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Aipad on android error processor acor. Solving the problem for ordinary users

Despite the fact that a lot of time is devoted to software testing, errors in its work are inevitable and everyone can face them. Let's consider the reasons for the error with the "android. process. media ”, as well as methods of its elimination.

“In the android. process. media. an error has occurred "- reasons

See the message "B android app... process. media. an error has occurred ”is most often possible when working with the file system of your device. First of all, this concerns downloading files and moving them in the system. That is, when you work with any application for downloading or structuring files, you have a chance to stumble upon this error. It occurs when a contradiction is created in the name or location of files, as well as due to errors in the code of the software that works with these files.

It is worth clarifying that on android versions 4.3 Jelly Bean and higher, the probability of encountering this error is extremely low. Developers are constantly working on software and as a result, this error practically does not occur in new versions.

How to fix it

Since this error often occurs due to the fact that the cache of files in the program does not correspond to their real location, one of the most simple ways to fix this error is to delete all cache related to this.

Clearing the cache

  • Select "Applications"

    Select "Applications"

  • Find there Downloads app(Downloads) and select it. In some versions of the device, this application will be called "Download Manager".

    Find the "Downloads" app there and select it

  • Click the "Clear cache" button. And also for reliability, you can select the "Erase data" item, just above. This will not affect the integrity of your files.

    Click the "Clear cache" button

  • Repeat steps 4-5 for application File manager(File Manager), as well as Google services such as Google music or Google services Framework.

    Repeat for other applications

  • If all these steps did not help, there are others, more radical methods... For example, you can format the memory card on which applications are installed. This will probably eliminate the cause of the error, but in doing so you will lose all data installed on this memory card.

  • Open the Settings menu of your device.

    Open the "Settings" menu of your device

  • Select "Restore and Reset".

    Select "Restore and reset"

  • Find the line "Reset settings" there and select it.

    Find the line "Reset settings" there and select it

  • Please carefully read the warning about which files and data will be deleted.
  • Click "Reset Phone Settings"

    Read the information before pressing the button

  • After that, your phone will be formatted and most likely the problem with “android. process. media ”will be removed.

    If you urgently need to install an application, but formatting the device is unacceptable to you, you can try to install it in internal memory devices. Of course, there must be enough memory for the installation. To install in the internal memory, just remove external card memory from the device.

    How to remove the error by turning off sync with Google

    Another way to solve the problem is to turn off synchronization. file structure with Google services.

  • Open the Settings menu of your device.

    Open the "Settings" menu of your device

  • Select "Accounts"

    Select "Accounts"

  • Call the dropdown menu.
  • Always update the apps you use. In many more fresh versions software, the cause of this error may already be eliminated.
  • You can update the firmware of the device itself to a more recent version. As stated earlier, this error is extremely rare after android 4.3.
  • If other methods do not help, you can simply exclude folders from the file structure check. This can be done both through special applications like QuickPic, or independently by creating empty file with ".nomedia" permission in all folders that you want to exclude from the general scan.
  • We have examined the main possible causes of the "android. process. media ”, as well as methods of correcting this error. Use the latest software and a chance reappearance this error will be minimized.

    There is not one in the world operating system that would work flawlessly and this is not surprising, because program code The OS contains millions of lines of code, and it would be surprising if the developers don't make mistakes in them. In the process of using the system, errors are identified and corrected in subsequent updates. The Android operating system is no exception.

    One of the most common crashes in this OS is a bug android process process acore, at the occurrence of which a message appears about unexpected stop this process"The process android process acore has stopped unexpectedly ".

    Let's take a look at the causes of the problem and how to fix it. So: android process acore an error occurred and how to fix it.

    When the error occurs most often

    Most often, the android process acore stops when the built-in application is opened - camera, contacts, calendar, clock, etc. In this case, the system displays the above message and closes the application, which becomes impossible to use. This situation is especially sad if an error appears when calling a subscriber from the contact list.

    Causes of error in android process acore

    This error dates back to Android 2.0 and wanders from version to version. Most often it occurs in devices Samsung companies and HTC. It has been noticed that crash in android process acore mainly occurs in the following cases:

    1. The user got root rights on the android device and disabled any system applications, without which the OS cannot work properly.
    2. The user received on the device and deleted any system folders and files.
    3. When a conflict occurs, applications that perform the same functions and one of which is the system one. For example, an alternative dialer, third-party clock, custom shell (launcher), etc.

    The latter reason is the most common, so if after installing the duplicate program the message "android process acore an error occurred" appears, this application.

    If an error occurs when opening the Contacts application or while working with it, then you need to clear the data in the contact store. However, this will erase all records, so if they are not made backups or contacts not with Google Contacts, the numbers will be lost. To clear the storage, do the following:

    1. Go to the section " Applications" v Android settings devices.
    2. Select the tab “ Everything"In which to find" Contact store»And tap on it to open the service information screen.
    3. Press the button " Erase data».

    After this operation, the error will disappear, but the entries in the phone book will also disappear. This manipulation should be carried out for each application, upon opening which a message appears about stopping the android process acore. Naturally, you have to choose in the section “ Appendix»The appropriate program. Also, check which system apps you disabled and enable them back.

    But what if, after clearing the application data, the message still appears. Then you will have to fix the problem "android process acore an error occurred" by editing the system files. However, in this case, high qualifications of the user and the presence of root rights on Android.

    How to fix android process acore error by editing system files

    Install from Google play a file manager that gives access to the Android system partition, such as ES File Explorer.

    1. Open ES Explorer, go to the csc folder along the path / system / csc / located in system partition Android. Find the others.xml file here.
    2. Open the others.xml file using any notepad or word processor on your smartphone or tablet. Find the line in the file true
    3. Replace true in the middle of the line with false and hit save.
    4. Reboot your device.

    Fixing android process acore error by resetting to factory settings

    If all the above measures did not help or you want to solve the problem in one fell swoop, then it is guaranteed to get rid of android errors process acore can be done by resetting the gadget to factory settings. In the previously posted, you can read how to do this.

    At the end of the process, you will receive your device configured as you bought it in the store. All personal data, custom settings, third party applications will be erased, but the problem will disappear too. an error has occurred, the process has stopped, what should I do? After updating the firmware, restoring or changing the ROM data on an Android device, sometimes, unfortunately, an error message like the following starts to appear: "Unfortunately, the process has been stopped." This means that there are problems with the support of the SIM-card, which ensures the interaction of the smartphone and the network. In some cases, it is not possible to solve it by simply rebooting the device, and the message appears again and again, blocking the screen. Therefore, we decided to offer you other ways to get out of this unpleasant situation.

    The easiest option is factory reset Android smartphone... But this method is far from ideal, since when you use it, you lose all data and will have to re-download and install all previously downloaded applications. Fortunately, there are other methods available.

    So, if you could not unlock the device, and it continues to reboot automatically, and the problem message appears with an interval of several seconds, you will have to resort to method number two. This is a method for advanced users. To apply it you will need custom recovery and the AROMA file manager. You can act according to one of two schemes:

    Scheme 1.

    1. In the menu of the tablet or smartphone, find "Settings" -> "Applications"
    2. Select the "All" tab.
    3. Scroll through the items in it until you see "Phone" or something similar in meaning.

    4. Click on the application icon to update the information.
    5. First select the "Clear data" option.

    6. Then do the same (cleaning) for the SIM toolkit.
    7. Reboot your device and, depending on the result, either rejoice or try the second method.

    Scheme 2.

    1. Download latest version file manager AROMA.
    2. Copy the file, with the download of which there were problems, to internal card memory or SD.
    3. Load the device into recovery.

    4. As soon as the android device boots into custom recovery, execute " Install ZIP"-> choose" zip form».
    5. Find the manager zip file.

    6. Download it by selecting " Yes - Install».

    7. Now you can make sure that the file manager is installed on your Android device.

    8. Enter the file manager menu and select " Settings».
    9. Scroll through the items until you see " Config Mount", And then select the option" Automount all devices on start».

    10. Apply all changes by selecting the " Done" (ready).
    11. Go to the folder " Data / Data».
    12. There in the folder " Phone»Clean up cache and do the same for the SIM toolkit app.

    13. Go to the file manager menu again, select " Exit", And confirm your actions (" Yes»).
    14. Now you see again the window for installing the update from the ZIP file (“ Install updates from Zip file».
    15. Go back to main recovery menu and restart your device.

    If you receive messages again about a problem with stopping the process, then you already know how to deal with it - reset smartphone or tablet settings... We recommend that you do this all the same through custom recovery, since this method is more gentle and does not completely erase the internal memory of the Android device, but only removes application data.

    An unpleasant error that can occur while using an Android device is a problem with the android.process.acore process. The problem is purely software, and in most cases the user can solve it on his own.

    This kind of message occurs when using system applications, most often attempts to open "Contacts" or some other programs built into the firmware (for example, "Camera"). The crash occurs due to a conflict of application access to the same system component... The following steps will help you fix this.

    Method 1: Stop the problematic application

    The simplest and most gentle method, however, it does not guarantee complete elimination of the error.

    However, after restarting the device or launching an application, stopping which helped to resolve the crash, the error may recur. If so, look at other methods.

    Method 2: Clearing App Data

    A more radical solution to the problem, which entails the possible loss of data, so before using it, make a backup copy of useful information just in case.

    Method 3: Cleaning the system from viruses

    Errors of this kind also occur when there is viral infection... True, this can be excluded on non-rooted devices - viruses can interfere with the operation of system files only if there is root access. If you suspect that your device has picked up an infection, do the following.

    1. Install on the device.
    2. Following the instructions in the app, run full check devices.
    3. If the check showed the presence of malware, remove it and restart your smartphone or tablet.
    4. The error will disappear.

    However, sometimes the changes made by the virus to the system may remain even after its removal. If so, see the method below.

    Method 4: Factory reset

    Ultima ratio in the fight against many mistakes Android systems will help in case of a crash in the android.process.acore process. Since one of probable causes such problems can be manipulation of system files, a factory reset will help roll back unwanted changes.

    We remind you again that a factory reset will delete all information on internal storage device, so we strongly recommend making a backup!

    Method 5: flashing

    If such an error occurs on a device with a third-party firmware, then it is possible that this is the reason. Despite all the advantages third-party firmware(version Android is newer, more possibilities, ported software chips of other devices), they also have a lot of pitfalls, one of which is driver problems.

    This part of the firmware is usually proprietary, and third party developers do not have access to it. As a result, substitutes are inserted into the firmware. Such substitutes may be incompatible with specific instance devices, which is why errors occur, including the one that this material is devoted to. Therefore, if none of the above methods helped you, we recommend back to the stock software or another (more stable) third-party firmware.

    We have listed all the main causes of the error in the android.process.acore process, and also considered methods to fix it. If you have something to add to the article - welcome to the comments!

    As many years of experience show, very often owners of devices with Android OS are faced with various errors and problems, some of which simply confuse some users. For example, a fairly common case where the device shows a notification, an android process acore error has occurred.

    How do I fix the problem? What should a novice user do if he has just purchased a phone and does not know all the intricacies of his device? Why did it happen given error? V this material we will answer all questions related to this problem. In the future, you can not only quickly bring your smartphone back to life, but also prevent such errors from occurring.

    What are the reasons for this error?

    First you need to understand why this error occurs on your phone. Moreover, it should be noted that it can appear in almost any version of the Android operating system, regardless of the manufacturer.

    And so, here is the list possible reasons the occurrence of this system error:

    • Your phone has deleted system files or folders required for correct work operating system;
    • The operating system cannot work stably and correctly due to the shutdown of one of the system applications;
    • Several programs or widgets are installed on the device, which have similar functions that conflict with each other, for example, synchronizing data from a contact list or viewing a forecast, mail clients.

    How to fix android process acore error: 2 ways

    Even if your device has similar problem, do not immediately panic and go to the store for a new phone. We also do not recommend that you contact service center and just give away cash... You yourself can fix this problem, even if you recently purchased a device with the Android operating system. We have roughly divided the list of solutions into two categories, ranging from ordinary users who have just started working with this OS, ending with advanced users.

    Method 1 - for beginners

    As practice shows, this error mainly occurs when working with the contact list on your smartphone. For example, you are trying to add new contact v notebook or erase the entry, edit. To fix the error, you will need to do the following:

    • Go to "Settings" and select the "Applications" tab.
    • Find the "All" tab and then "Contact Store".
    • Now find the item "Erase data" and click on it. Attention! All your contacts will be deleted from mobile phone however the error is likely to go away. If you have previously created separate copies in vCard format or synchronized phone book v Google services, then it will be easy to recover all the data.

    Another reason this error might appear is incorrect work"Calendar stores"... To fix the error, do the following:

    • Go to the "Settings" of your phone.
    • Select "Applications" and in the "All" tab find "Calendar storage". Click this button and if the service has been disabled, select Enable.

    Also, the problem sometimes arises when installing applications that optimize wireless Wi-Fi networks. V in this case we recommend that you view full list of all installed programs on your smartphone, determine which ones are meant to be optimized wireless networks and delete in turn.

    One extreme method is to reset to factory settings.... Just keep in mind that all data will be completely deleted from your phone, both personal data and all applications, as if you had just purchased your phone from a store.

    Method 2 - for advanced users

    If you confident user Android, and worked with the file system, built-in services and widgets, then when a message appears that an android process acore error has occurred, you can use the method described here. You can fix the problem by editing system file... To do this, you need to do the following:

    1. V file system go to the following path: /system/csc/others.xml and open it with any built-in editor.
    2. Find the line in the file TRUE and change TRUE to FALSE.
    3. Once the value has changed, save the file and restart the device. We recommend that you create backup copies of the files you are editing.

    In general, we can conclude that this error is not critical for the user and can be eliminated in a few clicks. Remember that to the last method you should only resort to data rollback if all the methods described in the article do not fix the problem. Rollback removes the application that automatically generates the error, so it no longer appears. Data can be rolled back using standard menu operating system Android and special keys... Read more in a separate article, the link to which is given above in this material. If you still have any questions about this problem - leave your comments and our experts will definitely help you solve them!

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