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Aggressive sales. Aggressive Selling Technique

I first applied the AIDA sales technique at the age of eighteen, when I was trying to get acquainted with a certain girl whom I really liked.

In five minutes of talking with her in the corridor of the institute, I moved from the category of " a guy I met somewhere a couple of times» to rank « the guy I'm going on a date with, and with whom everything can grow together(I will write this as an example of the use of this technique below).

This is exactly how AIDA is supposed to work - a lightning-fast sales technique: fast, fun, with a twinkle. And in this article, we will learn how to sell anything (even ourselves) and to anyone with one touch.

And for starters, a couple of interesting scientific facts about the AIDA technique.

AIDA - what kind of animal is it and where is it found

AIDA is a basic model of how people behave when they buy something. It stands for: A - Attention - I - Interest - D - Desire - A - Action.

That is, in Russian, this formula would sound like PIZhD. I think it is clear why hereinafter we will use the English version of this abbreviation.

It was first put into use by a certain Elmo Lewis, a very famous marketing and advertising specialist in America. So famous that once he was even assassinated twice in one day.

But the marketer, thank God, escaped, and managed to leave the world his invention - the AIDA sales technique. With its help, he described how our potential client becomes a real one:

  1. Man becomes aware of our existence (A)
  2. The person becomes interested in our offer (I)
  3. A person has a desire to purchase our product (D)
  4. Man turns into a customer (A)

This sales model was especially popular in the early and mid-twentieth century (when Elmo Lewis lived and worked). At that time, most sales were made through mailing letters or through special people who went from house to house with huge bags full of goods.

It was the era of direct sales - we make an offer to a person, and he buys or refuses. And the AIDA technique helped to make direct and quick sales. Let such sales were not very large, but they were fast. By the way, if you want to learn about the techniques of large sales - read (opens in a new tab).

Today, direct selling is no longer so popular. Thanks to the development of the Internet, people have gained instant access to a huge number of offers on the market.

We no longer have to buy now or never. We may well buy tomorrow or next week. We have the opportunity to choose exactly the seller that we like the most, and not the one who first approached us.

Accordingly, the AIDA technique also evolved, according to Darwin's theory. I think Mr. Lewis would be very surprised to know that the extreme version of the name of his brainchild today sounds like AISDASLove.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's first understand how to apply the basic AIDA model. And then consider a more complex modern model. So, if you want to sell something quickly, then you need to start by attracting attention.

How to get people's attention quickly

As before, the AIDA technique is mainly used when writing sales texts. Therefore, for simplicity, I will focus on this type of sales.

So, attention. To attract attention in advertising, we can use either a headline or an image. And the picture will always work better. Simply because it is visual content, and a person “grasps” it quickly and completely. And you have to read the title. Therefore, I strongly recommend using pictures wherever possible.

It is best to depict something in the pictures that causes strong emotions and excitement in all people. Our basic instincts, survival and reproduction, do it best.

That is, it would be optimal to show a sexy girl in the picture, or some hint of sex (this is the instinct of reproduction). If the topic of sex is inappropriate, then a frightened or shocked face (survival instinct) will do. The main thing is that the face looks into our eyes. It is important.

Therefore, if you are writing an ad for YAN or writing a post on a social network or blog, pay more attention to the image than to everything else. Without a compelling image, 80% of your potential customers won't even know about your offer.

Unfortunately, we can't always use images (eg in emails). Then you have to work with the title.

The most powerful words to grab attention

There are very specific words that people react to more strongly than any other. Memorize them and be sure to add them to your headlines to draw more attention to them.

Here is a list of such "killer" words that I once compiled for myself:

  • You (in Russian, this word is not so strong, because, unlike English, it does not equal “you.” Therefore, some sellers like to immediately start “poking”).
  • Is free
  • Fast
  • New
  • Now
  • Just
  • Easily

By the way, about the last one. At one time, I attracted the attention of that girl just by calling her by name. This works flawlessly.

If you try to “snatch” a girl out of the human stream with some kind of “hello”, then she can pretend that she didn’t hear anything (so that she doesn’t suddenly find herself in a “stupid” position if she stops and looks at you, and you turned not to her). And you will be left standing with your mouth open and your self-conceit completely killed.

Therefore, personalizing email headers (like "Hello %user_name%") is not such a stupid thing. We just can't help but react to our name. Nature is like that.

Getting attention is half the battle. Now we need to arouse interest in a person so that he reads our proposal, and not just glances at it and closes it.

The secret formula for creating leads from scratch

Let's move on to the second letter of the AIDA technique. She is our interest. The lead generation formula is actually very simple:

News + Intrigue + Benefit = Interest

And in that order. It is imperative to promise a person first something new that he has not heard about before. Then you can increase his curiosity by promising some pleasant (!) Surprise. And only then you can emphasize how this offer will be beneficial and useful for him.

In selling texts, the first paragraph should be of interest. Almost everyone who clicks on your ad or opens your article will read it more or less carefully. But whether they will read it further depends largely on the first paragraph.

And it is not necessary to write literally: “Now you will learn something new.” It will be much better if you actually start telling them something new (or in a new way). For example, a description of some boring sales technique can begin with a story about how he tried to meet a girl in college.

To increase curiosity, use proven words:

  • secret
  • secret
  • myths about...
  • previously unknown

and the like.

Scott Haynes loved to tell the story of a time he went fishing with his teacher, master copywriter Gary Halbert. And suddenly Gary asked him - what emotion, in his opinion, sells the most?

Haynes sensed a catch, but answered in a standard way - greed and a desire to get some benefit. But Gary shook his head and replied that the strongest selling emotion is curiosity. Since then, Scott has rewritten nearly all of his sales copy and claims to have seen a huge increase in sales.

Therefore, be sure to first play on the curiosity of your potential buyers at the first meeting - that is, in the headline and in the first paragraph.

And after the first acquaintance, you can already move on to sales.

How to make a person want if he does not want anything

The third letter in our AIDA technique is "D" (desire). At this stage, a person should want to receive what we offer him.

Since we are talking about quick sales, we do not have time to create complex emotional paradigms in his soul. We need to use the basic selling emotions - the desire to get something, and the fear of losing something.

Direct sales professionals have long understood how to combine these two opposing emotions in their offer. And you've probably experienced this too. At first they give you a lot of things “for free” and “as a gift”, and then they tell you that you need to buy some small things in order to keep all these bonuses.

Our potential client has a bunch of beautiful packages in his hands - and giving (losing) this is already more difficult than just not taking it. Such a crude psychology worked before and continues to work now.

In modern direct sales, the "pain - increase pain - solution" technique is more often used. We can't put anything in the hands of a potential client, but we can load it into their head.

And the essence is exactly the same - first we describe what horrors await this person if he does not buy our product right now. And then we describe the benefits and benefits that the same person will receive if he still buys.

In this way we achieve the level of desire we need. And you can proceed to the final step on AIDA.

The last hardest step

The last letter in the AIDA formula is again "A", which this time means "Action". The most difficult thing in sales is to "raise" a person to the first small amount of money. Further, it will be much easier for the same person to sell (to resell some goods).

That is, the path from zero rubles to one hundred rubles is much longer and more difficult than, say, from one hundred rubles to a thousand rubles.

And in order for our potential buyer to take this last most difficult step, we need to tell him directly to do it. In sales, this is called Call-to-action.

In the most unambiguous way, we explain to the person: Place an order right now; Click on the "order" button and fill out the order form; Take out your credit card and pay the bill.

Practice shows that people are much more willing to perform targeted actions if they are directly asked to do so. But many salespeople are "embarrassed" to use harsh words like "buy." They use various euphemisms and lose most of their sales as a result.

This is how AIDA works - the hammer technique in sales. But keep in mind that all these tricks will work ONLY if we are talking about low-cost sales. That is, if we sell something for the amount of money that our potential buyer can afford to lose, and not be very upset about it. And in the case of large sales, it’s better not to “PIZhdet” - it will come out sideways to you.

And finally, let's look at what AIDA has become today, taking into account all the opportunities that the Internet provides.

What AIDA has become today

As I said at the beginning of the article, today the good old AIDA has been transformed into more complex formulas. And one of the extreme options is AISDASLove.

Here's how it's happening today, according to the latest marketing research.

  • A - Awarnesse (Recognition) - The person learns about the existence of our product
  • I - Interest (Interest) - A person has a deeper interest
  • S - Search (Search) - The person begins to look for additional information about the product and about the people who can give this product
  • D - Desire (Desire) - A person has a desire to purchase a product from a particular supplier
  • A - Action (Action) - The person buys
  • S - Share (in this case - Feedback) - A person tells friends about the result that he received
  • Love (Love) - The person is imbued with love for the seller and becomes a regular customer. Another option - Hate (Hatred) - The person gets a negative result and begins to "hate" you.

Once again, I would like to emphasize that stage 3, Search, has become a particularly important stage today. And that is why it comes to the fore today.

I would love to hear your comments on whether you are using the AIDA technique today and how.

Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (squeezed from personal experience over 10 years =)

Hi all! Today I will tell you about a technique that really helps to convert readers into buyers. Have you ever wondered what is wrong with your sales texts? And they picked up the words, and improved readability, but everything is not right! Then you need an AIDA model. What it is? I invite you to meet her right now!

I learned about this marketing trick quite recently. But it helps to change the quality of articles in copywriting. Once you learn how to use it, your copywriting career will skyrocket. Income will increase exponentially. You will work on the result, not the number of characters.

Do you want to work with this formula? Have you ever tried? Share your impressions in the comments. And I, along with other users, will definitely read them, and I will answer you.

What is this formula?

The AIDA formula is an old and proven 4-step sales model. The secret of its effectiveness is in the principle of consistency. Step by step, we evoke a certain feeling, a state in the client. It's easier to convince.

This scheme was invented and rooted by a marketer from America - Elmer Levison in 1896. The method continues to work for over 100 years. It makes millions. After all, the basic psychological mechanisms of a person have not changed.

If you draw AIDA schematically, you get a triangle. In marketing, it is called the “sales funnel”. Like a whirlpool, it draws in uncertain visitors and releases already satisfied customers.

A sales funnel helps to increase profits not only on the Internet, but also in regular stores, beauty salons, and restaurants.

Which ad do you remember the most? I'm sure she went to the head, shot right through the heart. Have you ever wondered why this happens? This cunning AIDA module tore off a piece of your attention, interest and desire.

A sales funnel built according to this formula makes you want to buy, even if the thing is not very necessary.

AIDA consists of 5 key letters. Each of them has its own decoding - a stage that needs to be reflected in the text, video, picture.

  • A = Attention (attention) - we attract the client, make them look at our product;
  • I = Interest (interest) - the consumer studies the advertising product to the end;
  • D = Desire (desire) - the client already wants to buy a product or service;
  • A = Action (action) - the buyer makes a purchase, our task is to direct and push him.

Do not confuse stages with each other. Strict sequence.

  1. First, a person wants to consciously study the information - “Attention”.
  2. After getting acquainted with the product / service, he experiences positive emotions, motivation increases - “Interest”.
  3. At the subconscious level, without analyzing, the consumer presents the product in his own place. He has intentions - “Desire”.
  4. He contacts the seller, pays for the goods - “Action”.

AIDA helps to create effective:

  • conversation scripts for call-centers - cold, warm calling of potential customers;
  • oral conversation patterns for sales representatives - increasing supply to stores;
  • scripts for commercials;
  • presentations - sale, provision of services/products;
  • selling texts of copywriters, increasing traffic, sales volume - a commercial offer, letters for e-mail distribution, landing pages.

The formula can be used to create a profile on a dating site, ads for sale. I was surprised, but even there this approach is useful.

We must study the target audience. Her problems, needs, age, financial situation. To write an effective sales text for AIDA.

4 stages of preparing a client for a purchase according to the AIDA module

You already know what the 4 magic letters of the formula mean. I really want to put them into practice. Wait. Take your time, let's learn about each step in more detail.

Attract attention

When we put our soul into the text, the sale of a service, it seems to us that they will be interesting anyway. Why write catchy headlines or insert a bright picture? This mistake drowns more than 85% of advertising companies. They continue to talk about the product as for themselves, without perceiving their client.

In the selling text, the “trap” for the reader is the picture and the title. It only takes him 10 seconds to look at them to understand whether it is worth attention or not.

How to write a mega headline:

  1. Start from the problem of the reader. Take the pain of your target audience and turn it into a headline. A person reading the title should understand that there is a solution. If you're selling a bandage, the headline "How to carry a baby without back pain" is great.
  2. From objection. Often the consumer refuses the service due to certain beliefs - a fitness room far from home, etc. Our goal in the title is to immediately reject the objection. The client wants to save money on repairs and hang wallpaper. We will write “Wallpaper will not fall off and will not be covered with bubbles - professionals will glue it for you”.
  3. From emotions. We create a pleasant picture in the client's imagination. Let's say we sell a super program that will help increase earnings. We will do this - "Earn $ 1,000 now and go to the Bahamas."
  4. Shock, intrigue. Do not finish, use unusual words for a product / service - dangerous, increases, etc. “How dangerous is a dating site?”, “My lips love it” are examples of my working headlines.

What pictures are catchy:

  • bright

  • dynamic

  • with erotic overtones

  • with the image of incongruous

Here are some notable examples.

A web designer and a copywriter together can earn decent money on a project. And companies bring in millions.

The visitor pecked at our title or image, now we have to show something worthwhile. In the commercial, 30 seconds are allotted for the “interest” stage, and in the selling text - the lead (the first paragraph, 150 - 300 characters long).

So that the reader does not get bored, you should diversify short and long sentences. He is simply frightened of a large canvas of text.

You can build an attractive lead:

  • From the problem, the pain of the visitor. He must recognize himself here. Feel that without this service will continue to suffer.

Example: “Even at school you were slim and beautiful, and now the fat folds on your back and stomach haunt you? Muscle pain, exhausting workouts are not for you? Do you recognize yourself? Get ready to become a slim beauty. A unique herbal remedy reduces appetite, gives energy, burns calories intensively. Effect within 2 weeks.

  • Out of fear. We take out the client's fears and immediately offer a unique solution. Expectant mothers are afraid not to get back in shape after giving birth. We can use this when compiling a lead.

Example: “After childbirth, the skin tightens sharply, ugly stretch marks appear that cannot be hidden. Young mothers are embarrassed to wear open swimsuits and tops. Stretch marks are easier to prevent than to remove. We offer a cream with a universal formula that preserves the elasticity and beauty of the skin. Use it during pregnancy and you will remain beautiful forever.”

  • From objections. We predict the reason for the refusal and immediately offer our argument. For example, some people think that you do not need to pay webmasters, you can create a site yourself.

Example: “Creating a website seems like a five minute affair. I watched tutorial videos, installed the engine on WordPress and you're done. But basic knowledge is not enough. The site will not bring income, search engines will ignore it for errors in the code, layout.

Earning on your own site is a business in which you need to invest. If you are ready to invest right now, you will receive 10 times more in a few months.”

  • From emotions. We create a beautiful picture in the mind of the visitor, evoke positive emotions.

Example: “Imagine a quiet morning in a village. There is silence around, only the roosters begin to sing when the sun rises. You get up, go to the terrace to enjoy a delicious breakfast in nature. What could be better than this? We invite you to make your dream come true. Only we have wooden houses with a terrace and a balcony in a village with clean air.”

If the visitor after the lead thinks: “It turns out that this is exactly what I need” or “I dreamed about it” - you have reached the goal and hit right in the heart.

Awakening desire

Aroused interest is not a guarantee of purchase. The client must strongly want to possess a thing or service. We use a bullet (list of benefits) and a deadline.

Bullet in the selling text looks like this:

  • Direct deliveries save up to 30% on intermediaries.
  • Our staff are qualified specialists with 10 years of experience.
  • Regular customers get a 10% discount on all products.
  • Our household appliances have a guarantee of up to 5 years.
  • We supply only high-quality models from abroad.
  • The average service life of the device is 10 years.

Deadline - a limit on time or quantity. Creates excitement among buyers. Example:

“Discount 500 rubles. on Samsung smartphones until February 22. Hurry up to buy a gift for your men. The quantity is limited, we sell 20 models a day.”

Encourage to buy

Our client is ready to pay money, subscribe. He is mentally satisfied with the product or service. In this step, we must clearly explain to him where to go, what to do. Navigation should be easy. Buttons, links within walking distance.

We express the action in the imperative mood. Please, invite the visitor to become a buyer and a subscriber. The words are appropriate here: “Buy”, “Order”, “Finish an application”, “Call”, “Subscribe”, “Write. No subtle hints.

The phrase “If you like our flooring, you can call on the phone” is inappropriate. The client will think that you are weak-willed, weak-willed, insecure. Do you need it?

"What are you waiting for? Order boots from the new collection right now. Sale ends in 3 days” is an example of a powerful call to action. We explained to the client what he will gain and what he can lose, how to buy a product.

Pros and cons of the module

Any formula, theory in marketing has supporters and opponents. And the AIDA module was not spared.

Opponents have long looked askance at the formula. They believe that for 121 years the AIDA module is too outdated and cannot hold attention, describe the modern buyer.

Offer of opponents - . This sales technique, in their opinion, helps to better compose and analyze the sales funnel.

What do the supporters of the AIDA module think? They make several arguments:

  • more than 100 successful examples in advertising of both large brands (“Coca-Cola”, “Lipton”) and small ones (“Sangistil”, “Terminix”);
  • a consistent presentation without unnecessary information leads to a purchase better than an overloaded AAAAA.

Every copywriting technique deserves attention. I am neither for nor against. Everything is effective if used correctly.

Use AIDA or AAAAA - it's up to you. You can experiment with 2 formulas to get the result.

Does your text follow the AIDA formula?

I have prepared a list of questions from the category of “test yourself”. By answering them, you will understand how your text or site works.

To what extent the page responds to the “attention” step:

  1. Can it intrigue, interest in the first 5 seconds?
  2. Are there any unexpected turns, events that attract attention?
  3. Do you find images attractive, memorable?

Checking if a page or text is of interest:

  1. What is the most important information, where is it, is it?
  2. Is it convenient to read your text, move along the page?
  3. Is it easy for the visitor to quickly find the information they need?
  4. Can the information be understood by the target audience?
  5. Does the content of the article meet the user's request?
  6. Are you giving the visitor a reason to stay on the page?

About 90% of copywriters make the same mistake - they use words unfamiliar to the target audience.

Answer and find out if the site awakens desire in the client, article:

  1. Can you convince the visitor to read the text to the end?
  2. Will the visitor want to buy the product/service after reading it?
  3. Can you convince a customer to recommend your product to others?
  4. Are there any special offers, tricks to increase motivation?
  5. Do you effectively, competently describe the benefits, the company's offer?

Find out if a user will buy a product/service:

  1. Have you decided on an important action, goal, is it in the text?
  2. Do you highlight the purpose of the page with a banner, link, picture, button?
  3. Is it easy to take action on the page?
  4. Is the customer service described simply and clearly?

If you answer “no” to most of the questions or are thinking about it, it's time to edit the article. You may have made a mistake somewhere.

Unable to fit the article under AIDA? help to correct flaws, improve the quality of texts.

Examples of the AIDA formula in advertising

Until you show them, they will not believe that the AIDA advertising model works. I have collected for you some interesting examples from different companies. All of them are remembered by a picture, headings and a brief description.

Well, let's get started.

This is a good example of a banner ad designed with the AIDA formula. The designer used bright colors to draw attention. Words: “The weekend is coming! Enjoy a 7-day or 3-week entry ticket” - show the benefits of the offer, increase interest.

Inserts with images of a happy family, attractions show how fun you can have. They provoke desire.

The “Buy Now” block is responsible for the “action”. Explains clearly what needs to be done to enjoy a wonderful holiday.

Motivation is also increased by the inscriptions: “Everything starts from the door! Your comfort starts here!”

But they forgot about the call to action. At least leave a phone number.

A = Attention: A large image of Lionel Messi grabs the attention of potential customers.

I = interest: The caption "Every team needs a spark" fuels interest as they want to know how they can fire up their team.

D = Desire: The text “F50, the time your feet ignite the game” below the image of the shoe increases the desire of customers. They think it will make them better athletes.

A = Action: With the help of the information provided, the potential customer will visit the website and learn more about the shoes or purchase them.


The AIDA model is a great sales tool. If you wanted to improve your sales copy but didn't know how, you should try it. Your article will start to bring in 5 to 10 times more buyers. The main thing is to learn how to use it.

Wish you luck!

Leave your opinion, describe experiments with the formula in the comments below.

To learn a lot of interesting things about copywriting.

In this article I want to talk about the elements of a selling design for a website. AIDA - (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action - attention, interest, desire, action) is a model of consumer behavior adopted in American marketing practice that describes the sequence of events leading to a purchase decision: attention → interest → need → action.

The principles of AIDA mainly relate to the design of landing pages (landing pages), where, as a rule, marketing and web design are combined into a single whole. These pages aim to sell a product, service, or subscription.

A: Attention

Attention is the cornerstone of the AIDA principles. The product or service needs to be noticed and it is very important to grab attention as quickly as possible. The web as a platform is a great way to grab attention, and a unique and creative design can draw users in on its own. Individual design elements can be used to change the user's focus to specific areas on the page.

However, if each element is “special”, then the design can lose its structure and confuse users. Attention-grabbing methods are constantly changing as trends and technology advance. This article describes modern popular methods.

Large text
On the Internet, more and more often there are sites with large text. This is used to make a big statement about the site's theme or the company's strengths in a particular area. The large text size relative to the rest of the page places it at the top of the visual hierarchy.



Sliders have been a popular trend for several years now. And rightly so, because they allow you to grab attention and make a first impression. They allow for the use of imagery combined with movement and animation.

Impress Design Studio

modular web

Sheena Oosten

To create elaborate animation on the web, you need Flash - today this statement is not true. CSS3 and JS animations are getting more and more advanced, and browser support is increasing along with them. Animation is a great way to make your site stand out and grab the user's attention.

Bitrix 24


The expressive web

I: Interest

Interest is the second of AIDA's principles. We have already captured the user's attention, now we need to interest him. Instead of talking about certain features of the product, you need to explain how it is beneficial for the user, and what are the benefits. We don't focus on the product, but on the customer. The user does not have to read and search a lot to understand what is offered to him. The design should use chunks of information, bulleted lists, and step-by-step instructions.


Bitrix 24


D: Desire

We have attracted attention and aroused interest, now we must create desire, make want what we offer. Desire in production is a very broad topic and we will only focus on how to do it through web design.

At this stage, you have the attention and interest of the user, and he is ready to spend more time getting to know your site. This time should be used to study detailed information, which will be presented in the form of images, videos or text.

show off
You must present your product in the best possible light. People associate good design with a higher level of quality. It is important that not only the design of the website looks good, but also the product itself. High quality, thoughtful imagery, and a well-planned video can make a big difference in the first impression of a product.


Apple does a great job of successfully displaying their products on the website by choosing the right imagery combined with animation.


When selling digital products, such as apps or websites, they are often shown on a variety of devices. (monitors, tablets, phones)

Mark Facel

social proof
Social proof is one of the most powerful and common ways to generate desire. Social proof is a complex psychological concept, but at a basic level, it describes the fact that a client develops stereotyped thinking based on the opinions of other people. If the majority finds something acceptable, then there is a chance that the user will start thinking the same way.

Testimonials and reviews are an excellent example of the above, as they demonstrate that others have already had good experiences with the product. Knowing that others have used the product and recommend it removes the feeling of risk and in turn increases desire.

An equally important role in stereotypical thinking is played by the opinion of an expert or celebrity. Such people inspire confidence.

If the services you sell are in demand in large companies, then you should brag about such customers.

Large numbers in statistics also inspire confidence. Sites often contain information about the number of downloads, Groupon used to display the amount of money saved, Pusher - the number of connections, studio design - the number of completed works. If you have a lot of followers on Twitter, Facebook, etc. - show them.


The final goal is an action, we must convert the user into a buyer or subscriber.
Call to action
The elements of a Call to Action are pretty obvious. Usually these are buttons that encourage users to perform a certain action: “Add to cart”, “Register”, “Download”. They seem pretty simple, but there are still certain details when creating these buttons.

First of all, the call to action element should be absolutely clear and simple for the user.


The call element should be in the foreground: use eye-catching colors, think about the size and style, choose a prominent place for this element.


Use direct wording on buttons - clear, concise language will not only encourage the action, but also explain to the user what to expect after interacting with the element. We also need to make the choice of action as simple and clear as possible for the user. The most important call to action should be identified at the very beginning of the design. It should have instances in other parts of the page, but it's important to keep the balance, too many call to action elements will put pressure on the user and may have the opposite effect of what we want.


I believe that knowing the principles of AIDA and the possibilities of implementing them through design tools is very useful information for web designers. Based on this knowledge, you can create effective, purpose-oriented web pages.

Thank you all for your attention.


  • Web design
  • AIDA
Add tags

In this article I want to talk about the elements of a selling design for a website. AIDA - (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action - attention, interest, desire, action) is a model of consumer behavior adopted in American marketing practice that describes the sequence of events leading to a purchase decision: attention → interest → need → action.

The principles of AIDA mainly relate to the design of landing pages (landing pages), where, as a rule, marketing and web design are combined into a single whole. These pages aim to sell a product, service, or subscription.

A: Attention

Attention is the cornerstone of the AIDA principles. The product or service needs to be noticed and it is very important to grab attention as quickly as possible. The web as a platform is a great way to grab attention, and a unique and creative design can draw users in on its own. Individual design elements can be used to change the user's focus to specific areas on the page.

However, if each element is “special”, then the design can lose its structure and confuse users. Attention-grabbing methods are constantly changing as trends and technology advance. This article describes modern popular methods.

Large text
On the Internet, more and more often there are sites with large text. This is used to make a big statement about the site's theme or the company's strengths in a particular area. The large text size relative to the rest of the page places it at the top of the visual hierarchy.



Sliders have been a popular trend for several years now. And rightly so, because they allow you to grab attention and make a first impression. They allow for the use of imagery combined with movement and animation.

Impress Design Studio

modular web

Sheena Oosten

To create elaborate animation on the web, you need Flash - today this statement is not true. CSS3 and JS animations are getting more and more advanced, and browser support is increasing along with them. Animation is a great way to make your site stand out and grab the user's attention.

Bitrix 24


The expressive web

I: Interest

Interest is the second of AIDA's principles. We have already captured the user's attention, now we need to interest him. Instead of talking about certain features of the product, you need to explain how it is beneficial for the user, and what are the benefits. We don't focus on the product, but on the customer. The user does not have to read and search a lot to understand what is offered to him. The design should use chunks of information, bulleted lists, and step-by-step instructions.


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D: Desire

We have attracted attention and aroused interest, now we must create desire, make want what we offer. Desire in production is a very broad topic and we will only focus on how to do it through web design.

At this stage, you have the attention and interest of the user, and he is ready to spend more time getting to know your site. This time should be used to study detailed information, which will be presented in the form of images, videos or text.

show off
You must present your product in the best possible light. People associate good design with a higher level of quality. It is important that not only the design of the website looks good, but also the product itself. High quality, thoughtful imagery, and a well-planned video can make a big difference in the first impression of a product.


Apple does a great job of successfully displaying their products on the website by choosing the right imagery combined with animation.


When selling digital products, such as apps or websites, they are often shown on a variety of devices. (monitors, tablets, phones)

Mark Facel

social proof
Social proof is one of the most powerful and common ways to generate desire. Social proof is a complex psychological concept, but at a basic level, it describes the fact that a client develops stereotyped thinking based on the opinions of other people. If the majority finds something acceptable, then there is a chance that the user will start thinking the same way.

Testimonials and reviews are an excellent example of the above, as they demonstrate that others have already had good experiences with the product. Knowing that others have used the product and recommend it removes the feeling of risk and in turn increases desire.

An equally important role in stereotypical thinking is played by the opinion of an expert or celebrity. Such people inspire confidence.

If the services you sell are in demand in large companies, then you should brag about such customers.

Large numbers in statistics also inspire confidence. Sites often contain information about the number of downloads, Groupon used to display the amount of money saved, Pusher - the number of connections, studio design - the number of completed works. If you have a lot of followers on Twitter, Facebook, etc. - show them.


The final goal is an action, we must convert the user into a buyer or subscriber.
Call to action
The elements of a Call to Action are pretty obvious. Usually these are buttons that encourage users to perform a certain action: “Add to cart”, “Register”, “Download”. They seem pretty simple, but there are still certain details when creating these buttons.

First of all, the call to action element should be absolutely clear and simple for the user.


The call element should be in the foreground: use eye-catching colors, think about the size and style, choose a prominent place for this element.


Use direct wording on buttons - clear, concise language will not only encourage the action, but also explain to the user what to expect after interacting with the element. We also need to make the choice of action as simple and clear as possible for the user. The most important call to action should be identified at the very beginning of the design. It should have instances in other parts of the page, but it's important to keep the balance, too many call to action elements will put pressure on the user and may have the opposite effect of what we want.


I believe that knowing the principles of AIDA and the possibilities of implementing them through design tools is very useful information for web designers. Based on this knowledge, you can create effective, purpose-oriented web pages.

Thank you all for your attention.

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Aggressive sales are increasingly used in our country. Consider what sales are, why they are aggressive.

Aggressive sales techniques are European and American developments in the field of manipulating customers, which are tested, implemented and applied already in our Russian conditions. The bulk of training centers around the country will readily give an aggressive selling master class to employees of any firm, promising to instill in employees new skills that will ensure a significant increase in successful transactions.

Aggressive Selling Techniques

So, what is sales? In short, selling is a mutually beneficial process of exchanging goods for money. With aggressive interaction, the criteria for profit are shifted in favor of one of the parties to the transaction.

Aggressive Selling- this is one of the most popular lately, which allows you to sell goods or services to people who are completely uninterested, the so-called "cold buyers" - ordinary passers-by on the street, in a store, on the phone.

Aggressive sales techniques are used by managers who make phone calls. Their day starts with calling potential buyers. It’s good if they have been trained in telephone conversations and sales skills, but it often happens that outgoing phone calls are sent to a completely unprepared (including psychologically) person. This approach provides extremely low performance, making the fact of a telephone sale an accident.

AIDA Aggressive Selling Technique (AIDA)

The scope of application is the sale of goods on the B2C market (individuals), it is not recommended for the B2B market.

A.I.D.A (AIDA) decrypted as:

  1. A - Attention - attention
  2. I - Interests - interest
  3. D - Desire - desire
  4. A - Action - action

Stage 1. Attract attention

The stage of aggressive sales to attract attention differs from the greeting () technique we are used to, in which buyers themselves come and call the seller, i.e. process in which to account for the incoming stream. Attracting attention in a telephone conversation is necessary to distract the interlocutor from current affairs, and then to inspire confidence. But the subscriber may not like being distracted, and he may respond in a rude manner.

In order to attract the attention of the client from the first words and not let him hang up, they use the technique of attracting attention. To do this, you need to take the initiative in your own hands and start asking the client questions that require an unequivocal answer “yes”.

  • Hello! Your name is ….?
  • Have you registered on the site ...?
  • Did you apply...?
  • Are you a permanent member of….?
  • Have you bought a Hyundai car in the last six months?
  • Interested in the opportunity to earn additional income without large investments?
  • Would you like to save on utilities?
  • Do you use the Internet?

Having achieved a positive answer, one can hope that the person of the specialist will listen and be polite. At the first stage, this is already good. Further, it all depends on the ability to interest the client.

Stage 2. Forming interest

As soon as it was possible to attract attention and draw the interlocutor into a dialogue, it is necessary to form his interest in the products or services provided by the company. You can do this according to the following scheme:

  1. Ask a question about whether the interlocutor knows the company-seller. If not, we present the company with 2-3 proposals.
  2. We make an offer, which is the purpose of the call, be sure to limit the promotion or discount in time (for example, the discount is valid until the end of September).
  3. At the same time, we identify the priority values ​​of the client (safety, saving money, saving time, improving social status) and presenting a product or service, using benefits focused on the identified values ​​of the client.

Stage 3. We cause the desire to possess the product

Remember that all the products and services we sell are designed to provide the customer with personal or financial growth, protection, or savings (new skills to buy more; new car to look cool in the eyes of others; insurance to protect against trouble; ticket on a plane to save time and stay longer with loved ones). At this stage, it is important to use such techniques containing words and expressions in order to arouse in the interlocutor a passionate desire to possess the proposed product.

Stage 4. We push the client to action

As soon as you feel that there is a desire to use a service or product on the other end of the wire, the interlocutor must be pushed to accept the offer. However, here you need to present the situation in such a way as if it is the interlocutor who wants you to sell him the goods, and not vice versa. If the sales scheme has been executed correctly, the subscriber must agree and agree on the terms.

Example. Now let's look at an example of applying the AIDA aggressive phone sales technique using the example of selling a subscription to a fitness center. The manager calls the database of phones received from the company's website after downloading a free course of exercises (he entered a phone number, email address and city of residence).

Manager (M.): Hello! My name is …. I represent a chain of fitness centers…. Tell me, have you used our free course... on the website?

Client (K.): Yes.

M. A: It is very important for us to know your opinion about the course. Can you answer a few questions of the test, it will take no more than a minute?

TO.: Yes. Good. (we achieved a positive answer, we achieved that the interlocutor agreed to listen to us)

M.: Have you used our free video in order to: a) lose weight, b) get better, c) maintain your already gained physical shape?

TO.: to lose weight.

M. Q: How often do you exercise?

TO.: 3 times a week.

M.: during what period?

TO. A: Within a month.

M.: What are your results?

TO.: So far I have lost only 2 kilograms.

M.: 2 kilograms is not enough, you can speed up the course of losing weight. Are you wondering how?

TO.: Yes, tell me.

M.: The fact is that in the network of our fitness centers there is a set for the author's course of our trainer Denisov “We ​​lose weight together. Intensive. ”(We present with the values ​​taken into account). After 3 months of classes, the participants lost 12 to 20 kilograms, and 5-10 centimeters in the waist, and became simply beauties. The program is patented by our trainer - you are guaranteed to lose weight. This is the second stream - after learning about the results, a lot of people came, and the number of places is limited - you need to have time to sign up before September 20.

M.: We have a promotion in September - 50% discount on everything. You are just in for the action. If you enroll in October, the course will cost 10900, and if you enroll now, only 5450 for 3 months. This is a very affordable price. Let me see how many seats are left? (needed by the client, not you).

M.: What metro station do you live near?

TO.: Kuzminki.

M.: It will be more convenient for you to visit the center on the street…. or …..?

TO.: On the ….

M..: On the …. There is one more place in the group, let's sign up until it's taken. (writes down). Your number is 102. Free first class on 23.09 at 18-00. You must bring sportswear and shoes with you. The instructor's name is Alex. Yes, and try not to be late, very important things are said at the beginning of the course.

TO.: Okay, I'll be on time.

M.: Thank you for your time. You will definitely like it. We are waiting for you on September 23 at 18-00. Goodbye.

This is how aggressive selling and special techniques work, demonstrating how a person instantly makes an impulsive purchase, which must be affordable, otherwise pressure on him will not give the desired result, but rather cause an aggressive reaction. Aggressive sales technique AIDA is focused on the needs of the seller and ignores the needs of the buyer, putting him in simulated conditions and forcing him to make a deal.

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