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Bars web vaults annual reporting. Bars.web-budget reporting

1. Getting started. Page 1

2. Choice of reporting form. Page 4

3. Work with the reporting form. Page 5

4. Checking and printing of the reporting form. Page 7

5. Status of the reporting form. Page 8

6. Backup and restoration of the reporting form. Page 9

7. Technical support Page 9

Attention!!! The consolidated reporting program works only through the Mozilla Firefox browser.

1. Getting Started:

To enter the consolidated reporting system, you need to dial the Internet address - www. octopus. *****. In the Reports tab, click on the "Log in" link (Fig.1.1):" width="623" height="428">" width="599 height=461" height="461">

2. Choice of reporting form:

1. There are two ways to open the list of current reporting forms: by clicking the "Reporting Forms" button in the menu bar on the right and selecting the "List of Reporting Forms" item from the drop-down list (Fig. 2.1) or by double-clicking on the "List of Reporting Forms" label ( Fig.2.1), located on the workspace:

2. In the “Reporting forms” tab that opens, on the left side, select the reporting period from the drop-down list (Fig. 2.2), as well as your institution in the “Reporting chain” window (Fig. 2.3):

Important! A form can only be opened for editing if its status is Draft or Empty. If any other status is assigned to the form, then the form is opened in the "Read Only" mode, that is, editing the form is prohibited. Opening the same form on two computers at the same time is not possible. If the form is opened for editing on one computer, then on the other it opens only in the "Read Only" mode.

3. Working with the form:

The form consists of a reporting form menu (1), a drop-down list (2) designed to quickly jump to the required tab of the reporting form, and a tabs menu (3) (Fig.3.1):" width="139" height="27 src=">

Adding or deleting a row in a subtable is performed by pressing the corresponding button in the subtable menu (Fig.3.2):

After editing the subtable, you should click the "Recalculate" button, and then the "Apply and close" button, or the "Cancel" button if you do not want to save the changes made (Fig.3.3).

Attention!!! Implemented the ability to work with multiple forms at the same time. The transition between forms and to the list of reporting forms is possible by clicking on the corresponding tabs (Fig. 3.4):

4. Check and print the form.

After filling out the form, recalculating and saving, you need to check the forms for errors in one of the following ways:

1. Select the “Menu” item and select the “Form Links” item in the drop-down list to check the linkages between the form and between the forms (Fig.4.1):" width="602" height="201 src=">

Also, in some forms, the possibility of reconciliation with previous reporting periods, other forms, etc. is implemented (Fig. 4.3):" width="615" height="180 src=">

2. In the list of reporting forms, place the cursor on the form to be printed and click on the menu item "Print forms" (Fig.4.5):" width="614" height="111 src=">

If in the future there is a need to edit the form, then it is necessary to assign the status "Draft" or "Checked" to it (Fig. 5.2):" width="571" height="277">

To import data into the system, select "Import data" in the "Menu" item and select "Import data from Bars format" from the drop-down list. Web Vaults” (Fig. 6.2). In the window that appears, select the path to the BXML file saved earlier on your computer and click the "Save" button.

7. Technical support:

Phones: (4 multichannel);

Recall that Law 83-FZ of May 8, 2010, which entered into force on January 1, 2011, divided state (municipal) institutions into three types (state, budget and autonomous), and also led to the emergence of related legislative acts regulating a single chart of accounts and charts of accounts for each of the aforementioned institutions.

Under the conditions of reforming the budget system, the accounting statements of state and municipal institutions should be included in the general reporting of a public legal entity of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and formed into three streams (reporting of state, budgetary and autonomous institutions).

The BARS.Web-Budget Reporting system, adapted to work in the new conditions, allows this to be done. In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation 157N dated December 01, 2010, the software package includes a unified chart of accounts and charts of accounts for budgetary accounting according to Orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 162N, No. 174N and No. 183N. Forms have also been developed for compiling, collecting and submitting periodic reports in the current year in the context of each type of institution. In addition, the product is equipped with reference books on budget classification, which, according to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation 190N dated December 28, 2010, came into effect this year.

The solution provides an opportunity to use common formats for the exchange of reporting data, to exercise centralized control when filling out forms, which contributes to increasing the efficiency of reporting and minimizing errors. The BARS.Web-Budget Reporting solution is designed to collect, consolidate and analyze reports on budget execution via the Internet. The system is equipped with a comprehensive package of budget reporting forms, unified classifiers and reference books. Thanks to this, uniform standards are maintained in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation.

It is also endowed with tools for monitoring and analyzing receivables and payables, which provides a more flexible approach to the budget process. For the convenience of information perception, it is possible to visualize data in the form of graphs, charts and an interactive map.

It is possible to sign reports with an electronic digital signature (EDS). Documents certified by EDS acquire legal force, and additional submission of reports in paper form becomes redundant.

Thus, the BARS.Web-Budget Reporting system not only provides for the maintenance of accounting records for each type of state and municipal institution and the formation of general reporting of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal law, but also opens up wide opportunities for analyzing and comparing the forms of various types of institutions in single information space.

Methodological support of the ICFER is available to users of BARS Group systems

To help BARS Group clients during a difficult reporting period, the BARS.Web-Budget Reporting system now has expert support from ICFER. The user, without leaving the system, can view the methodological information for each reporting form. By selecting the appropriate menu item, he gets to the closed help page of the International Center for Financial and Economic Development. For users of the BARS.Web-Budget Reporting system, this service is provided free of charge. Expert assistance should have a positive impact on the quality and efficiency of filling out the documentation.

Methodological information was provided by ICFER under the cooperation agreement with BARS Group. The reporting methodology of budgetary institutions is one of the activities of the center. In addition to accounting and finance, ICFER is engaged in the integration of professional information in the field of economics, law and management of various sectors (public procurement, public finance, personnel, taxes, housing and communal services, education, medicine, culture, transport, labor protection, secretariat).

The BARS system is a whole range of software solutions used in industries such as education, analytics, medicine and finance. The development of these products is carried out by the Russian company "BARS-group".

Educational system BARS - brief description

This product is aimed at creating a single distributed storage and data processing network. Designed for use by teachers, students and educators.

To access the BARS system, there are several different forms of privileges appropriate to the purpose. In particular, there are the following roles:

  • system administrator;
  • institution administrator;
  • teacher, school director, head of education;
  • parent;
  • student.

In addition to the already established roles and assignments, the BARS system administrator has the ability to set an arbitrary type.

Beginning of work

Using the system involves interacting with a graphical interface.

In order to start working with the BARS.Education system, you need to launch any web browser, then go from it to the address provided by the administrator. The login and password input panel will open. This data can be obtained from the administrator of the system or institution.


Visually, the program interface is similar in design and placement of elements to the Windows environment. In the lower left corner there is a "Start" button, which gives access to most of the settings and functionality of the system. On the right side there is a block with a clock, information about the current user and organization.

The main part of the interface of the BARS system is occupied by a kind of desktop, on which there are quick launch shortcuts for frequently used tasks.

Most of the data in the program is presented in the form of spreadsheets, and they are filled in accordingly.

For some forms of tasks, a hierarchical arrangement of elements is used.

Using and working with data

For frequently used data, the system has a set of directories. Some of them are static and cannot be edited. Others can be changed according to the current options or settings. For example, there are such directories:

  • types of extracurricular activities;
  • inventory;
  • cabinet appointments;
  • speciality;
  • types of assessments.

In order to complete the directory, you need to select it. To do this, go to the "Start" menu, find "References" in it and click, for example, "Inventory".

New positions are added by pressing the "Add" button. A fill window will open, in which you must enter data in all empty fields.

All directories in the "BARS.Education" system are filled in the same way.

Additional functionality

The system contains a database of regulatory documents. For example, you can view, download, and print various government regulations and laws.

The messaging system allows you to send data to all network users or to individual network members. Working with this functionality is very similar to working with regular e-mail, so it should not cause problems.

For students and parents

The interface for users with types "Student" and "Parent" differs from the administrator's one. At the entrance, a friendly panel will appear with a set of convenient and accessible tools.

The first thing that catches your eye - "Diary". It is divided into days, each of which has a list of items. After the school day, they contain information about the topic of the lesson, homework, whether the child attended this lesson and the grade received on it.

The "Schedule" tab in a convenient form shows a list of items for each day of the week.

A very interesting tool is "Assessment". It has several tabs. The first is a summary, showing the grades for each subject in the context of days. The average score is also indicated. The tab "Final" reflects the grades for the subjects for the quarters.

More interesting is the "Visualization" item. Here, in a convenient graphical form, you can monitor the attendance and academic performance of your child in the context of subjects.

The item "School" contains information about the institution, teachers and classmates.

This system is very easy to use, understandable even to an unprepared person.

BARS for culture

Among the BARS products there is a very convenient toolkit for analyzing and monitoring the activities of various institutions related to holding events and various holidays. It is called "Information system "BARS-culture"".

This product creates a single space with information for access to it from any corner of the country via the Internet. It does not require any special equipment for its implementation. The BARS information system is centralized, and it is operated through a computer web browser.

All control over statistical data is also checked through the Internet. The system will automatically analyze the correctness of maintaining reports and documents.

Also, this product allows you to hold meetings without getting up from your workplace. The subject of discussion is put on the agenda, which can be commented on by all employees related to it. Then, based on the results of the meeting, the document receives the approval status.

A convenient data visualization system will allow you to present analytical reports in graphical form. On it you can trace the rising or falling trends and events.

Data analysis in large distributed enterprises and organizations

The "BARS-web-codes" system allows for centralized analysis and monitoring of data in companies with a large number of representative offices or offices.

The product works according to this scheme:

  • employees in departments fill out various types of reports;
  • data is transferred to a higher authority or branch;
  • The last step is to submit information in the form of reports to the head office.

The functional features of the system include the following:

  • A simple reporting technique that does not require any special knowledge.
  • Automatic mode of checking documents according to a previously developed algorithm.
  • The system of signing reports with an electronic signature.
  • Data from the program "BARS-vaults" can be exported to several convertible formats.
  • The system can be integrated into other compatible BARS products.

System technical data

The main part of the software package is written in C#. The database management system used is MongoDB. However, the complex itself is compatible with most known DBMS.

The architecture is divided into three main links:

  • client's workplace, a kind of terminal that provides access to data;
  • application server;
  • the database server is, in fact, the main element in the hierarchy, storing the entire amount of working information.


Domestic software systems of BARS systems show excellent functionality. Convenience and simplicity of the interface allow ordinary employees to use the system. Differentiation of access rights in some products guarantees the safety of data and their accuracy, since each user operates only with the information for which he has enough authority.

In general, the presence of a domestic product pleases, since the information technologies of Russia are far behind the world leaders. It remains to be hoped that the platform will develop and remain in demand.

To see the details - to manage the whole!

BARS.Web Codes– information-analytical system. Designed for centralized collection, consolidation and analysis of arbitrary reporting and is a platform for creating BI (Business Intelligence) class systems. Developed by BARS Group specialists in 2007.

2019: Version 3.0

2010: Architecture. Connection methods. Multiplatform

Solution architecture

Typical scheme for deploying projects on the BARS.Web-Svody platform

System BARS.Web Codes provides the ability to maintain a single centralized database in the parent organization responsible for collecting and consolidating reports, with the provision of remote secure access for reporting organizations.

The system has three-tier architecture:

  • Data warehouse (Oracle DBMS);
  • An application server that implements the functionality of the System. The application server operates on the basis of a remote access server (Web server);
  • Thin client at workplaces with remote access capability.

There are 4 ways to connect to the System.

  • Windows client used in the presence of high-speed communication channels. In this case, the client software is installed on the user's computer;
  • Remote access to the System is provided by a Web client. Connection to the System is carried out through an Internet browser. The web client can also be used by institutions that do not have an Internet connection. To do this, it is necessary to transfer data from the storage medium to the nearest communication point;
  • Smart client– allows you to work in the System with a temporary connection and unstable communication channels;
  • mobile-client provides connectivity from mobile devices. On a mobile communicator, users get access to all functionality of the System.

Functional characteristics

Functional characteristics BARS.Web Codes are aimed at the operation of the System in organizations with a multi-level hierarchy of subordinate organizations and the collection, consolidation and analysis of both regulatory and non-regulatory reporting.

Reporting forms of one of the solutions on BARS.Web Codes

Variety of reporting forms

The reporting form is the basis for collecting information in BARS.Web Codes. The system includes many types of forms, including forms consisting of many tables, and forms with attached directories, Doc and Excel documents. Implemented the possibility of visual monitoring through collecting video and photo images. All reporting forms are available to users in the Web interface.


Embedded subsystem BARS-Designer allows users to independently create reporting forms and analytical samples without the involvement of specialists. With the help of BARS-Designer it is possible to create new forms by exporting templates from legal reference systems. The system is designed for operational collection of any non-regular reporting.

Differentiation of access to information

Access to the information of the Unified Storage is strictly limited, based on the user's authority. The parent organization has access to the reporting forms of all institutions. Bodies below in the structure of the organization have access only to the data of their subordinate network. A regular operator can only access the data of their institution. Implemented access restrictions to individual reporting forms and to individual elements of reporting forms up to the cell. Restrictions may relate to viewing and editing data, checking linkages, changing states, etc.

Monitoring the process of filling out reporting forms

This procedure ensures the control of the parent organization over the timely submission of indicators by subordinate organizations. Each reporting form is assigned a specific state:

  • The only state in which you can fill out the form is "draft".
  • Having entered the data, the institution transfers it to the state "filled". In this state, intraform and interform control ratios (linkages) are checked.
  • Able "verified" the higher institution can check the form.
  • The higher institution transfers the form to the status "expertise". After that, the reporting institution can no longer change anything in it. All data is checked by the parent organization and if errors are found, the form is transferred to the state "draft". After that, the institution corrects its mistakes and repeats the whole cycle.
  • When the parent organization finally checks the form, it transfers it to the status "approved".

Checking with control ratios

The system provides verification of the accuracy of the entered data at the stage of collecting information, by creating intra-form and inter-form linkages.

Availability of EDS The System implements the function of signing reporting forms with an electronic digital signature (EDS) using a certified means of a cryptographic format for protecting information based on the cryptographic provider CRYPTO PRO. The certified reporting form is assigned a status "Signed with EDS".

Embedded OLAP in Windows and Web interfaces

The system provides full-fledged work with OLAP reports in all online modes, both in desktop application mode (Windows client) and in remote user mode using any Internet browser (Web client). Any section can be selected to create analytical samples.

Data visualization in BARS.Web-Compilations

Information presentation visualization

The system provides visualization of information using graphic diagrams (histograms, graphs, pie charts, etc.) in the form of two- and three-dimensional graphic objects. A total of 33 types of graphic objects have been implemented.

System of independent profiles

This feature is designed for organizations consisting of several structural units. Institutions separated by profiles submit indicators to the Single Repository, while each of the profiles has its own reporting hierarchy, its own forms. The System Administrator has access to all profiles and, if he has the appropriate rights, he can summarize information from different profiles.

Multi-platform and free software compatibility

The solution is multi-platform and can operate on Windows, Linux, Apple platforms and use Microsoft Office, Open Office to generate output documents.

2009: Circulation solutions based on BARS.Web Codes

Circulation solutions based on BARS.Web Codes

In 2007-2009 based BARS.Web Codes BARS Group has developed 11 replicated solutions. Basically, these solutions work in various sectors of the public sector:

BARS.Web-Financial Analytical Center

A solution for monitoring the revenue and expenditure side of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and a municipality in real time. The basis for creating a replicated solution was technological and methodological measures to ensure anti-crisis policy in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tatarstan.

BARS.Web-Budget Reporting

A solution for automating the acceptance, delivery, consolidation and analysis of budget reporting based on Web technologies. Based on the solution, the System of Budget Reporting of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia was built. Projects have been implemented in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Komi Republic, Volgograd Region, Tomsk Region, Samara Region, Primorsky Territory and in the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

BARS.Web-Monitoring of Budget Needs

Solutions for calculating the normative financing of budgetary institutions and monitoring the needs of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and a municipality for the maintenance of budgetary institutions and the provision of services to citizens. Based on the system, calculations are carried out at the Center for Economic and Social Research under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan.

BARS.Web-Monitoring Education

A solution for automating the collection, consolidation and analysis of departmental statistics and monitoring a network of subordinate institutions in the field of education. Projects have been implemented in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Saratov Region, the Lipetsk Region, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

BARS.Web Health Monitoring

A solution for automating the collection, consolidation and analysis of departmental statistics and monitoring a network of subordinate institutions in the healthcare sector. The system operates in the Ministries of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

BARS.Web-Monitoring of Social Protection

A solution for automating the collection, consolidation and analysis of departmental statistics and monitoring a network of subordinate institutions in the field of labor, employment and social protection. Projects have been implemented in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and the Republic of Tatarstan.

BARS.Web-Monitoring of Culture

A solution for automating the collection, consolidation and analysis of departmental statistics and monitoring a network of subordinate institutions in the field of culture. The system operates in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Tyumen region and the Yaroslavl region.

BARS.Web-Monitoring of Youth Politics and Sports

A solution for automating the collection, consolidation and analysis of departmental statistics and monitoring a network of subordinate institutions in the field of youth policy, sports and tourism. The system operates in the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan.

BARS.Web-Management of the Development of the Region

A solution for automating the collection, consolidation and analysis of departmental statistics and comprehensive monitoring in socially significant sectors of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and a municipality. Comprehensive monitoring of the sectors of the social sector: education, healthcare, social protection and labor, culture, youth policy, sports and tourism has been implemented in the Republic of Tatarstan.

BARS.Web-Monitoring Veterinary

A solution for automating the collection, consolidation and analysis of departmental statistics and monitoring a network of subordinate institutions in the field of veterinary medicine.

BARS.Web Management Efficiency Assessment

A solution for monitoring and evaluating the activities of executive authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local governments.

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