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Anonymous work on the Internet. & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp

During the mass internetization of the whole world, it is becoming more and more difficult to hide your identity on the Global Network from other users. Some states are introducing censorship in their national segment of the Web, others are looking for ways to limit the rights of users, including freedom of speech. Even small companies can censor the global network by installing all sorts of filters on their employees' access to the Internet, blocking social networks, chats and everything that is not directly related to work. In Russia, there has recently also been a tendency to regulate our segment of the Web. The laws on Internet media are highly controversial in their interpretation and imply the control of Internet portals over their readers. An ambiguous interpretation of already existing laws, which do not reflect reality much, unprepared personnel - all this allows you to quickly close resources on only one suspicion. You don't have to go far for examples - this is an attempt to close the largest torrent resource (now, and the seizure of servers in data centers (blocking, and much more. With the enactment of lobbied copyright laws, the copyright holders and executors of audio and video companies were legally empowered to decide who is honest and who can be squeezed. The non-profit organization RAO alone ruins the lives of many pirates. But, alas, the measures taken by these companies often affect not criminal elements that profit from the sale and distribution of counterfeit products, but ordinary users, including the very authors and performers. In connection with this difficult situation, many popular Internet portals are discussing the transfer of servers from Russian ir.rf to foreign sites, where any organization has no way to block a domain only on the basis of speculation. Many resources have already transferred their sites and domains to foreign hosting. As you know, the severity of Russian laws is compensated by the non-binding nature of their implementation, but in this case, this rule ceases to apply. At the same time, the higher the popularity of a news or social resource, the faster it can get into the number of Internet media, where total control over users is gradually introduced.

In this article, we will not talk about the correctness of the adoption of certain laws and measures to regulate Internet activities, but we will consider methods to ensure the anonymity of the user on the Internet.

Access to prohibited sites

The first method is without installing additional software. Let's imagine that a user from a small company needs to keep his or her incognito on the Internet. He is not an insider or a lover of "adult" films, he is just sociable, and he needs to communicate with friends and acquaintances to cheer up and cheer up. The head of the department strictly ordered the system administrator to block the sites,, and all popular instant messaging services: icq, skype, The system administrator, without hesitation, took the path of least resistance: he created a rule for blocking ports of these services and added blocked sites to the web filter. The user is shocked: his favorite site does not work, and it is impossible to tell a colleague about it. There is a fairly simple way out of this situation - the use of anonymous proxies.

There are quite a few proxy servers that make it possible to surf the Internet anonymously. However, the owner of the proxy server, since all traffic goes through its server, can steal passwords and any other confidential information, so you should not trust public services. Hiding from the boss, the user runs the risk of losing his data. In this case, it is better to use a paid proxy server or a trusted proxy of a friend.

However, many system administrators block not only certain sites and messaging services, but also the ports of well-known proxy servers. In this case, the user only has the hope that the tunnel traffic is not blocked in the company. Then the unfortunate user can find several VPN servers and, having connected to them, gain access to all Internet resources, including torrent, which is de facto blocked in most organizations. It should be noted here that packets of proxy server traffic, even through a secure https connection to the server itself, can be intercepted on the side of the system administrator's gateway. The use of tunnel connections, on the contrary, implies the use of a secure communication channel: IPSec, MPPE, etc. However, finding a free VPN server that does this is difficult. In general, if at home there is a good communication channel with a dedicated direct IP address, then everyone can install a proxy server or l2tp / pptp after reading a few simple descriptions. In any case, the position of an office worker is unenviable, since the system administrator can rigidly moderate his movement in the global network.

Network anonymity

To ensure anonymity on the Internet, there are specialized utilities that allow users to enter an anonymous and in most cases decentralized network. Typically, many of these networks are free source software. Publishing open source has both pluses and minuses. For example, a plus is the free access of any programmer to the code, which allows you to quickly find problems and isolate insider code, if any. The downside is that hacking the existing network based on the problematic code can lead to deanonymization of the clients on it. Hacking of anonymous networks is often carried out by special services and other law enforcement agencies. For example, the hacking of the Japanese anonymous network made it possible to detain and convict several distributors of new HD-quality film distributions. We will not judge the correctness of this method of combating "universal evil". Let's better consider the most well-known systems for anonymizing users on the Internet.


The TOR network is most suitable for users who do not exchange files on the Internet, but only want to surf it under a mask, hiding their real data. This network, which appeared relatively recently, quickly became popular. A prototype of the TOR system was created at the research laboratory of the United States Naval Forces on a federal order. In 2002, this development was declassified, and the source code was transferred to independent developers who created the client software and published the source code under a free license. Recall that such a measure was taken so that everyone could check TOR for errors and backdoors. The TOR network is based on a network of numerous clients connected by virtual tunnels over the Internet. When a user requests a page on the Internet using this network, the request packet is encrypted and sent to multiple hosts on the network. In this case, the packet passes through a number of network clients and goes from the last of them to the requested site. Thus, no one on the network knows how many clients passed the packet and who initiated the connection. The chain of computers for the network client changes every ten minutes, which provides greater network security. At the moment, the TOR network has about 2 thousand server computers and several thousand clients. Since this network is still quite small, the connection speed on it is unstable and rarely exceeds 200 KB / s. However, it was originally conceived as a means of anonymity for working with web pages, and not for transferring video content.

To access the external network, a set of programs is used that are included in the standard delivery set for the TOR client. For the Windows platform, the package contains the TOR client, the Vidalia control program and the Polipo proxy server. The control program allows you to configure all the most important parameters of the client (Fig. 1). The Polipo proxy server is a Socks server, so it is impossible to simply register it in the settings of any browser for use. In most cases, TOR means the use of the Mozilla Firefox browser, to which the Torbutton plug-in can be installed, which allows you to allow or deny the use of the TOR network for this browser. To fine-tune other browsers or instant messaging clients to work on the TOR network, you need to change the Polipo proxy settings.

Rice. 1. Vidalia control program for the TOR network

Users who have no idea about the operation of proxy servers and other network components can download a special assembly on the official TOR website, which, in addition to the TOR client, includes a Firefox browser configured only to work on this network.

Recent studies of the TOR network have revealed its insufficient security. One of the users showed by his own example how personal data can be penetrated through the TOR network. He installed the TOR client on his computer in the network server mode. This is allowed for all users and is even recommended by the developers to increase the overall network bandwidth. Then he installed a packet sniffer on his computer, which allowed him to sniff the traffic of user packets passing through it. And then it successfully intercepted the letters of those users who, having installed protection in the form of TOR, forgot to establish an encrypted connection with the mail server. Thus, when using the TOR network, do not forget about secure channels wherever possible.

In general, TOR technology allows you to work with the Internet in a fairly secure mode, however, for its greater efficiency, a powerful communication channel is required, since requests to the Internet pass through many other clients.


The Freenet decentralized network is perhaps the most widely known anonymous network for exchanging user data. It is built on the basis of a Java application that establishes communication with the rest of the network through encrypted communication channels. Since Freenet is a decentralized peer-to-peer network, it will function as long as at least one of its clients is running. The Freenet network provides the most secure and anonymous connection. In it, data is stored and retrieved using an associated key, similar to how it is implemented in the HTTP protocol. During the development of Freenet, which began back in 2000, the emphasis was placed on the high survivability of the network with complete anonymity and decentralization of all internal processes in it. The network does not have central servers and is not under the control of any user or organization. Even the creators of Freenet have no control over the entire system. The stored information is encrypted and distributed to all computers on the network around the world, which are anonymous, numerous and constantly exchange information. In theory, it is very difficult to determine which participant is storing a particular file, since the contents of each file are encrypted and can be split into pieces that are distributed among many computers. Even for a network participant, it takes a significant effort to find out exactly what information his computer stores. Since each user can define the boundaries of the space allocated for data exchange, this makes it difficult to determine the chunks of data that are stored on the user's computer. The file requested from the network is collected piece by piece from different users, since the main principle of data transfer in this network is the modified torrent technology.

The Freenet Network Client is a console utility that ships for most modern operating systems. The only requirement is a Java virtual machine. After installing the network client, the user can work with the network resources through any browser that connects to the user's local host. Since the network is completely anonymous and decentralized, the speed of data transfer and operation is very low. For higher performance, a larger number of network users are needed, which, due to their communication channels, are supposed to provide Freenet with high bandwidth. At present, the download speed of information on this network rarely exceeds 100-200 Kb / s. The network management interface is also based on the web console (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Freenet Client Management Console

Freenet can be viewed as a huge, yet potentially unreliable, distributed storage device. When a file is saved in this network, the user receives a key, with the help of which he can later get the saved information back. When the key is presented, the network returns the saved file to the user if it still exists and all its parts are stored on accessible anonymous clients.

The main idea of ​​the Freenet network is to try to prevent a group of people from imposing their beliefs and values ​​on others, since no one is allowed to decide what is acceptable. The web is encouraged to be tolerant of the values ​​of others, and in the absence of the latter, users are asked to turn a blind eye to content that contradicts their views.


I2P is an anonymous distributed network that uses a modified DHT Kademlia technology and stores hashed host addresses, AES encrypted IP addresses, as well as public encryption keys, and connections between clients are also encrypted. Unlike the networks described above, I2P provides applications with a simple transport mechanism for sending messages to each other anonymously and securely.

Many of the I2P developers have previously participated in the IIP and Freenet projects. But, unlike these networks, I2P is an anonymous peer-to-peer distributed decentralized network in which users can work both with any traditional network services and protocols, for example, E-Mail, IRC, HTTP, Telnet, and with distributed applications like databases. , Squid and DNS. Unlike the Freenet network, the I2P network operates its own catalog of sites, electronic libraries and even torrent trackers. Every user can help the network and become a developer. In addition, there are gateways for accessing the I2P network directly from the Internet, created specifically for users who, for various reasons, cannot install software on their computer, or their provider blocks access to this network. The main feature of the network is the ability to function in harsh conditions, even under pressure from organizations with significant financial or political resources. The source code for the programs and protocols of the network is publicly available, which allows users to ensure that the software does exactly what it says, and makes it easier for third-party developers to improve their network security against persistent attempts to restrict free communication. It should be noted that the I2P network is similar in structure to the traditional Internet and differs from it only in the impossibility of censorship due to the use of encryption and anonymization mechanisms. This attracts users who are interested in innovation and sophisticated interface. The undoubted advantage of I2P is that third parties cannot find out what the user is viewing, what sites they visit, what information they download, what is their range of interests, acquaintances, etc.

Compared to the Internet, I2P does not have any central and customary DNS servers, and the network does not depend on external DNS servers either, which makes it impossible to destroy, block and filter network sections. Ideally, such a network will exist and function as long as there are at least two computers in the network on the planet. The absence of explicit DNS servers does not mean that you cannot create your own page. DHT Kademlia - a mechanism for distributing names in the I2P network - allows any user of the I2P network to create their own sites, projects, torrent trackers, etc. without having to register somewhere, pay for a DNS name or pay for any services. At the same time, each user can absolutely free and freely create any sites, and it is almost impossible to find out its location, as well as the location of the server.

With each new user, the reliability, anonymity and speed of the I2P network as a whole increase. In order to get into the I2P network, you just need to install a client on your computer, which is a router program, which will decrypt / encrypt all traffic and redirect it to the I2P network. In most cases, you do not need to configure the router program - by default it is already configured in the optimal way, and its interface is completely translated into Russian (Fig. 3). When accessing a site or other resource in a regular (external) Internet program, the router automatically, like TOR, creates a tunnel to one of the external gateways and makes it possible to anonymously visit and use external Internet resources.

Rice. 3. Console of management of the client of the I2P network


To ensure anonymity on the global network, you can use many different ways. In most cases, programs and virtual networks that allow you to achieve some degree of anonymity on the Web are free and publicly available. Each user can choose the optimal program or network for accessing both external and internal resources. However, the higher the security of the technology used, the lower its speed performance and accessibility for understanding the principles of its operation. For example, if the TOR network is quite transparent for most users, then it is already difficult for an ordinary user to understand the settings and how the Freenet network works. And although freedom of speech and anonymity are welcomed by the majority of users, there is also a downside to the coin - the distribution of counterfeit materials, prohibited content such as child pornography, etc. Alas, this leaves an imprint on all anonymous networks, because the majority of users have a negative attitude towards such materials, but complete freedom presupposes exactly this state of affairs.

Greetings, my "anonymous" reader. Do you often think about what this or that website you visit knows about you and for what purposes this information can be used? Or do you generally have paranoia and you think that we are all under the hood of "special services" and now people in "white coats" are knocking on your door?

Today we will analyze the basic principles of anonymity on the Internet, and I will tell you what information about you is available in the vastness of the global network and how to hide it.

Why be anonymous on the Internet?

Anonymity is a concept mainly considered in relation to cybercriminals of various stripes, but is it the only one who needs it? To answer this question, it is worth remembering - how often do you receive "spam" by e-mail or in what surprising way, "Yandex" shows you exactly the topic on the topic that you were recently interested in.

If, after digging in your memory, you find matches with your experience of using the Internet - then this article is for you.

What do we know about you?

To begin with, you should turn to one wonderful site -, which will clearly show only a small part of the information known about you, and this is the computer's ip address, operating system version, browser version, location - and this is not a complete list.

When registering on any site, in ICQ, Skype, etc., you often leave your mail and even your phone number.

Online anonymity - the basics

What is known about you, I have listed above, now it's time to figure it out - what to do with it? Let's start in order, without going into technical details.

IP address

In simple words, the IP address of a computer is a unique identification address of a PC on the Internet. The IP address is assigned by the provider upon connection, respectively, when the provider changes, the IP address changes.

The computer's IP address consists of four combinations of numbers - XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX. The number of digits in each combination is a difference from 1 to 3, and their value is from 0 to 256.

The provider can assign 2 types of IP addresses - static and dynamic.

  • A static IP address is permanent and does not change all the time you use the connection.
  • Dynamic IP address - it changes every time the Internet connection is restarted.

You can hide the IP address in several ways - through Proxy or. For details, see the related articles on the links.

IP is only half the problem, there are other data - operating system version, browser version, screen resolution, OS language, etc.

Operating system information

We figured out your IP, now let's think about the rest of the data.

The first step is to find the "leak". You are reading this article through a browser, right? Accordingly, this very browser informs the server on which the web resource is located, the previously listed data. It is transmitted using Http headers that look like this -

Host: User-Agent site: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows 8.1; ru; rv: Gecko / 20170520 Firefox / 43.7.1 (.NET CLR 8.1.30421) Accept: text / html, application / xhtml + xml, application / xml; q = 0.9, * / *; q = 0.8 Accept-Language: ru, en-us; q = 0.7, en; q = 0.3

Host: hyperione. com

User - Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows 8.1; ru; rv: Gecko / 20170520 Firefox / 43.7.1 (. NET CLR 8.1.30421)

Accept: text / html, application / xhtml + xml, application / xml; q = 0.9, * / *; q = 0.8

Accept - Language: ru, en - us; q = 0.7, en; q = 0.3

This problem can be solved by "substituting" real http headers with "fake" ones.

The ideal solution for replacing "http" headers would be an appropriate browser plugin, for example -.

Your browser cookies

After reading the article about, you will know the purpose of these files, but now I would like to mention that the vast majority of sites, including Yandex and Google, store cookies on your computer.

You can disable the saving of cookies in your browser, thereby depriving yourself of some pleasant bonuses, for example, saving passwords on sites, but on the other hand, you will stop giving valuable information about yourself to strangers.

Let's summarize

We did not touch on two points in the article.

Your phones and email... Create one mailbox, especially for registration on sites, if you need a phone number - use activation services.

Installing programs on a PC
... By installing any program on your PC (for example, an online toy client), third parties may become aware of such information about you as - the model and serial numbers of your equipment (Processor, video card, etc.), MAC address, etc. .d.

This article is not a call to action, but is purely informational in nature. You are solely responsible for the use of this information.

From month to month, topics emerge on underground forums - how can you create maximum anonymity for yourself and become invulnerable, will there be enough VPN and tight socks, etc. heresy, which is boring and to which they are already responding with memorized phrases like - They want to find it, 100% does not happen.

We take shovels and stretchers.

How sad it is to talk about this, we still need a VPN, you can buy it, steal it, give birth, in short, it's up to you to get it. I would not bet on free ones, if there is absolutely no money at all, buy from the kebrum, there are only 5-6 bucks per month tariffs, there are no restrictions, and there is a demo mode, if you don’t download torrents, you can work in demo mode, it's fucking awesome ... Okay, somehow you got hold of the VPN, what's next?

And then YES-YES-YES, the same TOR, download, install, everything works out of the box, though out of the box if you use Windows, you will have to fuck a little under Linux, but your work will be rewarded, I personally built everything on Ubuntu 12, at the beginning spat, but now it is fucking itself, already an erection. In general, the TOR that comes in the box, the brake is still the same, so you need to set it up correctly, with this config, your TOR will fly faster than the plane + countries that we do not need will be excluded, that is, we will never get the Russian IP address as an option and we will constantly go out through the American nodes, of course we will mow under the amer.

TOR config

How and where to shove it, you can easily find it in Google.

ControlPort 9051

DirPort 9030

DirReqStatistics 0

ExitNodes (US)

StrictExitNodes 1

ExcludeNodes (RU), (UA), (BY), (LV), (LD), (MT), (GE), (SU)

ExitPolicy reject *: *

Log notice stdout

Nickname R1

ORPort 3055

RelayBandwidthBurst 10485760

RelayBandwidthRate 5242880


StrictNodes 1

What we have, then we select Exit nodes only from the USA by explicitly specifying (US), all intermediate and input nodes will change by country, excluding these: (RU), (UA), (BY), (LV), (LD), ( MT), (GE), (SU), this list of countries was compiled by experienced carders, perhaps some other countries should be added to the list, if you know which ones, be sure to share. We do not pay attention to all other meanings, if you wish, you can read about each parameter separately on the TOR's offsite, provided that you know English or using a translator from the giant.

So we configured TOR, got a VPN, the foundation is ready. As we know, all traffic on the Exit node in the torus is transparent and can easily be intercepted by an attacker, but we will not leave the bad guys a single chance. Let's put an SSH tunnel on top of all this foundation. That is, this is what we get:

1. We connect to the network through VPN, respectively, we become an Amer, the IP changes to American (you can build your chains and, if you wish, configure as you like, there can be any country).
2. Next, we launch our configured TOR, respectively, TOR will work through the VPN channel we previously connected.
3. Stretching the SSH tunnel proxied through the TOR network on top of everything that is available.
4. At the output, we have the IP address of the SSH tunnel. And through the Exit node, encrypted traffic goes and no bad guy will decrypt it and burn your secrets.

We have already considered the first two points, I think everyone understood everything. But let's take a closer look at stretching the tunnel. Since I have ubuntu (for these things I advise it to be Linux, because the SSH tunnel under the vents is fucking unstable, you will be used up), I will tell you how to do all this in nyx systems. In order to set up an SSH tunnel, we need to have an SSH shell on some server, I won't tell you how to do this, you can again - buy, steal, give birth. In short, roughly speaking, we bought an SSH shell on an amersky server, so what next, and then we need to build another wall. In the console, write the command:

sudo proxychains ssh –D 8181 username @

The proxychains command means that we run ssh through our local TOR socket on port 9050 (roughly speaking, we proxify our tunnel), then the -D parameter goes, which creates a socket on port 8181, and then the SSH server address itself, where the login goes first, and then through the dog itself is the IP address of the server. We press the enter and we see such a thing:

| S - chain | - & lt; & gt; - 9050 - & lt; & gt; & lt; & gt; - - & lt; & gt; & lt; & gt; - OK

If we saw OK, then we’re fucking connected, we connected to the server via the TOR network, then enter the password, press the enterter again and minimize the console, meanwhile, on the local host on port 8181, we have a socket that hangs through which we will already go to the Internet.
Fuck how many letters, I hope everyone understood everything, although this is a confused topic, but there is no other way to do this operation. Over time, get used to it and in a minute, wake up to create yourself awesome cool channels.

How we will be caught

Let's say you cheated a million money and announced a reward for your ass. Accordingly, I start looking for you. Let's see how the chain will unwind.

1. Since the final IP address of the SSH shell, do not feed bread, all forces will be thrown there.
2. Since the SSH shell goes through the TOR network, the chain changes every 10 minutes, the Exit nodes, the middle server and the incoming nodes change. Here it turns out a ball of fucking mowing, personally I can't even imagine how it will be possible to find something in all this fucking. Our traffic is encrypted at all nodes, it will not work to sniff the Exit node either, TOR chains can be built across the whole world. So this is some kind of anreal, even if they find an Exit node, then you will have to look for a middle server. And this all requires funds, connections and a lot of other things, not every office will be engaged in this, it's easier to score.
3. Suppose a miracle happened, the TOR network let us down and told our VPN IP address. What can I say - it all depends on the VPN server, administration, weather conditions and many more factors. As luck would have it, either the VPN will hand over all your logins or not.
4. Even if they identified your real IP address, they found out the country, city. It doesn't mean anything yet. Nobody canceled the left sim cards, neighbor's wifi. Well, this is completely for paranoid people, like Bin Laden, according to some sources, his security was built in exactly the way that I am describing to you, although this is again a deaf phone. If you want to do well, do it yourself! You can reinforce your invulnerability with the thoughts that if they want to find you, then this will require very good finances, because just imagine what the operative has to do, at least to get the logs from the SSH server, not to mention the TOR network.
5. In this example, I do not consider the i2p network, this shit is about nothing at all, firstly, you will never wait for real speed from it, and secondly, you will not be able to log in to any site, because i2p is not friendly with cookies at all, and thirdly at the exit we will have a permanent German IP address. These are the main points that make you send i2p to a big juicy dick.

Safe surfing or digging in

We have successfully built 50 percent of our fortress, it’s better to spend one day on all this, but then in a few minutes bring the system into a full defcon. But what is this fortress to us if we inherit? Let's complicate the task and set our browser to be completely fucked up. That is, we will not allow our browser to betray us with giblets. Of all the browsers available in the world, only Firefox can be configured successfully, and we will choose it. To do this, download the latest portable version, google for help, unpack and run.

This will allow us to turn off all unnecessary crap that can burn us, like Java, Flash, etc. unknown garbage. Next, install the following plugins:

You don't have to put a screenshot, a page hacker and a hackbar, it's not for everybody, everything else should be mandatory. Then we set the jackdaws as in this screenshot, this will not allow us to burn on cookies, that is, after closing the browser, all the cookies will be fucking deleted and there will be no further problems if you accidentally forgot to build anonymous tunnels.

about< b > < / b >: config

and we are looking for the line geo.enable - we set this value to false, this will allow us not to bind the browser to our location. So, with the basic settings figured out, now let's configure the installed plugins.


First of all, we set up NoScript, there is no need for special intelligence, just put a daw - Disable all JavaScript and that's all, although I still dug around and turned off any unnecessary notifications. Note that with NoScript enabled, some sites that contain Java scripts will not work for you, one way or another, sometimes you still have to disable this plugin, because there is no way, or you can use the mobile versions of the site. With the plugin disabled, we burn a lot of data about ourselves, for example - browser version, screen resolution, color depth, language, operating system and much more, including your real IP address. So, it's either all or nothing!


With this wonderful plugin, we will filter some of the transmitted headers, not all of course, but only those that can be filtered, look at the picture and repeat after me.

As soon as finished, click on the face with the inscription Start, the plugin is activated and will filter the titles we don't like. Let's go further.


This plugin allows us to easily switch between proxies, for example, you want to access the Internet bypassing the ssh tunnel, or vice versa, use the entire existing chain, or you only need TOR, there are many examples. We create the following scheme:

I have only 3 points here, work through TOR, work through a tunnel and direct traffic without any proxifiers.

Work through TOR is configured as follows: port 9050 + you need to check the box in Socks5
Working through the tunnel, we register port 8181 (we specified this port when we created the ssh tunnel, you can choose any other), we also put a daw on Socks5. We save and close everything.

In the first case, it will turn out that we will go to the Internet through VPN, and then launch the browser through the TOR network, respectively, our traffic will not be encrypted on the Exit node.

In the second case, all our traffic goes through the VPN, then we proxify the ssh tunnel through the TOR network, at the output we get encrypted traffic and the IP address of the ssh server we have chosen.

In the third case, we generally disable all proxying and go to the Internet with the IP address of our VPN server.

The whole thing is easy and convenient to switch with the mouse and you shouldn't have any difficulties.

We finished manipulating the plugins, I hope I brought you the basics of all this junk, if you don't understand something, ask in the comments. Basically, we made ourselves a secure browser. Now we can surf the net and not be afraid that we might be identified by some signs, in fact we disguised ourselves as an ordinary ordinary American, nothing gives us away. Here is the report itself, how we look to others:

Conclusions e

In this article, I introduced you to the possible concept of online anonymity. In my opinion, this is the optimal scheme, of course, you can add DoubleVPN, socks to the whole chain and wind up with three more boxes, but the speed will not be the same, it all depends on the desire and the degree of paranoia. I described all the pros and cons of the scheme above, I hope you liked it and prompted you to some correct thoughts.

Cookies and strategy

In addition to all this, I want to remind you that you should not forget about other precautions, for example, installing an English-language operating system, using virtual machines for dirty deeds, changing macadresses on network cards, encrypting hard drives, with each new connection, be sure to check your IP address for specialized resources, that is, we connected the VPN - we checked the IP address, connected the TOR again, checked it, and so on on the knurled one, there are situations when the VPN seems to have risen, but the IP has not changed, so they burned, so we must take into account all the little things, it's better check a hundred times than regret a hundred years later. Also, when making transactions, do not use ICQ, exclusively jabber and exclusively connect it through the created tunnels, you can get by with one TOR for the extreme. All the money that you earn on the network, keep in LR or in the Poison, then buy Bitcoin with them, and then all funds are anonymously withdrawn in any convenient way. After each transaction, change your Bitcoin wallet (done in a couple of clicks), then merge all your funds into one that was not lit anywhere. Do not forget to proxy all applications with which we work, you can generally configure the entire system so that absolutely all programs will go to the Internet through your tunnels, again, I will send you to Google, there is a lot of information about this. If Windows is too important for you and you cannot or do not tolerate nyx-like systems, then the same can be done under the vents, but believe me that the hemorrhoids will be larger and the stability will drop at times, so be patient and study Linux if you have already chosen a dark one. side. On this I hasten to say goodbye to you! If you don't understand anything, ask, I'll chew it! Bye Bye!

All the information I have given in this topic is given for information only and is not a call to action, all responsibility rests on your shoulders.


Another interesting thing was discovered in Firefox, I'm telling you!

We enter in the address bar of the browser: about: config
We are looking for a parameter: network.proxy.socks_remote_dns
We expose it to: true

The browser is now configured to use the DNS servers of the SSH tunnel itself. For example, if you go to with similar browser settings, you will see the DNS server of the SSH tunnel country, not the DNS server of your ISP or the OpenVPN server through which you access the Internet.

Last updated by at July 2, 2015.

The Internet. You just need to do it right, ensuring your own safety as much as possible. The main thing that is required for this: the need to hide your real IP-address and mailbox. Also, observe elementary caution and try, if possible, not to place any personal data in any: your number, address of residence, your photos.

Address when visiting sites can be in several ways. The simplest and most accessible is the use of anonymous proxy servers () operating in the -service mode. A proxy server (from the English Proxy -) is a kind of intermediary between your computer and the Internet. Going online, you first connect to the proxy server, and only then go to the sites you are interested in. As a result, the owners of these sites may not receive your real IP, but the address of the proxy server used.

Currently in internet there are quite a few free anonymizers that anyone can use. It is very easy to work with them, since these proxies use a familiar web interface. You just need to go to the anonymizer page and enter the address of the site you intend to visit in the surfing field. One of the most famous Russian-speaking anonymizers today is But you can also find many more similar services on your own by simply entering the query "anonymous proxies" or "anonymizers" into the search engine.

Anonymizers allow you to freely surf the Internet and view pages, however, many forums and guests often prohibit users from leaving messages through anonymous proxies. In this case, you will need to make some changes to your browser settings in order to hide your IP, but create the appearance of a normal connection. V internet there are whole lists of anonymous proxy servers that users can use or for a small fee. These lists contain the IP of the anonymous proxy and the port numbers through which the connection should be made. You will need to find a suitable working proxy, and then change your browser settings so that all connections to the Internet go through a proxy server. Specify the IP of your choice as the proxy to use and enter the corresponding port number.

If you are not very confident in the settings of your browser, but you need to make your movement completely anonymous, you can use special programs. In particular, one of the most effective is the TOR (English The Onion Router) program, which can be downloaded for free at On the same site you can read detailed instructions and explanations for working with the program. Having installed the TOP browser on your computer, you can not only safely navigate the network, completely hiding your IP, but also create your own sites, leave messages and exchange mail. The only drawback of this software is a noticeable decrease in connection speed, which can create certain inconveniences.


  • TOP browser

Sometimes a person is ready for the most insane acts in order to attract attention to himself. But there are situations in life when you want to turn into an “invisible man”. And it is quite possible to do it.


A person's appearance is what primarily attracts people's attention. Therefore, if you want to blend in with the crowd, exclude everything that can catch your eye. Forget flashy clothes, flashy accessories, bold hairstyles, provocative makeup, bold manicures, and conspicuous embellishments.

Choose for yourself an outfit of average quality in a discreet color (gray, dark blue, brown), which will not overly emphasize the contours of your figure. Wear, for example, a soft plain pullover, slightly baggy jeans, and neutral shoes. If you have a stylish haircut or bright hair color, hide your hair under a dark knit hat and pull it slightly over your forehead. Thanks to this appearance, you can easily get lost in the crowd.

Anonymity is Namelessness, uncertainty; default, hiding the name.

There should be nothing in the way between you and the Internet that can tie you to your connection. And you cannot behave as usual. Moreover, your usual behavior at the same time should be recorded falsely.

You can find out who you are
1) Financial footprint
purchase of devices and services that provided your Internet access
obtaining benefits from the Internet in the form of finance, goods and services
2) Electronic footprint
IP, MAC, time, built-in cameras, wifi, gsm, gps, microphone.
operating systems, programs, plugins, etc.
these little people scurrying around with mobiles in which there is software for collecting information not only about the owner of the mobile but also about the surrounding radio air. GPS coordinates, GSM base stations, WiFi hotspots, bluethooth devices, etc. And the blonde over there is talking on the phone, and her camera is secretly filming what you looked in her direction. This is not because he is a spy, but because he puts everything on the phone indiscriminately.
3) Trace metadata
handwriting: speed, characteristics of your work on the Internet. The typing style on the keyboard has its own imprint. Spelling errors, corrected typos, punctuation, etc. The Google search string in any browser using JS (if enabled) is transmitted to the Google server continuously while you are typing. Consider that information about the nature of the set is transmitted to the Internet. Google does everything to know you by sight, even if there is a mask on it. Don't forget about the mouse or touchpad.
the information you are looking for without the anonymous mask can give you away when you try to do the same in the mask. You need to have clearly written instructions on what to do and clearly limited actions. Your anonymous life should be like the everyday life of a spy. This is self-discipline, this is work, this is a constant replenishment of knowledge and their application in practice. It is very difficult not to sleep in practice when you are being watched for 24 hours and they do it without straining.
With regret, let's keep quiet about the fact that your friends in front of your Nick or phone number will carefully write your name, date of birth, attitude, photo and upload to Apple or Google, and all applications that have access to the address book (and only the lazy does not climb there) know this right away ...

Internet connection can be stolen, you can buy a SIM card with GPRS from gypsies, but how can you hide from video cameras carefully placed around the world? RFID chips from banks, libraries, subways are carefully stuffed into your pockets. Identity card becomes biometric and its presence in a pocket in a public place is imposed by law.
The more modern the phone is, the more likely it is to have a factory backdoor at the chip level, or a backdoor from a reseller or a delivery service. You think that by installing Tails or Kali Linux you have solved the problem - you are mistaken, you also need to assemble a computer on lamps :). Or here you are carrying your phone with you, it gives the provider information about where you were 24 hours a day. Gives him your daily habits. Here Vasya goes to work, here from work. But suddenly Vasya disappeared from the radar, although usually at this time he travels along route A or B. Strannenko. Anomaly. And now if all this information falls into the same hands and is analyzed, what happens? It turns out that the circle of suspects is sharply narrowing. Vasya is found on cameras on Mitino, he buys a SIM card from a cyan, or stands near the library in a car with a laptop on his lap.

And the fact that Vasya uses TOR, VPN and an unusual operating system is not a secret for the provider. It's just that he doesn't care about Vasya for a while. Recorded traffic can be opened later.

So I'll sign under the words Artem
If you want to be anonymous on the Internet, do not use the Internet.

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