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  • How about in real work? Material Design for browser history.

How about in real work? Material Design for browser history.

This version comes with many new features, including an updated interface design, personalization, security and password management improvements.

Rahul Roy-Chowdhury, VP of Product at Google, said:

Today is the 10th anniversary Google Chrome we are launching several new features. The latest version of the browser has received an updated design that will allow you to navigate web resources faster, a completely redesigned password manager and an improved autofill feature for convenient and secure data entry into forms. In addition, Chrome's search bar (known as the omnibox) now provides more useful information as you type, saving you more time.

Chrome covers more than 60% of the browser market and is becoming the driving force behind the advancement of HTML standards and new features for web browsers. One of Google's big goals in 2017 was to push encryption over SSL. IN new version the way protected sites are displayed has changed.

Unfortunately, Chrome never got a web miner blocker. These types of scripts use CPU and browser power to mine cryptocurrencies, which affects the overall system performance and can lead to hardware damage in the long run.

What's New in Chrome 69

material design

The first thing you notice in new Chrome 69 is an updated user interface. In this release, Google switched to using material design in all versions of Chrome - desktop, mobile iOS devices and Android.

New framework adds rounding to elements user interface: address bar, menu buttons and tabs. The updated tab design makes it easier to select the desired page by the site icon when there are a lot of tabs open in the browser.

Chrome is deprecating the "Protected" indicator for SSL sites

As more sites begin to use SSL certificates, Google decided to pay attention to those sites that have not yet switched to secure protocol transmission HTTPS data. In Chrome 69, the browser will no longer show the “Protected” indicator for sites with SSL - a lock icon will be shown instead.

Sites that do not use SSL will display "Not Secure" to the left of the address bar to warn users of an unencrypted data transfer channel.

Tab page personalization

Chrome 69 also provides great personalization for the new tab page. Appeared on the new tab page new button“Add Label” which allows you to add a custom label. Previously, the tiles on the new tab page were generated automatically based on the most frequently visited sites. New Feature allows you to personalize the new tab page to add your favorite web resources and edit the name of existing tiles.

You also get the option to change background image new tab pages. To do this, you can use the image collection offered by Google or your own image. Previously, to do similar actions, you had to install third party extensions, which could track your online activity or perform other unwanted actions.

Chrome's built-in password handling has been improved. Now when you register on a new site, the browser will prompt strong password, which will be very difficult to find. This password will be stored in the built-in password manager and will automatically fill in the credentials for the sites you visit

Saved passwords will sync with your Google Account and be available on versions of Chrome for other devices.

Now you can get the answer to your question right in the Chrome omnibox, which combines the address bar and the search field. Just enter the question in the browser and if Google can give a simple report, it will be shown directly in the search results as in the screenshot.

You can ask for addresses simple questions and the results of mathematical equations.

Found a typo? Press Ctrl+Enter

Grandiose plans to introduce a new corporate style of Google - Material Design - provide for a change in the shell in the future the most popular browser in the Chrome world. So far, Material Design in the current version of the browser can only be seen in the download section. But if desired, any user can enable individual experimental features of Chrome in order to start working with their favorite web browser in its new guise. How to enable individual experimental features of Material Design in the Google Chrome browser, and what will come of it in the end - we will talk about this to everyone in this article. But first, a few words, in fact, about the Material Design style itself.

1. New Google style - Material Design

Material design - as we can see from the translation into Russian of the name of the new Google style, is designed to give realism to the interface of the company's products. At first glance, flat and devoid of three-dimensional effects, Material Design, if you look closer, is actually complex and layered. It is shaped by a subtle, unobtrusive play of shadows cast by the elements. By clicking on them computer mouse or by touching touch devices Material Design elements will cast a richer shadow, but at the same time, without any sharp contrast effects. Material Design elements have rich solid colors, distinctly defined edges, but no sharp corners. Switching between interface elements is carried out smoothly, without sharp accents. Material design is based on the principle of typographic printing with readable (smoothed) fonts, non-irritating background colors, correct spacing between elements, focusing attention in the right places, intuitive navigation.

The creation of a new style was due to the need to give unity to all web services and Google software products. Uniform style interface will allow the user audience to identify the company as the creator of its products and distinguish them from the web and software products other developers.

Material Design is still quite a young project. It was officially presented at the Google conference in the summer of 2014, but today it is already implemented in many Google products. So, in the style of Material Design, the interface of the mobile Android platforms, since version 5.0. Many web interfaces have been translated to this style Google services: cloud storage Google Drive(and with it the office web applications "Documents", "Tables", "Presentation"), notes Google Keep, web form builder Google Forms, Google Trends search query trend analyzer, Google Play Android content store, Google+ social network and others.

For comparison: as of the date of writing this article, such company web services as YouTube video hosting, personal calendar have not switched to Material Design and have remained with the old interface. Google Calendar, website google news News, a search service for the Google Books library of digitized books, and others.

2. Experimental Chrome settings

Individual elements of Material Design in Google Chrome are enabled in the experimental settings of the browser. You can access them by entering the value in the address bar:

When making changes to the experimental settings - whether with regards to Material Design, or any other functions, you need to remember about the possibility of returning the original Chrome settings.

Looking ahead, we note that after applying all the possible elements of Material Design in experimental google settings Chrome will not look like a finished product with a redesign. To date, in addition to the above-mentioned download section in the style of Material Design, which is preinstalled in current versions Chrome, makeover in new interface few components of the browser lend themselves.

3. Material Design in Chrome Header

The heading of the current version of Chrome as of the date of writing looks like this:

In the experimental settings section, find the "Material Design Appearance" option and set the "Material Design" position in the drop-down list. A button will appear at the bottom of the window to restart the browser to apply the new settings. We press it.

However, after restarting, we will not see any cardinal changes in the Chrome header. We will only find the new kind menu buttons, familiar to many from the Android interface, as well as changing the color of folders with bookmarks. Previously yellow color folders will be greyed out. And that's it.

4. Material Design Downloads Section

To see Material Design in Chrome without applying experimental settings, just open the download section. Downloaded files are displayed, as it should be in this style, with cards. At the top of the window we will find a search field for the names of downloaded files,

as well as a button available for the download section of the options, again, in android style.

In experimental settings, connoisseurs of the old design of the Chrome download section can return the familiar interface. To do this, you need to find the option “Enable Material Design on the Downloads page”, set the position to “Disabled” in the drop-down list and restart the browser.

5. Material Design for Browser History

What does the section look like? google history Chrome in the new Material Design style, so far, alas, we will not know. Surely this will be an unprecedented convenience, because, in theory, we will look for the desired site in the chaos of everything visited in a few days using cards neatly lined up in a row. The transition of the Chrome history section to Material Design is envisaged by experimental settings, but in reality we will not get any effect. The browser history simply won't show up. Perhaps in the near future, the experimental settings option "Enable Material Design History" will become a working one.

6. Section of extensions and applications in the style of Material Design

The last option available today to switch to Material Design (fortunately, working) is to transform the Chrome extensions and applications section into a new style. To begin with, let us recall the traditional view of this section, which, within the framework of the existing interface, is displayed as a switching tab in the browser settings.

To see the extensions section in the style of Material Design, in the experimental settings, look for the option "Enable Material Design extensions" and click the "Enable" inscription. We restart the browser.

After restarting Chrome, the extension section wrapped in Material Design will no longer be available separate tab in the settings section. Access to the list of installed extensions and applications can be obtained in an alternative way through the item " Additional tools' in the Chrome menu.

Or in another way - by calling the context menu on any of the extension buttons on the browser toolbar and selecting the "Manage extensions" item.

And here is Material Design itself in the extensions and applications section:

We will see the same nice background coloring as in the download section. Installed Chrome content in the form of cards will be neatly sorted separately by extensions, separately by applications and separately by site shortcuts.

Have a great day!

Not far past, 1993, the birth of the Internet in the form in which we now know it. Then in world wide web there were only web pages on which there was nothing but text.

And this is what one of the very first real browsers looked like - NCSA Mosaic developed by Mark Andreessen.

Old browsers do not support new web technologies: HTML5 and CSS, so our site will look like this in the Mosaic browser.

A year later, Robert McCool and Eric Bina joined Marc Andreessen, as a result of their cooperation, the legendary Netscape Navigator browser appeared and humanity rushed to the World Wide Web!

  • And what was happening in Russia at that time? Friends, no doubt I have something to tell, of course I could tell you the whole history of the formation of the Russian Internet in 1990-1993, list the first Internet providers (in the city where I was born, my friend Barmin Vladimir created SimTel, then I didn’t was 20 years old), I could show you how the first browsers worked (I still have installers), but this is a completely different interesting story and I’d rather write a separate article about it.

After 1995, the Internet in Russia began to develop rapidly. Browsers appeared in 1995 Internet Explorer and Opera, and other browsers have come and gone. Until 2008, many novice users tried to find the best browser for themselves on the Internet, and sometimes on such disks. I have a whole collection from time immemorial.

And finally in 2008 appeared Google browser Chrome, this tool, so a tool, it perfectly combined the most important thing for the user - simplicity, innovative technologies and, most importantly, reliability. I am sure that many users will agree with me, but do we know everything about all kinds of Google Chrome settings, do we use the browser with maximum efficiency, that's what I wanted to talk about in this article?

Google Chrome is almost a household name. Based on the free Chromium browser and the Blink engine, Google Chrome is more of a software designer for advanced and personalized web surfing than just a browser, a regular browser program for accessing the Internet.

The brainchild of the search giant is not such an old project. The first stable version of this browser appeared in 2008. In any case, many other browsers appeared much earlier. Despite its youth, Google Chrome is the #1 browser in the world today. And it is used by about 300 million people in the world.

Google Chrome managed to win such crazy popularity not only thanks to the minimalist and simple design, implementation modern technologies, safety study, as well as fast work.

Google Chrome is the benchmark. Google created a free Chromium browser, and he became a kind of stencil for the appearance of a mass of "chromium-like" clones.

Google also created the first clone of Chromium - Chrome. Such a competent strategy simply could not help but lead Google Chrome, and after it the mass of Google web services, to success and popularity.

The features of the Google Chrome browser will be discussed in this review.


Simplicity of design and convenience only necessary elements interface is a smart move by Google Chrome developers so as not to scare away novice users. It is the Google developers Chrome First implemented the idea to remove the menu sections “File”, “View”, “Journal”, etc. from the browser interface.

And when the developers of other browsers understood why this was done, they didn’t come up with anything better than to repeat the same idea in the interface of their brainchildren. The Opera Software company completely closed the project in order not to bother Opera browser on the Presto engine and ported their product to the Chromium base. So Google Chrome asked new standard, what should be the browser - simple for beginners, revealing its functional potential gradually so that they have something to do in the future, and with necessary set settings in the right place for experienced users.

The browser home page is a search engine Google string on the whole screen with a small history of visual bookmarks of visited sites, and at the top of the toolbar there is a conveniently organized button for switching to shortcuts for Google web services applications.

The Chrome application launcher can later be replenished with shortcuts to the desired web services. And for convenience, access to application shortcuts, in addition to provided button switching, can also be implemented as a separate mini-panel in the form of a shortcut on the desktop or in the panel Windows tasks.

At the top of the browser, you can also see a hint for importing previously exported bookmarks from another browser.

Welcome page right after Google installations Chrome will prompt you to log in to your browser for further data synchronization. We will return to this browser functionality later.

In the Google Chrome browser, you will not see any built-in visual bookmark express panels or a local set of skin previews. Many even hastily, without understanding the situation, call the design of this browser miserable. But it's not.

Themes, embeddable visual bookmark panels, service widgets - all these things can be chosen for every taste from the store Google extensions Chrome is completely free.


Taking care of the comfort of Internet users, Google Chrome developers have implemented the so-called Omnibox panel - this is both the address bar and the search bar in one field. If the address entered by the user does not match the rules for writing a URL, the omnibox redirects the entered query to the default search engine.

Moreover, the creators of the browser do not bind users to use the preinstalled search engine always and only. In the browser settings, you can assign any other search engine for the omnibox.


Google Chrome is an auto-updating browser with built-in phishing and malware protection.

When a threat occurs, the browser will display a warning about the danger.


Google Chrome is considered one of the fastest browsers. It starts up quickly on its own and loads web pages quickly. The latter is the result of the introduction of WebKit visualization technology.

Thanks to V8 - an advanced javascript engine, Google Chrome is able to instantly launch even the most complex web applications (flash games and other pages of web projects overloaded with animation).

The fact that Google Chrome is not the fastest browser in the world, but one of the fastest, is deliberately said. Once it really was the fastest browser. But. First, all "chrome-like" clones have the same performance as Google Chrome. Secondly, we can talk about performance only if the browser is not crammed with a huge number of various extensions, because the latter are constantly in active state and consume computer resources, in particular, RAM.

Thirdly, both Google Chrome itself and many of its clones today are already inferior to the qualitatively evolved Internet Explorer. And even though Opera Software closed the project of its browser based on the Presto engine, many users of low-power computers still use the latest version 12, because once it was a really fast and functional browser.

Google Chrome is really nimble and performance browser, but over time, the speed of its work can noticeably decrease, since its system profile grows with various data as it works, and the browser has to constantly access the hard disk.

Working with tabs

The convenience of working in tabs is no longer an advantage of one or another browser, but a standard that developers, if they wish, can surpass by inventing something so ornate. Google Chrome has standard options for working with tabs.

By the way, few people use the tab pin option in browsers, since there are a lot of different functional alternatives, how not to lose the site you like. But in vain. The tab of an interesting site can be pinned using the corresponding option context menu, which is called on the tab itself.

The pinned page will take the form of a small icon and will appear in the same place where it was pinned each time it is launched.

Data synchronization

If you have several devices - for example, a computer, tablet and smartphone, if you often reinstall Windows, the creators of Google Chrome have provided that the entire process of setting the browser to its former state takes just a couple of seconds - while you log in.

After entering into Google account on any device, the browser synchronizes all your data - themes, bookmarks, extensions, logins and passwords of services where you are authorized.

Data synchronization can be configured, for example, by excluding certain data from the save list. You can also use the password encryption feature if you do not trust Google services.

Google Chrome Extension Store

Google Chrome has the largest store of various extensions that no other browser can boast of - not even Mozilla Firefox, neither Opera, nor even Internet Explorer.

Install beautiful theme design, look for interesting informers for social networks, various ad blockers or extensions to improve the functionality of popular web services - all this is possible in the huge assortment of the Google Chrome store.

The Google Chrome Extension Store is also a kind of catalog of various web services. So, if a web service or an online game has “grown up” to being represented by a separate extension or application, you can spend time on such a resource and visit it.

Installation of extensions is carried out in two clicks - a button to add the selected extension and confirmation of actions.

In addition to the installed extension, you can install another one - similar in theme or specifics - from the selection in the "Similar" tab.

Google Chrome features hidden from regular users

Some features of Google Chrome are rarely used for the simple reason that they are not right in front of your nose. Again, the creators of the browser had to hide the features for advanced users away in order to provide beginners with a simple and understandable solution for web surfing. So what is this Google features Chrome?

Drag and drop uploaded files

Uploaded files directly from the list Google downloads Chrome can be dragged with the mouse to any place convenient for work, for example, on the desktop. The file will be copied to the correct location, and its first version will still be stored in browser downloads.

Mode "Incognito"

The special "Incognito" mode of the Google Chrome browser will allow you to surf the web without traces of authorization on websites if necessary. This is a private browsing mode, during which no browsing history is kept, and all cookies are deleted immediately after the browser window is closed.

Task Manager

Google Chrome is equipped with its own task manager, similar to the one implemented in Windows system. Using the Chrome Task Manager, you can track the processes that consume the most computer resources, if they need to be freed, and close extra tabs or deactivate unused extensions.

A shortcut to such a web application can be placed on the desktop, pinned to the Windows taskbar, or on the Windows 8/8.1 Metro start screen.

To turn any page of the site into a separate web application, while on the same page, you need to open the "Additional tools" menu, and in it - select the "Create application shortcuts" command.

And you can visit your favorite sites already in the windows of individual applications.

Metro version for Windows 8/8.1

Google Chrome can switch to Windows 8/8.1 Metro-interface mode and back to desktop mode.

However, this is unlikely to bring comfort to the use of the browser for owners of Windows tablets and laptops with touch screen small size. The Metro version of Google Chrome is just a copy of the desktop version, only, accordingly, in the style of the Metro interface. And here are the same small web elements that are not convenient to hit with your finger, unlike, for example, more adapted to work on small screens Metro versions Internet browser explorer.

By the way, you can restart the Google Chrome browser in Windows 8 mode for a visual representation of what the Google Chrome OS operating system is. The browser window opening in full screen mode in the Metro interface simulates operating system chromebooks.

Multiplayer mode

Google Chrome, like operating systems, provides for work not only in single user mode. Any member of the family can create for themselves separate account in Google Chrome and switch to it for web surfing.


Google, celebrating the 10th anniversary of its browser these days, has released an important update for Google Chrome. Especially for the anniversary, the developers have released a rich update with a number of really noticeable improvements: expanded work with passwords, answers in address bar and of course new interface.

Google Chrome interface update aims to refresh appearance browser and make it more modern. Calm colors and rounded shapes are the two main characteristics of the new style. This is a single new browser look for all supported platforms.

In this version, the design of the main browser panel has been completely changed. Sharp corners were replaced by rounded shapes, and the color design became much less contrasting, softer. Tabs have a rounded shape with a neat color delimitation between adjacent elements; a new button for creating a tab has been implemented, the address bar has also become rounded; backlight active elements carried out by a rounded background. All this is designed in a new, neat color scheme without sharp transitions from the previous interface. It turned out to be much more modern design without sharp shapes, frames and with calm colors. The only structural change is moving the profile icon from the top of the header to line up with the address bar.

The vast majority of users who managed to try out the updated Google Chrome 69 interface while still at the testing stage respond positively to the changes. Often, changes in the interface of a popular program turn out to be ambiguous, but this is clearly not the case, and the widest audience should like the new design.

Another important change is a significantly improved password handling. Now, when registering on a site, the browser will offer to use a secure, specially generated password. All passwords are stored in the cloud and are available on all user devices. Please note that this feature may not be active for all browser users (apparently being rolled out gradually).

Another useful new feature in Google Chrome 69 is address bar replies. Now the browser will answer many questions right in the address bar, without having to visit the site. For example, typing the word “weather” will display a forecast with an informative icon, and the query “how old is Bill Gates” will show the age as a number. In practice, this is quite convenient. By the way, the same function has been present in it for quite a long time, where it has proven itself well.

Another player has entered the memorable browser war, but a player more powerful than all the others combined - Google. Finally, the more than once announced plans for the release of the browser came true - in the evening the general public was given the opportunity to download the distribution kit of Google Chrome for Win32 and try it out. Already as of the morning of the next day, according to some studies, it occupied 0.72% of the world market, going almost on a par with Opera (0.74%), which has a long history and an army of loyal fans. The browser is available for the Win32 platform, versions for other platforms are still in development, for the most impatient, the source code and instructions for building and testing are available.

The pre-launch PR of the new browser also turned out to be original - a few days before this event, instead of technical documents and announcements, a talentedly drawn comic book was posted in two parts, which in an unobtrusive and game form described in detail what to expect from the product. Enthusiasts quickly translated the comics into Russian, and began discussing the product even before it was released, periodically checking the availability of the download address. Lots of blogs and news feeds wrote about this product, and everyone was in anticipation. Finally, a presentation took place in the evening (unlike other companies, everyone even knew exact time release, and it was even a little strange how the servers withstood such an influx), and now, after a little testing, we can really talk about what is so interesting, first of all, for a developer.

A lot of people have already written about the user side of the browser. Yes, the Chrome browser interface design is very, very simple, the number of settings is minimized - all this has already been described by many bloggers and news sites. We will further dwell on some of the technical details that are of interest to developers. So, let's begin.

The original browser installation model - a small downloader is available for download, which, at startup, already downloads and installs the main browser distribution kit, 23 MB in size, which is packed with non-traditional, but one of the best open archivers 7-Zip. This approach is used only by Microsoft, distributing a web installer for IE, however, unlike Chrome, IE is also available as a complete distribution, and Google has not yet provided for this.

As expected, the browser is open source, the source code is hosted on Google Code, the project is called Chromium and is available under a BSD license. There is also a lot of detailed documentation on the internal architecture of the browser, we advise you to read and see, especially since it uses quite innovative approaches. We will talk about architecture very briefly.

Architecture of Google Chrome

The main difference from all other browsers is the use of multithreading. All elements of the browser that could potentially lead to a crash are moved to separate threads, so now each tab and each window is a new process, independent of all others. The developers explain in the documentation that they spied on such an organization in the architecture of modern operating systems and decided that the browser should also be just that. After all, the most unpleasant thing that can be is the case when one tab, due to an error, leads to the closure of the entire browser, and active users there may be dozens or even hundreds of tabs.

Component-wise, there are several main systems that make up the browser. The core of web page rendering is based on the open WebKit engine, on the basis of which the well-known Safari browser, the default browser for MacOS and Apple iPhone. The network part in the current release for Win32 systems is based on the WinHTTP library due to its better documentation and stability, it is focused on server applications. However, in the future, Google plans to replace this component with its own HTTP protocol processing stack. Over this library, Google wrote its own multi-threaded resource loader, which replaces the regular one for the WebKit engine. JavaScript is handled by the new V8 engine, which is also open source and is fast and efficient in memory management. V8 is available in source codes for all platforms (written in C++), and can be built as a standalone application or embedded in others (more). The main advantage of the engine is more fast access to the fields of objects (in principle, it can be implemented with just one instruction), as well as the rejection of intermediate code transformations, JavaScript is translated the first time it is called immediately into machine code (as I understand it, into assembler). The last trump card is the built-in garbage collector, which allows you to save memory, which is especially true for complex and large JS applications. This all sounds like a description of the ideal engine, but the war on this front is just beginning, because Firefox 3.1 should also handle JS code better, and in fact, as far as I know, the next generation Tamarin engine is not even used yet.

The browser was initially integrated with Google Gears, which is now component browser - some "features" of the browser, such as turning any tab into an independent web application, are based precisely on its functionality, and sites that rely on its capabilities will now work faster without requiring the user to install additional plugins (this was to be expected, I think I won’t be mistaken if I say that it was on Gears that Google tested its browser technologies).

The same minimalistic and pretty interface that many users liked so much is rendered by the Scia library. This library, together with the developer company Google, acquired back in 2004 and uses it in the Android project. Scia is an open graphics library that operates on 2D graphics and supports working with SVG, PDF and OpenVG, optimized to work in resource-limited conditions on mobile platforms, the developer company itself demonstrated work on PocketPC, Symbian and Brew platforms, along with traditional Win32 and macOS.

The only third-party plug-in that works in the new browser is Adobe's Flash player, which is now indispensable. The browser supports the NPAPI plugin architecture, the same as in Firefox, so we expect that it will be possible to transfer plugins without much difficulty and complete rewriting, but add-ons are not supported in the current release, which they promise to fix in future versions. Of course, this will make it more difficult for many users to relocate to new browser, however, when normal work it is almost not felt. This is fundamental for a web developer - it is very difficult to imagine without the Firebug plugin and third-party add-ons to it full development. But do not rush to be sad - the tools for the developer will be discussed below.

All browser components are connected into one whole system using the interprocess communication protocol (IPC) based on the name pipe. This is an independent and large topic, described in detail in the documentation As already mentioned, the browser is built with multithreading in mind, and each window and tab in it is an independent browser (yes, each tab renders its own instance of the engine and other components) standard streams(more about the flow model). It is this architecture that allows the browser to demonstrate amazing speed even when several dozens of tabs are open in parallel, including those with resource-intensive applications. but back side medals - a fairly large memory consumption, although in the light of the fact that even budget laptops are equipped with 1 GB of memory, this is not so significant.

How about in real work?

For example, in the process of writing an article, two browser windows (8 and 11 tabs) are open, as well as three individual windows in the form of web applications, in particular, Gmail. At the same time, Firefox 3 is open with 7 tabs. Now it's time to bring another browser component from Google to the stage - its own process manager (from the menu or via Shift-Esc), showing all running browser processes (as well as the flash process, from which you can try to conclude that Flash is one process for all, and it's interesting to see what happens when it crashes when several windows with flash movies are open). Examining the manager, we can draw one more conclusion - it turns out that different tabs in which pages of the same site (domain) are open will be displayed within the same parent process, using only new threads, which means that a crash on one page will only lead to the closing of tabs from pages of this domain. If you still want to spread across independent streams open pages, will have to use new windows. However, this behavior is quite logical and will not cause any particular difficulties.

But back to memory consumption - Google Chrome consumes in this configuration 185 MB of memory versus about 60 MB for Firefox (in terms of: 8.5 MB / page for both), but three times more virtual memory (about 350 MB versus 115). It turns out that not everything is so bad and the overhead with this architecture is not particularly large, although on computers with little memory it is unlikely to be so fast, especially if there are many applications in parallel - frequent use of the paging file can significantly slow down the work.

A few words about standards

A few words about standards. The browser passes the ACID2 test completely, which, however, is not new for browsers based on the WebKit engine, which is famous for its good support for new standards. At the time of testing, the ACID 3 test site was unavailable, apparently everyone decided to check it out, but those who succeeded report incomplete support - 76 points out of 100. Note that only in latest builds The engine has full support for CSS 3, however these builds have performance issues and are not recommended for serious use. HTML 5 features are also not yet supported, but announced in a future release, so don't take that as a verdict. Moreover, some of its most requested innovations (for example, built-in data storage) are already supported in Gears. As for regular HTML/XHTML, everything is fine here, and if the site works correctly under Safari, then Chrome will process it correctly. A significant disadvantage is the lack of XML support, in particular, RSS is not recognized in any way and is displayed as plain text, in addition, email links are not recognized, PDF files cannot be opened simply in a browser window, however, this is not the worst thing. Now there are still some difficulties with cookie processing and the lack of auto-completion of forms, authorization data is not always remembered, there is no full time job with client SSL certificates (someone has already reported that WebMoney Lite is not working), poor built-in spell checking, but you can’t demand everything at once about the first public version.

For file downloads, there is a simple built-in download manager that opens in a new tab. Of course, you can search everywhere using built-in tools (do not forget that Google is still search service) - local search for files, browsing history, and integrated Google search in the address bar, which is very convenient.

But what about web developers?

If at first, having heard that the basis of the browser is not the expected Firefox / Gecko (after all, Google is a longtime friend and sponsor of Mozilla), but WebKit, many developers realized that there would be no favorite plug-ins to make life easier for AJAX developers (Firebug and company), then a closer look available tools, realized that not everything is so sad. There are several tools at the disposal of the JavaScript developer that cover the basic needs.

First, the page's source view window comes with line numbering and syntax highlighting to make it easier to explore the pages. However, the highlighting only works for HTML, but the JS code is simply displayed in gray font as text, I hope this will be fixed in future versions.

Secondly, the browser has a separate JS debugger, which, however, has an interface only command line, however, it allows you to do all the basic operations with the code - working with breakpoints, tracing, etc. Working with him is unusual, but if you get used to it, then quite. List available commands can be obtained by typing "help", a list of all used JS files and other resources can be obtained with the scripts command, breakpoint management - break, break_info and clean. This is for true console virtuosos.

And for everyone else, there is the JavaScript Console, which is quite similar in functionality to the Firebug + YSlow bundle (although, if true, these tools are still much more powerful). This console displays the entire DOM model current page with syntax highlighting, convenient navigator for all its elements, as well as a list of all applied CSS styles with the ability to change parameters on the fly and view the result. What pleasantly surprised me is that you can enter and execute JS code in the console, while auto-completion and hints for those libraries that are connected on the current page immediately work.

In the Resources tab of the console, we can examine the loading process of all page elements - loading time, size and order, view each page element - basic functionality tabs Net plugin Firebug or YSlow plugin is implemented.

While this is all that Google Chrome can put at the disposal of a web developer, this is not enough for professionals and they will not abandon the Firefox + Firebug bundle, but for ordinary users and this is not necessary. These tools will be used to test sites for the new browser, but if the plugin architecture compatibility claims are implemented, we'll soon see Firebug as part of Chrome. After all, it is in development that a stable platform is needed, since undebugged scripts of complex AJAX applications often cause the entire browser to crash, and the developer needs to keep many windows open in parallel, and each crash slows down the work.

Having tested its work on complex AJAX applications, in particular, examples on the ExtJS website, I can assure you that the speed is really higher than that of other browsers, no slowdown of other tabs was noticed, third-party projects also work stably, in particular, for example, our application , where ExtJS is paired with Flash - for modern AJAX applications and RIA, this is really the best and fastest browser.


Google came up with…yes, it turned out to be a great product! Despite the early version (0.2.x), it is quite stable, the performance is simply fantastic (of course, if you have 1 GB or more of memory), despite the simplicity and minimalism of the interface, the functionality is on top (which is worth only the ability to turn any tab into web application launched by clicking on the icon from the desktop). I just want to think a little about the big picture.

Google is clearly making its operating system out of the browser - both architecturally and conceptually. Having previously tested Gears on a large army of users, partially transferred their services to it and captured the minds of many web developers (even MySpace), they integrated it into the browser and now no modules are needed - everything works out of the box, which users so dreamed of ( without even suspecting) and the developers. The main competitor, I would single out not Firefox at all, as everyone compares, but Adobe AIR - in fact, each tab in Google Chrome is an instance of that same AIR. Both have the same engine, both have modern and fast JS engines, integrated Flash and other required plugins. Both projects act as an ideal platform for AJAX web applications, the only thing is that Google has a shorter path to the user, after all, Chrome is not only a platform, but also an end product (albeit, in fact, attached to the load of the platform).

Other than that, expect Chrome to be full-fledged soon. mobile browser- all components are cross-platform and individually all already work on mobile devices - and the WebKit engine, and Gears and Scia and even Flash. The question of appearance Chrome browser for the Android platform, it's only a matter of time. And it seems that this will be another revolution, because previously mobile terminals have always been "flawed" in terms of web access, and now our phones will have the fastest browser in the world (oh, even a gigabyte of memory in each smartphone).

P.S. There have been reports that the share of the new browser has already reached 1%, which is simply a fantastic result achieved in less than a day after the announcement, as well as the identification of the first vulnerabilities (). Looks like the browser war is on its next round.

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