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Safe browser to work with. The best internet browsers that no one uses

For a long time, the most famous and widespread browser was Internet Explorer, due to the fact that it is the standard built-in browser of the Windows operating system. At the dawn of the Internet, there was simply no alternative to it, while it was never the best.

In 1995, the Opera browser appeared, which today occupies one of the leading positions in the market and is especially popular in the CIS countries. Opera has a fairly high functionality, intuitive interface, stable speed and a good level of security.

One of the first competitors to Opera is Mozilla Firefox, in favor of which many users have recently spoken out. Mozilla is popular and growing in popularity thanks to its innovation, speed and security, and is now the most widely used browser in the world.

In 2008, Google broke into the browser market with a product called Google Chrome. This browser is based on the free Chromium project. Google Chrome has an extremely minimalistic look and the same functionality, but it is very fast and stable.

Safari is a browser from Apple adapted in 2007 for Windows, a free application originally developed for the Macintosh operating system. This browser is in the first lines of the list of the best and has a lot of fans who claim that Safari is the fastest, most beautiful and functional.

According to StatCounter in Russia, as of September 2013, the Chrome browser is the leader in popularity (38.9%), followed by Firefox (20.3%), Internet Explorer (14.1%), Opera (13.7%) ... Yandex Browser closes the top five (6.2%).

Chromium-based browsers

Chromium itself is an absolutely open project, from which Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, CoolNovo, RockMelt, SRWare Iron and many other well-known and not so much browsers have grown. Unlike its offspring, it does not have such functions as error reporting, sending statistics, PDF Adobe Flash modules are also missing.

Amigo Coowon Browser is a powerful gaming browser for hardcore gamers, as the creators of this application position it.

Comodo Dragon is a browser for "security maniacs" from the well-known manufacturer of firewalls and antiviruses Comodo.

Unremarkable browsers: PlayFree Browse, QIP Surf Browser, Internet, Odnoklassniki, Rambler Nichrome, Chrome from Yandex, Rambler-Browser, Yandex. Browser, Orbitum, Amigo, RockMelt are also developed from Chromium.

Some browsers support, in addition to online mode, when the browser tries to retrieve pages from a web server, offline mode, which allows you to view saved copies of previously visited pages.

Firefox based browsers

Mozilla CometBird is the sibling of Mozilla Firefox and consumes much less RAM.

Pale Moon - the main feature of this browser is support for powerful processors, which makes it possible to achieve high performance and stability.

Mozilla Flock is a browser focused on social networks, provided with a huge number of bookmarks for almost all existing social networks.

Mozilla SeaMonkey is a browser for Netscape Navigator nostalgic users.

Comodo IceDragon is another free and secure browser from Comodo.

PirateBrowser - the first pirate browser from the famous torrent tracker The Pirate Bay, has a built-in TOR client for tunnel traffic, FoxyProxy for easy work with proxy servers and settings for anonymous surfing.

Standalone browsers

Browzar is a spy browser. Lightweight, fast, anonymous, all addresses and passwords have to be re-entered every time.
K-Meleon is an innovative, fast and stable browser with a unique set.

Maxthon is a cloud browser that includes a large set of latest generation cloud web navigators.
Tor Browser Bundle - a package that includes the Mozilla Firefox browser connected to a network of virtual tunnels, provides 100% privacy and is very slow.

Acoo Browser is a browser for professionals that has in its arsenal a page HTML code analyzer with highlighted syntax.

Also, the most notable browsers that have their own "", which are worth paying attention to, include: BlackHawk, Dooble, Internet Surfboard, Lunascape, QupZilla, Slepnir Browser, Torch Browser.

Nowadays, no one is surprised by the statement about the importance of the Internet, both for entertainment and for serious work. It should be noted that the productivity of the workflow largely depends not so much on the speed of the connection as on the convenience and thoughtfulness of the browser used.

If you do not know what browsers are and how they differ from each other - this article is especially for you. So let's get started! What browsers are there? The list can be very long, but let's list the main "players" in this market:

  • Internet Explorer.
  • Opera.
  • Firefox.
  • Google Chrome and all its derivatives.

We will now talk about all these "characters" in more detail.

Internet Explorer

This is a true legend. Deservedly or not - everyone decides for himself, but no one will dispute the fact that the overwhelming majority of experienced users started with him. In 2001, when the Internet in our country was almost in its infancy, and even in large cities Dial Up ruled, the sixth "donkey" was the only association with the word "browser".

Of course, someone knew about the Opera project, very rare geeks in the vastness of our country used Netscape, but the palm definitely belonged to IE, since there were simply no worthy alternatives at that time. For information - the history of Firefox began only in 2004, and the word "chrome" was perceived only as the name of a chemical element until 2008! Yes, the Google Chrome browser appeared relatively recently!

It must be admitted that for those years Internet Explorer was good, and many of its capabilities were completely unique. Thus, IE 6 became the first browser in the world to have P3P platform tools on board, which provided an advanced (in those years) level of user security when working on the network.

It is not surprising that due to its wide distribution and its presence by default in the OS of the Windows family, it is the "donkey" that has become the de facto standard for almost all government agencies in our country. And to this day, normal work with the websites of government agencies, Sberbank, as well as all similar structures is possible only from under this browser. This is largely due to the use of ActiveX structures in it, which greatly simplify the creation of software components for such resources.

Disadvantages of a Living Legend

It was not by chance that we constantly used the phrase “at that time”. In 2001, IE was rightfully the leader, but ... Its creators completely forgot that the browser should be updated from time to time. Until 2006, when Vista and IE7 appeared on the scene, there were no updates in principle.

Competitors were not asleep, by that time they had already appeared: the legendary Opera 9, which is still revered by many as the best browser, Firefox 2, as well as several add-on browsers that used the IE engine (Maxthon, Avant Browser). All of them were more convenient, functional and much more secure than the hopelessly outdated Internet Explorer. The appearance of the seventh version did not save the situation, since IE7 was in many ways the same sixth "donkey". Of the visible changes, one could notice only a slightly "refreshed" interface, and support for tabs, which in the same "Opera" were already from the seventh version (2005).

Add to that terrible HTML standards compatibility, disgusting page rendering, and appallingly slow page load times. Unsurprisingly, only IE 9 finally "looks like a browser", as many publications have written. Currently, the latest is the eleventh version, which is really not bad.

The problem is that there are a huge number of old releases (they somehow got rid of IE6), the errors (!) Of which had to be ported to the new Explorer. This was done in order to ensure that the old versions of sites created specifically for the "donkey" are adequately displayed in Internet Explorer 11. This approach does not add either popularity or credibility to a Microsoft product.

Alas, when working with state and municipal websites, you will not have any special alternatives. However, there are exceptions: a few years ago, the German government officially urged municipal workers to use Firefox, as IE "does not meet modern security requirements." So what other browsers are there?


Since we have mentioned this product several times, we will continue our story about it. It all started in Norway in 1994. Until 2005, versions were released that did not have much popularity. That all changed in 2006, when Opera 9 came out. At that time, it was ideal. Judge for yourself:

  • great work with tabs;
  • built-in mail client;
  • bit torrent client, also built into the browser;
  • work with most HTML standards;
  • support for mouse gestures;
  • the widest possibilities of customization;
  • the ability to block ads without using third-party utilities.

And all this in the browser of 2006! Besides, we forgot to mention one more "killer feature" of Opera. It's about the "Turbo" mode. What is the essence of this option? It's simple. When it was activated, all traffic to the user's computer passed through the servers of Opera Software, and was simultaneously compressed several times. In some cases, it was possible to save up to 80% of all traffic!

Taking into account the fact that in those years there was no normal high-speed and unlimited Internet even in large cities, this technology was a royal gift for users of our country and the entire former CIS. It is not surprising that in some regions the real market share of this browser was steadily approaching 50%, while in the world this figure rarely exceeded 3-4%.

In addition, in 2009, Opera Mini appeared, which made normal Internet surfing possible even for owners of old phones. By the way, the phrase “free browsers” among modern users can only cause a smile, while “Opera” for smartphones was paid for a long time, and for desktops (up to Opera 5) this browser was distributed on a paid basis.


After the release of version 10.6, strange things began to happen to the company: constant reorganizations forced most of the old developers to leave, and users began to complain about the poor performance of their favorite browser. In 2013, a rather ridiculous event happened at all. The new management of the company announced a complete transition to the Blink engine, which is a product of development of the Google corporation, as well as the binding of Opera to the Chromium project.

It is not hard to guess what emotions all this caused among users. They said that almost all new browsers are already a clone of Chrome, so the appearance of another player from the same series did not inspire anyone. In addition, the huge discontent of both ordinary users and professionals was caused by the simple fact that, in fact, only one name remained of the old "Opera".

Neither mouse gestures, nor the usual customization options ... and even bookmarks in the new version were not! The developers swear by oath that they will fix everything "in the near future", but this has been going on for the second year, and there is no particular progress. The company has lost a huge number of users, who partially went to Chrome, and someone started using Firefox.

Almost everyone agrees that the Opera project no longer exists: even if the developers return some of the old functionality to the browser (it will not work because of the features of the new engine), the entire program creation cycle will be tied to Chromium and Google itself. By the way, what browsers are there based on the product from Google? We will talk about this below.

Google Chrome and its derivatives

The history of this browser, as we have already mentioned, began in 2008. The very news that Google is going to create its own browser caused a lot of controversy on the Internet. Some were jubilant, some experts were more careful in their forecasts, but the fact remains that the event was clearly extraordinary. Today the Chrome browser claims to be the “browser number 1”, surpassing not only IE, but even Firefox in this position. How did it come about?

When the new Internet browser first came out, everyone loved its incredible speed. Many people liked the ascetic and simple interface, which did not distract from work. However, the "first approximation" was not very successful, as almost all experienced users noted the complete absence of useful plugins, because of which the browser could not resist advertising in any way, and poor integration with third-party applications (antiviruses, download managers, etc.).

The beginning of success

It might have been a flop for someone else, but not for Google! The company's incredible capabilities and aggressive marketing policy did their job: at first, when using a branded search engine, an offer was issued to "try a new browser", and today there are Chrome checkboxes in almost every second shareware application (included in the installation kit).

Soon, this particular browser was on the computer of almost every second user, and professionals began to use it more and more often. Its role was again played by the disruptive policy of Google, which very soon achieved full integration of its product. In addition, using a Google account, users got access to Google projects such as Drive, Mail, Docs, and more.

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that "Google" (browser) is a very safe product: the process delimitation policy is bearing fruit. It is difficult for malicious code to penetrate the virtual sandbox into the production system. Among other things, Chrome has plugins for blocking ads and Flash content, integration systems with the most popular downloaders, and more. In 2014, the official x64 version appeared, which became even safer and faster.


Alas, there are enough of them. Firstly, the same fans of the old "Opera" really lack the ability to change the browser "for themselves". The most that the WebKit engine gives is to apply a color scheme. Everything. More than a simple user is not entitled to anything. Of course, you can use the Flag argument and "dirty" the browser from the inside, but something special cannot be done even from there.

Secondly, there are serious claims to the confidentiality of user information. In general, Google has never concealed that all your data can be viewed for the presence of child pornography and information that can be attributed to a "terrorist threat", but suspicious individuals are not any easier from this. The browser abundantly collects information about your search preferences and frequently visited pages, forming targeted ads based on this data. However, all modern free browsers often sin with this.

It is shown not only on the pages themselves, but even in GMail mail. The latter, by the way, is extremely disliked in large companies, sometimes it is directly forbidden for employees to use it. Of course, there is not a single proven fact of any corporate data leakage, but this measure is not superfluous ...

As for the "transcendental" speed, today it will not work to call the Google Chrome browser fast. With the plugins installed and the user account connected, the application (especially on older machines) does not start quickly.


After the scandal with the Chroma license agreement, in which the developers allowed themselves rather frivolous points about user privacy (they were later removed or changed), the Chromium project appeared. Unlike its "big brother", this browser is based on open source code, which anyone can modify at their discretion. In terms of capabilities, it is not much different from the parent application, except for the ease of creating your own plug-ins.

It was on its basis that a huge mass of "chrom-like" programs appeared, which we will now talk about. In general, almost all new browsers that have appeared recently are exactly that in 90% of cases. This is due to the simplicity of adapting the code to fit your needs, and you don't have to worry about updating your "own" product, since all the work will be on the shoulders of Google programmers.

"Yandex browser)

It is by far the most successful fork (fork). The creator is the "Russian-Dutch" search engine Yandex. The first versions of Yandex (browser) differed from Chrome only in a different search engine and slightly modified design, but today the situation has changed radically. So, there appeared: support for mouse gestures, intelligent search menus and other "goodies", which gave reason to many users to call this browser "the successor of the old Opera." This fact in itself is surprising, especially considering the preconceived attitude of professionals towards any fork of Chrome. Thus, the free Yandex browser has very good prospects.


This is the complete opposite of the above project. Also a product of a domestic company, but this time the authorship belongs to the corporation. Alas, there are no "breakthrough" opportunities. Of the features - only close integration with all existing social networks, but it is rather difficult to consider this circumstance as a special advantage. In addition, the Amigo (browser) also collects tons of advertising information, which is then displayed in abundance to the user.

It is no different in anything special. In addition, there are also such varieties of "Chrome":

  • "Internet" (from the same, somewhat similar to "Yandex").
  • Uranus (from Ucoz).
  • Dragon (from Comodo).
  • "Nichrome" (from Rambler).
  • Iron (German development, originally created to profit from the developer blog).

And there are many, many similar products. And what browsers are there besides this "motley" family?


It appeared in 2004 (as mentioned above). It was developed on the basis of the mortal "dust" of Netscape. The first versions were simply awful, constantly hanging and slowing down terribly. Of course, the crash of the program was the most common occurrence. Time passed. In 2006, there was already Firefox 2, which was notable for its good qualities, and the third version even became one of the Guinness record holders (several million people downloaded it in the first day).

Why is this browser so attracted to users from all over the world? First of all, its "omnivorous". While some developers relied on functionality (Opera), others on beauty (Safari), and Microsoft did not do anything at all, the Mozilla Foundation team collected all HTML standards, at least theoretically found on the Internet. As a result, their browser is a kind of "benchmark". If the site does not open normally in "Fox", then it is unlikely to open elsewhere.

In addition, numerous plugins have been the reason for the success. With the help of them, you can turn your browser into a multifunctional "combine", almost surpassing the operating system in its capabilities! In particular, the Tor browser, created on its basis, largely uses the capabilities of various extensions designed to improve the level of user anonymity on the Internet.

In addition, even with a dozen or more extensions, Mozilla starts very quickly even on old machines, which you can't expect from the same "Chrome".

Finally, this browser, unlike almost all existing solutions on the market, can be flexibly customized to fit your needs, and the available themes will help you bring the interface closer to even the old versions of Opera, Chrome or even the old IE6. It is because of the latter circumstance that experienced users often strive to install the Firefox browser.


These include the not very high security of the native (without installed extensions) application. However, without installed extensions, Firefox is generally a very average browser without any features whatsoever. Newbies do not always know which plugin and for what purpose it needs to be installed. In addition, such add-ons are not always good in software, and therefore often cause memory leaks and even crashes of the browser itself.

These are the main browsers. This list is far from complete, but in the article we have given the most common types of this kind of programs. Of course, we did not talk about Safari (which is used in Apple's OS), as well as many other browsers, many of which hold leading positions in Asian markets, but these products are quite specific. In any case, they are used quite rarely, in our country you are unlikely to find such a user on whose computer they would be installed.

Users who are little versed in programs and the computer as a whole will hardly want to install each of the browsers and compare them with each other. Therefore, it is useful to know the usage shares around the world. Google Chrome took the first place with a share of about 40%, followed by Mozilla Firefox - 20%, Internet Explorer - 15%, Opera - 10%, and Safari and other software products round out the top five. This is the general distribution of forces around the world. Of course, in some regions the situation may be different. For example, in Russia Yandex Browser is gaining popularity.

Distributing browsers by speed, you can see that Google Chrome will still be the first. Behind it Safari and Internet Explorer. But when choosing such a software product, you cannot use only this parameter. The interface, ease of use, developed plugins and various systems for better working with the Internet are also important.

What affects the speed of work

By the way, the speed of your browser directly depends on its settings, the speed of your internet, plugins and connected third-party bars or add-ons. The more programs you build into your browser, the slower it will run. An example of such add-ons would be antivirus panel, applications, etc.

You should not strive for the maximum speed of work in the Windows operating system, because its optimization will not allow this anyway. If you want to work faster, use an SSD hard drive on ultra-fast conductors and Mac computers from Apple.

The distribution of loads between running processes in Windows and MAC is completely different. In addition, Windows has always sold well, but Apple technology began to be used in Russia and around the world not so long ago, it was possible to gain popularity only due to the best quality.

When choosing a browser, what you are more accustomed to also has an important influence. If you have been using Mozilla for 5 years, you will continue to use it for as long. So that the programs do not slow down, it is better to regularly update them to the latest versions. On average, browsers are updated once a month, which is quite frequent. Optimization work in updates is also underway, so over time you will notice an increase in speed. Well, if you still want to choose the best browser for yourself, then download and install everything, they are free.

It's easier than ever to create a new browser today - there is Chromium, which you can fork and add any functionality. Companies do this according to the same logic that toolbars were once created - it's just an attempt to drive their brand to the user and force him to use other products of the company. But when independent developers do it, the product aims to say its "moo" in the virtually static browser market. Don't think - I don't believe you will switch to one of the indie browsers. But to see what they offer is interesting, isn't it?

To pass or not?

When it seems that in some area everything that is possible has already been said, trying to do something differently is breathtaking: at first you think it's wildness and utopia, but as a result you start to look at the market leaders in a new way. For the same reason, in the December issue] [we talked about "weird" mobile operating systems like Tizen, Firefox OS or Maemo. Therefore, in my opinion, when talking about alternative browsers, it is incorrect to put the question point-blank: to switch or not. No, you definitely won't. But you can try to repeat the functionality you are interested in in your favorite browser - for this, in each case, I tried to choose the appropriate extensions.

The idea of ​​creating a browser that closely interacts with popular social networks has been exciting the minds of developers for a long time. There were many attempts to create such a combine, but, perhaps, the Rockmelt company did better. No wonder they were able to get serious financial investments.

The project of the same name was launched in 2009 and immediately enlisted the support of one of the founders of Netscape. A year later, the first beta version was released, built on the Chromium sources, and in a short time it managed to collect a decent number of fans. Unobtrusiveness has become the main feature of Rockmelt. Integration with Facebook and Twitter was implemented as an additional functionality, not an annoying add-on.

Rockmelt may have had a bright future, but in 2012, the developers turned the desktop version down and focused on building an iOS app. Despite the drastic changes, the mobile application was born quickly and turned out to be quite interesting.

So, we are offered a solution that is interesting primarily by the interface. Browser control centers around a single line of input. It is both an address bar and a navigator for various content groups. For example, you can choose a specific topic and immediately get a bunch of previews of new posts that correspond to it. The presence of additional gestures allows you to perform a number of operations (sharing, likes) with one click or swipe.

Thus, together with the browser, we get a content generator. At the same time, we have the ability to quite easily influence the conditions for issuing materials. You just need to go to any site and click on the pimp "Follow". The resource is added to the list of watched (RSS feed is taken into account), and new materials will be added to the personal news feed.


  • Content generator. Plugin for Google Chrome Feedly;
  • New materials by category. Plugin for Google Chrome: StumbleUpon;
  • Interaction with social networks (publications, sharing, and so on). Google Chrome Plugin: Buffer.

SRWare Iron

Project audience: conspiracy theorists

The first releases of Google Chrome (as well as Chromium) made a lot of noise. Users drew attention not only to the interesting interface and speed of work, but also to a couple of points of the license agreement that hit privacy.

After that, a boom in articles on the topic "Big Brother is watching you" began, eventually forcing Google to reconsider its ambitions. Despite this, Chrome still has several features that somehow violate the user's personal space.

For example, everyone knows that immediately after installation, Google Chrome generates a unique identifier that is transmitted to the company's server. The offer function works in a similar way. All data entered is sent to Google for the purpose of providing search suggestions. In much the same vein, there is reasoning about other nightmares: background update service, sending error reports, and so on.

SRWare is ready to solve all the voiced problems. In fact, this is the same Google Chrome, but with a clipped language. It does not transmit any information to the Google server, but it also brings a few nice tricks:

  • stand-alone installer;
  • built-in ad blocker;
  • the ability to change the User-Agent.

Verdict: The solution is primarily for conspiracy theorists. The browser has few additional functions, and all of them are implemented using the appropriate extensions. As a result, it turns out that all the benefits are reduced only to providing an additional level of privacy.


Project audience: web developers, enthusiasts

Another project that grew out of the Chromium fork, CoolNovo compares favorably with similar alternatives. Firstly, the developers from the Middle Kingdom set ambitious goals for themselves, and not just create another clone with a couple of additional extensions. Secondly, they are positioning their solution as a complete replacement for Google Chrome. The idea of ​​such a solution managed to win the hearts of users, and the browser itself has received a number of awards.

One of the most interesting and useful features is IE Tab. My main activity is partly related to the development of web applications, which implies the need to test if the layout is displayed correctly in browsers that use different rendering engines. IE Tab simplifies the testing process in Internet Explorer. It eliminates the need to launch a separate copy of IE, and allows you to change the engine used for rendering with one click.

The gesture control also deserves special attention. At one time I was used to using such functionality in Opera, and I must say that the implementation in CoolNovo is not worse.

The developers adhere to the same views about the inviolability of personal space as the guys from the SRWare Iron project. All secret transfers of information to the company's servers are cut off at the root.

Other more interesting features are worth noting:

  • instant translation of pages into other languages ​​(via Google Translate);
  • creating screenshots of a page or a selected area;
  • quick cleaning of history;
  • a separate side bar for placing frequently used widgets and extensions;
  • ad blocker.

Verdict: CoolNovo has long been the leader among Chromium-based alternative builds. Today it continues to hold its positions and is still a good solution for users who want to get a pumped browser out of the box. The only sad thing is that recently CoolNovo has become less frequently updated. If this goes on, then sooner or later a competitor in the person of Chrome will throw it out of the way.


  • Fast and flexible cleaning of history, cookies and other files of network activity. Plugin for Google Chrome Click & Clean Click & Clean;
  • Link shortener. Plugin for Google Chrome URL Shortener;
  • Gesture control. Plugin for Google Chrome: CrxMouse or Gestures for Chrome;
  • Reading mode (without displaying pictures and unnecessary layout elements). Plugin for Google Chrome: iReader or Сlearly;
  • Button to quickly subscribe to RSS. Plugin for Google Chrome: RSS Subscription Extension;
  • Super drag. Plugin for Google Chrome: Super Drag;
  • Translator. Google Chrome Plugin: Google Translate.


Project audience: All inclusive lovers

Maxthon is one of those projects that have experienced a rebirth. He first saw the light in the early 2000s under the pseudonym MyIE. Then it was a convenient wrapper for IE donkey and a number of useful functions. It had a built-in download manager, tabs instead of separate windows, and other useful things.

When Firefox began to boom, and subsequently Google Chrome, MyIE was forced to go into the shadows for a major overhaul. Total straightening brought it back with a new name, updated feature set, and a completely different face.

Today Maxthon is more like a powerful internet hub than just a browser. Under the hood of the adventurer, two engines are hosted - WebKit and Trident (used in Internet Explorer). Moreover, unlike most similar solutions, Maxthon is able to independently determine the pages for which the use of Trident is more preferable (as a rule, these are old sites). I deliberately took out an old project from the pantry, adapted for viewing in IE, and tried to look at it Maxthon. Without thinking twice, the browser immediately switched the display to retro mode and rendered the page using Trident. In addition to working with two engines at the same time, Maxthon's strongest points are its own cloud and the availability of versions for mobile platforms (Android, iOS). Your own cloud not only allows you to store various small information like browsing history, a list of open pages and similar things, but it is also quite suitable for storing files.

For example, I was very pleased with the ability to save files from a web page with one click to the cloud. This function looks most advantageous when working on a mobile / tablet. The usefulness of Maxthon does not end there, but rather just begins. Among them:

  • support for gestures;
  • SuperDrop function that simplifies interaction with the browser interface without a mouse;
  • ad blocker;
  • completely redesigned interface of the application (not just another clone of Chrome);
  • simultaneous processing of search results from several search servers;
  • viewing pages in read mode (without unnecessary information);
  • saving videos from YouTube;
  • mute the sound on any page;
  • simultaneous viewing of several tabs in one window;
  • download manager;
  • own extension store;
  • setting an arbitrary time for refreshing open pages;
  • night surfing mode. When this mode is activated, Maxthon darkens the bright background of the pages, thereby reducing eye strain;
  • improved performance and more.

Verdict: Maxthon will appeal to both casual users and hardcore geeks looking for new adventures. The availability of versions for mobile platforms and a full-fledged personal cloud are two key features that allow Maxthon to beat many competitors. Add to that the good performance, numerous wins in web standards compliance tests, and you have an almost perfect, but little-known browser.


  • Retro mode (page rendering using IE engine). Plugin for Google Chrome: IE Tab;
  • Taking screenshots. Plugin for Google Chrome: Webpage ScreenShot;
  • Night mode. Plugin for Google Chrome: Hacker Vision or Turn Off the Lights for comfortable viewing of videos;
  • Password store. Plugin for Google Chrome: LastPass;
  • Ad blocker. Plugin for Google Chrome: AdBlock;
  • Built-in notepad with the ability to store notes in the cloud. Plugin for Google Chrome: Memo Notepad;
  • Resource sniffer. Plugin for Google Chrome: Web Developer.

Project audience: lovers of everything fresh

Chromium is the father of many WebKit-based browser games. It forms the foundation of almost every new browser, and it is hardly possible to shake its dominant position.

So, you probably already know that it is on this project that all new items are tested before getting into Google Chrome. Support for new HTML5 chips, fixing terrible bugs, new interface - all this is primarily received by Chromium users. Alas, you have to pay for the frequency of updates with stability. Major problems that prevent the browser from working normally are rare, but apt.

It is rather difficult to single out some original interface features or features, since they are more the implementation of new HTML5 features and are relevant for web developers, and not mere mortals.

Nevertheless, Chromium still has a number of differences that can interest a common user. For instance:

  • there is no sending of error reports;
  • the RLZ identifier is not transferred to the company's servers;
  • there is no Updater hanging in the background;
  • only open and free media formats are supported;
  • the performance is very high.

Verdict: A special version of Google Chrome for enthusiasts and geeks. Everything new appears right here, and the named user groups will definitely like it. Chromium is hardly suitable for mere mortals, since it is a product primarily for testing. And there are very few users eager to be the first to test, say, the Battery API.

Avant Browser

Project audience: web developers

The primary goal of the Avant Browser developers is to provide users with an easy way to combine the engines in one application. It would seem that the task is not easy, but looking at Avant Browser, you are convinced of the opposite. The developers were not only able to put together all the popular engines under one wrapper, but also came up with an easy way to switch between them. Changing the rendering engine is done in a couple of mouse clicks.

This is where the super-useful functions end, and remain typical for such solutions:

  • a simple cloud storage capable of storing RSS subscriptions, favorites, passwords and other information;
  • ad / pop-up blocker;
  • creating screenshots of pages;
  • simple implementation of gesture control;
  • creating aliases for pages, with which you can quickly go to frequently visited sites;
  • built-in RSS reader;
  • mail client.

Verdict: Avant Browser cannot be considered a complete application for everyday use. It is more of a specialized solution that can do a good job for web developers, but not for the average user. There are simply no other interesting features in Avant Browser.

Every day, many new programs appear in the world that meet our needs in all areas of digital life. However, whatever one may say, the most important program for every Internet user is the browser. That is why it is extremely important to choose exactly best browser of 2017 all of them possible!

Good browser is used not only to browse the web and find information on the web, but also for other purposes. In recent years, the functionality of popular browsers has increased dramatically. Now the browser can be used to process photos and videos, for interactive conferences, games, video conferencing; in it you can read books, listen to music and watch videos. In addition, web applications can send you event notifications, use your camera and microphone, and render 3D images. Fortunately, the quantity and quality of features in modern browsers is constantly growing.

Today we will talk about new browsers 2017... Of course, they did not appear in 2017 - almost all the browsers presented in the article came out a long time ago and constantly delight us with fresh versions. However, you can be sure that I have selected for you only the best browsers of 2017 that can be downloaded via a direct link without annoying ads and.

There is no doubt that in Russia and the CIS one of the most popular browsers is Yandex browser 2017. Unfortunately, fake sites are often created in order to deceive the user and capitalize on his inattention and naivety. I guarantee you that using the link from the article you can download Yandex browser 2017 in one click - without viruses and unpleasant ads!

Also, judging by the statistics, more than half of users choose the Google Chrome browser. This browser is really fast, functional and secure - however, it also has competitors. Today I will tell you about the new 2017 browsers that can compete with it. Our 2017 browser rating is based on expert opinions and user reviews, so choosing any browser from this article will choose a good browser - there is no doubt about it.

Browsers 2017

Google chrome

Extremely powerful, functional and secure browser. Many different extensions. Best Browser 2017.

The browser from Google - Google Chrome, is the most popular browser in Russia, the CIS and the whole world. It has already taken over 50 percent of the market - and the number of users of this browser is only growing. Why does it attract users so much?

Google Chrome provides an extremely high speed of work, supports all modern technologies (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript), has a user-friendly interface and is one of the safest browsers for both children (thanks to the parental control function) and their parents.

In addition, Google Chrome destroys the common man's idea of ​​what a browser should be. After all, Chrome can even run web applications! A few years ago, no one could have imagined that it would be possible to process photos or videos online - but now it is a reality. Also, soon, perhaps, this browser will learn how to launch applications from the Google Play store. This event will undoubtedly become decisive for the further development of the browser market.

What are the key features of the Google Chrome browser:

  • Many different extensions and applications in the official browser store
  • Cross-platform - Chrome is available on any popular platform (Windows, Linux. MacOS, iOS and Android)
  • Highest performance
  • Ability to create separate profiles for each browser user
  • Incognito mode. In this mode, information about your actions and visited pages is not saved on your computer. In addition, this mode makes it impossible for sites and third-party companies to track your online activity.
  • Convenient and functional bookmark manager
  • Built-in Flash Player, PDF Viewer
  • Intelligent blocker of pop-ups and malware
  • Various themes

Google Chrome really deserves the title of the best browser of 2017. If you still want something different, then read the article further and learn about the newest and best browsers in 2017.

Download Google Chrome

There is the only true and correct way to download the Google Chrome browser - this is from the official site. Downloading this browser (as well as other software) from third-party sites may harm your device. Besides, this kind of malware can steal your data, don't forget about it!

Mozilla Firefox

Although I called Google Chrome the best browser of 2017, this is not entirely true. After all, it has a direct competitor - Mozilla Firefox. In most tests, Mozilla is not much inferior to the browser from Google, but in some it even surpasses it. Another important aspect is that Mozilla is an open source browser from independent developers. Thus, Mozilla allows you to completely customize the browser for yourself, disable unnecessary functions and options. If you want complete control over your browser, then Mozilla Firefox is your choice.

Key functions and features of Mozilla Firefox:

  • Independent project - a free browser that will not "leak" your personal data to marketing companies
  • Cross-platform - Mozilla is with you on any platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS and Android)
  • Superior performance, maximum network security.
  • A huge number of extensions for all occasions!
  • Convenient environment for developers
  • Full synchronization between user devices
  • Functional interface
  • Constant "updates" and browser improvements

Thus, Mozilla Firefox is a great choice if you are looking for a great new browser 2017 - after all, Mozilla very often pleases us with fresh updates.

Download Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla has a great website with a user-friendly and intuitive design. It is only from this site that you should download the Mozilla browser. Trying to download the Mozilla browser from a torrent or a third-party site would be extremely bad idea)

Yandex browser

In recent years, Yandex Browser has become incredibly popular in Russia and the CIS. There are several reasons for this. Undoubtedly, active advertising of the browser in the Yandex search network, on television and through contextual advertising played an important role in this growth in popularity. The developer of the browser is Yandex, so it would be foolish not to use your power to advertise your product.

Yandex Browser uses the same engine as Google Chrome - Chromium. The browser has a simple interface accessible to any user, synchronizes the owner's devices with each other and provides integration with a variety of services that are popular in the post-Soviet space.

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