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Banal bookmark htm. Bookmark OS is a powerful and convenient bookmark manager.

Sets or returns a bookmark that uniquely identifies the current entry in Recordset.

The value to set or return is determined by a string expression or an expression like Variant A whose value is a valid bookmark. The data type is an array Variant type elements bytes.

For object Recordset, created solely on the basis of database engine tables Microsoft Jet, property bookmarkable has the meaning True, and it is allowed to use the property bookmark for objects Recordset. For example, it is not allowed to use bookmarks in any object Recordset, created from the attached table Paradox A that does not have a key defined.
When creating or opening an object Recordset each of his entries gets unique bookmark. In order to remember the position of the current record, you should assign the current value of the property bookmark variable. To quickly return to the pointer of the current record stored in the variable at any time after switching to another record, specify in the property value bookmark object Recordset the value of this variable.
There is no limit to the number of possible bookmarks in a recordset. To create a bookmark that defines an entry other than the current entry, navigate to desired entry and then assign the property value bookmark a string variable that will point to the desired entry.
Before using the property bookmark property value should be checked bookmarkable object Recordset, which determines whether this set records using bookmarks. If property bookmarkable has the meaning False, an object Recordset does not support bookmarks, and property access bookmark will result in a trappable error.
If using the method clone a copy of the object is created Recordset, then bookmark values ​​for the original object Recordset and its copies are identical and interchangeable. However, you cannot use In a similar way bookmarks from other objects Recordset, even if they were created from the same object or using the same instruction SQL.
When trying to set a property bookmark value representing remote entry, a trappable error occurs.
Property value bookmark not identical to the entry number.

The following program uses properties bookmark and bookmarkable to remember the position of the entry in the object Recordset and return to this post.

Everyone knows that link types describe the relationship between two or more pages on a site. Determining the link type is useful for SEO because it allows search engines better understand your site. They can also explain the reason why this link is on this page and give search robot much more information than you might think.

Short list of link types

Type of What is used for
alternate alternative way to display the page
author Behind the link detailed information about the author
bookmark Permalink
help Help or information to help with some part of the site or content
license Link to copyright information
nofollow Link you do not recommend. Perhaps you posted it for their own selfish motives
prefetch The resource most likely to be of interest to the user. Tells the browser that it can be cached ahead of time
search Site search
tag Keyword or site category name
next Link to next page
prev Link to previous page

How to determine the link type?

The rel attribute is used to define the type.

The alternate type indicates that this link is alternative view page display. For example, it could be PDF version, or a print-optimized version.

PDF version of the page

You can also set hreflang for this type, which indicates that this link page is coming other language version.

Russian version

This type indicates that the link contains detailed information about the author of the site or page.

Permanent link to the author's page

Link of this type leads to help content. But there is important point. Help link is context sensitive. The browser will match this help information with the parent container in which the link was placed.

Help with comments

This type can be used when the link leads to the license agreement of the main content of this page. This type of link must be placed within the site's main tag. License agreement only applies to content posted within this section. It will not apply to what, for example, is in your basement.


This type tells that the crawler should not perceive this link as a link recommended by the publicist

Robot, don't go to this page

Links of this type should be used when you link to external resources that the user is likely to open. The browser will cache this link in advance and it will open very quickly without any waiting.

This is a must read

This type indicates that the link leads to a search interface.

Open site search

This page is related to the search page

rel=next and rel=prev
Specifies and is used in pagination. The link to the next page is of type next , and the link to the previous one is prev

  • 1 page
  • Current page
  • 3 page

Traveling in the stormy waves of the Internet, in order not to forget the place where, willy or not, fate has thrown the user, he makes bookmarks in his favorite browser. They are called Bookmarks or Favorites. Bookmarks (Bookmarks) or Favorites (Favorites) is a set of links (URL) to Internet resources, as a rule, entire sites or individual pages. Microsoft Internet Explorer saves each link in separate file, Netscape uses the bookmark.htm html file for this. To work with large quantity one browser's bookmarks are no longer enough. Help the user are called upon special programs to work with links.
They are divided into:

Programs for organizing a collection of links (managers);

Programs for converting links from Microsoft Internet Explorer in Netscape, an HTML page and vice versa;

Programs for checking the "survivability" of links and also for determining the change of resources on the specified pages.

Let's look at these categories in more detail with examples. the best programs this direction..

URL Managers

Compass 2.82
Enough famous manager bookmarks with great opportunities.

Supports the formats of three major browsers: Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera and other less common formats.

The program is not only a bookmark manager, it also performs the functions of converting and checking them. Allows you to export link collections to various formats, including in HTML, while allowing you to vary appearance resulting pages depending on the needs of the user.

Allows you to print links to print, supports preview. Looking for duplicates. Contains a large number of settings

It searches for dead links and much more. By their own functionality it is one of the best programs in this genre.

Another fairly well-known bookmark manager. Allows you to import bookmarks from Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, and also allows you to customize the import of custom format links. Export to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, HTML, supports own format. Contains templates for exporting to an html file, which you can set yourself. Contains two already ready bases links to Internet resources, including one on manufacturers of computer hardware. Allows you to set a rating from 0 to 5 for each link.

Search for duplicates. A selection of links to local disk, satisfying the given conditions.

Checking links for "survivability" and changing the content of pages.

The program contains a large number of settings and is not inferior to Compass in terms of its characteristics.

URL Organizer 2.4.5
Again, as the name suggests, a bookmark manager. The author of the program limited himself to the functions of a manager, directing his main efforts to develop a custom user interface and convenience of working with the program, thanks to a large number hotkey combinations and other settings.

The program allows you to import/export bookmarks from three major browsers: Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Opera. Contains a small database of ready-made bookmarks.

URL Converters (Bookmark Converters)

Bookmark Converter 2.9
Program to convert Netscape bookmarks to Microsoft Internet Explorer favorites.

and vice versa.

Nothing extra. Simple and tasteful. Supports command line mode. Intuitive interface. Can also synchronize links between Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer. There is no limit on the size of the collection, she did a great job with my five thousand links.

Bookmark Magic 2.31
Another bookmark converter. Convert between Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape and html-file The program can find duplicate links. There is sorting by descriptions. The main functions of the program are also available through command line.

Programs for finding "dead" links

SiteChecker 3.5
The program checks all links on your site (html files, images, etc.), including files that no one links to and links to external resources. The program can work locally or via FTP.

Flexible system of settings for the resulting report. Available on the manufacturer's website detailed description: link

SiteMapper 1.04
SiteMapper by Trellian Software (who created the Wolf product line) will carefully analyze your site, index all resources, and generate a detailed report. Checks for links to missing pages and images. An example report can be viewed here. The program has won numerous awards, and apparently for good reason.

Xenu's Link Sleuth 1.1f
Another program to check the site for "dead" links. Checks simple links, images, frames, plugins, style sheets, scripts, Java applets, etc. It produces a detailed report sorted according to the specified criteria, if all options are checked on large sites, it produces reports several megabytes in size.

Supports SSL connections, FTP, Gopher, redirect "s. The ability to recheck links in case of errors during random network failures. The program has received many awards. The author's page has a detailed description and answers to questions.

CopyURL 2.30
Speaking of links, one cannot fail to talk about another great program that does not fit into the above categories, but often, despite its size, makes life easier. it free app CopyURL by Moon Software. It allows you to add three additional menus: Copy URL, Copy Link and Copy Name that appear when you right-click on a URL file.

As a result of selecting these items, the following information will be copied to the clipboard:
Copy URL:
Copy Link: website
Copy Name: site:
You can set multiple URLs at once. You can download CopyURL 2.30 from here

Bookmark OS developers have done a good job of making it convenient for you to view even a large collection of bookmarks and quickly find necessary elements. To do this, the service offers several modes for displaying links and allows you to group them using labels and folders.

The Bookmark OS interface is divided into two parts. On the left is a list of labels and a folder tree. By clicking on any of them, you will see all the corresponding tabs on the right side of the window with visual icons in the form of screenshots. Thanks to the buttons on the toolbar, you can sort links by date, title, domain, and other attributes. Other buttons allow you to change the display mode of bookmarks: list or tile.

Of course, it is possible to search by the names of links and folders.

Adding and editing

You can bookmark web pages using a browser extension or bookmarklet - special button, which is displayed on the browser panel. You can also create separate bookmarklets for selected folders so that the service sends links directly to them and does not ask for the path to save each time. In addition, Bookmark OS has features for exporting and importing bookmarks from browsers.

The ability to edit added bookmarks and folders deserves special attention. You can select one or several elements at once with the mouse, and then drag them to desired folder or delete - just like in Windows. But it is worth saying that in mobile version Bookmark OS group editing is missing.

BookmarkOS uses machine learning and natural language processing algorithms to make adding bookmarks even easier. When you save another web page, the system analyzes your folders, selects the most suitable one from them and offers to place new bookmark right there.

The service sometimes makes mistakes, but in most cases it recommends suitable folders, which eliminates the need to specify the save path manually.

The button to undo the last action taken can save your data more than once at the right time.

Until the developers made applications for mobile platforms, but the web version of Bookmark OS adapts to any screen size. The system synchronizes bookmarks between different devices via the cloud, so your links are always at hand.

In addition, you can share selected folders with your friends. This will allow you to work together on shared links.

Bookmark OS is available for free. But with a $12/year subscription, you unlock additional settings display, the ability to add subfolders, automatic creation screenshots for imported bookmarks and other paid features.

It's no secret that most Russian users use Opera as a browser on their computers or Google Chrome. A few days ago I wrote about the ones that I use in my Everyday life. Sometimes there are cases when you need to synchronize bookmarks, transfer bookmarks from Opera to Google Chrome, or import bookmarks from your phone to Opera on your computer. And most people have a question: how to copy, for example, bookmarks from Opera Mini on the phone in Opera on PC or transfer from Google Chrome on phone… If you are still asking this question, then you simply must read the article to the end)).

1.Transfer bookmarks from Opera Mini to Opera on a computer

Most users use on their phone Opera Mini. The easiest way to transfer bookmarks from mobile opera to " computer version» is to use the service Opera Links.
For fans of Opera Mini Mod, there is an easier way.

Open Opera Mini Mod, click "bookmarks". Press the left soft key, select imp/export bookmarks. Click "export", save the file on the phone. It is advisable to export bookmarks without icons. Everything described is shown in the screenshot below.

As a result, the phone will have a file with something like this: Bkm_Exp_25092011_165412.htm. The date in the file will be yours)).

Open Opera on PC. Click "Bookmarks" in the sidebar. In the field that opens, click right click mice and context menu select file >> Import Firebox Bookmarks. Select the bookmark file and import them.
If you use Opera AC, then do the following: follow the path: bookmarks >> bookmark management >> file >> import Netscape/FireBox bookmarks.
In the window that opens, select our file with the extension .htm
Bookmarks successfully copied (imported).

2. Transfer bookmarks from Opera on your computer to Opera Mini Mod
The process of copying bookmarks from a computer to a phone is the same as described above. It's just the other way around.)
Open Opera on PC. Going the way: bookmarks >> file >> export as HTML.
The output is a file bookmarks.htm
We copy it to the phone and through the Opera Mini menu we import the bookmarks into the phone.

3. Transfer bookmarks from Opera Mini Mod to Google Chrome
To import bookmarks into Google Chrome from phone should be done first paragraph 1, and then point two. Google Chrome refuses to understand the bookmark file that is created by the Opera Mini mod. After you have done both steps, you will get bookmarks in the form of bookmarks.htm. open Total Commander and change the file extension to html. Everything is trite - just add a letter at the end of the extension .htm, To obtain .html You can rename the extension more convenient way For you.
Now open Google Chrome, click on the "wrench" of settings in the upper right corner. Select bookmark manager. In the window that opens, click on "arrange" and select "import bookmarks from HTML file".
The import process will complete successfully.

4. Transfer bookmarks from Opera to Google Chrome
To transfer your bookmarks from Opera in Google Chrome, do it first point 2. Received bookmarks file .htm rename to bookmarks. html and complete the final part of point 3.

5. Transfer bookmarks to Internet Explorer
If you are an IE user, transferring bookmarks will also be easy for you...
You just need to get the file bookmarks.htm. It all depends on what you decide to transfer from - from a phone or a computer. Having received the file with bookmarks, go to IE. Press the "Favorites" button. In the window that opens, we see the link "Add to favorites", and next to it there is an arrow. Click on the arrow and select export / import, and then import from file. Select our bookmark file and rejoice)).

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