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  • AutoCAD library of a complete set of architectural elements. Blocks for AutoCAD

AutoCAD library of a complete set of architectural elements. Blocks for AutoCAD

To work with materials in AutoCAD, the MATERIALS palette is used, which has all the controls necessary to create and configure material parameters.

  1. Run the tool Materials (edit)(Materials) by choosing the command from the menu View ⇒ Toning ⇒ Materials(View ⇒ Render ⇒ Materials) or by clicking on the button Materials (edit)(Materials) toolbar Toning(Render), or by entering the command in the command window MATERIALS(MATERIALS) or just MAT(MAT).
  2. The MATERIALS palette appears on the screen. The default palette displays material properties Global(Global) that can be generated from a template Realistic(Realistic) - fig. 4.4. The MATERIALS palette is a very powerful and flexible tool for creating and configuring materials, so we will study its controls gradually and to the extent necessary to solve a specific problem.

Rice. 4.4. MATERIALS palette with a preset for a new material

  1. Click on the button Creating a new material(Create New Material), which is located under the preview area of ​​the material samples of the current drawing Materials available in the drawing(Available Materials in Drawing). In line Name(Name) of the window that appears Creating a new material(Create New Material) enter the name of the new material "RC PANEL". If you want, you can enter a description of the material in the line Explanation(Description), although not required. To create the material "RC PANEL" click on the button OK.

    Material Global(Global) makes sense to modify only if the vast majority of objects in the 3D drawing are made of the same material. In other cases, it is better to leave the material Global(Global) unchanged.

  2. The appearance of the "MATERIALS" palette will change - it will contain a new material "RC PANEL" with the properties set by default for the template Realistic(Realistic) - fig. 4.5.

Rice. 4.5. The "MATERIALS" palette with the parameters of the new material "RC PANEL"

  1. Leave the template selected Realistic(Realistic) and check the box By object(By Object) parameter Diffuse(Diffuse). This option controls the base color of the material, which you can customize by clicking on the adjacent color swatch. However, if the checkbox is checked By object(By Object), the appearance of the object is determined not by the color of the material itself, but by the properties of the object (therefore, when this checkbox is checked, the color swatch of the parameter Diffuse(Diffuse) will disappear). In other words, if the object is assigned a material for which the By object(By Object), but no texture was assigned, such an object will be displayed in the color that you selected for the corresponding layer, and not the color of the material. Since it is much easier to manage the color of objects than the color of materials, the author recommends that when creating new materials, always check the box By object(By Object).
  2. If necessary, scroll through the list of controls under Material Editor - RC PANEL(Material Editor - RC PANEL) palette "MATERIALS" (MATERIALS), and find the section Scatter texture(Diffuse map) (it is located directly under the slider Self-illumination(Self-Ilumination)). Check the box, if necessary. Scatter texture(Diffuse map) in order to enable the texture mode of objects to which the "RC PANEL" material will be assigned. To set the actual texture, select in the list of the section Scatter texture(Diffuse map) element Texture(Texture Map) and click on the button below it. Select Images(Select).
  3. Find using the window that opens Selecting an image file(Select Image File) the folder with the library of standard AutoCAD textures on the disk, select the texture Concrete.Precast Structural Concrete.Smooth.jpg in this folder and click on the button OK to assign this texture to the material "RH PANEL" is shown in fig. 4.6: in the preview area you will see how the selected material will look with the current parameters; button name Select Images(Select) will be replaced by the first letters of the texture file name (in this case - Concrete.Preca ...); to the right of the renamed button, icons for adjusting and removing textures will appear, and on the left - a slider for adjusting the diffusion of the texture and the base color of the material.

Rice. 4.6. The material "RC PANEL" is assigned the standard texture of the AutoCAD material library

In the Russian version of AutoCAD 2007, by default, textures are located in the System_folder: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data \ Autodesk \ AutoCAD 2007 \ R17.0 \ rus \ Textures. For more information about the location of installed textures, see the Directory for searching textures list section of the Files tab of the Settings dialog box.

In some cases, it makes sense not to check the box mentioned above. By object(By Object). For example, if you want to create a material that looks like concrete with a reddish tint, uncheck this box, adjust the desired shade of red for the parameter Diffuse(Diffuse), assign a concrete texture to the material, and then, by moving the slider in the section Scatter texture(Diffuse map), achieve the desired balance of red color and texture pattern.

  1. To assign a new material to a drawing object, click on the Apply Material to Objects button located on the MATERIALS palette below the preview area. AutoCAD will enter object selection mode, displaying a prompt in the command window.
  2. Click on one of the edges of the wall object and press Enter to complete the selection.
  3. To make sure that the RC Wall object is indeed assigned the RC PANEL material, click on any of the object edges, then right-click and select the command Properties(Properties). You can also select the command from the menu Edit ⇒ Properties(Modify ⇒ Properties) or click the button Properties(Properties) of the Standard toolbar, or enter the command in the command window PROPERTIES(PROPERTIES) or just CA(PR).
  4. Making sure that on the appeared palette PROPERTIES(PROPERTIES) under 3D rendering(3D Visualization) property Materials (edit)(Materials) matters PANEL RC(fig. 4.7), click on the buttons to close the "PROPERTIES" and "MATERIALS" palettes, and then press the button Esc to deselect the object that represents the walls of the room in the drawing.

Rice. 4.7. The selected object is assigned the material "RC PANEL"

  1. To configure rendering parameters, click on the button Additional toning options(Advanced Render Settings) toolbars Tonir(Render) or select the command from the menu View ⇒ Toning ⇒ Additional toning parameters(View ⇒ Render ⇒ Advanced Render Settings), or enter the command in the command window MODE(RPREF) or just RT(RPR).
  2. In the "ADVANCED RENDER SETTINGS" palette that opens, select the mode in the upper list of preset rendering modes. Average(Medium) and set the parameter Appointment(Destination) groups General(General) value Viewport(Viewport) - fig. 4.8 to redirect the rendering results not to a separate window, but directly to the drawing area.

Rice. 4.8. Reassigning the render output to the drawing area

  1. Close the ADVANCED RENDER SETTINGS palette by clicking its close button and run the tool Tonir(Render) by clicking the button Tonir(Render) toolbars Tonir(Render) or by choosing the command from the menu View ⇒ Toning ⇒ Toning(View ⇒ Render ⇒ Render), or by entering the command in the command window Toning(RENDER) or just TONE(RR).

    Button Tonir(Render) is also available in the ADVANCED RENDER SETTINGS palette, so you can render without closing the latter.

  2. After some delay, during which AutoCAD will render the image from the square elements, you will see the rendering result in the drawing area, similar to the one shown in Fig. 4.9.

Rice. 4.9. First render result

By default, it renders against a black background. The author had to adjust the rendering so that the background was white, based solely on the requirements of the printing industry. The background color itself does not affect the rendering quality or its performance in any way. We'll come back to setting up the rendering background in the next chapter when we talk about creating named views, but for now render without paying attention to the background of the resulting image.

As you can see from the result, the object is completely missing a texture pattern, which was visible even in the preview area of ​​the MATERIALS palette - see, for example, fig. 4.7. This is because the material parameters have not been configured. In our case, we see not an imitation of the surface of a reinforced concrete slab, but an imitation of a wall covered with fine concrete mosaic. To eliminate this defect, you need to adjust the size of the texture to the size of the object. In addition, the image of the object looks unrealistic, because, as already noted, by default in any AutoCAD document two lights are used, directed to the center of the drawing area due to the left and right shoulders of the observer. The main purpose of using these light sources is not to make the image realistic, but to provide a minimum level of illumination sufficient for visual recognition of faces that are located on different planes. Finally, our subject casts no shadows, which also greatly reduces the effect of realism in the image.

Creating 3D models is much more time consuming than designing them on a plane. However, modeling in 3d has its advantages that make up for the complexity of creating such a model.

AutoCAD allows you to build three types of 3d models: surface, solid and wireframe. Each type has its own characteristics that are suitable for different situations, they correspond to their own characteristics of creation and editing technologies. For this reason, by the way, you should not combine different types of modeling in one drawing.

So, a number of undoubted advantages of building three-dimensional models in AutoCAD include:

  1. Convenience of working with such a model: you can view it from all sides and from any side.
  2. AutoCAD has a function of automatic generation of basic and additional views on the plane.
  3. There is a possibility of constructing sections on a plane.
  4. With hidden line suppression and realistic toning, you get a great image.
  5. Interactions can be checked.
  6. You can export a model made in AutoCAD to an animated application.
  7. AutoCAD has the ability to conduct engineering analysis.
  8. Finally, you can easily extract the desired characteristics for production.

A wireframe model is a "skeleton" of a 3d object. It consists of points, curves, and line segments that represent the faces that describe the object. AutoCAD allows you to create wireframe models by placing planar objects anywhere in a 3D region. This placement can be done in the following ways:

In the process of creating an object, you enter the 3D coordinates of the points (x, y, and z);

Establish a two-dimensional coordinate system (X, Y) and indicate the construction plane on it;

If there is already a created 2D object, the wireframe is built by moving and defining its spatial orientation.

In addition to all this, AutoCAD will allow you to build 3d objects of the wireframe model, such as splines and three-dimensional polylines. Each object of the 3d model is created separately, its placement and modeling takes a long time.

Working in AutoCAD: making drawings

This section contains drawings of parts and assemblies made in AutoCAD. All of these drawings can be downloaded. But they can only be used as a model for the development of the necessary documentation, both technological and design.

AutoCAD is the best offer of all available software product created by Autodesk, which allows you to create three-dimensional and two-dimensional models.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it occupies a leading position among similar computer-aided design programs, CAD. AutoCAD is used by both the architectural and mechanical engineering industries. As a graphic basis, AutoCAD is also used in the mass of CAD programs that define geometric descriptions of projects. According to a rough estimate of experts, about 70% of all drawings, for which the automated mode was used, are based on AutoCAD.

Design in three-dimensional space without the appropriate skills, both objects and processes. All drawings and projects created in AutoCAD are compiled into a common digital base.

The ability to change the parameterization of a drawing (structure, detail), that is, depending on the new task, change the parameters of a previously created similar drawing. Possibility of holding presentations and cartoons. Conveniently save paper archives in digital format, and much more.

Working with AutoCAD: blocks

All elements of the drawing are collectively referred to as a block. Essentially, for the program, it is a single object at the point where you insert it. A block definition includes: name, stencil, and location. You may also come across the names "block description", "block reference" or "block definition". In all these cases, the same is meant.

Such a variety of terminology used in AutoCAD is not accidental: it is a characteristic feature of the program. Therefore, get in the habit of using synonyms and do not be surprised to find them in different places in the same description.

To create a block, use the tool with the same name, it is located in the "Draw" panel. The block definition is saved in the drawing file by default. Even if you remove all of the incoming elements, the definition won't go anywhere.

In any drawing, you can insert ready-made elements you need using the "insert block" tool. Actually, these very blocks can be saved in separate files, but we will consider this issue another time.

To create a block, it is preferable to use a zero layer, which allows you to create a "neutral block". To do this, before starting work, you need to make a decision about whether some block objects will be moved to the zero layer in advance. Actually, this is where they need to be created in order to avoid various confusion when inserting elements from those layers that differ from the zero.

Actually, if you know for sure that this particular block will be inserted into the drawing on one layer, you can create it right where you need it.

A set of utilities for AutoCAD - VetCAD ++

These utilities are designed to make it easier for the designer to work with AutoCAD. They are intended for professional designers of industrial and civil construction, useful in both fields.

VetCAD ++ is additional capabilities for autocad, including additional capabilities in order to generate specifications, steel consumption sheets. With them, you can put down positions in the drawing, start counting and enter into the specification. The program allows you to design drawings taking into account all standards.

A set of utilities VetCAD ++ allows you to automate the execution and execution of all construction documentation. It expands the AutoCAD suite of functionality, creating a more user-friendly design environment.

Using the VetCAD ++ utilities, a number of tedious and time-consuming operations will be automated and will take much less time to develop all the necessary construction documents (registration of construction drawings, the formation of various samples and specifications).

VetCAD ++ features

You will be able to draw up a drawing in full compliance with the standards (including curly brackets, welding symbols according to GOST, welds, marking holes, break lines, nodes, marks and sections).

Put down the positions, attaching the necessary parameters to them, which will facilitate their calculation and allow you to generate specifications automatically. Based on these specifications, it will be easy to generate a steel consumption bill.

Products such as meshes and framing (FFM) will be drawn and entered into an automatic database in order to facilitate their further use in the specifications.

You will form a database of the necessary drawings, assemblies and parts on your own, which is constantly updated and you will be able to edit texts in the built-in text editor. Statistics on the length of lines, polylines, the number of blocks, splines and arches, as well as the amounts and quantities of text primitives will be automatically read from the drawing.

But, it is much more convenient to work when you have your own collection of blocks for AutoCAD. We prepared it once and use it constantly. The time savings are enormous! It can be blocks for AutoCAD "Electric", and blocks for AutoCAD "Furniture" and even 3D blocks for AutoCAD of varying complexity and detail.

So, let's consider blocks of furniture for AutoCAD as an example. First of all, collect in one file all the blocks that should go into the collection. You can either create them from scratch, or download them from the Internet and then paste them into this file. Note that it can also be a dynamic block library for AutoCAD.

Rice. 1. AutoCAD file containing Furniture blocks.

Let's create our own library of blocks in AutoCAD on the "Tool palette". To do this, let's deal with the "Control Center", which is located on the "View" tab → "Palettes" panel. For a shortcut to the "Control Center" there is a hotkey Ctrl + 2. The palette shown in Fig. 2:

Rice. 2. Calling the AutoCAD palette "Control Center".

You need to go to the "Open Drawings" tab. On the left there will be a list of the drawings that are currently open in AutoCAD. The control center is unique in that it shows all the objects that are in our drawing file, i.e. blocks, dimension styles, layers, etc.

Rice. 3. Working with palette AutoCAD "Control Center".

Let's make the drawing with the name "Project" active. To do this, simply select it with LMB. On the right side, respectively, all the elements that are in this drawing are displayed. Now we are interested in "Blocks". Double click on this RMB icon. All blocks that are in this file will be shown.

Rice. 4. A set of blocks for AutoCAD.

Your block library for AutoCAD will contain those elements that will be selected here (for example, you can select everything with a frame and press the Ctrl key to release unnecessary ones). Then RMB click on any selected block and select "Create tool palette".

Rice. 5. Own collection of blocks for AutoCAD.

In this case, the blocks remain in the file from which they were moved to the palette. In AutoCAD, only links to these blocks are created. So if you rename / delete / move the original file with blocks, the palettes in these blocks will stop working.

In the tool palette (CTRL + 3), a new tab is created called "New Palette" containing the previously selected blocks. To rename a tab, you need to click on its name with RMB and select "Rename palette". Let's call it Cottage Furniture. Also here you can rename all blocks (RMB → "Rename").

Rice. 6. Own library of blocks AutoCAD "Furniture" on the tool palette.

These items are now stored directly in the system. To quickly call up tool palettes, just use the hotkey Ctrl + 3.

Rice. 7. The own library of blocks for AutoCAD can be supplemented with new objects.

This block is added to the palette in real time.

InfoCAPR - the only companywho develops unique families for Autodesk REVIT, libraries for AutoCAD, databases for ArchiCAD, AutoCAD MEP,Autodesk Inventor, Plant 3D, E3.Series and other CAD systems.We keep up with the times and help our clients move towards their goals.InfoSAPR is the only company in Russia that has adapted AutoCAD Electrical to the requirements of Russian designers.

Our motto is "CAD without Base - Down the drain!"

What a library (database) can be in a computer-aided design (CAD) system:

  • 3D models of equipment, both dynamic and static, with parameters that contain the equipment
  • conditional graphic images of equipment for drawings in accordance with GOST, ESKD, SNIP - most often 2D static blocks
  • typical design solutions - whole solutions assembled from standard blocks
  • a textual list of equipment with a description of the technical characteristics in Access, Excel, SQL, etc.
  • photographs, technical data sheets of equipment

Development of specialized CAD databases is useful for both design organizations and firms manufacturers.

Benefits for designers

  • Dramatically reduces the time it takes to create drawings
  • All conditional graphic images are drawn in accordance with GOST
  • The database already contains all equipment from leading manufacturers (reducing the time to select a supplier)
  • A clear correspondence of your drawing (3D models) to GOST and NTD
  • Development of a Database according to your requirements, including only the equipment that you need
  • Inclusion in the Database of typical design solutions (2D or 3D)

T This service is extremely necessary for organizations,who begin to work in a design system that is new to them.At the stage of adaptation to a new design technology, there is often no time and resources (employees) who couldwithin a few months to adapt the CAD system to the needs of your organization. Ongoing work eats up all the timeemployees and does not allow the enterprise to fully master CAD.InfoSAPR staff will help you in the shortest possible timing adapt CAD to your needs.

Benefits for producers

  • Promotion of the manufacturer's company due to the fact that thousands of designers in Russia and the CIS will insert your equipment into their drawings and automatically generate a specification from it
  • Raising the status of your company in the market
  • Brand recognition
  • Increase in profits by expanding the target audience

InfoCAPR offers to include your products in the Autodesk REVIT family, develop 3D models for AutoCAD, ArchiCAD,database for AutoCAD Electrical, Inventor, Plant 3D and whether another computer-aided design system, depending on the directionyour activity.The presence of your company's products will have a positive effect on the position of your company among competitors, expand the target audience, and will attract additional profit.

The library (database) can and should be considered as a marketing tool. But such libraries are no less important.have for your end customers, because for them it is a real help in design.

Service cost

The cost of services for the development of libraries (databases) for CAD in each case is individual and depends on the complexity of CAD, the numberthe required information and, accordingly, labor costs. The calculation of the costs of developing a database is carried out depending on the volume of filling the database (piece-rate payment) and on the time spent on the introduction of one element of the database (temporary payment). Usually, a list of product names in Excel format is sufficient to calculate the cost.

Good day, dear user of software from the great Autodesk.

During the design process, typical objects are created that are later used in many industries, thereby accelerating the design speed. But most of the designers do not want to share their best practices, because it is their intellectual property. In general cases, this is correct, but among them there are those who make their own contribution to this world and share their blocks, thereby freeing up more time for new work or for rest.

And so we have collected for you the most juicy collections from the runet space, as far as possible, the base will be updated, so stay tuned. You can also offer us your selection of blocks, thereby making life easier for many people.

Let the free distribution of collections of blocks for AutoCAD begin !!

Dynamic blocks of rolled metal and others.

We present to your attention the first archive of dynamic blocks of structural elements of various series. These are dynamic blocks of floor slabs, corrugated board, foundations. The main pearl of this archive is the dynamic blocks of rolled metal according to STO ASChM-20-93. Download dynamic blocks you can follow the link below.

(Downloads: 4967)

Composition of the block archive

Dynamic mesh reinforcement block

Next we have a very agile and multifunctional assistant to the constructors for reinforced concrete, this is a block for cutting a reinforcing mesh. In the block, you can adjust the outlets, the diameters of the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement, as well as mirror the arrangement of the bars. You can download the block below.

(Downloads: 2539)

Static blocks of trees and shrubs

For landscape design, we suggest you download a selection of blocks of shrubs and trees. It is a pity that, unlike dynamic blocks, they do not differ in such high mobility, but they also do not badly help in the design process.

(Downloads: 5172)

Static blocks of people and cars.

Often, when designing interiors and exteriors, for a better perception of the situation by the customer, it is necessary to place people and auxiliary objects, such as cars, on the drawings. Therefore, save yourself a gallery of blocks of people and transport.

(Downloads: 4053)

Blocks of furniture and sanitary equipment

The main requirement for floor plans is to indicate bathrooms and toilets. For quick designation, images of plumbing equipment are used. Drawing it every time is pointless. Therefore, save yourself these blocks of plumbing equipment for AutoCAD. As well as blocks of the most commonly used furniture (beds, tables, cabinets).

(Downloads: 6702)

Construction Machinery Blocks for AutoCAD

To create POS and PPR projects, blocks of construction equipment are simply needed. And we give you the opportunity, download them right here)

(Downloads: 3838)

Library of 3D furniture blocks and its 2D projections.

For those who are engaged in visualization, this archive is a real find. Here are collected a lot of 3D blocks of furniture for the autocad, and for further correct design of design projects there are projections of this furniture on the plans.

(Downloads: 4982)

Blocks for electricians.

As we know, the scope of AutoCAD is very wide. Therefore, it is used not only by designers in the construction field, but also in the design of electrical systems. And we have saved this archiver for them. In it you will find blocks of analog and integrated circuits, as well as the classic designations of the most common circuit elements (transistors, resistors, coils, etc.)

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