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Apple has apologized for secretly slowing down older iPhone models. Watching videos on the iPhone X is disgusting

MOSCOW, November 16 - RIA Novosti, Natalia Dembinskaya. In November, Apple introduced the iPhone X to the market, the interest in which is still going through the roof. Thousands of people around the world lined up, trying to get their hands on the smartphone, announced by Apple as the most revolutionary and high-tech. The company skimmed off the cream: in the wake of the hype, its capitalization, which collapsed after the release of the iPhone 8, almost came close to $ 900 billion. Soon, the owners of the flagship began to report numerous problems: it does not respond to touch, freezes in the cold and makes a crackling noise. However, the ambitious novelty seems to have brought real trouble to Apple's long-standing and long-term partner, the Taiwanese company Foxconn. Due to the lack of components for the iPhone X, its profit in the third quarter of 2017 collapsed by 40%. Why is the most expensive iPhone turned out to be a disappointment for both consumers and the manufacturer - in the material of RIA Novosti.

Nothing to collect

Taiwanese Foxconn (its official name is Hon Hai Precision Industry Co) works not only with Apple. It is one of the largest electronics suppliers for such giants as Canon, Huawei, Intel, Dell and HP. However, Apple is its main customer, and the iPhones it assembles from its manufacturing facilities in China bring in more than half of Foxconn's money.

The drop in profits is due to a disruption in supplies new iPhone X, and the reason for this, as the company explained, is the lack of components: the phone, in fact, has nothing to assemble from.

Face ID defects

As writes The Verge, the difficulties that arose in the production of new items led to a shortage of components. The process of developing the hardware elements of the smartphone turned out to be too slow, which led to a serious drop in the pace of production of a longtime partner Apple.

The decline in production dealt a devastating blow to the company's profits: if in 2016, Foxconn earned almost $1.15 billion from assembling the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus model, then for the same period in 2017 - only $700 million.

The most scarce components were OLED displays for the new smartphone - the process of their production is long, and the percentage of defects is quite high. Another weak link was the recognition module Face ID - its creation is so technologically difficult that manufacturers are critically behind schedule. The situation was complicated by the fact that when installing the face recognition function, there were technical problems- the whole batch was rejected.

At the most inopportune moment, when Apple VP Craig Federighi tried to unlock the iPhone X with Face ID, the feature didn't work. To continue the demonstration, Federighi had to take a backup device.

Apple called the incident a misunderstanding, saying that it was not related to software, and with wrong actions employees. Experts, however, even then called this mistake too gross, noting that it would cost the company profits and sales. But if so far everything is good with profit, then with sales - not so much.

Fans of the "apple" empire forgave her failure at the "demonstration performance": with whomever it happens, innovation is all the same.

But it has now emerged that technically faulty Face IDs have stalled production, with shipments in the first week of sales nearly ten times behind demand.

One thing, then another

While the sufferers are trying to get a new product, its owners have been complaining about the numerous problems of the top smartphone for the second week.

The newly minted owners of the phone, the cost of which in Russia starts from 79 thousand rubles, are faced with the fact that iPhone screen X freezes and does not respond to pressing in cold weather. Apple already acknowledged the problem, as well as the fact that the display of a smartphone can be prone to burn-in. The company promised to eliminate these shortcomings in next update BY.

Next, it turned out that a green bar could suddenly appear on the display. Another drawback that the owners of the smartphone complained about is that its speaker crackles and buzzes when making calls at high volume.

Face ID scam

Finally, Face ID is clearly falling short of being the "new gold standard in face authentication" that Apple has declared it to be.

Numerous videos have appeared on the Web where the system is deceived different ways. So, it was "hacked" by the twins: with a certain algorithm of actions, the phone does not recognize the "forgery". In another case, a 10-year-old boy managed to unlock his mother's iPhone X.

Vietnamese cybersecurity experts outsmarted Face ID with a 3D silicone mask, and a New Jersey stylist put on a simple make-up, after which the iPhone X refused to recognize the owner.

First and last

Back in October, experts said: perhaps this is the first time that a corporation has launched a product on the market that is not at all ready for the start of sales. The company is facing a severe shortage batteries, and the percentage of defective frameless OLED screens and Face ID sensors is breaking records.

ahead of Apple decisive quarter - Christmas and New Year's Eve, but, as analysts suggest, the company will not be able to equalize the balance of supply and demand until the end of the first quarter of 2018. According to analysts at Techanalysis Research, if Apple doesn't start selling over the holidays, buyers won't wait until March. Most likely, they will spend the money on something else. And if you take into account the numerous shortcomings, then it is possible that the enthusiastic buyers of the iPhone X of the first wave may be the last.

The main smartphone of the year went on sale just a few days ago, and the first owners of the gadget are already returning it to stores. What are the reasons for the failure?

On November 3, the flagship iPhone X finally fell into the hands of the first owners, and judging by the numerous reviews on social networks and forums, most fans were disappointed with the smartphone. Some of the buyers went to take the gadget back to the store and found there a whole queue for processing the return.

It seems that Apple was in such a hurry to bring a new product to the market that it did not have time to eliminate many shortcomings. For those who still doubt whether to buy the flagship of the "Yabloko", here are five main reasons not to do this, according to at least this year.

Defective display

For a long time Apple products considered the standard of excellence. Exactly on high quality iPhone X "Yabloko" pressed, justifying its inflated cost in comparison with analogues. However, in reality, many buyers received a smartphone with a frank marriage. Users of the popular American Reddit forum post photos showing that the matrix of the expensive OLED display has obvious highlights.

To independently determine the marriage, just turn off the light and open a black picture on your smartphone in complete darkness. In case of marriage, in some parts of the screen the picture will not be dark, but light. Users assume that the problem occurs on all smartphones, but it manifests itself in someone to a greater extent, and in someone to a lesser extent.


In addition, Apple itself has acknowledged that OLED displays are prone to burn-in. At the presentation, it was announced that the possibility of this unpleasant effect was minimized, but in fact, many users complain that if the screen long time If a bright, high-contrast image is displayed, then even after closing the application, its traces remain on the screen for quite some time.

Disadvantages of Face ID

A new technology for unlocking a smartphone - perhaps main feature iPhone X. However, everything is not so simple with her. At a presentation in September, Apple announced that the Face ID sensor is so smart that it will distinguish the owner even in a hat, even with a false mustache, even under the scorching sun, even in complete darkness. In fact, buyers complain that the smartphone cannot recognize them even just in dim lighting.

But if these shortcomings Apple still can eliminate, then users can only put up with some of the inconvenience of Face ID. For example, the iPhone X can't be unlocked when it's on a table - you'll either have to reach for it with your head or pick it up off the table and point it at your face.

Meaningless "animoji"


Plenty of time for Apple presentations paid such a chip as animated emoji. Various emojis and stickers are really booming right now, but the problem is that only two can exchange "animoji" with each other iPhone user X and only with iMessage. But who is using iMessage these days? Everyone has been sitting in instant messengers for a long time, but there “animoji” cannot be used and in the near future such an opportunity will not appear. So most likely no one will simply use such a function so publicized by the Yabloko.

Minimum change

Almost borderless OLED display, Face ID and animoji - that's basically it iPhone innovations X. They touched only the outside of the smartphone, otherwise the flagship is practically no different from its counterparts - the same performance, the same autonomy indicators, the same cameras. Users have been waiting for Apple product revolutionary in all respects, but they received an outwardly improved "eight" with a couple of funny chips.

Maximum cheat

Perhaps the biggest dissatisfaction among buyers was caused by the exorbitant price of the gadget. In the USA the most affordable iPhone X costs $999, while in Russia the minimum cost is much higher - from 79,990 rubles. At the same time, Reuters experts calculated that the cost of the flagship is only about 357.5, so the cheat on one gadget in the US is 64%. This is much higher than all previous iPhone models.

In Russia, the markup is another 10% higher - the iPhone X is sold here four times more expensive than its cost. Judging by the queues in electronics stores, buyers are not at all opposed to giving that kind of money for a flagship, but the higher the cost, the higher the responsibility. So far, the iPhone X does not justify this responsibility.

Appearance problems now and then haunt Apple smartphones. metal back first iPhone scratched almost faster than the owner had time to figure out how the revolutionary gadget works, plastic cases 3G and 3GS were easily scratched, and cracks appeared near the connector. Glass from two sides of the iPhone 4 and 4S also quickly lost their marketable appearance due to imperfect anti-scratch technologies at that time. Peeling paint on a beveled edge in the first batches of the iPhone 5 was one of the worst high-profile problems co Apple smartphones, since the coating was erased literally in the very first days of use. The iPhone 5s had the least problems, which felt beefy compared to its predecessor, and few people discussed the damage resistance of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, as after that people were carried away by unplanned body curves when carrying a smartphone in narrow pockets.

In the iGuides edition, we decided to catch up and talk about what is happening with the external iPhone view 6 and iPhone 6 Plus after a few months of use. And most importantly - do they need some kind of protection and what covers should you choose. IN Lately the value of such information has grown significantly, along with the cost of smartphones in Russia. It will not be so easy to change the device at the end of this year, so I want to keep the presentation of the device longer. We had the opportunity to follow the fate of three iPhone 6 golden color and two gray iPhone 6 Plus that were bought in different time and used in different conditions. Golden-colored smartphones were worn in a pocket, with a branded Apple case and a Handwers pouch. Gray iPhones We simply carried the 6 Plus in our pocket and Apple branded case.

Smartphones silver color proved to be equally resistant to scuffs, scratches and damage. Regardless of availability protective accessories they have perfectly preserved their appearance from the date of the start of sales. The situation is quite different with the golden iPhone 6 model - two out of three have lost their appearance as a result of rubbing against jeans and a Handwers pocket case. The marks are most noticeable on a smartphone that has been used without protective cover, it was bought on September 30, 2014, and its condition can be seen in the photos in this article. The iPhone 6, which was constantly taken out of the case during use, also rubbed a little, but so far it is not so noticeable. However, it was bought recently - on January 14, so after a few months of use it risks being compared in terms of appearance with a device worn without a case. The only golden "six", which retained its presentation, was in a branded Apple case.

Hello! Many people are concerned about what happens after deleting all data from the iPhone through Only there is very little adequate and normal information on the network on this issue. And if to be absolutely exact, then it is practically non-existent. Most resources simply take and copy the phrase from the Apple website - "Erasing data from the device also turns off the Find My iPhone function and Activation Lock."

Which puts many into a stupor and gives rise to a lot of questions: If you erase the device through "Find iPhone", then it will be freed from activation lock and can they be used? Can you unlock your Apple ID? Will the data be completely deleted? How is it different from Lost Mode? (- read, it will not be superfluous). And these are only the most basic "riddles". In fact, there are many more!

However, if we return to the description of this function, it turns out that the answer to all these questions is obvious - after clicking "Erase iPhone", the device will be "clean" and not blocked.

What happens? The author of these lines in vain advises everyone to erase the device if it is lost (stolen) and it is not possible to find it? That is, on the one hand, we delete all our data (this is a plus). On the other hand, we completely unlock the phone (this is a minus) and anyone can use it?

But, in fact, something is missing in this phrase. And at the end of the article we will correct it :)

In order to clearly show what happens during and after the process of deleting data from the iPhone through Find My iPhone, I decided to do this action myself. True, the iPad will participate in this experiment (the phone will be restored from backup- this is a very long time), but for an iPhone, the result will be completely the same. So let's go!

We have the “Find iPhone” function enabled on the device and imagine that we have irretrievably lost the gadget (or it was stolen). We need to erase all data from it, for this:

  1. Go to and enter your Apple ID account.
  2. Click on "Find iPhone" and select the one you want to clear from the list of devices.
  3. Click "Erase iPad" (well, or iPhone) and confidently agree that all materials and settings will be deleted. And, of course, after this action, the device cannot be detected or tracked.
  4. And here's a little problem for those who don't own complete information about accounting Apple records ID. The fact is that in order to confirm your intentions, you must answer Control questions(at least two out of three).
  5. After that, enter the phone number and short message- they should be displayed on the screen of the device after erasing. Looking ahead, I would like to note the fact that for some reason all these inscriptions were not shown on the display for me. Why? To be honest, I don’t know - if you have any ideas, then write in the comments. We click "Finish".
  6. All! iPhone data or iPad completely removed. And here the most important thing begins - this must be remembered. We see the inscription "Erasing completed" and one more line - "Delete from find iPhone".
  7. Now, if you press it, the device will really “free itself” from apple lock ID and anyone can activate it. And if you do not press, then your iPhone or iPad will be in Lost and Erased mode.

In this case, unlocking the device is almost impossible. Even through technical support. With a high degree of probability, the gadget can be safely handed over for spare parts. And even then, the most expensive of them - motherboard, will be locked in iCloud.

As promised, we will slightly correct the phrase from the official Apple website :)

And now the short conclusions - if you erase the iPhone or iPad through the "Find iPhone" function, then:

  1. blocking Apple activation ID will not be removed automatically. This can be done manually after the process is completed.
  2. All data is deleted in its entirety.
  3. Now it is impossible to determine the geo-position and location of the gadget.

P.S. Questions, sound thoughts, discussions - comments are open for all this. Write! Well, you can “like” the article, which is already there ... helpful information same!

Apple representatives officially admitted that the company deliberately underestimates the performance of the software old iPhone in new iOS updates. But, as the corporation assures, all this is done for the benefit of users - so that the battery does not run out on their gadgets that have begun to work poorly.

In early December, Reddit users drew attention to the strange cases that have been happening recently with the past. iPhone generations: Some owners of the sixth generation smartphones have noticed that their devices have started to work more slowly. The discussion started with a TeckFire redditor post. He noticed oddities in technical specifications your iPhone 6S. Tests of a program released by an independent developer showed that its processor works with clock frequency processor, which is very different from the official characteristics.

At first, TeckFire thought the problem was old firmware, and updated iOS, but the processor frequency did not change. At the same time, his brother's phone, which had the same iOS version, showed other, closer to the norm, characteristics of the processor. After thinking, the author of the post replaced the battery in the phone, and everything returned to normal - the processor began to work again at the same speed.

The redditor suggested that Apple adds a system feature hidden from users to the firmware. It underestimates the speed of the processor when the battery in the phone loses capacity. According to TeckFire, this feature may have been added to the system so that users with "worn out" batteries do not have a shortened battery life. iPhone work without recharging - the slower the processor runs, the slower the battery will discharge.

The problem of redditors (and not only TeckFire noticed it) became interested in TechCrunch. Its representatives wrote a letter to the corporation with a request to clarify the situation with the frequency jumps of the processor. Apple released an official response and admitted several things in it at once: that the redditors' guess is absolutely correct, that hidden function, which buyers do not know about, has been present in iOS for a year, and as for it only affects phones old model. At the same time, the company said that all this was done for the benefit of users.

Our goal is to provide the best customer experience, which includes overall performance and extending the life of their devices. Li-ion batteries are less capable of delivering the required amount of current in cold environments, and over time they will lose battery power, which can cause the device to shut down unexpectedly to protect electronic components.

Last year, we released a feature for iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, and iPhone SE that lowers maximum performance only when needed to prevent unexpected shutdowns in cold weather or battery drain. We have now extended this feature to iPhone 7 with using iOS 11.2 and plan to add support for other products in the future.

Apple claims to downgrade "only when necessary," but TeckFire tested its iPhone with the battery 80 percent charged. In addition, talking about best experience and performance”, the company is silent about how to be iPhone buyers, which, due to the underfrequency of the processor, have difficulties in working with applications that previously worked fine.

And in the end, Apple does not explain why this feature was added secretly from users, and indeed, why shouldn't buyers decide for themselves what is more important to them - performance or phone battery life without recharging.

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