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401 authorization required what to do. HTTP error codes: decryption and resolution

Good day to all readers of our portal dedicated to the services of Sberbank of Russia. Today I would like to tell you how to solve the problem when, when entering Sberbank Business Online, the error Error 401 srve0295e error 401 appears, since recently more and more reviews about this error from users have begun to appear.

Causes of Error 401: SRVE0295E: Error: 401

Increasingly, people are faced with error 401 when logging in to Sberbank Online and Sberbank Business Online; after it occurs, calls to the bank’s support service begin and accusations are made. In fact, neither the Sberbank website nor your provider is to blame for this error; everything is much more prosaic.

And so, the main reasons for error 401 SRVE0295E in Sberbank Business Online:

  • Router settings
  • Firewall settings
  • Internet Security Settings
  • Antivirus settings

So, if you encounter this error, then first try just using another web browser, if this does not help, then read on.

Fixing error: 401: SRVE0295E: Error 401

You used another web browser, but the 401 error did not disappear, do not despair. Let's look at the whole process of identifying and subsequently correcting the problem in order:

Stage 1: Common Causes

  • As we have already said, one of the most common causes of error 401 is browser settings; if this is the case, then you just need to use another web client to log into Sberbank Business Online.
  • The second common cause of Error 401: SRVE0295E is problems with your Internet connection. Perhaps you simply have a weak channel or there are disconnections during the connection. First, try rebooting your router and connecting to Sberbank online again.

If none of these actions bring you results, then you need to continue to look for the problem and go deeper.

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Stage 2: Digging Deeper

And so, if neither your browser settings nor the Internet connection are to blame for the error 401 Error 401: SRVE0295E, then there is probably an error at the hardware level, that is, the ports through which the connection to Sberbank Online is blocked: 401 and 9443. Let's look at the probable ones causes:

  1. Firstly, if you have a direct connection to the Internet (that is, the Internet connection cord is connected to your PC), then it is likely that the cause of the 401 error may be the security settings of your PC. That is, you need to disable your antivirus and firewall; perhaps they are blocking the operation of ports 443 and 9443 through which the connection to Sberbank Online is made. If this method helps, then you don’t have to constantly disable your security programs, but you just need to write rules for the ports named above in them.
  2. If you are trying to connect to Sberbank Business Online via a work computer, then you need to remember that many companies limit access to the Internet for their employees, and you need to contact a technical specialist from your company so that he can open the necessary ports and remove the restrictions.
  3. Also, if you use a company computer, you need to take into account that in most cases the Internet connection in such networks goes through a proxy server in order to cache data and thereby reduce the amount of traffic consumed. If you have such a situation, then you again need to contact your technical support specialist and ask them to make the connection directly, and not through a common proxy.

If none of the above methods helped you, then perhaps the connection problems could be caused by malware or, as they say in common parlance, a computer virus. We advise you to check your computer with anti-virus programs with the latest malware databases and if that doesn’t help, then reinstall your operating system system.

We hope this article was useful to you and helped solve your problem. Read new articles on our portal.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove errors containing Error 401 Unauthorized keys is not recommended unless you are a PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can render your PC inoperable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster [Download] (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any 401 Unauthorized Error-related issues. Using Registry Cleaner [Download], you can automate the process of finding corrupted registry entries, missing file references (such as those causing the %%error_name%% error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy is automatically created, allowing you to undo any changes with one click and protecting you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that fixing registry errors [Download] can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: Unless you are an experienced PC user, we DO NOT recommend manually editing the Windows Registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall Windows. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be corrected. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before you manually repair the Windows registry, you need to create a backup by exporting the portion of the registry associated with Error 401 Unauthorized (for example, Internet Explorer):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
  3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the Error 401 Unauthorized-related key (for example, Internet Explorer) that you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. On the list Save to Select the folder where you want to save the Internet Explorer key backup.
  11. In field File name Enter a name for the backup file, for example "Internet Explorer backup".
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your Internet Explorer-related registry entry.

The following steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information about editing the registry manually, please check out the links below.

Today we will look at:

The YouTube service needs no introduction: it is popular all over the world and is in no hurry to slow down in its popularity. With the advent, in addition to the web version for PC, of ​​YouTube mobile applications for IOS and Android, this video hosting has become more technologically advanced and advanced in its functionality, however, along with this, various kinds of problems have appeared that may not allow you to access your favorite channel or watch something you are interested in you video. One of these problems is the 401 error in YouTube, which appears on computers and smartphones for various reasons. However, now we will go through each of them to find out what a 401 error in YouTube means and how to fix it.

Why does YouTube give a 401 error?

Error 401 in YouTube can occur under different circumstances: if you see this error on your computer, it means you have entered incorrect login information.

If such a problem occurs on a smartphone or tablet while using the application, it means that the auxiliary program that is necessary for the launch and operation of the YouTube application has been disabled.

In addition, there are other universal reasons that can manifest themselves on both PCs and mobile devices. Among them:

  • problems on the hosting side;
  • slow internet speed.

So we found out what the 401 error on YouTube means and under what circumstances it can appear. Let's now take a detailed look at ways to solve them.

Error 401 on YouTube: solutions for PC

You can correct the problem that has arisen in different ways: the main thing is to know what the source of it all is. Next, we will divide the process of finding and eliminating the problem into several points to make it easier for you to find the one you need. And let's start, perhaps, with personal computers.

Incorrect login information

If you have been successfully using YouTube on your computer all the time, but at one point you see error code 401, it means that the last time you tried to log into this video hosting site, you most likely entered the wrong login and password.

Old version or lack of necessary software

Software plays a very important role in playing YouTube videos, especially if you are using a computer. So, with the next update, video hosting may require a newer version of Adobe Flash Payer from your PC hardware - this is a special module that allows your computer to work with video content on the Internet and beyond.

If YouTube displays a 401 error on your computer, you can try updating Adobe Flash Payer, and then check the video hosting for functionality.

Slow Internet connection

Internet speed plays an important role when downloading any content from the network. Thus, poor data transmission can negatively affect the operation of video hosting, and therefore, you will see YouTube displaying a 401 error.

Checking the data transfer speed is very easy: we have previously written about this using special online services. Recommended reading.

And yet, what to do in such a situation?

  • First, check the integrity of the router and all wires coming from it. The quality of the Internet may well be affected by breakdowns in the router itself and damaged cables.
  • Secondly, if you have a slow Internet due to a tariff, you can order a more expensive tariff and, accordingly, get a better data transfer speed over the global network.

So, we check this point, and if the error code 401 YouTube still shows in the video window, then we move on.

Hosting problems

If all the previous tips did not help you (provided that you did everything exactly according to the instructions), then you need to make sure that the YouTube service itself is working, and there are no, say, maintenance works being carried out there, which also causes the 401 error to appear. on YouTube.

It’s very easy to check: you just need to find out how this video hosting works on other devices. The easiest way to do this is through a smartphone.

Error 401 in YouTube: crashes in the application for mobile devices

So, you took your phone, went into the application, but even here you notice that there is a problem with the “Error 401” network, and YouTube still does not work. This can mean one of two things:

  • or the hosting is still carrying out technical work, and now you will not be able to watch the video;
  • or, both on your computer and on your phone, you have this problem, which in no way depends on the video hosting.

We figured out how to solve this problem in cases with computers. However, with smartphones everything is a little different, and here the 401 error on YouTube, as a rule, appears through malfunctions in the application itself. Let's figure out how to fix this.

Instructions for smartphones and tablets

Here's what to do when YouTube gives you a 401 error on your phone or tablet:

As we said earlier, on smartphones YouTube displays a 401 error when an additional application that is necessary for the YouTube application to work has been disabled.

If this doesn't help, try clearing your phone's cache. We have already written about how to do this for IOS and Android. Having completed these steps, check whether the 401 error now appears on YouTube.

If this does not help, we recommend completely resetting your smartphone. After performing this operation, the error code 401 in YouTube will disappear with 100% probability, however, there are some negative nuances, because of which we do not recommend you start with this method (we also talked about them in the article, the link to which was provided above).

Now you know what a 401 error on YouTube means and how to deal with it on computers, smartphones and tablets.

HTTP errors occur when the web server, for some reason, cannot successfully send the requested document to the user. In this case, the server will inform the user in the HTTP header of the error code that occurred.

Error codes can be positive or negative or successful or unsuccessful.

There are four types of codes:

  • 2xx- request completed successfully
  • 3xx- the request was successfully redirected - also a positive code.
  • 4xx- error - the document was not sent to the user because a critical error occurred. The 4xx code class is intended to indicate errors on the client side.
  • 5xx- server error - critical error on the server. Codes 5xx are allocated for cases of unsuccessful operation due to the fault of the server.

A complete list of errors and their brief descriptions can be found on the Wikipedia page:

In this article we will look at the most common errors and the reasons for their occurrence.

Error - a list of files is shown instead of the first page

The main/index file name is probably set incorrectly. The index file may be named index.html, index.htm, index.php, index.phtml, index.shtml, default.htm, or default.html.

Error 401 401 (Not authorized)

The occurrence of this error indicates that user identification is required. That is, to view the page you need to enter logs and a password for identification.

Error 403 (Access Denied)

Error 403 occurs when the server was unable to process the request because access to the file was denied.

Most often this occurs in cases where:

  • there is no index file in the directory (index.html, for example);
  • the file permissions were set so high that the Apache web server could not read the file on the server disk.
  • the user tried to access a script (in the cgi-bin directory) that had incorrect permissions. Change permissions to 755.

Error 404 (File not found)

Error 404 (File not found) occurs when a web server is requested for a document that is not on the server. This error can also occur if the user incorrectly enters the URL of a link to a file located on the site.

Error 500 (Internal Server Error)

Any internal server error that is not included in the scope of other 5xx errors.

There are many reasons for this error to occur.

Most often, the error occurs for the following reasons: it is impossible to run the script hosted on the server; there is an error in the script; and also if the wrong instruction is placed in the .htaccess file.

This error is issued by the server if problems occur with authorization.

Why is this happening?

This happens because the user (who must be logged in to access a specific url) sent an invalid request. By the way, in the request itself, this data is in the www.authenticate header, from where it is recognized by the server. As a rule, these errors are associated with incorrect operation of the server or when the user entered an incorrect login/password.

How to fix 401 error?

For the average site user

The user needs to return to the authorization page and try to enter the correct login/password pair again; if this does not help, then contact the site administration and describe the problem.

For the site owner

1. The site owner should contact the hosting provider’s support service so that they can determine where exactly the error is occurring. It will help a lot if you send a screenshot of the error (usually there is important information there).

2. If the problem is not in the hosting, then close from indexing all pages with an error in the robots.txt file using the line

Disallow: /page address

and then redirect users from all pages that generate a 401 error to the login\authorization page using a 301 redirect. To do this, add the following lines to the .htaccess file:

Redirect 301 /oldpage.html

3. If, after these manipulations, users still see a 401 error after authorization, then try finding the php.ini file on the server and increasing the session lifetime by changing the parameter values session.gc_maxlifetime And session.cookie_lifetime at 1440 and 0 respectively.

4. Problems can arise not only in the operation of the server, but also in the site’s program code itself. And in this case, it’s worth contacting the people who developed your site.

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