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Avatan: an unusual photo editor for working online. New feature from VKontakte

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Hello, friends! I use the applications on the VKontakte site that are useful. Any games are of little interest to me, since it is simply a pity for them time. One of my favorite apps is Croper photo editor. Although it is called Photoshop, it is not, it has very little functionality. I like it to glue photos online. A couple of minutes and you're done. Now I'll tell you step by step how I do it in the application, so that you can use it too.

1. Find an application in a contact and add it. There is also an official website for these developers on the Internet, so you can go to the application from there.

The main page of the application looks like this. There is advertising, but it is unobtrusive and you get used to it. I marked it with crosses.

2. You need to click the "Browse" button and select a photo from your computer. Large photos will not upload, so that no more than 3-4 MB. Files with the bmp extension are also not loaded.

Here you have uploaded two photos that need to be glued together.

3. Then press "Operations" - "Edit" - "Glue several photos". Then you see the next window. Use the mouse to click on the photos so that they appear in the selected ones. Change the settings if you are not satisfied with the default.

4. After, in the actions, choose to glue the photos vertically or horizontally. I chose horizontal.

4. This is how my photos stuck together. Everything suited me and I pressed accept. Then there was a photo and methods of saving. I like to save not in an album in contact, or on the wall for myself or a friend, but on my computer. To do this, select "save image" with the right mouse button and save it to your computer.

As you can see, everything is very simple. It takes me a couple of minutes to glue the photos together. It is much faster than doing the same thing in Photoshop, the program is large and it takes longer for me to open than I will do everything in the Croper photo editor.

In this photo editor, you can crop a photo, resize, rotate a photo, make it mirrored, merge several, convert an image to black and white. All these actions are performed in "Operations" - "Edit" - choose what you need.

Also in the "Operations" there is auto-processing - normalization, auto-levels, noise removal. If you want to apply effects to your photos, you can also find them in the "Operations" - "Effects" tab. Here you can blur, sepia photograph, pencil or watercolor drawing, embossing, charcoal pencil, or reflect on the surface.

Who loves frames, they are here too - simple and dynamic... I like dynamic ones. An example of two frames for a VK group.

Files for processing can be saved in different ways... On the wall of your VK profile, to your VK album, to a friend's wall, to your computer, to a photo hosting. You can upload photos both from your computer and from your VK albums.

When you have done all the necessary steps, you can clear the list of photos - in the "Files" tab. If you made an erroneous action, or you didn't like something in the processing, you can go back. Press "Operations" and arrows - undo the last action.

The application is completely free and it is very convenient in that for simple actions with a photo you do not need to have special knowledge of Photoshop, or download additional photo editing programs to your computer.

Hello friends, and especially all fans of the social network VKontakte. I recently wrote an article about, and today I want to write about an innovation that allows edit photos, well, it can edit, it is said very loudly, but now we'll figure it out.

In fact, such a function was sorely lacking for everyone who does not know how to slightly edit it on a computer before sending a photo to VKontakte. As I notice, many do not even rotate the photos before posting to the social network. What can I say about cutting it off or applying some kind of effect.

Contact developers understood all this, and decided to simplify the life of their users. In principle, today's editor has only a few functions, but they are also very useful and interesting. Let's see how to edit VKontakte photos, and what editing options are there.

How to edit a VKontakte photo?

Everything is very simple and straightforward. Open any photo (it doesn't matter if it will be a photo from an album, or your ava) and click "Edit" in the lower right block.

The photo will open in a smaller window and you will be able to edit it. At the bottom, you can choose one of the filters, for example, make the photo black white, or antique. There are two more items on the bottom left. Using the first, you can crop the photo, and the second, you can adjust the blur level of the photo.

By the way, on the topic, I think it will be interesting to read the article about that. Well what can I say about the new feature. Well, of course, there are still few opportunities, but most likely, over time, the editor will be updated and new features will appear. Something tells me that now VKontakte will begin the era of black-and-white and blurry photos :). Good luck friends, and I went to edit the photo :).

The most important advantage of any profile on a social network in contact is, without a doubt, his photos. Who can argue with us? None of the information on this page is accurate or accurate. After all, it is written, and you can print anything you want. But photographs are something that cannot be created artificially.

So photographs are the most valuable thing. At the same time, if we conducted a statistical study, we would find out that it is photographs that interest users most of all on your page. Think for yourself, you have come to someone else's page, you do not know this person, but you want to find out. What will you open first? Naturally, photos that will give you information not only about his appearance, but also about his hobbies, friends and much more. So photos are the VIP of your profile person, they need to be cared for and cherished, protected and improved. But we will tell you how to do the latter in this article.

Editing a photo on a social network in VKontakte

Most of the photos that fall on are subjected to different graphic processing. Almost no user will post a photo as soon as they take it. He will definitely correct something and somewhere, correct it, and so on. There are cases when the photo is already perfect, but how many such cases did you remember? Do you remember? Well, that’s the answer to your question, so photo editing is an important step in filling your albums with photos. But how and where to edit is another question. There are many different options. Dozens of graphic editors, special online systems in the vastness of the global network, and so on. But we will introduce you today to the method that is in the Vkontakte project itself.

PhotoLab app - enhance your photos

It is a service that helps you transform your standard photographs into real works of art. All you need is to add the application to your page, naturally allowing it to access your photos. Determine the photo itself, which will be subjected to graphic processing and you can start. Let's take a look at the capabilities of our editor.

1 .Color balancing... With the functions built into this category, you can control not only color, but also light. There are such parameters as darkening and increasing light, anti-aliasing and so on. You can bring everything to a certain balance with one button. It is also possible to change the balance parameters, both numerically and simply manually, as they say - by eye. Playing with color also includes extensive options to change. You can do everything in some kind of cold, or, on the contrary, in light colors. There is also a magic button - to improve. It's funny, but the button really works, the photo gets better. So don't forget to press it.

2 . Pruning... Naturally, without this parameter it would be simply impossible. According to statistics, nine out of ten photos that get into the social network Vkontakte are cropped. Since the camera, although a smart machine, is, however, not so much that it would not take into the frame everything that you do not need on your avatar, for example. So no graphics editor exists without this function.

3 . Size correction... If you understand this business, then it will not be difficult for you to reduce or increase the size of the photo. But there is a certain risk that by reducing the number of pixels or increasing them, you can easily lose the quality of the photo. So it's best to approach this function carefully, and if something goes wrong, immediately undo the action.

4 . Effects... The main category of the editor, since it compares favorably with competitors by the presence of a large number of a wide variety of effects. If you search and try everything, then you will clearly find something that suits you just perfect. True, maybe you will find several effects that fit just amazingly, then you will have to seriously rack your brains before choosing.

5 .Painting... Not all editors have this feature. Here you no longer correct the photo, but yourself, complement it with your own hands. Most often, drawing comes down to drawing some kind of inscriptions on the photo. But, you can get creative and add something of your own.

Overall app rating

Well, ladies and gentlemen, that's probably nine points. Quite a high mark, but deserved. Since we did not find any bugs, errors, failures, the system works like a clock, while it has an excellent service, many features and is very convenient to use. So we have an application that meets all the stated requirements. This is a small application that has little functionality compared to some kind of Photoshop. But for an application in the Vkontakte project, and for editing your photos, it is just perfect.

Since October 1, the online photo editor on the VKontakte social network has added new functions. Previously, I think there was only cropping and rotation. Now there is added an auto-correction function, in which there are several effects at once. I love this feature, as the image immediately changes significantly, though not always for the better.

In general, I like online photo editors for images. It is very convenient and saves us a lot of time, which is why they are so popular among the people.

What new functions can be used in the online photo editor VKontakte.

  • Add text
  • Edit brightness
  • Change contrast
  • Add sharpness
  • Adjust color saturation
  • Make vignetting
  • Apply sepia
  • Add blur
  • And try 16 more ready-made filters

The edited photo is saved in one copy, but you can restore the original at any time.

How to start using the online photo editor VKontakte.

And you won't find it right away, especially if you've never used it before. In order to start using this tool, you need to click on the edited photo so that it is open on the entire page. And at the bottom, find the inscription Edit, click on it and select Photo Editor.

And by choosing the functions on the right, you can insert text into an image, crop, blur, rotate a photo, or apply auto-correction.

Unfortunately, you can only insert text at the bottom, the color of the text does not change, there are only two styles, small italic letters and large letters, with a black stroke. To change the text, you need to click on the image of the text.

And here's what happens.

We crop the image, select the area with the mouse. Cancel - crossed out circle, save - checkmark.

The blur area can be adjusted with a slider.

And to get to the section where you can manually do the editing, you need to click on the word Parameters.

And there, each parameter is edited with a slider.

But that's not all, the most interesting thing is that the image can be returned to its original state at any time. To do this, go to Edit -> Photo Editor again and click Restore original.

And now everything can be seen in the video tutorial

In this article, I talked about the updated online photo editor on the VKontakte social network.

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