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Archive of messages tele2. We connect free SMS through the Bonus program

Anyone who offers the texts of your SMS are scammers. And the point is this. None of the operators keeps the history of communication between their subscribers, and getting a printout of SMS and ordering detail in practice is the same thing. Continue reading and you will learn how to save your SMS on Android and IOS for free, as well as access them on any phone or PC. Also, order information about the last messages sent / received.

How to make detailing

Are the texts of received and sent SMSs themselves digital waste paper for you? To get information about the debiting of funds, the time of sending and the recipient numbers, there are 2 options:

  1. Through the Internet. Go to your Tele2 personal account at and log in. Then select the item "Expenses and payments" and there click on "Detail of expenses". Find the month you are interested in (the data for the last six months is stored there), enter your email address and expect the result. The service is provided free of charge through the personal account.
  2. If you need to get information about later SMS, you will have to visit the Tele2 office. They have been doing detailing for the last 3 years. But you will need to take your passport to confirm the ownership of the SIM card.

Attention! When contacting the office, be prepared to pay 30 rubles for each month of detailing.

How and why does deception of services that offer a printout of SMS with text work

Such services a priori cannot provide you with information. As already mentioned, Tele2 does not store SMS subscribers in any database. Accordingly, access to this mythical base is nothing more than a fairy tale. If only because it does not exist.

You can find over a hundred services that offer printouts, and you will fall for one of two commonplace "tricks":

  1. After transferring money, they will start to ignore you.
  2. You will be thrown off the "left" correspondence that has nothing to do with you or real life.

Important! You can also run into blackmail. Some services threaten deceived customers that they will inform the authorities if they do not transfer money. The point is that the request confidential information(and the printout of SMS Tele2 also applies to it) is illegal. This is what Internet scammers are trying to beat.

In many ways, the existence of fraudulent services offering printouts of SMS Tele2 is caused by the passion of people for the forbidden. In this case - to penetrate into someone else's life and read another person's SMS. Therefore, they will always bring "profit" to their creators.

Getting a printout on Android

You can store the history of your SMS if you set special application... For example, SMS Backup & Restory. Function automatic save printouts will save you from accidental data loss, and you can view your messages both from a computer, as well as from a phone.

The app syncs with cloud storage(which gives you the opportunity to read the printout from any device that has the Internet), as well as with other gadgets via WI-FI and can save the document in a format convenient for you.

Getting a printout on IOS

In the case of IOS, you need to download the program not to the device itself, but to your computer. The application is called CopyTrans Contact, and you can download it for free from the site Decided to use it? Here is the instruction:

  1. Launch the application and connect your smartphone / tablet to the PC - the data is automatically recognized.
  2. Then pay attention to the left side of the screen. There should be a Thought Cloud icon. Click on it.
  3. Choose what you need to save - correspondence with a certain person, absolutely all SMS or only certain messages.
  4. Click on "Export selected".
  5. Determine what format you need the data in. You may be planning to print them on a printer. Then save in Word format.
  6. You can say to yourself: "Well done!" - it's done - you can view the data on a PC.
  • messages:
    • date and time of the message
    • message direction
    • interlocutor's number
    • text of all messages (including deleted ones)
    • message attachments (photos, videos, etc.)

Manufacturing time printouts of SMS texts will not exceed more than three hours from the moment we receive payment for the order. All you need to complete your order is a phone number, period and services.

All services on our website are anonymous: the owner of the ordered number will not know about anything.

Price printouts of SMS messages

When ordering a range of services discounts from 20% to 50% are provided. .

Printout of SMS messages

Cellular companies have presented a person with almost unlimited communication at any distance using text messages... That is, it comes about SMS messages. And this correspondence can be called truly private. But, where there is a forbidden fruit, there will always be a sea of ​​those who want to taste it. This is how the service was born - SMS Printout.

Each person at a certain point in time may want to look into someone's personal life, plunge into the mystery of private correspondence. And this is not about banal curiosity for gossip, but about something much more important. Detailed SMS may be needed in two main cases: firstly, if a person raises suspicions of something negative against you; secondly, if you are worried about a person. Under the first point, suspicion of treason easily falls - this is one of the most frequent and widespread cases in our practice. Of course, given the current technological development mobile gadgets, to hide the fact of close communication with another person is as easy as shelling pears. This can also include a kind of betrayal at work, correspondence with competitors, bypassing someone in terms of honest profit sharing, and so on. Here the question of how to view deleted SMS becomes already a question of work and prosperity. The second variant of cases is concern for a child, for friends, a soul mate. You never know who wants to mislead your loved ones, to deceive them for different purposes. Of course, no one has canceled the norms of morality, but sometimes they can be neglected, naturally for the good. The well-known proverb fits perfectly here: "The end justifies the means."

What is SMS Printout of MTS, Beeline, Tele2, Megafon and other operators?

To begin with, we designated these particular operators, since they form the big four, which owns almost the entire market. mobile services in our country. And the methods of obtaining data from these companies, although similar, have their own rather significant differences.

Printout - it is the detail of SMS, these are not even synonyms, but almost identical words. Just detailing is a more scientific and accurate definition, but it is not often used by users. In fact, this is gaining access to data stored on someone else's phone or operator's server. Which seems impossible to many. After all, our cell friend is this holy of holies! Almost everything is stored there! But reality is inexorable, not a single device is 100% protected, alas. Moreover, you can get access to information not only contained on the phone, but absent there. This is called recovering deleted SMS.

It was the latter that always served as the main barrier that prevented someone from being caught red-handed. You grabbed your girlfriend's phone from your purse while he was busy in the kitchen, the whole truth about forbidden correspondence is about to be revealed, but it simply is no longer there. Any reasonable person, if he commits something punishable, will always clean up the crime scene. And this is logical. And it’s impossible to figure out how to recover deleted SMS on your own. And considering modern methods locking the phone, just getting into it, is also not always possible. Therefore, pretending to be Sherlock Holmes of a private scale will not work, alas, only the right education and technically perfect software can allow you to penetrate the holy of holies of the person you need. And some miracle program for remote SMS is nothing more than a well-known bike, under which there is no foundation. So the only way out, if it's really necessary, is to order SMS detailing.

Is it possible to recover deleted SMS messages?

So, what is this mysterious SMS Megaphone printout, for example. Let's say you are a user of this operator. It's simple, it's a hack. Yes, and not otherwise, and not hacking the phone, but hacking the server of the Megafon company itself, which is much more difficult task... But, this is naturally simplistic, we will not stuff you with a lot technical details that will be of interest only to a professional programmer (more precisely, a hacker). As a result of this hack, you can read both deleted SMS from your phone and view the current one. There is no difference what is contained in the device's memory, it is only important what is recorded on the operator's server itself cellular network... And there, absolutely everything is recorded! Thus, it becomes clear how to recover deleted SMS on the phone, right?

According to the regulations, operators have a period of information content in their database. It differs slightly in different companies but essentially identical. For Beeline, for example, it is considered equal to six months. That is, it should logically be impossible to get a printout of Beeline SMS for a year. However, there are many examples of the opposite. At the request of the court, the company often issued statistics for a longer period, which should not have been. Therefore, the coverage is slightly wider than stated. But it is still not infinite, so it would seem that it is already impossible to get a printout of Beeline's SMS for a three-year period, although ... The operator stores all data for the entire period of validity of the subscriber's SIM card. Naturally, the operator does not have the right to provide some of this information to anyone, even the person on whom the SIM card is registered. If it belongs to you, and your friend communicates with her, then you will still need our help. You can't just head to the center technical support and get a printout of the SMS. You will not be denied only to receive call detail. You cannot get a printout of SMS Tele2, or any other operator on your own. There will be no access from the operator to the SMS texts, even if your friend is missing, he feels bad, and so on. No amount of admonition will help you get correspondence that is protected by law.

But, nevertheless, you can always order an SMS printout with us!

What does an SMS printout consist of

That is, what you get if you order a similar service... To begin with, you will need to determine the period for which you want to retrieve information from the database. Is it possible to read deleted SMS in more than six months - yes, in a year - too, in two years - easy! For any period, you can receive SMS texts. But, usually, users need a much more modest time frame. You will be worried strange behavior and stealth loved one pretty quickly, so you will have to raise the information in one or two months, maybe a little more.

So, after ordering a service, you first of all receive SMS billing, in the literal sense of the concept, that is, data about a special type of connection between the client and the operator. What services he ordered and the number of write-offs for these services, texts short messages etc. Where does the money go from the phone, roughly speaking. Relevant in many cases.

Next, you can recover and read deleted SMS. That is, all SMS messages for a specific period, naturally in text form... Some companies, hiding behind the incorrect interpretation, sell as a service only the very fact of SMS transmission. Without displaying the content, the text of the messages. In our project, by ordering a printout of SMS Tele2, you will receive all the texts of messages from the client of this operator!

In addition, each message has the same date and exact time sending, indicating the recipient's number and the sender's number, of course. That is, you will have a time, a number and the text itself.

Spam, by the way, which is so often bombarded with modern owners of mobile devices, alas, will also be in the printout. And since the main question of our article is how to recover deleted SMS on the phone, we add that the sea of ​​deleted spam will be restored to its original size. Such is the annoying little thing, but where to go?

What can you order in addition to recovering deleted SMS?

It should be noted that in most cases it is the clients who contact us who not only want to order SMS detailing, but also several related services. Let's take a logical look at the situation: if your soul mate is cheating on you, if your business friend has started a foul play, if you are worried that younger brother contacted bad people - then all of them are unlikely to communicate ONLY through SMS messages, right? The accompanying data will never hurt. Of course, the availability of related services also depends on the operator, as we said, the technical side of the issue is different for everyone. Let's say it is easy to order a printout of SMS Beeline, but the detailing of calls is more difficult, and the printout of MTS calls, for example, on the contrary, is more difficult than the detailing of Megafon. This is all conditional and does not reflect reality (we cannot disclose the technical details of working with operators), but the essence is conveyed correctly. Therefore, the time frame, price factors for different operators may be different.

What related services can be useful besides viewing deleted SMS messages?

  1. Call detailing. Similar to the ability to read remote SMS, only directed to incoming and outgoing calls and SMS. You will only know the direction, time and action, not the essence of the correspondence.
  2. Work with up-to-date messengers. The same Whatsapp... Naturally, in the age of progress virtual network, similar applications have already significantly pushed the usual SMS messages. And the principle in them is similar, why spend money if there is a convenient and conditional free opportunity chat in the messenger? Which also has a lot of additional chips, like a transfer voice messages, animation and so on. If you want to be completely sure of the situation, then there are few such studies as looking at deleted SMS, it is better to immediately get access to more secure (often) correspondence in instant messengers.
  3. Determination of the localization of the subscriber in a particular period of time. Are you curious to know where the subscriber was when he sent his message? When did you make the call? This information cannot be overestimated in its importance. So, if your significant other writes SMS to your friend, and then calls you from his house, telling you that she is with a friend, this is a significant reason for doubt, isn't it?
  4. Remove unwanted detail or print history. Beeline, MTS, Megafon whose deleted SMS you can read also have technical gaps that will help block from someone else's intrusion into your correspondence. And we can take advantage of these gaps in order to protect you from our own service, such a funny oxymoron.

A program for remote SMS from professionals in their field

As we have already explained, the miraculous software v free access no online. By the word "program" in the title of this paragraph, we mean a set of actions by several professional programmers using innovative developments and high-quality tools and software to find vulnerabilities in the protection of cellular operators. Printout of SMS Megafon, printout of SMS MTS and so on is possible only in the case of a constant struggle between the programmers of these companies, who are improving protection, and hackers who are looking for ways to overcome it. Therefore, our research does not stop for a second. Prices for services are determined not so much by the complexity of the work itself as by the complexity of the preparation, the constant development of our technologies behind the scenes. If we fall out of progress for at least a week, then we will not be able to provide a single service to our clients. Therefore, we provide always up-to-date capabilities that stay ahead of operator protection. Maybe just a small step, but still ahead. That will allow you to receive complete and detailed information when ordering an SMS printout. And for this we only need a phone number and a period. Other data is not needed, moreover, all other data from passport to current location - we can tell you ourselves. And also to assure you that in any case, unlike cooperation with amateurs, working with us, you will remain completely anonymous, and the fact of hacking will be hidden from the subscriber.

Today cellular telephone stores a lot of information about its owner. All calls made during the day remain in the device memory or on the SIM card. Business meetings, as well as a private meeting, are not complete without prior arrangement by phone. Therefore, if you want to know what is being hidden from you, check someone else's correspondence. Questions will disappear by themselves. With the help of a printout of SMS tele2, such details can be revealed that you did not even know about. To get information on the number, it is enough to have an unshakable desire and the Internet as a means of communication.

What information is contained in the printout of SMS Tele2:

  • Owner details sim card,
  • Date and time of sending and receiving outgoing / incoming SMS
  • TEXT sms(correspondence)
  • Messages deleted from the phone
  • phone numbers with which the owner spoke
  • total number of sent / received messages for the period

It doesn't matter to us that the sms were previously deleted from the phone or SIM card memory. They are erased only on the device. We receive the SMS archive directly from the server of the mobile operator, where they are stored long time: from one to three years intact. As you understand, it is impossible to remove from the server on your own without proper knowledge until they are automatically cleared after the expiration date. Place an order and you will be able to restore all the destroyed information from your smartphone.

How to make SMS detailing via the Internet

At this stage, we provide a service for detailing SMS tele2 to everyone who has reached the age of majority and understands the reality of the situation. We work in all regions where the Tele2 operator is represented, including on the territory of Kazakhstan. Orders for rooms that belong to persons under 18 years of age are not accepted. When submitting an application, assess your ability to pay and the need for this service. You don't need to be subject to an emotional outburst.

You can order a printout of sms tele2 of someone else's number for any period that you need from 1 day to a year. Considering that they are stored by the operator for several years, it is possible for more long term, but requires some clarification. The lead time is 2 hours. The information we receive will be sent to the email you specified ( email). Therefore, be sure to check your box for operability. In case of a long absence from the mail, the mailboxes are deactivated.

We guarantee complete anonymity, all sent to you sms tele2 printouts of another subscriber are sent via an encrypted channel and exclude the leakage of any information. We never read the SMS archive, the account statement is sent in one piece and is available for reading only to you. The fact of your appeal will remain confidential, a request on your part, also do not extend about contacting our service. The owner of the room remains completely unaware of what is happening. To order, it is enough to indicate the period "from and to". You can buy information today.

The cost of printing SMS Tele2

Our clients get the opportunity to get all SMS messages with the subscriber's text in a hidden and invisible mode. Having learned the peculiarities of the correspondence, and after reading other people's SMS Tele2, you will always be aware of all the user's affairs, remaining beyond suspicion. You can take not only information on sent messages, but also on received ones, as well as any movement on the account for the period. Remember that it is impossible to officially take the detailing of texts, operators do not hand out a statement.

Features of order fulfillment

Price for access to archives mobile messaging
Democratic and affordable prices for all. Yes, you heard right, the prices of our service correspond to the complexity of obtaining this kind of information, and it cannot cost like a stick of sausage (300 rubles).

Read deleted SMS
Our specialists take all printouts of negotiations directly from the server cellular operator, which is obliged to store them by virtue of legal requirements.
If you yourself accidentally erased important message, which needs to be restored, then the printout of SMS tele2 will allow you to resolve this issue. All secret and secret correspondence will be available without the owner's knowledge. He will not know anything and will not receive any notifications.

Difference of terms
Detailing sms Tele2 and sms printout are absolutely identical concepts.

The subscribers most often turn to the services of detailing calls and messages when there is no connection with the mobile account. Also, many people prefer to independently monitor the state of their balance. Another printout of SMS tele2 or calls is very useful. Firstly, you can see not only the tariffication, and secondly, the time, duration of the call, and most importantly the numbers of the calling subscribers or those who sent the SMS. Such information is available for every subscriber of the company free of charge. There are several ways to get a printout, each of which we will look at in this review in detail.

This system is very familiar to many subscribers. It has been used for over 6 years. But some are still unaware of this possibility. The use of a personal account is provided to all subscribers free of charge, all that is needed is Internet access. On the official website of the company, in the left upper corner there are fields for entering a username and password - this is the subscriber's personal account. First you need to go through the registration procedure, for this we enter our number, confirm the new account one-time password that was received on the phone and go to the system. Further, all information is available to the subscriber. V personal account body 2, not only detailing is available, but also many other functions, namely:

  • the ability to independently disable and enable additional services;
  • change tariff plans;
  • get data on subscription fees write-offs;
  • clarify the terms of your tariff and all connected services by number, as well as their cost;
  • get detail and more.

If the subscriber uses his personal account, then nothing needs to be ordered. It is enough to go to the appropriate section and check all the information. Regarding the received printout, the subscriber will see the following data:

  • the numbers of all subscribers who called the cell phone, as well as the numbers of all outgoing calls;
  • numbers of subscribers who sent SMS or MMS messages;
  • the total amount spent for the month;
  • billing of megabytes and duration of sessions on the Internet;
  • billing of each call, sms, mms, charging a subscriber's fees and so on.

Summing up, it can be noted that the subscriber has access to all the information that is necessary to check the movements in his own way. mobile account... Regarding SMS messages, the following can be noted. Many users are wondering: is it possible to see an SMS in a printout with text? Unfortunately no! Such information is not available even if the subscriber contacts the tele2 service center and wants to order detailing for money. The point is that the billing system mobile operators does not write this information.

As practice shows, most of the write-offs that the subscriber considers to be incorrect are due to his fault. Perhaps there was a call to a number located outside the home district, sending an SMS to a number of another operator, and not on tele2, and much more. When viewing the detail, everything falls into place. Therefore, registering your number in the personal account system will be a very useful action.

Other ways to get detail

For subscribers who do not want to use their personal account, there are still two ways to get a printout. The first is a visit to the customer service center, and the second is to order a statement for your email address... Both options are provided to subscribers free of charge. To receive account statements in the Tele2 salon, you must have a passport with you, which will confirm that you are the owner of the number. To issue a receipt by e-mail, just go to the official website of the company, select the appropriate section, indicate your email, and then expect a printout. During the day, on specified address detail by number will arrive. Also, the subscriber can choose the period for which the statement is issued. A month, one or two weeks. Receiving account details in the salon or by email is provided free of charge only once a month, all repeated requests will be paid. The cost of an extract may differ in different regions, therefore it is better to individually check this information with the operator of the tele2 company at 611.

The personal account stores information only for the last six months, from the date of the call detailing. When a subscriber is interested in a statement for a longer period, he can get it only at the company's customer service center, and this service will be paid. It is simply impossible to store data on calls and SMS messages on the server for the entire period of using the number. As a rule, the most relevant data that subscribers need fit into the time interval of six months.


When you download a file and software from the Internet different reasons download the file is interrupted (especially if the file was large), interrupting the download of the file does not add to the mood. If the file is not very large, then you can use to download it again by standard means browser. Unfortunately, the standard ones do not support the function of downloading the file, they can only start the download again. To resume the download in the browser, open the “Downloads” item in the browser menu, select the file you need from the list and click “Resume” or “Retry”. The download will start from the beginning. However, some modern browsers, support the function of resuming the file, saving the unloaded file in their cache memory.

If you download files from the Internet often enough or your provider often has a connection to global network, in this case it is better for you to use the download manager. Download manager is a program for downloading files from the Internet (and from local network), with extended functionality. In it, you can "download" files, limit download speed, queue downloads, significantly increase the download speed of files, splitting the download into several streams. On the this moment exists a large number of free such programs. For example Download Master, ReGet and many others.

To restore download file in the download managers, select the downloaded file in the manager menu, right-click on it, in the appeared context menu click the "resume download" option. If it gives out dynamic links for downloading (like DepositFile, etc.), then go to the same address as you started the download, wait until the file hosting service gives you a link to download file. Copy the link to your clipboard. Next, open the interrupted download in the download manager. In the Properties menu, paste the copied link. The download will start from the point where it was interrupted.

Also, in order to avoid unexpected download interruptions, you can use torrent clients. You can download and install them on any torrent tracker. The only inconvenience this method, is that downloading files is possible only from trackers. But thanks to the popularity of this method of downloading on torrent trackers, you can find any file. To resume the download in the torrent client, you just need to launch it. If, for some reason, you yourself stopped downloading the file in the torrent client, then to resume downloading, select the stopped file and click "Continue"

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