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Antenna for TV. TV antenna for giving with an amplifier: which one to choose? Antenna model, which is better to buy for a summer residence

Contemporary ethereal television broadcasting digital, that is, the broadcast of the TV signal is carried out by electromagnetic waves. But in order for certain channels to be available to the population, it is necessary indoor antennas for TVs. They exist a large number of. How are they different and how to use?

What is specific?

Indoor antennas are placed indoors and are able to receive signals in areas of good reception. Most modern models can pick up a signal in the most popular bands, besides they are cheap, so they are popular with buyers. In order for the selected accessory to really help to catch a signal, several factors must be taken into account when choosing:

  • remoteness from the repeater;
  • transmitter power;
  • building density;
  • landscape features;
  • floor;
  • interference level (domestic and industrial).

The closer the indoor TV antennas are to the transmitting station, the better the signal reception will be.

Passive or active?

Depending on the type of signal amplification, all antennas are passive, active and directional, which are distinguished by a high gain. When using passive structures, signal reception and amplification will be provided by the geometry of the antenna itself. Its features include:

  • independence from electrical network and lack active elements amplification and electronic components;
  • does not create interference and noise when receiving a signal.

But in some cases, the capabilities of a passive antenna are insufficient to receive a high-quality signal. A passive indoor antenna for a TV receives mixed reviews, since it is only suitable for receiving a signal on short distances and provided that the building is low-rise.

The peculiarity of active antennas is in amplifying the received signal, not only due to design features, but also due to electronic amplifier which comes with the kit. It is mounted either in the antenna housing itself, or separately, and it is powered by the mains through an adapter.

If you want to receive digital terrestrial television, you need an amplifier for the indoor TV antenna. This option is good even if the distance from the transmitting center is significant. On the other hand, due to the amplifier, its own noise and interference may appear.

What are the frequencies?

Depending on the received frequencies, antennas are channel, band or all-wave. The former accept individual frequency channels and apply under special conditions. Band antennas can receive MV or UHF signals - this version is enough to receive digital television. All-wave indoor antennas for TVs are capable of receiving signals of both ranges - both MV and UHF, and therefore are suitable for use in our country.


Any antenna is characterized by special technical data and parameters. When buying, you need to pay attention primarily to the gain, which is measured in decibels: the higher it is, the better antenna will strengthen television signal. True, this does not always affect the image quality.

To make the indoor TV antenna work, it is important to connect it correctly. To do this, use the coaxial cable that comes with the kit. The cable must have a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms and be made of quality materials with tight braid.

The high demand for indoor antennas is due to the fact that they small size, conveniently positioned on or near your TV, simply plug in and provide quality reception signal.

Popular Models

It is considered the best conventional antenna T2, which is suitable for UHF frequencies. Its popularity is due to the fact that digital broadcast channels transmitted in HD quality. Among the popular and affordable designs are the following designs:

  • REMO BAS-5315USB. This active antenna is designed to be placed in a room and provides reliable signal reception. Thoughtful design features serve as collateral optimal performance with analogue and digital television signals. Powered by the TV's USB injector or power supply. The antenna has a shell made of materials High Quality which are durable and safe to use. The cost is 1199 rubles.
  • REMO BAS-5310USB HORIZON. This antenna stably receives a TV signal in the range from 21 to 69 channels. Interesting design allows you to effectively fit this design into the interior of the room. The cost of the model is 799 rubles.
  • DENN DAA210 is the cheapest antenna, which costs only 290 rubles. It is ideal for compact installation in a room, has active amplifier and built-in noise reduction, so the signal is received in high quality and without interference.
  • VIVANCO. For 1300 rubles you can buy a universal VIVANCO indoor antenna with an amplifier that can handle digital and analog signal at various frequencies.

These are the most popular brands of antennas that are in demand among buyers and have proven themselves with better side. The best indoor TV antenna is one that receives a digital signal while maintaining quality image and sound.

Operation features

Indoor antennas for TVs are presented in a wide variety. But for them to show stable signal, important role plays competent installation. First, the structure should be directed towards the TV tower. Secondly, you should first connect the antenna without an amplifier. If the image and signal reception are of high quality, you can do without amplification.

In general, indoor antennas are the most budgetary, they attract attention with their compact size, ease of transportation and ease of installation. Most modern models are either frame or rod, and they differ in range: the first work in decimeter, the second - in meter. Right choice will allow you to watch your favorite shows and movies in high quality.

Modern life is hard to imagine without TV. It is thanks to this device that we can learn about events taking place around the world and enjoy watching interesting films. Most popular on this moment use cable and satellite devices, however, due to frequent interruptions and the high cost of installation, many people want to have an inexpensive but reliable indoor antenna in their use. How to choose the most suitable option- read on.

In the homes of modern residents, an indoor antenna can be found infrequently. The fact is that such simple and reliable devices have supplanted more functional satellite dishes and cable TV. However, the cost satellite devices high enough, and cable TV cannot be installed in the country house or in Vacation home. In addition, such options often have interruptions, so we advise you to buy a device such as an indoor television antenna.

The indoor antenna is used directly inside the building. Via coaxial cable it connects to the TV and receives the TV signal. Such a device differs from other options in ease of assembly, reliability and low cost.

Like all devices, an indoor antenna has its advantages and disadvantages. Both of them are provided in sufficient quantities.

Benefits of home antenna:

  • Low cost;
  • Easy to install;
  • Small size;
  • Transportability.

It is for these advantages that the home antenna is still in demand. However, this device also has disadvantages.

Disadvantages of home antenna:

  • Need customization each signal;
  • Small list of channels;
  • Works only close to the broadcaster;
  • Sensitive to obstacles;
  • The impossibility of achieving the ideal picture.

It is because of these shortcomings that the antenna went out of general use. However, if you need such a device only as a backup option, or you decide to take old tv to the country, then it will suit you perfectly.

What you need for an indoor TV antenna to catch a signal well

Indoor antenna, although not dependent on many factors that regulate the reception of cable television, but may fail. Often they manifest themselves in the deterioration of the signal quality. Before choosing a home antenna, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the factors that affect its operation.

What determines the operation of a television indoor antenna:

  1. The first factor in the operation of the antenna is its distance from the repeater. The repeater is a television tower. Such structures are installed in each area over which the received signal is broadcast. The farther the antenna is from the repeater, the worse the signal will be. You can improve the signal quality with a special amplifier. Which is purchased separately.
  2. Type home antenna and the presence of amplifiers also affects the quality of the signal.
  3. Antenna installation height. The higher you put the antenna, the better the signal will be.
  4. The presence of obstacles in the path of the wave to the antenna. Trees, tall buildings and other structures significantly degrade the signal.
  5. The location of the antenna in the house. The most favorable places for installing the antenna are considered to be a TV and a window sill.

By taking into account all these factors, you can get an antenna that will pick up the signal perfectly. To improve performance similar devices, you need to purchase a special amplifier.

Types of antennas for TV

IN previous paragraph, we said that the quality of signal reception by a home antenna depends on the type to which it belongs. Antennas are divided into types according to their design and signal reception range.

Satellite dish is better home version because she catches great amount channels. However, if you are not a fan of watching TV, then the room receiver will be enough for you.

You can configure all types of antennas without the help of a wizard. However, only active channels can receive such devices.

What types of indoor antennas are:

  1. A meter antenna is the simplest possible indoor device. It is a platform with antennae and can catch a signal that is no more than a meter away from it. Such designs are not very popular, as they can catch only five channels.
  2. Frame, it is also decimeter, the antenna consists of a cable for connecting to a TV, a platform and an open loop of the frame. Such devices are capable of catching a signal at a tower range of up to 30 km. Such a receiver catches decimeter waves.
  3. The hybrid antenna can receive both decimeter and meter waves. All-wave receivers are especially popular because of the ability to switch the range.
  4. Passive internal antenna catches the signal, but does not have amplifying functions. This antenna can only be used when long distance tower location.
  5. An active television antenna comes with an amplifier. Such a device can receive a signal at a great distance from the tower and distribute it among several TVs.

As you can see from the description of the models, the choice of antenna type is obvious. Since most of the channels have switched to digital signal, it is better to purchase decimeter antennas.

How to choose a TV antenna

Since we have already decided which antenna model is better to purchase. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the selection criteria for decimeter or digital devices.

In order for the TV to convert incoming decimeter waves into a picture, it is necessary to equip it with a DVB / T2 receiver. Some TV models already have such devices in their kit.

Digital antennas receive decimeter waves. Thus, they are decimeter receivers.

How to choose an antenna that receives a good signal:

  1. First you need to find out if it is supported in your region digital format broadcasting.
  2. Find out the distance from the TV tower to your home. You can do this by simply measuring the distance, or simply by finding out required parameters in the Internet.
  3. Look at the label on the package and find out the format digital broadcasting. If your TV has a DVB / T2 receiver, then it will be able to accept any broadcast format.
  4. Pay attention to the presence of a cable or platform for installing the receiver.

These are the basic principles for choosing an antenna for your home. In principle, any adequate receiver will pick up the signal. Therefore, you should not buy the most expensive antenna available. If your area supports a digital signal, then any decimeter antenna will receive it.

Rating of indoor antennas for TV

However, we will provide you with three receiver models that have proven themselves well with consumers. They have a low cost and are able to receive a signal at a great distance from the television tower.

List of television receiver models that have performed well:

  1. Mini Digital is a Saratov model of a wave receiver with a signal amplifier included. It consists of a box-stand and a frame with suction cups. Such a receiver is connected to the network and to the TV. It accepts a DVM format signal.
  2. Sirius 0.2 - has a stand, but it does not include an amplifier. However, such an installation is capable of catching decimeter waves at a distance of 42 km from a television tower.
  3. The Denn DAA receiver is made in China. It has an amplifier included and can take 20 TV channels and 3 more radio channels.

These receiver models are inexpensive and easy to use. Spending quite a bit of money on them. You will provide yourself with an uninterrupted television channel.

Connecting an indoor antenna (video)

An indoor antenna is a device that will provide you with a family vacation in the country and at home. Get such a device, and you can watch TV anywhere in the world.

Acquisition expensive TV with high will not always provide image quality. An important element broadcasting is a signal receiver capable of ensuring the quality of its transmission. To determine its type, it is necessary to make a choice regarding broadcast TV channels. Yes, for satellite television option is possible only . And how to choose an antenna for a TV with analog and digital television broadcast?

Signal reception can be carried out in different ways. Much depends on the remoteness of the TV tower and the direction of the signal: direct or refracted. Also, the channels are broadcast at a certain frequency, some in the meter range, some in the decimeter field. In this regard, the classification of antennas is as follows.

By location

The latter type of antenna is very popular due to its compactness and functionality.

By the size of the received frequency range

Each channel has its own frequency range, the connection to a particular frequency depends on the number of TV channels used. Broadband Models catch most broadcast stations. The design of such receiving elements consists of telescopic wires in a frame. narrowband design can be set when there is an accurate understanding of the presence of channels in a given area and their frequency. The receiver is made in the form of telescopic rods or has the form of a frame, i.e. the signal is directed to receive a specific limited range. The operation of this version of the device is more common in rural areas.

Depending on the design, the antenna can be tuned to a different range.

The task of the device is to receive best option signal for better picture quality. The direct wave is the strongest and ensures perfect video playback. But, if the terrain is relief, and there are many buildings between the house and the tower, there will definitely be a refraction of radio waves or their reflection.

Antenna Selection Criteria

The same structure may respond differently to radio waves due to its location. When moving or rearranging in an apartment, it may happen that the equipment is the same, and problems begin when playing the TV channel. Violations can be of the following nature:

  • extraneous noise;
  • frame freeze;
  • split fragment;
  • flicker;
  • the signal disappears for a few seconds and the background screen appears.

All of the above errors are caused by noise, . To find out which antenna to buy for a TV, you need to determine the location of the repeater and indicate the range of TV channels you watch. When the tower is not in the field of view and there can be no talk of a direct signal, the easiest way is to find out which antenna the neighbors' equipment, located in one part of the house, works on. In the absence of such an opportunity, the information of interest can be easily obtained through Google.

Caution should be exercised when using an amplifier. Its use will be justified if the broadcasting station is located at a great distance, more than 50 km. In a small range from the tower, there is a chance that the antenna will pick up the direct signal and reflected elements, which will eventually give interference and create confusion. Therefore, not in all cases expensive and multifunction device will benefit.

Reflector design effective in areas with densely located multi-storey buildings. If there is an obstacle between the repeater and the signal receiver, it is necessary to place the device in the direction of the high-rise, which is located behind the TV tower. In this situation, the signal will be reflected. It is, of course, weaker than direct, but sufficient for viewing channels.

An important point is the accuracy of the reflectors, capable of collecting small signals bit by bit and focusing them into one.

The complexity of choosing a receiver also lies in the fact that broadcasting of your favorite channels can take place in different directions and on different distances. In that case, fit outdoor universal antenna set at the highest possible height. Ideally, this is the roof of the house.

To ensure comfortable viewing of TV channels, the device must be properly assembled and installed, as well as focus the direction and make correct connection. To eliminate technical errors, it is better to use new plugs and a solid cable. If you have certain technical knowledge, then it is quite possible not only to install, but even to design. In the absence of experience in selecting and tuning an antenna, you can contact a specialist who will professionally do the work and set up all possible TV channels.

Television antennas today help to significantly improve the quality of the channels shown, and sometimes increase their range. The number of options and the level of quality directly depend on which antenna you choose. Read on to find out which antenna to buy for a TV and how to choose the right one.

Selection Options

There are several different criteria, based on which you can choose exactly the model that will be best for you. The main points here are:

  1. Broadcast frequency. The main criterion that this indicator affects is the number of channels. Among the main frequencies, the following 3 can be distinguished:
  • 3 to 30 MHz (HF);
  • from 30 to 300 MHz (MV (VHF));
  • from 300 to 900 (UHF (UHF)).
  1. In parentheses are the names of these frequencies, which are usually used instead of numerical designations. It works like this: the larger the channel, the higher the frequency. Accordingly, it is better for a consumer with large requests to buy a more powerful model.
  2. Signal amplification capability. According to this criterion, devices can be divided into active and passive.
  3. Suggested location. The antenna can be indoor, outdoor or hybrid. Accordingly, the indoor antenna is most conveniently located in the house, outdoor - in the outdoor space, the location of the hybrid may vary.
  4. By range. As for what antennas are here, they are broadband and narrowband. The first of them are more preferable, since they can "catch" virtually all broadcast channels. It will be easier for you to work with narrowband if the frequency of the desired channels is known in advance.

Types of antennas

The most common classification by which a TV antenna can be divided is the one that divides devices into outdoor and indoor. The main choice arises here, so consider the advantages and disadvantages:

  • Indoor antenna. Concerning specifications, such antennas are in many ways worse than outdoor ones. As a rule, they catch fewer channels, and the quality of those caught often leaves much to be desired. Certainly, modern models open more possibilities, but still largely inferior to the street.

The advantage is ease of connection. Whatever indoor antenna you choose, you can always connect it yourself, just plug the plug into suitable nest TV.

The ideal place for installation is a window opening that allows the antenna to work at its maximum potential.

  • outdoor antenna . If you are still deciding which antenna to buy for your TV, then you can be sure that this is the best way. The fact is that the higher the antenna is located, the more and better its functions and capabilities, the more high-quality channels it will catch.

It is important to remember that not all outdoor models are installed on the roof (remember, for example, satellite TV "dishes"). You can install some of them yourself, but in general it is best to use the help of professionals for this.

It is better not to install antennas intended for the roof yourself.

For those who decide which antenna to buy for a TV, the following recommendations come in handy. Based on them, you can choose the model that is ideal for you according to favorable cost:

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the requirements for television. If you want a good, quality TV with lots of channels, then it is definitely best to put an outdoor model. To watch standard channels, home channel is suitable.
  2. If you want to install satellite TV, then the only option for you is a dish antenna. No other will pick up the signal sufficiently.

For cable television most often outdoor antennas are used.

  1. frequency range. As mentioned earlier, the higher the frequency, the wider the range of channels.
  2. Active or passive antenna? In almost all situations, an active antenna is suitable for the home, with which you will always have the opportunity to adjust your capabilities.
  3. Price range. Like many other elements of home appliances, TV antennas have different manufacturers, in the lines of which you will find wide range prices. Different in cost, but similar in characteristics, models will differ little. Whatever your situation, even the cheapest antenna will always be better than a home-made option, which can be not only ineffective, but even dangerous.

Overview of the best models

Next short review help you decide which antenna to choose for your TV, as well as figure out which models are best for a particular case.

A budget option street antenna, the price of which ranges from 1000 rubles. compact model can capture up to 69 channels per good quality.

Indoor model of a sufficiently powerful antenna with support for HD television. Ideal for digital TV. The cost is within 1600 rubles.

Another version of the outdoor model with an amplifier for watching digital TV in good quality. If you have limited budget and you don't know which TV antenna to buy, then this option come in handy: the price of this antenna varies within 600 rubles.

Stylish, compact, active model for the home, which better fit for a small number of channels, but in good quality. The approximate cost of such a model is only 1000 rubles.

In the next video, the specialist will tell you in detail which antenna to purchase, as well as share how to configure it:

To choose an antenna, it is important to determine for yourself the most important parameters and choose accordingly suitable model. The choice is wide enough, and you can always find something that suits your requirements.

In contact with

TV antenna- when the need arises for a choice, many find it difficult to decide which antenna to purchase to receive free digital television. Many for this reason are bought for publicity stunts and there are Great chance buy an unimportant antenna for a lot of money.

Hello dear readers! The author of this blog, Vitaly, is in touch! In my previous article on this topic, I talked about the antenna known as the "Key to Digital Television" And readers of this article very often ask the question of which antenna they should choose?

In order to answer most of these questions at once, it was decided to write another article in which there will be a selection of antennas recommended by me and other specialists. As well as some explanations and recommendations. Please read them carefully, perhaps this will remove some of your questions.

P.S. The article gives the names of the antennas, but please note that different manufacturers they may differ. This means that antennas of similar type and characteristics can be named LOCUS, DELTA, MERIDIAN, ETHER, etc. Therefore, it is not necessary to focus on the given names, look at the appearance!

All images in the article will be numbered, but this is only so that I can easily indicate the recommended antennas if this is asked in the future. There is no rating in this numbering! Just for convenience. So! Go!

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indoor antennas

Indoor antenna Sirius 2.0 without amplifier. Designed for use in the area stable signal. This settlements in which there are transmission towers and at a short distance from them, 5-15 km. With line of sight. Signal gain 5 dB. Such antennas can also be made with an amplifier, but this does not make them suitable for difficult signal reception conditions.

Indoor antenna with amplifier DVS-Z2. Although this antenna has a large gain, up to 32 dB (due to the amplifier), there will be little sense from it. I also recommend using it in areas of reliable reception and at short distances from the tower of 5-15 km. With line of sight. It is good to use such an antenna in the city, to receive the reflected signal, an amplifier can be useful in this. And it is powered by a 5 volt antenna plug.

The next group of indoor antennas

They have approximately the same characteristics. These are passive (without amplifier) ​​antennas. Signal gain 4-7 dB. But they will be few more efficient than antennas provided above.

Is not bad antennas, they can be successfully used to receive digital television in areas of both a strong signal and at some distance from TV towers. For example, I receive a signal on antennas of this kind from a distance of about 20 km. and from the first floor, but not everyone is so lucky!

All this depends on many factors. Transmitter power, terrain, clutter with high-rise buildings .... In general, if there is nothing very close on the way from you to the TV tower, then these antennas can quite cope.

Amplifier indoor antennas

These antennas do the same job as those without an amplifier. But an amplifier in some cases is useful and helps to stretch the attenuated signal to an acceptable level. They can be used not only in areas good signal, but also, let's say, a slightly complicated or reflected signal.

But still, these are indoor antennas and this limits them. For example, if your windows do not face the TV tower, and there is no way to catch the reflected signal from the opposite side, they may be useless.

By the way! There is no need to evaluate the reflected signal, you can watch digital television perfectly on it.

Locus L999.06 Next - Active broadband antenna. Supplied disassembled. The amplifier is powered by 12 volts from an external power supply. UHF gain 23-27 dB.

Locus L922.06 Not a bad indoor antenna. It looks neat, there are options with and without an amplifier. The version with the amplifier is equipped with a power regulator, which can be very useful.

Delta K131A.02 and the other two from the above group are also active antennas, but with a 5 Volt amplifier supply voltage. It can be fed directly from the DVB-T2 set-top box or through a special injector from the USB port of the LCD TV. The gain of these antennas is up to 22-27 dB.

Active Antenna Cayman , — can be in two versions 1) Powered via antenna plug. 2) With an already built-in injector for USB power, which is very convenient for use with LCD TVs that have this port. There is no need to purchase an additional 5 volt power supply with an injector and take up another outlet.

Outdoor antennas for digital television

We turn to more serious constructions, the task of which is to provide quality signal where indoor antennas cannot cope. Gain from 19 dB to 35 dB.

These are antennas that can be used in more difficult conditions and at somewhat greater distances. If you notice, then they are structurally similar to indoor antennas, but only a little larger. And this is the one important factor which makes them more powerful. The longer the arrow in the antenna, the greater the coefficient of its own gain. This is the gain that is achieved not due to the amplifier, but due to the design of the antenna. And the installed amplifier only “shakes” this signal even more.

In addition, street installation allows them to be more accurately directed to the TV tower bypassing obstacles in the form of walls.

hummingbird - Interesting antenna. Works in both meter and dmv bands. Its feature is an unusual design, which, with small dimensions, provides quite good reception signal. It is very convenient in urban environments and for searching for a reflected signal, the short length allows you to install it in a limited space. It has several modifications and can be supplied with an amplifier powered by both 12 and 5 volts.

Locus-14AF - This antenna also has several modifications, the designation AF - with an amplifier, F - without an amplifier. There is also Locus - 20 AF / F has a longer arrow, and therefore an even greater self-amplification factor. The amplifier operates on a voltage of 5 volts.

Delta H3111.02 - There are also options with and without an amplifier, in addition, it may be under a different name (depending on the manufacturer) and differ in the way the TV cable is connected to it.

Meridian - 07 AF Made from aluminium.

Antennas numbered 11-14 This good antennas, and affordable, only "Hummingbird" will be somewhat more expensive

They can be used at distances up to 30 km. But then again, if there are factors that interfere with the passage of the signal, then even at shorter distances, even more powerful antenna.

Powerful digital TV antenna

These antennas are good for long distances and even more difficult conditions, for example, if your house is located in a strong lowland.

At what distance can they be used? For example, I had to put Ether 18AF (by the way, not the strongest in this trio) on a house located 45 kilometers from the TV tower. At the same time, the house stood in a lowland, and fixed the antenna on the ridge of the roof of the house, some kind of pin stuck out there, and fixed the antenna on it. Everything is well received!

Ether 18 — Antenna steel, painted with powder paint, there are options with an amplifier and without it. The letter A in the name indicates that the antenna is active, with an amplifier. If there is only F in the name, then this is an antenna without an amplifier. Meridian -12 AF / F antennas are also marked

Meridian-12 and Triton - Made of aluminum and even more powerful than Ether-18. The reason is not only in the material, but also in the design. For example, the Meridian antenna is about 1.5 meters long. And the "Triton" has short arrows, but there are already three of them. It adds up to one long one.

Active antennas from this trio have amplifiers powered by 5 volts. Which is convenient for use with DVB-T2 set-top boxes. The Triton antenna also has an injector for power supply via USB, which is indicated on the label. The gain of these antennas reaches 35 dB. by the amplifier. But thanks to their design, the amplifier has something to strengthen)))

THOSE. the antenna itself draws a signal from the air with a level of about 10-12 dB (this is called the antenna's own gain) And the amplifier already accelerates it to a level of 35 dB.

The most powerful antenna for DVB-T2

Well, if you carefully read the previous descriptions, then you should understand why these antennas are the most powerful ones presented in this review.

For example, the GoldMaster-GM500 antenna is a passive antenna, without an amplifier. But the coefficient of its own gain, only due to the design of as much as 22 dB. Such amplification is given by mid-range antennas, and then at the expense of the amplifier. Here it is in its purest form!

The following antennas from this "red zone" are just as effective, plus they are also active. Their amplifiers are powered by 5 volts. Ie they are sharpened for digital set-top boxes. Or, if you don’t use the set-top box, since you bought a TV set with DVB-T2, then you will need either a separate power supply for antennas, 5 volts or an injector for USB power.

This is the class of antennas that you need to take if you live at a distance of 50 km or more from the transmitting tower and have a very difficult area for receiving a TV signal.

Why you shouldn't aim for an antenna with an amplifier

It is noticed that the word "Amplifier" has some kind of magical property! And when a person chooses an antenna, he prefers just such active antennas. Why is this an erroneous point of view?

  • In the zone of reliable reception, the amplifier can lead to the fact that your TV / set-top box will not receive anything at all! Cause, overamplification of the signal!
  • The amplifier amplifies not only the useful signal, but also radio noise. And it is the design of the antenna that draws the useful signal!
  • The amplifier is always the weak link in the design of the antenna. It breaks down, it is hit by a thunderstorm, it oxidizes from moisture. As a result, periodic intervention in the repair of the antenna is required.
  • It is required to provide power to the amplifier located in the antenna, and this is another additional weak link, adapters fail and require replacement. In addition, one more connection point, socket or USB port is required, and this is not always convenient!
  • In the case of connection, this is much easier to do with an antenna that does not have an amplifier.

When You Need an Amplifier

  • If the total length television cable exceeds several tens of meters.
  • If you live at a great distance from the transmission tower, in the zone weak signal and the design of the antenna itself does not allow you to "pull out" the signal to the desired level.

Conclusion! - If at your place of residence it is possible to confidently receive a signal on an antenna without an amplifier, always strive for an antenna without an amplifier!

How to supply power to an active antenna amplifier

There are several ways to supply power to the antenna amplifier.

  • If you are using a digital set-top box, then power is supplied directly from it, according to antenna cable. You don't have to be smart about anything. Just go to the set-top box menu and find the item “Ant power. on" In different models prefixes, this inscription may differ, but the essence is the same. Turn on the power to the antenna! Even if the amplifier in the antenna is 12 volts, often 5 volts from the set-top box will be enough.
  • If you do not use a set-top box, then to power the active antenna you will need either a special adapter with an injector that can be connected to USB port TV and so power the antenna. Or purchase a USB-powered antenna. These methods are very convenient for LCD TVs, especially those hanging on the wall.
  • The classic way, through a power supply for antennas with a voltage corresponding to the amplifier.

Well, I guess I'll end here! In the "Television" section of this blog, there are many more articles on the topic of antennas, digital set-top boxes and television.

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