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  • Traffic arbitrage is a real-life example. Earning money from traffic arbitrage from scratch: step-by-step instructions, schemes, reviews of real people

Traffic arbitrage is a real-life example. Earning money from traffic arbitrage from scratch: step-by-step instructions, schemes, reviews of real people

What is traffic arbitrage, where does it come from and how beginners can make money on it - all this is covered in this article. The simplest explanation of this topic. The following questions are also considered: what is an offer, where does it come from, where does the traffic come from, and what capital should be invested.

What you need to know about traffic arbitration

Arbitrage is the re-export of traffic at a discount. You buy traffic for one price, and thanks to arbitrage, you pay less than you need. For example: you invested 10 thousand in traffic, and got 20 thousand back. The principle of traffic arbitrage is this: the more you spend on buying a product, the more income you can get.

For any novice beginners, it should be noted that they will need traffic. Traffic- these are users who see the advertisement and if they are interested in it, they will click on the link.

Thanks to the system "the more you spend on the purchase of goods, the more you can get income", newcomers have the opportunity to promote groups in social networks, create "n" number of sites with promotion of up to 1000 users per day.

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But even this does not mean that you will receive a large income from the work performed. Profit depends on many aspects of the work, for example, the popularity of the resource, the traffic itself, and much more. A great option for beginners, to earn money from thematic traffic, which is poured into a thematic offer.

What is an offer and where does traffic come from?

First you need to understand what an offer is. An offer is an offer of an advertiser to all publishers. That is, an advertiser offers a job for an offer, it can be a traffic source that posts thematic landing pages, and a freelancer decides whether he needs to take up the job or not.

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The next question in the matter of how to get income from arbitration is where to get this very traffic.

There are two types of traffic - paid and unpaid.

For arbitrage, you can use the following four main points of non-free traffic:

  • AdWords;
  • Begun;
  • Yandex.Direct;
  • Advertising via social networks, etc.

With the right investment in earnings, traffic will not be a difficult task. You can also run animated ads, in the event that you manage to get the audience, and you can come up with original ads.

Capital investment in earnings on arbitration

How much can you earn from traffic arbitrage?

Newbies often have a question: do they need to invest money for traffic and, if so, how much. Capital is needed for any business development. You determine the amount of money you put out for yourself.

After receiving traffic, choosing an offer, testing it, you determine a limited part of the money to buy either contextual advertising or targeted advertising. The amount may vary. For newbies, it is recommended to invest a little at a time.

Invest one amount in an offer, another in advertising, and save the third. It can be useful to you if you find yourself at a loss. Many newbies leave the job of making money on arbitrage after the first setbacks.

The very first and most important secret of success, how to start making money on arbitration, is to make mistakes, failures, investment and introspection of your work.

For a successful career in traffic arbitrage, you need to work all the time. Without work, you will not succeed.

Step-by-step instructions on how to earn money on arbitration for beginners

7 secrets of teaser ads

Step # 1 - Register on the following sites:

  • Affiliatecule;
  • Smartback;
  • Cityads.

And also sign up for their teasers.
Step # 2 - Then select the type of payment.
Step # 3 - Create sub-accounts for each of the teasers.
Step # 4 - Select photos for teasers.
Step # 5 - Create one campaign containing all teasers. It should be noted that each teaser has its own personal link to subaccounts.
Step 6 - Create a copy of the campaign and set the price for one click up to 1 ruble.
Step # 7 - Set up your campaign:

  • If the campaign fails, delete it and create it again;
  • If teasers receive a large CTR and gain traffic, then delete them, and copy what was inside into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Step # 8 - Browse the traffic table and select the best teasers of all.
Step # 9 - Then send them out to other campaigns either via Pop-In or Wap and increase your CPC.

Hello! In this article, we will tell you about traffic arbitrage, where to start and how to make money on traffic arbitrage.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is traffic arbitrage;
  2. How to make money on traffic arbitrage;
  3. And how to get started for a beginner who knows nothing about arbitration.

Traffic arbitrage- one of the most interesting and difficult types. To engage in competent arbitration is to find a real gold mine. Many teams that started exactly with traffic reselling are now reaching the top with their projects, websites and companies that earn up to several million a year. So what exactly is traffic arbitrage, and on this one?

Basic concepts

Before moving on to the main part of the article, it is highly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the terminology:

  • Traffic- site visitors;
  • Arbitrazhnik (webmaster) - a person who makes money from traffic arbitrage;
  • CPA model- the model of work in which the advertiser pays for the targeted action of the visitor who came to his page. Most often it is: registration of an application, order, online purchase, registration.
  • CPA network- a resource that brings together webmasters and advertisers. Takes over all financial and statistical issues, charging a commission for this;
  • Offer- an offer from an advertiser;
  • Landing page- a one-page site that is used to sell one product or service;
  • Pre-landing(padding) - a website created by a webmaster as a means of increasing the audience's interest in the product and filtering out bots;
  • Hold- the time between the completion of the target action by the site visitor, following the webmaster's link, and the payment to his account;
  • Conversion- the ratio of the number of clients who performed the target action to the total number of clients.

What is traffic arbitrage

Let's start right away with an example to make it clearer.

Imagine that you are a webmaster. You found in which some company offers to pay you 300 rubles for attracting one buyer (who paid for some product, for example, for 2000 rubles). And you are a good specialist in and think that you can attract many clients of this company.

Example 2. A large firm wants to attract a large number of new clients. But almost all firms work harder to sell a product or service with the help of their brand.

If we take, for example, the Internet, then this will be the sale of the Beeline brand (Megafon, MTS, Domolink, etc.), and not some specific tariff. But working with webmasters, large firms sell their products and services, not their names. First, this approach significantly expands the client base. Secondly, it can lure other customers dissatisfied with the company to a suitable product.

Working with webmasters brings additional clients to companies, increases brand confidence among various groups of the population. This significantly reduces advertising costs, but requires a competent calculation of all investments. After all, the profit of companies, as well as the profit of a webmaster, must be clearly calculated.

But why is traffic arbitrage attractive as a form of income?

There may be several answers to this question:

  • Quite low entry threshold;
  • The ability to scale your business;
  • Simple enough to learn;
  • Doesn't require constant attention.

How traffic arbitrage works

Now a little about the mechanism of traffic reselling itself. There are a large number of offers in affiliate programs. The webmaster must choose himself what he would be interested in promoting.

Usually, offers already have some necessary materials, which should be enough for novice webmasters. The webmaster then drives traffic to the affiliate link, and when customers take a predetermined action, a reward is paid.

Experienced webmasters prefer to create their advertisements rather than borrow them from their advertisers. This is done because advertisers often do not know some of the "chips" that can increase conversion, attract additional customers, make not very successful sites - in general, they make a lot of mistakes that filter out some of the traffic.

That is why an experienced webmaster will be able to attract many more customers for one offer than a beginner, due to additional, independently developed methods and advertising materials. That is why it is better for beginners to work with popular offers, with high-quality advertising materials, periodically reading blogs and forums of famous affiliates.

The most important thing in traffic arbitrage is to determine the target audience. This is a very important point that cannot be ignored. Target audience - those who buy. These are not the people who look at the goods, they are not those who are interested in them. These are the ones who buy.

Let's take an example from a video tutorial of one well-known website developer Alexander Chipizhko:

My wife has a fitness club and recently I did a landing page for her. The first thing we decided on was the target audience. I was very surprised when she told me which categories of people visit the site, and which end up buying her services as a fitness trainer.

About 80% of all visitors who are interested are young girls from 16 to 20 years old. They are fine with their figure, but they want to lose weight and improve something. They buy 3-4% of the time. Next comes the category from 20 to 30 years old. And these are girls who want to change something in themselves, but also rarely buy services. And the main target audience is already middle-aged ladies 40-45 years old, with cellulite and other problems with the figure. And they are the most solvent and buying. And accordingly, we did the main advertising on them.

This principle will be important for the affiliate marketer as well, because it is the clients that are bought by the companies. That is why it is so important to define their target audience, to which you need to advertise. This is the first thing worth learning while mastering such a difficult profession.

Another important point is that at first you can do traffic arbitrage alone. Take ready-made materials, post them on resources, monitor, analyze, think about how you can increase conversion, reduce costs and, in general, increase profits. But over time, the business is scaling and then almost all webmasters are recruiting a good team that distributes responsibilities.

Of course, you can do all these things alone, but if you work with 4-5 offers, then test all of them and update creatives in time, it will take a huge amount of time. And if you add constant analysis to this, then the hours in the day may not be enough. Also, teamwork helps to share all sorts of risks and arrange brainstorming sessions that will allow you to create a truly original idea.

The main difference between beginners and professionals is that the former often use ready-made materials, while the latter create their own attractive creatives that work much better.

Over time, you will be able to create your own selling chips that you will use, be able to reduce costs, choose good tools, etc. This will be the development of an affiliate marketer in your profession.

Types of traffic

In order to understand the methods of attracting traffic, let's talk about its types. This will allow you to understand what tools you can use to attract traffic, and what is the general mechanism for reselling.

contextual advertising

Contextual advertising attracts a strictly targeted audience that is really interested in the product. The so-called hot customers. Contextual advertising usually comes out in 1-3 places for any request in Yandex or Google, which immediately increases the popularity of links.

The main advantage of contextual advertising is the "client's temperature". It is displayed only for relevant queries, the subject of which coincides with advertising. In fact, we attract a client who knows about his problem and is interested in solving it. The main disadvantage is the price. The cost per click on an ad can range from 10 to 100+ rubles, depending on many factors.

Contextual advertising by brand

This is all the same contextual advertising, only the attraction through it goes not to a specific product, but to a specific brand. Some advertisers allow the use of the brand name to attract customers, while others prohibit it, arguing that webmasters are thus selling their customers to them.

Using the name of the company makes it much easier to find clients, because large firms are trusted, they want to buy their goods and services, therefore it is much easier to attract customers.

Motivated traffic

Traffic with one of the highest conversions. Here the user is promised some kind of bonus for the performed action.

There are two types of motivational traffic:

  • Visit for a bonus;
  • Visit for money.

Their main difference is that the bonus can be intangible, but useful to one or another category of people. Money is paid to everyone for performing a certain action. Such traffic is attracted very willingly, but it is quite expensive.

Social traffic networks

Another way to drive traffic is to use social media. Moreover, each individual portal has its own advertising methods and prices. It can be like impressions in the feed (VK, Instagram, Facebook, etc.), small advertising offers on the page, or sound clips while listening to music.


This is the case when attracting traffic using this method very rarely justifies the cost. Clickunder is a new tab that opens in the background. The conversion rate is extremely low, and often does not even justify its costs.

From the pros: low cost. Cons: low conversion.

Teaser advertisement

One of the oldest methods of customer acquisition. The teaser can be translated as "teaser". These are often small advertisements that contain flashy headlines.

Teasers can be compared to the yellow press in terms of the content of many pages - they release deliberately false information, motivate the client to take a certain action. The effectiveness of a teaser is less dependent on the picture, and more on the text. The more interesting the feed, the more effective the teaser will be.

Teaser networks do not attract paying traffic. Often this is an entertainment topic, such as online games or gambling projects. But sometimes there are news teasers, which are just full of yellow headlines, like "Some star lost weight with the help of ...", "I made a million on this .." and other variations.

Pros: wide reach and average click-through rate. Cons: low solvency.


The oldest, but nevertheless, one of the most effective methods of promotion. Banner is a static or dynamic image that contains information about a product.

For a good banner, the main thing is to choose a high-quality picture and make an attractive and motivating text that will encourage the user to follow the link. After clicking on the picture, clients most often go to the advertiser's website.


A fairly new way for Russia to attract traffic, but, nevertheless, it has shown its effectiveness. Cashback - money back. That is, the client receives a percentage of the purchases made. Well suited for merchandise traffic, but can be used in other areas as well.

It works like this: the webmaster receives 600 rubles from the attracted client, and in the ad he says “Refund of the purchase price ... - 200 rubles”. As a result, both the client who received a kind of discount and the webmaster are satisfied - after all, his income, minus the costs of attracting the client himself - 400 rubles, and the advertiser - he sold his product.

From the pros: high conversion, great motivation to buy and re-attracting customers using the service. Of the minuses: high costs, which at first may even lead to the minus of beginners.

E-mail traffic

Ideally, email traffic has nothing to do with spam. These are simply promotional offers that the user voluntarily subscribes to. And after that, announcements of new types of goods, services, exclusive offers and so on come to his mail. But often webmasters just buy databases and send their proposals to those people who have not subscribed to it at all.

From the pros: a relatively cheap way to attract customers, requiring a minimum investment of time and effort.

Cons: low conversion, and dishonest attraction method. Conversion can be increased by “individual offers” for each of the potential customers. Possible discounts, gifts and various bonuses can increase the conversion quite high, and when sending to the target base, you can increase the conversion several times.

Pop-up window

This is the same annoying ad that pops up when you visit some sites. To close such an advertisement, you need to wait a certain amount of time. Often these are non-targeted advertising, the task of which is to convey to the user the information that a product or service is available.


These are animated game banners. They are most often performed in the role of a simple game, in which when the user hovers the cursor over a certain place, it turns into a sight or something like that. When clicking on such a banner, the user is immediately redirected to the site, and it is very important that it matches the theme of this game banner.

Pros: high number of clicks. Cons: small area of ​​application - most often on a game theme.

Adult traffic

Traffic from sites whose target audience falls under the 18+ category. Despite the fact that the method of attraction can be different, from a banner, to regular links or pop-up pages, this is a separate category of traffic. It is prohibited in many offers, but, nevertheless, some continue to cooperate with webmasters who attract exactly adult.

Let's systematize this information using a table:

Now we will provide you with a real step-by-step guide on how to start making money on traffic arbitrage right now.

Step 1. Choosing an affiliate program.

This is the most crucial step that needs to be approached with the greatest attention. It depends on him how much income you will receive, what offers will be provided to you, and how high the conversion will be for your leads.

First you need to look at the reviews of other webmasters, preferably on independent portals, or in groups on social networks. The main thing: payments, honesty, the number of offers.

Another point to pay attention to is the work of the call center. In some affiliate programs, operators who call potential customers can make gross mistakes and thereby lower the percentage of sales, questioning the purity of the webmaster's traffic, while in others, on the contrary, they can even persuade a potentially doubting lead to make a purchase.

Step 2. Selecting an offer.

After you have chosen an affiliate program, you need to choose a suitable offer. For beginners, it is recommended to start by choosing 2-3 offers in order to share the risks, to see what works best, in order to subsequently scale their incomes according to investments.

Professionals most often prefer to choose one direction and work it out completely. For example, it can be product offers, gaming, credit or others.

With a lot of experience gaining, webmasters can narrow their specialization and attract one category of clients. Beginners should try their hand at all.

What you should pay attention to:

  • Offer rating;
  • Targeted actions;
  • Hold time;
  • Advertising materials design;
  • Requirements for traffic sources.

Step 3. We pour traffic.

This is also a rather important stage. Right now, we are determining the target audience, coverage, geo and other parameters by which we will select potential customers.

A few words about your site as a way to attract and resell traffic. The total costs may not be several times higher than the income that a webmaster can receive over a certain period of time - the life of the site. If you do not have sufficient knowledge in the field of site building and promotion, you should not consider the site as your own source of traffic.

When you have decided on the sources, target audience and method of attraction, you can launch an advertising campaign and move on to the next stage.

Step 4. Analyzing.

The most interesting stage in the work of every webmaster. At this moment, various advertising sources are analyzed, calculations are made on the profitability of creatives, the most profitable one is selected, the rest are turned off.

An important point: showing by time. You should do a little test in order to understand at what time the click-through rate and conversion rate for your ads are better. This will allow you to make the right choice towards disabling impressions at unprofitable times, and thereby reduce advertising costs.

Step 5. Change the creatives.

Each creative has its own lifespan. And it shrinks over time. If earlier, a high-quality banner could attract customers within a few months, now its lifespan is 2-3 weeks. It is after this period that you need to create a new banner, write a new text, and make a new selection.

In fact, this item is a new repetition of the third step, but with new materials and additional statistics. At the same time, you should always take into account that you cannot slightly replace the image or text, this will not help and the amount and quality of traffic will continue to decline.

This point also includes changing the offer if it is already becoming obsolete. You should always be on the wave, and follow the market trends, slightly ahead of them. This will allow the first person to receive the maximum income, and leave unprofitable offers in advance.

TOP-5 best CPA networks (partners)

Now let's talk about the best affiliate programs that are suitable for beginners as an ideal launching pad.

Ad1... It has just a huge number of offers that are constantly being updated. Very friendly to beginners, as it has a good interface. That is why it is interesting for many advertisers who are selected manually.

Of the advantages, you can still highlight the operational tech. support, which very quickly answers all questions that arise, and a small threshold for payments - 800 rubles, every week. With an increase in turnover of more than 5,000 rubles, you can withdraw funds more often.

Admitad- the next CPA network, which is suitable for fans of statistics and analysis. Their own statistics service is a bombshell. Order time, click time, the number of user actions on the site, call analysis, and so on.

Cityads- a real monopoly on the gaming offers market. Ideal as a launching pad for those who are at least a little versed in the subject of online games. I myself personally use financial offers from here. The affiliate program is very good!

There are more than 200 different game offers presented here, the list of which is constantly updated. Why is it recommended to start with them? It's simple. Novice webmasters can most easily attract clients to this particular category than to all the others. That is why it is worth starting your journey in arbitration of online games with cityads.

M1-Shop- the leader of product offers. The largest number of products, fast technical support and excellent commission - this is how the M1 can be summarized. Nothing superfluous - you just need to select a product category, create an ad, and drive traffic. Nothing more is required from the client.

Aleba- one of my favorite affiliate networks! An active CPA affiliate program that deals with financial offers, but now commodity ones are appearing. High-quality affiliate network with its own advertising materials. Most of them are of high enough quality, which makes the job of an affiliate marketer much easier.

It is also worth remembering that affiliates are interested in making money for their affiliates. Since they take their percentage for each attracted client, it is in their best interest to ensure that each side is satisfied with the cooperation.

That is why they create such favorable conditions both for advertisers who bring money to the system, and for webmasters who attract customers and bring their% to the system.

One important tip for the affiliate marketer: communicate with technical support in the chosen CPA affiliate network. They are paid money to advise their clients. Before choosing an offer, be sure to contact them, and they will advise on what is really profitable to work with. Just a few words will not only save time, but also save you money.

The main risks in traffic arbitrage

As with any business, traffic arbitrage carries certain risks.

Let's take a closer look at some of them:

  1. Mistakes with the selection of the target audience... There are often cases when, due to inexperience, a financial proposal was published on the traffic of entertainment topics. This led to the fact that the entire ad budget was spent on displaying ads, and there were no clicks on it.
  2. Fraud... This is low quality traffic. Some webmasters deliberately pour low-quality clients, or echo the ads of their competitors.
  3. Long hold... One of the beginner's enemies is the long delay in payments. Few people are ready to pay large sums of money for an advertising campaign right away, which is why everyone starts small, gradually increasing the volume. But a long wait for the withdrawal of funds can stop the advertising campaign, due to which the flow of customers will be lost, the creatives will quickly become outdated, and together the expected additional income will have to be spent again on creating and launching an advertising campaign.
  4. Lack of cash flow allocation... It is best to "pour" on several offers, in each offer on several advertising platforms. This allows you to better analyze the information and keep only the most profitable advertising campaigns. Newbies, on the other hand, prefer to leave 1-2 offers, and one advertising campaign for each, which makes any of their unsuccessful decisions to attract traffic erroneous and fatal for their account.

How much can you earn on traffic arbitrage?

So we come to the final and most interesting part of our article. Many people are still tormented by the question of how much money can be earned from traffic arbitrage.

To answer this question, you can go to the website of any CPA network and see the top earnings. Daily turnovers on some accounts will amount to millions of rubles. This is the level to which one can and should strive. And these are far from drawn numbers. But how much can a beginner and intermediate affiliate marketer earn?

Let's start with affiliates with an average level of knowledge, skills and experience. Those who do everything alone can earn from 10 to 200 thousand rubles a month, depending on investment and efficiency. In other words, you can freely make 50-60 thousand alone, working in arbitration for one to three years.

Teams of experienced affiliate marketers can turnover on an account of several million rubles. The total profit per person in such projects is 50-400 thousand rubles, with high employment, competent approach and constant work.

Top studios that have several of their own traffic sources can increase their volumes up to tens of millions of rubles a month, due to large investments and work in different areas of offers at once.

But now about the most important thing. A beginner in the first few weeks, or even months, does not have to rely on profit. The situation here is similar to trading in the stock market. At first, the main task is to learn how to go to zero.

Is one of the most important stages that affiliates go through. Depending on knowledge, work, ability in analysis and luck, they pass it in the first week or month. Due to the fact that at the beginning the turnovers on the account will be quite small, you will have to wait for payments for a very long time, which will only slow down development and profit.

To summarize all of the above:

  1. Experienced teams receive from 1 to ... million rubles a month.
  2. Experienced affiliates - from 10 to 200 thousand rubles per month.
  3. Beginners - from 0 to 30,000 rubles per month.
  4. It all depends on the skills and desire to develop. There is no quick money in arbitration, and this should be remembered.


Summarizing all of the above, several simple conclusions can be drawn. Traffic arbitrage is the reselling of visitors to various Internet portals. Large companies are interested in this, which do not want to independently engage in advertising and attract new customers. Getting started with traffic arbitrage will require skills in copywriting, design, and advertising. There is no quick money, but with sufficient perseverance, earnings from traffic arbitrage can reach several million rubles a month.

Hello, dear reader of the site! Traffic arbitrage- the topic is complex, and it has a lot of technical subtleties. In addition, you need a starting budget, and loss of money in the beginning is not excluded. You can start in arbitration with $ 50 - $ 100, but in reality, everyone has different things: the amount of knowledge, diligence, ingenuity, the right choice of CPA network affects. But at the exit, earnings from traffic arbitrage will range from 50,000 rubles to many thousands of dollars a month “net”. And this is not a scam: many are trying, they earn a decent amount of one, because most newcomers give up at the slightest loss. However, I will show you how and where to start, so that they are minimal and ultimately bring you a plus.

Aren't you afraid of these difficulties? Then for you - step by step instructions that will cover all aspects of this exciting way to make money. Of course, for a deep understanding, you need to study more materials than one article can reveal. The purpose of this article is to outline the essence and show the entire skeleton of earnings.

What is traffic arbitrage

Understanding starts with the basics.

Traffic arbitrage- This is the extraction of interested traffic (i.e., the flow of Internet users) and its direction to target sites in order to obtain conversions (sales, registrations, subscriptions or other targeted actions).

Traffic is obtained in two ways:

  • With the help of paid advertising - teaser, contextual, banner, targeted.
  • "Gray" methods - the creation and promotion of doorways; spam on forums, social networks, Q&A services; mass following and massliking and other methods.

Traffic can be directed by:

  • In affiliate programs, CPA networks, for example;
  • Directly to the Internet projects of advertisers who buy this traffic.

Ways of paying for work to an affiliate marketer:

  • Interest from the purchase of a product / service, from making a deposit, etc.;
  • The fixed cost of a lead (that is, a targeted action) - for a loan, for registration, subscription, purchase, completed application, etc.
  • For banner impressions or transitions (rarely).

A step-by-step guide to traffic arbitrage

The general algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Niche selection
  2. Choosing an offer and an affiliate program
  3. Study of the target audience
  4. Selecting a traffic source
  5. First arbitrage profit and results analytics
  6. Optimization of income from affiliate programs
  7. Scaling.

Where to start in traffic arbitrage

You need to start by choosing a niche.

A niche is a general direction in which different affiliate programs and offers can work (offers from advertisers with a payment method, see above). It is also called "vertical".

The main directions in which affiliates earn:

  1. Product (sale of goods), for example, a purely commodity network (see my review at the link);
  2. Online games (pay for registration, active player, deposits of money in the game or other actions);
  3. Finance (loans, borrowings, investments);
  4. Infobusiness (selling online courses, trainings, recruiting subscribers to e-mail newsletters);
  5. Gambling - casino, poker, sports betting;
  6. Education (also called essay, edu-affiliate programs) - academic work such as coursework and diploma to order.
  7. Dating - dating sites, including for intimate purposes.
  8. Pharmaceuticals, care products - medicines, dietary supplements, weight loss products, muscle recruitment, hair growth, male and female sex enhancement, health and beauty products, and so on.
  9. SMS subscriptions and Wapclick. Connected to the mobile internet.

How to make the right choice for a beginner? Firstalways focus on what is closer to you... If you do not understand the financial topic, it is better not to go there right away. Ideal if you have deep knowledge of the niche. If you love online games, then you can easily advertise them, since you relate to the target audience of players and understand their needs. For example, I can't tell a good game from a bad one at all.

Second- it niche relevance and scale... The wider your target audience you can reach, the better. For example, everyone needs clothes. A huge number of people want to lose weight quickly and easily. Basically, these are women of different ages, but men sometimes really need to get in shape. Want to tweak your shape? Then you know how painful this problem is for your target audience, and you understand how you can hook it.

Decided on a niche for traffic arbitrage? Let's move on to choosing an offer and a PP.

How to choose an offer and an affiliate program

An affiliate network can contain only 1 offer or be a CPA network that contains many offers from different advertisers. you can read the link, and we go further. Shows excellent results a free and very valuable service for selecting offers. Let's go to the offers - categories and select the category in the left column that we decided on when looking for a niche for making money on arbitrage.

The table shows the number of goals that need to be achieved in order to earn money, the number of CPA networks that advertise offers and the date of the information update. If the offer is presented in many affiliate networks, then it has high competition. The ideal case is when the offer is exclusive, that is, it is presented in one CPA network.

Let's click on one of them. A page will open with a description of the offer, a preview of the landing pages to which we will drive traffic, and goals.

So, according to the table, the PP accepts only Ukrainian traffic. There are two payment schemes here - CPS (cost-per-sale, or cost per sale as a percentage of the price for a product) and CPL (payment for a lead). To get to know the offer better, in the “PP” column, click on the name of the affiliate program. A more detailed description of it and the “Register” button leading to the website of the CPA network or affiliate will open. Explore it, see the functionality that the PP offers for payments, etc.

What to look for when choosing an offer for arbitration?

Seasonality... Are there any declines in interest in the product throughout the year? For example, affiliate programs for writing student papers make good money only in the fall or spring, while the rest of the time there is a decline in interest among the target audience. Women lose weight more actively in spring by summer, so it is most profitable to advertise funds at this time of the year, although there is always demand.

If you start to drain traffic during the off-season, you may not achieve the desired profit or even lose your investment in advertising. You can analyze seasonal fluctuations in interest using the Yandex tool Wordstat- “Query history” in the search engine. Just enter the query that your target audience asks most often when searching for a product, and be sure to specify the region. For example, on the request "Buy a swimsuit" we will see the following picture:

Demand. There is such a thing as a squeezed offer. This is the offer that was very popular and profitable, and all affiliates poured into it. As a result, all traffic was squeezed out, people's interest dropped, and the offer became unprofitable. So it was with the talking hamster, who had set the teeth on edge.

Another example: tear-resistant tights... The screenshot below shows that in the fall of 2016 there was a sharp jump in demand for them, and by the end of the year a decline began. Those affiliates who caught the trend at the stage of growth and peak of popularity earned more than others. If there is a downward trend in the number of requests, you should think about choosing another offer.

Exclusivity. We talked about this a little higher. Let's repeat to consolidate: the fewer CPA networks advertise an offer, the lower the competition for it. It is good if it is presented only in one network or in several. It's bad when there are a dozen or more of them. Exclusivity is not the most important indicator. Don't discount seasonality and demand.

Indicators, offer rating... Many CPA networks indicate the conversion from site visits to leads, the percentage of confirmations of applications, hold and other information. Hold is the time during which you will not be able to receive the money you earned. The larger it is, the worse it is for a beginner. For example, if the hold is a whole month, then you will have to wait for this period until you are paid. If your budget is limited and you need to urgently reinvest your profits, a long hold is not suitable for you. Here is an example of a description of programs in the very popular CPA network Admitad:

Pay attention to the lifetime of the Cookie... The bigger it is, the better. and I have already talked about its special importance.

How to choose an affiliate program or CPA network for traffic arbitrage?

Look carefully:

  1. Reviews on the Internet... If you have serious complaints about technical support, payments, fraud, think 100 times before working with this office. The most informative and truthful are the reviews, supported by screenshots of income statistics. Although here too, Photoshop can play a cruel joke. The responses cannot be 100% trusted, but if they are left on the forums by their inveterate participants with a long lifespan, then it is most likely true (although it also happens that the reviews are paid by the owners of the software).

  2. How long has a CPA network or affiliate network been operating on the market?... Beginners should not be trusted, especially at first. Look towards old and "bearded" affiliate programs. They are shaking for their reputation and will not allow themselves to be deceived by partners. Veterans that all affiliates know about: Admitad, M1-Shop, Ad1, Actionpay, KMA.
  3. Tools... Affiliate toolkit is designed to track traffic flows. The more detailed the analytics is in the partner's personal account, the more efficiently you can improve the advertising campaign to increase profits. So, in a good affiliate program there is a section with statistics of conversions / orders. In addition, the ability to create a SubID should be available in the affiliate program - this is a parameter that is added to your affiliate links. With its help, you can, for example, track which banner or ad had conversions and leads, and which did not bring any income at all. Unprofitable advertising campaigns and promotional materials need to be removed so that they do not eat up your budget. Other important analytics tools for traffic arbitrage are postback URL, traffic back.
  4. Minimum withdrawal amount... Match it with your budget. For example, if you are ready to invest $ 100, and the minimum withdrawal amount is $ 150, then you can spend all the advertising money without reaching the minimum income for withdrawing money from the affiliate program. Let's say, if you hit zero, then for $ 100 spent, you will have $ 100 in income. You may not be paid this money. In general, it is better to expect that in case of failure you can lose 50% of the invested budget and even more. Always consider the minimum wage for withdrawal.
  5. Payment terms... See which payment systems and cards you can withdraw money to, and how often payments are made.
  6. Traffic types... So, you have chosen an offer and an affiliate program in which you plan to make money through arbitrage. But there is another nuance: it may have prohibited traffic sources. For example, some prohibit contextual advertising on a brand, motivated traffic, e-mail newsletters, and so on. Some people don't like that their product is being advertised on social media. If you, contrary to the prohibitions, start to drain traffic from prohibited sources, you will not be paid and your account may be banned forever.

Choosing traffic sources for arbitrage

Before choosing, we pay attention to:

  1. Offer... So, serious financial offers should not be advertised in teaser networks: there will be a lot of useless traffic and very few leads. Products that have just entered the market and are not yet familiar to the consumer will not appear in contextual advertising in search results (because it is corny that they are not yet requested in search results).
  2. Source complexity... You will study Yandex.Direct for a month or even more before you start. It is better to choose simple methods of traffic extraction, and move from them to more complex ones. Ideally, those that can be learned in a day or two.

Types of traffic sources:

  • Advertising in groups, social media communities, on YouTube channels;
  • Teaser networks;
  • Banner networks;
  • Targeted advertising;
  • Contextual;
  • Advertising in mailing lists;
  • Doorway traffic;
  • Spam by e-mail, forums, social networks, etc .;
  • Motivated traffic;

Arbitration of traffic through social networks and YouTube channels

Perhaps the easiest way for newbies to get started is to buy ad space from page admins with fewer subscribers. One Vkontakte publication, for example, will cost 50-200 rubles. More expensive pages do not need to be taken at first. Train on small ones until you fill your hand. Take offers with a low cost per lead and the product itself.

So, do not immediately sell iPhones with a small budget: you will merge it without even collecting enough statistics for analysis. Try to start with simple offers, where there is payment for registration, subscription to a newsletter, filling out a questionnaire, and so on. Games, dating sites, info-business with payment for subscribers, etc. are suitable. The budget for the start is preferably from 5000 rubles.

There are a lot of nuances in making money on arbitrage using posts, but the general algorithm of actions is as follows:

Teaser networks

A huge number of sites have been collected in teaser networks. They contain blocks with teasers - ads consisting of a small picture and a short text.

Examples of teasers, and how to make them yourself,.

Scheme of your actions for arbitration:

  1. Choose a teaser network and register.
  2. Create teasers, add them to the network, add affiliate links to them. At the same time, pre-landing pages (or, more simply, landing sites) are often used to whet the desire of visitors to buy a product before they go to the product site. Blogs with fake (fake) reviews are often made as pre-landers.
  3. Set up ad display.
  4. Launch advertising and monitor its promotion, statistics in the affiliate program and in analytics systems such as Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics.
  5. As you work, clean up ineffective sites that do not bring profit.

The advantage of teasers is the low cost per click, which starts from 10 kopecks. However, the quality of traffic suffers: bots will click your budget, so you need to delete sites if you notice empty clicks and zero conversions.

Examples of teaser networks:

  • teaser with a lot of positive reviews from affiliates and tools for more or less accurate targeting. Click from 70 kopecks.
  • Teasernet- geo targeting, a wide range of topics, clicks from 10 kopecks. A very large and old network.
  • BodyClick- there are websites of any subject, and in addition to teasers, here you can advertise with banners, contextual ads, clickander.

Banner networks

With their help, you can place banners on sites of various topics. Banners differ from teasers in a wider variety of sizes and formats, lack of text. That is, it's just a picture or animation. Ready-made banners can be taken in affiliate programs or made by yourself, and then placed in banner networks. The most prominent representative of them is Rotaban.

Targeted advertising

Targeted advertising helps to most accurately target advertising to the consumer. Not only gender / age / geography is taken into account, but also marital status, interests, education, life position, the presence of children, and so on. What you enter on your social media profile is used by advertisers to show you relevant ads. The information that users indicate about themselves can be used to accurately hit the target (“target” from English - “target”).

Target VK... It is possible to show teaser blocks with a small picture on the left for users on or promote full-fledged posts in their news feeds. You can create a button with a call to action "Buy", "Go", "Join" and more. There is a "Carousel" format, where in one ad in the news feed you can create several cards, which consist of a photo, a link to the site and a button "Buy" (or with other text). Retargeting tool available.

Mytarget... Using the service, you can arbitrate on Vkontakte, on sites, on Odnoklassniki. Target mobile or desktop users, advertise mobile apps, games. There are more than 15 types of targeting in Meiterget, including by income level. There is retargeting. Differs in strict moderation of advertising, so not all offers are accepted, especially “gray” ones, like weight loss and others.

Facebook... Perhaps this is the coolest targeted advertising tool. With it, you can enter not only the CIS market, but also the bourgeoisie - pour on affiliate programs around the world and receive income in dollars. True, advertising costs are also higher here. Trying to push a “gray” offer into Facebook is not worth it: moderation will not let it through. Although some cunning affiliate marketers manage to do it.

The advantage of Facebook is that there is a huge number of tools for retargeting, tracking and optimizing traffic, there are split tests, as well as the most detailed targeting (it seems that FB monitors its users at every step).

It is better for a beginner to start acquaintance with targeted advertising with Vkontakte: here is the simplest and most intuitive interface. Facebook has crazy functionality, so let's leave it for a snack.

contextual advertising

Context leaders are Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. Ad units can be seen both when searching in Yandex and Google, and when visiting sites.

The way to search for the target audience. So, in the target for search, we set the characteristics of people who, in our opinion, may be interested in our offer.

In the context, on the contrary: we only need to indicate which search queries people can search for our offer. Of course, here you can also define the geography of impressions, but it is not necessary to indicate interests, age, marital status, etc. So we will find out exactly what a person wants from his search query.

To make money on contextual advertising in traffic arbitrage, you need deep knowledge, otherwise you will drive yourself into the negative and be disappointed. Ideally, take a couple of courses from the setup wizards. But even if you don’t become an affiliate marketer, PPC specialists are a highly paid job, so don’t skimp on spending money on education.

Advertising in e-mail newsletters in arbitration

The scheme is simple:

  • you need to look for mailing list authors on topics that are interesting to your target audience.
  • Then buy from them sending a sales letter with a link to subscribers;
  • Analyze the results, choose the best envelope email campaigns, and resend similar advertisements.

Doorway traffic

A doorway is a site that is automatically created using programs to promote low-frequency queries. As a rule, such sites are of no value either to the user or to the search engine. However, they bring traffic to the owner, which is then converted into income from affiliate programs. The cost of doorways is limited to a one-time purchase of software for their generation, as well as payment for hosting and domain. Sometimes they also buy links to speed up the promotion.

Doorways often “die”: they are banned by search engines, so constant work is needed to create new packs. Unlike sites for people (SOMs), which live for years, doorways may not last even a few months.

In the bourgeoisie, it is popular to use doorways to drain traffic to pharma affiliates, essay affiliates, casinos, poker, and sports betting. Exhaust - hundreds and thousands of dollars.

You can read more about traffic arbitrage using doorways on Wikipedia. And we move on.

Spam methods in traffic arbitrage

These include:

  • E-mail spam;
  • Spam on forums;
  • In services, question-answer;
  • On social networks: mass following, massliking, sending private messages, spam in publics, etc.

Not all affiliate networks accept spam traffic, and you can even get banned for it and lose the money you earn. Before you start making money on spam, ask the technical support of the affiliate program if you can use these methods of driving traffic.

The advantage is that you can do spam manually and don't pay for traffic at all, i.e. Another option is to buy a program that will spam for you automatically and much faster. The cost pays off pretty quickly with the right approach. The main thing is to know the technology of traffic extraction.

Motivated traffic

Motivated traffic is traffic that you receive by agreement with people.

  1. For example, you need a person to register in the game, and you will receive 50 rubles for registration in an affiliate program.
  2. You go to special services (axles), where for 10 rubles a person will register using your link or perform another required action.
  3. You are in profit for 40 rubles.

Simple, outrageously. But the catch is that in most cases, affiliate programs do not recognize motivated traffic and they harshly ban dishonest affiliates. Although there are options where it is allowed. Check for up-to-date offers.

SEO and traffic arbitrage

SEO is a softer way to get traffic with almost no investment. To or to the site, you only need to pay for hosting and domain. By the way, you can get free hosting for 3 months with a 2nd level domain for 1 year. Moreover, this hosting is of high quality, because I myself have been using it for many years. This blog is on it. If you want to start with no investment at all within 3 months, I will tell you in this post how you can get this privilege for free and without a trick;).

General algorithm of actions:

  • We register a domain and buy hosting;
  • We select the engine on which the site will function (Wordpress, for example);
  • Installing the template;
  • We fill with articles optimized for these keys (unique - you can write / rewrite yourself or hire specialists);
  • We are promoting;
  • After a while, traffic begins to flow, which you will monetize with banners, links and other promotional materials from affiliate networks.

The main thing is to immediately choose a niche and see if there are affiliate programs for it. The income will go in six months or a year, when enough traffic from search engines begins to flow.

Setting up statistics and optimizing conversions

At this step, many merge, go with the remnants of the advertising budget back to work for hire. That is, they choose an offer, an affiliate program, start pouring traffic, go into the red and that's it! Then they shout that arbitration is a scam and there is no money here. Although they were one step away from success.

Those who want to start making money on traffic arbitrage should not think that it is very difficult. In fact, having delved into the essence of this type of earnings on the Internet, you can get pretty good earnings. How much you can earn, and how to earn it will be described below.

What is the essence of traffic arbitrage?

Despite the complex name, this type of earnings is quite simple. Arbitration similar to the work of any store, the owner of which tries to buy goods as cheaply as possible, and sell them from his stall at a higher price in order to extract the highest profit in the sale process. Although this comparison is too primitive, it fully reveals the essence of the concept of arbitration.

As a product, the site owner has a need to make a purchase of traffic, or a certain audience of visitors in order to resell this traffic at a much higher price, in order to make a profit as a result of the transaction.

How it works?

If you have your own blog, forum or website, you can earn on your resource by placing contextual advertising. To start making profits, you need to increase the flow of visitors (increase traffic). You can buy traffic for 1000 rubles per 10 thousand visitors. The figures given here are indicative and do not reflect actual prices, and are taken to clearly demonstrate how it works.

After the purchase, you direct the purchased traffic to your website or blog. The visitors directed by you made at least 150 clicks of contextual ads and managed to earn, thus, in your favor 2,500 rubles. As a result, by subtracting costs from this amount, a net income of 1.5 thousand rubles is obtained. This amount can be considered as earning on traffic arbitrage.

In theory, everything turns out very nicely and simply.

To be able to make money in this way, you need to have money to start and have certain knowledge. If there is a person with personal experience of successfully earning money from traffic arbitrage, his personal experience will not hurt.

If we talk about the size of investments, it will be very difficult to say specifically how much money can be earned, since many factors can influence this. There are cases of earning income with a successful investment initially about 2-3 thousand rubles. But sometimes it happens that you have to invest hundreds of dollars and spend a lot of time on work.

Watch a video from Andrey Merkulov, where to get traffic:

Where is the best place to buy traffic to your website?

The network has various sources of traffic, among them there are not only paid but also free ones. These include forums, sites, blogs. If your site has a lot of visitors, you need to urgently think about arbitration in order to be able to redirect traffic to partner sites and start profit from it.

Alternatively, you can get traffic for free by posting links in articles and videos that redirect a potential buyer to the site of partner programs. Such a free method of using traffic at the initial stage gives good results, while there is not enough experience and money for promotion. It is also a good way to save money and frustration in getting started with arbitrage.

How much does it take to start earning?

If you can't use free traffic, you need to buy it. This requires an initial capital, its size can be about $ 100. The more, the better, since you will have to buy traffic in thousands of visitors.

Not a very pleasant nuance is that you will need to buy traffic for arbitrage every day, and you will be allowed to withdraw any profit that may appear in a couple of weeks. All affiliate programs are based on this principle. Therefore, a financial reserve is needed in order to avoid disruptions during work.

In no case should you lose your head and start taking risks. You can experiment, you even need to allocate an initially certain amount for this, which will not be a pity to lose. Experience shows that the first attempts to make money on arbitrage are unprofitable in 99% of cases. But they provide an opportunity to gain experience.

Experienced affiliate marketers, who today make good money on this business, at first poured more than one hundred bucks into who knows where. But persistent attempts yielded results and later this money "fought back" with a profit. The main thing is to find your niche.

The most accessible for receiving traffic are teaser networks and exchanges that sell traffic. On these resources, you can attract 10 thousand visitors for $ 30-50. But such a number of people will not show high activity. The most fruitful work will be with affiliate programs with an entertainment theme.

Any economic activity with the aim of making a profit has its own peculiarities. Earnings on traffic arbitrage are no exception:

  1. You can resell traffic without having your own resource, its availability only contributes to getting more profit.
  2. It is allowed to start an activity with small investments, but the larger they are, the more noticeably the income from work increases. Experts do not recommend that novice "users" invest a lot of money. It is necessary to master the system that brings profit, to study it. It is recommended to start from $ 50 conventional units.
  3. The first impression of ease of operation may be misleading. The trading principle of buying and selling is observed: it is cheaper to take, to give more expensive. It is necessary to carefully study the whole process, to learn the "pitfalls". Then there will be no negative opinion about earnings on arbitration.
  4. When starting a business, a netizen must understand 3 main components: traffic source → offer → analytical analysis. Each component link must be carefully disassembled and understood how it works.

The ability to get high-quality traffic at a cost that satisfies arbitrage and its subsequent resale - big profits (high conversion). Working with affiliate programs cannot be ruled out as an increase in income. It is necessary to understand which offer (offer limited in time for making a decision) is more profitable to buy.

What is traffic arbitrage, where to start and how to make money?

Starting an online activity in order to make a profit, you need to learn everything about traffic arbitrage - a proven, not easy and profitable way to make money. An experienced arbitrage user has a monthly profit, if done correctly, is up to 200 - 300 thousand rubles per month.

What is traffic arbitrage - an acquisition for the purpose of reselling network traffic and making a profit from these actions. Basic concepts:

  • network (Internet) traffic - a quantitative indicator of visits to an Internet project for a specified time;
  • traffic arbitrage is a trade indicator of buying and selling: take cheaper, sell more.

Understanding the concept of traffic and arbitration fully discloses the question of what is traffic in arbitration. There are some features of getting traffic:

  • direct type of traffic - visits by unique users of an Internet project without clicking on third-party links;
  • using the Landing Page resource, through an intermediary, attract "users" through the referral link to your project.

Is it possible to make a customer base using the Landing Page resource and the intermediary page, the experts answer that it is possible. You just need to add to get a link to the main resource, the user must register on the site. Having registered "users", we make mailing lists.

There are two types of network traffic: paid and free. Remote work from home traffic arbitrage with the choice of a free option requires a long time interval:

  • registration at different sites (thematic forums, social networks, groups), on the topic of the partner's resource, active work;
  • create your own Internet resource (blog, video channel), use partners' links on it to promote their resources;
  • create a free site, "promote" it and on the pages in the thematic sections promote links to partner resources.

The free option for getting traffic is lengthy and difficult. To make a profit on arbitrage, it is better to use paid options for "mining" traffic, attracting a unique user:

  • contextual advertising, target "users", sites: Google Adsense, Yandex Direct, other resources;
  • teaser network (picture with text), resources: TeaserNet, MarketGid and others;
  • social network, projects: Instagram, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook;
  • banner advertising resource:;
  • special projects, traffic exchanges: Wizard Traffstock, KupiTraff, other resources.

How to make money on traffic arbitrage - real ways for beginners

Work as an affiliate marketer in the network - post advertising texts, which contain links to landing pages of partner resources. Here the target user is offered to perform some action (register, use the service, other actions). We earn as an affiliate marketer, definition of terms:

  • lead , this is a potential customer who is ready to buy something;
  • lead generation - when the user becomes a potential buyer;
  • offer - commercial offer of an advertiser in need of leads;
  • landing page - the project page (landing), which prompts the "user" to take any action;
  • Cost per action (CPA) - partner network;
  • hold - a temporary delay in the payment of money for the webmaster;
  • profit - net profit of the webmaster;
  • conversion - the ratio of leads to the total number of users who visited the resource - (ratio).

Experts conduct online training in traffic arbitrage courses. The meaning of this work is through affiliate programs and modern ways to attract target users to the pages of the advertiser's projects. How to start a beginner "user" in the work of an affiliate marketer and is it really possible to make good money? There are many companies that show this type of activity from "A" to "Z", these are: CPA NooB, CPA King, other resources.

Instructions for beginner affiliates from scratch, we work independently:

  1. To receive a commercial proposal (offer), we register in several CPA. The cost of leads in a project may differ, you need to choose one that is profitable for arbitration.
  2. In the affiliate program, we get ref. link is the main parameter for making money on arbitrage. Experts, studying the basics of arbitration, recommend choosing an offer topic that is convenient (comfortable) for the user, so that it is easy for him to advertise a referral link.
  3. We send traffic flow through the referral link. You can get it for investments and without them. Having your own project on the Internet with a fairly high traffic, you can direct your users on the subject of the offer to its page. Or a paid view: contextual advertising, teaser networks, short texts on social networks.
  4. We are considering the best option for generating income. We analyze which type of advertising is more profitable to use on the subject of the offer. We check the information for the effectiveness of the advertiser's landing page. We create several types of ad units for teaser, banner and contextual advertising. Let's see what time is more profitable for the show.
  5. To make a profit, you need to filter out bad traffic (cut off bots).

Experts divide the work of an affiliate marketer according to the type of traffic:

  • arbitration of news traffic;
  • mobile traffic arbitration;
  • clickander traffic arbitrage.

Mobile traffic arbitration - coverage of almost 20% of Russian citizens who perceive advertisements better. This is browsing websites through mobile devices and tablets. Experts predict an increase in the volume of this type of traffic.

  • there are almost no ad blockers on mobile devices;
  • tablet and smartphone users react to ads less aggressively than PC users;
  • the number of clicks and the number of sales from mobile advertising (conversion) is higher than on a laptop or PC;
  • the number of ads on mobile search sites is less than on a PC;
  • testing ads on mobile devices is more expensive;
  • it is not recommended to use mobile traffic to advertise expensive things, a person views it on the fly, without proper attention;
  • short ad text, small pictures;
  • you need to use filters from bots: FraudScore, Forensiq;
  • correctly configure the token.

Token - technical characteristics that determine the quality of traffic and its conversion, for this reason it is important to set it up correctly when creating an advertising project (company). What is included in it, for example:

  • for which device - mobile phone, tablet, smartphone;
  • who is the manufacturer;
  • for which models;
  • what operating system is used;
  • for which connection: WI-FI, mobile Internet;
  • for which operator;
  • geographic location of users.

WI-FI traffic is cheaper than 3G (mobile Internet), in addition, the user must take certain actions (indicate the card or phone number) to conduct a transaction. Mobile Internet provides a direct opportunity for a transaction, higher conversion.

News traffic arbitrage - attracting users from news resources. The webmaster uses news queries to generate search traffic, and the affiliate purchases news traffic in order to profit from affiliate programs. Features of news arbitrage:

  • selection of teaser banner theme;
  • targeting is performed only with click settings - which device, the user's geographic location, for which OS;
  • for these reasons, it is recommended to create a blacklist and filter out sites with low leads.

Experts consider this type of traffic to be “cold”, in other words, a “user” who comes to the resource to read the news has little interest in advertising, and if his banner is interested, he should be directed to an intermediate page, and then to the landing page according to the offer. An example of such work:

  • the user clicks on the banner wanting to see more news;
  • gets to the page with bright pictures and comments, in the form of new news;
  • at the bottom of such a page there are comments that recommend taking certain actions on the offer.

Event traffic is an information page where a user comes to learn something about an event that has occurred (earthquake, flood, major scandal, competition results, and other significant events). This type of traffic is characterized by sharp jumps in the interests of users to the event, the growth and fall of traffic. You can buy event traffic from webmasters of news sites, on advertising exchanges.

Clickander traffic arbitrage - when a "user" comes to a resource and clicks in any area of ​​the screen, then goes to a page of another resource. Clickander traffic is divided into 2 options: transition from a resource or from a toolbar. The concept of a toolbar is a transition from viral browsers (stuffed with ad units). Popunder, this is a large banner on 80% of the site's page. An example of getting traffic with a popunder banner:

  • traffic is "cold", an intermediate site is used;
  • you can immediately go to the +18 page, at the bottom of which there will be the offer comments.

You can buy clickander traffic on the following resources: Visitweb(site 18+), Traflab(from toolbars).

What is CPA (Cost-Per-Action)?

Earnings from traffic arbitrage are mainly made through the CPA (Cost Per Action) exchanges, which means payment for actions performed. CPA is an internet traffic exchange that unites an advertiser and a webmaster (affiliate marketer). In other words, CPA are affiliate programs that pay for the following actions of attracted users:

  • registration on the resource;
  • purchase of goods;
  • a call to a consultant;
  • install app;
  • follow the recommended link.

CPA makes it possible to quickly make money on a potential visitor. What you need to understand when working with CPA:

  • profit received by the webmaster from the sale of goods - CPS ;
  • percentage of users who made paid actions - CR ;
  • the ratio of clicks and page impressions - CTR ;
  • the ratio of the number of transitions from resource pages to the landing page - CTR page ;
  • the difference from the purchase cost of a click and the webmaster's profit from the transition - EPC ;
  • percentage for goods sold - PPS .

The system works according to the following principle:

  1. The advertiser indicates in the offer for which user actions he pays and how much he pays.
  2. The webmaster publishes the advertiser's link on his resource.
  3. The user who followed this link is a lead who fulfilled the offer condition.
  4. The webmaster gives statistics of clicks to the advertiser, who pays for CPA actions.
  5. Up to 40% is taken by CPA of commissions.

How quickly you can make a profit from CPA depends on the quality of the webmaster's resource, what needs to be done:

  • register on the exchange;
  • add your own resource to be checked, the check time for each resource is different;
  • search for the desired commercial proposal (offer) on the subject of the site;
  • in promotional materials, we take a referral link or a thematic banner;
  • place promotional material on the page of your resource;
  • the target visitor of your resource clicks on the promo material, takes an action;
  • product (CPA) or advertiser checks for a lead;
  • the agreed amount is credited to the webmaster.

Experts draw the webmaster's attention to the fact that the lead check time for each advertiser (offer) is different. A well-known online seller Aliexpress checks up to 3 months, and can make a decision in 30 days.

  • no waste of money, only specific orders are paid;
  • it is easy to plan an advertising campaign, the cost of the client is known;
  • the advertiser decides what to pay the webmaster for;
  • high-quality traffic;
  • check by CPA moderators of leads before making a payment to the webmaster.

For a webmaster, the advantages of working with CPA:

  • there is no need to negotiate with online stores separately, the option of choosing the best one, generating an automatic referral link;
  • long-term cooperation with the exchange;
  • profits are not limited to the upper limit;
  • the scheme is transparent without cheating.

How do I find a traffic source?

It is difficult for a beginner to immediately understand that traffic arbitrage is the redirection of the flow of targeted network users, the purchase of traffic, to the advertiser's resource. Where "users" do the actions defined by the offer. Traffic can be obtained by 2 methods: white and gray.

White traffic sources:

  • contextual and banner advertising;
  • teaser resources and targeted advertising.

Gray method:

  • creating doorways (one-page sites) with redirecting visitors to the advertiser's resource;
  • spam advertising on forums;
  • social media advertising;
  • other methods.

The received traffic to the advertiser's resource is directed through CPA exchanges, through affiliate programs located on the advertiser's resource. How to make money without investments on traffic arbitrage? Experts recommend starting with choosing a niche of activity, in other words, creating a vertical in which many affiliate programs can operate. Let's consider some directions:

  • use of commodity resources (commodity), where the sale of products, goods -;
  • for actions in online games (registration, activity);
  • financial activities (loans, investments, loans);
  • information business (selling courses, trainings, recruiting subscription clients);
  • online gambling.

After choosing the direction of arbitration, step-by-step instructions recommend choosing the desired offers or affiliate programs (PP). Without a public site for making money on arbitrage and searching for an offer, experts recommend a free resource: The resource navigation is clear, you need to go to the offers section and select the desired category (direction) for work.

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