noon on September 25, Valeev died.

That night, the video blogger (the total number of subscribers from two channels is 515 thousand) launched a stream on which intkkikhs let the black mamba sting his hand. The guy studied wildlife, so several snakes, spiders and tiger cubs lived in his house.

The video itself has already been removed from YouTube. There is a saved fragment on the Web, in which a comatose guy dictates the phone of his ex-wife, whom he would like to see before his death. One of Arslan's subscribers called an ambulance: the guy was brought to the hospital in a critical condition and put into a drug-induced coma.

Two years ago, Arslan Valeev was bitten by a king cobra. His classmate working at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences told about this in an interview with Channel Five. As Valeev's acquaintance explained, the poison tends to accumulate. And the second and subsequent bites are much more difficult to tolerate.

TV presenter and biologist Nikolai Drozdov commented on REN-TV on the tragedy that happened to blogger Arslan Valeev.

"On the air, attention is lost, you are distracted by the shooting. It is very dangerous. The only time I was bitten by a snake was a viper on the set, I was in the hospital. It is better not to perform on the air with snakes. Drozdov.

Russian blogger Arslan Valeev, known for his videos about big cats and other dangerous animals, died after being bitten by a black mamba. He deliberately provoked a snake to bite on air, and subscribers had to call an ambulance, which put him into a state of artificial coma. But the man could not be saved. Later, acquaintances of the blogger began to write that Arslan's strange act was provoked by a family drama.

Arslan Valeev, 31, who wrote a blog about dangerous animals on BobCat TV, died after being bitten by a black mamba, one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. It all happened on September 23rd. The blogger revealed live on YouTube that he was bitten by a snake. And instead of calling the doctors, he continued to broadcast, during which every minute it became clear that he was worse and worse. As a result, the audience called an ambulance, but Valeev could not be saved - he never came out of a coma.

I'll just be with you for a little while. If anything, there is an entry for Katya on the phone. Just reading your messages. Tell Katya that I loved her very much. Goodbye to everyone. I can't even believe that this is happening to me. This is Katya's phone, if she has time to drive up to me and see me, I would be glad. In fact, I am already dying. Farewell. But I would be glad to see Katya. I'm shaking.

Later it turned out that shortly before the incident with the snake, Arslan broke up with his wife Ekaterina, writes the Dvacha Telegram channel, and before that, their family scandal was watched by subscribers. After his wife left, they began to persecute her in Arslan's public page on VKontakte.

But then the man apologized to his ex-wife. At the same time, Catherine herself had previously complained that Arslan had beaten her up.

Valeev himself stated that his wife had cheated on him. But then he realized that this was not so, and made a public apology. But the wife, apparently, decided not to accept the apology.

Meanwhile, the opinions of Arslan's subscribers about his act were divided. Some believe that he really committed public suicide, others think that they witnessed an accident, and his suicide speech was not planned. Many followers of Arslan urge not to blame Catherine for what happened to him. In his group on the VKontakte page, comments are currently closed and condolences from friends have been published.

Russian Arslan Valeev, known to YouTube visitors for his broadcasts about animals, died of a poisonous snake bite. This is reported on the video blogger page. So far, there are suggestions that in this way Arslan Valeev wanted to attract attention and commit suicide.

Arslan Valeev is a Russian video blogger from St. Petersburg, the author of popular channels on the Russian-language YouTube: "Private Exotarium"- on the popularization of terrarium animals (snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, amphibians, spiders, scorpions) and BobCat TV - about lynxes and other exotic animals. Arslan conducted the second channel together with his wife Ekaterina Valeeva (Pyatizhkina).

On Saturday, September 23, during a live broadcast, Arslan Valeev talked about his recent separation from his wife and talked about death. For some time he disappeared from the field of view of the camera, and when he returned, he said that he had been bitten by a poisonous snake - a black mamba. Then the blogger dictated his wife's number and asked her to call her. After a while, Valeev lost consciousness on the air.

So far, there are suggestions that in this way Arslan Valeev wanted to attract attention and commit suicide. When he lost consciousness, subscribers to his channel called an ambulance, and the blogger was hospitalized. Unfortunately, around noon on September 25, he passed away without regaining consciousness. St. Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after V.I. II Dzhanelidze confirmed the death of Valeev.

The tragic event, as it turns out, was preceded by a major quarrel with his wife. According to one version, recently Valeev was very worried about parting with his wife Catherine (they have not lived together for more than a year).

Two days before the tragedy, young people filed an application for divorce at the registry office. The initiator was Catherine - allegedly Arslan raised his hand to her. The video blogger accused his wife of treason, then allegedly attacked her.

Catherine reported the attack on Instagram, posting a photo and a medical examination.

Later, Valeev publicly apologized to his wife, but the reunion did not take place.
According to friends, on the night of September 23, the video blogger was slightly drunk. He went live, dictated Catherine's phone number and said that he would be glad to see her if she had time to arrive before his death. The young man announced that he was dying and said goodbye to everyone.

The first and only call to an ambulance in Vsevolzhsk (this is where Valeev lived) was registered on September 23 at 1.18. A certain girl called from the blogger's number. She introduced herself to a friend and asked doctors "03" to urgently come to the house of her friend, who was attacked by a snake. The young man, according to her, was in an inadequate state.

The doctors were about to rush to the call, when the girl called back and canceled the call without giving any reason. Valeev, after consulting with friends, decided to get to the hospital on his own.

Friends took the blogger to the leading hospital in St. I. I. Dzhanelidze. The patient was admitted to the toxic intensive care unit. Doctors fought for the patient's life, but at 11.08 on September 25, he died.

Law enforcement agencies, together with experts, are deciding what to do with poisonous snakes that remained in a private house in Vsevolozhsk after the death of herpetologist blogger Arslan Valeev. You need to attach almost 300 snakes, two lynxes and a dog. The young man could not be saved by doctors after being bitten by a black mamba. His subscribers called an ambulance. Maria Marchenko reconstructed the details of this story.

He died live, in front of thousands of subscribers. The famous Petersburg blogger Arslan Valeev, the creator of two TV channels about exotic animals, got in touch at night as usual. I wanted to show a black mamba. So he comes back, and shows .... a finger, with a wound from a snake bite. Asks to call his ex-wife.

Subscribers called the blogger urgently. At the Janelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, doctors put the young man into an artificial coma, fought for his life for more than a day. But they could not help. There was no chance of salvation, says herpetologist Vladimir Cherlin.

Vladimir Cherlin,candidate of biological sciences, herpetologist:

“She's very aggressive, very fast. And with incredibly powerful poison. In general, serums exist, but not here. Because they don't live with us. "

Arslan Valeev had two black mambas at once. And also cobras, vipers, lynx, puma and other animals. The blogger talked about caring for them, habits and character on his YouTube channels. For the sake of the likes of subscribers, I often took risks. He drank a cocktail of the venom of five cobras, caught vipers with his bare hands, and even bit a black mamba by the tail.

Arslan showed interest in reptiles since childhood. When he was eight, he asked his father to buy him a snake. Parents were allowed to have fish. But the young man dreamed of other pets.

Maria Marchenko, correspondent:

“Even in the Leningrad Zoo, where there are all the conditions for this, poisonous snakes are not kept. Arslan Valeev worked in this very department six years ago, dealing with harmless pythons and lizards. But at his home in Vsevolozhsk, the young man gathered a whole collection of deadly animals. "

Poisonous snakes - a monocle cobra and an African viper - bit him more than once, and also live. The young man provided first aid to himself. Then I went to the hospital. Why this time Arslan just sat in front of the computer and waited for death, his friends do not understand.

What it was, a fatal oversight or a suicide, the investigators have to find out. According to friends, Arslan was very upset with his wife Katya, who shared his passion for snakes.

The young man's friends have already promised that his business - two channels on YouTube - will live on. But what will happen to Arslan's dangerous home zoo is still unknown.

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