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Cell tower equipment. Cell towers

The terms "base station" and "cell tower" have long and firmly entered our lexicon. And if the average user remembers these things not so often, then the "cell phone", by habit, is clearly among the ten leaders. Hundreds of millions of people use cellular communications every day, but very few of them think about how this very connection is provided. And of this minority, very few really represent the complexity and subtlety of this communication tool.

From the point of view of most people, setting up a cellular base station is very straightforward. It is enough to hang up a few antennas, connect them to the network - and you're done. But this view is fundamentally wrong. And so we decided to talk about how many subtleties and nuances arise when installing a base station in a metropolis.

To clearly illustrate our story, we have documented in detail the process of installing a cell tower on the roof of a building in Moscow, at ul. Krasnodonskaya, 19, building 2. This is a two-storey detached administrative building. We chose this example because this base station not only has a small bracket for hanging antennas, but a 5-section tower 15 m high. But let's start in order.

Preparation and design

The work of installing a base station begins with finding a suitable object. When it is found, a lease is concluded with its owner. The required location of the antennas of the future station, the mass of the payload are determined, and on the basis of this, the metal structures are designed. This takes into account the bearing capacity of the structural elements of the building itself.

For each installed base station, a set of documentation is drawn up (almost 5 cm thick). Among other things, many parameters of the future structure are indicated here: its location on the object, overall dimensions, total weight, location of support points, voltage and power consumption, and so on.

This folder contains comprehensive information:

  • project documentation;
  • copies of statements, licenses, certificates and conclusions of conformity for all elements, up to nuts and paint;
  • working documentation for equipment, metal structures, architectural and construction solutions, lightning protection;
  • a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the safety of the station for residents of the surrounding houses.

Let's go back to our tower. After the agreement and approval of the project, the platform and five segments of the tower were manufactured separately at the plant. Since in this case it was a rather heavy structure, it had to be installed on the load-bearing walls of the building. For this, holes were cut in the roof and the installation of support beams was carried out. They play the role of a pile foundation for the platform, on which the station equipment and a tower with antennas were later mounted. The total weight of the platform was 3857 kg.

The profile, size and number of beams from which the platform is assembled, wall thickness, length of welds, hardware used - all these parameters are calculated based on the payload mass, the bearing capacity of the building walls, as well as possible wind loads in the region. Of course, these are far from the only criteria, first of all, the tower should provide the ability to install transmit-receive antennas at the required height in the visibility range of neighboring base stations. In addition, the structure must be rigid enough so that the relay communication beam does not get lost.

Installation of metal structures

The building is small, it does not have a separate exit to the roof, so a team of installers has to climb the fire escape. Its lower part is cut off so that residents of the surrounding houses do not climb onto the roof. Unfortunately, this does not stop them too much, so something often disappears from the roofs - spare parts, cables, feeders, etc.

Despite the fact that each station is equipped with an alarm, the security service does not always have time to arrive on time.

The base station of another cellular operator has already been installed on the roof, but its dimensions cannot be compared with ours.

After installing the platform, the sites are prepared for the installation of the first section of the tower:

After the section is installed, “tightening the nuts” begins:

The installation of the tower on the studs is done in order to be able to compensate for deviations from the vertical during installation and further operation.

The verticality of the structure is constantly monitored from two points using theodolites. Moreover, measurements are carried out separately for each section of the tower, and then the measurement log will be included in the set of documents. Subsequently, periodic measurements of the tower position are carried out, since under its own weight and the weight of the equipment, a slight spiral twisting of the structure can occur (up to 50 mm at 72 m in height).

Hardware cabinet prepared for platform installation:

So, the first section is installed and aligned. Installers are preparing to receive the second section:

Great attention is paid to the safety and comfort of work not only during installation, but also during further maintenance. Platforms are sized to provide engineers with ample space to work. Ladder fences have been installed, the openings in the platforms on the tower are closed with hatches to prevent accidental falls. The platform is raised above the roof plane so that in winter time the equipment is not covered with snow and blocked by ice.

Installation of the remaining sections of the tower:

Hardware cabinet queue:

The tower has been mounted, the last measurements have been made using theodolites. Deviations are minimal and strictly within tolerances. The mass of the tower was 2827 kg, and the total weight of all metal structures was 6684 kg.

The colors of the sections are standard: the bottom and top are always red, the intermediate ones alternate with white. At the top you can see 4 pins, which are a continuation of the edges of the tower - these are lightning protection elements.


The next step was the installation of all the necessary equipment and cabling. Complete list of installed equipment:

As a result, the station acquired a rather majestic appearance, especially in comparison with the building itself:

The station is supplied with a voltage of 380 V (3 phases), which is then converted into 48 V. The power is taken with a margin of up to 10 kW. Meals are supplied in a separate locker.

Let's open the door of the hardware cabinet. It has a built-in air conditioner (top) and a heater (bottom).

The cabinet maintains a temperature of 18 ... 20 degrees Celsius throughout the year. This is necessary for the smooth operation of the equipment and the long service life of the batteries (they are located at the bottom).

The accumulators are designed to ensure the operation of the station for about a day in the event of a disconnection of the external power supply.

Above is the switching unit and voltage converter.

The transfer of information between system modules and transceivers (about them below) is carried out via fiber optic cables. This is what the connector looks like in the junction box. In no case should you touch it with your hands, the fiber is very sensitive to damage and pollution.

All base stations of cellular communication are connected to a single information fiber-optic network stretched throughout Moscow. The white bay under the equipment cabinet is just the cable through which this station is connected.

To the right of the cabinet are the GSM, CDMA and LTE system modules:

These modules are the heart of the base station, they receive the signal from the antennas and convert and compress it with further transmission. They are not afraid of precipitation, all connectors are sealed, and the operating temperature range is from +60 to -50.

Lightning arresters are located under the system modules, which prevent equipment burnout in the event of a lightning strike:

On the right, above the modules, there are fiber-optic cable coils, with the help of which they are connected to the transceivers on the tower.

Let's move on to the tower. It has transceivers installed separately for each band (GSM, CDMA and LTE). They amplify the signal from extremely low values ​​up to 115-120 dB. They are powered from the equipment cabinet:

The oblong vertical "boxes" are the antennas. They are shielded at the back to protect operating personnel from electromagnetic radiation. Let's go up to the site.

At the edges, fiber-optic cables are connected to the transceiver, in the center - power supply:

Grounding is brought to the tower:

Cable connectors and their plugs on the antenna:

We have already mentioned that designing and building a cellular base station is not at all as easy as it seems to the uninitiated. There are many nuances that are associated with the specific location of the station. For example, radio transmission over a large water surface is deteriorating, although it should be the other way around, because there are no obstacles. But the fact is that an electromagnetic field spreads over the surface of the earth, and a large volume of water works as a kind of condenser, over which interference to the radio signal is amplified. And there are many such subtleties, therefore the efficiency of the base station directly depends on the professionalism of the designers and installers.

November 15, 2011 at 02:24 PM

Mobile base station on KAMAZ

  • VimpelCom (Beeline) blog

A mobile base station is almost an ordinary cell mounted on a car chassis and equipped with a bunch of devices to ensure autonomy. Beeline has several such mobile stations on platforms of various carrying capacities. They are actively used to create a coating or seal it where it is desperately needed.

What's inside the car?

  • Receiving and transmitting devices (at 900 MHz, 1800 MHz or 2100 MHz). Simply put, subscriber.
  • Radio relay or satellite equipment for communication with the main infrastructure of "Beeline".
  • Telescopic hydraulic or collapsible antenna support, on which the transmitting and receiving antennas are installed.
  • Diesel generator that allows you to work autonomously. Whenever possible, the station is connected to the local power grid, when not, it works autonomously. Four days for a small station (more often) and 12 days for KAMAZ in "autonomous" is the norm.
  • Air conditioners and air heating devices to ensure normal temperature conditions for equipment and personnel (because mobile stations can operate in severe frost and heat).

Are there more such things?

This is the first domestic truly mobile solution. Yes, before it, the equipment was installed on machines, but it differed in a number of features, for example, a very long deployment on site. Ours, thanks to the hydraulic support for the antenna, is deployed anywhere in 15 minutes (large stations are deployed in 40-50 minutes). Now Beeline has several mobile base stations: in Moscow at KAMAZ, in the regions - on trailers.

Why do you need MBS?

Firstly, for a local increase in the capacity of the cellular network. Usually - for public events where the service needs to be improved. In this situation, the station is able to "distribute" around itself both ordinary voice coverage and provide 3G-Internet and other services.
Examples: the MAKS air show in the Moscow region, the UEFA Champions League Final at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow in May 2008, the annual Victory Day and City Day celebrations, annual New Year's mass celebrations in parks and city squares.

Secondly, the machine can operate where there is no cellular coverage and is not planned, and far enough from the operator's infrastructure and habitable places in general.
For example, at the site of the tragedy associated with the sinking of the motor ship "Bulgaria" in the water area of ​​the Kuibyshev reservoir in the Republic of Tatarstan, at Sabantui in Bashkortostan.

More details?

July 6-7, 2011 In the Uchalinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, a spring festival (Sabantuy) is being held in the village of Kalkanovo on the shore of Lake Kalkan. Cellular communications in the territory of the celebration are not available for all operators. The population of the village is 395 people, the approximate number of people who attended the holiday is 2000 people. Two weeks before the holiday, approvals begin, then the station leaves for the site and within an hour is deployed and goes into a fully functional mode. The crew consists of two people: a driver-mechanic and an engineer. They live directly in the car, where there are two berths. They eat food and rations "from home", bought for "business trip", plus they have the means to buy hot food directly on the holiday. The phase centers of the antennas are at a height of 10-15 meters above the ground, therefore, at the level of the machine, the radiation density is hundreds of times lower than the permissible by the standard, and inside it decreases hundreds of times, and you do not need to wear it. During the operation of the BS, the total traffic amounted to 385.14 Erlang, and there were overloads a couple of times (1 Erlang is one hour of a subscriber's conversation in the network, taking into account the dial-up time, that is, in total, subscribers spoke about 16 days in 2 days: of course, this is distribution was uneven).

How many pieces of paper do you need to sign to leave the garage?

Before putting the MBS equipment on the air, it is necessary to calculate and then agree on the installation site, standard, range, the number of required radio frequencies, the height of the antennas with the regulator, in view of the fact that base stations of other operators and equipment of other departments can work at the epicenter of events. Then you need to enter data into the BS equipment and configure it so that the operation of the MBS should be integrated into the operator's existing network. Regular use assumes a couple of weeks for departure, exploration and all the approvals. Accidents - about two to three days. In theory, this process can be accelerated up to 1 day. "Instant" installation of a base station in a new location is technologically possible, but illegal, since a permit for frequencies is required: if done without it, it threatens to revoke the license.

How about specific TXs?

For example, we have a KamAZ-53229, where an antenna with a support 17 meters high is located in an insulated box body. The chassis is intended for movement only on hard surfaces (roads, fields, etc.), unfolds without stretch marks. On the support there are 3 sector antennas with a height of 1.3 meters, a RRS antenna with a diameter of 0.6 meters. The support is equipped with a device for remote alignment of the PPC antenna; an additional tube stand is installed on the roof of the body for mounting the PPC antenna. The insulated body has three compartments - the BS equipment compartment, the antenna support equipment compartment and the diesel-electric generator compartment. The hardware compartment of the body accommodates 8 racks of technological equipment up to 1.9 m high (BS racks, EPU with batteries, transmission systems). Compartment height
hardware BS 2.5 meters. It includes a transportable earth station for satellite communications (MZSSS) with an antenna 1.2 meters in diameter with an automatic guidance system on board a satellite transponder. MZSSS provides binding of the MBS to the switching network by means of four digital streams of 2 Mb / s.

The hardware compartment of the body is equipped with air conditioning, heating and supply and exhaust ventilation systems. It includes an autonomous power supply system - a 16 kW diesel-electric generator with fuel tanks. Battery life in normal mode is not less than 12 days. Plus cables with a length of 140 meters for connecting the MBS to a three-phase network of an external
power supply. The control room of the BS is equipped with a workstation for the operator, as well as two berths (in the control room of the BS and the cabin of the car). MBS crew - 2 people. It is possible to use atmospheric lasers for connection, but they are not installed in the current configuration. The station is adapted for Russian conditions: resistant to heat, cold, bears and vandals.

Does the network capacity grow when a mobile BS is deployed nearby?

In general, yes, it is growing. But, for example, if you deploy a BS in an area where the coverage has already reached the theoretical maximum in frequency distribution (the center of a metropolis, for example), only the signal level will improve, but not the number of simultaneously calling subscribers.

What's next?

Most likely, soon it will be possible to achieve greater autonomy of the base station, in particular, due to capacious batteries or alternative energy (we have stationary

It is hardly possible today to find a person who would never use a cell phone. But does everyone understand how cellular communication works? How does something that we are all used to for a long time work and work? Are signals from base stations transmitted via wires or does it all work somehow differently? Or maybe all cellular communication functions only due to radio waves? We will try to answer these and other questions in our article, leaving the description of the GSM standard outside its scope.

At the moment when a person tries to make a call from his mobile phone, or when they start calling him, the phone is connected via radio waves to one of the base stations (the most accessible), to one of its antennas. Base stations can be observed here and there, looking at the houses of our cities, at the roofs and facades of industrial buildings, at high-rise buildings, and finally at the red-and-white masts specially erected for stations (especially along highways).

These stations look like rectangular boxes of gray color, from which various antennas (usually up to 12 antennas) stick out in different directions. The antennas here work both for reception and transmission, and they belong to the cellular operator. The base station antennas are directed to all possible directions (sectors) in order to provide “network coverage” to subscribers from all directions at a distance of up to 35 kilometers.

An antenna of one sector is able to simultaneously serve up to 72 calls, and if there are 12 antennas, then imagine: 864 calls can, in principle, be served by one large base station at the same time! Although usually limited to 432 channels (72 * 6). Each antenna is connected with a cable to the base station control unit. And already blocks of several base stations (each station serves its own part of the territory) are connected to the controller. Up to 15 base stations are connected to one controller.

The base station, in principle, is capable of operating on three bands: the 900 MHz signal penetrates better into buildings and structures, spreads further, therefore this particular range is often used in villages and in the fields; the signal at a frequency of 1800 MHz does not spread so far, but more transmitters are installed in one sector, therefore, such stations are more often installed in cities; finally 2100 MHz is a 3G network.

There can be several controllers, of course, in a settlement or area, so the controllers, in turn, are connected by cables to the switch. The task of the switch is to connect the networks of mobile operators with each other and with city lines of ordinary telephone communication, long distance communication and international communication. If the network is small, then one switch is sufficient; if the network is large, two or more switches are used. Switches are interconnected by wires.

In the process of a person talking on a mobile phone moving along the street, for example: he is walking, riding in public transport, or moving in a private car, his phone should not lose the network for a moment, the conversation should not be interrupted.

Continuity of communication is obtained due to the ability of a network of base stations to very quickly switch a subscriber from one antenna to another in the process of moving from the coverage area of ​​one antenna to the coverage area of ​​another (from cell to cell). The subscriber himself does not notice how he ceases to be associated with one base station, and is already connected to another, how he switches from antenna to antenna, from station to station, from controller to controller ...

At the same time, the switch provides optimal load distribution over a multi-layered network scheme to reduce the likelihood of equipment failure. A multi-level network is built as follows: cell phone - base station - controller - switch.

Let's say we make a call, and now the signal has already reached the switchboard. The switch transfers our call to the destination subscriber - to the city network, to the international or long-distance communication network, or to the network of another mobile operator. All this happens very quickly using high speed fiber optic cable channels.

Next, our call goes to the switchboard, which is located on the side of the subscriber receiving the call (called by us). The "receiving" switch already has data about where the called subscriber is located, in which network coverage area: which controller, which base station. And so, the network polling begins from the base station, the addressee is found, and his phone “receives a call”.

The entire chain of described events, from the moment the number is dialed to the moment the call rang out on the receiving side, usually lasts no more than 3 seconds. So we can call anywhere in the world today.

Andrey Povny

Today in our country, almost everyone uses mobile communications, but at the same time, not everyone understands exactly how it functions. We only think about the fact that mobile communication is primarily a network of base stations when we notice one of such objects near our home or office.

A significant number of base stations and the lack of reliable information regarding the installation and operation of the BS become the reasons for the concern of the population. After all, the lack of information, as you know, instantly gives rise to rumors, speculation and myths, resulting in panic and radiophobia - fear of possible negative radiation from base stations. So let's figure out what a base station is.

A base station is a complex of radio transmitting equipment (repeaters, transceivers) that communicate with the final subscriber device - a cell phone. One base station of the GSM standard is usually capable of supporting up to 12 transmitters, and each transmitter is capable of simultaneously maintaining communication with 8 communicating subscribers. The coverage area from the base station antennas forms a cell, or group of cells. The base stations are connected to a cellular network switch through a base station controller.

Base stations of cellular operators BS are transmitting and receiving radio technical objects operating in the UHF range (300-3000 MHz). In addition, each BS is additionally equipped with a set of transmitting and receiving radio relay equipment operating in the 3-40 GHz range, which is responsible for integrating this BS into the network as a whole. The power of BS transmitters usually does not exceed 5-10 W per carrier.

Basically, two types of transmitting (receiving-transmitting) BS antennas are used:

weakly directional with a circular directional pattern (BP) in the horizontal plane - type "Omni" and directional (sector) with an opening angle (width) of the main lobe of the pattern in the horizontal plane, usually 60 or 120 degrees

Is cellular communication harmful?

Currently, only the indirect harm of cellular antennas installed in settlements has been reliably confirmed. German scientists have tested the operation of 231 models of pacemakers when exposed to electromagnetic radiation of cellular communication standards NMT-450, GSM 900 and GSM 1800. According to the results of their study, more than 30% of cardiac devices experience interference from phones operating in the NMT-450 and GSM 900 standards No effect of GSM 1800 phones on pacemakers has been found.

The radio frequency (RF) range of electromagnetic fields in which modern cellular communications operate ranges from 450 MHz to 1.9 GHz. When discussing possible adverse health effects from exposure to RF fields, it should be emphasized that such fields, unlike ionizing radiation (gamma, X-rays, short-wave ultraviolet), regardless of their power, cannot cause ionization or secondary radioactivity in the body.

A proven effect of RF waves with a frequency above 1 MHz is heating of tissues, due to the absorption of EMF energy by them. High-intensity fields are capable of locally increasing tissue temperature by 10 ° C. Even a less significant change in the temperature of living tissues can lead to such consequences as impaired fetal development, a decrease in male fertility, and a change in hormonal levels. According to the WHO, the heating caused by RF fields with an intensity that meets international standards for cell phones and base stations is leveled by normal thermoregulation of the body and cannot cause any pathological changes in cells.

Experiments on cats and rabbits have shown that low-intensity RF fields, without causing tissue overheating, are able to modulate the activity of nerve cells by changing the permeability of cell membranes for calcium ions, which can negatively affect the functioning of the central nervous system. There is also evidence of the ability of RF fields to increase the proliferation rate, alter enzymatic activity, and affect cell DNA.

The described effects of EMF have been studied in animals for more than half a century, but their consequences for human health remain unclear. According to Mike Repacholi, coordinator of the WHO Committee on Radiation and Protection of Human Health and the Environment, there is no reliable evidence of the harmful effects of mobile communications on human health.

SAR - Specific Absorption Rate

Today, global standards governing the safety of cell phones characterize radiation levels by the SAR (Specific Absorption Rates) parameter, which is measured in watts per kilogram. This value determines the energy of the electromagnetic field released in tissues in one second.

In Europe, the permissible radiation value is 2 W / kg. In the United States, the restrictions are stricter: the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) only certifies cellular devices with a SAR less than 1.6 W / kg. This level of radiation does not lead to significant heating of tissues, according to experts from the Finnish Center for Radiation and Nuclear Safety. As previously reported, a study carried out at this scientific institute showed that the SAR level of 28 tested phone models was in the range from 0.45 to 1.12 W / kg.

In Russia, the permissible intensity of electromagnetic fields is regulated by sanitary rules and regulations. The restrictions imposed by SanPiN are measured in fundamentally different units compared to the world ones - watts per square centimeter, while determining the energy "entering" the tissue in one second. Moreover, electromagnetic waves, depending on their frequency and the type of living tissue with which they interact, will be absorbed in different ways.

SanPiN norms cannot be converted into SAR units by simple calculation. In order to determine the compliance of the new cell phone model with Russian standards, it is necessary to carry out laboratory measurements. Experts note that Russian requirements actually impose stricter limits on the power of cell phones' transmitters than are recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). However, according to the WHO, such an overestimation of standards does not have any scientific prerequisites.

Mobile phones emit less than normal

A study carried out by Finnish scientists has shown that the radiation of the world's most popular mobile phones today is approximately the same as the levels declared by the manufacturers, and far below the permissible standards.

The annual report of the Finnish Center for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (STUK) examines 16 new mobile phone models from the world's leading manufacturers, including local Nokia, American Motorola, South Korean Samsung Electronics, Swedish-Japanese Sony Ericsson and German Siemens. According to Reuters, the Center's previous report, released in 2003, looked at 12 phone models.

The radiation of all considered models of mobile phones was significantly lower than the so-called Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), the allowable value of which in Europe is 2 watts / kg. This level of radiation does not lead to significant heating of tissues or any other negative consequences for human health, STUK experts say. SAR levels in all 28 models tested to date are between 0.45 and 1.12 watt / kg, they said.

In late 2004, the results of a four-year study called Reflex, funded by the European Union, were released. Despite the conclusion that electromagnetic radiation in the SAR range between 0.3 and 2 watts / kg damages DNA in laboratory conditions, scientists have not been able to unequivocally prove that cell phones threaten human health in real life. They believe that such conclusions require further research outside the laboratory - in animals and human volunteers.

There is no unequivocal scientific evidence of the harm of mobile phones, but every day there is more and more evidence that they still pose a threat to human health. Thus, new data published by Irish doctors indicate that in this country already every twentieth of its inhabitants has become a victim of mobile phone radiation. Symptoms of over-exposure, according to Irish experts, are: fatigue, confusion, dizziness, insomnia or sleep disturbances, nausea, skin irritation. According to Irish doctors, similar symptoms are registered in most countries where mobile communications are widespread.

Findings from other similar studies are also troubling. So, it was reported that mobile phones can provoke asthma and eczema, destroy blood cells and harm men's health. The danger that a mobile phone poses to the developing body of children is currently not disputed by anyone - it has come to the point that the sale of mobile phones designed specifically for children has been discontinued in the UK.

“It is also important that future emission standards for mobile phones and base stations are based on the most recent and scientifically proven evidence of the health effects of radiation,” says Kari Jokela of STUK. Finnish scientists note, however, that some studies of the Center have revealed some signs that the microwave radiation of phones can cause small changes in the vital activity of cells, but these facts are not enough to draw conclusions about the effect of radiation from mobile phones on human health.

The basis of each cellular network is a cell (cell) in the central part of which there is a base station (BS). The cell size depends on the type of network, base station power and other factors. The radius of the honeycomb is from 0.5 to 10 kilometers. Due to this location, the subscriber, before leaving the coverage area of ​​one BS, enters the coverage area of ​​another BS, and so on until the network coverage area is terminated.

Cellular base station power

Everyone knows that the range of the base station is limited, so the power of the transmitters is relatively low. The power of a base station depends on the size of the cell, the applicable standard and the location where it is installed. This value is in the range from 5 W to 20 W.

The power of a base station located in the city and covering an area with a radius of 2 kilometers is about 10 watts. But this value is only at the output of the transmitters, because due to the directional action of the antennas, the radiation power can reach 100 W. In rural areas, the power can be even higher due to the installed amplifiers.

The highest power at the output of the transmitter can reach up to 30 W, but due to the influence of various obstacles (reinforced concrete structures, tree crowns), the signal is weakened.

Based on the fact that the signal propagation conditions are diverse, it was decided that the power of the base transmitters will adapt to the conditions (the power can increase and decrease).

Cellular base station antennas

An antenna is an element of a base station; it is this device that receives and transmits a signal from one subscriber to another. The antenna is an important part of the BS, the quality of communication largely depends on it.

Currently, cross-polarized panel antennas and vertical polarized antennas are used for GSM / UMTS / 4G networks.

Antennas with cross-polarization are used for open space, and with vertical polarization - indoors.

The specificity of UMTS networks is to change the coverage area depending on the load, and the most effective tool for optimizing the coverage area is antenna adjustment. In UMTS antennas, the tilt angle can be changed, both mechanically and electrically.

Placement of base stations of cellular communication

There are several types of base stations: macro, micro, pico.

  1. A macro cell is a standard base station used by mobile networks. The coverage radius of this station is up to 100 kilometers, weight is about 300 kg. Such base stations are located in non-residential premises.
  2. Microcell is a compact base station common in operator networks. It differs from a standard station in its radiated power and the number of supported subscribers. The coverage radius reaches up to 5 kilometers, weight - up to 50 kg. The station is placed in a container and attached to a pole.
  3. A picocell is a low power base station owned by an operator and used as a network. Such a station is installed in places of the greatest congestion of users. It is similar in size to a laptop.

Base stations can be located on rooftops, lampposts. Indoors (shopping centers, entertainment centers), picocells are used.

Construction of base stations for cellular communication

The territory of the city is optimally suited for the construction of a cellular base station, due to the dense development of tall buildings. But there are a number of inconveniences: reinforced concrete buildings interfere with the signal efficiency, or the space allocated for the construction of the station is difficult to mount the structure.

Outside the city limits, as a rule, there are no facilities suitable for the installation of the station. In this case, it is required to erect an antenna - mast structure.

The stations are placed not only on cell towers and high-rise buildings, but also on structures such as pipes and elevators. Due to the fact that they use the area of ​​high-rise structures, there is a significant saving in the construction of the tower, because sometimes the tower's height reaches 85 meters. And it is not always possible to obtain a building permit in the desired area.

A simpler and more cost-effective option is to place a special design for installing a base station on a finished high-rise object.

Installation and maintenance of cellular base stations

Cellular base stations are the most important stage in the construction of the entire cellular communication system for signal transmission in a given area. Correct positioning and mounting of the base station is required to ensure smooth operation. This process can only be entrusted to real professionals in their field.

Companies serving cellular stations

When choosing a company serving a cellular station, preference should be given to those who have been working in this area for many years.

Integration has been on the network construction market since 2012. The company installs and maintains base stations in and outside the city. The company assembles antenna - mast structures, builds radio relay communication lines. When installing the station on residential buildings or high-rise buildings, it is coordinated with residents and regulatory authorities.

The company "Advanced Communications Technologies" is a subdivision of the largest telecommunications holding in Russia. The company carries out design, installation, service, warranty maintenance and repair of facilities. The company's customers are MTS, MegaFon, Tele2.

Manufacturers and suppliers of components for cellular stations

Some companies that manufacture components for cellular stations themselves are engaged in the design and installation of stations.

The Telekonta company was founded in 2001. It has its own laboratory - measuring complex and production base, where it produces elements of the antenna - feeder path. Holds patents for antennas. Telekont's clients are MTS, Megafon, SMARTS and other companies.

LLC "GROUNDTECH" - manufactures and supplies lightning protection systems, devices for uninterrupted transmission of electrical energy.

LLC "GROUNDTECH" is a distributor of a Slovenian company producing surge protection devices.

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