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Free password manager KeePass: instructions in Russian how to use. KeePass password storage software

This page details how the KeePass Password Safe password manager blocks access to its databases.

KeePass stores your passwords in a securely encrypted file (database). This database is locked using a Master Password, Key File and / or Windows User Account. To unlock the Database, all major sources (password, key file, ...) are mandatory. When used together, these key sources form a very reliable Composite Master Key .

KeePass does not support alternative use of keys, that is, it is absolutely impossible that you can open the database using a password. or key file. Either you use a password, or a key file, or both at the same time (if so preset), interchangeability is not allowed.

Master passwords

If you only use the master password to open the Database, you must remember well one password or passphrase (with a high degree of security!). KeePass is well equipped with anti-brute-force protection features ( brute force) and dictionary attacks ( dictionary attacks ) to the master password, read more about this at.

If you forget this master password, all your passwords that were in this Database will be lost. There are no backdoors or generic keys that can be used to open databases. There is no way to recover passwords.

Key files

When using the Key file, You don't need to memorize a long, complex Master Key. The database can be locked using a key file. The key file is the main Master password only it is contained not in the head, but in the file. Key files, as a rule, are much more reliable than Master passwords, because a key can be much more complex, but on the other hand, it is more difficult to keep it secret.

  • The key file can be used instead of password, or in addition to the password (or User Account in Windows, KeePass 2.x).
  • The key file can be any file of your choice, although it is recommended that you choose one with big quantity random data.
  • The key file must not be changed, otherwise it will prevent the database from opening. If you want to use a different key file, you will have to change the master key and use a new / different key file.
  • Key files need to be backed up, otherwise you will not be able to open the database in case of hard disk failure or modification / restoration. It's the same as forgetting the master password. Backdoors don't exist.
Do not back up the key file in the same directory as your database, use a different directory, preferably a disk. To check the backup, make a test opening of your Database on another computer. For more information on backing up the key file and databases, see.

The meaning of the key file is that you got something for authentication (as opposed to Master password, where you something you know), for example a file on a USB Stick. The contents of the Key file (for example, the key data contained in the key file) must be kept secret. A business not keeping secret the location of the Key File - Choosing a file from among the thousands on your hard disk will not in principle increase security (it is easy to find formalware / attackers, for example, by monitoring file access recently). Attempting to store the Key file in a secret location is not very effective.

KeePass 1.x only
The password database can be closed using a key disk. Keydisk is a regular disk containing a file with password bytes. (KeePass can create such a drive for you.) If you want, you can also manually select the key file (which will be saved on your key disk), one disk can store several keys for several password bases. In this case, you need to tell KeePass which file to use, not just select a drive (when you simply select a drive, KeePass assumes that it should load "pwsafe.key" from the root directory of the drive).
If you lose the key-disk (or more precisely the key-file) and do not have a backup copy of the key-file, your passwords stored in the password database can also be considered lost. This is tantamount to forgetting your master password.
To back up the key disk, back up the file "pwsafe.key", which is stored in the root directory of your key-disk. If earlier, you installed the key file manually (and did not use the default file - "pwsafe.key"), then you need to copy this file, and not "pwsafe.key".

Of course, KeePass can generate key files for you, but you can also use any other file that already exists (for example, JPG images, DOC documents, etc.).

KeePass 1.x only

To use an existing file as a key file,go to the create dialog master key and select "Save Attached File As",select an existing file. After accepting this dialog, KeePass will ask if you want to overwrite or reuse the file. Choose the answer that suits you. (see screenshot).

KeePass 2.x only

In order to use an existing file as a key file, click the "Browse" button in the dialog box for creating a master key.

Using a Windows User Account

KeePass 1.x only

KeePass 1.x does not support encrypting databases using a Windows User Account. Only KeePass 2.x and above support this feature.

KeePass 2.x only

KeePass can create a database under the current Windows user account.If you enable this option, you will be able to open the databases only when you are logged in with the same Windows Account as when these databases were created.

You can safely change the password for your Windows user account. This will not affect the KeePass base.

Be very careful when using this option. If your Windows user account is deleted, you will no longer be able to open your KeePass database. In addition, when using this option on a home system and when your computer fails (for example, the hard disk is damaged), it will not be enough, just create a new Windows account during a new installation with the same name and password, you will need to copy the full user account (i.e. SID, ...). And this is not an easy task, so if you do not know how to do it, we strongly recommend that you do not use this option.

If you decide to use this function, it is strongly recommended not to rely (in terms of security) solely on it, but additionally use one of the other two options (password or key file).

User account protection is supported on Windows 98 / ME.

For Administrators: Defining Minimum Properties for Master Master Keys

Administrators can specify a minimum length and / or minimum quality rating for the passwords used. You can set KeePass to check these two minimum requirements by adding / editing the appropriate entries in the INI / XML configuration files.

KeePass 1.x only

The value of the KeeMasterPasswordMinLength key parameter can contain the minimum length of the master password in characters. For example, setting KeeMasterPasswordMinLength = 10 KeePass will work with passwords with at least 10 characters.

The value of the KeeMasterPasswordMinQuality key parameter can contain the minimum value of the password quality in bits. For example, setting KeeMasterPasswordMinQuality = 64 will only allow passwords with a quality rating of at least 64 bits.

KeePass 2.x only

The MinimumLength value in the Security / MasterPassword settings can contain the minimum password length in characters. For example, by setting this value to 10, KeePass will only accept passwords with at least 10 characters.

And the MinimumQuality value in the Security / MasterPassword settings can contain the minimum estimate of the password quality in bits. For example, by setting this value to 32, only passwords with a quality rating of at least 32 bits will be accepted.

In KeePass ≥ 2.10, by specifying KeyCreationFlags and / or KeyPromptFlags (in the UI node), you can enable various states (enable, disable, check, uncheck) key control parameters, create and online dialogs. These values ​​can be bitwise combinations of one or more of the following flags:

Flag (Hex) Flag (Dec)
0x0 0 Defines no action(default).
0x1 1 Include password.
0x2 2 Include key file.
0x4 4 Enable user account.
0x100 256 Disable password.
0x200 512 Disable key file.
0x400 1024 Disable user account.
0x10000 65536 Password check.
0x20000 131072 Key file check.
0x40000 262144 User account verification.
0x1000000 16777216 Unverify password.
0x2000000 33554432 Uncheck key file.
0x4000000 67108864 Uncheckuser account.

For example, if you wanted to enforce the User Account option, you could enable validation and control (so that the user more can't uncheck it) 263168, specifying (0x40000 + 0x400 = 0x40400 = 263168) as the value.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Not so long ago, I wrote about my problem with who got there by stealing passwords from my favorite FTP manager, Filesila.

The program itself is not very bad, but the entered authorization data is stored in it in an open form - I don’t want to take it. And in browsers, not everything is so cloudless with the storage of data entered into them. In this regard, I took care of finding a way to solve the problem secure password storage.

Probably many of you are already using a password manager of some kind. But I just now bothered to attend to the search for such software and my choice fell on KeePass... This program has a built-in generator of complex combinations, stores them in an encrypted database, and also quite conveniently allows them to be inserted into browsers, FTP managers and other software.

In addition, Kipas is free and has open source code, which allows you to believe in the reliability of storing your confidential data in this program (any person versed in programming could have brought him to clean water since 2003, however, since this did not happen, then you can trust this software 100%).

Installing and configuring the KeePass password manager

In the field of data encryption, open source code is more a plus than a minus (TrueCrypt, I wrote about it in my article about, is a confirmation of this). Of course, this program has a lot of paid and free counterparts, which some of you probably use in their daily practice, but due to a combination of factors, I liked KeePass the most at the moment.

Among other things, third-party developers release plugins for it, which, for example, can integrate this manager with popular browsers to improve reliability and convenience of storing passwords in them... Although, in Kipas there is already by default such a tool as AutoType.

Those. you just put the cursor in the first line of the authorization form on the site or any program, and then press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + A, and if you are concerned about creating a profile in KeePass for this page or software, then the form will be safely filled with a username and password, and the entered data will not remain in or in any other places accessible to malware.

Absolute reliability, of course, no one guarantees, but by setting up this password manager, you can reduce the risk of interception and theft of important data to a minimum. For example, the copied data lives in the clipboard for a specified number of seconds, the program can close access to its database (enable blocking) after a certain time and after certain actions.

In general, let's talk about the pros and cons of this generator and storage of important data along the way. Download KeePass can be completely free on this page, but you will immediately have to choose between simplified version 1 ..., which does not need Microsoft.NET (or Mono in free software) to work, and version 2 ..., which needs this framework, but on the other hand its functionality is much broader, and it can work not only under Windows, but also under Linux, Mac OS X, BSD and other linux-like systems. See details.

By the way, the full name of this password saver sounds like KeePass Password Safe and, in addition to the division into versions described just above, there is also a division according to the type of installation of the program: regular and portable ( Portable Kipas).

The second option, in my opinion, is preferable, because without any flaws in front of the full version, it does not leave any traces in the operating system and can easily live on a flash drive (it will be desirable to duplicate it periodically in order to avoid losing everything at once).

Actually, I also use the portable version. For russification or ukrainization of the interface For this password generator, it will be enough to download the translation file from this page for the version you are using and copy it to the program folder (in the case of the Portable version). Then go into it and go from the top menu along the path: "View" - "Change Language". In the window that opens, select your language, Kipas will reboot and the desired language will be applied to the interface.

Where to start? WITH creating a new base... You can create an unlimited number of them, for example, when several people work on the computer and each will have their own individual set of complex KeePass-generated passwords that the other user will not have access to. In most cases, you can do with one base, because it will be difficult to memorize several master keys from them.

To do this, click on an empty piece of paper on the toolbar of this manager (or choose from the menu "File" - "New"):

If you have a portable version, then it makes sense to save the database to the program folder (on a USB flash drive). If the version of the manager is full or you copied Portable to the C drive, then in no case throw the file with the database there, because if it fails or is restored from the image, it can rest in Bose along with all the invaluable passwords.

It can be placed, for example, in, so that you always have the opportunity to pull a copy from the Internet. You should not be afraid for its safety, because the data in it is encrypted in a very reliable way.

In the next step, you will be asked how secure access to stored passwords should be. This will be expressed in how many stages of authorization you select in the composite key window to access the database:

Access to the encrypted database in Kipas can be closed with as many as three barriers:

  1. The master key for entering the manager (you will have to remember or write it down, because without it ...)
  2. Key file - select, for example, on your computer, or better a flash drive, some inconspicuous file (best of all among a bunch of similar ones) and say that it will now be key. It will be possible to create it on purpose. But be sure to copy it to a few more places (another flash drive, hard drive (but not in C) or in a cloud storage like Yandex Disk or Dropbox, because if you lose it ...)
  3. You can even bind this program for storing passwords to your Windows account even before the heap, although if you use the portable version of KeePass on a flash drive, this will be superfluous, because on another computer you will not open this password manager (you will not get access to the encrypted database). If you plan to work with only one computer, then linking to the account will further increase the security of the databases.

    But remember that adding any new device will change this very account and problems will arise. In any case, I had it that way after replacing the motherboard. Therefore, be careful with this option.

Next, you will be prompted to change some settings of the database being created... You can, for example, increase the strength of the encryption method used by increasing the number of cycles (passes), but this will somewhat (not significantly) slow down its opening and storing data in it:

It will be possible to enable or disable the bases to reduce the size it occupies, as well as decide whether or not to use the "Recycle Bin" built into this manager, where the deleted profiles will fall.

On the "Advanced" tab, you can ask the program to remind you of the need to change the master key after a certain number of days (if paranoia is overwhelmed and you started setting up the password manager, then a periodic key change will not seem superfluous).

At the end of this process, you will be taken to a tab with your newly created base for passwords and logins (they are located on the horizontal strip of tabs), where you will find folders and example profiles carefully created for you by the KeePass keeper:

You are free to remove all this demo-richness in order to build your own well-thought-out hierarchical tree in this generator and keeper from scratch. Well, I told the most difficult thing, and then you yourself ... It's clear that I'm joking, because there is still a lot of text left below. I will try to tell in all the details about what I still managed to figure out.

Generator and keeper of passwords with their convenient insertion

My main task was set up the most secure work with FTP manager FileZilla, as well as convenient and safe storage of passwords from money programs (for example) and money sites (or no less popular or). Well, and there are a lot of sites, passwords from which the attackers should not know.

There is also the problem of hacking mail, where letters with passwords and logins to all this wealth are often stored, but, firstly, I fix everything more or less important on my own, because there is a link to my computer and using SMS sent to my cell ... Secondly, I periodically delete all mail from there in order to avoid ...

I'll make a reservation right away - why start this whole circus with the creation of complex passwords and storing them in encrypted form. After all, there are password managers in the same FTP clients, and browsers are not offended by such tools. Waste of time? Not at all. Do you have Filezil on your computer? Now go along this path:

C: \ Users \ [account name] \ AppData \ Roaming \ FileZilla \ sitemanager.xml

Or like this in the case of old XP:

C: \ Documents and Settings \ [account name] \ Application Data \ FileZilla \ sitemanager.xml

This file can be opened, for example, in my favorite. And what do we have? And we have a full set of passwords saved in this program, which absolutely not protected from theft, because the file is not encrypted, and its location is the same for 99.99% of computers.

And even a little earlier I scolded my beloved for this. Take it - I don't want to.

Think browsers are doing better? Well, maybe a little, but if you type in the search queries "How to find out the password in the Opera", you will probably get the answer that they are stored in the wand.dat file, which is not difficult to find in the c: \ Users \ account name \ AppData \ Roaming \ Opera \ directory.

Well, the free software Unwand will help to open its contents. As a result, you will receive a list that you can copy all to the same Notepad ++, and using the built-in search to find all the passwords you are interested in.

I myself have used this opportunity more than once to search for a never-written, but remembered password and login. I will not say for other browsers (it is possible that somewhere passwords are encrypted and this is done reliably), but most likely the situation is not very optimistic. Therefore, I decided to remove all important profiles from the managers built into browsers, transferring them first to KeePass.

In general, something similar to convenient and secure storage and generation of passwords I managed to organize. I didn't manage to figure things out, but here I hope for you - suddenly someone knows English well and understands the essence that I do not understand.

So, first you need to think over the structure of the hierarchical tree in Kipas. New subfolders are created using the context menu of the parent folder:

Although, you can then use the mouse to drag folders inside other directories as you like. After creating the structure, you can start creating profiles in this manager. There is a special shortcut for this on the KeePass toolbar.

Go to the desired folder in the left pane, and then click on this shortcut with the key, or in the right pane from the context menu, select the item "Add entry":

A window will open with a number of bookmarks. The main fields for filling are located on the first tab:

In most cases, the "Name" field must be filled in with the name of this password profile, but sometimes not (more on that later). In the "Name" field, enter the login, and in the next two - the password. If you are filling out a Kipas profile for an existing account, then password generator you will not need it, but if you are simultaneously registering on any website or program, then you will simply have to generate a complex and hack-resistant code.

For this purpose, in Kipas there is a tool for automatic generation of passwords for a new account (its complexity can be estimated in the "Quality" line), which can be configured by a button with a key and a gear called "Generate passwords", which you will find at the end of the "Repeat" line.

The same tool to create passwords of any complexity will be available to you from the top menu of the manager: "Service" - "Generator":

As you can see from the screenshot, you are free to set the length of the generated password in symbols, and also very finely configure which of the possible symbols will participate in the generation. You will be able to contemplate the approximate variants of the created codes on the "View" tab.

The tool is quite powerful and passwords can be created overly complex, but you still won't need to memorize them, and you won't even have to type on the keyboard - the smart KeePass manager will do everything for you, and thanks for that.

So that all the settings you made here are then always applied to the automatically generated passwords of the new profile, just click on the blue floppy disk at the end of the "Profile" line and select the option to save "Auto-generated passwords for new entries".

Close the generator settings window and fill in the remaining fields "Link" and "Comments". For sites, filling them in will be prosaic, but for programs you will need to insert the path to the executable file of this software into the "Link" field for convenience (for example, cmd: // "C: \ Program Files \ FileZilla FTP Client \ filezilla.exe" ), and in the comments about it (see the example with Filezila just below in the text). Everything? An, no.

The most interesting thing in the Kipas manager is that the passwords entered into it can be automatically inserted using the Ctrl + Alt + A hotkeys already mentioned just above (well, or what is more difficult - Ctrl + U and Ctrl + V). However, in order for all this splendor to work, you will now need to spend a bit of time setting up, so immediately in the new task window go to the tab "Autodial":

What kind of beast? This thing allows you to explain to the program exactly where to insert the login and password on the required page of the site or the program window. Imagine, you put the mouse cursor in the initial field of the authorization form, which in most cases will consist of two fields for entering a login and a password, respectively. Then press Ctrl + Alt + A and these fields are automatically filled in by KeePass. But in reality, it obeys the rule:


This means the following. The contents of the "Name" line are entered into the first field, then pressing the "Tab" key on the keyboard is simulated, which provokes the transition to the next field of the authorization form, where the password is inserted, and then pressing Enter on the keyboard is simulated. As a result, you safely enter the site or program. Shaitanama.

This is a common combination that will work on most sites, but not all. I once wrote where I mentioned the popular Direct / Advert service. The teaser is wonderful, but now we are not talking about that, but about a certain non-standard form for entering this site:

How is it unusual? This is shown in the screenshot with an arrow. When using a standard combination, only the login will be entered, since the second field is a link to request a new password. Login to the site will not take place, and a letter will be sent to your mailbox with a request to change your password. What to do?

Create your own profile in Kipas for this site by ticking the box "Use the following sequence" in the previous screenshot and slightly change it:


After pressing the Autodial keys (Ctrl + Alt + A), nothing may happen since KeePass Manager will not match the page you open in your browser to the profile that was created for it. What to do? Teach him, of course.

To do this, we once again look at the previous screenshot and see there the button "Add" in the middle of the autodial settings window. Click on it a little later, but first open in your browser the page where the login form is located, or open that application (for example, filezila), which will be the receiver of auto-typing fields. Have you opened it?

Well, now go to Kipas and click on "Add":

From the "Target window" drop-down list, select the application you need (for example, the Opera browser with the authorization page on the Direct / Advert website open in it), and then click on OK.

By the way, in the same window, you can use a more extended set of operands to fine-tune the behavior of the KeePass auto-typing bot in the specified program, but this is for inquisitive minds (there is a link to help on Auto-Type, but it is in English).

Now, on the auto-typing settings tab in the password manager, a corresponding line will appear, which will rigidly link the site page with the authorization form (or application) to the password profile you created in Kipas:

Everything. Click OK. Go to the website page with the authorization form, put the cursor in the first field and use treasured combination of three fingers(Ctrl + Alt + A). Happened? So that's great. I'm very happy for you.

How to use KeePass with Filezilla

Great, but now let's get back to where I started all this - the ability to safely and conveniently work with FTP sites across . As we saw just above, the built-in password manager is no good in terms of security.

Therefore, we open the Kipas program, create an FTP folder in its left column and create the first profile for entering one of our sites via FTP.

There are several nuances in filling it out. In the first field, we write the address of your hoster's FTP server, then enter the login and password given to you to access the site using the file protocol, but in the “Link” field we insert the command to open Filezila, which is quite convenient.

For normal Windows it will be:

Cmd: // "C: \ Program Files \ FileZilla FTP Client \ filezilla.exe"

And for 64-bit:

Cmd: // "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ FileZilla FTP Client \ filezilla.exe"

It would be best to write the name of this connection in the comment field, since FTP server address can be of little information. Next, open the filezilla and without entering any passwords into it, go to the "Autoset" tab of the KeePass program to link this profile to our FTP manager:

As shown just above in the text, click the "Add" button, select the "Target window" FileZilla from the drop-down list (it should be open at this point and there should be nothing in the authorization fields), and then click OK.

The checkbox in the screenshot is in the "Inherit autodial from group" field, because I registered the necessary operands for the entire group (FTP folder) by selecting the "Change group" item from its context menu and going to the "Autoset" tab:

You are free to rearrange the checkbox in the "Use the following sequence" field and for each FTP connection enter a set of operands in the field located just below:


This does not change the essence. Now, to check, open FileZilla, put the cursor in the first line of the authorization field and press the three magic keys (Ctrl + Alt + A):

If you create several password profiles for different FTP connections using the algorithm described just above, then when you press the magic keys, you will be asked where you still want to enter (the same will be true for sites where you have several accounts):

Can use another login algorithm... Open your program for storing passwords (kipas), go to the FTP folder, click once on the line with the required FTP account and press Ctrl + U on keyboard.

The focus is transferred to the Filezilla program that opened at the same time (this is why the cmd: // "C: \ Program Files \ FileZilla FTP Client \ filezilla.exe" link was added), but without going anywhere else you return to KeePass and press the key combination Ctrl + V... As a result, the authorization fields in FileZilla will be filled in automatically and you will be able to access your site. Which method of automatic password entry is more convenient is up to you.

And, finally, you can simply copy the login and password to the clipboard by double-clicking on them in turn in the Kipas window (in the name and password columns). Double-clicking on the names of the record will open its editing window, and double-clicking in the "Link" column will activate the transition to it.

How long passwords are stored in the clipboard set in the settings (Service - Settings - Security - Buffer autocleaning) and by default is equal to 12 seconds.

So, and a couple more steps that will allow remove all traces of passwords entered into FileZilla from KeePass... The fact is that this FTP manager keeps the history of the entered passwords for some time and a certain amount. To eliminate this incident, you will have to do a number of simple manipulations.

First, delete the sitemanager.xml already mentioned above (see its storage folder above). Secondly, you will need to slightly change the program settings.

To do this, find the fzdefaults.xml.example file in the c: \ Program Files (x86) \ FileZilla FTP Client \ docs \ directory and rename it by removing the ending in fzdefaults.xml. Transfer this file to the Filezilla folder (c: \ Program Files (x86) \ FileZilla FTP Client) and, opening it for editing in Notepad ++, delete all its contents, replacing it with this:


Save the changes, then go to the C: \ Users \ [account name] \ AppData \ Roaming \ FileZilla \ folder and delete the recentservers.xml and filezilla.xml files there. That's it, your FileZilla will no longer tell anyone what passwords were entered into it automatically from the KeePass manager. What was required to be implemented.

More about KeePass

During its long existence, this program has acquired the richest functionality, about which you can write a small book. There are many opportunities, but not all of them are obvious. In addition to the built-in functionality, there is the ability to expand by installing plugins which can be downloaded from the official page.

Plugins are installed by simply copying them into the program directory and then restarting it. The aforementioned Favicon Downloader adds the item “Download Favicon” to the context menu, by clicking on which, favicons will be downloaded from the Internet for those sites whose passwords you store in this program. As a result, the visibility of working with it is significantly increased.

There is also a whole galaxy of plugins that work in tandem with the corresponding extensions in the browser, allowing, as I understand it, to raise the level of interaction of these programs to a qualitatively higher level. However, in practice, I still do not understand what all this is for. If anyone is in the know, please describe the advantages and principles of using these extensions in browsers. Thanks.

Yes, there is still a mass programs for mobile phones and tablets who know how to use the KeePass password database, which you shared through DropBox or Google Drive. For my beloved iPad, this program is called KyPass.

In the Kipas settings you can activate its launch together with the start of Windows. To do this, select "Service" - "Settings" from the top menu and go to the "Integration" tab:

There you can also change the keyboard shortcuts for auto-typing and calling the manager window. In the tab "Additionally" you can make more than a dozen more settings, including putting a tick in the "Run in minimized and locked state" box, which can be useful:

In addition, KeePass has the ability to create your own filters for events and assign actions to them. This is done in the menu "Service" - "Triggers" (?). If you've ever set up filters in an email program, you can easily figure out what's what. However, I will give an example. Let's say that we want to automatically save newly entered or changed passwords to the database.

To do this, select "Triggers" from the top menu of the "Service" program, and in the window that opens, click on the "Add" button:

Now you need to name the rule and then go through the Events, Conditions and Actions tabs one by one. On each of these tabs, click on the "Add" button and select the following options from the drop-down list (then click on OK), if you want, so that the base is saved automatically.

For Events - User interface state has been updated, for Conditions - Current database contains unsaved changes, and for Actions - Save current password database. Now save all this by clicking on the "Finish" button and enjoy the result. For sim let me take my leave.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Hello dear readers of the blog site. Sooner or later, every user or administrator is faced with a security problem when storing multiple passwords. You will either choose to create one universal password for all occasions, or you will store all your passwords in some insecure, insecure place. Therefore, if you are worried about the current situation and worried about the safety of your passwords, you will have to look for a solution.

I recommend you a free and reliable solution. KeePass is feature rich, free and open source. The latter eliminates injecting code to track your data and steal passwords. The convenience of using this program lies in the fact that you will need to come up with and remember only one password and you can use it to access the database of all your passwords. Plus, for complete protection against unauthorized access, KeePass has the ability to create a key in the form of a file, without which it will be impossible to access the password file in the future.

Installing KeePass

To install Kipas, go to the download page (here). On the site you can choose 2 versions of the program: Classic Edition and Professional Edition. For the first version of the program to work, you will not need to have Microsoft.NET installed, which is absolutely necessary for the second version of the program. I recommend installing Professional. Plus it is possible to install a portable version on your computer. Portable is preferable because it does not leave traces and does not create registry entries. It just works.

You just download the portable version, unzip the archive to the place from where you plan to run the program. Since I work from different places on different computers, I found a solution for myself to use Google Drive to store the program and the password file. With this organization of the location of the program, all changes and settings are saved for any computer wherever I work. Just take and move the program folder to the Google Drive folder. You can also use any cloud service to store the program and the password file. If you are more into removable media, you can use a USB stick. This is exactly what the Portable version of the program has.

How to Russify KeePass

After installation, the first thing to do is to Russify the program. It's very easy to Russify KeePass. Download the file with the translation for your language from this page, and in the case of the portable version, simply save the file from the archive to the program folder (the file looks like Russian.lngx). Please note that you need to select the file corresponding to your version for downloading.

After that, launch the program, select "Change Language ..." in the "View" menu and select Russian in the window that opens (an available language will appear only if you downloaded the file with the correct version of Russification and put it in the program folder). The program will offer to restart it. You agree, and that's the end of the Russification.

Password database creation

The next step is to create a password database. This is a special file that actually stores all your account and password data with all the settings. You can create multiple files that store passwords. And each will have its own password. This can be done if several people work on one computer under one account and each needs access to their passwords. And then in this case, each user only opens his own file and enters his password to access.

To create a new database, go to the "File" item and select "New ..." or you can immediately press the key combination Ctrl + N. In the window that opens, select the location where your password file will be stored. As I said earlier, this file can be stored on any medium (DropBox, Google Drive, Yandex Disk, or just on a USB flash drive). Choose a name for the file and click "Save".

The next step is to create a master password to access your password database. KeePass offers 3 different ways to protect your data. Each of them can be used separately, or all three or at least two methods can be used for complete and maximum protection. I don't use the third method (Windows account), so I won't recommend it to you either.

To protect the file:

  1. We come up with and create a master password for access. This is exactly the password that you will need to remember once to access all passwords. Enter the password in the field and enter the exact same password in the second field “Password repeat:”. If the passwords match, the input field will be highlighted in white, if they do not match - in red. The bar below (Estimated quality) indicates how tamper-resistant the password you have come up with. Try to keep the stripe, if not full, then at least in the green zone.
  2. If you want to have a check for a key file, click on the "New" button (figure 4 in the figure) and select a location to store this file. Again, this can be any medium, but logically it should be a medium different from the one on which the password file is stored. For example, a flash drive that you carry in your wallet for a key and a file with a database is stored in the cloud storage and you remember the password for it. However, keep in mind that you will not be able to recover the password, and if you lose the key file, you will also lose access to the database and will not be able to restore it. I only use the first method of protection. Came up with a very complex password and remembered it.
  3. You can also add an account as an identification method. But in the case of, for example, the portable version of KeePass, you will not get access to the password file from another computer other than the one on which you created it.

In the next step, the program will offer to configure some parameters of the Password Database. I usually leave all the settings unchanged. You can increase the number of encryption cycles for better protection. The higher the number, the longer it takes to open the database with passwords. The time also depends on the power of your computer. The number of cycles can be selected for a specific computer on the basis that the base will open for 1 second. Just click on "Calculate for one second delay". For my work computer, that number was over 14 million cycles. If you specify this parameter, then for a less powerful computer (for example, you open the base on a weak old laptop) the opening time will not be 1 second, but much longer. I leave the rest of the tabs by default.

Setting up and creating records

After the successful creation of the database, the program will automatically open this database and sample records will already be created in the window. You can safely delete them or study them as examples.

The program window has 3 main areas that you will constantly use:

  1. This is an area for grouping your data into folders. With their help, you can see all the records or sort by a specific group. From the outset, it's best to decide on the structure of your data to store. For example, I sort by folders in the following form: my sites, money, email, hosting, ftp, etc.
  2. The second area is the entries that are in the folder of your choice on the left.
  3. The third area is information about the entry that is selected.

To create a new folder, right-click on the folder inside which you want to create. And in the drop-down menu, select "Add group" (1). In the window for adding a group in the "General" tab, enter the name (2) and you can select the icon (3) for convenience.

The next step is to create a record directly that will store all data about the login, password and other fields for quick access to them. To create it, right-click in the field with records and select "Add record ..." or you can press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + I.

A window for filling in the data with many tabs will open. The main fields for filling are in the first tab.

Fill in the "Name" field as the profile name for the password being created. The name will be your login and password, respectively, the password. The link field is either the site on which you use the login password or the link to the executable file if you enter the login and password in the program, and not on the site. Later in the article I will show you how to use this with an example.

If you create an entry for an existing account with a password, you simply enter the existing password. To check if the entered password is correct, simply click on the button with 3 large dots and the program will display symbols instead of dots. If a new account is created and you need to come up with a password, then your best bet is to use the password generator that is built into KeePass.

To open the password generation tool, click on the button with the key and gear image to the right of the "Password repeat" field. To use this tool without opening the record creation form, simply select "Tools" -> "Password Generator ..." in the menu.

With this form, you can create as complex passwords as you need. And thanks to the fact that you no longer need to memorize them, feel free to generate and use the most complex combinations.

In the password generator settings, you can specify which characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and even special characters to use in generation (1) ... The length of the password is also indicated. After specifying the settings, you just need to open the "View" tab and select any of the proposed in the list (3) ... If it is necessary to exclude any symbol from generation, this can be done in the "Advanced" tab (2) .

After filling in all the data on the first tab, go to the most interesting, convenient and useful "Autoset" tab (it is because of this feature that I fell in love with this particular program). Auto typing allows you to automatically fill in the fields for entering the site or in the program by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Alt + A.

For autodial, go to the "Autodialer" tab, check that autodial is on.

  1. This radio button selects which sequence to use when filling out login forms. For the most effective use, it would be best to think over the folder structure right away and set up a sequence for each of the folders. In this case, the new entry will inherit the sequence that is defined for the folder.
  2. Add a target window so that the program can determine which entry with login and password to use. More on this below.

To set the general autodial sequence for a folder, you must:

  1. Right-click on the folder
  2. Select in the drop-down list "Change group"
  3. Go to the "Autodialer" tab
  4. Click on the stick to generate the sequence
  5. We set the required sequence. It is set as follows - in the "Placeholder" window, it is selected by clicking on the corresponding entry. The list is very long and it is possible to create almost any sequence. In my case, the following will happen: the title of the record (Title) will be added to the field, then pressing the Tab key, then login, Tab, password and at the end Enter.

After that, if the "Inherit autodial from group" radio button is selected when creating a record, this sequence will be used. If it is necessary to change autosetting for some of the records in the group, select "Use the following sequence" and specify the required one.

How to use KeePass

Using the example of creating records for entering a site in the Google Chrome browser and for connecting to an FTP server using FileZilla, I will show how to create records and use them. I always use KeePass to log into my sites.

  1. In the left window of folders, create a folder of records for entering the sites. In the folder, click create a new entry.
  2. Knowing my login and password, I write the name of the site in the title, in the name - the login and in the password, respectively, the password.
  3. Go to the "Autodial" tab and set the switch to the "Inherit autodial from group" position. By default, auto-typing contains a sequence, which in most cases is suitable for filling out login forms.
  4. The next step is to tell the program the login window so that KeePass can automatically determine which entry to use for (in our case, this is a tab in Google Chrome with an open page of my site). Please note that the window and site must be open and active. Click the add button.
  5. In the drop-down list "Target window" we find the element we need and click "Ok". There can be several target windows for one record. And for each you can set a sequence. This is convenient if you use the same username and password for different sites and each needs its own sequence.
  6. The target window should appear in the list. Click "OK" and save our database by clicking on the blue floppy disk.

The record has been created and it remains for us to check for operability. We open our site with a login form, put the cursor in the login field and press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + A. If everything is done correctly, KeePass will automatically insert your username, password and click on the login.

In order to use KeePass to insert a username and password in a program (for example, such as), you must use the "Name" field and change the input sequence.

  1. For convenience, create a folder for FTP connections. When creating a folder in the "Autoset" tab, switch to the "Use the following sequence" position.
  2. Using the "Magic Wand" button to the right of the field, set the following sequence as in the image.
  3. In the created folder, add a new entry for connecting to FTP and in the "Name" field specify the FTP address that the hosting provider gave you for connection. The Title field will be used in the dialing sequence as (Title). Those. Kipas will take data from the "Name" field (in my case it is and substitute this value in the FileZilla field as an address. Fill in the login and password as in the previous example.
  4. In the "Autosetting" tab, when creating a record, we specify to inherit autosetting from the group. This is useful if you have a lot of entries in a folder and need to change the sequence. You just change the folder settings and all entries will inherit it.
  5. Add a target window by clicking the "Add" button and choosing from the list (for this, run the necessary FileZilla program)
  6. Click "OK" and check the functionality.

Keepass is a free password manager. It is useful primarily for those users who are forced to create separate passwords for each service. It should be understood that storing passwords and logins in the browser's memory or somewhere on the sheet is unreliable, since they can be accidentally lost and / or stolen by intruders.

Using Keepass to Store Passwords

The default interface of the program is in English, but you can translate it into Russian by downloading and installing the Russifier. The program also has several handy tools for working with passwords. Let's look at the process of interacting with her in more detail.

Download and install

It is recommended to download the program from the official website of the developer, since the manager has open source code, therefore, a version with built-in spy code may be distributed on resources with a bad reputation.

On the site you can find three versions of the program:

  • Classic Edition is a standard version of the program with reduced requirements for hardware and software components of the computer. For example, it is not necessary to have the Microsoft.NET package installed for it to work;
  • Professional Edition - it weighs more than the previous version, and also requires the installed Microsoft.NET package. At the same time, some modified tools and capabilities are available to the user;
  • Portable - portable version, downloadable in ZIP archive. It can even be launched from a USB stick. The main advantage is that it does not leave any records of its work on the computer, so you can not worry about the safety of your personal information.

The installation process for the first two versions is pretty much the same. You check or uncheck certain items, accept the license agreement, wait for the installation to finish and use it.

In the case of the portable version, instead of installing, you just need to unpack the ZIP archive wherever you like. You can install this version of the program on a USB flash drive or even a virtual disk and store your passwords there. Also, the portable version works fine on other operating systems, such as Android, Linux Ubuntu, etc.

In terms of working with programs, there are practically no differences.

Translation of the interface into Russian

If you are not satisfied with the English-language interface of the program, then you can change it by adding a special file to the main directory of the program and selecting Russian in the settings. The Russifier file has the following name - "Russian.Ingx"... On the official site, it is advisable to select a file that is compatible with your current version.

To download and install the Russifier for your Keepass version, follow these steps:

Creating a database with passwords

In Keepass, you can create several files, which will be databases with passwords. This is convenient in cases where the computer is used by several people and everyone needs their passwords to be saved, but not in one common file to which all users will have access. The created file can be protected from unauthorized access and saved on any medium. However, in the case of the Classic Edition and Professional Edition, there may be some limitations.

The process of creating a file with a password database might look like this:

Working with the database

Upon completion of the creation of the file with the database, it will be opened in the main window of the program. By default, it will already contain some information of an introductory nature. You can change or delete them.

To create your own posts, follow these instructions:

Login to your account

After creating an entry with a password and login in the database, try to log into your account on a particular site. To do this, open the login form, place the cursor in one of the fields and press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + A... If everything is configured correctly, then you should be logged into your account. It should be understood that depending on the settings set above, the login process may take a certain amount of time.

Keepass is an excellent program for saving passwords and logins, but at the same time, those who are poorly versed in computers may have a question about how to use this program. Your example was considered of using the program, as well as its main functionality.

Heard that it is possible to hack KeePass. Tell me how to do it right use KeePass... How tune and how to protect your passwords so that they are not hacked?

It's a good question. As you understand, I will not talk about how and how to choose the best password manager within the framework of this article, we have all done this in previous articles. In this article I will try to explain in detail all the intricacies of setting up and using the KeePass password manager.

  • KeePass Password Manager
  • Download KeePass
    • KeePass versions
  • KeePass plugins
  • How to hack KeePass
  • KeePass Password Manager

    KeePass Password Safe is a free utility (password manager), the program allows you to store all your passwords using one master master password.

    The app supports Advanced Encryption Standard (AES (256-bit), Rijndael) and Twofish encryption algorithms. There is a portable version that does not need to be installed and can be stored on a USB flash drive. In addition, the utility has been translated into 40 languages. The program supports exporting the password database to various formats TXT, HTML, etc., as well as importing from various formats.

    Download KeePass

    There are several fraudulent sites on the Internet that, under the guise of the KeyPass program, offer to download left-handed malware for money. One such site is This site is not affiliated with the developer of KeePass.

    You can download KeePass from the official website using these links. Version for:

    KeePass versions

    What is the difference between the Classic, Professional and Portable versions?

    • Classic Edition is a light version.
    • Professional Edition is a more functional version. Cross-platform. It can work without recompilation in Linux, Mac OS X. For this version to work, you need the .NET Framework installed on your computer.
    • KeePass portable this version does not require installation and can be run from a USB flash drive and from an archive.

    How to Russify KeePass

    Russification of KeePass is not a complicated process. To download the Russifier, go to the official translations page.

    Download the translation you need. In our case, this is Russian. Unzip the file "Russian.lngx" and put it in the program folder.

    After that launch the program, go to the View tab and select the Change Laguage option from the drop-down menu.

    In the window that appears, select the added language. In my case, it is Russian.

    KeePass Russification

    The program will offer to restart, after which the program interface will be in Russian.

    There are a huge number of users who use this password manager, but not everyone knows how to properly configure the program. And customization in the case of this program is a very important matter. Setting it up correctly will help protect your passwords.


    There are some very important settings on the Security tab that need to be noted.

    • Block when idle
    • Block on general inactivity
    • Clipboard auto-cleaning
    • Block when using remote access
    • etc.

    See the figure below where I have noted the most important settings that need to be noted to provide the best protection for the password manager.

    Everything else is at your discretion.


    On the "Policy" tab, you can enable or disable certain operations. Such as:

    • Printout of passwords
    • Export information
    • Copying information
    • Change Master Password
    • etc.

    KeePass Setup: Policy

    In this tab, you can disable everything depending on your needs. For example, if you do not need to print information from the program, you can safely disable this option by unchecking the checkbox. The same goes for using plugins and exporting posts.

    The more you disable unnecessary in this tab, the more reliable the password manager and the passwords that you store in it will be.


    There are quite a few very important settings on the "Advanced" tab, such as:

    • Remembering and automatically opening a recently opened password file
    • Automatic key file search
    • Remembering the directory where the password file was last located.
    • etc.

    KeePass Setup: Advanced

    KeePass must be used correctly. Here are the basic rules to follow when using a password manager:

    1. The first and most important rule is never to use a light password to access the password file.
    2. Do not use the KeePass master password on other sites and services. The original password is for KeePass only.
    3. Always have two copies of the password file on different media in case of loss or theft. And in different places, apartments, houses in case of fire.
    4. Never keep a password file on your desktop.
    5. Do not use additional password manager plugins.
    6. Do not leave the password keeper open for a long time.

    KeePass plugins

    Now about plugins. There are a lot of plugins that you can download from the official

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