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7870 consumption. Characteristics of the tested video cards

Recently, the Radeon HD 7870 series of products has been added to the MSI lineup. This is a good reason for us to once again bring this popular AMD graphics card to its closest competitors and at the same time consider a new model from MSI. It should be noted that the current pricing for the Radeon HD 7870 is such that this video adapter has come close in price to the weaker GeForce GTX 660. Therefore, this time we focused on the comparison with this NVIDIA graphics accelerator. The GeForce GTX 660 Ti will also be present. But since this adapter is obviously more expensive and productive, we will limit ourselves to only the nominal mode for it.

At the moment, there are two similar products in the MSI series - R7870-2GD5T and R7870-2GD5T/OC. Between themselves, they differ only in the value of the frequency of the GPU. As the name suggests, the second option is slightly faster. That is what we will consider in this review.

The video card comes in a medium sized box. The scope of delivery is as follows:

  • DVI/D-Sub adapter;
  • mini-DisplayPort/DisplayPort adapter;
  • two power adapters from two molex to PCI-E 6pin;
  • disk with software;
  • instruction.
For the first time, MSI's video adapter does not look like a typical Twin Frozr, although the design is similar. A dual-slot cooler with two fans and a typical MSI impeller shape is used.

The casing is made of plastic. Heat pipes peek out from under it. On the side there is a stiffener, however, rather short.

The set of connectors is typical for Radeon HD 7870: two mini-DisplayPort, one HDMI and DVI.

The design of the cooler has changed slightly compared to MSI R7870 Twin Frozr 2GD5/OC . Immediately striking is the smaller number of heat pipes - there are three of them instead of five. But all tubes increased to 8 mm in diameter.

The large base is in direct contact with the graphics chip. In the traditional Twin Frozr, contact was made through an additional plate soldered to the base. The method of arranging the tubes in the base has changed. There are no grooves for their shape now. But the tubes are flattened, and the joints between them are carefully soldered.

The method of fastening the fans has changed. The carrier frames were removed from the radiator, which created a slight additional air resistance.

But the fans themselves are still the same Power Logic PLD08010S12HH. Their standard size is 80 mm with a real impeller diameter of about 75 mm. The blades at the edges have a special bend, which allows you to increase the generated air flow.

Reference board design. The graphics processor is powered by a five-phase converter based on the CHil CHL8225G controller. Each phase is implemented on DrMOS chips from Renesas Technology.

Traditional GPU photo:

The standard memory size is two gigabytes. Eight Hynix H5GQ2H24AFR T2C chips are soldered.

The core runs at 1050 MHz, which is only 50 MHz higher than the standard value. The memory operates at the recommended 4800 MHz.

According to the GPU-Z utility, the ASIC Quality parameter is 73.3%.

Our standard 12-minute Crysis: Warhead test only managed to get the core up to 63°C at 23.5°C indoors. At the same time, the fans spun up to almost 2200 rpm. Noise can be assessed as moderate.
Even in the most difficult gaming applications the peak temperature did not exceed 64 °C.

You can achieve acoustic comfort with the help of small manual settings in any utility for working with video cards. We lowered the fan speed to 1800 rpm, reduced the operating voltage from 1.219 V to 1.2 V. This allowed us to get rid of noise with a minimum increase in operating temperature by a couple of degrees.

Let's move on to acceleration. The MSI R7870-2GD5T/OC is doing well with it. The graphics processor ran steadily at 1240 MHz when the supply voltage was increased to 1.294 V. The memory reached 6240 MHz, which is no worse than the GDDR5 overclocking result of the MSI R7870 Hawk.

It became possible to realize such a potential at high speeds of blowing fans, which, of course, means very high noise. Characteristics of the tested video cards

Frame rate was measured using Fraps. The mission "Hammer and anvil" (Rock and a hard place) is selected. After the first checkpoint, we descend the hillside into the valley to the enemy fortifications. The test scene included, in addition to the descent, the beginning of a skirmish during the assault on the first row of fortifications. The fire was fired at two points through the sight because of the stones to the right and left of the road. Given a simple descent, the general procedure is easily repeatable, and the final results are almost independent of random factors. Plus, the frame contains not only a large area with detailed textures, but also lighting effects of shots and explosions. This helps to create a fairly adequate picture of real-world performance in both complex, intense single-player campaign scenes and multiplayer skirmishes. A video recording of our test is available. Maximum graphics quality with MSAA 4x anti-aliasing.

Testing was carried out on the second mission "Celerium" immediately after the flight at the moment of the beginning of the assault on the enemy base. Specially selected this detailed level with atmospheric effects and bright spotlights, which is one of the most beautiful in the game. There was a short run with shooting. A video recording of the test scene is available. Five repetitions to reduce the error. Graphics quality set to maximum with MSAA 8x anti-aliasing.

Two five-time runs of the Ambush demo from the Crysis Warhead Benchmarking Tool. Graphics settings maximum (Enthusiast) under DirectX 10.

A small scene on the first level was replayed. A walk along the park alley was accompanied by the shooting of the water surface and a group of stones (it is at such moments that strong fps drawdowns are observed). As a result, the test turned out to be short, but varied and rich, with an abundance of complex geometric objects and surfaces for which tessellation is used, plus smoke from many particles and a dynamically changing water surface. Four repetitions of the test, followed by a restart of the game and four more repetitions. Such a large number of runs were performed to obtain more or less stable results in terms of the minimum fps. The recording of the test scene can be viewed at this link.

The test was conducted at the beginning of the "Just Human" level. A short run through the limited visibility zone was combined with a look through the sight of distant objects (that's why such a large-scale level was chosen). Test recording is available. Four repetitions. Graphics quality is maximum, anti-aliasing is disabled.

For testing, a complex scene full of explosions was chosen, in which the hero, after blowing up a spaceship on mines, saves satellites in a sealed container. Video footage of this episode is available. It is difficult to completely repeat all actions in such a game situation, so five runs were carried out to improve the accuracy of measurements. Graphics at the highest quality Ultra.

Testing was carried out in a "manual" mode. A walk was made through the territory of the first village and the surrounding thickets. The abundance of garlands and lights in the village creates a significant load on the video card, so this place was chosen for testing. A test walk recording is available. Three runs. Maximum quality settings for DirectX 11 with MSAA 2x anti-aliasing.

Four runs of a standard gaming benchmark. Maximum graphics quality settings under DirectX 11 with MSAA 4x anti-aliasing.

Three runs of the built-in performance test. The graphics quality is at its maximum, except for the anti-aliasing associated with the quality of the shading. Last parameter in the middle position ("High").

Unfortunately, the built-in benchmark does not characterize the real performance in the game at all. It can only be considered as a demonstration of TressFX hair simulation technology. And this simulation itself in the test is not used to the maximum, the game also has more complex scenes when a strong wind or water affects the hair. In general, we abandoned the built-in test and used the introductory test to compare performance. scene at the very beginning of the game: Lara is floundering in the waves, gets ashore and watches the dispute of her comrades, after which the unknown stuns the heroine. Two reruns of this episode. Testing in two modes: maximum graphics quality with FXAA anti-aliasing, similar settings when TressFX is activated.

The last level of training was launched and fps was measured while the camera flew around the battlefield. The scenes at sunset are the most difficult for video cards, which is why this episode was chosen. The duration of the test scene is 47 seconds, it was repeated three times. Graphics settings are maximum under DirectX 11, SSAO and FXAA are active. The video is available at this link.

Testing was carried out at the maximum quality settings without activating "outrageous quality". In this game, some parameters can be raised even higher when choosing the maximum settings profile. Therefore, we provide a screenshot of our settings.

A video recording of the test is available.

Testing was carried out by playing the same recording of the battle. The test does not correspond to the one we used earlier due to the incompatibility of the old "replays" with the new version of the game 0.8.4. This time we lost a short segment at the "Arctic" level lasting 42 seconds. Maximum graphics quality, low quality FXAA anti-aliasing.

Testing in Extreme mode (1920x1080).

Energy consumption

For a comprehensive assessment of energy consumption, measurements were made in several games:

The measurements were taken with the Cost Control 3000. The highest readings during the tests were taken into account, on the basis of which the average value was calculated. Test results

At maximum graphics quality settings in Assassin's Creed 3, NVIDIA video cards have a strong position. The Radeon HD 7870 here is inferior even to the GeForce GTX 660. But this lag is easily compensated by overclocking. But with the GeForce GTX 660 Ti, an AMD representative cannot compete even at higher frequencies.

In a simple Radeon HD 7870 bypasses the GeForce GTX 660 by a modest couple of percent, MSI brings the advantage to 5%. Overclocking allows you to bypass the nominal GeForce GTX 660 Ti.

In Black Ops 2, the Radeon HD 7870 again slides into last place. Even the MSI R7870-2GD5T / OC is 6-10% weaker than the GeForce GTX 660. When overclocked, the difference between these competitors is minimized, but both of them fall slightly short of the result of the GeForce GTX 660ti.

The Radeon HD 7870 in Warhead shows the same minimum fps as the GeForce GTX 660, but outperforms it in average frame rates by 6%. MSI brings this difference to 8%, yielding 4-9% to its older competitor NVIDIA. Overclocking allows the AMD graphics card to come out on top.

In the second part of Crysis, the Radeon HD 7870 has less drawdown, but a slight lag in the average frame rate from the GeForce GTX 660 Ti. Overclocking strengthens the position of MSI R7870-2GD5T/OC and turns it into an undisputed leader.

The situation is already a little different. Here the place of the leader confidently takes the GeForce GTX 660 Ti. A simple Radeon HD 7870 even manages to yield a little to the younger GeForce. The not-so-impressive increase in performance during overclocking, which accelerates the Radeon by only 18.5%, also attracts attention. This is not enough to match the results with the GeForce GTX 660 Ti.

Doesn't bring anything unexpected. The regular Radeon HD 7870 outperforms the GeForce GTX 660 by 4-7%, while MSI has a 6-9% advantage. Overclocking allows you to reach the performance level of the GeForce GTX 660 Ti.

The advantage of the Radeon HD 7870 over the GeForce GTX 660 reaches 4% in the minimum fps and 8% in the average fps. For the MSI video adapter, these figures are 9% and 11%, with a lag of 8-11% relative to the senior representative of NVIDIA. Overclocking helps to achieve a slight advantage over the GeForce GTX 660 Ti.

The latest Hitman shows a love for AMD graphics cards. By the way, the first tests in this game showed incredibly low results for the GeForce GTX 660 Ti, below 30 frames per second. The performance of the "green", as well as the "blue", was well tightened, but they are still inferior to the Radeon HD 7870. The latter is 4-5% better than the GeForce GTX 660 Ti, and MSI demonstrates an advantage of 5-9% at factory frequencies, bringing it during acceleration to a devastating value of 26-30%.

Another game optimized for AMD solutions. At idle, the Radeon HD 7870 competes with the GeForce GTX 660 Ti. The latter is slightly better in terms of average fps, but loses a little in terms of minimum fps. In such a situation, the leader is naturally MSI R7870-2GD5T/OC.

Another game from Square Enix, which, in addition to being optimized for AMD solutions, has also acquired TressFX proprietary technology. But first, we will consider the results of testing without this "simulator" hairline.

The simple Radeon HD 7870 outperforms the GeForce GTX 660 by 9% in minimum fps, demonstrating almost equal results in average frame rates. In nominal terms, the GeForce GTX 660 Ti is confidently leading, but the overclocked MSI manages to bypass it by the minimum.

With TressFX, the AMD representative strengthens its position and minimizes the difference in minimum fps with the GeForce GTX 660 Ti. And when overclocked, the leadership of MSI does not raise any doubts at all. But in fact, all video cards show very strong drawdowns in this mode, which does not allow you to comfortably play with active TressFX.

In medieval hardcore action, a simple Radeon HD 7870 initially demonstrates the performance of an overclocked GeForce GTX 660, but is 16% behind the older GeForce. MSI in nominal terms loses to this competitor by 12-13%, and when overclocked it bypasses it by 4-5%.

Witcher 2: The Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition

The Radeon HD 7870 is in the middle position between NVIDIA's competitors in The Witcher 2. The difference between MSI and reference is 3%. Overclocking gives a performance gain of 22% compared to the standard frequency configuration. This allows you to bypass the GeForce GTX 660 Ti by 12-14%.

In this popular MMO, the results of the Radeon HD 7870 are depressing - a noticeable lag even from the GeForce GTX 660 and absolutely meager benefits from overclocking. The reason lies in the incomplete loading of the GPU at the level of 70-80% (for frequencies of 1050/4800 MHz). Perhaps the reason is solely a software flaw and AMD programmers have not yet had time to optimize the driver for the updated World of Tanks 0.8.4. In any case, the situation cannot be called bad, because the final fps is still very high and will satisfy any demanding player.

A slight advantage in this test over the GeForce GTX 660. Again, one cannot fail to note the disproportionately low performance gain from overclocking - at the level of 18%. We have carried out numerous repetitions and tests on other frequency configurations. It turned out that the video card really reacts poorly to overclocking, demonstrating a performance increase less than an increase in frequencies. The most surprising thing in this situation is that we previously received a quite adequate increase in this test with similar overclocking of other Radeon HD 7870s.

Energy consumption

Little difference between all participants. In nominal terms, the GeForce GTX 660 Ti has the greatest appetites. The MSI R7870-2GD5T/OC outperforms it quite slightly.


Let's start with the overall results for the Radeon HD 7870. Out of 15 test applications, this video card was better than the GeForce GTX 660 in 11. In half of these games, the advantage of the Radeon HD 7870 is small, up to 5%. So when accelerating, a competitor can easily overtake an opponent. Only in two games (Hitman: Absolution and Sleeping Dogs) does the Radeon HD 7870 show a performance level that is truly unattainable for this GeForce. Although the Radeon itself gains more from overclocking, therefore, in this mode it looks even more attractive, creating already powerful competition for the GeForce GTX 660 Ti. At face value, the Radeon HD 7870 confidently outperforms its older rival in only one game - Hitman: Absolution. In Crysis 2 and Sleeping Dogs, the advantage is only in the minimum fps. Overclocking allows you to achieve an advantage in 10 out of 14 tests. For a cheaper video card, this is a very good result. But achieving maximum overclocking can be problematic due to the need for a noticeable improvement in airflow, which leads to high noise. If, however, you do not chase the maximum 20-25% increase, but limit yourself to overclocking to rated voltage with moderate noise, you will still get a graphics accelerator comparable in performance to the GeForce GTX 660 Ti, and in some cases even better. It should be noted that all applications where AMD is in the lead are released by Square Enix. We can say that this is AMD's main gaming partner. And this is quite a powerful support, because Square Enix is ​​now one of the main suppliers of game hits.

The MSI R7870-2GD5T/OC belongs to the category of the cheapest factory overclocked versions of the Radeon HD 7870. True, this overclocking is very modest, but it's still nice to get a few extra percentages of performance. The board is made according to a standard design, so it is no worse and no better than the vast majority of other representatives of the series in terms of overclocking. Although specifically in terms of memory overclocking, our copy showed a truly outstanding result. The cooling system maintains low operating temperatures at par, but the noise is still a little high. Silence can be achieved with manual speed settings in specialized utilities. The design of the cooler resembles the Twin Frozr cooler, but in some ways even more thoughtful and optimal. The absence of a soldered plate on the base is a definite plus. Therefore, the efficiency of the new cooler is no worse, if not better, than that of the old version. The full frequency potential of this Radeon HD 7870 can be fully revealed only in the noisy mode. At the same time, it is worth noting that with a maximum difference from the reference of 24% in GPU frequency and 30% in GDDR5 frequency in some applications, the final performance increase barely reaches 18% (Crysis 3, 3DMark 11). In other tests, an increase in fps at the level of 20-24% was obtained. Perhaps the reason is in the software. Moreover, earlier we received a larger increase on such cards in the same 3DMark 11. If you do not chase the maximum, up to an additional 10-15% of performance will easily be given to a video card at moderate speeds with an equally moderate noise level. So this is quite a worthy representative of the HD 7870 series, which is offered at a very reasonable price.

We express our gratitude to MTI, the official distributor of MSI products, for providing the video card for testing.

What is Pitcairn? - It's lost in pacific ocean five small islands, only one of which is actually inhabited. Not Polynesians live there, not even some islanders, but the most ordinary British, and the islands are part of the British territories, although they have their own self-government. It is the smallest country in the world with a population of 60 people. They even have their own municipal parliament. All for democracy.

Why are we talking about this? - Ask AMD why they gave such a name to their new chip :-). Next time they should choose shorter and more sonorous names, otherwise if they give a name like an Icelandic volcano, marketers will not pronounce it at internal presentations :-).

And on that note, we'll move on to 3D graphics. Not so long ago, we reviewed the younger family of the new generation, Radeon HD 77xx, which is based on the new GCN architecture, and now it's time for the birth of the middle peasants - Radeon HD 78xx, which will delight users who expect to spend from 250 to 320 US dollars on a new accelerator . Of course, the new AMD solution is somewhere between HD 79xx and HD 77xx in terms of its characteristics. And the details are below.

Part 1: Theory and architecture

Well, the time has come for the release of mid-priced solutions in the latest AMD Radeon HD 7000 family to the market. After the release of the very first solutions of the new Radeon HD 7900 line, which are top-end, after a while the cheapest models of the same series based on the Cape chip came out. Verde (Radeon HD 7700). And now it's the turn of the third wave that completes the release of the Southern Islands family to the market - in the form of two models of the Radeon HD 7800 series. It looks something like this on the timing diagram:

A little earlier than the mid-price solutions, the most budgetary pair of Radeon HD 7700s came out, which was not quite usual, but did not change anything in essence. But these solutions are intended for the most economical users, while the Radeon HD 7800 are more interesting for demanding (but not the most enthusiastic) players. The new video cards are also based on the same Graphics Core Next (GCN) architecture and are functionally identical to Tahiti, but with fewer execution units and reduced performance. Well, the size and complexity of the chips differ significantly, of course, along with market positioning:

If the most inexpensive solutions are the most financially hopeful, and top-end cards are needed more to maintain the image of the manufacturer of one of the best solutions, then the presented Radeon HD 7800 line is most suitable for upgrading gaming systems based on powerful, but already outdated solutions, like the Radeon HD 5850 or HD 5870.

It was this video card that became one of the most successful on the market a couple of years ago. As of the end of 2011, the Radeon HD 5870 is one of the most popular DX11 cards starting at $200 - the share of this video card from AMD among such solutions was 27%, which is pretty good.

The $200 bar is the bottom line where truly gaming graphics cards start. No, cheap models like the Radeon HD 7770 also make sense and are quite playable in most cases, but they are still intended for undemanding gamers. Although all GPUs of the family have the same architecture as more expensive chips, support all their features and provide relatively high performance in modern games, this is clearly not enough for serious gamers.

The Radeon HD 7800 family is perfect for them. Such boards are no longer too cheap to be very popular, but relatively inexpensive compared to top solutions and at the same time offer quite a sufficient level of performance. As always, the main question of interest potential buyers such decisions, is the degree of "cutting" both the GPU itself, and possible changes in the power subsystem and lower frequencies, compared to the top line of the Radeon HD 7900, and today we will consider all this in detail.

With the release of the Radeon HD 7800 line, AMD has completed the release of the new Southern Islands family to the market. Looks like learning problems technological process 28 nm at TSMC factories is gradually being eliminated, and AMD is now releasing the third part of solutions from the new line. So far, the real market expansion of new video cards is hampered by the relatively low volumes of chip production using the new process technology at TSMC, but compared to its only competitor, AMD is always ahead in introducing new production technologies. So they have already released the entire new line on the sly, even before the announcement of the first 28-nanometer video card from Nvidia.

So, another subfamily of video cards based on new GPUs from the Radeon HD 7000 series was announced the other day. AMD's mid-range solutions support all modern industry standards: GDDR5, PCI Express 3.0 and their future versions - DirectX 11.1. Since the HD 7800 series completely repeats the features of the older HD 7900 series in terms of capabilities, it will be useful to read the detailed information about these and earlier AMD solutions before reading the material:

  • AMD Radeon HD 7970: The new single-socket 3D graphics leader
  • AMD Radeon HD 6950/6970: slightly weaker than Geforce GTX 570/580, but also cheaper
  • AMD Radeon HD 6870 and HD 6850: Theory of New Mid-Price Solutions
  • ATI Radeon HD 5870: a powerful blow from Canada - ATI (AMD) releases the new king of 3D graphics

Let's move on to the description of the technical characteristics of the announced video cards of the Radeon HD 7800 series, based on the new GPU codenamed "Pitcairn" from the "Southern Islands" series.

Radeon HD 7800 Series Graphics Accelerators

  • Chip codename: "Pitcairn"
  • Production technology: 28 nm
  • 2.8 billion transistors (slightly more than the Cayman, which is the basis of the Radeon HD 6900 series)
  • Unified architecture with array shared processors for stream processing of numerous types of data: vertices, pixels, etc.
  • Hardware support for DirectX 11.1, including shader model Shader Model 5.0
  • 256-bit memory bus: four 64-bit wide controllers with GDDR5 memory support
  • Core clock: up to 1000 MHz (for Radeon HD 7870)
  • 20 GCN Compute Units of 80 SIMD Cores with a total of 1280 Floating Point ALUs (Integer and Float formats, supports IEEE 754 FP32 and FP64 precision)
  • 80 texture units, with support for trilinear and anisotropic filtering for all texture formats
  • 32 ROPs with support for anti-aliasing modes with the possibility of programmable sampling of more than 16 samples per pixel, including with FP16 or FP32 framebuffer format. Peak performance up to 32 samples per clock, and in colorless mode (Z only) - 128 samples per clock
  • Integrated support for up to six monitors including HDMI 1.4a and DisplayPort 1.2

Radeon HD 7870 Graphics Specifications

  • Core frequency: 1000 MHz
  • Number of universal processors: 1280
  • Number of texture units: 80, blending units: 32
  • Memory type: GDDR5
  • Memory capacity: 2 gigabytes
  • Theoretical maximum fill rate: 32.0 gigapixels per second.
  • Theoretical texture sampling rate: 80.0 gigatexels per second.
  • One CrossFire connector
  • PCI Express 3.0 bus
  • Power consumption: 3 to 175 W
  • Two 6-pin power connectors
  • Dual slot design
  • US MSRP: $349

Radeon HD 7850 Graphics Specifications

  • Core frequency: 860 MHz
  • Number of universal processors: 1024
  • Number of texture units: 64, blending units: 32
  • Effective memory frequency: 4800 MHz (4×1200 MHz)
  • Memory type: GDDR5
  • Memory capacity: 2 gigabytes
  • Memory bandwidth: 153.6 gigabytes per second
  • Theoretical maximum fill rate: 27.5 gigapixels per second.
  • Theoretical texture sampling rate: 55.0 gigatexels per second.
  • One CrossFire connector
  • PCI Express 3.0 bus
  • Connectors: DVI Dual Link, HDMI 1.4, two Mini-DisplayPort 1.2
  • Power consumption: 3 to 130 W
  • One 6-pin power connector
  • Dual slot design
  • US MSRP: $249

As you know, a certain strictness has been observed in the naming system for AMD video cards for several years. So this time, the well-known principle of names was not changed, the trends of the previous series were continued. The mid-budget series of video cards based on the GCN architecture differs from the top and budget lines the second digit in the index: instead of 7 and 9, the number 8 is set, which is quite logical.

Of course, since AMD again took the psychological threshold of 1000 MHz for the frequency of the GPU, the Radeon HD 7870 also received the “GHz Edition” addition to the name, indicating that this frequency was taken. After the HD 7770 GHz Edition, this is the second specially branded graphics card to have a standard frequency of at least 1 GHz.

From the name it is clear that the Radeon HD 7800 is more productive than the HD 7700, but has a lower speed compared to the older models - HD 7900. As for comparison with Nvidia solutions, the older HD 7870 released at the time of release competes with the video card Geforce GTX 570, and the younger one is aimed at fighting the GTX 560 Ti (all Nvidia solutions are based on old GPUs, they still have not released 28-nanometer chips).

Both models of AMD video cards that we are reviewing today have GDDR5 memory of the same amount of 2 gigabytes. They both use a 256-bit memory bus, and so you could put 1, 2, or 4 GB on them. 1 gigabyte is too small, and 4 GB is too expensive for this price segment. Therefore, we can say that the ideal amount of 2 GB of video memory has been chosen, which is quite sufficient for the vast majority of games even at high resolutions, and not too costly in terms of cost.

In other respects, from the point of view of the consumer, the HD 7850 and HD 7870 models are still different. The older Radeon HD 7870 has a higher power consumption, so it needs two additional 6-pin power connectors, and the HD 7850 is content with only one of them. Both boards have a two-slot cooling system design, but most manufacturers produce boards with their own design of at least a cooler, and even a PCB.

Architectural features of the Radeon HD 7800 family

In the article dedicated to the announcement of the company's flagship (Radeon HD 7970), we thoroughly described all the features of the new Graphics Core Next (GCN) architecture, so we repeat only the most important characteristics and features in the rest of the basic articles. With GCN, a new architectural era has begun for AMD, marked by improvements in general-purpose computing capabilities.

All of the company's new GPUs offer excellent features and performance not only in graphics processing, but also in non-graphical computing, including a mixture of different types of calculations. Also, the new GCN architecture offers a serious simplification of code optimization tasks, simplification of development and support, as well as stable and predictable performance and, in general, quite high efficiency.

The base block of the new architecture is the GCN block, and all GPUs of the Southern Islands series are assembled from them. The GCN computing unit is divided into four subsections, each of which works on its own instruction stream. Each GCN block has a dedicated 64 KB local data store for data exchange or local register stack expansion. Also, the block has a first-level cache memory with the ability to read and write and a full-fledged texture pipeline with sampling and filtering blocks. Each of the available GCN blocks is capable of scheduling and distributing instructions on its own, and one computing unit can execute up to 32 independent instruction streams. Let's look at the block diagram of the Pitcairn chip:

The diagram shows the Radeon HD 7870 GPU (the "simplified" HD 7850 differs from it by several disconnected blocks), we see 20 computing units of the GCN architecture. In the case of the junior solution of the Radeon HD 7800 series, four of them were disabled, and the number of active blocks in it is 16. This corresponds to 1280 and 1024 stream processors, respectively (just like in the case of the HD 7700 family, only there are exactly twice as many blocks) . Since each GCN unit has four texture units, the total number of TMUs for the older model is 80 TMUs, and for the younger one - 64 TMUs.

But the number of ROPs and memory controllers in the HD 7870 and HD 7850 is also the same as in the solutions of the youngest line. The number of ROP blocks was left quite high - 32 pieces for both models. The memory bus for boards based on Pitcairn has been cut down to 256-bit, it is assembled from four 64-bit channels. This is not bad for a solution of this level, although it is one and a half times less than in the top line, because the memory bus is traditionally cut down first. It's good that the use of fast GDDR5 memory gave a relatively high bandwidth of 153 GB / s.

Like all other GCN architecture chips, Pitcairn incorporates a 9th generation tesselator block, which features numerous buffering and caching optimizations to significantly improve geometry processing performance. Here is a comparison of the new AMD board with the solution of the previous generation in a synthetic problem, according to which we can assume an increase in the tessellation speed up to four times:

Similarly, many AMD technologies are supported and improved in the new video chips of the Radeon HD 7000 line. This is described in more detail in the article AMD Radeon HD 7970: New single-processor leader. Let's supplement the list with the fact that the Radeon HD 7800 fully supports both the improved MLAA 2.0 anti-aliasing algorithm and supersampling anti-aliasing (SSAA).

MLAA (Morphological Anti-Aliasing) 2.0 is an improved full-screen anti-aliasing post-filter that can be forced for any DirectX application from AMD Catalyst Control Center in the latest drivers (starting with Catalyst 12.3 Beta and 12.4). Compared to the first version, the improved method provides better performance and quality. But even more interesting is supersampling (Sparse Grid Supersample Anti-Aliasing - SSAA), it can also be enabled in the same driver versions for DirectX applications 9/10/11, it is very demanding, but also of the highest quality:

As for the comparison of performance in games, the first estimates of the rendering speed can be made from the presentations of AMD itself. It seems that the Radeon HD 7870 is significantly faster than its direct competitor Geforce GTX 570, especially given the lack of 1.25 GB of video memory in the latter (compared to 2 GB in the solutions in question), observed in modern games with high resolution rendering. The younger Radeon HD 7850 can be compared with the Geforce GTX 560 Ti, and here the amount of memory cannot be boasted. However, according to the company's measurements, their new solution is still faster than the competition in most games.

We will definitely check the performance of solutions in games in the third part of the article, and now we will summarize the theoretical part of the material. The presented models of the Radeon HD 7800 series are an excellent option for mid-budget cards and will be a good upgrade for those users who have not yet switched to video cards with DirectX 11 support. The new boards provide all the necessary features and should show very good performance, sufficient for any modern games.

Now, after getting acquainted with the theoretical characteristics and capabilities of the Radeon HD 7800 line, the time has come practical material with a study of the rendering speed of new AMD video cards in a set of synthetic tests. It will be very interesting to evaluate the performance of new products from the Radeon HD 7800 line, comparing it with the speed of competing video cards from Nvidia, as well as with top solution from the previous generation of AMD.

AMD Radeon HD 7870 - Part 2: video card and synthetic tests →

AMD Radeon HD 7870M is a high performance graphics card based on the latest 28nm GCN (Graphics Core Next) architecture. The card supports DirectX 11 and a range of technologies required for a high-quality gaming experience.

The performance of the HD 7870M is comparable to that of a desktop video adapter. Positionally, it is between HD 7750 and HD 7770. The Radeon HD 7770 is based on the Cape Verde chip, has 640 1D shader cores and 40 texture units, and runs at 1000 MHz, which is slightly higher than the AMD Radeon HD 7870M (800 MHz).

In the announcement of his new video card AMD's Radeon HD 7870M compares it to the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M. According to the results of tests in AvP, Batman AC, Battlefield 3, Crysis 2, Metro 2033, Skyrim and Wolfenstein games, the adapter from AMD showed quite significant advantages over its competitor. However, it should be noted that the settings in games for conducting demonstration tests were chosen by AMD employees themselves. All in all, the 7870M is likely still faster than the GTX 560M, as 3DMark Vantage and 3DMark 11 benchmarks show performance levels on par with the earlier Radeon HD 6950M.

AMD's HD 7870M includes UVD3 (unified video decoder) technology, capable of decoding MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, VC-1, MPEG-2, Flash, Multi-View Codec (MVC), and MPEG-4 part 2 (DivX, xVid).

Also maps AMD Series 7800 support proprietary AMD Enduro technology. It is responsible for automatic switching between integrated and discrete graphics cards. NVIDIA video cards have the same technology, only under a different name - Optimus. In addition, the 7870M can directly support up to 6 monitors using Eyefinity technology when Enduro is disabled.

Another feature of the 7800 series graphics cards is the presence of ZeroCore technology, which is responsible for reducing power consumption when the display is off and when many of the chip's work areas are not used.

PowerTune technology automatically downclocks a running graphics card if the power used is out of range. set parameters energy consumption. For example, when running FurMark and OCCT, the operating frequency of the chip will decrease, and in games such as Lost Planet, Crysis and Resident Evil 5, on the contrary, it will increase.

The built-in HD audio processor enables HD audio output (TrueHD and DTS Master Audio formats) via HDMI ports and DisplayPort (such as Blu-ray). And thanks to DDMA (Discrete Digital Multipoint Audio) technology, it is possible to play sound in parallel from several devices.

TDP 7870M much lower than 7970M(100W) and 7750 and 7770 desktop models, approximately 55-80W. However, this video card is only suitable for laptops with a fairly powerful cooling system with a display diagonal of 15" or more.

Manufacturer: AMD
Series: Radeon HD 7800M
The code: Heathrow XT
Architecture: GCN
Threads: 640-unified
Clock frequency: 800*MHz
Shader frequency: 800*MHz
Memory frequency: 1000*MHz
Memory bus width: 128 Bit
Memory type: GDDR5
Common memory: No
DirectX: DirectX 11.1, Shader 5.1
Power consumption: 32 W
Technology: 28 nm
Notebook size: big
Release date: 24.04.2012

* Specified clock speeds are subject to change by the manufacturer

In the computer industry, technical products become obsolete rather quickly. Powerful video cards quickly lose their status after a complete generation update. However, not all users strive for a permanent upgrade, some are content with a decrease in the quality of graphics. We recently compared the GeForce GTX 580 and Radeon HD 6970 with new budget graphics cards. And these 2010 flagship solutions still handle many games at medium (or even high) quality. Now let's see what the representatives of the middle class, who came out a little later, are capable of. In this article, we will test the Radeon HD 7870 video accelerator, released in 2012, and the GeForce GTX 760, which appeared a year later. Let's compare their performance in modern games with newer mid-range and budget models, up to the Radeon RX 460 and GeForce GTX 1050.

Since the release of older video adapters, software support at the driver level has been improved, but the requirements for games have also grown. New graphics accelerators have switched to an updated architecture and are already ready to work in DirectX 12. The new API is also supported by these old models, so there will be tests in this mode in comparison.

The full list of participants is as follows:

  • GeForce GTX 1050 2GB;
  • GeForce GTX 960 2GB;
  • GeForce GTX 950 2GB;
  • GeForce GTX 760 2GB;
  • Radeon RX 460 2GB;
  • Radeon R9 270X 2GB;
  • Radeon R9 270 2GB;
  • Radeon HD 7870 2GB.

Characteristics of the tested video cards

The table shows official data on GeForce Boost frequencies, the graphs show the full frequency range, including short-term peak values. The graphs used a different order of video cards, we tried to place them in accordance with the results, grouping AMD and NVIDIA representatives separately. All participants are tested at nominal and overclocked. An exception is made for the GeForce GTX 960, the most powerful test participant with the highest results at nominal frequencies. The Radeon HD 7870, Radeon R9 270X and Radeon R9 270 are represented by one model, so in overclocking they will all be replaced by one video card with increased frequencies.

Video adapterGeForce GTX 1050GeForce GTX 960GeForce GTX 950GeForce GTX 760Radeon RX 460Radeon R9 270XRadeon R9 270Radeon HD 7870
NucleusGP107GM206GM206GK104Polaris 11CuracaoCuracaoPitcairn
ArchitecturePascalMaxwellMaxwellKeplerGCN 1.3GCN 1.0GCN 1.0GCN 1.0
Number of transistors, million pieces3300 2940 2940 3500 3000 2800 2800 2800
Process technology, nm14 28 28 28 14 28 28 28
Core area, sq. mm132 228 228 294 123 212 212 212
Number of stream processors640 1024 768 1152 896 1280 1280 1280
Number of texture blocks40 64 48 96 56 80 80 80
Number of render units32 32 32 32 16 32 32 32
Core frequency, MHz1354–1455 1126–1178 1024–1188 980–1033 1090–1200 1050 925 1000
Memory bus, bit128 128 128 2560 128 256 256 256
Memory frequency, MHz7012 7010 6610 6008 7000 5600 5600 4800
Memory size, MB2048 2048 2048 2048 4096 2048 2048 2048
Supported version of DirectX12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Power, W75 120 90 170 75 180 150 175

Let's briefly recall the characteristics of the Radeon HD 7870 and GeForce GTX 760.

Radeon HD 7870

Let's start with the AMD representative, since he is more advanced in age. Based on the first generation GCN architecture Pitcairn GPU. All this generation was very successful for AMD, and many video cards are still working in the computers of gamers. The chip has 1280 stream processors, 80 texture units and 32 ROPs with a 256-bit memory bus. The Radeon HD 7870 has a GPU operating frequency of 1 GHz, an effective GDDR5 memory frequency of 4800 MHz, and a memory capacity of 2 GB.

The Radeon HD 7870 video adapter experienced a rebirth in the face of the Radeon R9 270X and Radeon R9 270. New video cards on the same core (in the new version of Curacao) differ in operating frequencies - 1050/5600 MHz for the Radeon R9 270X and 925/5600 MHz for the Radeon R9 270.

All of these options are represented in our testing by a single Gigabyte GV-R787OC-2GD graphics accelerator.

gigabyte replaced regular version Radeon HD 7870 down to 1000/4800 MHz. The necessary frequency correction was also performed for the role of the Radeon R9 270X with the Radeon R9 270, in the second case the voltage was slightly reduced.

Overclocking was 1235/5820 MHz. For the Radeon HD 7870, this is a good result. As for the new AMD models, they benefit from higher memory potential, but the Radeon R9 270 may be inferior in terms of core frequency.

GeForce GTX 760

Representative of the second generation of NVIDIA graphics cards based on the Kepler architecture. At the heart of the GK104 processor cut down in terms of computing units. Of the 1536 stream processors GeForce GTX 760 got 1152 processors, 96 texture units and 32 render units. The video adapter replaced the GeForce GTX 660 Ti, although it was cut down more blocks by block. This was compensated by a full 256-bit bus, which allowed 2 GB of memory to work at maximum bandwidth. At the same time, the frequencies are increased relative to the GeForce GTX 600 series. At the base frequency of the 980 core, Boost Clock is 1033 MHz, but the real Boost easily exceeded 1100 MHz. Effective GDDR5 memory frequency at 6 GHz.

For tests, the Palit GTX 760 JetStream model is used.

The frequencies were adjusted to get the maximum Boost of 1110 MHz (which is close to the reference values) and the standard 6008 MHz for memory.

Palit has good cooling, but a shortened reference board design. GPU overclocking is rather weak compared to other representatives of the series - 1102 MHz at the base frequency with a maximum Boost of 1228 MHz. But high memory overclocking at a finite effective value 7484 MHz.

test stand

The test bench configuration is as follows:

  • Processor: Intel Core i7-6950X (3, [email protected].1 GHz);
  • cooler: Noctua NH-D15 (two NF-A15 PWM fans, 140 mm, 1300 rpm);
  • motherboard: MSI X99S MPower;
  • memory: G.Skill F4-3200C14Q-32GTZ (4x8 GB, DDR4-3200, CL14-14-14-35);
  • system drive: Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB (240GB, SATA 6Gb/s);
  • secondary drive: Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 (1 TB, SATA 3Gb/s, 7200 rpm);
  • power supply: Seasonic SS-750KM (750 W);
  • monitor: ASUS PB278Q (2560x1440, 27″);
  • operating system: Windows 10 Pro x64;
  • GeForce driver: NVIDIA GeForce 376.19;
  • radeon driver: AMD Crimson 16.11.4.

All tests were carried out at 1920x1080 resolution. Based on the configuration settings and methodology from a recent comparison of budget graphics cards. Since individual games at maximum graphics quality are too tough for old participants, in some cases a simpler configuration of settings is involved.

Test results

Battlefield 4

Let's start with tests in Battlefield 4. In this game, the GeForce GTX 760 is slightly faster than the GeForce GTX 950 and Radeon R9 270X, confidently outperforming the rest of AMD. The Radeon HD 7870 needs overclocking to reach the same performance level. The GeForce GTX 760, after overclocking, manages to get a slight advantage over the GeForce GTX 960 and GeForce GTX 1050 at face value.

Battlefield 1

In Battlefield 1, we had to limit ourselves to high quality graphics and re-run the tests. We didn’t have a GeForce GTX 1050 at that moment, the video adapter in this comparison missed.

The situation is radically different from what we saw in Battlefield 4. GeForce GTX 760 as an outsider, losing up to 19% to GeForce GTX 950. And the Radeon HD 7870 is 27-33% faster. At the same time, the old Radeon is slightly inferior to the Radeon R9 270X and Radeon RX 460 with more memory. Thanks to overclocking, the Radeon HD 7870 manages to outperform the GeForce GTX 960 at face value. For the GeForce GTX 760, overclocking provides an increase of about 10%, which does not fundamentally change the situation; on this video adapter, you need to reduce the graphics quality.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

The game Infinite Warfare is demanding on the amount of video memory. Among AMD solutions, the new Radeon RX 460 wins in terms of minimum fps due to 4 GB. The results of the Radeon HD 7870 and GeForce GTX 760 are close at face value, while overclocking the old man of the red camp is better. With an increase in frequencies to 1235/5820 MHz, it is possible to slightly bypass the GeForce GTX 960 in nominal terms. Unfortunately, all 2 GB solutions suffer from the fact that detailed textures are not loaded. So the best option in this case is the Radeon RX 460.

Dark Souls 3

The GeForce GTX 760 has a powerful position, which is faster than the GeForce GTX 950 and no worse than the GeForce GTX 1050. The Radeon HD 7870 is several percent weaker, demonstrating the closest results to the Radeon R9 270. In overclocking, the Radeon HD 7870 overtakes the GeForce GTX 960, and the GeForce GTX 760 shows higher performance.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

The high quality of the graphics sags the performance of the tested video cards to extremely low level. But this will allow us to assess their potential in Mankind Divided under difficult conditions. The Radeon HD 7870 has parity with the GeForce GTX 950 while lagging 5-10% relative to the Radeon R9 270X. GeForce GTX 760 slightly loses to the old competitor, but the gap widens when overclocked. It is noteworthy that the Radeon HD 7870 manages to outperform the Radeon RX 460, although the amount of video memory is critical for this game.

Fallout 4

The Radeon HD 7870 occupies the usual middle ground between the Radeon R9 270X and the Radeon R9 270 in Fallout 4, showing a good lead over the Radeon RX 460. The GeForce GTX 760 is on par with the older AMD representative and even shows a tiny advantage in its favor. The old NVIDIA has parity with the GeForce GTX 950 and a minimum lag behind the GeForce GTX 1050, overclocking allows you to reach the level of the GeForce GTX 960.

Far Cry Primal

The GeForce GTX 760 loses to the Pitcairn/Curacao-based Radeon trio in Far Cry Primal. The results of the Radeon HD 7870 are comparable to the GeForce GTX 1050 and GeForce GTX 960. The old GeForce GTX 760 needs overclocking to reach the same level.

Gears of War 4

Gears of War 4 runs in the DirectX 12 environment. There is a definite advantage of NVIDIA solutions here. The GeForce GTX 760 is faster than all AMD rivals, the minimum behind the GeForce GTX 950 and GeForce GTX 1050. When overclocked, the GeForce GTX 760 and GeForce GTX 1050 show the same performance. The Radeon HD 7870 is on par with the Radeon RX 460, overclocking faster.

Grand Theft Auto 5

The advantage is on the side of NVIDIA in the last part of GTA. The closest performance for the GeForce GTX 760 and GeForce GTX 950, the Radeon HD 7870 is over 11%. Increasing the frequencies allows the GeForce GTX 760 to reach the performance level of the GeForce GTX 960. The Radeon HD 7870 beats the Radeon RX 460 in the average frame rate, but loses in the minimum. In general, the presence of drawdowns indicates that it is better to lower some graphics parameters. Read more about graphics settings in a dedicated article.

Just Cause 3

The weakest results in Just Cause are for the GeForce GTX 760, the Radeon HD 7870 is 9-12% faster. The old AMD is better than the GeForce GTX 950. The difference with the Radeon R9 270X and GeForce GTX 1050 is at the level of 5%. In overclocking, the Radeon HD 7870 competes with the accelerated GeForce GTX 950, and the GeForce GTX 760 with the forced Radeon RX 460.

Mafia 3

The minimum difference between the Radeon HD 7870 and the Radeon R9 270 in Mafia 3. The GeForce GTX 760 is a few percent behind the old rival and the newer GeForce GTX 950. Increasing the frequencies allows the Radeon HD 7870 to catch up with the GeForce GTX 960, and the GeForce GTX 760 brings it to the level of the GeForce GTX 1050. The lowest results are for the Radeon RX 460.

Metro: Last Light

GeForce GTX 760 in Metro is faster than all rivals from AMD. The minimum gap from the GeForce GTX 950 with the same weak gap from the GeForce GTX 1050. To reach the same level of performance, the Radeon HD 7870 needs to be overclocked to 1235/5820 MHz. The GeForce GTX 760 loses to its comrades from the NVIDIA camp in overclocking and falls short of the GeForce GTX 960.

Shadow Warrior 2

The GeForce GTX 760 and GeForce GTX 1050 have parity in Shadow Warrior 2. In terms of average fps, the Radeon R9 270X is slightly inferior to them, and the Radeon HD 7870 loses about 10%. The old Radeon is on par with the Radeon R9 270 and 13% faster than the Radeon RX 460. In overclocking, the Radeon HD 7870 and GeForce GTX 1050 have similar performance, while the GeForce GTX 760 wins in average fps.

Titanfall 2

The Radeon HD 7870 holds a confident advantage in average fps over the three younger GeForces in Titanfall 2, slightly yielding in minimum fps. By this parameter, the Radeon RX 460 is better than all of them, which is probably due to twice the amount of memory. In overclocking, the Radeon HD 7870 retains its advantage over its rivals and starts to overtake the GeForce GTX 960 in nominal terms.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

The positions of AMD representatives in the re-release of Skyrim are extremely weak. Here the GeForce GTX 760 demonstrates a serious lead of 25-36% from the Radeon HD 7870 and simultaneously overtakes the GeForce GTX 950, almost not yielding to the GeForce GTX 1050. In overclocking, the GeForce GTX 760 is slightly better than the forced GeForce GTX 950 and GeForce GTX 1050, the final figures are higher than the performance GeForce GTX 960 nominal.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

First, let's compare the video cards in Witcher 3 at settings close to the maximum level.

The weakest positions are with the GeForce GTX 760, and the Radeon HD 7870 is on par with the GeForce GTX 950. The Radeon R9 270X is on a par with the GeForce GTX 1050 and Radeon RX 460. In overclocking, the Radeon HD 7870 approaches the GeForce GTX 960, and the GeForce GTX 760 only catches up GeForce GTX 950.

At lower graphics settings, the difference between the Radeon HD 7870 and the GeForce GTX 760 is noticeably smaller, the old AMD already wins only due to the minimum fps advantage at 8%. The GeForce GTX 960 is in a serious lead, the Radeon HD 7870 fails to reach a comparable level when overclocked. The overall potential of video cards allows you to use some intermediate graphics quality parameters. And our special guide article will help you choose the optimal settings.

Tom Clancy's The Division

We will limit ourselves to tests only at the maximum quality in The Divisio, although this is an extremely difficult mode for most participants. The last place is for the GeForce GTX 760, at the same level as the Radeon R9 270. The minimum advantage for the Radeon HD 7870, the old man is comparable to the Radeon RX 460. Increasing the frequencies allows the GeForce GTX 760 to bypass the GeForce GTX 1050 in nominal terms, and the Radeon HD 7870 approaches the positions of the GeForce GTX 960

Watch Dogs 2

The GeForce GTX 1050 was not included in the testing of Watch Dogs 2, we will limit ourselves to the results of other video cards.

Video memory plays a critical role here, and the Radeon RX 460 is better than all AMD representatives in terms of minimum fps, although it demonstrates a low average frequency. The GeForce GTX 760 is faster than the Radeon HD 7870, we can talk about parity with the Radeon R9 270X. In overclocking, the GeForce GTX 760 and Radeon HD 7870 differ slightly - one is slightly better in minimum fps, the second in average fps. The positions of the GeForce GTX 960 are out of reach, but overclocking old solutions allows you to bypass the GeForce GTX 950.

More information about the performance of current video cards in Watch Dogs 2 in a separate test.

3D Mark Fire Strike

The result of the GeForce GTX 760 is 3% higher than that of the Radeon HD 7870. The latter is as close as possible to the Radeon R9 270. In overclocking, the rivals are equal, seriously approaching the performance level of the GeForce GTX 960 and not inferior to the GeForce GTX 1050.

3D Mark Time Spy

In the DirectX 12 benchmark, the old Radeon HD 7870 manages to outperform the GeForce GTX 760 at par by a few points, boosting its overclocking advantage. Both are inferior to the Radeon RX 460, GeForce GTX 950 and GeForce GTX 1050.

Energy consumption

Our GeForce GTX 760 has the highest power consumption figures. The Radeon HD 7870 and Radeon R9 270X are slightly more economical, but worse than the new NVIDIA graphics cards. In overclocking, the consumption of the GeForce GTX 760 and Radeon HD 7870 is almost at the same level.


Based on the test results, we can state that in modern conditions the Radeon HD 7870 and GeForce GTX 760 are solutions of the same level. Often they show close results, and the number of applications where a clear advantage is on the side of one or the other is approximately equal. At the time the GeForce GTX 760 appeared, it looked preferable, competing in most applications with more powerful AMD video adapters. When overclocked, the Radeon HD 7870 looks better, but this will depend on the potential of each particular instance. Among the most relevant games, the Radeon HD 7870's most significant victory is in Battlefield 1, but the GeForce GTX 760 is faster in Watch Dogs 2, Gears of War 4, Fallout 4, GTA 5 and other popular games.

The Radeon HD 7870 is closest to the Radeon R9 270 and often slightly faster. The GeForce GTX 760 is nominally at the level of the GeForce GTX 950. Overclocking allows older video adapters to easily outperform the GeForce GTX 1050 and Radeon R9 270X, approaching the performance level of the GeForce GTX 960. The new Radeon RX 460 looks weaker than other participants against the background of the old ones, although it demonstrates good performance due to large memory capacity or new architecture. It's too early to write off the Radeon HD 7870 and GeForce GTX 760, they still pull out high and medium graphics quality. But the very fact that such 256-bit models compete with modern low-end solutions is quite indicative. If you change these video cards to something new, then you will get a clear performance gain starting with the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti.

  • Part 2 - Practical acquaintance
  • Part 3 - Gaming Test Results (Performance)

In this part, as usual, we will study the video card itself, as well as get acquainted with the results of synthetic tests.


  • GPU: Radeon HD 7870 (Pitcairn)
  • Interface: PCI Express x16
  • GPU operating frequency (ROPs): 1000 MHz (1000 MHz nominal)
  • Memory frequency (physical (effective)): 1200 (4800) MHz (nominal - 1200 (4800) MHz)
  • Memory exchange bus width: 256 bit
  • The number of computing units in the GPU / the frequency of the blocks: 20/1000 MHz (nominal - 20/1000 MHz)
  • Number of operations (ALU) in a block: 64
  • Total number of operations (ALU): 1280
  • Number of texture units: 80 (BLF/TLF/ANIS)
  • Number of rasterization blocks (ROP): 32
  • Dimensions: 255×100×33 mm (the last value is the maximum thickness of the video card)
  • Textolite color: black
  • Power consumption (peak 3D/2D/sleep): 178/57/3W
  • Output jacks: 1×DVI (Dual-Link/VGA), 1×HDMI 1.4a, 2×Mini-DisplayPort 1.2
  • Support for multiprocessing: CrossFire X (Hardware)

AMD Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition 2048 MB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI-E

The card has 2048 MB of GDDR5 SDRAM placed in 8 chips on the front side of the PCB.

Recall that the card requires additional power, and two 6-pin connectors.

And once again it is worth specifically mentioning the possibility of a video card going into a deep “sleep”. The standard Windows power saving settings are designed to dim the monitor after a period of inactivity of the system, and many people around the world computers regularly enter this mode. The remaining components of the system unit do not change their mode of operation (except, of course, the central processor, which goes to sleep) - in particular, the video card continues to work in 2D mode and at the frequencies set for this mode. So, now the Radeon HD 7xxx, when the monitor is turned off, abruptly resets the operating frequencies, consuming only 3 watts, and at the same time the fan stops! This allows you to generally reduce the noise of the system unit and power consumption; in addition, the cooler does not absorb dust at this time. But even this is not enough. When operating in a CrossFire system with two or more 7xxx cards, as soon as the 3D operation ends (the player returns to 2D), only the first card remains in operation, and all the rest are exactly the same go to sleep, consuming 3 watts and turning off their fans. We really liked this feature of the new accelerators!

About the cooling system.

AMD Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition 2048 MB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI-E

The device consists of two parts: the main radiator and the casing.

The main heatsink is based on the evaporation chamber — this type of cooler was already used by AMD on HD 6970 cards. which is driven by a cylindrical fan fixed at one end of the casing. This version of the cooler is very efficient, and it cools the core and memory chips at the same time.

The fan in 2D mode runs at very low speeds, and even in 3D the maximum spin that we saw was only 34% of the maximum. Even then, there was no noise.

We have researched temperature regime using the MSI Afterburner utility (author A. Nikolaychuk AKA Unwinder) and obtained the following results (at nominal frequencies and with strong overclocking):

First, it should be noted right away that the accelerator accelerates simply gorgeous! We got a 150 MHz core clock boost! And at the same time, the maximum temperature on the core rose by only a couple of degrees. Secondly, we see that, in general, the heating does not exceed 80 degrees, which is more than good for such accelerators. Thirdly, we notice that the cooler speed did not increase much after 6 hours under load. SO is great!

The video card arrived to us without packaging and kit, so we omit the bundle issue.

Installation and drivers

Test bench configuration:

  • Computer based on Intel Core i7-975 (Socket 1366)
    • processor Intel Core i7-975 (3340 MHz);
    • Asus P6T Deluxe motherboard on Intel chipset x58;
    • RAM 6 GB DDR3 SDRAM Corsair 1600 MHz;
    • WD Caviar SE WD1600JD 160 GB SATA hard drive;
    • power supply unit Tagan TG900-BZ 900 W.
  • operating system Windows 7 64-bit; DirectX11;
  • monitor Dell 3007WFP (30″);
  • drivers AMD versions Catalyst 12.3; Nvidia version 295.72

vsync is disabled.

Synthetic tests

The synthetic test packages we use can be downloaded here:

  • D3D RightMark Beta 4 (1050) with a description at
  • D3D RightMark Pixel Shading 2 and D3D RightMark Pixel Shading 3- tests of pixel shaders versions 2.0 and 3.0, link .
  • RightMark3D 2.0 With brief description: under Vista without SP1 , under Vista with SP1 .

As synthetic tests for DirectX 11, we used examples from the Microsoft and AMD SDKs, as well as the Nvidia demo program. The first is HDRToneMappingCS11.exe and NBodyGravityCS11.exe from the DirectX SDK (February 2010) .

We also took applications from both video chip manufacturers: Nvidia and AMD. From ATI Radeon The SDK samples DetailTessellation11 and PNTriangles11 were taken (they are also in the DirectX SDK). Additionally, Nvidia's demo program was used - Realistic Water Terrain, also known as Island11 (author - Timofey Cheblokov, a well-known 3D graphics specialist).

Synthetic tests were carried out on the following video cards:

  • Radeon HD 7870 HD 7870)
  • Radeon HD 7950 with standard parameters (hereinafter HD 7950)
  • Radeon HD 7770 with standard parameters (hereinafter HD 7770)
  • Radeon HD 6970 with standard parameters (hereinafter HD 6970)
  • Geforce GTX 570 with standard parameters (hereinafter GTX 570)
  • Geforce GTX 560 Ti with standard parameters (hereinafter GTX 560 Ti)

To compare the results of today's tested video card from the Radeon HD 7800 line, these models were chosen for the following reasons. Radeon HD 7950 and HD 7770 are taken as neighboring models from the current generation line - it will be interesting to see how the novelty is relative to them. The Radeon HD 6970 is taken as the older single-chip model from the previous generation, especially since the prices for "outdated" models are now quite profitable.

The selected solutions of the competing company Nvidia were taken because the Geforce GTX 570 now has a price close to the studied AMD product, and is its competitor at the moment. The GTX 560 Ti is a little cheaper, and it would be nice to compare the HD 7850 with it, but, unfortunately, at the time of our tests, this board was not yet available.

Direct3D 9: Pixel Shaders benchmarks

For some time now, we have stopped using our own texturing and filling (fillrate) test for 32-bit textures from RightMark of the first version, since most video cards in it currently show numbers that are far from theoretically possible and clearly incorrect in general. The test is too old. Next, we'll take a closer look at the texturing speed results by numbers from the 3DMark Vantage test, which yield quite realistic numbers.

The first group of pixel shaders that we are considering is very simple for modern video chips; it includes various versions of pixel programs of relatively low complexity: 1.1, 1.4 and 2.0 found in old games.

These benchmarks are too simple for modern GPUs and are mostly limited by either texturing performance or fillrate (not considering memory bandwidth). And therefore, they do not show all the capabilities of modern video chips, but they are still interesting from the point of view of taking into account outdated gaming applications, which are still missing.

So, judging by the comparison of the Radeon HD 7870 and HD 7950, the performance in these tests is most often limited by the fill rate. Although there is also an influence of the speed of texture modules, so AMD video cards became winners in this test, and the HD 7870 competes with might and main not with the HD 7950, but with the HD 6970. It is quite possible that in the case of the HD 7950 and HD 7770 there is a lack of optimizations in the driver, fixed in later versions, one of which we used in this comparison.

Compared to competing models Nvidia GeForce, AMD's new product is clearly faster than both solutions, and the GTX 570 and GTX 560 Ti, which showed close speed. Let's look at the results of more complex pixel programs of intermediate versions:

So this time it turned out that three Radeon cards at once turned out to be very close to each other (except for the HD 7770). The Cook-Torrance test is more computationally intensive, the difference in it roughly corresponds to the difference in the number of ALUs and their frequency, but also depends on the speed of the TMU. That's why given test better fit graphic solutions AMD companies and these video cards are ahead of both Geforce, although the difference is not too great. The new HD 7870 is even slightly faster than the HD 7950, which is in line with the theory if rendering depends on fillrate.

In the second test of procedural water rendering “Water”, which is more dependent on the speed of texturing, a dependent sampling from textures of large levels of nesting is used, and therefore video cards are ranked in it by texturing speed, adjusted for different TMU usage efficiency. And in this test, AMD solutions have an advantage over Geforce, this time even more ahead of them. And the new HD 7870 is slightly inferior to the younger model from the top series, which corresponds to the theory.

Direct3D 9: Pixel Shaders 2.0 tests

These tests of DirectX 9 pixel shaders are more complex than the previous ones, they are close to what we currently see in multiplatform games, and fall into two categories. Let's start with the simpler version 2.0 shaders:

  • Parallax Mapping- a method of texture mapping familiar from most modern games, described in detail in the article.
  • Frozen glass— a complex procedural texture of frozen glass with controlled parameters.

There are two variants of these shaders: one with a focus on mathematical calculations and one with a preference for fetching values ​​from textures. Consider mathematically intensive options that are more promising in terms of future applications:

These are universal tests, the performance of which depends both on the speed of the ALU units and on the speed of texturing; the overall balance of the chip is important in them, as well as the efficiency of the execution of computational programs. This is yet another test showing that AMD's architecture outperforms Nvidia's GPUs in legacy tasks. The performance of the new AMD graphics card in the Frozen Glass test is better than its predecessor from the top series and even better than the Radeon HD 7950. This seems to be another test that is highly dependent on the fillrate.

In the second Parallax Mapping test, the new HD 7870 video card, although it remains in the lead, is still not so much ahead of the youngest of the current top models. And although Nvidia's solutions feel a little better here, they still can't catch up with competing AMD boards. Let's consider the same tests in the modification with the preference of samples from textures to mathematical calculations:

For boards with GPUs manufactured by Nvidia, the situation has become quite a bit better, but still, the texturing speed of modern AMD chips is higher and it was not possible to catch up with them. Radeon video cards have defended their advantage in these tests, and both GeForces compete only with the HD 7770, lagging behind all three Radeon cards by more than high level. The HD 7870 copes very well with the tasks, outperforms the HD 7950 and is only a little behind the HD 6970, whose VLIW architecture is better suited for simple tasks.

But these were all outdated tasks, with an emphasis on texturing and fillrate. Next, we will look at the results of two more pixel shader tests - but this time version 3.0, the most difficult of our pixel shader tests for Direct3D 9. They are most indicative in terms of modern PC games, among which there are many multiplatform ones. The tests differ in that they heavily load both ALUs and texture units, both shader programs are complex and long, and include a large number of branches:

  • Steep Parallax Mapping— a much more "heavy" kind of parallax mapping technique, also described in the article Modern terminology of 3D graphics.
  • Fur- a procedural shader that renders fur.

In our most difficult DX9 tests from the first version of the RightMark suite, Nvidia's graphics cards have previously been the leaders, in contrast to all previous tests in the tests from our review. But in the latest AMD architecture, its creators were able to solve all the shortcomings, and now solutions based on GCN architecture chips in PS 3.0 comparison showed their strength and instantly became leaders.

Tests are no longer limited by the performance of texture fetches, but most of all depend on the efficiency of shader code execution. Previously, the Radeon HD 6970 improved AMD's position in this test, increasing efficiency in the transition from the VLIW5 to VLIW4 architecture, and almost caught up with the Geforce GTX 570, then Tahiti and Cape Verde strengthened the result, and now Pitcairn has shown itself even better. The improvement in performance in complex computing is very noticeable when comparing old and new AMD boards, and the Radeon HD 7870 is well ahead of the HD 6970 and is about on par with the HD 7950.

So, we again saw excellent results for the Radeon HD 7870, a new model from AMD, which has always outperformed its direct competitor, almost always outperformed its top-end predecessor from the HD 6900 series, and was actually on par with the more expensive HD 7950. As for Nvidia's competitors , then the victory unconditionally goes to the new Radeon model, the presented novelty in all tests is noticeably faster and the GTX 560 Ti and GTX 570.

Direct3D 10: PS 4.0 pixel shader tests (texturing, looping)

The second version of RightMark3D included two familiar PS 3.0 tests under Direct3D 9, which were rewritten for DirectX 10, as well as two more new tests. The first pair added the ability to enable self-shadowing and shader supersampling, which additionally increases the load on video chips.

These tests measure the performance of looping pixel shaders with a large number of texture samples (up to several hundred samples per pixel in the heaviest mode) and a relatively small ALU load. In other words, they measure the speed of texture fetches and the efficiency of branching in the pixel shader.

The first pixel shader test will be Fur. At the lowest settings, it uses 15 to 30 texture samples from the heightmap and two samples from the main texture. The Effect detail - "High" mode increases the number of samples to 40-80, the inclusion of "shader" supersampling - up to 60-120 samples, and the "High" mode together with SSAA is characterized by the maximum "severity" - from 160 to 320 samples from the height map.

Let's first check the modes without supersampling enabled, they are relatively simple, and the ratio of results in the "Low" and "High" modes should be approximately the same.

The performance in this test depends mainly on the number and efficiency of TMUs, and on the efficiency of executing complex programs. In the variant without supersampling, the effective fillrate (ROP performance) and memory bandwidth also have an additional impact on performance, but to a lesser extent. The results when detailing the "High" level are up to one and a half times lower than when "Low".

In tests of procedural fur rendering with a large number of texture fetches, Nvidia solutions used to be noticeably stronger, but over the course of a couple of generations of GPUs, AMD has not only reduced the difference, but with the release of GCN, it has completely pulled ahead. And now the Radeon HD 7770 is on par with the GTX 560 Ti, not to mention the older models. The HD 7870 reviewed today is only slightly inferior to the older HD 7950 and showed a very good result, close to the best. This clearly indicates an increase in the efficiency of the new architecture in complex calculations.

Let's look at the result of the same test, but with "shader" supersampling turned on, which quadruples the work: maybe something will change in this situation, and memory bandwidth with fillrate will have less effect:

Enabling supersampling quadruples the theoretical load, and the results of Nvidia's solutions are significantly worse than those of AMD video cards. Now the difference in the efficiency of this task has become simply huge, and both tested Nvidia video cards simply lose to all AMD representatives. The new product from the HD 7800 series shows an excellent level of performance, again almost not losing to the HD 7950 and overtaking the HD 6970 by a margin.

The next DX10 test measures the performance of executing complex looping pixel shaders with a large number of texture fetches and is called Steep Parallax Mapping. At low settings, it uses 10 to 50 texture samples from the heightmap and three samples from the main textures. When you turn on heavy mode with self-shadowing, the number of samples is doubled, and supersampling quadruples this number. The most complex test mode with supersampling and self-shadowing selects from 80 to 400 texture values, that is, eight times more than the simple mode. We first check simple options without supersampling:

The second Direct3D 10 pixel shader test is more interesting for us from a practical point of view, since parallax mapping varieties are widely used in games, and heavy variants, like steep parallax mapping, are used in many projects, for example, in games of the Crysis and Lost Planet series. In addition, in our test, in addition to supersampling, you can turn on self-shadowing, which increases the load on the video chip by about two times - this mode is called "High".

The diagram is similar to the previous one without the inclusion of SSAA, Nvidia solutions could not improve their position. In the updated D3D10 version of the test without supersampling, the best of Geforce competes only with the Radeon HD 6970, and the new generation boards, except for the HD 7770, are far ahead. Thus, the HD 7870 almost did not yield to its older brother HD 7950 and became one of the two clear leaders in comparison. Let's see what will change the inclusion of supersampling, because it usually causes a large drop in performance on Nvidia boards.

When supersampling and self-shadowing are enabled, the task becomes even more difficult, the combined inclusion of two options at once increases the load on the cards by almost eight times, causing a serious drop in performance. The difference between the speed indicators of the tested video cards has changed, the inclusion of supersampling has an effect, as in the previous case - AMD cards have significantly improved relative performance compared to motherboards based on Nvidia chips.

This time, the Radeon HD 7770 again almost caught up with the Geforce GTX 570, and the two older video cards of the new AMD family became the best. The new Radeon HD 7870 is only slightly behind the stronger HD 7950, but only in simpler conditions, where the memory bandwidth affects. In general, according to the D3D10 shader tests reviewed, we can once again confirm the conclusion that the new AMD architecture copes well with complex "shader" tasks, much better than competing Nvidia boards from the previous generation.

Direct3D 10: PS 4.0 Pixel Shader Benchmarks (Computing)

The next couple of pixel shader tests contain the minimum number of texture fetches to reduce the impact of TMU performance. They use a large number of arithmetic operations, and they measure exactly the mathematical performance of video chips, the speed of execution of arithmetic instructions in the pixel shader.

The first math test is Mineral. This is a complex procedural texturing test that uses only two texture data samples and 65 sin and cos instructions.

The results of limiting mathematical tests most often correspond to the difference in frequencies and the number of computing units, but with the influence of different efficiency of their use. All AMD architectures over the past few years in such cases have had an overwhelming advantage over competing Nvidia video cards, and in the case of a comparison of GCN with Fermi, the situation has only slightly changed.

The results of the video cards are located on the diagram approximately in accordance with the theory, with a few exceptions. It is interesting that the leading trio of Radeons show results close to each other, which, by the way, confirm the theory - HD 7870, HD 7950 and HD 6970 have similar peak characteristics of ALU units. It is clear that all of them turned out to be much faster than both. Geforce cards, with only a little more than half that power.

Let's consider the second test of shader calculations, which is called Fire. It is heavier for ALU, and there is only one texture fetch in it, and the number of sin and cos instructions has been doubled, up to 130. Let's see what has changed with increasing load:

And again, we see an almost identical to the previous picture, except that the numbers themselves have changed, but not their ratio. All graphic processors remained approximately on the same positions. Although there is no strict correspondence to the theoretical figures for peak performance, the results of all solutions are quite close to them. Thus, the difference between the HD 7770 and HD 7750 is close to the corresponding ratio of peak figures in terms of computing speed.

The diagram is fully consistent with the theory. The rendering speed in this test is limited solely by the performance of the shader units and their efficiency, so the three Radeon boards again showed close results, becoming the best comparison cards. It is clear that the HD 7770 is seriously inferior to them, as well as both Geforce - both Nvidia boards compete only with the weakest AMD. Actually, the conclusion is simple: before the release of Kepler, nothing threatens AMD in limiting computational problems, they still win all purely mathematical battles.

Direct3D 10: Geometry Shader Tests

There are two geometry shader speed tests in RightMark3D 2.0, the first option is called "Galaxy", the technique is similar to "point sprites" from previous versions of Direct3D. It animates a particle system on the GPU, a geometry shader from each point creates four vertices that form a particle. Similar algorithms should be widely used in future DirectX 10 games.

Changing the balance in the geometry shader tests does not affect the final rendering result, the final image is always exactly the same, only the scene processing methods change. The "GS load" parameter determines in which shader the calculations are performed - in vertex or geometry. The number of calculations is always the same.

Let's consider the first version of the "Galaxy" test, with calculations in the vertex shader, for three levels of geometric complexity:

The ratio of speeds with different geometric complexity of the scenes is approximately the same for all solutions, the performance corresponds to the number of points, with each step the FPS drop is almost twofold. This task is not too difficult for modern video cards, and its performance is limited either by the speed of geometry processing or the memory bandwidth.

It seems that the memory bandwidth has become the main limiter in this case - that is why the latest video card of the Radeon HD 7800 series seriously loses to its older sister HD 7950. However, it is ahead of the HD 6970 from the previous generation, so not everything depends only on memory. It is very interesting that the results of the HD 7900 and GTX 570 family cards almost completely correspond - they both are at the top and show almost one and a half times better performance in this test. Still, the truncated memory bus sometimes affects synthetic tests as well.

Let's see how the situation changes when transferring part of the calculations to the geometry shader:

When the load changed in this test, the numbers remained almost unchanged for Nvidia solutions and only slightly improved for newer AMD boards. All video cards in this test react weakly to changes in the GS load parameter, which is responsible for transferring part of the calculations to the geometry shader, so all the conclusions remain the same. Let's see what will change in the next test, which assumes a heavy load on geometry shaders.

"Hyperlight" is the second test of geometry shaders, demonstrating the use of several techniques at once: instancing, stream output, buffer load. It uses dynamic geometry generation by drawing to two buffers, as well as new opportunity Direct3D 10 - stream output. The first shader generates the direction of the rays, the speed and direction of their growth, this data is placed in a buffer, which is used by the second shader for rendering. For each point of the beam, 14 vertices are built in a circle, in total up to a million output points.

A new type of shader program is used to generate "rays", and with the "GS load" parameter set to "Heavy" - also to draw them. That is, in the "Balanced" mode, geometric shaders are used only to create and "grow" rays, the output is carried out using "instancing", and in the "Heavy" mode, the geometric shader is also involved in the output.

Unfortunately, due to a bug in the driver, this test simply did not run on the Radeon HD 7870. Alas, we could not run the most difficult geometry test, which shows all the capabilities of the GPU in processing geometry and the speed of execution of geometry shaders. And although we know that these capabilities are clearly improved in the new AMD chips, Radeon solutions continue to lag behind Geforce in the most difficult tests.

Direct3D 10: texture fetch rate from vertex shaders

The "Vertex Texture Fetch" tests measure the speed of a large number of texture fetches from a vertex shader. The tests are similar in essence, so the ratio between the results of the cards in the "Earth" and "Waves" tests should be approximately the same. Both tests use displacement mapping based on texture sampling data, the only significant difference is that the "Waves" test uses conditional jumps, while the "Earth" test does not.

Consider the first test "Earth", first in "Effect detail Low" mode:

Our previous research has shown that both texturing speed and memory bandwidth can affect the results of this test. And the results of Nvidia video cards in simple modes are limited by something else. And in general, in difficult conditions, the difference between boards of similar class turns out to be very small - percentages, not times.

So this time, except that the Radeon HD 7770 is far behind the rest of the set of video cards. All other solutions performed well. Moreover, AMD's new board from the Radeon HD 7800 family showed the best results in all modes, outperforming not only the predecessor Radeon HD 6970, but also the top-end HD 7950. Let's look at the performance in the same test with an increased number of texture fetches:

The relative position of the cards on the diagram has changed mainly due to the fact that the Nvidia boards provided high rendering speed in heavy modes. With a small number of polygons, the rendering speed for AMD cards is limited by the memory bandwidth, and Nvidia cards cannot show results better than the average - a clear emphasis on something (also memory bandwidth?). But in heavy modes, both Nvidia video cards improved their results and now compete with the Radeon HD 7950 and the new HD 7870, which are almost on a par.

Let's consider the results of the second test of texture fetches from vertex shaders. The Waves test has fewer samples, but it uses conditional jumps. The number of bilinear texture samples in this case is up to 14 ("Effect detail Low") or up to 24 ("Effect detail High") per vertex. The complexity of the geometry changes similarly to the previous test.

The results in the second "Waves" vertex texturing test only slightly resemble what we saw in the previous diagrams. In this test, AMD and Nvidia video cards lined up almost along a clear ladder, with the exception of the Radeon HD 7770, which fell out of the trend. Except for this low-end AMD video card, all other motherboards from the company outperformed both Geforces.

And the best part is that the new model from the HD 7800 family showed the best result, again outperforming even the Radeon HD 7950 from the top family. It seems that there is no longer a performance focus in the memory bandwidth, and the HD 7870 wins due to better performance ROP blocks. Consider the second version of the same test:

And again there were changes similar to those that we saw earlier - all video cards slightly worsened their results, but Nvidia lost more, which allowed AMD-based boards to win an even clearer victory over them. Even the Radeon HD 7770 at heavy settings competes with the Geforce GTX 570. And today's heroine, the HD 7870, has again become the best board.

On the whole, the new board from the HD 7800 family showed itself quite well in vertex sampling tests, always outperforming not only competing solutions from Nvidia, but almost everywhere outperforming the previously announced board from the Radeon HD 7900 series, based on a more complex and expensive GPU. Excellent result!

3DMark Vantage: Feature tests

Synthetic tests from the 3DMark Vantage package will show us what we previously missed. Feature tests from this test suite support DirectX 10 and are interesting because they differ from ours and are still relevant. When analyzing the results of the new video card from the Radeon HD 7800 line in this package, we will draw some new and useful conclusions that have eluded us in the tests of the RightMark family.

Feature Test 1: Texture Fill

The first test is the texture fetch speed test. Used to fill a rectangle with values ​​read from a small texture using multiple texture coordinates that change every frame.

Although the test by Futuremark does not show the theoretically possible level of texture fetching performance, the efficiency of AMD and Nvidia video cards in it is quite high and the comparative figures are close to the corresponding theoretical parameters. The top model of the Radeon HD 7000 family became the best video card in comparison, which confirms the theoretical results.

The Radeon HD 7870 reviewed today shows the second result, lagging behind only one of the top boards and ahead of the Radeon HD 6970, which is very, very good. All other boards are far behind. In the case of the Radeon HD 7770, this is due to its budget level, and in the case of both Geforces, this is due to the too small number of TMUs. Nvidia video cards are always weak in this test, even the best of the GTX 560 Ti pair shows a result far from the level of three similar Radeon video cards. The difference between models based on Pitcairn and Tahiti is fully consistent with the theory.

Feature Test 2: Color Fill

This is a fill rate test. It uses a very simple pixel shader that does not limit performance. The interpolated color value is written to an offscreen buffer (render target) using alpha blending. It uses a 16-bit FP16 off-screen buffer, the most commonly used in games that use HDR rendering, so this test is quite timely.

As you can see, the situation in the ROP performance test is quite different. As we determined earlier, the numbers of this subtest from 3DMark Vantage, although they show the performance of ROP units, but with a huge impact on the amount of video memory bandwidth (the so-called "effective fillrate"). This is clearly seen from the comparative results of Radeon HD 7000 family boards.

Alas, in this case, the test measures memory bandwidth rather than ROP performance, and therefore the Radeon HD 7870 is inferior not only to the HD 7950, but also to the HD 6970 - in full accordance with the theory. And the new model from AMD in this comparison showed a result comparable to the speed of the GTX 570, which confirms the theory about the speed limit of the memory bandwidth.

Feature Test 3: Parallax Occlusion Mapping

One of the most interesting feature tests, since this technique is already used in games. It draws one quadrilateral (more precisely, two triangles) using the special Parallax Occlusion Mapping technique, which imitates complex geometry. Rather resource-intensive ray tracing operations and a high-resolution depth map are used. This surface is also shaded using the heavy Strauss algorithm. This is a test of a very complex and heavy pixel shader for a video chip, containing numerous texture fetches during ray tracing, dynamic branching, and complex Strauss lighting calculations.

This test differs from the previous ones in that the results in it depend not only on the speed mathematical calculations, the efficiency of branch execution, or the speed of texture fetches, but a bit of everything. To achieve high speed, the right balance of the GPU is important here, and it also has a very noticeable effect on the speed and efficiency of branching in shaders.

And here the new family based on the latest GCN architecture proved to be just fine. The results of AMD's new graphics cards show that the Radeon HD 7000 series cards can handle the task very effectively in such complex computing tasks. Even the weak HD 7770 sits between the GTX 560 Ti and GTX 570, with all the other boards far ahead of them.

Comparative numbers of solutions based on AMD chips of different generations confirm the improved efficiency of executing complex calculations with branches on GPUs of the new architecture. Therefore, the HD 7870 was ahead of the HD 6970, although theoretically it has slightly less processing power. True, the HD 7950 is still ahead, but this is also easily explained by the specification of the video cards - the speed of the ALU units in the latter is 12% higher, the novelty is exactly the same and lagged behind the HD 7950 in the test.

Feature Test 4: GPU Cloth

The test is interesting in that it calculates physical interactions (cloth imitation) using a video chip. Vertex simulation is used, using the combined operation of the vertex and geometry shaders, with several passes. Use stream out to transfer vertices from one simulation pass to another. Thus, the performance of the execution of vertex and geometry shaders and the stream out speed are tested.

The rendering speed in this test can also depend on several parameters, but the main influencing factors are geometry processing performance, geometry shader execution efficiency, and ROP performance. Therefore, it is quite logical that video cards manufactured by Nvidia, which have several geometric blocks, feel quite good in this application, and Geforce GTX 570 is ahead of all competitors, being the leader of the test.

But look - and the recently introduced model Radeon HD 7870 shows an excellent second in order result, ahead of the rest of the motherboards from AMD presented in the comparison! And this happens because of the higher fillrate and higher frequency of the GPU, on which the geometric blocks work. This is one of those tests that shows the advantage of Nvidia solutions with several geometric blocks, but AMD's new products with improved geometric performance perform well here.

Feature Test 5: GPU Particles

A test for physical simulation of effects based on particle systems calculated using a video chip. Vertex simulation is also used, each vertex represents a single particle. Stream out is used for the same purpose as in the previous test. Several hundred thousand particles are calculated, all are animated separately, their collisions with the height map are also calculated.

Similar to one of our RightMark3D 2.0 tests, the particles are drawn using a geometry shader that creates four vertices from each point to form the particle. But the test loads shader blocks with vertex calculations most of all, stream out is also tested.

Another test from the 3DMark Vantage suite would have been similar to the previous chart, but geometry block performance is even more important. And that's why Radeon boards simply failed in relation to Geforce. See for yourself, now the GTX 570 has the best result, and the second one is the GTX 560 Ti.

Unfortunately, the GPU board codenamed Pitcairn doesn't really shine here, sitting between the Cayman and Tahiti Pro. Moreover, it is inferior to the HD 7950 rather because of the low fillrate and memory bandwidth, rather than the speed of geometric blocks. Well, even before the previous generation of Nvidia boards, the novelty is far away. So, nothing has changed in the synthetic tests of simulating fabrics and particles from the 3DMark Vantage test suite, which actively use geometry shaders - the new AMD solution is hampered by low memory bandwidth and fillrate (ROP unit performance).

Feature Test 6: Perlin Noise

The last feature test of the Vantage package is a mathematically intensive test of the video chip, it calculates several octaves of the Perlin noise algorithm in the pixel shader. Each color channel uses its own noise function to increase the load on the video chip. Perlin noise is a standard algorithm often used in procedural texturing and uses a lot of math.

In a purely mathematical test from the Futuremark package, which shows the peak performance of video chips in extreme tasks, we see a slightly different distribution of results compared to similar tests from our Rightmark test package. This time, the performance of the solutions shown in the diagram corresponds to the theory only approximately, and somewhat differs from what we saw earlier in the mathematical tests from the RightMark 2.0 package.

Note that the new GCN architecture copes well with this task, clearly better than Nvidia's outdated Fermi. AMD solutions in general are much faster in such tests, and the youngest of the Geforce boards shows speed at the level of a card from the Radeon HD 7700 line, and even the GTX 570 cannot catch up with any of the top three fastest Radeons. AMD graphics cards always show top scores in cases where simple and intensive mathematics is performed.

As for the recently introduced novelty, compared to its relatives, we note that it outperformed the Radeon HD 6970 quite confidently and only slightly outperformed the board from the older HD 7950 line. This is a very good result, considering that, theoretically, it should be 12 %, and the difference in practice was only 2%.

Direct3D 11: Compute Shaders

To test the new solutions from AMD and in tasks that use new DirectX 11 features such as tessellation and compute shaders, we used examples from the developer kits (SDKs) and demo programs from Microsoft, Nvidia and AMD. Unfortunately, we have not yet tested all the solutions in these tasks, and we will have to compare the HD 7870 model not with the GTX 560 Ti and GTX 570, but with the GTX 580, which is not entirely correct. Yes, and instead of the HD 7950, you will have to consider the top-end HD 7970.

First, we'll look at benchmarks that use Compute shaders. Their appearance is one of the most important innovations in the latest versions of the DX API, they are already used in modern games to perform various tasks: post-processing, simulations, etc. The first test shows an example of HDR rendering with tone mapping from the DirectX SDK, with post-processing , which uses pixel and compute shaders.

Although this is not the most successful example for compute shaders, it still shows the difference in performance. There is almost no difference in the speed of calculations in the compute and pixel shaders for AMD and Nvidia video cards, but the former are slightly faster in the compute shader, and Nvidia in the pixel shader.

It is possible that the results clearly depend not only on mathematical power, but also on memory bandwidth. And yet, the lag looks quite plausible. new Radeon HD 7870 outperforms HD 7970. Interestingly, the new product is also inferior to HD 6970, which is faster in mathematics and has a larger memory bandwidth. It is clear that the top model HD 7970 is the leader, and the GTX 580, although slightly, is still faster than the HD 7870.

The second compute shader test is also taken from the Microsoft DirectX SDK and shows N-body gravity computational problem - simulation dynamic system particles that are subject to physical forces such as gravity.

The results in this test are also very similar to what we saw in the previous test, except that the HD 7870 and HD 6970 are swapped. That is, this test rather measures the speed of mathematical calculations. New AMD model almost caught up with the more expensive Geforce GTX 580, which cannot be considered its direct competitor, since it costs more. In general, the result of the novelty looks good, if we take into account the not very big gap from the best single-chip video card in general. It will be interesting to see the performance in the tessellation tasks we are now moving on to.

Direct3D 11: Tessellation Performance

Compute shaders are very important, but another important innovation in Direct3D 11 is hardware tessellation. We considered it in great detail in our theoretical article about Nvidia GF100. Tessellation has been used in DX11 games for a long time, such as STALKER: Call of Pripyat, DiRT 2, Aliens vs Predator, Metro 2033, Civilization V, Crysis 2, Battlefield 3 and others. Some of them use tessellation for character models, others to simulate a realistic water surface or landscape.

There are several different schemes for partitioning graphic primitives (tessellation). For example, phong tessellation, PN triangles, Catmull-Clark subdivision. So, the PN Triangles tiling scheme is used in STALKER: Call of Pripyat, and in Metro 2033 - Phong tessellation. These methods are relatively quick and easy to implement into the game development process and existing engines, which is why they have become popular.

The first tessellation test will be the Detail Tessellation example from the ATI Radeon SDK. It implements not only tessellation, but also two different pixel-by-pixel processing techniques: a simple overlay of normal maps and parallax occlusion mapping. Well, let's compare DX11 solutions from AMD and Nvidia in different conditions:

We have already seen that parallax occlusion mapping (middle columns in the diagram) on video cards from both manufacturers is much less efficient than tessellation (lower columns), and tessellation does not lead to a significant drop in performance - compare the upper and lower columns. That is, high-quality geometry simulation using pixel calculations provides even lower performance than tessellated geometry with displacement mapping.

As for the performance of video cards relative to each other, there is something to think about. In the simple bumpmapping test, you can see that the boards most likely hit the memory bandwidth again, since their results are too close. In all other respects, the picture is more or less plausible, AMD motherboards are ranked and the top model is in the lead. The Radeon HD 7870 is close to the GTX 580 and HD 6970 in this subtest.

But the second subtest with complex pixel calculations shows that the efficiency of performing complex mathematical calculations for GCN architecture chips is much higher than for other participants in the comparison. Thus, the board of the HD 7800 family based on the Pitcairn chip showed a very good result in the parallax mapping test compared to the HD 6970 and GTX 580, which again indicates a very high efficiency of executing complex shader programs on the Southern Islands chips.

In the most interesting tessellation subtest, the triangle splitting is quite moderate, and therefore AMD's boards don't lose much performance. There is also enough headroom to get ahead of the fastest single-chip Nvidia graphics card. But the most interesting conclusion of this test is that the Radeon HD 7870 was faster than the Radeon HD 7970 here! This could be explained by the higher frequency of the first GPU (after all, it even has a special “GHz Edition” index), on which the geometric blocks work.

But after all, the difference in frequency is even less than the difference in the performance of this test, and we found out that not only the geometry processing speed is important in it. More like some more aggressive driver optimizations. However, in any case, the board at Pitcairn showed a very decent result for a board in this price range. Let's check the tessellation next.

The second tessellation performance test will be another example for 3D developers from the ATI Radeon SDK - PN Triangles. In fact, both examples are also included in the DX SDK, so we are sure that game developers create their own code based on them. We tested this example with a different tessellation factor to see how much it affects the overall performance.

An attentive reader will definitely note that this time we simply do not have the results with the maximum tessellation level (tessellation factor = 19) that we indicated earlier on the diagram. Even when testing the Radeon HD 7700 line, we encountered the fact that the test does not allow to set maximum value this setting. Then we assumed that this AMD video driver "cuts" the capabilities so that the company's video cards do not look so bad in synthetic tests of extreme tessellation, but it turned out that it was not the drivers at all...

Our research showed that changes to disable the maximum tessellation level were made to the source code and the compiled example from a newer version of the DirectX SDK. If the PNTriangles11 example in the February 2010 version of the DX SDK still allows you to set the Tess factor to 19, then a change was made to the June SDK of the same year that prohibits the tessellation level above 9 (all this is confirmed by the source code of the example from the SDK, one of the constants in the new its version has been replaced with a smaller value that does not allow setting a parameter that was possible in the previous version).

Who did it and why? Is fecit, qui prodest. We are looking for who benefits by considering the facts. Fact one: PNTriangles11 is an example of tessellation implemented by AMD and included in both their own SDK and the DirectX SDK. Fact two: AMD video chips cope with tessellation worse than competing ones at maximum levels of triangle splitting. The conclusion is very simple: it looks like AMD asked Microsoft to change the source code for this example in the June 2010 DX SDK with a minor fix that has little to no effect on its functionality. Nearly.

We understand that such levels will not be used in games. We also understand that the triangles are too small to be effective. But in our case, this is a purely synthetic test that allows us to find out the theoretical limits of the hardware's capabilities. Let fair results always be shown in synthetics, and we will tell you that there will not be such complex geometry in games for a very long time. Extreme partitioning factors are unlikely to be used in games in the near future, but in this section we are interested in the architectural potential. In general, such a fix is ​​not the most beautiful move on the part of AMD, as it seems to us.

Well, let's consider at least three levels of tessellation, without a maximum. In this example, we see a more plausible comparison of the geometric power of various AMD and Nvidia solutions. All modern chips cope well with such a load (without tess factor = 19), and here we can only distinguish the Radeon HD 7770, which is inferior to the rest due to general weakness. But in general, all the new AMD GCN architecture chips are very good, and the Radeon HD 7970 even outperformed the Geforce GTX 580.

As for our today's hero, the Radeon HD 7870 is only slightly inferior to its older brother in the face of the top motherboard of the current generation, which is simply an excellent result! It can be seen that the chips of the GCN architecture in tessellation are noticeably faster than the Cayman chip, even the budget one. Therefore, we can expect Pitcairn solutions to be strong in other existing tests using tessellation, such as 3DMark 11 and Heaven.

But let's look at the results of another test - Nvidia's Realistic Water Terrain demo program, also known as Island. This demo uses tessellation and displacement mapping to render a realistic looking ocean surface and terrain.

Island is not a purely synthetic test for measuring geometric performance alone, it contains both complex pixel and compute shaders, and such a load is closer to real games that use all GPU units at once, and not just geometric ones, as in the previous benchmark .

We tested the program with four different coefficients tessellation, in its case the setting is called Dynamic Tessellation LOD. And if AMD video cards are very strong at low triangulation factors, then when the work becomes more complicated, the only Nvidia board starts to win. With an increase in the split ratio and scene complexity, the performance of all Radeons falls more strongly, and here it would be possible to recognize Nvidia's victory in complex geometric tests again and leave it at that.

But that's if you don't pay attention to the obviously anomalous result of the Radeon HD 7870 we are considering today. Somehow it happened that it overtook the HD 7970, and even with a huge advantage! This simply cannot be in principle, based on theoretical specifications, so again you need to figure it out. This time, special optimizations in the latest version of the AMD Catalyst video driver are to blame. We tested the HD 7970 and HD 7770 with previous versions of drivers that did not have these optimizations, but they appeared in the latest Catalyst. And now the Radeon HD 7870 is almost at the level of the Geforce GTX 580. Where the HD 7970 lost a lot. Story? No, rather - well-known tessellation optimizations, which were previously noted only in gaming applications, but not in pure synthetics. Alas, we again note some cunning on the part of AMD.

If we do not take this into account, we note that under conditions of a heavy geometric load, the new chips are still very good, the number and efficiency of geometric blocks in different chips of the family is the same, and the difference in speed is due to different clock frequencies and the impact on the overall performance of other parameters. In general, GCNs have greatly improved geometric performance and in real applications they are not inferior to Nvidia's Fermi. I wish AMD didn't use dubious "optimization" methods...

Conclusions on synthetic tests

Based on the results of synthetic tests of a new video card model from the Radeon HD 7800 series based on the Pitcairn graphics processor from the Southern Islands family, as well as the results of other video card models produced by both manufacturers of discrete video chips, we conclude that new mid-budget solutions should fit well into the line AMD and become one of the most profitable purchases. The Radeon HD 7870 looks very good in synthetic tests, often performing at the level of the youngest of the top Tahiti-based video cards, but at the same time it costs noticeably less and will be sold more massively.

The Pitcairn GPU is built using the latest 28nm process technology based on the new GCN architecture, which is very different from the company's previous solutions. Note that the new family of GPUs has a lot of architectural improvements aimed at increasing the efficiency of performing complex calculations on the GPU and speeding up the processing of geometric data (including tessellation). Our set of synthetic tests showed that the efficiency of computations in such problems has indeed increased.

True, there were some unpleasant discoveries here - since AMD chips cope with extreme degrees of tessellation worse than their rivals, the company tries by all means to show them in these tasks better than they really are. At the same time, sometimes very dubious methods are used, the details of which can be read a little higher. It is not very clear why this is being done, since the lag is observed only in purely synthetic applications, and in games everything is fine with the new chips anyway.

In general, thanks to the architectural changes made, the video cards of the new series should become very profitable option for the purchase and modernization of gaming systems, they will definitely be one of the best-selling DirectX 11 solutions, and in the future will improve AMD's position in the market, especially given the lack of 28-nanometer competitor's new products. Moreover, unlike the junior solutions on Cape Verde, video cards on Pitcairn do not suffer from low video memory bandwidth, are perfectly balanced and show very strong results.

In fact, the Radeon HD 7800 family is the middle ground that will suit most gamers best - they are not too expensive like the HD 7900, but not too slow like the HD 7700. We are confident that the strong performance of the Radeon HD 7870 in synthetic tests will be supported by excellent performance in gaming applications. New boards are required to show competitive speed in games compared to Nvidia rivals, and in the next part of the material we will just check this.

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