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  • Automated information system for accounting and repair of technical means. Instructions for the user of the federal state information system for accounting for information systems created and acquired at the expense of the federal budget and the budget

Automated information system for accounting and repair of technical means. Instructions for the user of the federal state information system for accounting for information systems created and acquired at the expense of the federal budget and the budget

Any economic object - an enterprise, organization, firm, the production, economic and financial activities of which is the object of knowledge and reflection of accounting - is a complex, dynamic and manageable system.

System- this is an ordered set of heterogeneous elements or parts that interact with each other and with the external environment, combined into a single whole and functioning in the interests of achieving a common goal / goals.

An economic object, as a controlled system, includes an object and a subject of management.

Control object An economic object is a production team that performs a set of works aimed at achieving certain goals, and has material, financial and other types of resources for this. Subject, or control system, economic object forms the goals of its functioning and monitors their implementation.

Management is based on information. In the management process, the necessary information is recorded, transmitted, stored, accumulated and processed. The complex of these procedures is information process management. Information in this process is considered both as an object (initial information) and as a product of labor (resulting information) of the management system. The initial, primary information is transformed into the result, suitable for the formation of management decisions. Therefore, the information process is part of management activities.

For the organization and implementation of the information process, appropriate means and methods of information processing are required, as well as personnel capable of performing the procedures of the information process.

Information, an interconnected set of means and methods for its processing, and personnel implementing the information process form information system (IS). Its purpose is to transform the initial information into the result, suitable for making managerial decisions. Economic Information System (EIS) deals primarily with economic information. Any economic object has an economic information system.

Information process procedures can be performed in IS manually and using various technical means: computers, telecommunications, peripheral and organizational and technical means. Computers and related software are radically changing the way we process information. Therefore, they distinguish non-automated And automated Information Systems.

In non-automated information systems, all information processing operations are performed by management employees themselves without the use of technical means of information processing. In automated information systems (AIS), a significant part of the routine operations of the information process is carried out by special methods using technical means, without or with minimal human intervention.

Automated Information System (AIS) is a system in which the management information process is automated through the use of special data processing methods using a complex of computing, communication and other technical means in order to obtain and deliver result information to a specialist user to perform the management functions assigned to him.

Note that in the modern concept, the term "information systems" implies the automation of information processes. Therefore, both terms are used interchangeably. But it should be remembered that information systems can also use non-automated information processing technology.

One of the most important places in the information systems of enterprises is the function of accounting. To perform the full functions of accounting in enterprise management and to prepare reports provided to external users, it is necessary to collect, register, transfer, accumulate, store and process accounting data. To implement this information process, appropriate forms of work organization, technical means, methods and methods of data conversion, as well as personnel of a certain qualification are required. All this constitutes an automated accounting information system, which is an integral part of the AIS of the enterprise.

Automated accounting information system (AIS-BU) is a system in which the accounting information process is automated through the use of special data processing methods using a complex of computing, communication and other technical means in order to obtain and deliver the information necessary for accounting specialists to perform managerial and financial accounting functions.

Compared with the definition of AIS, the subject area is limited here, which is accounting as a function of enterprise management.

AIS-BU as an integral part of AIS contains three main components:

  • information as a subject and product of labor;
  • means, methods and ways of processing information;
  • Personnel that implements the accounting information process using the available information processing tools.

AIS-BU is characterized by developed internal and external information links. Internal information links exist between tasks within individual complexes, as well as between the complexes themselves. Thus, the task of identifying deviations from standard costs for materials, which is solved in the cost accounting complex, requires a preliminary solution of two other tasks of this complex: determining the standard and actual material costs for accounting objects. At the same time, information about the actual costs of production as a whole comes from the inventory accounting complex. It should be noted that the tasks of cost accounting and consolidated accounting are based on information that is the result of solving problems of complexes for accounting for fixed assets, accounting for material assets, accounting for labor and wages, etc. And the tasks of these complexes, as a rule, use the primary information of operational accounting.

External information links AIS-BU are manifested in the use of data from information systems of other departments of the enterprise, as well as external organizations. AIS-BU information links are complex and should be carefully studied and described already at the system development stage.

Complexes and the composition of their tasks, external and internal information links of tasks make up the functional model of AIS-BU.

Structure of the AIS "Accounting"

AIS "BU" has a hierarchical structure and consists of complexes of interrelated tasks:

Automated information system "Accounting"

The set of tasks contains information about qualitatively homogeneous resources of the enterprise. The set of tasks is characterized by a certain economic content, the achievement of a specific goal, which the function of this accounting area should provide, and the maintenance of certain synthetic accounts. Each complex includes a certain set of accounting tasks, each task, in turn, can consist of several subtasks, which are characterized by logically interconnected output documents obtained on the basis of a single information base. Each task or subtask is an element of the system and at the same time has an independent value. For each task, the composition, structure, data presentation form, solution algorithms, mode, deadlines, output frequency are determined. The tasks of the complex have complex internal and external information links. Internal links reflect the information interaction of individual subtasks, tasks, task complexes within the AIS BU, external - interaction with other functional subsystems of the enterprise. When designing IS BU, the relative independence of task complexes is important, which allows them to be developed and implemented in parallel (UCM, UOS, UTZP). The design of individual subtasks simplifies the adaptation of the system to the conditions of a particular enterprise. When creating computer accounting systems, the study of AIS BU information links is of particular importance. The establishment of such links is necessary to determine the overall architecture of the computer network, to identify the most optimal ways of exchanging information.

A set of tasks for accounting materials


Automation of primary accounting (automated issuance of primary documents)

  • 1.1. Automated issuance of a credit note
  • 1.2. Automated issuance of the act of acceptance of materials
  • 1.3. Automated issuance of a claim-invoice
  • 1.4. Automated issuance of LZK

Accounting for materials in natural value terms by (item numbers, accounting groups, sub-accounts, accounts, documents, storage locations, MOTs, suppliers, sources of income, directions of consumption, vacations)

  • 1.1. Accounting for the receipt of materials for ...
  • 1.2. accounting for the issue of materials to the side for ...
  • 1.3. Accounting for the consumption of materials for ...
  • 1.4. accounting for the availability of materials for ...
  • 1.5. material inventory


1. General part

IT Invention Program

Total Network Inventory 2 Program

Organizational support

Information Support

Technical support

1.5 Characterization of the problem


2. Special part

Rationale for choosing a DBMS

Description of the subject area

Logic design

Physical design

Task Description

2.5 Development of AIS accounting

Problem Solving Algorithms

Using Components

Form Design


3. Economic part

Calculation of other costs

Calculation of electricity costs


4.1 Security

Analysis of working conditions

Fire safety

4.2 Environmental friendliness of the project

4.3 Measures to eliminate emergency situations



List of sources used



In the context of the progress of market relations and a competitive economy, the timely and correct solution of strategic and tactical tasks determines the viability of a company, organization.

Documented information is the basis of management, its effectiveness is largely based on the production and consumption of information. In modern society, information has become a full-fledged production resource, an important element of the social and political life of society. The quality of information determines the quality of management.

Today, when the company's success in the market is increasingly dependent on the level of production efficiency, reforming the seemingly secondary area of ​​​​maintenance and repair is an effective way to increase competitiveness. Modern principles of maintenance organization allow to simultaneously improve its quality and reduce time and financial costs.

The organization of work with documents affects the quality of the work of the management apparatus, the organization and work culture of managerial employees. The success of management activities as a whole depends on how professionally the documentation is maintained.

World practice shows that when deciding on the implementation of electronic document management systems (EDMS), organizations are driven by three factors: the desire to increase their efficiency, optimize business processes and ensure compliance with legal requirements. The relevance of the transition to electronic document management of Russian companies is largely fueled by the law "On Personal Data" (No. 152-FZ), which has come into force, which imposes serious requirements on the storage, collection, transfer and processing of customer data. The increase in the volume of stored information and the need to ensure its reliable protection make the choice of companies in favor of information systems even more obvious.

The object of study of this thesis project is the bank. Each bank employee, whether it is a cashier, manager, operator or accountant, has his own workplace with a personal computer. Accordingly, his work directly depends on the technical condition of his computer. The importance of carrying out timely preventive maintenance with a PC, its repair or replacement of components with more modern ones that meet the requirements of developing information technologies is undeniable. Lack of timely service can result in the stoppage of the institution. And for an institution like a bank, this is unprofitable and unacceptable.

Thus, the problem of creating and implementing an accounting system for computer and office equipment at the JSCB NMB OJSC is relevant.

The aim of the work is to create an automated information system for accounting for equipment at the JSCB NMB JSC using modern computer tools.

1. General part

1.1 Theoretical foundations for building AIS accounting

Building an automated accounting information system is a laborious process, for the implementation of which it is necessary to go through several stages.

The whole process of designing an information system can be divided into 7 stages:

Formulation of the goal, assessment of feasibility, coordination of the terms of reference. In the terms of reference, the structure, navigation, functionality, design requirements and even the format for providing initial data should be worked out in detail, as well as a list of software modules that need to be developed.

Choice of a solution. The same stage is the search and selection of the optimal path for solving a specific problem.

Determination of the structure of the system, the choice of technical means. At this stage, there is a choice of those means on the basis and with the help of which an automated information system will be implemented. These tools should be selected on the basis of their cost-effectiveness and compatibility with customer requirements.

Analysis and optimization. The resulting system is tested for its operability, availability of the developed interface and compliance with customer requirements. If necessary, the system is optimized.

Development of technical documentation. Stage 5 is called technical design, while detailed development of circuit, design and technological solutions is carried out.

base information system accounting

6. Implementation. During the commissioning process, the system designer receives information that allows him to make the necessary changes in order to bring the system parameters to the specified values.

Exploitation. In general, system design is a complex multi-step process that requires the direct participation of specialists of various qualifications.

The project manager manages the development, determining both the technical direction as a whole and individual technical solutions.

Access to data in information systems is possible from client software and other specific systems can be organized at various levels - from client software and transport protocols to protecting database servers.

There is the most general architecture, according to which it is divided into several logical layers, data processing levels. Applications, as you know, are designed to process information, and here we can distinguish three of their main functions:

data representation (user level). Here, application users can view the necessary data, send a request for execution, enter new data into the system or edit it;

data processing (intermediate level, middleware). At this level, the business logic of the application is concentrated, data flows are managed, and the interaction of application parts is organized. It is the concentration of all data processing and control functions at one level that is considered the main advantage of distributed applications;

data storage (data layer). This is the level of database servers. The servers themselves, databases, data access tools, and various auxiliary tools are located here.

Each level can be further divided into several sublevels. For example, the user level can be broken down into the actual user interface and rules for validating and processing input.

Of course, if we take into account the possibility of splitting into sublevels, then any information system can be entered into a three-level architecture. But here it is impossible not to take into account another characteristic feature inherent in information systems - this is data management. The importance of this feature is obvious, since it is very difficult to create a real working information system (with all client stations, middleware, database servers, etc.) that would not manage its requests and responses. Therefore, a distributed application must have one more logical level - data management layer.

Thus, four main levels can be distinguished:

data presentation (user level);

business logic rules (data processing layer);

data management (data management layer);

data storage (data storage layer).

Three of the four levels, excluding the first, are directly involved in data processing, and the data presentation level allows you to visualize and edit them. Using this layer, users receive data from the data processing layer, which, in turn, retrieves information from storages and performs all necessary data transformations. When new information is entered or existing information is edited, the data flows in the opposite direction: from the user interface through the business rules layer in the store.

Another layer - data management - stands aside from the main data flow, but it ensures the smooth functioning of the entire system by managing requests and responses and the interaction of parts of the application.

1.2 Overview of notable developments

Various developments of systems for accounting for computer equipment and office equipment will be considered below.

IT Invention Program

The IT Invent program allows you to keep an inventory of computers, software, components, consumables and household inventory. Accounting is maintained within organizations and their branches. The database used is Microsoft Access or MS SQL Server. The program allows you to access the necessary parameters and track the changes made to each accounting configuration item. Using the IT Invent program, you can easily track all the main stages of the life of IT equipment in an organization: purchase, receipt at the warehouse, installation, relocation, maintenance and decommissioning. The presence of the inventory module allows for manual inventory of equipment using a barcode scanner.

With centralized information, IT Invent enables accounting staff and department heads to plan replacements, repairs, maintenance and write-offs of equipment. There is a clear distribution of access rights in the system, which makes it possible to distribute work between employees of different departments. If the computers are connected to a local network, then the program allows you to work with a single database located on the server.

Key features of the program:

support for MS Access database and MS SQL Server;

multi-user mode of operation - all branches work with a single database;

the ability to create and configure your own additional properties of various types;

accounting of orders to suppliers for all types of accounting units;

accounting for the performance of work of any kind within the organization;

a unique system for creating and printing inventory labels. Support for barcode printers;

support for working with a barcode scanner. Search for records in the database by barcode;

inventory module with automatic processing of results;

keeping a history of changes in key fields of accounting objects;

accounting for repairs and preventive maintenance of equipment and computers;

logical linking of programs and components with equipment;

accounting of consumables, component parts, office supplies;

accounting for inventory and household supplies;

assigning accounting units to employees of the organization. Transfer and acceptance acts;

maintaining a database of suppliers, service organizations and other contractors;

flexible differentiation of access rights for system users;

setting up E-Mail notifications on user actions in the program;

a large number of built-in printables and reports with the ability to edit them;

import and view data directly from Active Directory;

data import from Excel/CSV files. The IT Invent program allows you to keep an inventory of computers and equipment, printers, office equipment, software, components, consumables and any other equipment, as well as furniture and other inventory.

The appearance of the program is shown in Figure 1.1.

Interface of "IT Invent" program

Total Network Inventory Program<> 2

Total Network Inventory 2 (TNI 2) is an inventory program for computers, office equipment and network equipment.

The main functions of the program are:

network scanning.Scanning computers based on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux is available only to the system administrator. You can scan individual hosts, ranges of network addresses, or the Active Directory structure.

computer accounting.In the centralized database of the system, information about one computer occupies only a few tens of kilobytes. It is possible to group devices, add comments to them and attach additional information.

generation of reports.It is possible to generate flexible reports for different categories of data: you can build tabular reports using many fields of the TNI 2 data model. Reports can be copied, exported and printed.

accounting for software and licenses.Administrators have a list of all applications found by the program on the network. Thus, you can determine the number of copies of the application and get a list of computers on which it is installed. It is also possible to filter and group information by software.

scan scheduler. Automating data collection involves creating one-time pending tasks or a schedule for periodically scanning computers. You can schedule network scans to keep up to date with the latest information.

storage of information about users.It is possible to enter into the database of computer users, passwords for different devices and protocols. You can monitor the online status of devices in real time.

An example of the working window of the system is shown in Figure 1.2.

Program 10-Strike: Computer Inventory

10-Strike: Computer Inventory is a program for inventorying computers in local networks that allows network administrators to create and maintain a database of computers, components, programs and licenses. It is possible to view and monitor the configuration of remote computers over the network, keep records of hardware and software on them.

By collecting information in the inventory database, the administrator will be able to find out the types of installed processors, the amount of RAM, the types and sizes of hard drives, get information about disk partitions, CD / DVD drives, used USB drives, video cards, printers, installed OS, applications and used serial numbers, startup shortcuts, and so on. Using this program, you can keep track of almost all hardware and software used by network computers.

Example of a working window of the system

The appearance of the program is shown in Figure 1.3.

Purpose of the program:

1. Inventory and audit of installed programs and licenses . Output reports on the presence of certain programs and their number on computers. You can create a report on operating system versions, on installed updates and patches, on the presence of installed codecs, or on the presence of certain programs in startup. The program supports notification of changes in the list of installed programs by email.

2. Inventory and accounting of hardware . Output reports on installed hardware on network computers. The function allows you to track changes in computer configurations. For example, you can find out which computers have run out of memory, where external drives or flash drives have been connected. You can also monitor the status of hard drives using S.M.A.R.T. The program supports notification of changes in hardware by e-mail.

. Preparing and planning computer upgrades . Output a report containing computers with insufficient disk or RAM (for example, all computers with RAM less than 512 MB). Similarly, you can create tables of computers with certain models of processors, video adapters, or printers.

4. Create reports on hardware and software . The program contains a powerful report generator with which you can create almost any reports on the software and hardware of an organization's computer fleet. The program contains more than 40 templates of the most popular reports. In addition to them, you can create your own templates to quickly create reports on hardware and software.

5. Export data to an external database . Export allows you to load data into the DBMS for detailed analysis, backup, or integration with other automated control systems. The program supports export to the following DBMS: MS SQL, MS Access, Postgre, Linter.

Advantages and benefits of the program:

1.When using WMI to collect information from computers and conduct an inventory, the program is installed only on the administrator's computer and does not require installation of programs on users' computers.

If for some reason it is impossible to use WMI on the network (security policy or Windows Home versions), our program supports two more alternative ways to collect information from computers. In particular, it is possible to enter data into the computer inventory database even from a PC without a network. And in this case, you do not need to purchase additional programs to collect inventory information from computers.

"10-Strike: Computer Inventory" contains a powerful report generator that allows you to create reports in various formats, both for individual computers and for several at once. The inventory data groups included in the report are configurable.

The mechanism for creating summary tables of computer configurations makes it easy to compare computer hardware and plan upgrades. Using filters, you can create a report on computers with insufficient memory, keep track of hardware, and search for and count specific programs on computers.

The program detects changes in the hardware and software of computers and can notify you about this by e-mail, sound, message on the screen or logging. The list of controlled parameters is configurable.

With the help of the program "10-Strike: Computer Inventory" you will be able to quickly trace the cases of substitution or loss of equipment, installation of unlicensed software, removal of necessary programs and installation of new programs by network users.

Hardware Inspector 5.7

Hardware Inspector- a program for inventorying computers and office equipment, accounting for consumables, software licenses, applications from users, network crossing and automation of the activities of IT department employees. Inspector allows you to always be aware of all the information about your computer park, receive various reports, plan maintenance, repair and upgrade. Inspector performs the following tasks:

automation of inventory accounting of computer equipment and components, with the ability to store the entire history of movements and maintenance;

protection of computers and components from theft and substitution due to the mechanism of revision of workplaces;

the implementation of detailed control over the configuration parameters of the computer, providing freedom and efficiency in planning, upgrading and redistributing devices;

automation of reporting to material accounting.

Program features:

Accounting for individual components, and not just a description of the parameters of workstations and the current state of computer parameters.

A passport is issued for each device, which reflects information about its purchase, technical parameters, the history of its movement to workplaces and maintenance.

Tracking the history of moving devices, their repair, prevention and inventory.

Possibility not only to manually enter data, but also to import information from reports of computer configuration analysis programs AIDA, EVEREST, ASTRA and ASTRA32.

Accounting for software licenses.

A passport is created for each license, which reflects information about its purchase, parameters, and the history of its movement through the workplace.

Accounting for applications from users. Inspector provides storage of the history of messages in the application, attached files, and more. Possibility of joint work with the web interface.

Device inventory using barcodes.

The inventory mechanism using barcodes shows the actual presence of devices in the workplace.

Flexible data access control.

An extensive list of access rights to functions and data allows you to very flexibly customize the capabilities of each database operator.

Powerful mechanisms for searching for devices, licenses and more.

Large set of customizable reports, export to various formats.

Support for multi-user work with the database in the network.

One license for the program allows you to make installations without restrictions.

In the new version:

Implemented import/export of personal settings.

The "Do not send notifications" attribute has been added to the "Add application" and "Edit application" forms.

Changes in the tool "Audit jobs".

Implemented logging of the history of changes in the database at the level of individual attributes.

Added report "Financial report".

Ability to enter arbitrary names of network ports.

Proportional resizing of floor plans.

Other changes.

A total of 34 new features, 39 changes, and all known bugs fixed.

Network Inventory Advisor

Network Inventory Advisor is a program for inventorying hardware in a local area network.

The appearance of the program window is shown in Figure 1.4.

The main function of this program is the accounting of equipment in the network. A hardware inventory is performed to obtain up-to-date data on the hardware of each computer on the network. This information is necessary when replacing old components with new ones, decommissioning equipment or adding new jobs to the network.

After installing the program and starting the scan, the program will collect detailed information on each computer on the network. All necessary data for conducting a hardware inventory will be provided, such as:



disk devices, partitions


video cards

sound cardsinformation/DVD drives

network configuration, protocols


connected USB flash devices

Other devices

Interface of the program "10-Strike"

The main advantage when working with the program is the convenience of working with the received data. The entire array of hardware inventory data is placed in the corresponding fields of the program interface. The data can be viewed both for each computer separately, and to get a summary picture for the entire network as a whole.

The program allows you to export and is able to generate special customized reports. The collected hardware information can be exported to the desired format (html, CSV, TSV, SQL or XML) for further analysis or grouping into a database. If necessary, you can print any of the reports.

1.3 Characteristics of the informatization object

The Bank carries out the following banking operations in rubles and foreign currency:

attracting funds from individuals in demand deposits and for a specified period;

lending to individuals;

opening and maintaining bank accounts of clients - individuals;

implementation of money transfers on behalf of individuals on their bank accounts;

servicing individuals using plastic cards of the Zolotaya Korona, EuroCard/MasterCard, VISA systems;

purchase and sale of foreign currency in cash and non-cash forms;

implementation of money transfers on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts.

Work with the bank's clients is carried out with the obligatory use of computer equipment and office equipment.

1.4 Description of the prototype system by type of support

Organizational support

Bank JSCB NMB OJSC includes departments that have different functions. Department list:


Credit Department;

Credit department for servicing legal entities;

Credit department for servicing individuals;

Department of economic security and cash collection;

Economic Security Service;

Department of collection;

Currency department;

Operations department;

Manadgement Department;

Human Resources Department;

Retail Operations Department;

Department of automation of retail operations;

Department of Deposit Operations;

Department for work with plastic cards;

Securities Department;

Information Technology Department;

Software Department;

Technical Support Department;

Investment department;

Department of cash operations;

Department of financial monitoring.

Figure 1.5 shows the organizational structure of JSCB NMB OJSC.

The departments involved in the maintenance of computer equipment and office equipment of the bank are highlighted in the figure in color. At the same time, the computer equipment of ATMs in terms of technical and software is maintained by the retail operations automation department, and computers and office equipment at the workplaces of bank employees are serviced by information technology departments: the technical support department is responsible for the performance of the technical component, the software department is responsible for the software component.

The total staff of the bank, including additional offices, is about 500 people, while almost everyone has a computer in their workplace. Thus, 90% of all employees are equipped with automated workstations - a PC with an operating system installed on it and the necessary software.

In addition to the workplaces of bank employees, ATMs located in Novokuznetsk and other cities of the Kemerovo region are also equipped with computers.

ATMs of JSCB NMB OJSC are located in all districts of Novokuznetsk:

central District

Zavodskoy district

Novoilinsky district

Kuibyshevsky district

Kuznetsk district

Ordzhonikidzevsky district

Other cities that also have ATMs of this bank:


aspen forests;







A complete list of ATMs and cash desks of JSCB NMB OJSC with addresses is given in Appendix 1.

Organizational structure of JSCB NMB OJSC

Information Support

Information about all equipment is on paper and partially in MS Excel files. Periodically, an IT specialist reviews the list of all equipment and compares it with the information he has about the latest preventive work on it.

After that, he decides which equipment requires the next preventive maintenance (purging, cleaning, replacing the cartridge, replacing the battery).

As the work progresses, performers should note the fact that work has been carried out for subsequent analysis.

In the current situation, it is difficult to exchange information between IT specialists serving different departments of the bank. In the case of substitution of one specialist by another, it is necessary to exchange files by e-mail or via electronic media, call up, specify the type and composition of computer equipment, and agree on the need for work.

It is necessary to write an application that would provide functionality for recording all the necessary information on computer technology. It is also necessary to build an interface that simplifies the search for the necessary piece of equipment and all information on it.

This system has the following input information flows:

information about all equipment of the enterprise;

information about bank departments and their premises (offices);

data on the relationships between different pieces of equipment;

data on bank employees - users of computer equipment;

problems and failures of equipment, as well as applications for new equipment.

Output information flows include:

reports on the timing of maintenance work or the need to update the software;

about all workstations of the bank grouped by location;

reports on morally and physically obsolete equipment requiring replacement.

Figure 1.6 shows a diagram of information flows during the prevention of computer equipment.

Scheme of information flows during the prevention of computer equipment

Figure 1.7 shows a diagram of information flows during the repair of computer equipment.

Technical support

A typical technical complex on the user's side is a PC with the following characteristics:

video adapter and SuperVGA monitor with a resolution of at least 1024×768, 256 colors;

processor P4 3 GHz;


hard disk capacity 80 GB;

a network card through which the PC is connected to the banking corporate network.

Scheme of information flows during the repair of computer equipment

A typical technical complex on the server side should have the following equipment:

processor with a clock frequency of at least 3 GHz;

RAM with at least 2 GB;

IDE, IDE RAID, or SCSI RAID disk controller;

at least 240 GB of free hard disk space;

video adapter and SuperVGA monitor with a resolution of 1024×768, 256 colors;

Ethernet network adapter at least 100 Mbps.

Software and algorithmic support

Software - a set of models, algorithms and programs for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the information system, as well as the normal functioning of the complex of technical means.

Software at each workstation of the user of the accounting system:

OS Windows XP SP3;

Dr. antivirus web;

Office suite of applications Microsoft Office 2007;

WinRar archiver;

Adobe Acrobat Reader;bank is an integrated banking system for automating the operational, accounting, and management activities of a bank (accounting for banking and cash transactions, processing payment documents, generating documents, monitoring transactions on customer accounts), based on Oracle DBMS.

At present, for the accounting of equipment, paper carriers are mainly used. Periodically, information is entered in Excel tables to compile a report at a certain point in time.

Reports on the list of computer equipment at workplaces and installed in ATMs are compiled manually by employees of the retail operations automation department and the information technology department using Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word office programs.

1.5 Characterization of the problem

In the current equipment accounting system, information is stored in handwritten form, and partly in the form of scattered Excel and Word files. Files and records are stored separately for each employee

The existing equipment accounting scheme is chaotic, the form and structure of files are not unified. Thus, the current accounting system is not able to fully cope with the volume of work that exists at the present time. Paper accounting and file accounting in the form that is currently in effect at JSCB NMB OJSC leads to the following problems:

inevitable loss of documents;

getting documents to a third party;

the accumulation of many documents, the purpose and source of which are unclear;

redundancy of workflow, a large loss of time for processing incoming and outgoing information, internal documents, for familiarization with documents, for preparing reports;

inconsistency of the decisions made, the inability to ensure the rapid transfer of source documents and information to decision-makers;

lack of control of executors, the impossibility of bringing instructions to specific executors in a short time;

the impossibility of establishing the history of equipment operation;

non-production costs of working time to search for the necessary information;

excess paper and copying costs to create multiple copies of the same document;

untimely preventive and repair work, which leads to premature failure of computer and office equipment. The failure of equipment entails a decrease in the productivity of bank employees and a decrease in the number of automated retail transactions through ATMs and cash desks.


In the general part of the graduation project, the theoretical foundations for building accounting systems were outlined.

In the "Review of well-known developments" section, well-known similar developments - computer equipment accounting programs were considered, their functionality was briefly described and illustrations of their interface were given. The prototype system is described with all types of support: organizational, informational, technical and software-algorithmic.

At the end of the general part, the problem on this object was formulated. The existing accounting system for computer and office equipment of the bank is formed by information on paper and partially in MS Excel files. Periodically, an IT specialist reviews the list of all equipment and compares it with the information he has about the latest preventive work on it.

Doing the same data retrieval job by different people reduces the overall productivity of the information technology department and the retail automation department. And the manual execution of data analysis operations exposes the existing accounting system to frequent errors. This, in turn, leads to untimely preventive and repair work. A premature and unexpected failure of computer or office equipment reduces the productivity of bank employees.

In this regard, there is a need to create an automated information system for accounting for computer and office equipment of JSCB NMB OJSC.

2. Special part

2.1 Statement of the database design problem

Data flows characterizing the object of informatization research.

Methodology for building a relational database.


Restriction: to provide standard forms of application for computer equipment in the database.

Criterion: average time spent searching for and issuing information on one request:

where is the average time spent searching for information,

Average time spent on issuing information.


2.2 Database design

For the accounting system being designed, all data must be entered into the MySQL database, the data of which can be managed using SQL queries.

Rationale for choosing a DBMS

MySQL was chosen as the database, as it is widely used without size restrictions and at the same time fast enough.

From a program's point of view, the MySQL database is a well-organized set of named tables. Each table is an array (possibly very large) of homogeneous elements, which some programmers call records. In principle, a record is an indivisible unit of information in the database, although upon request it is possible to receive not all of it, but only some part of it.

A record can contain one or more named fields. The number and names of the fields are set when the table is created. Each field has a specific type.

You can always add a new entry to the table. Another operation that is often performed on a record (or rather, a table) is a lookup. For example, a search query might be: "Return all records whose first field contains a number less than 10, whose second field contains a string containing the word 'word'? and whose third field must not be zero." Some parts of the data can be extracted from these records into the program (or not extracted), and table records can also be deleted.

Usually all the mentioned operations are carried out very quickly. For example, Microsoft SQL Server can in 0.01 seconds out of 10 million records select the one in which the value of a certain field matches the desired number or string. High performance is largely due to the fact that the data is not just "dumped into a heap", but is ordered in a certain way and is always maintained in this state.

One of the most popular network DBMS - MySQL. It is designed to create small databases (no more than 100 MB), and supports a subset of SQL query languages. - a specially developed database query language standard. It contains commands such as:

Create/delete a table;

Creating records in the created table;

Search/delete records;

Update some fields of the created record.

MySQLis a server program that is constantly running on a computer. Client programs send special requests to it through the socket mechanism (that is, using network tools), it processes them and remembers the result. Then, also at the special request of the client, all or part of this result is transmitted back.

The size of the resulting data set can be too large and take too long to transmit over the network, and it is rarely necessary to get the entire query output (that is, all records that satisfy the query expression). For example, we may only need to count how many records satisfy a particular condition, or we may choose only the first 10 records from the data.

The mechanism for using sockets implies client-server technology, which means that a special program must be running in the system - MySQL - a server that receives and processes requests from programs. Since all the work is actually done on a single machine, the networking overhead is negligible (setting up and maintaining a connection to a MySQL server is pretty cheap).

The structure of MySQL is three-level: databases - tables - records. One MySQL server can support several databases at once, access to which can be limited by login and password. Knowing these login and password, you can work with a specific database. For example, you can create or delete a table in it, add records, and so on. Usually, the username and password are assigned by hosting providers who provide MySQL support for their users.

Database design steps

The database design process is a sequence of transitions from an informal verbal description of the information structure of the subject area to a formalized description of the objects of the subject area.

In general, the following design stages can be distinguished:

.Description of information objects of the subject area.

2.Designing an infological domain model is a partially formalized description of domain objects in terms of some semantic model, for example, UML.

.Logical design of the database, that is, the description of the database in terms of the accepted data logical data model.

4. Physical design of the database, that is, the choice of efficient placement of the database on external media to ensure the most efficient operation of the application.

Description of the subject area

It is required to develop a database that structurally allows storing all the necessary data on the accounting of computer and office equipment of JSCB NMB OJSC.

The database should include information about the departments of the bank and its employees in order to further assign them, as users, computer equipment. Each bank employee belongs to a specific department, which will be used to authorize users of the retail automation department and information technology departments when entering the AIS.

For the whole set of computer equipment, it is advisable to group the equipment into categories. Thus, the database should include information about the categories of computer equipment.

When a new piece of equipment appears, the maintenance personnel should be able to enter information about the new piece of equipment into the database. Thus, the database should include information about the units of accounting equipment with assignment to a certain category.

The link between bank employees and computer equipment will be an automated workstation (AWP). Also, the workstation may not be associated with an employee, but may be related to the object of automated retail operations (ATMs, cash desks), an ATM or a cash desk.

Accordingly, the database should also store information about the workstations of bank employees and about the objects of automated retail operations.

When any piece of equipment fails, as well as during its preventive maintenance or repair, it is necessary to record these events in the database. Thus, the database will store in chronological order the events related to any piece of equipment.

Infological database model

The purpose of infological modeling is to provide the most natural ways for a person to collect and present the information that is supposed to be stored in the database being created. Therefore, they try to build an infological data model by analogy with natural language (the latter cannot be used in its pure form due to the complexity of computer processing of texts and the ambiguity of any natural language). The main constructive elements of infological models are entities, relationships between them and their properties (attributes).

Before designing the structure of a database (DB), it is necessary to create an infological model of the required database, in which to assign an assignment to all entities.

To store data about the departments of the bank, you must have the "Department" entity. The department is named.

To store data about the offices of each department, you must have the "Account" entity, which is characterized by the name and department to which it belongs. The list of entity attributes is given in Table 2.1.

Attributes of the entity "Cabinet"

DepartmentNumeric reference to the key field of the "Department" entity

To store data about employee positions, you must have the "Position" entity, which has the "title" attribute. The list of entity attributes is given in Table 2.2.

Attributes of the "Position" entity

Attribute NameField TypeRestrictionKeyIntegerCountTitleTextText50 characters

To enter data about all employees of the bank into the database, the presence of the "Employee" entity is required. The entity has the following attributes: full name, department, occupied premises (office), position, address, phone number, device date, sign of dismissal, sign of access to the system (for subsequent authorization in the system).

The list of entity attributes is given in Table 2.3.

Attributes of the entity "Employee"

Attribute nameField typeRestrictionKeyIntegercounterNameText50 charactersLoginText20 charactersPasswordText20 charactersDepartmentNumerical reference to the key field of the entity "Department"Room (office) Numerical reference to the key field of the entity "Office"PositionNumerical reference to the key field of the entity "Position"AddressText50 charactersTelephone Textual50 charactersDevice Date

To store data about the categories of computer equipment used in the bank, you must have the "Category" entity. Each category has "Key", "Name", "Description" attributes. The list of entity attributes is given in Table 2.4.

Attribute nameField typeRestrictionKeyInteger counterAttribute nameField typeRestrictionNameText50 charactersDescriptionText200 characters

To store information about the types of computer equipment used, the entity "Type of equipment" must be present, which has the attributes "Key", "Name of the type or model of the device", "Category", "Manufacturer", "Order number (article)", "Price" , "Description of characteristics". The list of entity attributes is given in Table 2.5.

Attributes of the entity "Type of equipment"

Attribute nameField typeRestrictionKeyIntegercounterNameText50 charactersCategoryNumericReference to the key field of the entity "Category"ManufacturerText50 charactersOrder number (article) Text50 charactersPriceIntegerCharacteristicsText200 characters

To store data on automated workstations of bank employees, the presence of the "Workstation" entity is required. Each workstation refers to a specific user, has a name (as a rule, the same as the network name of the PC), a description. The list of entity attributes is given in Table 2.6.

Attributes of the entity "ARM"

Attribute nameField typeRestrictionKeyInteger counterNameText50 charactersUserNumericalReference to the key field of the "Employee" entity) DescriptionText200 characters

To store data about the serviced computer equipment, the presence of the "Equipment" entity is required. Each unit of serviced equipment is characterized by a name, refers to a certain type of equipment, has an inventory number, and can be part of any workstation. The list of entity attributes is given in Table 2.7.

Attributes of the entity "Equipment"

Attribute nameField typeRestrictionKeyIntegercounterNameText50 charactersDepartmentNumerical reference to the key field of the "Department" entityEquipment typeNumeric reference to the key field of the "Equipment type" entityInventory numberText20 charactersARMNumeric reference to the key field of the "ARM" entity

To store data on the delivery of equipment for repair, it is necessary to have the "Repair" entity, which has the attributes "Key", "Repair number", "Text with a problem", "Handover for repair", "Equipment", "Date of delivery for repair", "Repair end date", "Repair end sign", "Equipment non-repairability sign". The list of entity attributes is given in Table 2.8.

Attributes of the "Repair" entity

Attribute nameField typeRestrictionKeyIntegercounterRepair numberInteger1.1000000Text with a problemText300 charactersCustomer for repairNumerical reference to the key field of the "Employee"EquipmentEquipmentNumerical reference to the key field of the "Equipment" entityDate of delivery for repairDate-Date of completion of repairDate-Sign of the end of repairLogical-Sign of non-repairabilityBoolean

To store data about the types of events related to the serviced equipment, it is necessary to have the "Event type" entity. An entity has attributes "Key", "Name". For this entity, the following values ​​(types of events) should be provided:

issuance upon request;


replacement of components;


prevention (cleaning, purging).

The list of entity attributes is given in Table 2.9.

Attributes of the "Event type" entity

Attribute NameField TypeRestrictionKeyIntegerCountTitleTextText50 characters

To store data about events, you must have the "Event" entity. Events refer to a specific piece of equipment and have the date, description, event type, and the user who recorded the event in the database as attributes. The list of entity attributes is given in Table 2.10.

Attributes of the "Event" entity

Attribute nameField typeRestrictionKeyIntegercounterDateDate-Event typeNumeric reference to the key field of the "Event type" entityEquipmentNumeric reference to the key field of the "Equipment" entityDescriptionText300 charactersUserNumeric reference to the key field of the "Employee" entity

Logic design

Logical design is the creation of a database schema based on a specific data model, such as a relational data model. For a relational data model, a datalogical model is a set of relationship schemas, usually indicating primary keys, as well as "links" between relationships, which are foreign keys.

Relationships are established between entities - binary associations that show how entities relate or interact with each other. A relationship can exist between two different entities or between an entity and itself (recursive relationship). It shows how entity instances are related to each other. If a relationship is established between two entities, then it defines the relationship between instances of one and the other entity.

The following is a list of relationships between entities:

.The Device Type entity is related to the Category entity in a one-to-many relationship. Those. each device type belongs to one of many categories.

2.The Equipment entity is related to the Device Type entity in a one-to-many relationship. Those. each piece of equipment belongs to one of many device types.

.The "Equipment" entity is related to the "Workstation" entity by a one-to-many relationship. Those. each piece of equipment is part of any one of the many workstations (PC of a bank employee or an object of automated retail operations).

.The "Employee" entity is related to the "Position" entity in a one-to-many relationship. Those. Each employee has a specific position.

.The "Workstation" entity is related to the "Employee" entity in a one-to-many relationship. Those. each workstation is a workplace of a specific user.

.The Event entity is related to the Event Type entity in a one-to-many relationship. Those. each event is one of the possible types of events.

.The Event entity is related to the Equipment entity in a one-to-many relationship. Those. each event relates to a specific piece of equipment.

.The Repair entity is related to the Equipment entity in a one-to-many relationship. Those. each repair is carried out for one of the pieces of equipment.

.The Repair entity is related to the Employee entity in a one-to-many relationship. Those. information about each repair is recorded in the database by one of the employees servicing this equipment.

.The "Room" entity is related to the "Department" entity by a one-to-many relationship. Those. each room belongs to one of the departments of the bank.

.The entity "Application" is related to the entity "Equipment" by a one-to-many relationship. Those. each request for new equipment from IT departments or automated retail operations is related to a specific piece of equipment, which is ultimately issued for this request.

The logical model of the database developed by the AIS for accounting for computer and office equipment of the JSCB NMB OJSC is shown in Figure 2.1.

Logical database model

Physical design

The stage of physical design of the database provides for the developer to make the final decision on how to implement the created database. Therefore, physical design must be carried out taking into account all the features of the selected DBMS.

To implement the AIS, a database will be used MySQL, the DBMS integrated into WampServer was selected as the DBMS phpMyAdmin.

Let's create a database named nmb, we will create twelve tables in it, the names of which correspond to the names of the entities of the infological model, the rows (fields) of the tables correspond to the attributes of the corresponding entity. Below are the structures of the created tables.

Table "cats contains information about the categories of equipment used.

The "types" table contains information about device types.

The "departs" table contains information about the bank's departments.

The "rooms" table contains information about the rooms and offices occupied by employees.

The "posts" table contains information about all possible positions in the bank.

Table "users" contains information about bank employees.

Arms table contains information about all workstations of bank employees.

The "calls" table contains information about requests for additional equipment received from employees.

The "equip" table contains information about the pieces of equipment used.

The "rel_types" table contains information about all possible types of events.

The "relatives" table contains information about events related to the serviced equipment.

The "repairs" table contains information about the repairs of failed equipment.

The database of the designed system has a branched structure with several one-to-many relationships. Figure 2.14 shows the structure diagram.

Database Structure Diagram

2.3 Setting the task of developing AIS accounting

.Created database in MySQL DBMS.

2.Prototype system, which was chosen as the current one

equipment accounting system.

.Methodology for keeping records of equipment.

4.Development environment: CodeGear RAD Studio Delphi 2009.


5.1Provide for the possibility of allocating access rights to

access to information and its modification.

2Provide the ability to select data by category

equipment and printing a list of workstations of employees.

.Criterion: the average time spent on the implementation of planned and

unscheduled repairs within a month:

where is the average time spent on unscheduled repairs,

Average time spent on scheduled repairs.


7.Develop an automated system that satisfies the constraints and minimizes the criterion.

Task Description

When developing an AIS for accounting for the equipment of the JSCB NMB OJSC, it is necessary to include the following features and functionality in it:

the ability to view the list of serviced equipment of each type, as well as the composition of all workstations of the enterprise;

the ability to generate a report on preventive maintenance and repair of equipment;

the ability to print lists of workstations with their composition.

Choosing an AIS Application Development Environment

When choosing an interface for the designed system, two main options for implementing the interface were considered. Both options have a client-server architecture.

The first version of the interface is based on web pages, which can be accessed using a web page viewer (browser). In this case, users viewing equipment data access the system through a browser.

The second option is based on a Windows application. The database is hosted on the server side and the DBMS is running. The client side application communicates with the database and retrieves or modifies the data.

The choice fell on the second option, as preferable in this case. Since only specialists of the information technology department are concerned with accounting for equipment and repairs, they need to have a client program on their working computer.

Among the many languages, Pascal is the most versatile and easy to learn. At the same time, it is convenient to use it to create complex applications, databases, enterprise-wide applications. Delphi is just as easy to learn as Visual Basic, but the Pascal programming language tools allow you to use all the modern features of object-oriented programming. This is a rapid development environment that uses Delphi as the programming language. The Delphi language is a strongly typed object-oriented language based on Object Pascal, which is well known to programmers. It is simple and logical. The main language constructs are clearly distinguished in the program, which contributes to a good perception of the written code. The Delphi graphical interface is well thought out, the development environment provides access only to those parts of the code that you need to work with, hiding the main part of the program, which is automatically created by the development itself.

For the development of the program, the CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 environment and the Delphi programming language were chosen, as it is widely used and developing.

The client-server architecture is used to implement almost all modern document management and accounting services.

User computers are called client computers. The user uses the client program to access the database. But all the information with which we work through client programs is stored on other computers - server computers. The dialogue between the server and the client is carried out through client requests and server responses.

Required server side software:

any operating system;

MySQL database server version not lower than 5 for the installed OS;

NMB database with all tables.

Required client side software:

operating system Windows XP, Vista or 7;

equipment accounting application. exe.

2.4 Functional structure of AIS accounting

The technology of creating information systems imposes special requirements on implementation methods and software tools. The implementation of projects for the creation of information systems is usually divided into the stages of analysis (before creating information systems, it is necessary to understand and describe the business logic of the subject area), design (it is necessary to determine the modules and architecture of the future system), direct coding, testing and maintenance.

The essence of the structural approach to the development of information systems lies in its decomposition (partitioning) into automated functions: the system is divided into functional subsystems, which in turn are divided into subfunctions, subdivided into tasks, and so on. The partitioning process continues up to specific procedures. At the same time, the automated system retains a holistic view in which all components are interconnected. The main stages into which the process of designing an information system is divided are as follows:

conceptual design - collection, analysis and editing of data requirements (survey of the subject area, study of its information structure, identification of all fragments, each of which is characterized by a user view, information objects and relationships between them, processes on information objects, modeling and integration of all views) ;

logical design - the transformation of data requirements into data structures. At the output, we get a DBMS-oriented database structure and application program specifications;

physical design - determining the features of data storage, access methods, etc.

At the initial stages of creating an automated information system, it is necessary to understand how the organization that is going to be automated works. No one in the organization knows how it works to the extent of the detail needed to create an AIS. The manager knows the work well in general, but is not able to delve into the details of the work of each ordinary employee. An ordinary employee knows well what is happening at his workplace, but he does not know how his colleagues work. Therefore, to describe the work of the organization, who should be responsible for what and what data to enter, it is necessary to build a functional diagram. Such a model should be adequate to the subject area, therefore, it should contain the knowledge of all participants in the organization's business processes.

When developing an AIS, it is necessary to include the following features and functionality in it:

the ability to view and filter data on equipment;

the ability to view the number of units for each type of equipment;

the ability to view events for each unit of serviced equipment;

formation of a list of equipment under repair.

The general functional diagram for the AIS of accounting for the equipment of the bank JSCB NMB OJSC reflects the functions available to each user group. The scheme is shown in Figure 2.15.

General functional diagram

The input for the system is data on the structure and employees of the bank, as well as data on the workstations of employees and ATMs.

The output for the system is data on all bank employees, equipment in stock, decommissioned equipment and equipment under repair, and corresponding automatically generated lists.

entering information about equipment into the database is carried out manually by an employee of the IT department who maintains the PCs of bank employees, as well as PCs of ATMs;

the user receives information from the database on the PC screen;

database backup is carried out by saving the database on some media, and restoration - by copying the database from the media to the server to the folder where the database should be located;

The database consists of several files in the MySQL format.

The following information decisions regarding the developed software are expected:

entering information about bank employees is carried out by a specialist in the bank's personnel department or an AIS administrator;

input of information about the structure of the enterprise is carried out by the administrator of the AIS;

entering information about the equipment is carried out by any IT specialist servicing this equipment;

data processing is carried out in a dialog mode;

the user receives information from the database on the PC screen.

2.5 Development of AIS accounting

Problem Solving Algorithms

When designing a client application, it is necessary to separate access rights to data in accordance with the authorization data of the user working with the system.

Thus, one of the key tasks to be solved to ensure the security of data stored in the database is the task of authorizing AIS users.

The block diagram of the algorithm for implementing this task is shown in Figure 2.16.

In order to view data on serviced equipment, this information must be properly structured and displayed in an easily readable form. It is advisable to group the pieces of equipment according to the workstations to which they belong, and provide a list of workstations. And then, when choosing an workstation, display a list of its pieces of equipment.

The block diagram of the algorithm for implementing this task is shown in Figure 2.17.

Block diagram of the algorithm for viewing workstations

Using Components

When designing the client application, standard and additional Delphi 2009 components were used.

Standard components:

general purpose visual components TForm, TBitBtn, TEdit, TCombobox, TLabel, TImage.

non-visual component TDataSource - for accessing the data set;

visual components for accessing data fields TDBText, TDBEdit, TDBLookupCombobox, TDBGrid.

Additional components:

DevArt Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) Pro package - for communication with various databases, including MySQL:

component from the TMS package TAdvDBDateTimePicker - for changing the date and time field of a data set.

Form Design

Since this program is a Windows application, for its implementation we will use the standard approach when writing programs for Windows using a graphical interface.

The program consists of 14 forms (including the "About" window). The forms of the program contain components for accessing MySQL database data, the selection from which is made using SQL queries. So we will separately create a form with visual components, for various visual components we compare procedures - handlers. Further, as soon as an event occurs on one of the visual components (mouse click, button press or menu item), the operating system sends the appropriate message to the application, and the corresponding handler for this event is launched. Then the solution of the problem can be divided into 3 stages:

)Development of a visual user interface based on the screen forms of the Delphi environment and visual components designed to enter initial data, start actions for processing the initial data, display the processing result, display the results on the screen form.

2)Development of event handlers from elements of screen forms, development of algorithms and program codes for processing a text file according to the task.

)Preparation of test input data and debugging of the program.

For the designed application, we will determine the number and purpose of forms. The list of forms is given in table 2.11.

Application forms list

Name formyZagolovok formyNaznachenieMain_FormAvtomatizatsiya accounting equipment AKB NMB programs OAOGlavnaya window, where begins navigation through the rest oknamAuthorz_FormAvtorizatsiiOkno avtorizatsiiEquip_FormObsluzhivaemoe oborudovanieOkno viewing and editing oborudovaniyaSotrs_FormSotrudnikiOkno viewing and editing sotrudnikovDeparts_FormOtdely and kabinetyOkno viewing and editing departments and offices of the bank AKB NMB OAORepairs_FormRemont oborudovaniyaOkno view and edit the repair data oborudovaniyaTypes_FormRedaktor kinds oborudovaniyaOkno view and editing types of equipmentARMs_FormEditor of workstationsWindow for viewing and editing workstationsCalls_FormRequests for equipmentWindow for viewing and editing requests for equipmentRep_Form1Report window for bank employeesRep_Form2Report window for the composition of workstationsRep_Form3Report window for equipment being repairedRep_Form4Report window for decommissioned equipmentAbout_FormWindow "About"

We start designing with the main form.

On the form is TImagewith the image of the logo of JSCB NMB OJSC, as well as a button TBitBtn:

"Computers and office equipment" - go to the window of the list of equipment;

"Repairs" - transition to the window of the list of equipment repairs;

"Orders" - transition to the window of requests for equipment;

"Employees" - switch to the employee editor window;

"Departments" - switch to the window of the editor of bank departments;

"Cabinets" - go to the window of applications for equipment;

"Workstation" - switch to the window of the editor of workstations.

buttons for outputting reports: "Employees", "Workstation and their composition", "Equipment under repair", "Equipment decommissioned";

"About" - view information about the program.

When the program starts, before the main form opens, the user authorization window is called. A form has been developed for entering authorization data Authorz_Form.

Elements on the form TEditto enter login and password, buttons TBitBtn"OK" and "Cancel".

When you click on the "OK" button, the database is accessed: in the "users" table, a record with the values ​​of the entered login and password is searched. If a record is found and a user with such a login belongs to the department of automated retail operations or information technology departments, then the access attribute is set to the value corresponding to the access obtained. If the entry is not found, a message is displayed.

When you click on the "Computers and Office Equipment" button, you go to the form Equip_Form, designed to display the equipment of the bank.

As you can see, for the current piece of equipment, a list of events related to it is displayed.

Below this form is TDB GridA representing the list of events for the current piece of equipment.

It can be seen that the current piece of equipment is a monitor of the Samsung SyncMaster 710V model and is part of the workstation nmb_034. The table of events shows that this monitor failed on 03/12/2013 and was repaired on 04/01/2013.

TDBNavigator located at the bottom of the form. When the current record is changed, the data in the event table is changed. This is implemented using the MasterSource, MasterFields and DetailFields properties of the TUniQuery component in such a way that data from the event table is selected in accordance with the active record of the equipment table data set. For this piece of equipment, two events are displayed: "failure" and "repair".

When you click on the "Employees" button, you go to the form Sotrs_Formdesigned for viewing and editing bank employees.

Clicking on the "Departments" button takes you to the form Departs_Form"Departments and Cabinets".

On this form, the component is located below TDB Grid, which displays a list of rooms in the current department.

To navigate through the records of this data set, the component TDBNavigatorlocated at the bottom of the form. When the current record is changed, the data in the cabinets table is changed. This is implemented using the MasterSource, MasterFields and DetailFields properties of the component. TUniQueryin such a way that the data from the cabinets table is selected in accordance with the active record of the data set of the bank departments table. Three cabinets are displayed for this piece of equipment.

When you click on the "Repairs" button, you go to the form Repairs_Form"Repair of equipment".

Here are the data controls for the dataset QR_repairs (repairs data): TDBEdit, TDBLookupBox, TDBMemoA that displays the data of the current dataset record.

The form displays all the necessary data for the repair of equipment.

To navigate through the records of this data set, the component TDBNavigatorlocated at the bottom of the form. When you change the current record, the data displayed on the form changes. As you can see, the problem for the currently displayed repair is closed, and the progress of its solution is visible in the corresponding field.

On the form, you can search by any of the fields, as well as filtering by only current issues (the "Only open" button at the top of the form).

By clicking on the "=>" button next to the type of equipment, you can go to the form of the editor of pieces of equipment to record the corresponding piece of equipment.

The form is responsible for displaying and editing types of equipment. Types_FormEquipment type editor.

Here are the data controls for the data set QR_types (data on types of equipment): TDBEdit, TDBLookupBox, TDBMemoA that displays the data of the current dataset record. Element values ​​are editable. On the right is a TDBGrid that displays a list of pieces of equipment with their inventory numbers.

By clicking on the "=>" button next to the equipment, you can go to the form of the editor of equipment units to record the corresponding displayed type.

The TDBNavigator component, located at the bottom of the form, is also intended for navigating through the records of this data set. When you change the current record of a set of types of equipment, the data in the table of equipment items changes. This is implemented using the MasterSource, MasterFields and DetailFields properties of the TUniQuery component in such a way that data from the equipment table is selected in accordance with the active record of the device type table data set.

In this view, the user sees the entire list of Kraftway KC10 computers with their inventory numbers.

When you click on the "Workstation" button on the main form, you can go to the form of the editor of workstations. A form has been developed for editing workstations ARMs_Form. The view of the form is shown in Figure 2.25.

The TDBNavigator component, located at the bottom of the form, is also intended for navigating through the records of this data set. When the current record of the set of workstations is changed, the data in the table of equipment units is changed. This is implemented using the MasterSource, MasterFields and DetailFields properties of the TUniQuery component in such a way that data from the equipment table is selected in accordance with the active record of the AWS table data set.

In this view, the user information on the workstation nmb_02, the user of which is Babushkin V.V. The displayed workstation includes an HP computer, a Lenovo monitor, and an HP laser printer.

To display reports on employees, workstations or decommissioned or repaired equipment, use the buttons "Employees", "Workstation and their composition", "Equipment under repair", "Equipment decommissioned" on the main form. They are grouped by the TGroupBox component.


In the special part of the graduation project, the task of building a database and setting the task of developing an AIS for accounting for equipment of the JSCB NMB OAO were completed.

For development, the concept of a Windows application based on a client-server architecture was chosen. Codegear Delphi 2009 was chosen as the development environment. MySQL was chosen as the DBMS. To connect the Delphi environment with the MySQL DBMS, the DevArt Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) Pro package was used.

During the design of the database, all design stages were passed: description of information objects of the subject area, design of the infological model of the subject area, logical and physical design of the database.

As a result, a program was created that represents a client application for accounting equipment, planning preventive work based on data from previous preventive work, as well as timely replacement of obsolete pieces of equipment with AKB NMB JSC. The program meets the main stated requirements and implements an intuitive interface.

The developed application, as well as the database structure, can be modified in order to expand the functionality.

3. Economic part

As part of the graduation project, an AIS for accounting for computer equipment of the JSCB NMB OJSC is being developed.

An automated information system is being developed for:

accounting for units of serviced equipment;

accounting for preventive maintenance and repairs of serviced equipment in order to further plan preventive work or identify short-lived equipment models.

Two people took part in the development of the project: the project manager and the project development engineer. Table 3.1 shows the stages of the work.

Table 3.1 - List of work stages

Name of work ContractorDue dateLoad factor1 Task settingProject managerFrom 02/03/2013 to 02/04/20130.9 Development engineer0.12 Review and analysis of literature on the selected topic .20130.8 Development engineer0.24 Characteristics of the object of study, review of known developments, description of the prototype system Development engineerFrom 16.02.2013 to 06.03.20131 Name of work Performer Deadline for completion Load factor5 Formation of the task statement of the special part of the project .76 Economic calculationsDevelopment engineerFrom 30.03.2013 to 04.26.20130.87 Safety and environmental friendlinessDevelopment engineerFrom 04.27.2013 to 05.03.20130.88 Testing and debuggingProject managerFrom 05.10.2013 to 05.14.20130.1 Quality management task solution manager0.710 project AS 11.05.2013 to 17.05.20130.2 Development engineer 0.811 Preparation of an explanatory note and graphic part Project manager ,8Total: 93

Thus, employment in the development of the project is 93 days.

3.1 Design cost calculation

The calculation of design costs is made according to the formula:

Wetc= Wabout+ Wam+ Wsalary+ WSt.+ Wn. R+ Wemail en+ Wetc, (3.1)

where Wabout- the cost of equipment and materials, rub.;

Wam- depreciation costs, rub.;

Wsalary - costs for the wages of designers, rub.;

WSt.- deductions for social payments, rub.;

Wn. R- overhead costs, rub.;

Wemail en

Wetc- other expenses, rub.

Calculation of costs for equipment and materials

The cost of equipment and materials consists of the cost of purchasing equipment and materials for design. The costs also include transport and installation costs for this equipment (formula (3.2)).

Wabout= Cabout+ Wtr+ Wmont, (3.2)

where FROMabout- cost of equipment and materials, rub;

Wtr - equipment transportation costs, RUB (8 percent of FROMabout);

Wmont - equipment installation costs, RUB (8 percent of FROMabout).

Transportation costs account for 0.7 percent of the equipment cost (formula (3.3)).

Wtr= Cabout0.007. (3.3)

The installation cost is 0.5 percent of the equipment cost (formula (3.4)).

Wmonm= Cabout0.005. (3.4)

The following equipment and materials are required for the development of AIS accounting: a system unit, a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse and a surge protector. Data on equipment and materials are presented in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 - List of equipment and materials

Designation of equipment and materialsPrice per unit, rub. Quantity, pcs. CostTotal, rub. Transport, rub. Mont., rub. Balance, rub. 1 System unit Athlon II X2 220 (2.8 GHz) /2GB/GT210 (512) /320GB/DVD±RW/CR8990,018990,063,045,09097,92 Monitor LG LCD 20" Flatron E2040S 5690,015690,039,828,55758,33 Keyboard+Mouse A4-Tech (KR-8520D) Black PS/2399,01399,02,82,0403,84 APC Essential Surge Protector 5 outlets, 1.8m650,01650,04,63,3657,8Total: 15729,0110 .178.615917.8

Calculation of equipment depreciation costs

Since computer equipment was used to develop AIS accounting, we calculate its depreciation.

Equipment depreciation costs are calculated using the formula:

Wam= (CbNbut) / 100 n / N, (3.5)

where Nbut- depreciation rate, percent;

FROMb- book value of equipment, rub;

n- period of use of equipment, days;

N- the number of days in a year.

The cost of depreciation of equipment will be presented in the form of table 3.3 The term of use of the equipment is 93 days.

Calculation of the cost of wages for designers

Payroll costs are calculated at each stage of the project and depend on the worker load factor at the stage, the duration of the stage, and the salary of the design engineer and project manager.

Table 3.3 - Equipment depreciation costs

Name of equipment and materials Balance cost, rub. Depreciation rate, in % Amount of depreciation charges, rub. 1 System unit Athlon II X2 220 (2.8 GHz) /2GB/GT210 (512) /320GB/DVD±RW/CR9097,915347,72 Monitor LG LCD 20" Flatron E2040S 5758,315220,13 Keyboard+Mouse A4-Tech (KR -8520D) Black PS/2403,81515,44 APC Essential Surge Protector 5 outlets, 1.8m657,81525.1Total: 608.3

Since the calculation of wages is carried out for 93 days, the calculation is carried out through the cost of the average daily wage.

The average daily payment is calculated by the formula (3.6):

Sdn = salary / number of working days in a month. (3.6)

Substituting the values ​​into formula (3.6), we get:

Project manager =15000/22=682 (rubles/day),

Design Engineer =10000/22=455 (rubles/day),

The salary of performers is calculated by the formula:

Zz / pl = (Sdn number of days in stage loading factor m) (3.7)

Substituting the values ​​into formula (3.7), we get:

Project manager's salary / pl \u003d (2 0.9 + 4 0.2 + 3 0.8 + 16 0.3 + 11 0.1 + 4 0.2 + 5 0.1 + 11 0.2++10 0.2) 682 = 11184.8 (rubles),

design engineer = (2 0.1+4 0.8+3 0.2+13 1+16 0.7+11 0.8+ +9 0.8+5 0, 8 + 5 0.7 + 11 0.8 + 10 0.8) 455 \u003d 32623.5 (rubles),

The total cost of the salary of designers will be (formula 3.8):

Zz / pl \u003d Zz / pl of the project manager + Engineer-designer. (3.8)

Zz / pl \u003d 11184.8 + 32623.5 \u003d 43808.3 (rub.)

Calculation of deductions for social payments (SV)

SV is 34 percent of wages (formula (3.9)):

Zsv \u003d Zs / pl 0.34. (3.9)

Substituting the obtained value of Zz / pl into formula 3.9, it turns out:

Zsv \u003d 43808.3 0.34 \u003d 14894.8 (rubles).

Overheads. We accept overhead costs in the amount of 7 percent of the amount of wages and deductions for NE (formula (3.10)):

Zn. R. \u003d (Zz / pl + Zsv) 0.07. (3.10)

Substituting the obtained values ​​of Zz / pl and Zsv into the formula (10.10), it turns out:

Zn. R. = (43808.3 + 14894.82) 0.07 = 4109.2 (rubles).

Calculation of electricity costs

Electricity costs are calculated according to the formula:

Wel en= Cel enR T KR· TOT, (3.11)

where FROMemail en -price for 1 kWh, rub;

P- current collector power, kW;

T-time of use of the current collector, h;

TOR -power load factor;

TOT -load factor over time.

Computer hardware is used in stages 4-12, so the total time of its use is 84 days. The duration of the working day is 8 hours. Energy costs consumed during development are presented in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 - Electricity costs

1 System unit Athlon II X2 220 (2.8 GHz) /2GB/GT210 (512) /320GB/DVD±RW/CR0,46721,70,91411,3 Current collector namePower, kWUsage time, h Price for 1 kWh, rub load by powerFact. load by timeElectricity costs, rub. 2 Monitor LG LCD 20" Flatron E2040S 0,16721,70,91102,83 Keyboard+Mouse A4-Tech (KR-8520D) Black PS/20,0016721,70,30,30,14 Surge protector APC Essential Surge Protector 5 outlets , 1.8m0.0016721.7111.1 Total: 515.3

Calculation of other costs

We accept other costs in the amount of 2 percent of the sum of all previous costs, except for overheads (formula (3.12)):

Wetc= (Zabout+ Wam+ Wsalary+ WSt.+ Wemail en) 0.02. (3.12)

Substituting the obtained values Wabout, W am, W h /pl, WSt.,Wemail en, it turns out:

Wetc = (15917.8+608.3+43808.3+14894.8+515.3) 0.02 = 1514.8 ( rub.).

Estimated project costs. The estimated project costs are presented in Table 3.5.

Table 3.5 - Estimated project costs

Cost itemUnit of measurementIndicator value1 Costs for equipment rub. 15917.82 Depreciation costs rub. 608.33 Payroll costs rub. 43808.34 Deductions for SVrub. 14894.85 Overhead costs rub. 4109,216 Electricity costs, rub. 515.37 Other expenses rub. 1514.8Total: rub. 81368.6

3.2 Calculation of annual operating costs

Operating costs for the year are calculated by the formula:

Z = Zabout+ Wam+ Wsalary+ WSt.+ Wn. R+ Wemail en+ Wetc, (3.13)

where Wabout- equipment costs, rub.;

Wam - equipment depreciation costs, rub.;

WSt.- deductions for NE, rub.;

Wn. R- overhead costs, rub.;

Wemail en- electricity costs, rub.;

Wetc- other expenses, rub.

Equipment cost calculation

There is no need for equipment to improve the system, so Wabout = 0.

Calculation of annual equipment depreciation costs

Equipment depreciation costs are calculated using the formula (3.14):

Wam= (CbNbut) / 100. (3.14)

The annual cost of equipment depreciation is presented in Table 3.6.

Calculation of the cost of salaries of service personnel

AIS for accounting equipment of the JSCB NMB OJSC does not require constant maintenance by additional programmers. Therefore, staff payroll is not required.

Table 3.6 - Annual equipment depreciation costs

Name of equipment and materials Balance cost, rub. Depreciation rate, percent Amount of depreciation charges, rub. 1 System block Athlon II X2 220 (2.8 GHz) /2GB/GT210 (512) /320GB/DVD±RW/CR 9097.9151364.7 Name of equipment and materials Balance cost, rub. Depreciation rate, percent Amount of depreciation charges, rub. 2 Monitor LG LCD 20" Flatron E2040S Total: 2787.7

Calculation of electricity costs

Annual electricity costs are presented in Table 3.7.

Calculation of other costs

We accept other costs in the amount of 2% of the sum of all previous costs, except for overheads.

Table 3.7 - Annual electricity costs

Current collector namePower, kWUse time, h Price for 1 kWh, rub load by powerFact. load by timeElectricity costs, rub. 1 System unit Athlon II X2 220 (2.8 GHz) /2GB/GT210 (512) /320GB/DVD±RW/CR0,421121,70,911292,52 Monitor LG LCD 20" Flatron E2040S 0,121121,70,91323,13 Keyboard+Mouse A4-Tech (KR-8520D) Black PS/20,00121121,70,30,30,34 Surge Protector APC Essential Surge Protector 5 outlets, 1.8m0,00121121,7113,6 Total: 1619.6

Wetc = (2787.7+1619.6) 0.2 = 881.46 ( rub.).

Estimated annual operating costs

The estimated operating costs are presented in Table 3.9.

Table 3.9 - Estimated operating costs

Cost itemUnit of measurementIndicator value1 Costs for equipment rub. 02 Depreciation costs rub. 2787.73 Electricity costs rub. 1619.64 Other expenses rub. 881.46Total: rub. 5288.76

3.3 Economic efficiency

The introduction of AIS accounting will save time searching for the necessary information, as well as avoid the failure of equipment that has not undergone timely preventive maintenance. In case of untimely detection of failed equipment, the cost of repairing it or acquiring new equipment is a loss for the enterprise. So, in 2012, such losses amounted to 103,520 rubles.

DG= 103 520 (rub.).

EG= DG -Wthe ex. (3.15)

EG = 103520-5288,76=98231,24 (rub.).

TOK= Wetc/ EG. (3.16)

TOK= 81368.6 / 98231.24 = 0.83 years.

Let us determine the coefficient of economic efficiency of costs according to the formula (3.17):

Ef= 1/ TOK. (3.17)

Get Efequal to 1.20 kop. /rub.

Comparing TOKAnd Efwith regulatory Tn= 3.3 and En= 0.33, we see that Ef > EnAnd TOK < Tntherefore, the development and implementation of AIS accounting is cost-effective.

Table 3.11 presents all technical and economic indicators of the project.

Table 3.11 - Technical and economic indicators of the project

Cost itemUnit of measurementIndicator valueProject costs1 Equipment costsrub. 15917.82 Depreciation costs rub. 608.33 Payroll costs rub. 43808.34 Deductions for SVrub. 14894.85 Overhead costs rub. 4109.26 Electricity costs rub. 515.37 Other expenses rub. 1514.8 Total: rub. 81368.5Operating costs1 Equipment costs rub. 02 Depreciation costs rub. 2787.73 Payroll costs rub. 748804 Deductions for SVRrub. 25459.25 Overhead costs rub. 7023.76 Electricity costs rub. 1619.67 Other expenses rub. 881.46 Total: rub. 112651.66 Payback period year 0.83 Coefficient of economic efficiency kop. /rub. 1, 20


Analyzing the economic indicators, we can conclude that it is expedient to develop and implement AIS accounting for computer equipment of the JSCB NMB JSC, as this will save the funds spent on new equipment to replace the failed due to untimely preventive maintenance. Based on this and taking into account the positive aspects that will appear when an automated information system appears, we can talk about economic efficiency.

4. Safety and environmental friendliness of the project

4.1 Security

Health and safety issues are an integral part of any industry. These issues need to be given special attention in all spheres of human activity, because in them, the person, his health and safety is in the first place.

Life safety with the development of scientific and technological progress, an important role is played by the possibility of safe performance by people of their labor duties.

The protection of the health of workers, ensuring the safety of working conditions, the elimination of occupational diseases and industrial injuries is one of the main concerns of human society. Attention is drawn to the need for widespread use of progressive forms of scientific organization of labor, minimizing manual, low-skilled labor, creating an environment that excludes occupational diseases and industrial injuries.

Analysis of working conditions

The object of analysis is the office of the engineer for the repair of the battery NMB JSC. It is he who will be responsible for the design, creation and maintenance of AIS.

The office in question is located on the first floor of a three-story building. Room dimensions:

length - 8 m;

width - 8 m;

height - 2.5 m.

Having calculated the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and volume, it turns out:

area: 64 m2;

volume - 160 m3.

According to sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03), the area per workplace with a VDT or PC for adult users should be at least 6 m 2, and the volume is not less than 20 m 3 .

Six people work in the premises under consideration (head of department, lead repair engineer, three repair engineers, system administrator). Thus, this room meets the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03.

When working with a computer, a person is exposed to a number of dangerous and harmful production factors: electromagnetic fields (radio frequency range: HF, UHF and SHF), infrared and ionizing radiation, noise and vibration, static electricity, etc. Working with a computer is characterized by significant mental stress and nervousness. - emotional load of operators, high intensity of visual work and a rather large load on the muscles of the hands when working with a computer keyboard. Of great importance is the rational design and arrangement of the elements of the workplace, which is important for maintaining the optimal working posture of the human operator. In the process of working with a computer, it is necessary to observe the correct mode of work and rest. Otherwise, the developer has a significant tension of the visual apparatus with the appearance of complaints of dissatisfaction with work, headaches, irritability, sleep disturbance, fatigue and pain in the eyes, lower back, neck and arms.

These factors require the development and application of protective measures, i.e. the most complete set of protection measures.

To assess the factors of the production environment, the results of the study and measurement of factors were taken during the certification of the workplace of a repair engineer. Table 4.1 presents their values.

The coloring of rooms and furniture should contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for visual perception, good mood.

Table 4.1 - Values ​​of hazardous and harmful production factors in the office of an engineer for the repair of batteries of NMB OJSC

FactorValueTemperature in the warm period, єС23Temperature in the cold period, єС22Relative air humidity in the warm period, %50Relative air humidity in the cold period, %42Air velocity in the warm period, m/s0.18Air velocity in the cold period, m/s0.1Volume flow fresh air supplied to the room, m 3 per hour20 Natural lighting, k. e. o. 0.2Combined lighting, general, lx750Electric component of the electromagnetic field at a distance of 50cm from the video monitor surface, V/m5Electric field strength, V/m (2-400 kHz) 0.7Noise, dB22

Light sources such as lamps and windows that reflect off the screen surface significantly impair the accuracy of characters and cause physiological disturbances that can result in significant stress, especially during prolonged use. Reflection, including reflections from secondary light sources, should be kept to a minimum. Curtains and screens can be used to protect against excessive brightness of windows.

windows are oriented to the south: - the walls are greenish-blue or light blue; floor - green;

windows are oriented to the north: - walls are light orange or orange-yellow; floor - reddish-orange;

windows are oriented to the east: - yellow-green walls; the floor is green or reddish-orange;

the windows are oriented to the west: - the walls are yellow-green or bluish-green; the floor is green or reddish-orange.

In the rooms where the computer is located, it is necessary to provide the following values ​​of the reflection coefficient: for the ceiling: 60-70 percent, for the walls: 40-50 percent, for the floor: about 30 percent. For other surfaces and work furniture: 30-40 percent.

The windows of the workroom of the NMB JSC battery repair engineer are oriented to the east, the walls and floors are painted, the reflection coefficients meet the above requirements.

Properly designed and implemented industrial lighting improves visual work conditions, reduces fatigue, improves labor productivity, has a beneficial effect on the working environment, has a positive psychological impact on the worker, increases labor safety and reduces injuries. Insufficient lighting leads to eye strain, weakens attention, leads to premature fatigue.

Excessively bright lighting causes blinding, irritation and pain in the eyes. The wrong direction of light in the workplace can create harsh shadows, glare, and disorientate the worker. All these reasons can lead to an accident or occupational diseases, so the correct calculation of illumination is so important.

There are three types of lighting - natural, artificial and combined (natural and artificial together).

Natural lighting - illumination of premises with daylight penetrating through light openings in the external enclosing structures of premises. Natural lighting is characterized by the fact that it varies widely depending on the time of day, season, nature of the region and a number of other factors.

Artificial lighting is used when working at night and during the day, when it is not possible to provide the normalized values ​​​​of the coefficient of natural light (cloudy weather, short daylight hours). Lighting, in which natural lighting, which is insufficient according to the norms, is supplemented by artificial lighting, is called combined lighting.

Artificial lighting is divided into working, emergency, evacuation, security. Working lighting, in turn, can be general or combined. General - lighting, in which the lamps are placed in the upper zone of the room evenly or in relation to the location of the equipment. Combined - lighting, in which local lighting is added to the general one.

Combined lighting with illumination of 750 lx was used in the office of the NMB JSC battery repair engineer, which meets the requirements of SNiP 23-05-95 for computer centers. In addition, the entire field of view is illuminated fairly evenly - this is the main hygienic requirement. In other words, the degree of illumination of the room and the brightness of the computer screen should be approximately the same, because. bright light in the area of ​​​​peripheral vision significantly increases eye strain and, as a result, leads to their rapid fatigue.

Microclimate parameters can vary widely, while a necessary condition for human life is to maintain a constant body temperature due to thermoregulation, i.e. the body's ability to regulate heat transfer to the environment.

In rooms where computers are installed, certain microclimate parameters must be observed. The sanitary standards SN-245-71 set the values ​​of the microclimate parameters that create comfortable conditions. These norms are established depending on the season, the nature of the labor process and the nature of the production. Their values ​​are presented in Table 4.2.

The norms for supplying fresh air to the premises where computers are located are given in Table 4.3.

To ensure comfortable microclimate conditions, both organizational methods (rational organization of work depending on the time of year and day, alternation of work and rest) and technical means (air conditioning, heating system) are used.

Table 4.2 - Norms of microclimate parameters for rooms where computers are installed

Period of the year Microclimate parameter Temperature, °С Relative humidity in the room, % Air velocity, m/s Cold 22-2440-60 to 0.1 Warm 23-2540-600.1-0.2

Noise and vibration. Noise worsens working conditions, having a harmful effect on the human body. Those working in conditions of prolonged noise exposure experience irritability, headaches, dizziness, memory loss, increased fatigue, loss of appetite, ear pain, etc.

Table 4.3 - Norms for supplying fresh air to rooms where computers are located

Room volume, m3

A system is usually understood as a set of interrelated elements united by a unity of purpose (or purpose) and functional integrity. At the same time, the property of the system itself is not reduced to the sum of the properties of its constituent elements.

Every system has a number of characteristics:

1) the system can consist of subsystems and elements (decomposition);

2) the system interacts with the nanosystem (environment) through special communication channels, which are inputs and outputs;

3) the system on a certain period of time has the properties of stability (emergence).

The system is characterized by such properties as complexity, divisibility, integrity, variety of elements, structuredness.

EIS is a set of internal and external information flows of an economic object, methods, tools, specialists involved in the processes of processing economic information and making managerial decisions.

AIS in the economy is a set of information, economic and mathematical methods and models, technical, technological and software tools and specialists, designed to process economic information and make management decisions.

For AIS in the economy, the following classifications can additionally be applied:

1. AIS for automation of management in various fields of activity:

AIS in banking; - AIS of stock markets; - Financial AIS; - Tax AIS; - AIS in the treasury; - AIS in insurance activity. - AIS of the customs service; - Statistical AIS; - Legal AIS, etc.

2. AIS management of an industrial enterprise and organization (AIS firms), which are designed to solve the following tasks:

Operational management of the enterprise; - planning tasks; - tasks of accounting; - control tasks;

Analysis tasks.

    AIS accounting.

Automated accounting information system (AIS-BU) is a system in which the accounting information process is automated through the use of special data processing methods using a complex of computing, communication and other technical means in order to obtain and deliver information necessary for accountants to perform the functions of management and financial accounting.

Compared with the definition of AIS, the subject area is limited here, which is accounting as a function of enterprise management.

AIS-BU as an integral part of AIS contains three main components:

information as an object and product of labor;

means, methods and ways of information processing;

personnel who implements the information process of accounting, using the available means - information processing.

    Accounting documentation

Documentation is the backbone of accounting. It includes the following types of documents:

Primary; accounting; Reporting.

Documentation as a method of accounting for an enterprise occupies a key place in any enterprise. At the same time, primary documents are considered the most important, in fact, they serve as the basis for the formation of all other types. Types and forms of primary accounting documentation:

Exculpatory, accounting, organizational and administrative, combined;

One-time and cumulative;

Internal external.

The concept and execution of primary accounting documentation refers to:



Outgoing and incoming cash orders and other documents.

The concept of accounting documentation includes filling out forms, maintaining and monitoring the correctness of the entries made. Documents can be drawn up manually or with the help of a special program and take into account various business transactions (material, settlement, monetary) with different volumes and methods of coverage.

Proper accounting documentation will ensure that there are no problems with regulatory authorities and will simplify the further work of the accounting department.

    Accounting forms used in information systems.

The main tasks of accounting are:

1. creation of an accounting information system for the formation of complete, reliable, timely and up-to-date information on various aspects of the organization's economic activities, necessary for the preparation of management decisions, as well as the issuance of regulated reporting forms for external users;

2. control over the legality and expediency of business operations - internal audit;

3. identification of reserves to improve the efficiency of the organization.

Thus, an accounting information system must meet the following requirements:

The correct methodological basis for constructing planned (forecast) and accounting indicators;

Coverage taking into account all business processes and operations;

Reliability, completeness, accuracy of accounting data, efficiency of accounting operations;

The effectiveness of the organization of accounting.

When filling out forms of accounting documents, as well as for preparing reporting data, classifiers and codifiers of technical and economic information of various scopes are used:

local (intrasystem);


regional (republican, city, regional);



Accounting makes high demands on the quality of classifiers and codifiers: in terms of completeness of the nomenclature, correctness of codes and names of classification groups.

The choice of accounting form depends on various conditions, including the scale of the enterprise and the degree of automation of the accounting process, and should be fixed in the order on the accounting policy of the enterprise.

There are the following forms of accounting:

- "magazine-main";





    Types of accounting used in information systems.

According to the type of software products used, information systems can be classified into mini-accounting, integrated accounting information systems, integrated accounting systems, instrumental systems, corporate systems, complexes of functional accounting workstations (AWS).

7. Fundamentals of AIS accounting.

AIS "Accounting" implements automated collection, registration, processing, systematization and analysis of financial information, its exchange through communication channels with government agencies and other related organizations and systems. This is a complex and dynamic geographically distributed AIS that satisfies the information needs of employees of employees in the field of finance at all levels.

The main functions of the AIS "Accounting" are as follows:

Planning, drawing up and execution of the budget, forecasting its indicators;

Optimization and management of budgetary flows by territories, accounting and control over the transfer process and targeted use of budgetary funds at all levels;

Collection, storage, control and processing of information on the revenue and expenditure parts of the budget;

Preparation and issuance of reference, statistical and analytical information on the planning and execution of the budget in accordance with the approved regulations and on arbitrary requests;

Collecting information and generating reports on bringing budgetary funds to their managers and reports on the state of finances at the disposal of budgetary units and funds managers;

Integrated automation of office work of personnel, financial and economic activities of financial authorities;

Formation, maintenance and use of regional databases containing information necessary to ensure the management of finances, the budget process, analytical activities and other financial processes throughout the country;

Information interaction with all AIS databases in interactive mode, exchange of information messages in the department in e-mail mode.

8. Tasks of AIS accounting

We can single out the following composition of the complexes of accounting tasks for industrial enterprises.

    Cash and settlement and financial operations (cash operations, operations with a bank, settlements with accountable persons, multi-currency accounting, settlements with debtors and creditors, depositors, settlements with shareholders, founders, settlements on claims and extra-budgetary payments, settlements with the budget, settlements for credit).

    Accounting for material assets (integration with the "warehouse accounting" task, receipt of materials at the warehouse, accounting for the issuance of materials to production, release of materials to the side, revaluation of material assets, accounting for materials at different prices; drawing up analytical statements of the movement of material assets, inventory of materials).

    Accounting for labor and wages (integration with the functional subsystem "Personnel", automatic payroll for various payment systems and deductions from it; drawing up settlement and payment documentation, drawing up payment documentation for taxes to the budget).

    Accounting for fixed assets and intangible acts (creation of electronic inventory cards, accounting for the movement of fixed assets and intangible assets (IA); depreciation charges, revaluation and inventory of fixed assets and intangible assets, write-off of fixed assets, leasing, commissioning of fixed assets).

    Accounting for the release, shipment and sale of finished products. This complex is associated with the functions of production management, contracts for the supply of finished products, marketing operations and financial settlements with buyers.

    Accounting for production costs, informationally associated with the function of production management, as well as with such complexes of accounting tasks as accounting for labor and wages, accounting for material assets, accounting for fixed assets, etc. The complex provides calculation of production costs, accounting for the costs of products of the main and auxiliary production by items of expenditure, etc.

    Financial statements; in this complex, synthetic accounting statements are formed and financial statements are compiled; has close information links with all complexes of accounting tasks.

Modern technologies for processing economic information put forward new requirements for the organization of the information base and the formation of complexes of economic tasks. There are opportunities to create a system of distributed databases, exchange information between different users, and automatically generate primary documents in a computer. Under these conditions, a clear line between the complexes of various functional subsystems begins to blur, which primarily affects the information base of accounting.

AIS in Accounting should:

· to form an improvement in the quality of economic information, its objectivity, the completeness of the use of unconditional reliable and consistent operational receipt of initial information, relevance, timeliness, stability, and adequacy of information;

· provide constant information to internal and external users, managers and specialists in all areas of economic activity.

With the help of automated information systems within the framework of accounting functions, it is possible to fully regulate the automated receipt of data necessary both for maintaining operational, analytical, managerial, statistical, financial and strategic accounting, and for compiling forms of accounting, financial, consolidated, operational, statistical, balance reporting, i.e. to obtain legally justified data necessary for users to develop and make decisions, as well as for systemic control over the course of production and other processes

Country support:
Operating system: Windows
Family: Universal Accounting System
Purpose: Business automation

AIS accounting

The main features of the program:

    You will form a single database of customers with all the necessary contact information

    In the program, you can mark both completed and planned work for any client

    Our system will remind you of any important matter

    Each employee will be able to plan their work, and the manager will give tasks and control the work of all staff

    You can sell any product, conveniently classifying everything at your discretion

    You will be able to keep records of any services

    Our program can work with many types of commercial and warehouse equipment

    You will be able to maintain full-fledged financial accounting: keep income, any expenses, see profits and view various analytical reports

    For the director, a whole range of management reports is provided that will help analyze the activities of the organization from different angles.

    The necessary data can be uploaded to your website to control the status of the order, display the schedule of employees or the balance of goods in the warehouse - there are many possibilities!

    The ultra-modern function of communication with the PBX will allow you to see the details of the caller, shock the client by immediately addressing him by name, without wasting a second searching for information

    By installing a screen with a visual schedule of employees, you will undoubtedly raise the prestige of your company in the eyes of customers and increase your own control.

    A special program will save a copy of all your data in the program on a schedule without the need to stop working in the system, automatically archive and notify you of readiness


    If you fill out contracts and other documents, we can set up their automatic completion so that one of your employees using the program performs the same amount of work as several other employees manually


    The scheduling system allows you to set up a backup schedule, receive important reports strictly at a specific time, and set any other program actions

    You can implement customer performance appraisals. The client will receive an SMS in which he will be asked to evaluate the work of the manager. The manager will be able to view the analysis of SMS voting in the program

    You can quickly enter the initial data necessary for the program to work. For this, convenient manual entry or data import is used.

    The interface of the program is so easy that even a child can quickly figure it out.

We have completed business automation for many organizations:

Language of the basic version of the program: RUSSIAN

You can also order the international version of the program, in which you can enter information in ANY LANGUAGE of the world. Even the interface can be easily translated by yourself, since all the names will be placed in a separate text file.

The use of modern accounting AIS allows you to work with large amounts of data. So the AIS of order accounting allows you to register an unlimited number of documents, provides convenient systematization and division into categories. In the AIS of contingent accounting, there is a contextual search using filters, grouping and sorting control according to certain criteria. The program optimizes any search in the database, which speeds up the work with the nomenclature, cost estimates, price lists, customer directories.

The AIS customer accounting program allows you to keep records of contact details, history of interactions and transactions, services rendered and goods provided. Provides planning of work with counterparties for your staff and monitoring the progress of the tasks for management. In the AIS database of clients there is a management of mass and individual mailing. All this will increase the quality of the performance of their duties by employees and the loyalty of your customers and customers.

AIS transport management keeps records of the transportation of goods and consolidation, ensures the binding of vehicles to certain routes. AIS optimization is necessary for warehouse accounting and for settlements at enterprises. This guarantees the control of inventory, financial and quantitative calculations, analysis of profitability and profit. Automation of accounting for AIS will reduce stored balances due to the forecast for production from existing raw materials.

AIS education management provides lesson planning, attendance control. AIS for recording the progress of university students will allow you to calculate the required scores based on any given assessment system. Gives statistics for each student, teacher. Allows you to charge piecework or percentage pay to staff. AIS for recording students undergoing internship guarantees keeping records of working hours, linking necessary electronic documents and scans to the records.

AIS accounting and distribution of housing maintains a single database with access to the most up-to-date information for all users and departments. Thanks to the delegation of various access rights in the AIS accounting system, management receives control over the audit of all changes and changes made, analysis of the work of personnel, appointment of schedules, automation of the reporting complex and its visualization.

The implementation of the AIS automation program is an important stage in the development of your business! This will increase productivity, improve the quality of customer service, reduce the possibility of error or deliberate falsification of calculations. The company "Universal Accounting System" develops AIS programs for accounting information systems for countries near and far abroad. Thanks to the remote installation, we can carry it out at a convenient time for the customer. From our site you can download demo versions of already implemented AIS accounting programs with basic functions for various sectors of the economy and services. And having already appreciated its advantages in practice - order the automation of accounting for management and control just for your business!

The program can be used by:

After watching the following video, you can quickly get acquainted with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you can't see the video you uploaded to YouTube, be sure to email us, we'll find another way to show the demo!

AIS control and management capabilities

  • Access to a single, always up-to-date information for all users of AIS accounting;
  • Contextual search management using various filters;
  • Grouping data and sorting according to specified criteria;
  • Optimization by the AIS program of accounting for database storage;
  • Convenient systematization and division into categories;
  • Individually customizable interface;
  • Automation of the workplace of an employee of AIS accounting;
  • Monitoring the performance of the staff in their duties;
  • Work on the local network and the Internet;
  • Job scheduling for employees;
  • Setting up price lists, costing and nomenclature in AIS accounting;
  • Automation of quantitative and financial calculations using AIS accounting information systems;
  • Accounting for work with contractors;
  • Management reporting to management;
  • Blocking control of the AIS accounting system;
  • Remote access management;
  • Import and export of reports in various electronic formats;
  • Opportunity to get acquainted with demo versions of AIS optimization programs;
  • Great reviews and recommendations from our AIS automation customers!

Download AIS software

Below are the download links. You can download a free presentation of the software in PowerPoint format and a demo version. Moreover, the demo version has certain limitations: in terms of time of use and functionality.

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