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Audiobooks - earnings on reading literary materials. How to record an audiobook at home Where can I record an audiobook based on book works

To record an audiobook at home in acceptable quality, you will need:


I have experimented with many options, and so far the best result has been achieved with the Blue Yeti microphone. Its distinguishing feature is that it picks up sound not from everywhere, but according to the settings: only from the front (when recording a podcast or audiobook), only from two sides (when recording an interview), etc. In addition, the Yeti microphone can be directly connected to the headphones, and then you will hear exactly what it picks up. Also on the microphone, you can adjust the degree of sensitivity - which is very useful if you are recording an audiobook in less than ideal conditions.

pop filter

This contraption is needed so that puffs, sighs and splashes of saliva do not hit the microphone. You can buy a pop filter (any one will do), or you can make it yourself: we take a hoop, old tights and figure out how to fix this whole structure in front of the microphone at a distance of 10-15 cm.

An alternative option is to wrap the microphone head with thin foam rubber and fix it with an elastic band. Or you can buy a special foam cap called a "foam windshield".

Recording program

Any will do. I use GarageBand for Mac. To understand how your program works, watch the tutorial videos on Youtube - everything is told and shown there.


All the flaws that are present in the recording are heard in the headphones.

Recording booth

When recording an audiobook at home, interference constantly occurs: barking dogs, the sound of passing cars, the operation of household appliances, etc. In addition, the walls and objects in your home give a booming echo. It is impossible to completely get rid of this interference, but if you have a commercial or home-made soundproof booth, the quality of the recording will improve significantly.

A soundproof audio booth looks like this:

It is assembled and disassembled, its walls and bottom are lined with thick foam rubber, and at the back it has a hole through which you can pass the wires for the microphone.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy a portable audio booth, you can make it yourself. My first "soundproof" design was made from rubberized terry bath mats, which I held together with clerical clips. A thick towel was placed under the microphone - so that the microvibrations of the table would not be transmitted "up".

The sound quality immediately improved, but my booth had a significant drawback - it kept falling on its side all the time.

The cheapest of the “for money” options is done like this: you buy a large plastic container, glue and thick foam rubber. Spread the inner walls of the container with foam rubber - and the booth is ready. The disadvantage of this structure is that the wires will have to be led outside, well, or a hole should be drilled in the back wall. In addition, it is quite difficult to correctly adjust the height and depth of the booth so that the optimal sound is obtained.

How to improve the quality of an audiobook recording

1. Choose the quietest place and the quietest time of the day to record. Close doors, turn off appliances, curtain windows, and place something soft (such as a towel) under the computer.

2. Try adjusting the microphone sensitivity so that outside noise is recorded to a minimum.

3. If your microphone is attached to the headphones, find a position where your breath will not hit the microphone.

4. The microphone must not be placed on a bare surface. Place foam rubber or a fabric folded in several layers under it.

5. Recording an audiobook will take you several days or even weeks. Try to keep the process consistent: all settings and your position in relation to the microphone should be the same.

1. Take your time when reading. The tongue twister and monotonous rhythm kills the audiobook.

2. If you have no acting experience and you have no time to practice, try not to play a performance. Inept acting sounds much worse than smooth reading.

4. When you read long enough, your mouth dries out, resulting in unnecessary smacks in the recording. To avoid this, take a sip of something sour, like orange juice.

How to record an audiobook

1. Lay the soundproof booth on a table or hang it from a stand, and then position the microphone with the pop filter attached to about the first quarter of the booth's depth. Your forehead should be level with the top of the booth and your face about 15 cm away from it. For most microphones, the optimal distance from the mouth is 30 cm. Do NOT put your head inside the booth.

In any case, you'll need to experiment to find the position that gives you the cleanest sound. You also need to determine exactly how your microphone picks up sound - from the side or from the top, and tilt it accordingly.

2. Don't interrupt while recording. If you hear extraneous noise, such as a dog barking, it is better to wait and repeat the broken phrase again. This will make it easier to edit the audio track, because the recording conditions will be preserved. And if you then apply patches to damaged phrases, you will have to adjust the volume and other technical parameters - and this is extra work.

3. First press the record button, then wait a few seconds and only then start reading. The same applies to the completion of work: we say the last phrase, wait, turn off the recording. This is required so that the program does not cut off the beginning and end of the phrase - this happens when the computer starts to slow down.

4. If you hear a quiet hum in the recording, which is almost indistinguishable live, most likely the problem lies in the fact that all your equipment is connected to one outlet. Try connecting devices to different outlets using extension cords.

5. Always listen to what you've got right after recording and apply the necessary patches "on the spot". The earlier an error is noticed, the easier it is to fix it, because then there will be other conditions - the weather, your well-being, etc.

6. Name all files with records according to the same principle - so that you do not get confused later which is which. For example, files with an audiobook "Barany horn" may look like this: 01-1-baraniy-rog, 01-2-baraniy-rog, etc., where "01" is the chapter number, and the second digit is the audio file number.

7. Record the first version of the audiobook in maximum quality - this way it's easier to edit later. For PC, the optimal format is .wav, for Mac, .aif

The final product is best saved in .mp3 format in mono - stereo sound in audio books unnecessarily.

8. If you do not understand programs that edit sound, and you have no time to study them, call professionals for help. The services of sound engineers are quite inexpensive, and the quality of editing will improve by an order of magnitude.

A professional sound engineer can:

Remove unnecessary repetitions and pauses

Eliminate clicks, sighs and other interference

Align sound on patches

Make sure that the recording of the entire work sounds exactly - from the first chapter to the last

fix the echo

Remove from the recording a uniform hum that is given by your computer fan or other technician

However, miracles should not be expected: if the recording is initially bad, it can only be slightly cleaned up. In any case, send uncorrected files to the sound engineer: inept editing will not help him in any way, but will only complicate the matter.

Quite common on the Web is making money on various information products, since it has a number of interesting features. From the typical sale of "store" goods, the sale of information differs, first of all, in the speed of obtaining the desired product by the user who has purchased it.

There are no waiting times for deliveries, there are no possible delays due to human or technical factors, there are no queues at the box office, etc. The whole transaction is carried out quickly, which is definitely a positive thing.

One of the quite popular types of information products are audiobooks. It should be noted that today, among a considerable number of categories of information products, audiobooks have become a relatively common format. You can even now visit the web site to see for yourself the profitability of the business of creating and selling high-quality audiobooks. Everyone on such sites has the opportunity to put up his creation for sale.

Of course, the goods must be submitted in electronic format. It is important that you will not have any limits on the number of sales performed. One book converted into an audio file, you can resell many times, receiving income all the time. It is a large number of sales made that can turn such an activity into a successful commercial enterprise. By varying the price values, you will influence the consumer interest in the proposed product. This will undoubtedly be a positive factor in the implementation process.

So, we proceed to a detailed study of making money on the World Wide Web on audiobooks. You will learn why, what and how is done to make a profit in this way.

Why do we need audiobooks?

Many may ask - “Actually, what are audiobooks for? After all, there are paper (classic) and electronic ("advanced") versions of books! Who needs audio recordings of literary works or teaching aids? The question is good and correct. This is the case here - the intense rhythm of today's life is becoming more active every day, which forces us to do several things at the same time, especially when we need to work and want to devote some time to the spiritual joy that comes from reading books. This is where audio recordings come in.

You can listen to audiobooks in any transport (standing or sitting - it doesn’t matter in this case), while doing household chores, doing sports training, shopping or just walking down the street, etc. You won’t be able to read an ordinary book in such conditions. It is because of this that many people who are busy doing several things at the same time are increasingly choosing audiobooks instead of their classic "brothers" written on paper or displayed on the screen of a gadget.

Such a developing trend gives excellent prerequisites for good earnings on the dubbing of books, articles, lectures, and more. others

Features of the method

High-quality audiobooks recorded using a special technique are of real value to a considerable number of people. With their help, there is an amazing opportunity to get acquainted with the most famous literary masterpieces, useful educational materials or just good works of art. Most importantly, you don't have to read the books. This convenience immediately created a demand on which you can make money.

The method has many features but first of all, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • the ever-increasing demand for this kind of information products is able to ensure a stable profit;
  • Initially, the simplest skills and a minimum of technical means are required to organize this Internet business;
  • with a little practice and having gained the correct intonation, diction and tempo of speech, one can achieve tremendous success in this matter;
  • people like audiobooks for a number of reasons: the eyes do not get tired of the screen or paper, it is easy to combine with other things, listening to interesting stories (reading) calms, etc.;
  • with a competent, professional approach to the activity in question, you can achieve a constant solid income.

In addition to the five special characteristics of making money on audiobooks presented above, there are still important aspects that you will get to know as you study this article further.

Profit Method Benefits

The benefits, to be honest, are many. Here are the most significant positive nuances:

  • a huge amount of text material to translate it into audio format;
  • popularity and demand for these products is constantly growing;
  • many options for earning money - fulfilling orders, selling works on special exchanges, opening your own online store, etc.;
  • a minimum of special equipment and special knowledge or skills;
  • independent control of all the subtleties of the created information product - intonation, stress, accents and pronunciation;
  • quick payback of equipment with a further transition exclusively to profitable activities. Provided that labor and time costs are not taken into account;
  • the acquired skills and experience in creating audiobooks will be useful in life. Even after 5-9 years, you will easily remember the whole procedure and will be able to create and sell your book entries again, receiving money;
  • good fees when working with orders. For example, it takes up to 17-19 hours (with interruptions) for 300 pages of text. Such a product will cost about 350-400 rubles.


The technique of making money from audiobooks has, of course, negative qualities:

  • beginners have to master the technique and the necessary software for a long time;
  • it is impossible to objectively assess the result of one's own work. Personal ego will not allow you to adequately evaluate yourself beloved;
  • attention and the ability to focus on correct reading aloud for a long time are required;
  • through audio recordings, specific (professional) and educational information is extremely poorly absorbed. Therefore, customers who try to study or learn some material through the audio format often receive negative reviews about any audiobooks;
  • additional time and labor costs are required for file processing (correction, rewriting sections, editing, etc.).

As you can see with an inexperienced eye, there are also a lot of shortcomings, and some of the disadvantages are very serious.

Earning principle

The idea of ​​making a profit is incredibly simple (not taking into account the technical side). You, using special devices, a computer and programs, create an excellent information product. In our case, an audiobook. It is created either to order or for sale.

Orders can be received in special online stores and on freelance exchanges. Ready-made works are sold well on the same stock exchanges, on non-special platforms (for example, virtual boards with ads) or from your own website. You won't be left without income.

There are several ways to make money on audiobooks - this is the sale of your recordings, the resale of someone else's work, affiliate programs, and so on. Attention will be paid only to the method in which you yourself create a well-read record and send it to the customer for a fee agreed in advance or sell it.

With this option, in any case, an erudite person with an excellent vocabulary, able to properly pause, observe the appropriate intonation and correctly separate the text can make popular audiobooks so that the reader will be pleased to hear your voice.

Before you go to market with your notes or before taking orders from employers, write down reading 3-4 pages of some text. Listen carefully to the result. Don't skimp on criticism. Let an uninterested person listen to the additional recording and express their opinion.

The text should be perceived easily and freely. Desirable pleasant timbre of sounding. There should be no inappropriate accents, extraneous sounds, stammering, pronunciation errors, stuttering, coughing and other defects.

Nuance! It often happens that the most popular literary work has not yet been voiced by anyone, and if there are recordings, they are of terrible quality. Listeners, of course, are unhappy with such a recitation. Here is an amazing opportunity for you to earn good money on this particular book, making your recording of the highest quality and satisfying the needs of listeners!

Don't worry, everything will come with regular practice. If it is difficult to master the development of correct and beautiful speech on your own, then you can take courses in acting and public speaking. Here, experienced managers will help you quickly develop the skills necessary for work.

Ways to make money with audiobooks

Such, one might say, a rare and original way of the type of Internet business can be successfully developed in several directions. Let's analyze the most profitable tactics.

1. Offer narration services to web sites specializing in audiobooks (sales, paid listening, etc.). Very often, such sites are looking for conscientious and competent performers for long-term cooperation. The fees offered are decent. A striking example is the portal. On his example, consider this direction of earnings on audiobooks.

LitRes is a large online store where you can purchase any printed matter and, most importantly, recorded text materials. Naturally, you need to replenish and expand your own database of audiobooks, therefore, the service offers everyone who wants to participate in this business.

After registration, you will receive your first order. As a rule, this is a short story or story. Maybe some article. Once the work is done, you send the result to LitRes, where the carefully submitted work will be evaluated and analyzed. I will say right away that LitRes does not steal, like most text exchanges, test papers. If the quality meets certain requirements, you are hired. The test task is immediately assigned to you and goes on sale. After reading the following texts or entire books, they will also formally belong to you.

The nuance here is simple and very profitable. You read, write down and edit the result, after which you send it to a special department of the LitRes service. After the record goes on sale (Attention!) All the efforts to sell the product are taken over by the site employees, for which they take a certain percentage of the cost. It depends on the volume, complexity and popularity of the text. The main thing is that you will consistently receive a fee for life from each completed sale of your audiobook. A very attractive way to earn money.

You are required to correctly record high-quality material, which can be selected from an impressive list of different texts after applying for a remote job at LitRes. In addition, the very process of work will give a pleasant feeling of accomplishing a useful deed for society. This is a real fact, since you are voicing the literary works of talented authors for modern people, especially for blind people with disabilities, and future generations.

2. Own thematic site. You can make a good, specialized project entirely dedicated to literature, critical essays, published novelties, and most importantly, audio books. Income here will come from three main sources:

  • realization of audiobooks recorded by you;
  • sale of information products under the partner program. Monetary reward depends on the number of books downloaded or sold;
  • advertising and sold links.

Important! For this method, you must definitely use a well-promoted website. Constantly make replenishment of the assortment of audiobooks. This will give a great opportunity to get regular customers and your own clientele!

3. Setting up your own home recording studio. Naturally, you will work in it, and you can also rent out the premises and equipment.
You will begin to implement your records in the following ways:

  • independently through the site (downloadable formats, CDs, DVDs, etc.);
  • through affiliate programs created by you;
  • under a contract through other web sites engaged in similar activities.

The most important advantage of your site is your personal product (or affiliate) with the prices you set. It is possible to accept other people's information products for sale, for which you will receive interest.

4. Earnings on specialized freelance sites. The most profitable, popular and visited exchanges are and You need to register for them.

On such platforms, there are always orders for voicing various texts or entire literary works. It is necessary to record very high-quality (may attract sound engineers and special editors) demonstrative material and put its parts in the "Portfolio" section of your account. Clients, if all goes well, will go in droves. It remains only to complete the order, that is, to perform the voice acting, and send the work to the customer and receive a normal fee. All nuances of copyright are redirected to the employer who gave the order.

5. Non-special trading resources. The principle of the designated implementation method is somewhat reminiscent of the previous version, only very limited. Here you can get profit only on the sale of materials recorded by you. You just need to register on the trading platform (“”, “”, etc.) and post the information product at your price.

This method has positive and, of course, negative qualities. The first characteristics are:

  • solely your cost of the audio file;
  • personal quality control and its own recitation feature;
  • the impossibility of not accepting work. All announcements are accepted on such public boards. There are few exceptions, but they do not affect recordings of works.

However, reviews are important here, as they are necessarily published. Potential buyers are guided exclusively by them. It is necessary to provide a quality product that does not cause negative complaints;

  • there is a huge selection of books and other tests. You only write down what you like.

The disadvantages include:

  • there are some difficulties in implementation, especially on the resource. There are additional criteria, conditions, restrictions, etc.;
  • big competition. This minus very easily turns into a plus - you need to create a quality product. Reviews and word of mouth will do their job.

It will be easier and hassle-free to implement audiobooks on your website/blog or in groups of popular social networks. An effective step would be to perform an excellent recording of a couple of books and upload them without payment (for free). In this way, you will quickly achieve a respectful reputation and the rest of the entries, on your behalf, will begin to diverge consistently well.

Actual! It is important to remember that only literary works (in any form) for which the copyright term has legally expired can be used for private sale. Officially, the work becomes public 70 years after the death of the author.

If you sell such texts on your own, then there is a serious possibility of litigation with relatives, suddenly appeared relatives, mistresses, illegitimate children, etc. Try to choose works for commercial voice acting for sure in order to eliminate unnecessary nervousness and proceedings.

Do not ignore the related rights received from a living, I apologize for the frankness, author. There may be valid rights of translators, publishers, editors, etc.!

It is not worth creating an impressive database of your audiobooks. It is better to focus on certain specifics and create high-quality information products. Choose books that are interesting and enjoyable for you. Surely it will be of interest to many users of your temporary generation. Ideally, when you become the owner of a complete audio collection of works by one famous author or the creator of an archive of folk tales, proverbs, myths, etc. Recordings of medical texts and articles from fashion or creative magazines are bought well.

You are free to choose absolutely any genre. It will be necessary to take care of its profitable sale. The best assistant in this matter will be the media - distribute your advertising on free thematic web resources and in special sections of large-circulation newspapers (magazines, leaflets, etc.).

Audiobooks can be produced in completely arbitrary genres - science fiction, historical novels, world classics, detective stories, short stories, tragedies, epics, and so on. It should be noted that the demand for audio versions of magazines on the topics of sports, business and politics has recently increased.

Required equipment and required abilities

To record a decent audiobook, you do not need to record in professional studios. An excellent information product can be prepared in simple home conditions. Here it is important to foresee the factors that determine the quality of the recording. So what significant factors are important and necessary? Let's analyze the minimum that allows you to do excellent work.

1. High-quality voice recorder. It is clear that tablet or telephone voice recorders can be used. I must say right away that such records need to be corrected by special programs. Extraneous noises, sounds, small speech defects should be removed. Also, the software allows you to implement sound, which is an elegant component that accompanies speech. With this technique, your voice should not drown out the background sound.

It is clear that good equipment is expensive. Now the minimum set of normal equipment (without a PC and programs) will cost 6,700 - 7,460 rubles. If the equipment is professional, then the cost of audiobooks is much higher. You don't need to skimp. Never forget about the quality of tools.

2. "Booth" for sound recording. At home, when creating a recording, all kinds of interference are sure to arise - the noise of passing vehicles, the barking of dogs, the operation of household appliances, and so on. In addition, large objects, walls, ceilings and floors form a booming echo. It is physically impossible to get rid of such interference completely. But, when you have a homemade or commercially available soundproofing cylinder, the recording will improve significantly in terms of sound quality.

Note! A soundproofing "booth" is understood as a cylindrical frame, sheathed from the inside with special foam rubber (polyurethane foam) with protruding pyramids. There is a microphone in the middle. The special surface structure will not let in extraneous sounds, and the microphone will only record the speaker's speech!

It is easy to make such a cylinder yourself. It is assembled and disassembled simply and outwardly resembles the USSR postal parcel made of plywood (without end plates). At the beginning of the activity, such an invention can be pasted over from the inside with thick, large-mesh foam rubber. Ideal - if you cut out the maximum number of pyramids, reminiscent of the Egyptian Wonder of the World.

The cheapest and easiest option is a plastic container (for example, from under clean water 5-6 liters.). You buy leftover foam rubber at a hardware store. In many building markets, there are special baskets where you can take suitable scraps, surpluses, partially defective plates, etc. for a penny. It remains to fix the foam rubber with glue, however, you will have to equip inside the structure (in the middle) a place for a microphone and outlets for wires. With this, I believe, there will be no difficulties.

3. Quality work. Definitely, this is an important point. The created audiobook should please you and be interesting to the general reader. It is important to follow copyright. It is impossible to joke with this condition, prescribed in the legislation. The consequences can result in huge fines and penalties.

4. Suitable room or limited space in a large room. Silence is important here. It determines the quality of the recording. Believe me, it’s easier to equip the right apartment (“closet”) than to spend an incredible amount of time and work on removing all sorts of flaws.

If the family and relatives are nearby, then you need to show determination and convincing arguments in favor of your profitable activities. You need to delicately, but very clearly explain the significance of your lesson. When there is no compromise, it is worth looking for a “calm” room with friends or renting a room.

5. Diction. This is the most fundamental factor, consisting of many components. Without the careful development of the entire Diction group, it is impossible to achieve success and appreciation. A written book will be successful if it was created by a person with a correct, good and pleasant speech. It is necessary to take care of the aesthetic pleasure of the listeners.

  • amazingly delivered voice - completely intelligible diction, there are no swallowing of the endings of words and vowels, sharp jumps or changes in speech (loudness, rhythm, tempo) are unacceptable;
  • guided speech without defects. I apologize, of course, but who lisps, burrs, stutters (honestly, I myself have such a small flaw), speaks with a national accent - you can’t count on standard earnings in voicing texts. Don't be discouraged! There are orders specifically for such features of speech;
  • absolute absence of external speech and noise. Natural breathing, possible swallowing of saliva, breaks for drinking water, “hissing” and any other “effects” unpleasant for the listener will have to be corrected for a long time later or very cheaply offer an audiobook for purchase. Purity of speech is the most valuable quality of an announcer, capable of providing him with solid earnings;
  • the right ability to change the speed of recitation. There should be no compromise on sound quality. In this case, we can analyze an example familiar to everyone - a commercial. The standard is 30 seconds, however, the speakers have time to clearly, understandably and clearly convey important information to the listener. These are professionals. One must learn from them;
  • acting, emotional skill. It is impossible for the announcer to mumble the text, monotonously presenting it in the recording. It is necessary to present the material in an interesting, expressive, emotionally colored, convincing manner. Professionals can record children's fairy tales and, for example, political and financial topics in such a way that it is absolutely impossible to understand that there is only one author for the records. You need to learn, develop and practice in all directions;
  • generally accepted pronunciation of foreign words. This requires knowledge of a foreign language;
  • stress and punctuation are typical spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is necessary to learn the language and the relevant rules;
  • pauses - it is necessary to arrange pauses according to the current development of events in the text, individual paragraphs, additions, explanations and other text auxiliary parts;
  • the pace of reading is a very contradictory, individual indicator. Everyone's perceived reading speed is different. Someone likes fast recitation, others - slow, someone - medium intensity. It is impossible to please every client.
    Basically, you should use an average pace when reading (28 seconds - 290 characters), but sometimes acceleration or a significant decrease in pace is required. It all depends on the text being read;
  • emphasis is a special emphasis on intonation of important words or fragments in the text. It is very important to highlight interesting, relevant moments appropriately.

Possible mistakes

It is necessary to know the probable mistakes that can be made in the process of work. Be aware of these flaws that can cause audiobooks to have low demand:

When you have acquired the necessary software and hardware, you need to use this whole complex correctly. A good guide is:

  • turn on the PC, check the performance of the microphone, start recording programs;
  • place the soundproof booth on a table (perhaps hanging on a stand for convenience).

Remember! The soundproof container must be fixed in the first ¼ of the booth space. The horizontal level is exactly the middle. Approximately up to the mouth should be more than 28-32 cm. No need to "shove" your head into the booth!

You need to select all the parameters for yourself. You should experiment often at the initial stage. Much depends on the microphone - with or without a protective filter;

  • conveniently placing a literary source, read the notes without interruption. It is impossible to put up with the presence of interference that has arisen (barking dogs, noise from repairs, extraneous conversations, meowing, etc.). If the room and the “booth” are good, it will take very little time and effort to edit. Professionals generally record without post-correction.
    If you cut out phrases, then try to edit the audio track, otherwise the "patches" will stand out in terms of volume or playback speed. You do not need to do extra work;
  • after scrupulous preparation, press the "Record" button in the open program. You should wait 11-16 seconds before reading. The same gap must be observed before completing the recitation. Such indents for safety net are needed. There are a number of programs that independently trim the time at the end and beginning;
  • always check the segments of the recording that are convenient for you. Immediately edit or re-record substandard fragments. When a mistake is noticed in time, then there will be less troubles and absurdities later; Attention! When a barely perceptible quiet hum is heard during the control listening, then this is probably a problem in overloading the outlet. Perhaps too much equipment is connected to it. Use extension cables to power all devices separately!
  • be sure to save a good result in several places (hard disk, flash drive, CD, external HDD, etc.). Anything happens, but the copy will be intact;
  • get into the habit of naming your audiobook files the same way. It is convenient for you, for readers, and this principle creates your brand. The last point is important in terms of the future development of activities. For example (this is an illustration model), it is desirable to make the chapters for the Golden Calf audiobook as follows: Zolotoi-telyonok-1, Zolotoi-telyonok-2, Zolotoi-telyonok-3… The principle, I believe, is clear;
  • make the first version of your work as high quality as possible. Editing will then take an extremely long time. For computers, the optimal formats are ".wav" and ".aif", and for digital players - ".mp3";
  • it happens that there is no ability to work with sound editing programs. Well, you have a completely different profession - this happens to every 3rd person.

By the way, I am no exception. It is not possible to work on the adjustment, and that's it! Tutorials, video tutorials and webinars are absolutely useless. In this case, you need to contact professionals on the same freelance exchanges. The services of sound engineers are inexpensive, but the quality of the audiobook will improve by an order of magnitude.

After completion of the work (including editing), you can sell the information product or send it to the customer.

How does a professional sound engineer help?

If there are unavoidable interferences or at the very beginning of the recording activity, then there is definitely a reason to turn to specialists working with sounds. Such editors, at minimal cost, will be able to do:

  • elimination of unnecessary pauses and repetitions;
  • alignment of the sound on the "patches" you inserted;
  • smooth echo;
  • eliminate sighs, punctuation, clicks and other interference;
  • smoothing the sound and timbre of the entire recording. The emotional coloring of the record is not meant here. The whole piece will sound smooth and easy to understand;

You can significantly improve an audiobook in this way, but you should not expect miracles. The defining moment is the equipment used and diction. Even a super editor will not be able to fix such flaws. It needs to be taken seriously from the start.

How do you improve the quality of an audiobook

Based on the previously presented conditions, it is possible, taking into account successful moneymakers, to present several primary recipes:

  • always choose a quiet place to record. It is better to work at night, since no devices or movements of neighbors will form noises, rustles, creaks, etc.;
  • You need to adjust the sensitivity of the microphone for the perception of sounds from nearby sources;
  • be sure to put fabric or foam rubber under the microphone frame (thickness 0.53-1.1 cm). So it will be possible to avoid all sorts of concussions from the street or from your necessary manipulations;
  • even microscopic vibrations of the microphone are unacceptable. This device and a special grid must be placed exactly;
  • arrangement of the place of recording. High-quality creation of audiobooks takes up to 9 days (for beginners). With experience, this time will be reduced to a day if you develop mentally and technically. The place to work should be completely comfortable.

How much money can you earn

The profitability of audio recordings (books, magazines, articles, etc.) is entirely due to two factors:

  • special information necessary for training;
  • popular works.

Both moments can be combined. Experience will come with time. Let's take a look at the numbers.

When you earn by completing orders, you get this situation (the numbers are average!). It all depends on the agreement with the employer. Approximately 10 rubles/page. In temporary performance - 6-7 minutes of high-quality voice acting.

If you have created your own website or web store, then you are the KING. Set any price. At first, it is desirable to make the cost slightly reduced. So you will be able to initially fight off competitors. Create a brand and everything will be OK!

In regards to prices. With your own online store, you can get up to 1.21-1.9 rubles per word. Very profitable.

Employers offer 40.0-58.0 kopecks.

It is necessary to develop! When you master, say, some sound-editing program, your earnings will increase significantly!

Estimated prices today are:

  • 1 rub. one word, without any editing;
  • 2-3 rubles the voice acting is competent, with acting skills;
  • 4-6 rub. own editing. Here the installation is done with agreement. The employer will tell you his requirements (if you place an order);
  • 8-10 rubles per word - a well-formatted, formatted entry.

An hour recording with absolute quality comes out at 70-110 rubles. Now, I believe, the nuances are all known.

Improving earnings

There are several secrets to increase earnings. The main tips are:

  • do (exhibit) work on holidays, weekends. Convenient for you and customers;
  • place orders as quickly as possible;
  • try to take and place orders around the clock. Yes! It's difficult! More this recommendation is needed for beginners! It is necessary to make a name and reputation!;
  • always keep the correctness and clarity of the sound of diction. At such a moment it is quickly possible to organize activities with information products;
  • don't forget the kids! Fairy tales are always in demand and popular!;
  • always read the text with meaning. "Water" cannot be poured. Avoid unnecessary information, punctuation marks, explanations, etc.;
  • create a bright, noticeable cover for infoware. Potential buyers will be interested in your offer. Headlines should “sound”, scream, offer clear benefits, hint at further cooperation;
  • never cheat readers and subscribers. Quickly send purchased information products or send new articles to subscribers in a timely manner.


The world is changing dynamically. Conquer people with the possibilities of new technologies. Many today refuse typical (classic) paper books. It is not very convenient to get knowledge and information like this now. More and more users prefer audiobooks. It is affordable, simple and extremely convenient. Doing such an online business is profitable.

Audiobooks are an incredibly promising occupation that can bring a good, stable income. Such materials are especially in demand abroad!

I recommend visiting the following pages:

What do you need to do to write a book yourself? What equipment to have, and what qualities to possess? We have identified three components of success, these are the rules for recording audiobooks:

  • Careful work of the reader on the text of the work;
  • Correct diction, articulation and breathing;
  • Good equipment and sound quality.

The reader's work on the work

The main question that an actor must answer before recording an audiobook is “What do I want to say?” or “What did the author mean?” (if we are talking about recording not your own work).

The second question, which is also important to find the answer to: "To whom do I want to say this?".

And finally, the third: "For what?". What, in the opinion of the actor or the author's intention, should the book push the reader, what kind of emotion to evoke, what to make you think about.

Having answered these questions for yourself, the manner of presentation, the mood becomes clear, the subtexts that should be conveyed by voice are visible. You understand the problem, you know the solution, and you're almost ready to write your own book.

It is also important to highlight the climax of the work and read, gradually “rising” to it, intensifying the flow, in order to then firmly put the last point.

Only this way and nothing else. Otherwise, we will hear not an audiobook, not a literary audio work, but a “reading of the text”.

These are perhaps the most important skills that a reader must possess in order to captivate the listener with his performance and turn a printed work into a unique sound. We will stop on these basic concepts, because, continuing, we risk getting into the subtleties of stage speech, but our task is different.

Diction, articulation, breathing

As you understand, without correct and clear sound production, all attempts to immerse yourself in the book, even the most successful ones, and “transfer” it to the listener seem empty. What's the point if he doesn't hear half the sounds?

You will find many detailed books and courses on stage speech on the shelves of stores and on the Internet, but we don’t have much time, do we?

Therefore, we bring to your attention a short but extremely effective video course from the Russian Speech Theater Center. The course consists of four short lessons, performing exercises from which you will significantly increase the clarity of sounds, gain the basis of breathing and confidence in speech. Being constantly engaged, you will be able to voice any book (well, or almost any) yourself.

Good luck!

Lesson 1 - Articulation

Lesson 2 - Relax

Lesson 3 - Breathing

Lesson 4 - Diction

Hardware and software for creating audiobooks

To record an audiobook, you will need:

  • A computer;
  • Microphone and sound card (or USB microphone);
  • Program for recording and editing sound;
  • Prepared room without echo and extraneous sounds.

Any modern computer is suitable for recording, because the sound does not require serious computing resources. The main thing is to pay attention to the noise of the fans, because his microphone will also record.

Microphone and card

Mic-to-card pairing can seem not only complicated, but also quite expensive, so we recommend starting with a USB microphone. Such a microphone has a built-in sound card and is easily connected and detected by the system. Of the budget models, you can safely call Recording-Tools MCU-02, from the more expensive line - Shure PG42 USB. However, many manufacturers now have USB models for every taste and budget. As for audio cards, PreSonus, Focusrite and, of course, Roland are the undisputed leaders in terms of price/quality ratio.

Programs for creating audiobooks and recording them

Producers of sound software please with variety. And not only paid products, but, most importantly, free and no less high-quality - except that usually the tools in them are a little poorer:

  • Audacity is a home recording classic, free software for creating audiobooks;
  • Ocenaudio is a personal discovery of mine last year, an excellent program for recording audiobooks.

Both programs are cross-platform, i.e. work on all major operating systems. The first has much richer functionality, but the second, in my opinion, is more convenient to use. Try both and choose your favorite.

I also recommend the paid, but inexpensive Reaper - this is a full-fledged multitracker, in which it is convenient not only to write a speech, but also to mix it with music and noise (important - the trial period is endless). And if funds allow, then you can pay attention to the Sony product line - Vegas and Sound Forge - programs for creating audio books.


We put the room in fourth place on our list, although it certainly deserves the first. Because neither excellent clear speech nor professional equipment will save you from extraneous noise and echo, which is almost impossible to get rid of. This, ultimately, catastrophically affects the overall impression of the book.

If you are taking the first steps in sounding and do not want to spend money on professional processing of the room, for example, IKEA U-shaped hangers and thick blankets will help you: the design can enclose the recording area and partially exclude reflected sound. Of course, you can read under the covers, but believe me, it's very hard.

And don't forget about extraneous noise! The room must be quiet.

Now you have the basic knowledge of how to record an audiobook yourself.

And if you need professional voice acting, contact us using this button:

Recording an audiobook is a complex process consisting of several separate steps.

  1. Selecting a speaker whose voice is ideal for reciting a specific text.
  2. Studio recording. Includes the reading process itself and correction if necessary.
  3. Treatment. The duplicates are collected and mounted, the material is cleaned from extraneous sounds so that nothing interferes with listening.
  4. Control listening. At this stage, the quality of the voice acting is checked, the last adjustments are made.
  5. Preparation for shipment to the customer. The track is "cut" into the necessary parts (for example, book chapters), additional audio materials are added if necessary.

Types of audiobooks

Audiobooks come in a variety of formats, each suitable for a particular kind of text.

  • Single Voice. The most popular and simplest type of voice acting, it is well suited for descriptions, reviews, scientific texts, radio programs, in a word, when the narration goes without division into roles.
  • Voice acting by a group of announcers. The text is read by professional actors of different sexes, ages, with different timbres of voice, selected according to the character of the characters. This format is suitable for works of art with dialogues, in such cases it can be difficult to perceive monophonic reading by ear.
  • audio performance. It differs from simple voice acting in that the reader is completely immersed in the atmosphere of the plot: in addition to reading, the audio performance contains musical accompaniment, sounds of actions and the surrounding space (passing cars, a creaking door, the sound of steps, a neighbor coughing ...).
  • Business summary- a new, but rapidly gaining popularity format of business trainings or forums. They are a brief retelling of the essence of the training, usually issued in the form of a series of short recordings.
  • Training courses. This format is most popular for teaching foreign languages: it is easier to learn the correct pronunciation by ear.


Several factors affect the final cost of an audiobook: how long your work is (it directly affects how many hours it will take to create an audiobook), which announcer you have chosen (a famous actor or a beginner), how many people will participate in the recording, whether additional sounds or only voice acting, etc.

The site company is ready to offer many solutions specifically for a particular audiobook, taking into account the specifics of the work and the wishes of the author of the book.

How to order an audiobook?

Send us your text, select the actors you want to entrust to voice your book (you can listen to demo recordings of their voices for free in our catalog). Next, we calculate the cost of the work and after payment we record the audio and send you your finished audiobook!

You can always contact us for help with any questions by calling toll-free

Download the Koobaudio program from here (version 2.0.12 is out at the time of this writing). To work, you also need to install Microsoft .NET Framework 4, if for some reason you still don’t have it, and the Acapela Elan TTS 5.1 Nicolai speech engine. Immediately after installation, the main program window will open:

In the "Basic settings" you must specify the directory to save the finished audio files, for example D:\audiobooks:

On the "Audio file format" tab, you can select the appropriate codec (mp3 or aac):

If necessary, you can enable additional functions on the "Audio signal processing" tab, but this will increase the size of the output audio file. You don't need to change anything else in the settings.

To import a book, click the button in the left corner of the toolbar and select a file in one of four formats (txt, djc, rtf, fb2):

The Book Import Window will open:

In order for the program to correctly pronounce words, you need to import a dictionary of stress placement. Then click "OK" and wait until the program processes the text (the waiting time depends on the size of the text and the dictionary):

That's all. Now you can listen to the resulting audiobook or import it into an audio file. If the source text contains headings of different levels, the program itself will break the book into separate chapters. Using the context menu, you can manually specify from which and to which chapter the book should be converted:

As you can see, making an audiobook is not difficult at all. Happy listening.

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