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Binoculars selection by parameters. High magnification binoculars: tips for choosing

Nowadays, anyone who wants to buy high-quality modern binoculars has a lot of possibilities. The choice of a wide variety of equipment from global manufacturers is unusually large, including in online stores. But it is best to choose the one that suits you in terms of technical parameters and at the same time suits your price.

This device is quite complicated technically, and it is sometimes difficult for an ordinary consumer to understand its characteristics. For example, what does "30x60 binoculars" mean? Let's try to find out.

What are binoculars

Before making a choice, decide what kind of approximation is enough for you to observe, will you use the device not only in bright light, but also at dusk, will you be satisfied with the lightweight version, with which long-term observation is possible? For the same 30x60 binoculars, reviews can be very different depending on the needs of the owner.

Therefore, it is so important to decide what exactly you are buying this device for and in what conditions you are going to use it.

Binoculars can be theater and military, naval or night vision, as well as small compact - for those present at the stadium during the competition. Or, on the contrary, large, intended for observations by astronomers. Each of the varieties has its own characteristics. Sometimes they differ quite significantly. To make a good choice, let's get acquainted with the main ones.

What is multiplicity?

This is one of the most important characteristics of a device such as binoculars. Multiplicity tells us about the ability to enlarge the environment. If, for example, its indicator is 8, then in the maximum approximation you will consider the observed object at a distance 8 times less than that at which it actually is.

It is unreasonable to strive to buy a device with the maximum possible multiplicity. This indicator should be related to the circumstances and place of use of the binoculars. For observations in the field, it is customary to use equipment with multiplicity numbers from 6 to 8. The magnification of binoculars by 8-10 times is the maximum, at which it is possible to observe from the hands. If it is higher, the jitter, amplified by the optics, will interfere.

Binoculars with significant magnification (from 15-20x) are used in a set with a tripod, on which they are attached thanks to a special adapter or adapter. Large weight and dimensions do not dispose to long-term wearing and in most cases they are not needed, especially when the view is difficult due to many obstacles.

Models with variable frequency (pankratic) are produced. The degree of magnification in them is changed manually, like a photographic lens. But due to the increased complexity of the device, they are more expensive.

What does "binoculars 30x60" mean, or Let's talk about the diameter of the lens

The marking of any binoculars contains the size of the diameter of the front lens of its objective, which is given immediately after the magnification. For example, what does "30x60 binoculars" mean? These numbers are deciphered in this way: 30x is the multiplicity index, 60 is the size of the lens diameter in mm.

The quality of the resulting image depends on the diameter of the lens. In addition, it determines the flux of light collected by the lens of the binoculars - the larger the diameter, the wider it is. Binoculars marked 6x30, 7x35, or in extreme cases 8x42 are considered universal for field conditions. If you plan to conduct observations in nature during the daytime, and you have to consider rather distant objects, take a device with a magnification of 8 or 10 times and a lens with a diameter of 30 to 50 mm. But at dusk they are not very effective due to less light entering the lenses.

The best binoculars for spectators at sporting events are small (pocket-size) with dimensions of about 8x24, they are good for general use.

If the light isn't enough

In poor lighting conditions (at dusk or dawn), you should either prefer a device with a large lens diameter, or sacrifice the magnification. The optimal ratio is 7x50 or 7x42.

A separate group - the so-called night binoculars - active and passive night vision devices. Passive lenses have a multi-layer coating to eliminate glare. They are used when there is minimal illumination (such as moonlight). Active devices also work in complete darkness, since they use infrared radiation. Their downside is dependence on a power source.

Those who like to study space objects (for example, examine the relief of the lunar surface) need binoculars powerful enough, with a magnification of at least 20x. For a more detailed acquaintance with the night sky, an amateur astronomer is better off taking a telescope, which in this case will not replace even the best binoculars.

What is the viewing angle?

The viewing angle (or its field) is another important characteristic. This value in degrees denotes the coverage width. This parameter is inversely related to magnification - powerful binoculars have a small "angle of view".

Binoculars with a large angle of view are called wide-angle (or wide-field). It is convenient to take them to the mountains in order to better navigate in space.

Often this indicator is expressed not by a graduated angle, but by the width of a segment or space that can be viewed at a standard distance of 1000 m.

Other features of the binoculars

The diameter of the exit pupil is the quotient of dividing the diameter of the entrance pupil by the magnitude. That is, for binoculars marked 6x30, this figure is 5. The optimal number in this case is about 7 mm (the size of a human pupil).

What does "30x60 binoculars" mean in this case? The fact that the size of the exit pupil with such a marking is 2. Such binoculars are suitable for not too long observation in good lighting, then the eyes are threatened with fatigue and overstrain. If the illumination is poor, or there is a long-term observation, this indicator should be at least 5, and preferably 7 or more.

Another parameter - the aperture ratio "controls" the brightness of the image. It is in direct proportion to the diameter of the exit pupil. The abstract number that characterizes it is equal to the square of its diameter. In low light conditions, it is desirable to have this figure of at least 25.

The next concept is focus. Being central, it is a versatile quick focusing tool. At the same time, its regulator is located near the hinge connecting the pipes. For those who wear glasses, it is advisable to have binoculars with diopter adjustment.

What else is important

Other, not so global characteristics of binoculars, nevertheless, play a significant role in its selection. The depth of field is the size of the segment to the object of observation, on which it is not necessary to change the adjusted focus. The higher the multiplicity of the device, the lower it is.

Binoculars are characterized by stereoscopic (binocular) property characteristic of the human eye, which makes it possible to observe objects in volume and perspective. This is its advantage over a monocular or a telescope. But this quality, useful in the field, gets in the way in other cases. Therefore, for example, in theatrical binoculars, it is minimized.

According to optics systems, binoculars are lens (theater, Galilean) and prism (or field). The former have good aperture, upright image, low magnification and narrow field of view. Secondly, prisms are used to transform the inverted image from the lens into a familiar one. This shortens the length of the binoculars and increases the angle of view.

The transparency factor is the ability of a device to transmit light rays, expressed as a fraction. For example, with a loss of 40% of light, this factor is 0.6. Its maximum value is one.

What is the body of binoculars

Its main advantage is strength. Shockproof properties are provided by the rubberized case, thanks to which it also achieves reliability when holding it in the hands and moisture resistance in wet weather.

Modern waterproof binoculars are so tight that they can stay under water at a depth of up to 5 meters for some time without damage to themselves. The lenses protect against fogging by filling the space between them with nitrogen. These qualities are important for tourists, hunters, naturalists. Binoculars with a rangefinder are useful for a researcher, a device with a dull matte surface - for those who like to observe animals.

Certain non-standard features of certain devices, such as image stabilization, laser rangefinder or built-in compass, add significantly to the cost of binoculars and are welcomed only when needed. Decide for yourself - do you really need, for example, binoculars with a rangefinder, are you willing to overpay for this option.

What data should be used to choose binoculars? what do these numbers on binoculars mean, for example 10 * 30 * 50?


Basic parameters of binoculars

In order to choose binoculars, you need to have a brief understanding of the technical characteristics that this optical device possesses. There are a lot of such characteristics, but the main ones are the magnification, the diameter of the entrance and exit pupils, the removal of the exit pupil, the resolution limit, the angle of the field of view, the light transmittance and the focusing system. Below is a brief description of each of these options.

Multiplicity (increase).

The magnification of binoculars refers to the ratio of the size of an image of an object observed with binoculars to the size of the same object, but observed with the naked eye. This characteristic is usually indicated on the case of binoculars, for example 10x40. The first number is the multiplicity (in this case, the multiplicity is 10, which means that the object will appear 10 times closer to the observed one). The second number is the diameter of the outer lens of the objective (we will talk about it a little below). Usually the magnification of binoculars varies, ranging from 3x magnification to 22x: low magnification binoculars (2-4x), medium magnification binoculars (5-8x), high magnification binoculars (10-22x). It is worth noting here that when using binoculars with 10x magnification or higher, you should use a tripod, since at high magnifications, the vibration of the image increases greatly. Speaking of magnification, it should be mentioned that binoculars with both fixed and adjustable magnification are presented on the market today (moreover, binoculars with fixed magnification are much better in terms of their technical characteristics than their zoom counterparts and provide a much better image).

Entrance pupil diameter.

The entrance pupil diameter is the diameter of the front lens of the objective, expressed in mm.

This characteristic, in turn, determines such parameters of binoculars as aperture ratio, useful magnification, weight and dimensions. The diameter of the entrance pupil is usually indicated on the case immediately after the magnification value, for example 10x40 (10 fold, 40 is the lens diameter in mm). The larger the diameter of the lens, the greater the aperture ratio of the binoculars (that is, the easier it is to solve the problem of observation in low light), and the wider the angle of view. The diameter of the entrance pupil also affects the dimensions: the larger the diameter, the correspondingly heavier and cumbersome the binoculars themselves.

Exit pupil diameter.

The exit pupil is essentially the image of the entrance pupil, which is formed after the best light passes through the optical system of the binoculars. The exit pupil diameter will be equal to the ratio of the entrance pupil diameter to the magnification value. Since this parameter is directly related to the diameter of the front lens of the objective, then, accordingly, it will also characterize the aperture ratio of binoculars. In this case, binoculars with an exit pupil diameter smaller than 3 mm will have a low aperture ratio, binoculars with an exit pupil diameter of 3-4.5 mm will have an average aperture ratio, and binoculars with an exit pupil diameter above 6 mm will be considered high-aperture binoculars (these are the ones used when observing at dusk).

Removal of the exit pupil.

Removal of the exit pupil - the distance from the extreme lens of the eyepiece, measured in mm, to the human eye, providing a clear and uncropped image of the object. Typically, the distance is about 9-10 mm (compact binoculars) or 9-12 (standard binoculars). With a large distance of the exit pupil (more than 15 mm), you can use binoculars without removing your glasses.

Binoculars 7x50 what does it mean

Evgeny petrov

It would be more correct to say that the second number is the diameter of the entrance pupil. For telescopic systems, this value is usually the inner diameter of the first lens barrel. Having disassembled the binoculars, you can make sure that part of the lens is used for mounting (technological size) and its diameter will be larger than the declared second figure.
Why is the second digit needed? Note that a sufficient amount of light is required for observation. Otherwise, the picture will be so dim that it will not be possible to distinguish anything really. And the luminous flux passing through the telescopic system falls according to the square of the magnification. In this particular case, about 50 times (coincidence with the second digit is random).
In other words, 7x50 means that the output will be a light beam with a diameter of about 7 mm (50/7). 6-8 mm for the exit pupil (this is the name of this spot) is a very good value and is associated with the characteristics of the human eye (namely, the diameter of the pupil). Smaller values ​​of this value require very good illumination. Devices with an exit pupil diameter of less than 3-4 mm may be of interest, probably, only for electronic devices.
Why do I say "telescopic system" all the time? For the reason that there is a fundamentally different system for calculations - a "microscope". There, both the entrance and exit pupils, in the general case, will far coincide with the lenses. For the microscope is designed for observation at finite distances and the magnification for such systems is measured in angular quantities.


The first number in the marking indicates the magnification of binoculars (also applies to scopes), that is, when observing an object through binoculars, it will appear closer in a certain number of times compared to the actual distance (in this case, 7 times).
The second number in the marking indicates the diameter of the lens in millimeters (in other words, the entrance lens), in this case 50 mm.

What do the numbers in the binoculars markings mean, for example: 50x16?

You, dear Algen, may have confused the order of the numbers. In the domestic optical industry, when designating the parameters of an optical system, it is customary to indicate the magnification of the system as the first number, and the optical diameter of the lens as the second. But the telescopic system, which the binoculars are, cannot have a magnification of 50 times with a light diameter of 16 millimeters. So for me, a professional optician in the past, it is indisputable that in the entry that you brought, the first number shows the optical diameter of the objective in millimeters. The second number shows the magnification of the binoculars in crat. If the second number is double, such as 10 - 20, then this means that the magnification of the optical system is variable, and the interval of its change lies in the specified range.


50 objective lens diameter 16x. and in order not to argue in vain, look at the lens diameter, then the second digit is exactly the multiplicity. just different manufacturers set the sequence of numbers as they want, but the fact that this is the diameter and multiplicity is for sure. and the field of view is indicated additionally in the accompanying document, but not on the binoculars themselves

The first number denotes the diameter of the entrance lens in millimeters, the second number denotes the magnification factor or, more simply, how many times the object visible in binoculars will look larger than the angular size that is visible to the naked eye.

In childhood, such a device as binoculars is usually strongly associated with the sea, adventures, exploits of brave captains - in general, it is surrounded by an aura of romance and travel. But in the adult world, the purpose of this device is much wider, and in this regard, binoculars are very, very different.

Binoculars in general - it is a device that helps to observe distant objects with both eyes at once with the help of two telescopes. As a result, unlike a telescope, which, by and large, performs the same functions, a person can get a full-fledged stereo image.

Parameters and characteristics of modern binoculars

As already mentioned, binoculars can be briefly described as two magnifying tubes connected together. But if you approach the issue of choosing binoculars seriously, you need to pay attention to several parameters that play an important role in the use of this optical device. We should dwell on them in more detail.


With their help, an image is built. The prismatic reversing system of binoculars can be of two types: the classic one, which has the name Porro prisms and roof system.

Porro prism easily recognizable - binoculars with its use have the shape of tubes in the form of two cones with parallel displaced axes due to the fact that the distance between the objectives is greater than between the eyepieces of such a device. Binoculars fitted with a Porro prism are, on the one hand, more bulky in shape, but the image quality they provide is higher than that of a roof system.

The second system with a roof-like ( roof) prism assumes that both the lenses and the eyepieces of the binoculars are on the same axis. This feature helps to make the device more compact, but, alas, at the expense of the quality of the resulting image, or at the expense of a higher price.

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Focusing system

This is another parameter that is responsible for the image quality. It is necessary, because human vision is unique, and requires the adjustment of the optical device for yourself. A distinction is made between binoculars with central and separate focusing systems. In the first case, the device is equipped with a twist wheel common to both pipes; in separate focusing, each of the pipes is adjusted to the human eye separately.

Separate focusing will be useful for people who wear glasses with lenses of different optical powers.

Durability, moisture resistance

Since, in addition to the main technical characteristics in such devices as binoculars, the quality of its manufacture is also important, these parameters are very, very important, because most often binoculars are used in extreme conditions - on hunting, fishing, hiking and traveling. Therefore, binoculars must be able to withstand falls, bumps, shocks.

Its surface must be made of special materials so that it does not slip out of the hand during use.

Separately, waterproof binoculars should be noted - they are more reliable not only on sea voyages, but also in the rain, when exposed to condensation or accidental moisture. Good binoculars also provide filling the housing with "dry" nitrogen or argon to prevent fogging of the lenses from the inside during sudden temperature changes.

Depending on the combination of these characteristics, binoculars are subdivided according to their areas of application, and this should also be guided by when choosing such a device.

Types of binoculars

Modern binoculars, depending on their functional purpose, are divided into the following types:

  • Astronomical binoculars allow observing not only terrestrial objects, but also celestial bodies. Their distinctive feature is their considerable weight, and therefore it is difficult to use such a technique without a tripod. But on the other hand, they can fully replace a telescope, because their multiplicity exceeds 15 times.
  • Marine binoculars- almost all models of this kind are filled with nitrogen or argon, a waterproof case made of non-sinking materials. Their magnification is usually from 7 to 10, and in additional options a compass and separate focusing are indicated.

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Binoculars, as it becomes clear from the above, have a fantastic variety. Every year their market is replenished with more and more new models with improved optics, protection and design. In such a space of choice, everyone can find a favorite model for themselves, suitable for the following parameters.

Thus, when there is a clear understanding of what binoculars will be needed for, choosing it will not be difficult either for yourself personally, or as a gift for a hunter, tourist, fisherman or just an inquisitive person.

Coming on a fishing trip, hunting or just spending a vacation in nature, you can well diversify your pastime by observing through binoculars. This device does not need a presentation, as everyone has known it since childhood.

Looking at distant objects is very interesting and exciting. Even the faces of people at a great distance can be seen with good binoculars. And if the image quality is good, then you can even take several photos.

Binoculars are an indispensable thing for those who work in the field of security. On objects with a large area, you can observe the territory from one place. This is a good alternative to camcorders that can be turned off during the day.

Every soldier should have such a means as binoculars. In this case, it is desirable that the body is protected from mechanical damage and has a masking from glare.

How to determine the need

Each person can choose for himself an optical device that would meet his needs. For example, very often men think about how to choose binoculars for hunting. After all, for such a hobby you need a device with a good approach and protection of the case.

If you are going on a hike or travel, keep in mind that it will be much brighter if you bring along small binoculars. It will allow you to better see both the exhibits in the Louvre and the top of the Cheops pyramid without having to climb it. For such purposes, a compact, lightweight device is suitable, which will not take up much space in a travel backpack.

Types of binoculars

The modern range of binoculars can satisfy the needs of absolutely all people. But this raises a problem: how to choose binoculars. There are models in a miniature body, as well as large observation devices that are used with a tripod.

All devices can be divided into two types according to the optical scheme: Porro and Ruf. The type can be determined at the first glance at the body of the device. In the performance according to the Porro scheme, the binoculars have a slightly larger dimensions and a double axis of the light beam. The Roof scheme assumes a small size, and the optical tubes have a straight scheme without shifting relative to the center of the lens.

Both options have their own merits and demerits. But two schemes of work are suitable for use and can practically replace each other in quality. Therefore, in order to know which binoculars to choose by the type of lenses, you have to understand the different schemes of optical systems.

Porro binoculars

As a rule, these are devices with a large approximation, since they have large diameters and dimensions. The clarity of the picture is also at a height due to the large diameter of the incoming lens. The image is beautiful and voluminous. They are used for observation posts of military installations, in security activities and in other places where a large approximation is needed.

The disadvantage of this type is the increased weight and dimensions of the devices. This should be taken into account when choosing.

Ruf system binoculars

This pattern is more typical for travel devices and hobbyist models. They are compact and easier to seal. This scheme is characterized by a somewhat dull image compared to the previous one. But this is more about the entry and middle price range.

Feature of binoculars

The main characteristic for evaluating optical systems is the magnification and the diameter of the incoming lens. On the body of the product, you can find the designation of this characteristic. For example, marking 5x35 means that the binoculars have a 5x magnification with a lens diameter of 35 mm. If you divide the second number by the first, you can get the diameter of the outgoing ray that goes into the eyes. In our case, it is 7 mm.

In addition, a very important point in choosing binoculars is the glass from which the lenses and prisms are made. For a high-quality image, the glass of the lens must be made of a special type of glass and have additional sputtering for antireflection.

The binoculars can be used with the VK-7 prism, which is of average quality in terms of quality. For a more colorful and bright image, VK-4 prisms are used.

Image size and brightness

When zooming in, the picture fades, the viewing width decreases. Therefore, if you need more space to get into the lens, you need to choose binoculars with a lower degree of approximation. Also, if the approximation is possible by more than 10 times, then you will need a tripod so that the image does not shake, or you will have to constantly look for support for your elbows.

As the diameter of the lens increases, more light rays hit it, and the picture becomes clearer. Binoculars with these lenses are suitable for hunters who will use them at dusk. Also, this option is indispensable for observing the stars and the moon. In this case, you need to choose a diameter of 50 mm or more.

The diameter of the outgoing beam for the eyes also has a certain value. Since the pupil of the eye can change its diameter from 2 to 7 mm, the light beam must be within these limits. Otherwise, if there is a discrepancy, you will have to move the binoculars away from your eyes.

Binocular controls

For focusing, a centralized system can be used that adjusts both eyepieces at the same time. Such a scheme is easy to use, and any user can handle it. If the eyes have different vigilance, then such a scheme will cause discomfort for them. In this case, it is preferable to adjust each lens separately. To understand which binoculars are best to choose, you need to try both options at work.

Modern technologies

There are also electronic models of binoculars that have many functions to improve the usability. For example, there are built-in navigators and compasses.

Night vision binoculars are successfully used by the military and those who need it. There is also an electronic image stabilization system. It removes the shake of the picture when zooming in. Such models are quite expensive. They are used in a narrowly targeted segment of activity. With such characteristics, it is rather difficult to decide which binoculars to choose. Reviews will help in this matter. When using the stabilization system, it was found that it only copes with small fluctuations. Therefore, using it to the full is difficult.

Lens material

In most cases, lenses are made from special glass. But there are also plastic options. They are lighter and cannot break. Compared to glass, they transmit less light, but the additional coating allows this to be compensated.

If the plastic lenses are uncoated, the binoculars will be cheaper than those with glass lenses. Each additional coating increases the cost of the plastic lens.

To know how to choose the right binoculars for lens quality, you need to understand abbreviations. The marking is written on the body of the binoculars and means the following:

  • C - means that part of the lens surface has a single layer coating.
  • FC — A single layer coating was applied to the entire lens surface.
  • FMC - the entire surface of the lenses was treated with a multilayer coating.

All of these coatings greatly improve image quality. But along with this, the cost of optics increases.

How to determine the quality of binoculars

To know how to choose a good binocular in a store, you need to look for signs of good optics. To do this, you need to carefully examine the lenses. If, when looking at large lenses, you see your reflection in the form of dark outlines, then the optics have a lightening. Also, if you direct the lenses against direct sunlight and look at them, then with a high-quality coating, there should be multi-colored reflections. Such a simple preliminary check will help to avoid low-quality devices.

Lens eyepieces

For comfortable use of the binoculars, special rubber pads should be provided. They can be simply round or anatomically shaped to allow comfortable positioning on the eyes. Since each person has an individual distance between the eyes, it should be adjusted on binoculars. Its limits should be in the range from 5 to 20 mm between the eyepieces. For those users who wear glasses, replacement lenses and rubber eyepieces should be provided.

Selection of binoculars by type of use

For use in different conditions, binoculars have different degrees of protection from the external environment. For example, there are waterproof models or with protection from dust and moisture. There is also some protection for use in very cold environments.

If you need an optical device for a tourist who is going to the mountains, then you need to pay attention to the shock-resistant case. In addition, plastic lenses in this case will be preferable to glass.

If static observation of a very distant object is planned, then you need to know how to choose binoculars in terms of range. In this variant, this characteristic will be decisive.

Binoculars for fishermen

Before choosing binoculars for fishing, you should decide what maximum approximation you need. If this is the observation of distant schools of fish, then a Porro-type apparatus is needed, which is most suitable. Also, for long distances, you will have to get a tripod.

If binoculars are to be used in a marine environment, they must be adequately protected against salt water and should not slip in hands when wet. Special marine binoculars have such protection. How to choose them? To do this, you need to lower the device in water and check its properties before purchasing. Moreover, it must not sink.

For recreational fishing, you can take a compact device of the Ruf type. It is great for river or lake use. His system has a sufficient approximation for such purposes.

Binoculars for hunters

To know which binoculars to choose for hunting, you need to roughly decide where it will be used. If it is wetlands with water, then waterproofness is needed. An adjustable approximation is also desirable.

You should not take binoculars with a magnification greater than 10, as the absence of a tripod will negate all its advantages. In addition, the large magnification of the approximation noticeably makes the device heavier, and you will have to carry it with you for a long time.

Observation optical devices

For a high-quality examination of distant objects, you need to know how to choose binoculars for observation. In this case, binoculars of the Perrault type are predominantly used. They have large lenses that collect a lot of light and produce a high-quality and rich picture. In most cases, special tripods are used for them. Such stands not only ensure the static nature of the object in question, but also withstand a solid weight. If they will look behind a moving object, then the tripod should be able to quickly change the angle of inclination of the binoculars in all planes.

Before choosing binoculars by range, you should test it for usability. For comfortable observation, very soft eyepieces are often required, which may vary from model to model.

In order to know how to choose binoculars, you need to evaluate not only its performance and functions, but also the ease of use. If this is the best device in terms of characteristics, but it is inconvenient to use it, then there will be constant discomfort. You shouldn't choose one device for many purposes. If you need an apparatus for fishing, then you need to choose it solely for the convenience of use in these conditions.

You should also pay attention to additional accessories. This can be a handy bag included or cleaning cloths. For example, a handbag cannot always be found separately according to the size of a particular model.


Binocular manufacturers present many models that are designed for different purposes. In order not to figure out how to choose binoculars for a long time, you can ask the seller what it is most suitable for.

When buying, you should give preference to products from those manufacturers who have already proven themselves and have been producing quality goods for a long time. But in this case, you will have to overpay for the brand.

Each of us had to use binoculars, or at least see it from the side. This device consists of two telescopes connected on a rigid frame, and allows you to obtain an enlarged stereoscopic image. To an inexperienced person it may seem that choosing binoculars is easy, but in fact it is not. In addition to the degree of magnification of the image of each model, there are many more parameters to consider when buying.

Types of binoculars

All binoculars are divided into two groups - made according to Galileo's optical system and Kepler's optical system.

  • Galileo system

Galileo binoculars use one or more concentrating lenses and one diffusing lens. These devices give a direct picture and there are no additional elements in their design. Galileo's optical system is used to produce theater binoculars.

  • Kepler's system

Most binoculars use the Kepler optical system. It consists of several concentrating, long and short throw lenses. This system gives an upside-down image, therefore, reversible lenses are added to it, which allows you to "unfold" the image and reduce the size of the binoculars.

Wrapping lenses in Kepler binoculars are divided into two types:

Roof prism - all optical elements are located on the same axis;

Porro prism - optical axes of long-focus and short-focus lenses.

The lenses are spaced apart.

Magnification factor of binoculars

The designation of most existing binoculars consists of two numbers, the first of which is the magnification factor. For example, when binoculars are labeled 8x50, their magnification is 8. This characteristic indicates how close the image of the object you are looking at will be. So, if you point eight-fold binoculars at an object located 80 m from the observer, then it will look as if it is located 10 meters away.

Based on the magnification, all binoculars are divided into:

2-4 multiples;

4-8 multiples;

Binoculars with a magnification of 8 and higher.

When choosing the magnification of binoculars, you need to proceed from the maximum distance at which objects of interest can be located.

When buying, keep in mind that the higher the magnification of the binoculars, the harder it is to achieve a clear and stable picture. Devices with a magnification greater than 10 allow you to get a high-quality picture only when using a tripod (or by resting the binoculars on a stationary object). Binoculars with a magnification of 4-8 times are considered optimal for everyday use. They are lightweight, comfortable, allow you to quickly freeze the image and achieve high stability when viewing.

We should also mention binoculars with zoom and automatic image stabilization. These devices allow you to smoothly change the magnification ratio and compensate for hand fluctuations, providing a clear picture. These binoculars have several drawbacks. They are heavy, expensive, and more delicate than conventional models.

Outer lens diameter

The outer lens diameter is the second number in the binocular designation. For example, 8x40 binoculars will have an outer lens with a diameter of 40 mm. The larger the outer lens, the more light it will collect, and the brighter the resulting image will be. The reverse side of the coin is the weight of the binoculars, which increases with the increase in the lens diameter. In normal light, a lens with a diameter of 20-25 mm is sufficient for operation. Such binoculars will be much lighter and more compact than its "twilight" counterpart with a 35-40 mm lens.

Lens material and coating

The most common lens materials are glass and plastic. Binoculars with glass optical elements provide better image quality, while those with plastic ones are much cheaper. Lenses may have special coatings to improve their performance. There are markings for such coatings:

C - the coating is applied in one layer to individual lenses

FC - the coating is applied in one layer to all lenses

MC - coating applied to some lenses in several layers

FC - all lenses are multi-coated

Exit pupil diameter

The exit pupil diameter is the size of the light beam that hits the observer's eye. This parameter can be found by dividing the size of the outer lens by the multiplicity. For example, 8x40 binoculars have an exit pupil diameter of 5mm. The luminosity depends on this indicator. It should be 4-7 mm - this is the average size of a human pupil.

Light transmission coefficient

Light transmittance is the amount of light that passes through all the lenses of a binocular without loss. This parameter depends on the quantity and quality of refractive elements, the presence of an antireflection coating on them and the quality of the assembly. The higher the ratio, the brighter the image will be. For top models of binoculars, it can reach 97%. Values ​​of light transmittance from 94% and above are considered acceptable.

Aperture ratio

Aperture - the value of the brightness of the picture, which is indicated by a number equal to the square of the diameter of the exit pupils. This parameter is critical for those who often use binoculars at night.

Focus mechanism

Each person has their own unique vision. To compensate, a focusing mechanism is used that allows you to adjust the sharpness to the individual characteristics of the eyes. There are two focusing systems - separate and central.

  • Separate focusing system

Most often used in full-size binoculars with high demands on reliability and image quality. It consists of two separate adjustment mechanisms for each eyepiece. The advantages of a separate focusing system are the ability to fine-tune the sharpness separately for each eye, high reliability and unpretentiousness of the mechanisms. Its disadvantages include heavier binoculars and an increase in their dimensions.

  • Central focusing system

The central focusing system is most often used in compact binoculars. It consists of a diopter adjustment ring located on the eyepiece and a center focusing drum. To adjust, you need to close one eye, use the diopter adjustment ring to set sharpness for one eye, and then, opening the other, achieve final sharpness using the central focusing drum.

The advantages of this focusing system are the speed and ease of setup, as well as the low price and compactness of the binoculars in which it is used. Its disadvantages include not as good a depth of field as that of a separate system. This type of focusing is not suitable for people with different eyesight.

Choosing binoculars for specific purposes

Binoculars are often purchased for specific purposes. The main areas of application of binoculars and their parameters are listed below.

Depending on the performance characteristics, there are:

Theater binoculars - These are used to observe nearby objects. These binoculars have a small magnification (X2.5-5), good viewing angles, large aperture and compact dimensions;

Compact binoculars - these devices are small in size, while at the same time they have great power of magnification. These binoculars have small lens diameters and low luminosity. They are used in good lighting conditions;

Field binoculars - devices have good aperture (front lens size 30-50 mm), and have good magnification (from X8 to X20);

Military binoculars are compact and lightweight devices with a durable, dust and water resistant housing. They have good magnification and large viewing angles;

Marine binoculars - differ from other binoculars in their waterproof coating and the use of a multi-layer lens coating, which provides high light transmission. These binoculars have a high magnification, they often have a built-in rangefinder and compass;

Night vision binoculars are compact and lightweight devices that have good viewing angles and allow you to see at night thanks to the built-in IR illuminator.

Tips for those looking to buy binoculars

Buy binoculars from renowned manufacturers. Pay attention to the products of ATN, Bushnell, Gamo, Nikon, Olympus, Tasko and others.

Choose the correct magnification of the binoculars. If a strong magnification is not needed, then it is better to buy binoculars with good viewing angles and higher aperture.

When buying, thoroughly test the binoculars - check the operation of all movable joints, try to look at objects located at different distances, inspect the case and lenses for mechanical damage, and so on. Ask waterproof binoculars to be immersed in water, and after removing and drying, check that the image quality remains the same.

Make sure that the image does not double, does not distort, and that you do not feel pain in your eyes after a few minutes of using the binoculars. Such phenomena can be caused by the most common factory defects - poor-quality lenses or axial parallelism disturbed during the assembly process.

Humanity has invented many devices to make life easier. In particular, in order to "look far away", binoculars were invented. What should you know about this device? Which binoculars are best for you? What should be considered when buying?

Binoculars: which is better from an "objective" point of view

Since binoculars are mainly interesting as an optical device, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to its "eyes". There are two main characteristics of a lens - magnification and diameter. The importance of these parameters is emphasized by the manufacturer himself, who indicates them in the name of the binoculars model. For example, Nikon Aculon W10 10X21 has a 21mm lens with 10x zoom.

What do these numbers mean in practice?

Increase, or multiplicity

Shows the relationship between the picture in binoculars and what can be seen with the naked eye. At 7x zoom, the image will be enlarged by 7 times, at 5x - by 5, etc. Conventionally, you can divide all binoculars into the following categories:

1. With a fixed multiplicity ("what is, that is" - you cannot change the specified magnification parameter):

  • low magnification (2x-4x) - mostly either theater glasses or night vision binoculars;
  • medium expansion (5x-8x) - the most common option;
  • high magnification (10x-22x) - these binoculars are intended for military purposes, astronomical observations, some models are suitable for hunting.

2. With the ZOOM function, or variable magnification (the magnification can be changed in a certain range, for example, in the Veber ZOOM 7-15 × 35 N model, the magnification is adjustable from 7x to 15x).

As the magnification increases, the image becomes dimmer and narrower. It should also be noted that binoculars with a magnification greater than 10x require a tripod, otherwise it will be difficult to keep the object of interest in the field of view.

ZOOM binoculars are inferior to conventional binoculars in terms of image quality, especially if the model is budgetary. Complex optics of variable magnification cannot be fully realized at low costs, therefore, in a cheap device, the image will be dim and blurred at the edges. Nevertheless, if you need to monitor a large area, where you need to observe both the entire panorama and its individual fragments, then the ZOOM binoculars are perfect. Not a bad option - Yukon 8-24 × 50 (8000 rubles.)

Entrance pupil diameter

In other words, it is the size of the front lens. The aperture ratio of binoculars and image quality depend on the diameter of the lens. In particular, the larger the lens diameter, the wider the viewing angle and the better the picture in low light conditions. The size of the lens is directly proportional to the size of the binoculars themselves.

Entrance pupil diameter What is visible? Who is it suitable for? Binoculars example
25 mm close objects in the daytime to kid;
a tourist who prefers to travel light
Pentax Jupiter III 8 × 22 (2700 rubles, 195 g)
Nikon Aculon W10 8X21 (5100 rubles, 215 g)
Veber B-6 6 × 24 (8300 rubles, 400 g)
30-40 mm any objects during the day and the main ones in the conditions of twilight a tourist;
Olympus 8 × 40 DPS I (4200 rubles, 710 g)
Yukon Pro 8 × 40 WA (7800 rubles, 600 g)
Nikon Action EX 7 × 35 CF WP (10700 rubles, 800 g)
50-60 mm any objects both in sunny and cloudy weather;
key object details at dusk
a connoisseur of high-quality optics;
amateur astronomer
Nikon Aculon A211 7 × 50 (6700 rubles, 905 g)
Veber Omega 8-20 × 50 WP (7200 rubles, 1.07 kg)
Yukon Point 15 × 56 (14600 rubles, 1.2 kg)
more than 70 mm any objects, including celestial bodies military;
to the navigator;
Bresser Astro 20 × 80 (19800 rubles, 3.024 kg)
Veber Astro BP 25 × 100 WP (20,000 rubles, 3.82 kg)
Delta Optical 25x100 (27,000 rubles, 3.625 kg)

Binoculars up to 50mm are suitable for handheld observation; if the lens size is larger than this number, it is better to purchase a tripod. Especially when the binoculars weigh more than 1 kg. For large astronomical instruments, a special mount is required: otherwise, you will simply not be able to look at the planets.

How to choose the right binoculars? Important parameters

In addition to the main characteristics of the lens, other equally important parameters should be taken into account when choosing binoculars:

1. Exit pupil diameter - indicates the diameter of the light beam that directly hits the beholder's lens. In the daytime, the size of the human pupil is 2-4 mm, with the onset of darkness it expands to 6-8 mm. Therefore, for nighttime observations, the diameter of the exit pupil of binoculars should be larger than for daytime ones. It is very simple to calculate this indicator - you need to divide the diameter of the front lens by the multiplicity:

  • up to 3 mm - binoculars with low aperture. For example, Veber Free Focus BP 8 × 21, calculation: 21/8 = 2.63;
  • 3-5 mm - binoculars with medium aperture. For example, Fujifilm Fujinon 5 × 21 UL, calculation: 21/5 = 4.2;
  • from 6 mm - binoculars with high aperture, which are great for observation in the dark. For example, Nikon Marine 7 × 50 CF WP, calculation: 50/7 = 7.14.

2. Field / angle of view - indicates the area of ​​space visible through binoculars. For example, for Nikon Action EX 8 × 40 CF WP, this parameter is 143m at 1000m and 8.20m. In quality models, a wide field of view is provided by wide-angle eyepieces. But if the angle of view is too high, then there may be distortion at the edge of the image.

3. Lens material. Either glass or plastic can be used to make lenses. Although the latter is cheaper, it does not provide very good image quality. You can pick up a good pair of binoculars with plastic lenses, but all other things being equal, the price will be much higher than a device with glass lenses. On the other hand, plastic is more tenacious and is better suited for extreme conditions, for example, hiking in the mountains.

4. Light transmittance. Typically, binoculars have 10-12 lenses, each reflecting about 5% of the light, resulting in a ratio of less than 50%, which does not have the best effect on the image. Therefore, it is so important to have a high-quality antireflection coating, which can increase the light transmittance up to 97%. The type of coating is indicated by the marking:

  • C (Coated) - single-layer coating of some areas of the lenses;
  • FC (Fully Coated) - single layer coating of the entire lens area;
  • MS (Multicoated) - multilayer coating of individual lens surfaces;
  • FMC (Fully Multicoated) - multilayer coating of all areas of the lenses.

5. Turning system. In modern models of binoculars, you can find the following types of it:

  • Galileevskaya - used in inexpensive children's and theater binoculars. Does not contain reversible elements, the picture is built due to the design features of the lens and eyepiece. Image quality is poor and deteriorates as the diameter of the front lens increases;
  • Porro is a classic and very common prism. The axis of the eyepieces and the axis of the objectives are on different lines, which is why the binoculars "expand" in width. Porro prisms are of two types - VaK-4 and VK-7. The first provides minimal loss of light and a high-quality image, therefore it is considered more preferable. You can check which prism is installed as follows: it is necessary, looking through binoculars at some distance from the eyes, to look at the picture behind the eyepieces. A round image indicates the use of VaK-4, a diamond-shaped and with partial loss of brightness - about VK-7;
  • Roof - prism with more complex optics than Porro. The Roof is characterized by the alignment of the prism, objective and eyepieces in one line. This compactness affects the reduction in the size of the binoculars, which is very convenient for tourists, hunters or bird watchers who have to spend a lot of time on their feet. A device with a Roof prism is more expensive than a similar one in quality, but with a Porro system.

Diagram of Porro (left) and Roof (right)

6. Focusing system. Depending on the method of adjusting the sharpness of the eyepieces, there are two types of focusing:

  • central - simultaneous adjustment of both telescopes. Such a system is convenient in terms of speed, but reduces the level of reliability of the binoculars. In addition, for people with significantly different eye level of vision, central focusing is not suitable;
  • separate - assumes the adjustment of each eyepiece separately.

Only the person himself can determine which binoculars are best for him. But you should still heed the following advice:

  • do not chase the magnification if it is not compensated by the large diameter of the lens;
  • give preference to a multi-layer coating (either MS or FMC);
  • if possible, choose models with a Porro VaK-4 prism.

As in the situation with any equipment, it is better to purchase binoculars from trusted companies: Nikon, Steiner, Omegon, Pentax, Olympus, Tasko, Yukon, Veber.

How to choose binoculars - for hunting, theater, sea trips ...

Depending on the purpose of purchase, the requirements for binoculars differ. We can recommend such models taking into account the most relevant criteria:

  1. For a gift for a child. An inexpensive and compact model Veber Sport new BN 10 × 25 (1100 rubles) is suitable for a young explorer of the surrounding landscapes. The binoculars weigh only 200 g, are made of metal and are moisture resistant.
  2. For going to the theater. Theatrical binoculars occupy a separate niche. They look very elegant and are a great addition to the outfit. Model Veber Opera BGC 3 × 18 (1500 rubles) has a beautiful golden color and almost imperceptible weight (200 g). The Galilean optical system allows you to see the outfits of the artists, and nothing more is required from these binoculars.
  3. For tourism. In addition to high-quality optics, binoculars-"tourist" also require survivability. Veber Ultra Sport BN 12 × 25 (1400 rubles) is suitable for people who prefer to spend their holidays in European countries by visiting sightseeing tours. The more powerful Veber Free Focus BPSh 8 × 40 (2000 rubles) will cope with long walks in the mountains and getting caught in the rain.
  4. For hunting. There is a fierce debate about which binoculars are best for hunting. Unanimous opinion was achieved on the following criteria: binoculars should be relatively light and easily withstand various tests such as falls from a height. Quality optics is a matter of course. A good option with a rubberized waterproof case is the Yukon Point 8 × 56 (13,300 rubles). True, these binoculars weigh more than 1 kg. The smaller model Fujifilm Fujinon 10 × 50 HCF PHC (11,600 rubles) "pulls" only 840 g.
  5. For fishing and sea travel. The main thing that binoculars should have in this case is resistance to water elements. An excellent choice - Veber BPS 7 × 50 (8800 rubles). These binoculars are not only resistant to moisture, but also know how to swim. As a bonus - a built-in illuminated compass.

A good pair of binoculars should create the illusion of their absence. How is this possible? If, looking into the lens, you forget that you are holding about a 0.5-1 kilogram device, then the purchase was a success.

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