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New tab does not open. What to do if the Mozilla Firefox browser keeps opening new separate windows

Probably, each of you, dear reader, will agree that the Internet browser is the most convenient software tool to date, through which the user can interact with various kinds of web content with particular comfort. However, none of the popular software products, whether Google Chrome, FireFox or Opera, does not have enough effective functionality that would protect a beginner from developing a malicious scenario: "Windows open in a new window." Browser security tools are sometimes powerless against the clever tricks of advertising programmers. As a result, the user becomes a victim of imposed transitions.

So, let's see what can be done in such situations. How to counteract digital fraud and how to "cure" the browser from this kind of infection? We bring to your attention, dear reader, effective methods Fighting Malicious Redirects!

How does the mechanism of "advertising lawlessness" work?

“Windows open in a new window” is a fairly common technique among techies who make money by generating traffic! Let's skip the description of the working algorithm of the redirection process, which is difficult for the uninitiated user to perceive. We only note that "redirection" can occur for several reasons:

  • Malware installed on the user's machine software, which is most likely.
  • The site page uses a virus script.
  • A prudent "businessman" purchased a specific browser plugin and modified it to suit his own interests, so to speak.

How will such information help prevent "browser arbitrariness" when windows open in a new window without our participation? The answer is below.

Signs of a computer system infection

It doesn't matter what search engine you use: Google, Bing or Yandex. Advertising modules are used in each of them. But if you notice that the page that opens does not match the entered address, or several windows open at the same time for one request, this is a sign of infection! If a software part your PC is in the grip of a virus, it is quite understandable why the computer behaves so willfully during an Internet session.

So, typical symptoms browser disease:

  • Spontaneously changed start page browser.
  • Without any action on the part of the user, obscure windows open in a new browser window.
  • Bookmarks that worked flawlessly before are not activated.
  • Unknown plugins and applications appeared in extensions.
  • The most obvious sign of trouble is that a certain Internet page is loaded that cannot be closed.

Gathering enough various information about you and tirelessly forming your "network portfolio", the virus begins to operate on the accumulated data, skillfully replacing your search terms and redirecting you as a “victim” to a resource whose owner pays for the work of a fraudulent optimizer. Despite the colossal financial costs of powerful IT companies aimed at combating "black" methods of advertising, fishing for dishonest programmers is still a profitable business today.

What to do when ads open in a new window: software solutions

At first glance, such “harmless” behavior of the browser can simply annoy a person. A super-functional virus can completely deprive the user of peace of mind. After all advertising page it may well not close or rather capriciously react to all attempts by the user to close it. In this case, you need to use special anti-virus software.

Removing rootkits and trojans with Kaspersky TDSSKiller

  • Download from official server free utility.
  • After launching the application, activate the "Change settings" item.
  • In the next window, check the "Detect file system..." checkbox.
  • After the settings are made, click the "Start Check" button.

After a few minutes, a report will be displayed. The "new windows keep opening" issue will be resolved once you activate the "Continue" button.

Cleaning the system from spyware with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Not less than effective program, allowing you to quickly put the system in order.

  • Install the utility downloaded from the Web.
  • When you first start "Malwarebytes" will spontaneously start updating the antivirus software.
  • After a short download of a new virus database, click on the "Fix Now" button.

  • The duration of the scan depends on the capacity of your drive.
  • In the event that the PC is infected, in working area program will display a list of detected "infections" that will be destroyed after you activate the "Apply Action" button.
  • Close the program and restart your computer.

Hello. It's such a glitch to be honest, when . Somehow it happened to me on Windows XP, even when there was no seven. You go to several folders and get several windows.

To be honest, I don’t even know why this problem appears, or whether some kind of virus is so harmful, but somewhere I heard that it Internet Explorer so poking. But this is not so important, the main thing is how to fix this error, and I will write about this below.

I will show an example of a solution to this problem on operating system Windows 7. Yes, we still need to find out which Windows 7 you have installed, 32-bit or 64-bit.

To do this, on the label "My computer" right-click and select "Properties".

A window will open in which we are looking for “System Type” and opposite it will indicate which Windows 7 you have installed. Like this:

As you can see, I have 32-bit, by the way, which one I wrote better. Remember which one you have, we will need it later.

Now press "Start", go to "All programs", “Standard” and run the program "Command line".

Here we will need to write two commands in turn, but the commands for 32 bit and 64 are different. So remember what kind of Windows 7 you have and choose the necessary commands for yourself.

For 32-bit:

regsvr32 "%SystemRoot%System32actxprxy.dll"
regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles%Internet Explorerieproxy.dll"

For 64-bit:

regsvr32 "%WinDir%SysWOW64actxprxy.dll"
regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles(x86)%Internet Explorerieproxy.dll"

Select one line and copy it with the combination Ctrl + V, well, or right-click and “Copy”. Then we go into command line(which we have already launched) and paste the code by clicking on right button mouse and selecting "Paste" .

Then we confirm the execution of the command with the “Enter” button. And we do the same with the second line.

We restart the computer.

And one more option

Go to "My computer", and at the top left, click on “Organize”, and then “Folder and search options”. A window will open in which you need to check that in the “Folder menu” area the mark is set to “Open folder in the same window”. If you have checked “Open every folder in a new window”, then mark the first item and click "OK".

The problem with opening folders should be solved, but if not, then write in the comments. We'll figure out:).

Friends, well, if you have problems that are more serious than problems with opening folders, for example, you have problems with telephone connection in your company, I advise you to pay attention to the number 8 800, which will help your customers get through to you at any time and with pleasure.

Hello dear friends!

"Kosyakov" with famous browser Mozilla Firefox quite a bit of. But developers are not always directly to blame for this: viruses can affect the state of things, and even your banal inattention. So!

You are using Firefox browser and everything was fine until recently. And then one day, after launching the browser, you notice with surprise that when you try to go to the site, the browser opens not a tab, but a separate window.

On the one hand, nothing terrible happened: after all, it opens the page, but does not close it. But on the other hand, this is very, very inconvenient: you have to constantly click in the tray in order to look through the site. Question: what's the problem?

The essence of this problem can be in two ways: 1) the work of the virus; 2) a failure in the browser settings. In principle, a failure in the browser settings is the same work of a virus.
How to solve the problem?

It's very simple, friends! Launch the Firefox browser and click on the "Tools" tab at the top. In the drop-down menu, select the line “Settings” and click on it with the left mouse button. You have reached the browser settings menu. Now there is a little bit left: open the “Tabs” tab: here you will see a list of options that can be activated in the browser.

Check the box next to the option “Open new tabs instead of new windows” and click “OK”. That's it: now your browser will open the pages as it should!
Finally, a couple more tips. First, you may need a spell check option: for example, if you work in online mode on the text market.

To do this, this option should be activated: “Tools” - “Settings” - the “Advanced” tab. Open the “General” tab and check the box next to “Check spelling when typing”. after that, be sure to click “OK”: the browser itself does not need to be restarted.

Secondly, quite often, “users” need the ability to “sweep” the traces of being on the Internet: so to speak, not an extra precaution. This can be done as follows: “Tools” - “Settings” - the “Privacy” tab.

At the bottom of this tab, you will see a highlighted line “You may want to delete your recent history” or “delete individual cookies”. And if you want to destroy the traces of being on sites, then do this: hover over the highlighted line “You may want to delete your recent history” and click left button mice.

The “Delete recent history”, where you will see the “Delete” field. And then you will understand everything yourself: there you can select the time period for visiting sites and delete it. For example, for last hour, two, four, today and that's it. The choice is yours: choose and click "Delete Now".
Good luck!

By the way, here is how it is created in !

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