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Car navigator with Yandex traffic jams. Which navigator is better to install on Android? Features and functionality of Waze

From year to year traffic jams is getting bigger. This is a global trend - urbanization and changes in the way of public life are "driven" into the streets more and more cars. Today, to stand in a traffic jam, it is no longer necessary to live in the capitals - any Russian regional center is enough. In order to somehow adapt to such a super-dense car life, online navigators were invented with traffic jams and the ability to build the best route. But how well do they work? The correspondent of checked it for himself.

I would like to warn you right away, our comparison is subjective, we tell what happened with us. Perhaps in other cities or driving situations, the results and impressions will be different. Tell us about your experience in the comments.

From the history

But first, some theory. Perhaps someone already knows all this, but for others the information will be useful. Navigators appeared in our country about 10 years ago, and they were individual devices. Now you almost never meet such people - a smartphone can provide full-fledged navigation, why buy something else? With development cellular technologies When the Internet was registered in phones, navigators learned not only to build a route, but also to do it taking into account the traffic situation, receiving up-to-date information from the server.

The exchange is two-way - the program not only reports on which highways everything is bad now, and on which traffic is free, but also measures the speed and location of the subscriber himself. These data then fall into the general piggy bank. So the conclusion is obvious - than more users, the more accurately the traffic jams are shown. At first, this was a problem, but today the development of online navigators is such that there is no shortage of information. Many drivers already use this or that service, it remains only to choose which one is better.

Issue price

Online navigators can be conditionally divided into two parts - primordially Internet resources and traditional navigators that have learned to work with traffic jams. For comparison, we took Yandex and Google navigators in the first group, and Navitel and CityGuide in the second group. Why them? It's simple - according to polls, they are the most popular and common.

Group members have few different approach. For Yandex and Google to work, you need a permanent Internet connection. Without a connection to the Network, they will not only not show traffic jams, but they will not be able to build a route either. "Navitel" and "CityGuide" do not require the Internet for "normal" operation, but when connected to the Network, they can show traffic jams. Truth, great advantage we would not call it - today the mobile Internet coverage is very large, and the cost of traffic is low. Internet access can be a problem only abroad.

There is another nuance - navigators from the first group are free. I downloaded it from the Internet and use it to your health, while you need to buy cards from both Navitel and CityGuide. Prices start from 600 rubles and depend on how many regions and countries you need.


Avto25 tested all four navigators on the streets of Voronezh. Not Moscow, but a million-plus city with very busy traffic. As expected, building a route taking into account traffic jams is done differently by all programs. We used different navigators for about two weeks and this is what we came up with.

"Yandex" - a lover of walking simple way. He often offers the most obvious, but also the most congested routes. In order for this program to start “creativity” and look for detours, the congestion must be very serious. For Voronezh, this did not turn out to be a disadvantage - given the lack of full-fledged backup roads in the city, any detour increases the travel distance, and it is not a fact that it will give a gain in time, but if the road network is more developed, the situation will be different.

Most of all, I didn’t like the fact that Yandex was overly optimistic. And it's not even about determining the travel time - often the program shows "green" streets where the traffic jam is in full swing, this is very confusing when the driver himself wants to figure out the route.

Google is more willing to choose detour routes, although it does not lose its head in this matter and tries to find the fastest way, taking into account all parameters. Compared to Yandex, Google has more imagination in building a route. Bypass, district, minor roads - everything is in use. And, often, it helps to reduce travel time. More precisely, Google also shows traffic jams. If the street is painted green, then the traffic there is almost certainly free.

It would seem that, paid programs should work better than free ones, because they take money for them, but in this test this turned out not to be the case - both Navitel and CityGuide are subjectively inferior to Internet navigators in terms of the quality of route construction. The first one is too big an alarmist. Slightly noticing the traffic jam, he already offers to take a detour, despite the fact that the traffic jam can be small, and the detour can greatly increase the distance. "CityGuide" is not afraid of small traffic jams, but in the mode of large traffic jams, it begins to drive "gardens". Sometimes, in the truest sense of the word. When the traffic jams are maximum, this sometimes helps, but with moderate traffic jams, driving through back streets usually does not reduce travel time.

Not by corks alone

Of course, the function to show congestion and build optimal route very important, but far from the only one. To win the love of users, programs must also be practical. With this, Google is the worst. Very dull design, intricate interface and a negligible amount of information while driving (not even speed without additional programs).

Yandex is noticeably prettier, shows speed, and at the same time warns about cameras. In terms of cameras, he is the most advanced, although similar functions Navitel also has it with CityGuide. We liked the CityGuide design the most (although this is a matter of taste), appearance"Navitela" is a little outdated, although it is convenient and practical, and, most importantly, the program has great amount settings, which is also a plus.

Knowledge of traffic rules is about the same for everyone - by four. No, no, yes, some navigator will lead you under the "brick" or ask you to turn around where it is impossible. It happens to everyone, but, in fairness, not very often. But updating information from Yandex or Google is many times faster - with them there is almost no chance of running into a blocked road, this happened with Navitel.

Discount on the weather is not able to do all the participants in the comparison. Several programs at once offered to climb up a very steep street at the peak of snowfalls (we tested in winter). In summer, such a route is possible, but in winter it is possible to drive along an icy street to a very steep climb only on a serious off-road vehicle.

include head

What is the result? Google seemed to us the most adequate in terms of building a route, but the program itself is faded. "Yandex" is too obvious, but it is very friendly to users - and its design is prettier, and it shows more information during the trip. Traditional navigators with traffic jams can also be used, but they do not have any special advantages, and besides, they are paid.

Although on trips outside of Russia, offline navigation will be a plus.

We will not recommend one option, everyone turned out to have their pros and cons, it is optimal for the driver to try everything himself or use a combination of several programs for different situations. But no matter what navigator you use, turning on your head and critically analyzing the proposals of the electronic mind will in any case be useful. Otherwise, you can inadvertently violate traffic rules or get stuck in some "crucibles".

Dear readers, what navigators with traffic jams do you use? Tell us about your experience, and together we will make an objective picture.

With a smartphone or tablet GPS support and GLONASS, it would be strange not to use it for navigation. And in order for the device to learn how to lay routes for you, it is enough to equip it with a navigator application with maps of the area. There are quite a few applications of this kind, but not all of them are equally useful. We hope this article will help you choose a navigator for Android that will satisfy your needs in the most worthy way. The rating is based on the opinions of experienced drivers and travelers.


The developer positions Waze as a navigator, which is helped to develop by the Russian driving community. And, I must say, such collective support is good for the application: many drivers are switching to Waze from other navigators that they had been using for years before.

The program allows each participant in the movement to replenish it with information: report accidents, traffic jams, roadworks, traffic police ambushes, prices at gas stations and other things that may be useful to other users.

Features and functionality of Waze

Drivers appreciate Waze for up-to-date information, concise interface, stability in work and, of course, free of charge. A big plus is that the program does not lose routes when Internet access is lost and automatically stops accessing GPS when not used during stops. This reduces the battery's rate of discharge.

The disadvantages of Waze, some users attributed the lack of 3D mode and voice search not always working correctly.


Another free application that travelers have made the top navigators for mobile devices. Contains very detailed and details, useful for both drivers and pedestrians who are in an unfamiliar area on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Moldova and even Turkey (note to tourists).

Features of Yandex.Navigator

  • Building up to three route options to a given object, taking into account traffic jams and other traffic events.
  • Warning about toll roads and ferries.
  • Displays the number of kilometers left to travel to the final destination, as well as the remaining time until arrival.
  • Voice accompaniment of a trip with notification of maneuvers, speed limits, traffic events, radars and traffic police crews, etc. Displaying them as symbols on the map.
  • Driver warning for speeding.
  • Voice control. The option is worked out much better than in Waze. By activating the control of the "Listen, Yandex" command, you can request the construction of a route to desired point or search for an object on the map.
  • Message to the program of information about traffic events, including by voice.
  • Storage of the history of trips and routes.
  • Search for parking lots (all - only in Moscow within the Third Transport Ring; in other places of the capital and some large cities - St. Petersburg, Kazan, Kyiv, Minsk, Nizhny Novgorod etc., individual large parking lots are displayed).

The best thing that, according to users, Yandex.Navigator has is the coverage of a large territory (especially convenient for those who travel a lot around Russia and neighboring countries) and the ability to control it without hands. Disadvantages - not always up-to-date maps, especially for regions remote from the center and small settlements. And also the fact that the program takes up too much space in the device's memory due to the inability to move cards to removable media.

Though - paid application(the cost of content starts from 560 rubles), it was preferred by more than 20 million users around the world. After all, this is, in fact, the standard by which the developers of other programs for navigation are equal. Among analogues, it has, perhaps, the largest set of functions, and there is no such driver who would say that Navitel's capabilities are not enough for him.

A short list of functions and features of Navitel

If you install Navitel from the store Google Play, it will be linked to your account google records, not to the device. Thanks to this, you can use the program on different gadgets.

Most strengths Navitel, according to drivers, is a rich functionality, always up-to-date information, big choice cards and technical support. The reasons for negative reviews are, as a rule, the limitations of the 7-day trial version, local failures, minor inaccuracies on the maps - the same as with all similar programs. free android navigator open source code from Mail.Ru Group. It also functions without Internet access, if you download the necessary maps into it in advance. Not only for drivers: in addition to roads, maps contain walking and cycling tourist routes in many countries around the world.

Key features of

  • Saving mobile internet traffic and battery charge. Important for cycling and walking, especially where there is no cellular connection (for example, in the forest).
  • Itineraries are always up to date and very detailed. The maps include objects that are not available in other applications, since the latter are more focused on the needs of motorists, rather than pedestrians.
  • On walking and cycling routes, the degrees of the slope of the terrain are indicated - downhill or uphill.
  • Mapping involves users of the program, of which there are more than 65 million worldwide. And you can also join their community.
  • In addition to creating routes, helps you look for various objects on the ground. Search categories: catering points, hotels and hostels, ATMs, stops public transport, Attraction. The search function is available both online and offline.
  • Directly from the application, you can book a hotel room (only available online, through the website).
  • The program allows you to send messages to loved ones indicating your current location. For this, they can be used cellular(SMS), social media and web messengers.

The main advantages of, according to experienced travelers, are free access to all functions, a large selection of maps (the latter, by the way, are well optimized for mobile devices: with the same amount of content as in other programs, they take up much less space in the gadget’s memory), as well as taking into account the needs of pedestrians and cyclists.

There is, perhaps, only one significant drawback of the application. Since users are involved in mapping, the data often contains errors. In addition, some maps are designed better than others. This again is due to user engagement: where people are more active, the maps are more detailed and accurate. And vice versa.

Google maps, transport and navigation

is another free and ubiquitous navigation app for Android. Used and supported by perhaps the most impressive user community in the world. It helps to navigate in unfamiliar terrain and draw up a route of movement in almost any settlement on the globe.

Features of Google.Maps

  • Quickly build routes, taking into account the situation on the road. When obstacles appear - traffic jams, accidents, etc., the route is automatically rebuilt. Automatic selection the least loaded lane.
  • dynamic POIs.
  • The ability to quickly obtain information about objects of interest on the ground, for example, catering points. Information about the latter may include user ratings, interior photos, reviews, opening hours, prices, menus, etc.
  • Possibility to leave reviews about visited places.
  • Always up-to-date data on public transport routes.
  • Unique feature: displaying the interior layouts of large public buildings: shopping centers, stations, airports and stadiums, which helps visitors not to get lost in them.
  • Description of more than 100 million objects worldwide, as well as more than 220 regions and countries.

Travelers appreciate google maps primarily for simplicity, accessibility and convenience. And many called strange experiments of developers, such as integrating the Pac-Man game into the program, which only distracts the driver while driving and does not carry anything useful, as shortcomings, or rather, excesses.

Without exception, all navigators have one main function - they help the driver to plot the route to the destination in advance. An indispensable assistant of each car owner finds the shortest route, due to which it warns of a decrease in speed, in addition, if necessary, the gadget makes hints during the trip. However, the navigator is just electronic device, capable of finding the shortest path, which will not always be the fastest and most optimal. IN Lately The newest units have appeared on the world market that are capable of transmitting to the car owner information about congestion and traffic jams on the laid route in real time. For example, a navigator with Yandex traffic jams adjusts the route while driving, taking into account traffic jams and the speed of other cars. Buying a navigator that could really assess the condition of the roads for traffic jams will help a person who values ​​time and his nerves.

The device can show not only a map, but also the best route, taking into account various factors

Which gadget with plugs is better than the rest?

So, let's figure out how to get relevant information for a car enthusiast to mobile gadget. Data indicating the congestion of the road surface on this moment, come to the navigator thanks to the GPRS channel. It is this property that allows us to divide navigators with traffic jams into two conditional groups:

  • In the first case, information from the Internet comes through mobile phone, which has Bluetooth enabled;
  • the second group of devices is equipped with a bundled GPRS modem and a special slot for a SIM card.

The second group rightfully deserves more attention of car owners: the units included in it do not need to be additional devices, in particular cellular, the absence of a Bluetooth contact does not affect , in addition, there is no need to do mass additional actions to connect all gadgets. Consider and compare in more detail the devices of the second group. In fairness, it should be said that navigators that require a mobile phone are much cheaper, on average by one to two thousand rubles.

The most optimal models

For comparison, we settled on the following four models, which are able to receive the title of " the best navigator with Yandex traffic jams":

  • JJ-Connect AutoNavigator 4100w Traffic;
  • NaviSpace NS 1200 Discovery;
  • Treelogic TL-5005GF AV;
  • xDevice microMAP Monza DeLuxe.

The listed devices, excluding the last, are equipped with such software, like Navitel Navigator, in which maps of the Russian Federation are loaded. As for xDevice, it is initially installed separate system CityGuide, which was created for car owners in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Device Rating

Which better navigator with traffic jams, will help to find out specifications the devices in question.

JJ-Connect Autonavigator

JJ-Connect Autonavigator has:

  • screen size 4.3 inches;
  • memory 128 MB;
  • size L×W×T - 125×81×19 mm;
  • resolution 480×272;
  • microSD support.

NaviSpace NS 1200 Discovery

The "bold" plus of Treelogic is big size screen, but this is not all of its advantages. The gadget has at least high performance than NaviSpace, and nice appearance.

As for the xDevice, first of all, it is worth mentioning its high-quality assembly, a nice and pleasant to the touch case with a rubber coating, the speed of finding all the satellites and instant routing, created taking into account the existing traffic jams. It contains the CityGuide system, which will be especially useful for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

JJ-Connect has good characteristics, although it is slightly inferior to the above devices in terms of the number of purchased models. The unit copes well with the obligations assigned to it and has an affordable price.

Let's compare the presented indicators and make our own rating:

  1. We put xDevice in the first place, which is due to the build quality and the presence of CityGuide.
  2. The second position will be occupied by Treelogic - excellent technical properties and adequate cost.
  3. In third place is NaviSpace, high price didn't let him go up.
  4. The remaining fourth place is occupied by JJ-Connect.


Without modern gadgets many car owners already simply do not understand their lives: such indispensable device, as a navigator with traffic jams without the Internet, will allow the car enthusiast to learn about the upcoming route through the built-in module. In addition to saving time, a person who can “see” the presence of traffic jams in advance will save his nerves, which could be spent on spending time in a traffic jam.

Providing the driver with up-to-date information about the state of road traffic is very necessary and useful device. Several companies are engaged in the production and sale of such devices at the same time. Which product do you prefer?

In order to establish which navigator is better, comparative tests of 3 navigators were carried out. It is curious that the devices were compared not only with each other, but also with a conventional geographical map printed on paper.

How was the test organized?

On the day of testing, 4 left from one point Vehicle but. Three of them were equipped with different navigators, and the 4th driver, who was the most experienced, used a regular map instead of a navigator. The first 3 cars used the following navigators:

  • "Yandex traffic jams".
  • CityGuide.
  • "Navitel".

What results did Navitel show?

The test results of this navigator disappointed the drivers. After the car reached the third intersection, the electronics in question suggested turning onto parallel section roadbed, despite the fact that the movement along the initially chosen route was not complicated by traffic jams or other similar factors.

Drivers already at this stage were able to suggest that the path proposed by the navigator would turn out to be longer than the one that was supposed to be taken initially. Practice has shown that the assumptions turned out to be correct, and Navitel could not compete even with regular card not to mention the other gadgets tested.

It is worth noting that the considered failure did not occur immediately and before it the navigator showed itself quite worthy. The suggestion to leave the original chosen road could be justified by the need to bypass the traffic jam, if such a detour did not lead the car to an even busier highway, the queue on which turned out to be simply huge and a large number of time was wasted. The next traffic jam, in which the first car had to become a participant, was even more ambitious. checking the correctness of the settings did not justify such significant oversights, all the settings were entered correctly.


CityGuide did an excellent job with the first 2 sections of the journey, always providing correct and actionable recommendations. During the third period of the test, the navigator failed a little. The fact is that the system offered to make a congress in any direction, considering many options for this.

Such abundance confuses the driver and makes him nervous. In addition, when the car reached the next traffic light showing red, there were 6 vehicles in front of it and the electronics again offered to continue driving in a roundabout way, which was not logical from the point of view of logic.

In spite of minor flaws navigator "City Guide", such a system proved to be excellent during practical tests.

"Yandex maps"

Such a navigation system has a double name "Garmin Yandex Maps". The Garmin caused immediate criticism because it did not display the names of some of the streets adjacent to the route. If you do not take into account this shortcoming, then we can talk about a clear and consistent operation of the system.

In case of traffic jams on a certain section of the route, the system creates and displays possible ways bypassing a difficult area. In most cases, there are several such options, the driver can choose the one that seems to him the most optimal. In cases where problem situation develops at a traffic light, "Yandex-maps" strongly recommends not to change the route, adhering to the path that was chosen at the beginning.

The ability to receive a signal via RDS was also tested and proved to be excellent. The only drawback of the considered device was identified at the beginning, when it was necessary to wait for the signal to arrive at the device for more than 10 minutes.

Which navigator performed better?

The driver moving in accordance with paper card, said that it is useful in the absence of traffic jams, but knowing the route in combination with the map does not help to avoid traffic jams. Talking about the results of the competition between electronic gadgets it is worth noting that these results were very ambiguous. The significant advantage of Yandex-map over other devices is obvious, but such a device is most convenient in cases where traffic jams are very large. if the traffic situation allows you to bypass traffic jams, then Yandex Maps will quickly and correctly tell you exactly how to do this.

What is the value of the considered cards?

Everyone will be able to download the reviewed maps for their smartphone by paying for it:

  • CityGuide - at least 800 rubles for a map of Moscow and the Moscow Region and at least 2390 rubles for a map of Russia, some neighboring countries and Finland.
  • Maps from "Navitel" are somewhat cheaper. In order to download a map of Moscow and the Moscow region, you will have to pay 700 rubles, and about 2,700 rubles for a map of Russia and Eastern Europe.
  • Navigators from "Garmin" were the most expensive. The cheapest gadget from this company can cost the driver 6,000 rubles, and the most popular and sought-after add-ons will cost at least 20,000 rubles.

It is also worth considering that information about traffic jams and problems on various sections of the road is provided to the driver free of charge, but its transfer (provided that we are talking about CityGuide or Navitel) is carried out through mobile internet, which is a paid service. Based on the amount of traffic that will need to be transmitted, you can calculate how much the use of such navigators will result in. Depending on which operator mobile communications provides the appropriate service, you will have to spend up to 300 rubles per month for such expenses.

What is a navigator for?

A GPS navigator is an electronic device that can determine your current location, display it on a map, and plan your route.

Absolutely all navigators are able to lay the shortest route, taking into account road signs, and then give you voice prompts along the way. But it's no secret that not always the shortest path is also the fastest. That is why more and more navigators began to appear on the market, which have the ability to receive information about traffic jams in real time and adjust the route, taking into account the speeds of cars in the city. - a thing indispensable for a person who values ​​his time and nerves.

So what is he "good" navigator?
We will try to talk about what you need to pay attention to when choosing the right assistant.

Choosing a device for navigation

Answer a few questions for yourself and it will be easier for you to navigate the choice of a navigator.

1. Let's define the sequence:

a) The SIM card is inserted into the navigator
b) Mobile phone is connected to the navigator via Bluetooth
c) Via TMC (RDS channel on FM frequency)

a) 3.5 inches (diagonal 8.9 cm)
b) 4.3 inches (diagonal 11cm)
c) 5 or 6 inches (diagonal 13 cm or more)
d) 7 inches or more

3. Navigator screen resolution:

a) Standard (480x272 pixels)
b) HD (800x480 pixels)

4. Additional functions:

a) Bluetooth headset ( Speakerphone)
b) FM transmitter
c) Ability to connect a rear view camera
d) WiFi, etc.

Now let's decipher all four of the above points.

How is it more convenient for you to receive information about traffic jams?

As you already understood, navigators can receive traffic jams in different ways.

Basically, this process takes place over the Internet. That is, on a certain server, data about the current road conditions, traffic jams and road works, and your navigator promptly pumps them up and displays them on the map.

a) There are navigators with a built-in GPRS module, i.e. The SIM card is inserted directly into the navigator. Therefore, you can buy a separate SIM card, choosing a favorable tariff, and use traffic jams without extra settings and connections. In most cases, the same SIM card can be used for making calls, sending SMS messages and accessing the Internet from a navigator.

b) Traffic jams are received by connecting a mobile phone to the navigator via Bluetooth. That is, your phone or communicator acts as a modem. In such navigators, Bluetooth can also be used to work with the navigator in headset mode. There are many more such devices, they also differ in budget cost and a wide range of additional functions.

Please note that some phone models due to Bluetooth features or operating system(Symbian, for example) can only work in headset mode.

c) Receiving traffic jams via RDS channel is possible only in Garmin navigators . IN Charger, which is included in the kit or purchased separately, a special TMC receiver is built in. The advantage of this method is that you do not have to pay for traffic, and information about traffic jams is available both in Russia and in Europe.

What screen size of a navigator with traffic jams is optimal for you?

Navigators differ in screen size. 4.3 inches is considered optimal and most popular. When choosing the size of the display of the navigator, consider the features of your car. The device must not block your view. Operation in navigation mode is convenient and clear on any screen. Size matters if you plan on using multimedia features.

3. Screen resolution

Basically, on navigators with an average screen size (4.3 or 5 inches) there is standard resolution screen 480x272 pixels. This is quite enough for basic tasks (navigation and multimedia). But there are also models with increased HD resolution of 800x480 pixels. This resolution makes the picture clearer and more saturated. But at the same time, image processing and the operation of the navigator require more processor and memory resources - the navigator can "slow down". If HD resolution is important to you, choose a navigator with a more powerful processor.

4. Additional functions

a) Bluetooth headset for navigator- This is enough handy feature for those who often communicate on the phone while driving. The operation scheme is simple - the phone is connected to the navigator via a wireless Bluetooth communications, turning the navigator into a hands-free car kit with touch screen control.

b) FM transmitter for navigator is a radio transmitter. It is used to transmit sound from the navigator to your car's speakers via radio waves on the FM frequency. To do this, a free wave is selected on the receiver, the same one is set on the navigator and you can enjoy your favorite songs or watch a movie (pre-loaded into the internal memory or on the navigator's memory card) using acoustic system your vehicle.

c) Ability to connect to a navigator with traffic jams rear view camera. Some navigators are equipped with an AV input, that is, you can connect a video signal source to them - for example, a rear view camera.

d) WiFi module for navigator- for advanced users and people who prefer "all in one", there are devices with a built-in WiFi module.

So, we decided on the device, the necessary functions and the method for obtaining traffic jams. Not least important is what program is installed on the navigator. Next, we will look at the most popular navigation systems for plug devices.

Choosing a navigation program

To begin with, you should answer the question: “In which regions do you travel more often?”

a) St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

b) Russia and CIS

Of the most popular navigation programs, there are four leaders:

3. iGo (Aigou)

4. Garmin (Garmin)

All programs are good, but each has its own characteristics.

This is my favorite navigation program Petersburgers. Of course, she became a favorite in the Northern capital for a reason. CityGuide is produced in St. Petersburg, and their maps Northwest region rightfully considered the most detailed. Cartographic information is free of charge and is updated quite often from the official website of the company. But in addition to the details of each house, building and letter, this program provides the most complete and up-to-date information about traffic jams on the roads of St. Petersburg. If you mainly drive around St. Petersburg and Leningrad region and want to always have up-to-date traffic information - CityGuide is what you need.

Basically, navigators have a set of maps of Russia, southern Finland, Estonia, a map of Lake Ladoga and the Eastern Gulf of Finland.

Navitel(cartography brand for navigators) is a Moscow-based cartography manufacturer, which is probably why it is more popular in the capital than in St. Petersburg. The advantage of this program is detailed map throughout Russia. It includes more than 118,000 cities and towns, and the entire road network of the country. 1550 cities and towns in Russia with detailed address plans and road network. 92 cities are detailed "down to the street". The program supports receiving traffic information and is updated free of charge via the Internet. Choose Navitel if you often travel outside your hometown.

The Navitel company has maps of Russia, Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, Finland and Kazakhstan. Also under the Navitel brand are produced car navigators, which come with the maximum set of cards available.

About the navigator with traffic jams iGo (iGo)

IGO is a beloved Hungarian navigation program. One of the first to start working in 3D mode. It is mainly installed on navigators in addition to Navitel or CityGuide.

Unfortunately for Russian users iGO does not allow you to receive traffic information and plot a route based on traffic congestion.

The advantages of the program in a simple and user-friendly interface, as well as in a large set available cards. iGO has detailed maps of the following countries: Russia, Western and Eastern Europe, America (USA), Australia and Oceania, Israel, Africa, etc. iGO is updated only for a fee, but, as practice shows, updating maps of foreign countries is required every 2- 3 years.

Garmin (Garmin)

American company Garmin– is engaged in both the production of GPS equipment and the development of cartography for its devices. That is why Garmin navigators only work with their own maps. Garmin navigators are traditionally considered reliable and easy to use equipment. In many ways, this was achieved thanks to such a successful tandem.

The policy of the manufacturing company is such that the navigator must be, first of all, a navigator. Therefore, Garmin equipment is equipped with all navigation functions, but it will not work to watch a movie on it or access the Internet.

Harmine traffic jams in Russia appeared relatively recently (2008-2009) and are received via radio waves. A special TMC receiver is built into the charger of the navigator, which receives information about traffic on the roads of Russia and Europe in RDS format. Please note that this receiver is included only with navigators with the letter “T” at the end of the model name ( , ). In other cases, it must be purchased separately. Thanks to this method, you do not pay for transmitting and receiving data, but the cost of the receiver is equal to the annual budget for using a navigator with a SIM card.

Upon purchase, a map of Russia, Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus is installed on the device. Maps of other countries are purchased separately.

On the Garmin navigator, you can easily put a map of almost any part of the world. Therefore, we recommend buying Garmin to people who often travel both in Russia and abroad.

So, now you know the main differences and features car GPS navigators with traffic jams and programs for them, and you can choose a device that suits you.

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