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Antenna in the utility bill. Disabling the collective antenna in Rostelecom

The housing allowance is renewed every six months. Usually the procedure goes quickly: you sit down at the window in the multifunctional center of public services, give and receive documents and - goodbye. This time I was received by the head of the MFC department in SZAO. After reviewing our bills, she asked in surprise why we pay 91 rubles for the intercom, while 64 rubles are supposed to be?

And advised to clarify the issue in the relevant department. There, the official arrogantly replied that "the amount is included in the program," from which one could understand that the computer, they say, knows better how much to take from us. Arguing with an illiterate bureaucrat is like throwing beads ... Therefore, the author turned to a specialist. At the same time, I decided to clarify the issue of paying for the antenna (135 rubles), because it is the property of the house, and not a rental object and does not imply maintenance. Monthly 62 rubles 54 kopecks for a radio station also raised doubts.

An expert in housing law, lawyer Petr Falkov explains:

In Moscow, mutual settlements for housing and communal and additional services of residents of apartment buildings (MKD) with resource supply organizations, management companies occur through multifunctional centers public services (MFC). Accruals are made there, and Muscovites are sent a "Single Payment Document" (EPD), on the basis of which they must pay total amount for all services included in it, legal and "not very".

Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation defines the structure of housing and communal services (HCS), which include the services of a management company for the maintenance and repair of the common property of MKD, as well as the services of energy suppliers - heating, water supply (hot - hot water and cold - cold water), sewerage, electricity, household gas. All other additional non-communal services must be provided on the basis of a contractual relationship with the contractors.

Services additional, imposed

Residents constantly have questions about the legality of including payment additional services non-communal nature in the ENP. Moreover, the name of the lines of such services and their price change without agreement with the residents. If the price of housing and communal services is determined according to regulated tariffs approved annually by the Moscow government, then the validity of the pricing of additional services and the need to pay for them are questionable. As a rule, non-communal services are included in the EPD: an antenna (cable TV), a locking device (ZU), a radio. They are included in the payment, regardless of whether the resident has a TV or radio, and whether he uses them. True, in recent times officials made concessions under pressure from residents and began to exclude payment for radio, antennas from the EPD, but only on a personal application with a disconnection from the communication line.

Are the requirements for paying for the antenna and locking device legal? The Housing Code of the Russian Federation determines that in the payment structure for the line "maintenance and repair" residents pay for the maintenance and repair of common property. Its composition is defined in Chapter 36 of the LC RF. Thus, the antenna and the locking device in the MKD are common property and their Maintenance, including repairs, are included in the total amount of payment under the "maintenance and repair" line. Requirement additional fee for these purposes is illegal.

The presidential decree is not a decree for bureaucrats

Everybody cable networks in MKD, including network collective antenna, lines of fixed telephony, radio broadcasting network are common property and must be reflected in the technical passport of the MKD. Officials from the housing and communal services motivate the inclusion of requirements for payment for additional services - antennas, radio points - by the fact that, as a rule, the technical documentation of the management agreement does not contain a complete list of common house property on the MKD, and also by the fact that, through these networks, residents get access to television and television as a service. radio channels.

At the same time, officials "forget" about the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On all-Russian mandatory public television and radio channels" dated June 24, 2009 No. 715, which established: "All-Russian mandatory public television and radio channels are mandatory for distribution throughout the territory Russian Federation and free for consumers". In addition, this Decree instructed the government of the Russian Federation to provide ... television and radio broadcasting organizations broadcasting all-Russian mandatory public television and radio channels with subsidies to pay for the payments provided by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network".

Ministry of Regional Development: intercom fee "unreasonable and illegal"

With regard to payment under the line "locking device", the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation by letter dated 23.08.2010. No. 30665-IB \ 14 confirmed: "Presenting by the managing organization to the owner for payment of the cost of such an additional service as intercom service is unreasonable and illegal." And by a letter dated 11/25/2009 No. 39374-IB / 14, he explains that the inclusion in the EPD of requirements for payment for additional services is possible only by a decision made at a general meeting of the owners of the house.

The Government of Moscow by the Decree "On the regulation of prices (tariffs) in the city of Moscow" establishes price limits solely for calculating the amount of subsidies. Prices for locking devices are determined by the Appendix to the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated October 12, 2010 No. 937-PP. They say that maintenance of an intercom costs 64 rubles, an automatic locking device with an electromagnetic lock - 48 rubles, a mechanical combination lock - 27 rubles.

Technological progress in the service of corruption

How to resist the imposition of demands for payment for additional services, because when paying through Sberbank or a terminal, the payer receives only a check for the total amount, and the bank does not put any marks on the EPD. Thus, even if we exclude unreasonable services from the amount indicated in the EAP and pay only for recognized housing and communal services, the MFC will distribute the payment in proportion to the lines in the EAP. There will be debts for any line of housing and communal services. If you are in debt, you may be denied subsidies, receive a debt recovery order, and be restricted from traveling abroad.

Why is the EPD not marked with a bank mark of payment, as was the case before 2010? Sberbank replies that this is due to the automation of settlement operations. So the payer is deprived of documentary confirmation of the instruction given by him to distribute the amount of payment made under the UPD between contractors and utility providers. But documents in support of payments must be kept for three years of limitation period.

Even according to officials, the EPD is not a payment document, since it does not meet the requirements of a financial document: it does not have the signature of the creator of the document, date, attributes and seal. ENP is an anonymous payment. After litigation, officials admitted that the ENP is only information sheet for residents. It turns out that we independent decision send as payment the total amount specified in the EPD, and clearing center makes accruals and distributes amounts through the Bank of Moscow transit accounts to resource providers and service providers, and is not liable to the resident!

So the bureaucrats put technical progress at their service - for the implementation of corruption-intensive schemes for making payments by the population for housing and communal services. So how to resist this communal lawlessness?

What to do?

Lawlessness can be resisted only by joint efforts, united in initiative groups of residents of the entrance, house, district. Practice shows that advice at home "can do anything." According to the law on self-government, residents can create territorial communities of self-government in a separate apartment building and even in one entrance. We must show officials that we know our rights and understand the laws. Involve municipal deputies, demand consideration of issues at conflict commissions in councils, prefectures - and you will achieve fair decisions, there are such examples! Contact the court. Officials, as a rule, are poorly versed in our intricate legislation, the grassroots apparatus is weakly motivated and incompetent. In the end, they will understand that it is more expedient to satisfy your demands than to accumulate compromising evidence against themselves.

About our question

Regarding the maintenance of the antenna and the locking device, it is necessary to find out from what sources the work on the installation of the collective antenna and the lock was financed, when and by which organization they were carried out and on what basis. Initiate a general meeting of owners, decide on the approval of the list of common property and include in its composition the equipment of the collective antenna network and the locking device. Based on this decision, include a list of the composition of common property in technical certificate at home and register in the USRR (Unified State Register real estate ownership rights). This will create legal basis to exclude from the payroll the lines of the payment requirement "antenna" and "locking device", since the maintenance and repair of common property are paid for under the line "maintenance and repair". Moreover, registration of the list of common property in the USRR will allow it to be insured under the city's preferential insurance program.

You have the right not to pay for the "antenna" service, and to receive free access to all-Russian television programs, and use the radio broadcasting network on the basis of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation. But to access other TV programs and cable television the provider of these services must conclude an individual contract with the resident.

Internet and TV broadcast providers must enter into management company agreement on the use of the common property of the MKD and the provision of energy resources. The income under such an agreement should be directed by the managing organization to additional work on the maintenance of common property on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of owners of premises. According to him, the costs of organizing general meetings and the work of the council at home can be compensated from this income.

Only an increase in the activity of residents, an organizational association will help ensure their rights in housing relations with service organizations, suppliers, performers of work, services, executive authorities and will allow mending a black hole called housing and communal services.

The television antenna is issued to the owner of the apartment, respectively, and he will also have to deal with the disconnection. It should be noted that, if necessary, one of the relatives will have to issue a power of attorney. To apply for it, you need to drive to the nearest office of Rostelecom, the company is quite large and finding offices will not be a problem. Be sure to take your passport to the Rostelecom branch and fill out an application to turn off the antenna.

The application is an integral document, according to which the user is disconnected from the network. This procedure won't take long. An application for disconnecting a television antenna is written in free form, but the following information is required:

  • Surname, name and patronymic of the applicant
  • contact number
  • The address of the apartment (entrance, intercom code, access to the shield), at which it is necessary to turn off the antenna
  • If the apartment is not owned, indicate the fact that you are a tenant
  • The purpose of the application is to terminate the contract
  • date, signature

The company's office always has a sample application for disconnecting the Rostelecom antenna, according to which you can check whether the application is written correctly and, if necessary, add necessary information. If any difficulties arise, the company's specialists will advise and help with filling out an application to turn off the antenna. After all the above actions, the application will be sent for processing and in the near future the television will be turned off.

You can turn off the Rostelecom antenna without leaving your home, via the Internet. To do this, you should collect a package of documents, scan or photograph the first page with a photo and the third with a passport registration, a certificate of ownership of the apartment and an application (), send all files to email address companies. After sending a letter to email, a Rostelecom specialist will contact you and work out the application.

How to disable the Rostelecom collective antenna

The collective antenna is a metal structure that is installed in apartment buildings. It provides all residents with a signal to watch TV. As a rule, the calculation of its cost is included in communal payments. The amount is small, but, of course, it is not necessary to pay it. Therefore, many residents, if they want to abandon the antenna, call the operator, but you can do it yourself. If it is necessary to refuse the Rostelecom collective antenna, then it is important to perform the following steps:

  • Find information about which organization is engaged in the maintenance of your home;
  • Pay off all debts;
  • Be sure to confirm that you are not a debtor, provide a certificate from a single information and settlement center or a final receipt with payment;
  • Write an application to the service organization to turn off the collective antenna;
  • Call the service provider and let them know you want to turn off the community antenna.

After the contract has been terminated, next month the type of charges for paying the collective antenna will be excluded.

How to turn off the TV antenna in an apartment in Moscow

The reason for refusing a collective antenna can be different, for example, switching to another provider or choosing a different type of broadcast. To disable television antenna in Moscow, you should drive to one of the offices of Rostelecom with the following documents:

  • The passport;
  • A certificate of ownership of housing or a power of attorney, in the case of a representative;
  • Full address of the apartment, telephone;
  • Last receipt of payment, just in case;
  • Date and signature.

The documents and the application will be photocopied by the company's specialists, registered and accepted for work. The whole procedure for turning off the television antenna in the apartment will take a minimum of time. Also, if you have any questions, you can call Rostelecom on 88001009834. Offices in Moscow are located at four addresses, choose the nearest one and go there. Office addresses:

  • metro Nagatinskaya;
  • metro Maryina grove;
  • metro Kolomenskaya;
  • metro Taganskaya.

As soon as all the formalities are settled, the provider will process the application and the client will be disconnected from the Rostelecom antenna. Tip, before filling out the disconnection form, think about what alternative you would like to receive. Employees of the company will definitely help with the choice.


Television has long been part of our lives and in every apartment, in every family a lot of time is devoted to watching TV. It is clear from the article that turning off the Rostelecom antenna is quite simple and will take a little time. A correctly drafted application will be quickly processed and the antenna will soon be turned off. Rostelecom has its advantages and disadvantages, and each television user chooses the right provider for himself. If the client is dissatisfied with the work of the company, then Rostelecom's antenna should be turned off.

Television is without a doubt an important part of the life of any person. However, there are situations in which the antenna must be turned off.

Algorithm of actions to turn off the television antenna.

How to turn off the collective television antenna

A collective television antenna is a metal structure installed in any apartment building. It provides tenants television signal. Its cost is included in utility bills. But it happens that a separate receipt arrives. In different regions of the country, the price for use and the number of channels is different. Residents of the capital, using a collective antenna, can view about 40 channels costing from 150 to 200 rubles.

If you have a desire to abandon the collective antenna, then simply removing the cord from the TV will not be enough. Doing In a similar way, you accumulate debt, which sooner or later will have to be paid.

The rejection process is quite labor intensive. Consider the order of actions to be taken:

ATTENTION. I would like to note that this procedure is completely free. If one day you need collective television services again, you can connect them in the same way. The only difference will be that the application will be written not for disconnecting, but for connecting the antenna to the apartment.

Turning off the AKADO antenna

AKADO Telecom is one of largest operators Moscow region, providing its users with telecommunications services. Disconnecting the AKADO antenna is quite simple.

The first thing you should always do when canceling broadcasting services from any operator is to make sure that there are no debts. If it is not there, then feel free to call AKADO and talk about your desire to turn off the television. The organization will appoint a day on which a specialist will come to you and disconnect the apartment from the network by issuing Required documents to terminate service.

ADVICE. If you are determined, don't delay. As practice shows, most conflict situations with the operator arises due to untimely refusal of services. We repeat - it is not enough just to disconnect the cable from the TV, you must go through the entire procedure with the execution of the relevant documents.

How to disable the Rostelecom antenna

Rostelecom is an all-Russian telecommunications company providing a wide range of services from cellular communication and ending with television.

It so happened that when using the services of this particular company, users have many problems. This is evidenced by the number of negative reviews on the Internet. Why this happens remains a mystery. However, if you are one of those users who are dissatisfied with the quality of the services provided, refuse them.

Turning off Rostelecom television is not difficult. As in the previous cases, make sure that you have no debt. However, if it is still there, you can pay it off while writing an application for termination right at the Rostelecom office. Then you need to take a passport or documents confirming the fact of ownership of housing.

Go to the nearest Rostelecom office. The company has grown very much, and it will not be difficult to find it in the city. There, go to a specialist and write a statement of refusal of services. You will be advised in detail and assisted with filling out the form. After that, your application will be processed and, when it is considered, the television will be turned off.

We hope the article was informative and helped you understand how to turn off the antenna for various operators.

The Russian telecommunications operator offers to use a wide range of services, among which television should be highlighted. Not so long ago, the only way to watch TV was a collective antenna. Payment for it was included in the list of the general payment document. Over time, many proposals have appeared that allow you to use this service. Many users have a need to turn off the Rostelecom antenna to install a more modern version.

According to the standards, the Rostelecom house antenna is no longer installed. Those who wish can independently contact the company in order to use this service. For new clients provided digital television, which is provided by a small prefix installed inside the housing.

Those users who were previously connected to a fixed antenna are still charged a monthly fee in fat. Regardless of whether the subscriber uses the services of the company or not, payments are required regularly.

Among the shortcomings of the collective antenna should be highlighted:

  • a small number of TV channels;
  • no sorting and analog view viewing;
  • poor image quality;
  • inconvenient navigation and lack of rewind.

The cost of the service provided is 150 rubles. each month, accruals are made in the utility bill in the "Television broadcast" column. To refuse this service, you need to come to the office of the company and write an application of the appropriate form.

How to turn off the Rostelecom television antenna in the apartment

Refuse the Rostelecom antenna - the right decision not to pay for services that are not needed. The application is accepted by the company's employees only from the ownership of the residential premises, in whose name the contract was originally drawn up. Payment will not be charged only if the subscriber does not use the provided service in the future. The fact will be checked.

After the deactivation of the service, it is not possible to re-conclude a contract for the provision of a collective antenna in the future. If there is a need to provide access to a television antenna, then the client of the company will be offered Alternative option in the form of new technologies.

It is not enough just to pull the antenna out of the TV and forget about paying. Even if the antenna is not used, the payment will still be charged. You can refuse payment only in an official form, during a personal visit to the company's office.

Sample application to turn off the Rostelecom antenna

When filing a refusal of the Rostelecom antenna, the reason should be indicated in the application. The following factors from the proposed list can serve as a reason for refusal:

  • go to modern technology IPTV
  • use of satellite television;
  • connection of cable TV from Rostelecom;
  • provider change.

Whether or not to use a fixed antenna is a personal matter for each subscriber. If there is no particular need to provide this service, then it can be turned off so as not to overpay.

The sequence of actions to be taken to turn off the antenna in the apartment through the office:

  1. Pay the existing debt (if any) and keep the receipt.
  2. Collect documents (passport for identification, contract with registration number).
  3. Personally come to the office of the company to write an application for termination of the current contract.

The cancellation procedure is carried out free of charge and is not subject to state duty.

The application can be downloaded on the Internet or taken at the company's office, where a sample of filling is also presented. In the appropriate columns, you must indicate the full name, registration address, passport data and the address where the antenna was installed. It is mandatory to clarify the details of the contract, phone number for communication and e-mail, to send confirmation.

Disable Rostelecom antenna via the Internet

You don't have to go to the office to cancel services. Not everyone has time to make personal visits. AT this case you can turn off the Rostelecom antenna through the State Services (via the Internet portal).

To deactivate the provided services, follow these steps:

  1. Login to personal account on the official website of the company.
  2. Attach a scan of your passport and receipts for paying the debt.
  3. Fill out an online contract and send it to your account or to the specified e-mail.

The response about the acceptance of the application will be sent to the subscriber in the specified way. At the address where the contract was concluded, a master will be sent to work necessary work by shutdown.


You can turn off the Rostelecom collective antenna in any way convenient for the subscriber. After the service is deactivated, the company's client will be offered other versions of television that are analogous to a television antenna: interactive, cable or digital TV. Analog television is very popular nowadays.

The latest technology allows you to get an image High Quality. The cost of the services provided is several times higher than the price of use conventional antenna. Despite this, the majority of subscribers still made their choice in favor of the latest technologies providing a multifunctional service.

After replacing all the "tube" LCD TVs in the apartment, some of which are themselves capable of receiving DVB-T2 digital television on a regular wire. The question arose of how to completely disconnect from the AKADO television antenna, because I didn’t really want to continue paying for what is distributed over the air for free. Moreover, a small TV in the kitchen is mainly connected to the AKAD antenna, and a TV in the mother's room, so two DVB-T2 multiplexes are quite enough for now. A long time ago, I already had the sad experience of disconnecting from the MGTS provider. Sad in the sense that in order to disconnect from them, I had to fill out declarations and travel around Moscow in search of all kinds of automatic telephone exchanges there in order to return their electronic junk to them (because the automatic telephone exchange near my house did not suit them).

In general, in order to disconnect from a single service "AKADO Antenna", for a start, I shoveled all the pages in AKADO's personal account, looking for some kind of button "Disable the service" or "Terminate the contract". The fact that there were no such buttons was not a special surprise, because providers are doing everything possible so that the client sits on their needle to the last and does not even think about disconnecting from them. After a naive search for buttons, I read some forums about disconnecting and terminating the contract with AKADO. It turned out that without taking your ass off the couch, you can still switch off if you write a statement by hand and send them a scan or photo of this statement. But here they have small print a crutch is inserted, since it is possible to disconnect from any service in this way, except for "AKADO Antenna". In conclusion, the most “pleasant” thing is a call to the office, after which it turns out that in order to disable this service, you need to personally visit the AKADO office, fill out the application form, and only after that the service will be disabled, and the contract with AKADO will be terminated accordingly.

Oddly enough, but the address of the office in Moscow was easily found on their website (metro Proletarskaya, 1st Dubrovskaya street, d 1a.), And they dictated it to me by phone, so we google the address and go to the showdown with a passport: -) If you go on your own, then on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line we sit in the first car from the center and go to the Proletarskaya station. After passing through the turnstiles, we turn left into the passage and then along the nearest stairs to the right, we go up to the city. After that, without unnecessary turns, we go along the 1st Dubrovskaya street, to the house 1A (photo below).

Actually, in the pictures above and below, I marked where this monastery is located at the time of writing, because it is quite possible that the office will soon change its location. The office is located on the first floor, on the left, in my case, there were practically no people to the operators, perhaps because of the weekend.

After presenting your passport, the operator will give you an application form, by filling out which, you will thereby terminate the contract with AKADO (unless, of course, you have no debts to Akado for any services). In the photo below, a photocopy of the application for termination of the contract with AKADO, well, and an approximate view of the squiggles that will need to be entered. I didn't post the blank form here because I suspect they're allergic to the happiness of former clients in the office, so they'll make you sit and sweat and fill out this application in front of them on purpose. Moreover, this form can become outdated at any time due to some new comma :-)

I think if it’s stupid not to pay a year or two for this cable antenna, then maybe they themselves are in unilaterally terminated the contract. But in this case, they can go against the grain, sum up all the debt and try to knock it out through the court. Therefore, I decided to personally visit the office and burn down all the bridges connecting me with AKADO :-) In general, I disconnected from AKADO-Telecom in just five minutes, because the office was empty (unless, of course, you count the travel time and collecting information on the network). I am sure that you can terminate the contract without visiting the office, if you know your rights, or if you have lawyers and lawyers as friends, but in my case, I had to ride around underground Moscow a bit. It is sad, of course, that in our time, in order to get money from a person, sometimes the presence of the Internet is enough, but in order to refuse to pay for something that is no longer necessary (get off the needle), you need to personally come to the office and bow at the feet of all its inhabitants: -)

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