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Analysis of search queries in Yandex. Yandex, Google and Rambler search query statistics, how and why to work with Wordstat

Hello dear readers! Today we will talk about a popular service that almost all bloggers, webmasters and many Internet marketers know. In this article, you will learn how to effectively use Yandex Wordstat statistics (Word Selection) in order to successfully promote your sites. The post will introduce you to the capabilities of this service, show its interface, reveal the secrets of operators for parsing requests.

Introduction to the Yandex Wordstat service

Purpose of the service

The Yandex search engine is one of the two giants in Runet, which provides various information on almost any question of its users. Knowledge of these issues (search queries) provides a lot of important and useful information for the successful implementation of the following tasks:

  • analysis of requests to create the structure of a web resource;
  • keyword search for ;
  • analysis of the popularity of topics in Internet marketing;
  • search for queries for an advertising company in Yandex Direct.

Thanks to the statistics of Wordstat search phrases, any blogger and webmaster can get comprehensive information to solve the above tasks. That is why Wordstat is one of the most popular services on the web. Where without him ... 🙂

Features of Wordstat

Registration. Now there is nowhere without registration - any normal service or online tool requires the entry of personal data. “Word Selection” is no exception - its use requires a real account in the Yandex search engine.

Blocking. There is such an unpleasant thing - if you work with the service incorrectly, Yandex can block the user's account. This happens in two cases:

  • in case of violation of the "License to use the search engine";
  • when your computer is infected with a virus;

The first case is clear - we do something against the rules - we get a ban. The second version of events occurs due to the fact that a virus that has appeared on our computer creates a huge load on the service.

By the way, one of the programs for collecting semantics - or . Each of them, at the request of the user, can parse a huge number of search queries in Yandex Wordstat. That with the wrong approach can give a huge load on the service.

Captcha. This is such a picture (usually with numbers) that blocks further work with Wordstat. It may appear in the following cases:

  • if cookies are closed in our browser (files with data of sites that we visited);
  • if alternative cookies (Flash) are disabled in our browser;
  • if JavaScript is disabled in our browser;
  • if by definition of the IP of the computer we are not in the CIS zone.

To solve the last problem, there is an excellent option (it was suggested by a regular reader of my blog, Ruslan Tsvirkun) - extension friGate for the browser.

Word Matching Options

Wordstat statistics is not only just a large warehouse of search queries. With this service, you can find out:

  • an approximate forecast of the selected phrases for a month;
  • seasonality of search queries during the year;
  • popularity of topics for information sites;
  • an assessment of the popularity of a phrase in a particular region.

All these possibilities can intersect in one way or another. This is especially common when forming a strategy for the promotion of commercial sites. For information projects, it is important to see the popularity of topics in the query statistics. It is also important when we need to create a new site, but there are questions about choosing a popular resource topic.

Interface of the service "Select Words"

The main task of the Wordstat service interface is to give a general idea to the user about the search queries of interest to him. Of course, to solve various seo-tasks, you have to deal with this service closely. Therefore, the interface is quite simple and clear.

Unfortunately, with frequent and prolonged work with him, you realize how inconvenient he is. Therefore, for large tasks, more powerful tools are used, such as Topvisor, etc.

Consider the working screen of the service, as well as the interface of all its tools.

By Words Tool (Main Screen)

The following figure shows the interface of the main screen of the Yandex Wordstat service (aka the By Words tool):

Here is a list of the main elements shown in the figure:

  • Search query input field (1). In this field, we display the phrase for which we want to get data from Yandex (query popularity, a list of phrases with this phrase, a possible selection using various operators).
  • Tool button "By words" (2). Defines a list of phrases in the "By words" tool, depending on the specified Wordstat operators. The tool window opens by default when you first enter the statistics, it is used most often.
  • Tool button "By regions" (3). When you click this button, we go to the section that will show the regional popularity of the analyzed query.
  • Button of the Request History tool (4). Opens a screen giving information about the popularity of the selected query over the last 2 years.
  • Button "All regions" (5). Allows you to select the region for which statistics are collected for the selected query.
  • The date the statistics were last updated (6). Shows the number when the database of Yandex search queries was added.
  • Left column of Wordstat (7). Gives a list of phrases with frequencies that contain the search query specified in the input field (1).
  • The right column of Wordstat (8). Shows a list of other search queries typed by Yandex users who were looking for the initial phrase (1).
  • Switching to statistics on mobile queries (7). Shows Wordstat statistics for the search phrase that was typed on mobile devices.

Now let's look at the interface and the principle of operation of each tool separately. We will find out what their purpose is in the service, we will see the statistics data.

Left service column

By entering your phrase in the input field, in the left column we get a list of Yandex search queries that include our phrase. That is, we see a list of search phrases that, along with other words, include our original phrase.

The number next to each query in the left column gives an estimate of the number of impressions in a month. This is the number of impressions for all requests, which includes each request. For example:

By the way, these figures opposite each request are taken from the data of the Yandex search database for the last 30 days before the statistics update date.

That is why the number of impressions on the first and second pictures for the same query is different (“internal linking” - 1630 and 1647) - the difference was due to different update dates. Each of the images has its own dates - September 22 and 24.

And another important note - the number of impressions will differ when specifying different promotion regions. The region is indicated using the link located under the "Select" button. Its anchor at the first entry into the statistics will have the text "All regions". If we select a region, then in the future the anchor text will correspond to the specified location.

Right column of statistics

In the right column, the "Search of Words" sevris shows the search queries that were typed by those Yandex users who were looking for the phrase we needed. That is, in one session of working with Yandex search, each user, along with the phrase we need (which we look at in Wordstat statistics), typed other phrases.

All of these, so to speak, related requests accumulated over a month. And then, when a Yandex user typed the search phrase, all adjacent monthly phrases were reflected in the right column. Moreover, they were reflected according to the degree of "relevance" (proximity) to the original phrase. For example:

In the picture, we see in the right column related queries for the search phrase "semantic core". First comes the query "site core", as the most relevant combination for the phrase we specified. And it is really very close.

But then there are the "Semantic Site" and "Key Collector" options. The first request turned out to be a surrogate for the “semantic core of the site” request (this is evidenced by the number of exact occurrences - only 1 person made such a request in Yandex last month!). The second is the name of a professional program for collecting SA.

In general, the right column of Wordstat is not always informative, but it is worth looking at it all the time in search of similar words on the topic of our search phrase. This will expand the collection of the semantic core of the site, find good keywords for an advertising company in Yandex Direct.

By region tool

To determine the regional popularity of any search query, the Yandex Wordstat service has the By Regions tool. This is how the elements of its interface look like:

  • Region switcher (1). You can select everything, only regions or only cities.
  • Switch for information display option (2). You can view popularity either as a data table (list) or as an interactive map.
  • Total impressions for a given query (3). By the way, in the example the same request is “internal linking”. And now another figure again - 1663. I think you know why.
  • Impressions per month (4). The number of impressions of a given query for each region (city).
  • Regional popularity (5). This is the share occupied by the region (city) in impressions for the searched phrase, divided by the share of all impressions of search results that fell on this region.

By interpreting the last value, the Wordstat service gives the following recommendation:

  • = 100% - the request in this region is not highlighted by anything;
  • < 100% — интерес региона по запросу пониженный;
  • > 100% — increased interest of the region upon request.

This tool is most often useful in two cases - to determine the semantic core of a commercial site and to select advertising campaign keys. For information sites and blogs, regional popularity is rarely used.

Query History Tool

Wordstat statistics provide another useful information -. Thanks to this data, the user can see the dynamics of the phrase popularity throughout the year. You will learn more about this in the next post “How to use seasonal queries”. In the meantime, let's see what elements the interface of this tool consists of:

  • Unit switch (1). It allows you to see the dynamics of popularity by months and weeks.
  • Query Popularity Graph (2). Two graphs of changes in absolute and relative values.
  • Measurement scale (3). Depending on the selected unit of measurement, the divisions of the scale change (they appear when hovering over the graphs).
  • Absolute value (4). The number of times the search query was shown during the specified span on the scale.
  • Relative value (5). The indicator provides information on how the forecast (absolute value) differs from reality.

Operators of the service "Select Words"

In order for the work in the Yandex statistics service not to drag on for a long time and be more accurate, there are a number of auxiliary operators. All of them are used only in the By Requests tool and are entered in the search phrase input field. Let's consider each operator separately.

Minus (-)

The operator is designed to exclude unnecessary words from the list of queries (the so-called "negative words"). It is used in various cases, most often to search for CL requests for commercial projects. For example, compare the left columns of Wordstat for the query "internal linking". In the first case, the usual phrase, in the second - requests with the word "page" are excluded:

I note that we minus the word “page” in the example. As a result, Wordstat excluded all variants of the word with any case.

Plus (+)

Using the plus operator, we force the service to check the request with prepositions and conjunctions (without this operator, they are excluded). Here is an example of how this operator works:

As you can see from the example, in the first case, the number of queries with the phrase “how to cook an omelet from eggs” was the largest - 712. This is the same if we typed a query in Wordstat - “cook an omelette of eggs”. In the second case, the number of requests became smaller, since we wanted to see them, taking into account the preposition "of". In the third, there were even fewer of them - the word “how” appeared.

In Wordstat, by default, when entering a query without pluses, the value with pluses is given in the left column:

The plus operator is important when we need to know the popularity of queries with all prepositions and conjunctions. This often happens when selecting keywords, for example, for online stores.

Or and grouping | ()

The "or" operator allows you to collect search queries, the words of which can have different spellings, but the same meaning. For example, we need all requests to create an omelet dish. To do this, we will take an assembly of three phrases that are identical in meaning:

As a result, in the left column we will get all requests for these three phrases.

The same problem can be solved by using the "grouping" operator. In this case, we will not need to write the word "omelette" three times:

So, the “or” operator allows us to specify variants of some words in the search phrase. If there are several words with variants, "grouping" is used. The result is the maximum possible selection of requests. For example:

Quotation marks (""), exclamation point (!)

Using this operator, when counting requests for the left column, Wordstat will count the impressions of only this phrase. The calculation will also take into account different word forms of the phrase, as well as different word order. For example, here are the statistics that Wordstat will offer us for the query "spring drops":

The "exclamation mark" operator takes into account impressions according to the form of the word that we specified, without any changes (different word forms are not taken into account):

A small note - an exclamation mark is placed immediately before the word, a space between the "!" and the word is not put.

Exact query frequency

In search promotion, a joint bundle of these operators is used. The number of impressions of the search phrase with these operators is called the "exact frequency (frequency) of the query":

With this construction of the search phrase, using these operators, we can count queries that cannot change both the query itself and its word forms (for example, endings). This will allow us, taking into account the clickability of the snippet, to give an approximate number of impressions of the promoted page for this query in Yandex (depending on the position in the top).

That is why, when compiling the semantic core, we pay attention to the exact frequency of the request.

Thanks to special operators, we can find out in Wordstat the queries we need and the number of their impressions for almost any of our requirements. For example, we need pancake recipe queries with the following restrictions:

  • requests should contain the words “recipe” and “cook”;
  • we take different options by type of dish (pancakes, pancakes);
  • queries do not contain the ingredient "milk";
  • we want requests so that the exact word “kefir” is there.

As a result, we get a query with the following operators and the corresponding list of found phrases:

Scheme of work in Wordstat

The entire structure of the service clearly performs one function - the search for phrases. Here is the scheme for receiving and processing search queries in Yandex Wordstat:

As you can see, various service tools and special operators are used to search for phrases. There is also an additional option for obtaining search phrases - this is the right column. It does not happen for all phrases and, as a rule, it includes those queries that were typed when searching for the main phrase.

For various topics of sites, the “History of Requests” and “By Regions” tools may fall out of this scheme. There are also some differences in using the Wordstat service for information and commercial resources.

This completes a small guide to using Yandex Wordstat. In the following posts, I will tell you how to work with seasonal queries and how to work in statistics as easily and conveniently as possible using special plugins.

Sincerely, Your Maxim Dovzhenko

In addition, Yandex and Google, different algorithms the formation of search results, tips, and, accordingly, popular queries are also different. This means that in order to get the maximum possible traffic from Google, we need to collect semantics from it. In this article, we will analyze how to do this completely free of charge, spending no more than half an hour.

If you have previously launched an advertising company, then you can see additional information on the statistics of queries in Google Adwords by monitoring which queries your ad was shown for. To do this, go to the section "Reports" and create a new one as a table.

Then, in the "Targeting" section, find Search term and drag it to the table box. Further, the data obtained in this way, in any convenient format, including an Excel file, can be saved on your computer, and then cluster or make an interesting selection. The figure below shows real data for one of our clients, where 1894 unique requests! Is it cool?

Among these requests, you can select all requests that indicate the names of companies, phone numbers or website addresses of competitors, and add these keywords to your companies in the CCM and/or on search.

The second use case is to improve the SEO optimization of a website or a single page: .

Also, this statistics will help determine the real needs of users:

  • going to buy, but not soon;
  • evaluates proposals from different companies;
  • ready to buy right now;
  • will not buy, looking for general information.

Another example of collecting statistics on queries

For example, our company is engaged in the repair of computers and hardware in the city of Moscow. At the same time, we have a rather limited budget for advertising, so we want to find keywords for which the lowest competition (few advertisers) in order to be a priority choice for users in advertising and thus get the maximum number of conversions from a minimum coverage.

  1. The query for which the words will be collected: "laptop repair".
  2. Region: Moscow.
  3. Level of competition: low.

Here are a few keywords out of 300 that the system showed us, among which the query looks very promising tablet repair. Here you can not focus on the recommended rate level, since in fact it can differ significantly from the real one, both with the “+” sign and with the “-” sign.

Checking the request "tablet repair in Moscow" We didn't find any advertisements.

Therefore, we can conclude that Google Adwords query statistics are a storehouse of useful information that, if used correctly, has great potential. But whether you will use it or not, entirely depends on you.

A competent selection of search queries will help you quickly get an extensive database of keywords (semantic core) for further creation of materials that are relevant to them and are in demand among users.

Knowing the frequency of the request in Google, you can create a site with the correct structure and improve the position of existing pages. In addition, the statistics obtained during the study will make it possible to set up contextual advertising with minimal costs and maximum conversion.

The secret of success is that you need not only to analyze the niche and understand your target audience, but also to select popular queries using special services.

Do you want to create an effective semantic core without the services of agencies and optimizers? Then you need to read this article!

How to find out the statistics of queries in "Google"?

If you are aiming to win the sympathy of Runet users, professional tools from the Google search engine are exactly what you need.

AdWords Keyword Planner

Google AdWords is the main free platform with an intuitive interface similar to Yandex WordStat, but with competition assessment. The service is focused on issuing and filtering requests from Google, which can be used for SEO promotion of sites and YouTube channels, as well as setting up advertisements.

The Keyword Planner tool shows details for both individual keywords and entire phrases and gives you all the information related to them - the details will be useful for a successful project strategy. The advantages of this option include powerful functionality for analytics of the effectiveness of promotion, taking into account not only the frequency, but also the competition of keys. Among other things, Google AdWords issues a preliminary price (bid) for queries.

Minus one - you get not exact, average data taking into account search results. Google support emphasizes that the total number of selected queries for individual regions rarely corresponds to the sum of their keys.

Attention! AdWords shows no more than 800 queries, which means that you will have to enter each phrase you are interested in separately. For example, first "buy women's clothing" and then "buy women's dress."

Google Keywords Planner search statistics

Instructions for selecting queries in Google AdWords

The algorithms for working with this service are incredibly simple:

1. Create a single Google account for all informers.

4. Fill out a simple form (with selected phrases, location and negative keywords) and you will receive the information you need.

This is interesting! In 2017, Google changed the gray interface with unjustified submenus to a more modern and attractive analogue. Now working in the system has become even more convenient and enjoyable.

Manual key selection method

Unlike the automatic way of working with the service, manual control is carried out through the browser without such auxiliary tools as Slovoeb, Magadan or Key Collector.

To start collecting the semantic core, you need to follow the link and then go to the "Search for new keywords by phrase, site or category" subsection.

To start searching for keywords in Google Keywords Plein Air, you need to enter one or two phrases from your preliminary list, adjusting the output settings using filters by region, language, and date range. Then you should click the "Get Variants" button, export the received requests to CSV and then continue working with the following search phrases.

Key guessing for an existing landing page

You have the opportunity to view the statistics of search queries in Google, based on the initial list of priority phrases or on a specific landing page. In this way, it is easy to analyze and then improve the main elements of a web project. You can go further - to study the features of a competitor's website under a microscope, draw conclusions and revise your own strategy.

To do this, go to the "Keyword Planner", enter the address to the page of interest and configure the tool in accordance with personal preferences.

The presented analysis method will show both the frequency of requests and the level of their competition, the recommended bid for launching paid advertising by the service.

The interface of the modified service impresses with thoughtfulness. At the top there is a line for the name of the product or service, next to it there is a button "Get options" and "Edit search criteria". Below are two subsections: one for working with ad groups, the other for calculating keywords.

The second category includes frequency, competition, and average CPC and bounce rates for each ad. At the very bottom you can see relevant phrases - they will be useful for expanding the semantic core.

Word order in a query

Unlike Yandex WordStat, Google's query selection tool is able to distinguish the same key phrase with a particular word order. Statistics and bid for such keywords will have different indicators - this applies to exact and phrase matching.

If you do not want to enter essentially the same queries with different word order, but want to immediately familiarize yourself with all the data, use the broad match modifier (+). It will show synonyms and similar keys.

Search phrases by region

Are you planning to promote the site in the area? Then you need to use the "Location" tab and set the desired city - you will receive a list of requests that are popular with the target audience.

You can also select "All locations" and then exclude phrases with extra cities and regions from the results.

Advice! If an extensive initial list is required, we recommend using a minimum of filters. So you will collect the maximum number of target phrases and better understand the topic, the needs of your potential customers. But get ready for the fact that further cleaning and preparation of keys will require a lot of effort and time.

Convenient seasonal analysis

The Google Keyword Tool shows the dynamics of search queries by week and month. Information from this section will be useful for an information site with a New Year theme, offering its services to a travel agency, an online store selling swimwear or flower seeds.

The information obtained will help predict the decline and growth in the number of visitors for specific keys.

Programs and services for searching queries for Google

1. "Slovoeb" - a multifunctional free tool that allows you to automatically generate a large list of keys with an analysis of the region and the time required for promotion.

2. Keyword Tool is a handy service that supports more than 80 languages. For most requests, it selects over 750 keys, and also gives search hints.

3. - the platform pleases with a clear interface and good functionality. Allows you to identify the keywords your competitors are ranking for.

4. Key Collector - paid, but very convenient and powerful option for those who want to get maximum information with minimum effort.
5. - shows tips for improving the list of keys, allows you to collect a long tail that will quickly bring the first customers.

After testing each of the presented tools, you will surely find one that will help you form the perfect semantic core. As a result, the site will attract new visitors, which means it will increase sales or income from monetization.

Purpose: Yandex Wordstat is one of the key tools for determining the current demand in a particular topic, and, accordingly, the formation of an actual semantic core. It is actively used by SEO-optimizers, copywriters and webmasters.

Searching for keywords using Yandex wordstat is one of the fastest and most convenient ways to select keys for the semantic core today. From experience, picking up keywords in this online Yandex service means collecting from 30 to 40% of the total size of the semantic core. Additionally, you can search for keywords in Yandex through the selection of search suggestions, but this is a topic for another article. The service is absolutely free.

In addition to selection, you can perform a convenient analysis of search queries in Yandex Wordstat, how many queries are targeted and in demand - the service has a lot of functionality for this. Keyword analysis in Yandex Wordstat comes down to:

  • Word frequency analysis (query popularity) for 3 match options: broad, phrasal, exact.
  • Popularity of queries in different regions
  • Determining the seasonality of a search phrase through the "Query History" tool.

Case 1. To automate work with the service, there are a number of tools: KeyCollector(paid), SlovoYoB(free version of KeyCollector), keyword parser "Magadan"(paid and free edition), extension for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome for Yandex Wordstat Helper, AllSubmitter(module "selection of keywords"), YWSCheck.

Below we will take a closer look at keyword statistics from Yandex Wordstat (, as the main tool for collecting Yandex query statistics and the words themselves. However, you can also select the necessary popular queries using another service from Yandex - Direct ( It was created for advertising campaigns and allows you to fine-tune the display of ad units that will be displayed for certain search phrases.

Although both services use the same information base and have some similar functions, their purpose is completely different.

Case 2.
- Information in the service is updated once a month.
- The maximum number of pages with results is 40.
- The minimum frequency is 1.

1. Viewing query statistics using Yandex Wordstat

In order to take advantage tool for selecting popular keywords and see the statistics of Yandex search queries, you must be a registered user and pass authorization. If there are no problems with this, then by going to the page you can immediately get to work.

In the search bar, enter the query of interest. For example, if you are planning to create an informational website on the topic of landscaping, enter "landscaping".

After a couple of seconds, in the left column you will see statistics for the entered key phrase. The first line will display the phrase and the number of impressions per month.

Attention! The frequency in Yandex Wordstat and Direct is not how many times a given query was entered in the Yandex search line, but how many times a Yandex Direct ad appeared for this search query - this should be remembered!

All phrases below are diluted word forms of the entered key. You should not sum up the number of impressions for them, since they are all included in the total number indicated in the first line. By clicking on one of them, for example, on "landscape design of the site", you can find out the statistics specifically for this area, with all sorts of additional words.

Case 3. To get around the Yandex limitation on the number of query options, they can be searched in various forms, for example: cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, etc. As a result, you will get more options for search queries than if you only asked: cleaning

The right line will display similar queries and Yandex query statistics for them. This is very useful when compiling and expanding the semantic core, if, for example, the main search phrase does not have a wide scope.

Case 4. Remember that frequency indicators are very often screwed up and do not always correspond to real demand. Causes:
- site owners and seo companies monitor the visibility of their sites daily
- the work of various services for checking positions, cheating behavioral factors, grouping search queries

2. Region setting

If you are creating a site focused on a specific region (for example, a site for a water delivery company in Moscow, or any city portal), then the statistics of search phrases must be configured by region. By default, Yandex Wordstat is tied to your location. However, in any case, you should specify the correct region for statistics processing. You can do this by clicking on the appropriate button under the search bar. Here, you can also check the box in the "by region" position and see the frequency of use of the words you are interested in on the world map.

Case 5. For large regions: Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, you can set the region Russia, and after collecting, remove all regions except the one you need (you can find a lot of lists of regions of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine on the Internet). This way you can get a wider list of keywords.

In the "by regions" report, you can understand in which regions this query is more popular. And when you click on the button map» you can visually see on the world map the frequency of using the phrase.

Case 6. When hovering over a country, the percentage can be greater than 100. "Regional popularity" is the share that a region occupies in impressions for a given word, divided by the share of all search results impressions that fell on that region. The popularity of a word/phrase equal to 100% means that this word is not highlighted in this region. If the popularity is more than 100%, this means that in this region there is an increased interest in this word, if it is less than 100% - a reduced one.

This data can be used in the formation of contextual advertising and decide whether to create separate advertising campaigns for certain regions.

3. Seasonality

The Query History tool allows you to:

  • See detailed statistics by month, week.
  • Assess the seasonality of a particular topic.
  • Determine if the phrase is “dummy” (the number of impressions was boosted by webmasters in a short period).

By entering a search phrase and clicking on "Query History", you can see the impression statistics for the year. For example, by entering our query “landscape design” into the search for Yandex Wordstat words, we will see that this topic is at its peak of popularity only in the spring and summer months. And by the new year, the frequency barely exceeds 100,000 impressions per month.

Case 7. Seasonality allows you to find "wound" / "dummy" requests, for example, if the phrase has a frequency of 0 for a whole year, and the frequency has become 3000 for the last 1-2 months. Explicit seasonal requests can be an exception to the rule, for example: buy a large artificial Christmas tree, buy New Year's toys, naturally, in the summer the frequency of such requests will be zero. An exception may be important news and events, for example: the victory of an unknown athlete at the Olympics.
When analyzing jumps in a chart, it is advisable to analyze several requests from a group in order to understand the general upward and downward trends in the graph.

Yandex Wordstat will be useful for novice webmasters who create their first site. With its help, they can pick up key phrases with stable popularity. This will allow them not to depend on the season and have a more stable income.

Case 8. Wordstat statements don't work here! Be aware that this report does not support any query language operators. Seasonality of the query Yandex does not provide information using the "quotation marks", "exclamation mark" and all other operators. In this report, Yandex provides information on the widest match type.

4. Operators in Yandex Wordstat for keyword selection

The search form in Wordstat supports 5 operators, using which you can: "Refine queries", "Exclude unnecessary words", "Combine data for several queries":

  • "-" operator. If you put it before a certain word, then all queries that contain this word will disappear from the selection. Example: Buy a bmx bike -bu -moscow
  • Operator "(|)". It is used to add synonyms to the selection. For example, the construction “Flights to (Istanbul|Antalya)” is equivalent to two queries: “Flights to Istanbul” and “Flights to Antalya”.
  • Operator "!" - Exact match. It is needed so that the words you entered are taken into account by the service in the exact form, without changing the endings or declensions.
  • The quote operator "" is a phrase match. By putting the desired phrase in quotation marks, you can remove from the selection all diluted queries containing additional words and leave only its exact form and word forms.
  • "+" operator. Conjunctions and prepositions will only be taken into account if they are preceded by this operator. Otherwise, they will be ignored by Yandex.

Example. The difference in the frequency of different matches for "all regions":

  • Broad match - apartment cleaning - 15,912 impressions per month
  • Phrase match - "cleaning apartments" - 1,963 impressions per month
  • Exact match - "!cleaning! apartments" - 1,057 impressions per month

Case 9. When selecting search queries for a site, it is necessary to additionally check the frequency by exact match, since the phrases “nulls” are very common, while by broad match they can have very impressive values.

5. Consider word order in the query

If there are 2 queries in the core that contain the same words, only in a different order, then now everyone can find out which of the two options users ask more often, for example:

It was before the advent of the operator: "!buy! Christmas tree" - "469 impressions per month" or "buy a Christmas tree" - "469 impressions per month"

It became when using the operator: "buy a Christmas tree" - "442 impressions per month" or "buy a Christmas tree" - "27 impressions per month"

Conclusion: the query “buy a Christmas tree” is more given than “buy a Christmas tree”.
The "true" frequency is 442 impressions per month for the most popular option - "buy a Christmas tree".
* verification was carried out - 09/26/2016
* Previously, to determine the correct spelling, you had to resort to the services of the Keyword Planner tool -

Operator ""(square brackets). Allows you to fix the order of words in a search query. In this case, all word forms and stop words are taken into account.
For example, for the phrase “tickets [from Moscow to Paris]”, the ad will be shown for the queries “flight tickets from Moscow to Paris”, “from Moscow to Paris tickets”, but will not appear for the queries “tickets from Paris to Moscow”, “ tickets moscow paris” or “how to fly from moscow to paris”.

Often there is a task to collect all queries from 2, 3 or 4 words with the occurrence of the main marker queries. Here are two examples of how to do this:

Example 1: if you need to collect all 3-word queries in the topic with the words cleaning, you need to form the following line - "cleaning cleaning cleaning".

More compact alternative line:

(cleaning ~3) - parses all 3-word queries with the word cleaning
(cleaning ~4) - parses all 4-word queries with the word cleaning

Example 2: If the main query is two-word and you need to parse all 4-word queries with it, then you need to form the following string - "cleaning cleaning cleaning apartments".

More compact alternative line:(cleaning ~4) apartments

7. Features of Yandex Wordstat

The downside of Yandex Wordstat direct parsing is the technical limitations imposed by the service itself:

  • When checking frequencies, it is necessary to form separate queries for each checked phrase. Due to this, the time for collecting information increases.
  • With a large number of requests, additional proxy servers may be needed, because the service may impose sanctions in the form of an eternal captcha or a ban (you can also try to change the IP address by resetting the Internet connection if the IP address is issued dynamically by the provider).

8. Browser plugins for the convenience of working with Yandex Wordstat

  • Yandex Wordstat Helper is an extension for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome that allows you to significantly speed up the collection of words using the service.
  • Yandex Wordstat Assistant - An extension for Google Chrome, Yandex Browser and Opera browsers, which allows you to significantly speed up the manual collection of words using the Yandex word selection service (wordstat).

9. Selection of search phrases using Yandex Direct

Yandex Direct is a contextual advertising service, and the lion's share of its users are sellers of goods and services, advertisers. Despite the fact that it is "sharpened" for advertising campaigns, this service also allows you to see Yandex statistics for popular keywords or products that users want to buy. But, since this is an exclusively commercial tool, here you can also calculate your profit from promotion for specific queries.

Selection of keywords for Yandex Direct can be done using the following instruction:

  • Go to the page .
  • Click on the button " Place an advertisment” and click “start using the service”.
  • Fill in the data on the advertising campaign and proceed to the next stage of its settings (the "next" button at the bottom of the page).
  • Proceed to filling in the "new keywords" field.

By clicking on the "Search words" button and entering a search phrase, you will see the same statistics as in the word search service. Here you can add specific Yandex Direct key phrases so that your ad is shown on them. Tips are also available to fine-tune your advertising campaign.

Case 10. A very fast collection of search queries is implemented in the KeyCollector program; in a few minutes, if there are a sufficient number of accounts, thousands of phrases can be collected.

10. Additional budget forecast service in Direct

As we have seen, Wordstat and Yandex services are designed to solve completely different tasks. If Wordstat is used by webmasters and SEOs who are trying to make money on advertising, Direct is also used by advertisers to build their campaigns.

Nevertheless, in the functionality of Yandex Direct there is a very popular tool for both webmasters and advertisers - “ budget forecast". The former can realistically assess the potential profit from the site, provided they get into the Yandex Advertising Network, while the latter can assess their advertising costs.

Case 11. In its interface, in the "Hints" window, only "not empty" frequency queries are displayed, with which you can collect all the significant initial phrases in the subject, which can be further expanded.

By adding a group of keywords, you can see not only their frequency (“Impression Forecast”), but also the cost of a click on an ad, as well as the CTR (click through rate).

11. Features of Yandex Direct

  • You can use both batch collection of phrases from the left and right columns, and refinement of all types of frequencies for the phrases in the table. This mode reduces calls to the service and significantly increases the collection speed.
  • When picking up phrases from the left or right column via Yandex Direct, the service may return fewer phrases than it gives out in the main Yandex.Wordstat
  • When collecting frequencies in the KeyCollector through the Yandex.Direct interface, a huge data acquisition rate is achieved (up to 1000 phrases per minute for 1 stream).

Yandex started in the late 1980s. And today it is one of the most popular among search services. The main feature of the named search engine is that it searches for keywords without taking into account the number of parts of speech and prepositions used in them. Gives sites on demand, based only on keywords. For users, this feature is very convenient, but the analysis of requests in Yandex becomes more problematic.

In addition to the currently popular Google and the named search engine, Rambler is also used. It is more accurate in terms of search queries, but less popular.

What is "Yandex Wordstat"?

This special service was created by Yandex for webmasters and optimizers. This system helps to create the semantic core of the site and choose the right keywords for each new article that you publish on your site. And this significantly increases the number of visits.

In addition, Wordstat helps to assess the competitiveness of your online resource.

By registering in the mentioned system, you will be able to find the most popular queries by selecting keywords.

The system provides information about requests within a month. By entering the word and phrase you need in the thematic field, you can filter the results by region.

During the selection of queries, you can use special operators that facilitate the search.

Most wanted

In 2012, a list was created of the top five topics that people most often search for on the Internet. Ryan Dube, an SEO with a decade of experience, helped compile this list.

These results cover the entire world population. Let's take a look at them:

  1. So, in the first place were the requests of children and adolescents. Here are questions why parents forbid something, and how to kiss a girl for the first time. Many topics that children and teenagers are embarrassed to discuss with adults. However, this is quite a healthy interest, and you should not be afraid of it, experts say. Although kids should think about how to clear requests in Yandex before parents find out what questions are swarming in the heads of their children.
  2. The next topic raises doubts about the mental health of most people. These are scenes of rape and torture. As they say, no comment.
  3. In third place is the question "How?" with many variations. How to build, plant, cook?
  4. In fourth place are purely female questions: how to seduce a man, lose weight, remain attractive and desirable?
  5. And of course, many people read articles on the topic of certain diseases. Many of us prefer a quality doctor's consultation text. Symptoms that seem to us to be a manifestation of a non-serious disease, we usually look for on the Internet.

These query statistics in Yandex help you decide on the choice of content if you are looking for a topic to create and develop your own project. It is worth focusing on it when choosing a topic for a new blog.

The most frequent request in "Yandex"

Probably, many Internet users once wondered: what queries are entered into search engines? People work with sites of various subjects, develop online stores and companies, and, as a rule, their search activity is based on this. The special Yandex system helps to track which issues most often concern users. So, what is the most frequent request in Yandex?

A large number of users decides working moments. The rest are mainly concerned with urgent matters that are related to personal petty needs - to eat, play, watch and, of course, talk. Below are the results obtained within one month.

world online

Nowadays, people do almost everything on the Internet - work, study, shop. Fortunately, their percentage is not so great that the streets of cities are empty. But at the same time, the most popular query in Yandex contains the word "site". This includes mainly website promotion (as many as 146,000,000 requests per month!). Some are looking for specialists to promote their own sites, while others are trying to master this skill on their own. After all, a well-developed site brings a good income.

This is especially true for online stores. And they are next on the list. Users actively make purchases via the Internet, ranging from underwear to large appliances. The number of online stores is growing steadily. Many create their own and work only through the Internet, others increase the number of sales by creating a catalog.

Ad sites are no less in demand. Among them, the leader is OLX, formerly called "Slando".

Facebook and VKontakte

Facebook is also one of the most frequent queries in Yandex. It is one of the ten most popular social networks in the world. He was accompanied by YouTube, VKontakte, Twitter, Weibo and others. The number of users is about 1.4 billion. At the same time, 160 million are citizens of the USA, Brazil, Turkey, Great Britain, and Mexico.

With the decline in the popularity of VKontakte, which Russian-speaking users used to like much more, the demand for Facebook has increased significantly. But at the same time, VKontakte is trying not to give up its positions. This is the only Russian site that took 8th place in the top ten most popular social networks in the world. More than 228 million users from many Russian-speaking countries are registered here. Despite the ban on VKontakte in Ukraine, many Ukrainians continue to actively visit this site. Therefore, one of the most frequent queries in Yandex looks like "my page" VKontakte "".

And since our population loves to communicate with foreigners (including through special dating sites), the next most frequent request is "translator". By the way, many foreign students are registered on the VKontakte network who communicate with Russian-speaking friends. Both interlocutors in this case are forced to use an interpreter.

Cause time - fun hour

The most interesting thing is that the number of requests with the word "game" totals 75,984,283 times a month. Most of the requests relate to the popular game "Tanks", which is especially fond of men, and to children's online games for boys and girls. They allow you to keep the child busy during household chores.

Slightly less than games, they look for movies to download or watch online. It is noteworthy that when you enter the word "love" into the search engine, it immediately gives out films in the genre of drama or melodrama. Mostly Turkish.

What do people prefer to watch? A greater number of requests in Yandex indicates that they most often watch shows (like "Kitchen" and "The Bachelor"), as well as American films. Most often they belong to the fantasy genre. Series are no less in demand - both Russian and Ukrainian, as well as American.

Urgent problems

The following requests in "Yandex", according to statistics, relate to news, calculation of the amount on the calculator, weather forecast for tomorrow. The weather forecast, by the way, is often correct.

And of course, the horoscope. "Yandex" provides a huge number of sites with horoscopes for today, tomorrow and for a month. Not far from the horoscopes, according to the frequency of requests, there is also a dream book.


Fortunately, not only films are downloaded, but also literature. And not only swing. It is often read online. I am glad that reading literature is still a popular activity for young people. Currently, you can read books online on several sites for free - Litmir, Loveread, Knizhnik, etc.

It is noteworthy that in the top three most popular genres of literature, women's love stories are in the lead. These include historical, modern and even fantasy. The number of love-fiction novels is growing every day.

The Russian detective is also very popular. If foreign ones are rarely read in our country, then Russian detectives, including female ones (many of them have a fair amount of humor), are searched in Yandex very often. They are read online, downloaded, bought in online stores.


The question "why" is one of the most popular queries in Yandex and Google. Most are interested in why this or that organ hurts. A huge number of requests in "Yandex" while focused on headaches, back pain and swelling of the legs.

A little less people are not interested in health, but in relationships with the opposite sex - "why is he ..." or "why is she ...". And here the variations of the questions differ - these can be betrayals, difficulties in mutual understanding and unpleasant situations in which the partner showed himself from the worst side. The history of requests in Yandex shows that such issues are usually discussed on the forums.

In addition, the following questions are often driven into the search engine:

  • "Why am I stupid?"
  • "Why can't I lose weight?"
  • "Why am I an idiot?"

Usually discussion of such problems takes place on the forums.


The search history in Yandex is incredibly voluminous, and it is incredibly difficult to cover all popular topics. But we tried to describe the most popular queries that are of interest to the Russian-speaking population in the Internet space. We hope the information was useful to you.

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