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DIY TV antenna made from cable. Types of antennas and which ones can you make yourself? Frame wave channel

Digital terrestrial television (DVB-Digital Video Broadcasting) is a technology for transmitting television images and sound using digital encoding of video and sound. Digital coding, unlike analogue, ensures signal delivery with minimal losses, since the signal is not affected by external interference. At the time of writing, 20 digital channels are available, and this number should increase in the future. This number of digital channels is not available in all regions; you can find out more precisely about the possibility of receiving digital channels on the website www.rtrs.rf. If your region has digital channels, then you just need to make sure that your TV supports DVB-T2 technology (this can be found in the documentation for the TV) or purchase a DVB-T2 set-top box and connect the antenna. The question arises - Which antenna should I use for digital television? or How to make an antenna for digital television? In this article I would like to dwell in more detail on antennas for watching digital television, and in particular I will show how to make your own antenna for digital television.

The first thing I would like to emphasize is that digital television does not require a specialized antenna; an analog antenna (the one you used previously to watch analog channels) is quite suitable. Moreover, only a television cable can be used as an antenna...

In my opinion, the simplest antenna for digital television is a television cable. Everything is extremely simple, take a coaxial cable, put an F connector and an adapter for connecting to a TV on one end, and at the other end the central core of the cable is exposed (a kind of whip antenna). All that remains is to decide how many centimeters to expose the central core, since the quality of reception of digital channels depends on this. To do this, you need to understand at what frequency digital channels broadcast in your region, to do this, go to the website www.rtrs.rf/when/ here on the map, find the tower closest to you and see at what frequency digital channels broadcast.

You will receive more detailed information if you click the "More details" button.

Now we need to calculate the wavelength. The formula is very simple:

where, λ (lamda) is the wavelength,

c - speed of light (3-10 8 m/s)

F - frequency in hertz

or simpler λ=300/F (MHz)

In my case, the frequency is 602 MHz and 610 MHz, for the calculation I will use the frequency of 602 MHz

Total: 300/ 602 ≈ 0.5 m = 50 cm.

Leaving half a meter of the central core of a coaxial cable is not beautiful and inconvenient, so I will leave half, or maybe a quarter, of the wavelength.


where l is the length of the antenna (central core)

λ - wavelength (calculated earlier)

k - shortening factor, since the length of the entire cable will not be large, this value can be considered equal to 1.

As a result, l=50/2=25 cm.

From these calculations it turned out that for a frequency of 602 MHz I need to expose 25 cm of coaxial cable.

Here is the result of the work done

This is what the antenna looks like when installed.

View of the antenna when watching TV.

Since 2009, television broadcasting has stepped up to new, previously unattainable heights. Namely, the transition to a qualitatively new level of broadcasting in digital format. Four years later, the second generation of this method saw the light, which received the name dvb t2. This technology had the advantage of single-frequency transmission. That is, many channels were transmitted in one band, where each individual program had its own slot. Therefore, the antenna for digital TV has gained new milestones in popularity.

The fundamental difference of the new method allowed companies to significantly reduce costs. This also applies to the factor of direct organization of operation, as well as scheduled technical maintenance. Unfortunately, at the moment there are also disadvantages, yet progress is not at its final point.

The main problem is that to receive a digital signal, you need to avoid interference. And the transmission itself must be of high quality, that is, geolocation plays a role. As a result, residents of rural areas who are quite far from the source are often unable to properly receive a digital television signal. At the same time, the megalopolis has its own problems. Huge masses of modern buildings, constructed of reinforced concrete, serve as a kind of screens, blocking the entry of decimeter waves. As a result, in some cases, catching the transmission becomes problematic.

Way out of this situation

A simple device - an antenna for digital television - can significantly help with this problem. Just a couple of decades ago, almost every home was equipped with a TV with this kind of device. Moreover, they usually did it on their own, it did not cause any difficulties. In our time, the need has decreased somewhat, but has not disappeared. Not many people know how to make an antenna for digital television with their own hands. After all, analogues and finished goods appeared.

Unfortunately, their prices can be quite steep. Good products start at a price of three thousand rubles and above. Considering the fact that you can make dvb t2 with your own hands in a short period of time, the savings become very, very decent.

But you must be very interested in one question: will the simplest self-assembled structure be as effective as a purchased one? To answer the question, it is necessary to understand the operating principle of decimeter waves and the modern digital television system in the dvb t2 range. The meaning is simple, the signal is either caught or not. There is no middle level.

It is impossible to catch a transmission with interference, poor quality, or disappearing. Either "yes" or "no". Thus, in most cases, a homemade product is not at all inferior to a paid plate. Of course, its acceptance rate is worse; after all, it is performed by non-professionals in makeshift conditions. However, this does not matter if you were able to catch the signal in principle. If it exists, it will be one hundred percent high quality.

Often, when looking through the answers to the question - how to make an antenna for digital TV dvb t2, you will notice that on the network it is sometimes called satellite. This is a key mistake. Because she has nothing to do with this. After all, this TV broadcasting technique uses a satellite that is located high up, and accordingly produces a different type of channel. Whereas in our case we are talking about a horizontal channel.

Types and methods of creation

An indoor antenna is a heterogeneous concept. There are many types that differ both in design and functionality. The most common option is the figure eight. At the same time, this is the simplest antenna for digital TV dvb t2, which you can make yourself. The name is based on visual similarities. That is, the external structure is a figure eight. It is made from twisted cable, respectively. This kind of product, or rather the principle itself, the methodology, is used everywhere in various industries.

So, we need the material itself. It is no secret that the most active substance when it comes to signal reception is copper. Therefore, it is logical to choose copper wire as a production material. True, in some cases it is permissible to use aluminum.

Sizes are not strictly limited. It is still impossible to calculate ideal dimensions at home, even knowing the broadcast frequency. Therefore, you just need to adhere to some frameworks, norms, nothing more. The height of our figure eight will be equal to 140 mm, while the width tends to 130 mm. Accordingly, even if you decide to increase or decrease the dimensions for some reason, you should not forget about these proportions and maintain them in any case. This is an important design aspect.

When calculating the total length of copper wire required to create a dvb t2 antenna, do not forget about the loop factor. That is, do not just calculate the length of the sides of the figure eight, otherwise the segment may turn out to be shorter. It’s better not to waste time on trifles and take it with a reserve. After you “roll” the figure eight itself, you need to solder the connections to improve performance properties. The cable must be stripped of its outer sheath, of course.

How to remove the cable sheath? This is a fairly simple procedure that does not require any skills. All you need is a sharp tool. A knife or paper cutter will do. The main thing in the stripping process is not to damage the copper wire itself, which is theoretically possible with excessive zeal.

After we have soldered the figure eight, the fastening points must be sealed using ordinary rubber glue.
The resulting design is reliable and easy to use. It can be installed in literally an hour, provided you have ready-made material and tools. And, as you remember, it saves from three thousand rubles and more. Not bad?
But the figure eight is not the only antenna for digital TV that you can make with your own hands. There are several other very interesting options.

An antenna for a long-range signal, in most cases, is used on the basis of squares. This is a double square, triple or simply “square” antenna. All these are various modifications and improvements of the same prototype. It is difficult to understand which one works better. Most likely it depends on the type of terrain. However, it has been proven that for UHF signals such a design is an almost ideal solution. Especially when it comes to remote areas. Transmission interception occurs at a distance of up to ten kilometers without additional means. But if there is a need for longer distances, then the device can simply be equipped with an amplifier, increasing the reception level by a colossal percentage.

For the construction you will need aluminum wire of round cross-section. It is not difficult to find; it is unlikely that someone at home does not have the remains of such material lying around. It is necessary to build two, four or six squares from it, depending on what specific type of antenna for digital television dvb t2 we want to make with our own hands. Next, you need to create a transformer to stabilize the signals. It is performed as a tap. The last step will be final soldering and application of copper wire to the surface of the structure.

It is worth noting that by creating an antenna for T2 with our own hands, we do not solve the problem with a poor signal in one fell swoop. Still, a simple product can only work if there is a broadcasting tower nearby. It will improve the flow of waves and receive images, but, alas, it will not be able to work miracles. If there is no tower as such within the area, it is located very far away, then any self-mounted structure will still have to be additionally equipped with an amplifier.

A little about the amplifier

What is this device? Why is it needed? It is logical to assume that it amplifies the signal, redirecting it to our antenna. You can also make it yourself, but we’ll talk about that another time. It can be bought in specialized stores. It's not as expensive as some satellite dish, so it's quite possible to fork out the extra cash without seriously damaging your budget.

There are also some nuances in installing an amplifier, safety precautions, so to speak. Firstly, the installation is carried out at a distance of up to three meters from the main source of reception. That is, from our homemade product. It will only amplify the signal at this distance, place it somewhere behind the house, it won’t work in a barn, keep in mind. Secondly, it is important to understand the rationale for using an amplifier. If the signal itself is very stable, then you can get by with just a television antenna. Additional installation of an amplifier will result in an excess of signal power. This will cause deterioration in transmission quality, floating images, and unpleasant interference. So, you need to calculate in advance how much you need to improve the signal, how far away the broadcasting tower is.

As you can see, there is nothing supernatural in the design and installation of such products. You can get a high-quality image on your TV screen without additional financial investments, spending a little of your personal time.

Every civilized person cannot imagine his life without a TV. However, in order to be able to watch your favorite programs on TV, you need to connect it to an antenna.

Sometimes it happens that due to some reason there is no antenna: reluctance to pay bills from telecommunications service providers, or you are outside the city limits, and without an external signal in the form of an antenna, the TV will not broadcast anything.

To be able to watch TV shows on TV, it needs an antenna. Naturally, if you have the finances, then you can buy it in a supermarket more easily and without unnecessary hassle. But another option is also possible. How to make an antenna for your TV yourself is described below.

If you make your own personal antenna, you can watch a slightly smaller number of television channels and of lower quality, but it will not cost you anything.

DIY indoor HDTV antenna

The signal range from the television tower that the homemade antenna will receive is 470-790 MHz.

To make a wire antenna, you will also need the following materials and accessories:

  • knife (cutter);
  • scotch;
  • office stapler;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • foil;
  • tape measure;
  • cardboard.

1. First you need to print a template onto paper and cut it out with scissors.

3. Find the middle and carefully cut out 2 small rectangles.

5. Add color to the details by painting them with the color of your choice.

7. Make a small cut on the dotted line to create a bend.

8. Glue foil onto the antenna vibrator, which is called “butterfly”.

9. Now let's start assembling the antenna. Measure a distance of 3.5 cm from the reflector and stick on the “butterfly”.

10. Find the middle of the “butterfly” and make an “eye” for the cable to pass through.

12. That's it. The home antenna is done.

Do-it-yourself antenna for a summer residence

A homemade country antenna looks like a lattice. But before work, prepare the necessary materials:

  • copper wire - diameter 4 mm, length 4 m;
  • board - width 7 cm, length 55 cm;
  • plug;
  • self-tapping screws – 10 pcs;
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • roulette;
  • soldering iron

1. Take a board and make a blank according to the diagram suggested below.

2. All dimensions shown in the photo are in inches. Convert them to centimeters:

  • 3/4″ = 2 cm;
  • 1″ = 2.5 cm;
  • 2″ = 5 cm;
  • 2 5/8″ = 6.66 cm (better round to 6.5 cm);
  • 5" = 13.33 cm (round and make 13 cm);
  • 22″ = 55 cm.

3. Cut the copper wire into 8 equal pieces, each 37.5 cm (15 inches) long.

4. Sand the middle of each part for further connections.

6. Bend the remaining wires into a “V” shape. However, the distance between their ends should be 7.5 cm (3 inches).

7. Assemble the antenna according to the photo below.

8. Now take the plug and connect the cable to the antenna.

9. Take a soldering iron and solder the cable to the bottom contacts of the coil.

10. Attach the plug to the board.

11. The country antenna is completely ready for use and broadcasting.

How to make a mast for an antenna?

For external mounting of a homemade country antenna, a mast is required. You can also do it yourself. To do this, you must have steel pipes available.

1. Take 2 pipes and bury them in the ground. Drill holes in the sides and insert a steel reinforcement rod. We put a mast or a sleeve made from a pipe on the rod.

2. This sleeve allows you to insert any number of pipes. Secure them to each other with a steel cable. Using additional pipes, you can extend the height of the mast for the antenna holder.

3. Making a home or country antenna with your own hands is absolutely not difficult. You just need to have all the necessary tools and materials for manufacturing.

And the creation of the antenna itself takes no more than 30 minutes. Thanks to this, you will have a working device for receiving a television signal that you created yourself, and the issue of keeping children busy in cloudy weather will be resolved by itself.

Sometimes a television antenna breaks down at the most inopportune moment, or it is simply not at hand. For example, during a trip to the country. In this case, the question arises of how to make an antenna for a TV with your own hands from what you have at hand.

Using a homemade transmitter, you can watch a limited number of channels. And the reception may be of lower quality than that of a purchased device. Still, knowing how to make an antenna yourself from available materials can come in handy. An antenna can be either simple or complex. The device will be able to receive almost all types of broadcasts.

Antenna types

Before you start making a TV antenna with your own hands, it is worth understanding the types and technical characteristics of television receivers.

Depending on the installation location, indoor and outdoor television receivers are distinguished. Indoor devices are effective only in areas with good signal reception. They are not suitable for country TVs. For rural areas and areas remote from the television repeater, outdoor television receivers are used.

Based on the type of signal amplifier, television receivers are either active or passive. Passive-type structures receive and amplify impulses due to their own geometry. They do not require power supply and do not introduce their own interference and noise into the signal they receive. Making a passive antenna yourself is the easiest way.

Active devices are equipped with a signal amplifier, which is powered from the mains. An active amplifier itself creates interference and distortion in the area of ​​reliable reception if a device that is too powerful or of poor quality is selected.

Broadcasting is carried out on meter or decimeter waves. To receive only meter or only decimeter broadcast bands, band television receivers are best suited. For example, for the transmission of digital terrestrial television DVB-T2 in our country, only the decimeter range is used.

A log-periodic, or all-wave, television antenna can receive waves in both the meter and decimeter ranges. This is a broadband design with 10 vibrators. The log-periodic device in terms of gain corresponds to a 3-4 element all-wave antenna.

Operating frequencies are limited by the largest and smallest vibrator in the receiver. It fits well with the feeder. Its gain does not change, so connecting to the feeder does not require balancing and matching devices.

A cable with a resistance of 75 Ohms enters the lower tube, exits at the end (which is directed towards the television center) and is connected by a braid to the end of the lower tube, and by a core to the end of the upper tube.

Externally and according to the principle of operation, a log-periodic television antenna consists of several channel-wave devices connected together. Moreover, each of them has its own vibrator, reflector and director. When a signal arrives, vibrators closest in size to half its wavelength are excited. Such television antennas are used to receive both digital and analogue broadcasts.

The wave channel type receiver has the simplest design, which can be quickly assembled from simple and affordable materials. It receives an analogue television signal near a television tower and a digital one outside large populated areas, where there is little interference.

We use beer cans

A do-it-yourself dacha antenna made from beer cans is the simplest and most affordable passive type design. It can be done quickly and without basic skills. At the same time, it copes well with receiving UHF broadcasts.

To assemble an antenna from beer cans you will need:

  • cable of sufficient length;
  • aluminum cans (for the simplest design, 2 are enough);
  • 2 bolts or self-tapping screws;
  • plug (F – connector) for connecting the cable to the TV;
  • electrical tape or tape;
  • a base made of wood or plastic for attaching cans (you can use wooden coat hangers).

The antenna circuit is simple:

  1. Each can is attached with electrical tape or tape to the base pin at a distance of 7 cm from each other.
  2. The cable is stripped on one side. They are spread out and attached to the rings of the cans or to screwed-in screws. It can also be soldered. A plug is attached to the free end.

This simplest design is suitable for installation both indoors and outdoors. When used externally, the jars are covered with a large plastic container with the neck and bottom cut off. The cable is pulled through a hole made on the side, which can be sealed using boiling water. The finished receiver is connected and configured through automatic channel search.

You can also make an analogue of a satellite dish with your own hands. For this purpose, use a simple umbrella. You will also need:

  • aluminium foil;
  • copper cable;
  • 1 tin can;
  • amplifier and power supply for it.

DIY TV antenna made from beer cans

Operating procedure:

  1. Measure the umbrella segments between the spokes and cut out elements corresponding to these dimensions from foil. They are sewn to the dome of the umbrella, covering its entire interior.
  2. A TV signal receiver is installed at the focal point of the metal grille. The amplifier will be a core from which 4 cm of braiding has previously been removed, and a cable screen that protects against interference.
  3. An oval is cut out of an aluminum can. A hole is made in its center through which the bare core is threaded and. To protect against oxidation and corrosion, the joint is covered with plasticine.
  4. The amplifier is powered through a cable.
  5. The receiver is attached to the handle of the umbrella with tape so that it does not touch the metal. This will protect against interference and distortion. The junction must be sealed with plasticine.
  6. The power supply is placed next to the TV, and the antenna is turned towards the repeater.
  7. Channels are established by driving the dish until the best signal is obtained.

This antenna works best if the tower is located no further than 35 km from it.

We use wire

Another simple design is a homemade wire antenna. To make it, you can use copper or brass wire. These materials are resistant to oxidation.

The wire must be stripped of insulation from the ends. One of them is connected to the TV, and the other to the radiator of the heating system. The pipe is led to the roof - it will work as a signal amplifier. Such an antenna will be able to receive no more than 5 signals. The wire can be stretched onto the balcony and secured to a clothesline.

You can make a TV antenna from wire in another way. It will require:

  • 2 pieces of copper wire 3-4 mm wide and 1.8 m long;
  • a plate of plywood or metal measuring 15 by 15 cm;
  • amplifier (you can use old decimeter amplifiers);
  • electric drill;
  • TV cable;
  • iron pipe or fittings for making a mast;
  • bolts.

This copper wire antenna is assembled as follows:

  1. They make catchers by bending the wire in the shape of 2 diamonds with sides of 45 cm. This is the optimal frame length for such a device.
  2. The resulting diamonds are fixed on the base. To do this, holes are drilled at the fastening points, flattening the wire, and screws are screwed in.
  3. If a metal plate is used as a base, then a welding machine can be used to attach the catcher.
  4. We fix the amplifier in the center and connect the cable to it.

The easiest way to use a mast here is to use a metal pipe, which can simply be dug into the ground or attached to any suitable support. The antenna is fixed to the top of the mast, and the cable is pulled through it. The entire structure is painted to protect against corrosion.

Another popular TV receiver made of copper wire that you can make yourself is a small-sized antenna with an unusual “butterfly” shape. For external use, such a device is made of wire 2-4 mm thick, for internal use - 2 mm or thinner.

A frame is made to receive TV channels. Frame length – 500 mm, width – 200 mm. It is twisted so that 2 identical triangles are obtained, which are separated using wire cutters and soldered to the cable, leaving a 14 mm distance between the vertices. A plug is attached to the other end of the cable. The structure is taped with adhesive tape or electrical tape to a material with dielectric properties - wood, hard rubber, plastic.

Home digital HDTV device

A powerful antenna for a TV, capable of receiving a signal at 490 MHz, is made from a transformer, which is better to purchase, since it will not be easy to make it yourself. You will also need:

  • cardboard;
  • scotch:
  • foil;
  • stapler;
  • glue.

To make a television receiver, a diagram is used according to which all the parts are cut out of cardboard. The elements are covered with foil, bent and trimmed. It is best to first find a template and diagram through a search engine and print it out on a printer or copy it from a printed publication.

First you need to make a reflector about 35 cm long and cover it on one side with foil. In the middle, 2 rectangles of the same size are cut to attach the catcher.

The antenna is assembled from the prepared parts. Departing 35 mm from the reflector, butterfly-shaped elements are glued to the plate. They can be attached using a stapler. In the middle of each such element, a hole is made for the cable, to which a transformer is connected and a plug is attached.

Option for apartment

You can make an antenna for indoor use using any of the methods presented above.

Another simple option at home is made as follows.

A simple DIY frame indoor antenna is made from copper wire or cable with foil in the winding. The device not only receives television channels, but also serves as a selective filter against interference.

To calculate the size of the loop, you need to know the wave frequency for a given region. The length of the loop will be equal to the product of the coefficient (300 units) and the average frequency range.

Cut off the required amount of wire or cable, and if necessary, clean the edges. Make a loop out of it and solder the TV cable leading to the receiver. A plug is connected to it.

The structure can be hung or installed on a stand. This simple device, with accurate calculations, is most effective for digital television.

A reliable device for the home is a diamond-shaped antenna. It is the simplest representative of zigzag television receivers. To improve reception, it is equipped with capacitive inserts and a reflector.

The device is assembled from plates or tubes 1-1.5 cm wide made of brass, copper or aluminum. To make capacitive inserts, foil, tin or metal mesh is used, which is soldered around the perimeter. The cable is laid from the center and along one side, avoiding sharp bends. It should not leave the frame.

Good afternoon, V.Yu.
The visitor in the latest posts with experience on FM radio antennas is me. The antenna turned out to be easy to manufacture and I decided to repeat it for FM reception and compare it with previously made ones, by ear, instrumentation, and ease of use. The goal was to obtain a signal with a minimum of interference for high-quality radio sound in stereo mode. I made two antennas. The first one is made of wire 3 mm thick. The second is made of metal-plastic. Made from metal plastic it turned out to be a little better in terms of the level of received signals. By ear - less low frequencies, more high frequencies and distinctness of each instrument in the orchestra.
Measurement method - there is a receiver with a signal level indicator in decibels. We number the FM stations and look at the level of the received signal from the station in dB, then we sum up all the values. We obtain the numerical value of the antenna based on the received signal level parameter. All antennas were placed under the same directional conditions. A wire on a window 303 cm long in the form of a rectangle with a gap on the larger side of 2 cm (51 cm x 102 cm) - has a value of 491 dB, a directional loop phased loop antenna made of wire - 459 dB, the same one made of metal - 485 dB. As can be seen from the presented values, a metal-plastic antenna is comparable to a full-size frame equal to the wavelength of the middle FM range.
Now on to the manufacturing technology. It is somewhat different from yours and is made without soldering. The base is a rail (30 x 6 x 3 cm). Remained from renovation (2 pieces). Wire antenna - circumference 75 cm (quarter wave mid FM range). Two circles of the same length. We take a light self-tapping screw (not dark - it has a cone head) with a flat head for a Phillips screwdriver. We make a hole in the rail with a drill or other method so that the wire enters the hole with little resistance. You can slightly bend the ends of the wire for this purpose. We insert the two ends of the loop into the hole in the rail and do not connect them to each other (leave 5 mm between the ends of the loop). We do the same with the second loop at the other end of the rail. The distance from the end of the rail is 1 cm. We screw the screws on top of the rail so that the end of the screw fits into the loop wire at the end. This ensures contact of the coax with the frame. We screw the central core of the coaxial and the braiding on different sides of the frame under the self-tapping screws. For example, the central core is on the left, and the braid is on the right in the direction from the beginning of the rail to its end. We lay the coaxial between the frames and attach it to the screws (screw it under the screw head). The second loop is also attached and the ends of the coaxial are secured under the screws securing the second loop. The descent is in the form of a coaxial - I got a length of 7.5 meters, we fasten it under the screws of one of the frames (the central core is on the left, and the braid is on the right. We tighten everything - the screws ensure contact of the wires with each other with the head, and contact with the loop with the end. The distance between with self-tapping screws - 2 cm We connect the other end of the coaxial cable to the receiver through the connector you need.That's it - the antenna is ready.
Metal-plastic differs in manufacturability. 20 mm pipe, also after repair. Bent into a ring without any problems. The length of the loop is 75 - 1.5 cm (as recommended in the article) = 73.5 cm. Attaching the loop to the rail is also a self-tapping screw, but of a larger size so that it goes through the metal-plastic and is well secured to the wood, by 10-15 mm. There is a distance of 1 cm between the ends of one loop. The screws from the end of the loop are still at a distance of 0.5 cm. We get a distance of 2 cm between the screws of one loop. We lay a piece of plastic between the loops and fasten it with screws to the rail, so that the coax can be inserted inside. We connect the coax in the same way as in the first case to the ends of the loop, the central core and the braid. We ground the tube between the antenna loops (connect it to the braid). We insert a piece of coax into the pipe between the loops, connect the c.z. and braid. We also connect the reduction coaxial to the self-tapping screws of one of the loops (central ring and braid). We first clean the ends of the loops from vinyl to aluminum so that the head of the screw presses the wires to the aluminum and at the same time secures the loop to the wooden batten.
With all respect, Andrew

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