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  • 21 information technologies for processing economic information. Microsoft Excel allows

21 information technologies for processing economic information. Microsoft Excel allows

  • A) Technologies focused on the received processing, transmission of information using technical means
  • C. Obtaining systematic information on the progress of production
  • I. Ensuring national security in the economic sphere.
  • The main purpose of processing information sources is to establish factors and measure their influence on a particular indicator of the economy, as well as to reveal the causal relationships between various factors and economic processes.

    The process of processing information sources includes:

    · Validation;

    · Bringing indicators into a comparable form;

    · Simplification of digital data;

    · Carrying out analytical calculations;

    · Compilation of analytical tables, formation of conclusions;

    · Study of processed materials.

    Information validation is carried out in two stages.

    The first is formal and logical control, where the completeness of reporting, the correctness and timeliness of its compilation is checked, completeness is the coverage of all divisions of the object, the presence of all reporting forms, filling out all sections of the forms, all analytical tables for the program. Correctness is a check of the correspondence of lines and graphs, the names of codes according to a single classifier, the presence of signatures, dates and the inadmissibility of unspecified corrections.

    The second stage is a counting check, which is carried out in several stages. First of all, they check the continuity of indicators. The essence of such a check is to check the consistency of the amounts shown, for example, in the report for the previous quarter in the column at the end of the period, and the data that are reflected in the report for the reporting period in the column at the beginning of the period. Then the correctness of the arithmetic calculations is checked. If, in the end, a certain amount is indicated in the "Working capital" column, then it should represent the sum of inventories, cash and illegal settlements.

    After filling out the reporting forms, a knowledgeable accountant controls himself on the basis of the interconnection table, when they check the coincidence of the amounts reflected in different reporting forms. So, for example, if a certain amount is given in Form No. I "Balance" on the line "Authorized Capital", then it must also be in Form No. 5 "Appendix to the Balance Sheet". Such links, when checking the same figure given in different reporting forms, are called simple. There are also complex linkages when data provided in several reporting forms are used for verification. So, they make up the balance of marketable products, where they use the data of form No. 2, the general ledger, inventory acts, etc.

    To compile the balance of marketable products, use the following formula:

    Pp = OH + VP - OK + I - N,

    Where RP is the sale of products,
    VP - production output,
    OK - balances of unsold products at the end of the period,
    ОН - balances of unsold products at the beginning of the period.
    I and H - surplus and deficiencies of products identified during inventory.

    In practice, several methods are used to verify economic information. These include:

    1. "Counter" check. During this check, the identity of the amounts reflected in the reporting forms of the analyzed object and the amounts actually received on the accounts of the activity partners is specified. For example, the documents of the company reflect that it transferred 8 million rubles to the employment fund in March, therefore, the same amount should be reflected in the documents of the employment fund for March or April, depending on the date of transfer.

    2. The correctness of the calculation of individual indicators is checked. So, for example, the sale of inventory items to employees of an enterprise against wages must be preliminarily reflected in the accounts of the sale of products, works and services, or other sales. In other words, these amounts should increase the sales turnover, and, consequently, the taxable base for calculating taxes.

    3. When determining the "cost" indicators, the correctness of the attribution to the prime cost for each expense item is checked. All amounts included in D 20 accounts in the general ledger should be thoroughly checked, but settlement accounts 60, 62, 71, 76 are especially closely monitored.

    4. When determining the amounts reflected as material costs, the following is monitored:

    o the correctness of assigning deviations from the planned cost of procurement of materials to the cost;

    o the legality of writing off to production costs shortages in excess of the norms of natural attrition and losses.

    In the practical implementation of this kind of checks, they are guided by the current instructions and other regulations.

    The process of bringing indicators into a comparable form is caused by the fact that indicators are calculated in different estimates, often differ in structure, method of construction, are not based on the same bases, the influence of inflation is great, etc. The indicators are brought into a comparable form in several ways. First, you can recalculate the basic and actual volumes at the same price. Secondly, the actual data can be adjusted for the officially registered inflation index published by the statistical authorities. Thirdly, the base values ​​are conventionally calculated, converted to the actual volume and assortment. This technique is used for factor analysis of the cost per ruble of products, profits from the sale of products, works and services.

    Simplification of digital data is rounding, summing, etc. in order to reduce technical work and, in particular, computational efforts, and also to give indicators better visibility and clarity.

    However, such a procedure should not lead to “damage” to the quality of analytical calculations. For example, the analysis of the wages fund as a whole for the enterprise should be carried out in million rubles, and the analysis of the level of the average salary of one employee in thousand rubles. etc.

    The stage of analytical calculations is carried out using all the elements of the general analysis methodology and computer and computer technology. The elements of the general method of analysis should include a system of analytical indicators, a more interconnected study of economic processes, battle, detailing, grouping, elimination, generalization. The general analysis methodology is focused on a general assessment of the dynamics of the studied characteristic, taking into account the influence of positive and negative factors, determining the amounts of identified reserves and developing practical recommendations aimed at improving the results of work.

    To formalize the results of the analysis, to illustrate the conclusions, analytical tables are drawn up. The number of columns in the tables should be optimal using, possibly, several bases for comparison (the past period, data from another company, etc.). The spreadsheet should be neatly formatted in accordance with regulatory control. In the upper right corner there should be an indication "Table No." The number can be affixed both for the work as a whole, and for subsections "For example, Table 3.1. - the first table in the third subsection.

    At one interval, skipping 15-17 mm, indicate the name of the table from the red line. The head of the table is drawn by a line and numbered, while the columns for numbers are numbered in numbers, and indicators, units of measurement and other explanations in letters.

    The final stage of processing economic information is the stage of studying waste materials. At this stage, it is necessary to reveal all the interconnections and interdependence between individual indicators and factors, and the influence is determined, first of all, of quantitative, and then of qualitative factors.

    ON. Pakhomova

    Study guide

    This tutorial presents laboratory works that allow you to form practical skills to effectively use the built-in tools of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in the process of solving economic problems. Each laboratory session includes a list of questions for self-control, exercises and individual assignments. The tutorial can be used to self-explore a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The manual can be used in laboratory classes in the process of studying the discipline "Information technology in management", "Information technology in economics", "Information systems in economics" and other similar disciplines.

    The study guide was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the areas of training 080100.62 "Economics", 080100.68 "Economics", 080100.65 "Economic Security", 080200.68 "Managers", 081100.62 "State and Municipal Management" and course programs "Information Systems in Economics ”,“ Information resources and technologies in the economy ”,“ Information resources and technologies in management ”,“ Information technologies in management ”.

    The manual is intended for students, it can be useful for teachers of secondary educational institutions when conducting elective courses in this direction.

    The following topics are offered for attention:

    Sorting and Filtering Tasks ……… ..3

    Dynamic programming ………… ..16

    Linear models of economic problems ... ... .26


    Target : show the possibility of using sorting and filtering in solving economic problems


    Filtering is called "selection" of information from an existing table according to some condition or criterion.

    The filtering commands are called through the "Data" menu using the AutoFilter or Advanced filter commands. To apply filtering, it is useful to present the "select" table, preferably with all the row and column headings. If the selection is not complete, then the resulting information may be distorted. After selection, apply the filtering command (it will be marked with a "tick" in the menu), then a filtering marker will appear in the header of any column of the selected table.

    Figure 24 - Filtering command
    To use the filtering results in the future, they must be saved. This is done very simply. The resulting filtering result is already a selected, selected part of the original table, so it should be selected and copied to the clipboard, then select any free cell, part of the sheet, or a new sheet, and paste from the clipboard. Now you can cancel the AutoFilter command, but the filtering result will be in the selected location. Multiple filtering can be performed at once with one command "Advanced filter". But usually this command is used when a function is needed as a selection criterion. For example, let's filter by the numeric column "Price". The filtering condition is: select those rows of the table in which the value in the “Price” column does not exceed the average price, which means that the condition should be written as “= address“ Price ”

    It is possible to sort information only by columns. Hence, when solving a problem, it is important to choose the right headings, because if, for example, you have to sort the information in descending order of the sales amount by the text of the problem, then such a heading can only be in a column.

    The sorting operation can be performed both by the buttons on the toolbar and by the "Data - sort" command.

    Before sorting, you need to select the area of ​​the table to which this command applies. It should be remembered that the sorting is subject to only selected part... This is especially true for the use of buttons.

    Figure 25 - Sort command

    Suppose you want to arrange the list of students by height, from largest to smallest. Let's enter the initial data in Excel, select column B and apply the sort command.

    Figure 26 - Sort command window
    We agree with the proposal to automatically expand the selected range. We get the table:

    Figure 27 - The result of executing the sort command
    Parameter selection

    This tool is very useful in engineering calculations. For example, the operation of a shaft is determined by the size of its diameter. With wear, the diameter of the shaft decreases, and if d cr is reached, the shaft will break. Then we have the problem d = f (t), where f (t) is the function of changing the diameter depending on the operating time t. The question arises: when will the shaft break, i.e. find the value of t in the equation f (t) = d cr.

    In Excel, this task is solved by the "parameter selection" tool.

    Select and execute the command "Service - Parameter selection", an installation window will appear.

    here address cells with formula

    here number d cr

    click on address A2

    on the OK button in cell A2 there will be the desired value t, and in C2 the value of the function equal to d cr.

    Figure 28 - Parameter selection window


    The company manufactures and sells knitwear of three types: sweater, pullover and shirt. For the manufacture of one sweater, 450g of material is consumed, consisting of 60% wool, 15% synthetics, 15% cotton and 10% golden thread. For a pullover and a shirt, these indicators are respectively equal: 500 and 380g, 65% and 20% wool, 20% and 25% synthetics, 10% and 45% cotton, 5% and 10% golden thread. Under an agreement with a selling company, it is necessary to supply at least 200 sweaters, 150 pullovers and 180 shirts

    Find :

    1. Find the total volume of each substance in the proposed products.

    2. Arrange the list of products in descending order of wool and synthetics.

    3. Determine the list of products with a wool content over 50g.

    4. Construct a diagram of the cotton content of all products.

    Algorithm for completing the task

    1. We will enter the initial data, for this, on the first sheet we will draw up a table (Fig. 29)

    Figure 29 - Initial data

    When decorating the table, we use cell format/word alignment / wrap and Union. In columns E, G, I, K use calculation formulas, for example, in cell E4, type

    = C4 * D4

    Stretch the resulting formula to the sixth line

    1. Now let's move on to filling out sheets 2, 3 and 4.

    2. Let's arrange the list of products in descending order of wool:

    • Select column E

    Figure 30 - Sorting result

    1. Let's arrange the list of products in descending order of synthetics:

    • Copy the table from the sheet Initial data

    • Insert an extra row after the table header

    • Select column G

    • Choosing sorting with an extended range

    • Delete the row after the table header using the context menu

    Figure 31 - Arrangement of data in descending order of synthetics

    1. We will find a list of products with a wool content over 50 g
    1. Select cells I4: I6

    2. Press sort and filter / filter

    3. Set the Numeric filter / Greater than or equal to / 50 / ok

    Figure 32 - List of products with wool content over 50g

    1. Let's build a diagram of the cotton content in all products
    Select cells A4: A6 and I4: I6, use the chart wizard: Insert / Histograms

    Figure 33 - Cotton content in all products

    Solve the problem in Excel using filtering and sorting. Place each task on a separate sheet, sign the sheets.

    The job number corresponds to the number of the workplace (computer number)
    Problem number 1

    Three items of goods can be sold simultaneously in four stores. It is known about the goods:

    • Name;

    • quantity at the beginning of the month;

    • the amount received per month;

    • quantity sold at the end of the month;

    • unit price.

    1. Determine the amount of sales by name, by store.

    2. Arrange stores in descending order of sales amount.

    3. Which store has this item in stock at the end of the month?

    4. Construct a diagram of the work of stores for a given month.
    Problem number 2

    The firm undertakes to perform the services within a specified time frame. In case of violation of its obligation, it returns to the consumer 10% of the paid amount. A total of five services are provided, each of which has its own deadline.

    • Name of service;

    • period of execution;

    • service price;

    • the number of requests for the service;

    • the number of requirements fulfilled in violation of the deadline.

    1. Determine the amount of sales and the amount of losses for each service.

    2. Arrange services in descending order of the number of claims for them.

    3. Which service has the most penalties?

    4. Build a chart of the amount of profit by service.

    Problem number 3

    The furniture workshop produces five types of products, which are known:

    • product name;

    • unit price;

    • the number of manufactured products;

    • number of products sold;

    • the number of items returned as defective.

    1. Determine the amount of storage of product leftovers.

    2. Arrange products in descending order of sales amount.

    3. Determine which product has the lowest demand, which product is most often rejected?

    4. Construct a diagram of the amount of sales by product.

    Problem number 4

    The salon sells cars of five models (brands). Each of them has the following information:

    • the name or brand of the car;

    • factory supplier;

    • the number of applicants;

    • number of items sold;

    • the number of items returned due to a discovered defect.

    1. Determine the amount of sales by brand and salon.

    2. Arrange the list of models by falling demand.

    3. Determine which of the suppliers delivers the most substandard machines?

    4. Build a diagram of the amount of sales by car brands.

    Problem number 5

    There is information about five books on computer science: author; title; price; the number of available; number of items sold.


    1. Determine the amount of the remaining storage by item and store.

    2. Arrange the list of books in descending order of demand.

    3. Organize the search for the book by the author and by the keyword in the title.

    4. Construct a diagram of the sums of the implementation of books.

    Problem number 6

    Five fishermen are fishing chebak, perch, bream, pike perch. It is known: the number of the fisherman; the number of fish caught by heads; weight of each copy; catch rate by type of fish and total for one fishing, checked by the fish supervision inspection.


    1. Determine the mass of fish caught by fish species and by each fisherman.

    2. Arrange the types of fish in descending order of the number of heads caught.

    3. Which of the fishermen is at risk of being fined by the fish inspectorate.

    4. Chart the success of the fishermen.

    Problem number 7

    Five types of trees grow on the boulevard: birch, maple, linden, apple, willow. Each species is known: the number of planted; the price of one; the number of survivors; autumn color (yellow, red, orange, brown).


    1. Determine the amount of costs by type of landings and the entire boulevard.

    2. Arrange the list of trees by survivability.

    3. What trees are the most expensive to spend? What fall color will prevail on this boulevard?

    4. Construct a diagram of the boulevard's autumn colors.

    Problem number 8

    Water meters are installed in five apartments. The rate of water consumption is 1800 liters per person per month.

    • the number of residents in the apartment;

    • actual meter reading at the end of the month;

    • the amount of payment at the rate - 8 rubles. per month, in excess of the norm - 15 rubles for each full and incomplete 1000 liters.

    1. Determine the list of violators of the consumption rate.

    2. Arrange the list of apartments in descending order of payment per person.

    3. Which apartment has the lowest water consumption per person?

    4. Build a diagram of water consumption for all apartments.

    Problem number 9

    For 10 students from two groups, the results of the session in four subjects are known: the number of the student group; surname of the student; floor; grades in each subject;


    1. Determine the average score of each student at the end of the session and by subject.

    2. Determine the absolute and relative performance in each group.

    3. Who is the best student, girls or boys?

    4. Construct a chart of the average grade of all students.

    Problem number 10

    The standards for performing repair work during a shift (8 hours) are known: whitewashing - 40m 2, wallpapering - 30m 2, painting - 20m 2. An employee who fulfills the quota gets 10% of his salary, and an employee who does not fulfill the quota gets 20% less. Five employees entered into contracts for the execution of specific works from the list, the actual time of the work performed was recorded.


    1. Arrange the list of employees in descending order of productivity.

    2. Who has received the largest amount of the award?

    3. What jobs have the biggest delays in total?

    4. Construct a diagram of the amount of earnings of all workers.

    Problem number 11

    Mini - bakery produces five types of pastries: product name; product price; product weight; the volume of production of the product; the amount of sugar in one product.


    1. Determine the amount of production and consumption of sugar for each product and for the entire bakery.

    2. Arrange the list of products in descending order of production.

    3. Which product has the main influence on the profit of the bakery?

    4. Construct a chart of the production sum for all items.

    Problem number 12

    Grown carrots, beets and onions are sorted into three fractions and varieties. It is known: the name of the vegetable; grown volume; volume for each fraction; price per kg for each fraction.


    1. Determine the amount of revenue for each vegetable and the entire production.

    2. Arrange the list of vegetables in descending order of revenue.

    3. Which vegetable has the lowest average price?

    4. Build a diagram of the distribution of revenue by vegetables.

    Problem number 13

    The bookstore received five computer science books: title; price; receipt date; the number of copies of the receipt; Date of sale; the number of copies of the sale; remainder.


    1. Determine the amount of sales by name and throughout the store.

    2. Determine the average number of days a book is kept in the store.

    3. Arrange the list of books to increase the sale period.

    4. Build a chart of the amount of sales by book titles.
    Problem number 14

    Five tractor drivers are plowing the field. Known:

    • the rate of plowing per shift for a tractor of this brand;

    • the surname of the tractor driver;

    • the brand of the tractor assigned to it;

    • the number of worked shifts;

    • the amount of plowing done.

    1. Determine the actual shift output of each tractor driver.

    2. Arrange the list of tractor drivers in descending order of the amount of work performed

    3. Get a list of tractor drivers whose shift output is higher than the specified one.

    4. Build a diagram of the amount of work performed for all tractor drivers.

    Problem number 15

    The nutritional value of a feed is estimated by the content of protein, carotene, protein and microelements in its kg. A set of forages of various weight volumes from five items is given (hay, hay, silage, root crops, compound feed).


    1. Find the total amount of each substance in the proposed feed.

    2. Arrange the list of feeds in descending order of carotene (vitamin A) and microelements.

    3. Determine the list of feeds with a protein content above a given value.

    4. Chart the protein content of all feeds.

    Purpose of work: consider the possibility of determining the optimal heating main using basic Excel functions
    Brief theoretical information

    Until now, we have considered the problems of a static state, i.e. there were some conditions that did not change in the process of solving, and the optimal variant corresponding to these conditions was found. Such tasks are usually referred to as one-stage tasks. Along with them, there are tasks in which the conditions change from stage to stage, and often there can be a change not only in the conditions, but also in the type of the objective function. In such tasks, it is important to consider individual stages, at each of which the task becomes, as it were, static, but requires the search for a variety of solutions. The problem is that at each stage one should choose such a solution among the possible ones, which will provide the greatest benefit not only at this stage, but also at all subsequent ones. This is the essence of dynamic programming problems. The greatest contribution to the consideration of these problems was made by Richard Bellman.

    Let us illustrate the essence of dynamic programming problems using the following example.

    Some funds were allocated to two identical teams to complete the production assignment. The first team, relying on the allotted resource, carried out their task, and the second one invested the allocated funds in the installation of new equipment and at the first stages did not cope with the task, but after installing this equipment, it significantly increased its productivity.

    Let in numerical terms this situation has the following picture (Table 1)
    Table 1














    1st brigade









    Second brigade









    Technology and methods of processing economic information

    2.2.1. Main classes of technologies

    Let's give one more definition of technology - presented in the design form, i.e. in the form of formalized representations (technical descriptions, drawings, diagrams, instructions, manuals, etc.), a concentrated expression of scientific knowledge and practical experience, allowing you to rationally organize any process to save labor costs, energy, material resources or social time required to implement this process.

    It seems appropriate to distinguish three main classes of technologies:

    Production - ensure the optimization of processes in the field of material production of goods and services and their social distribution;

    Information - designed to improve the efficiency of processes in the information sphere of society, including science, culture, education, mass media and information communications;

    Social - focused on the rational organization of social processes.

    P.G. Kuznetsov proposed to use the concept of social time, introduced by Academician V.G. Afanasyev. On the basis of their ideas, it is possible to propose the use of the concept of social time as a general indicator for quantifying the characteristics of any type of technology. Indeed, the goal of technology is the rational organization of some production, social or informational process. In this case, savings can be achieved not only of the astronomical time necessary for the implementation of this process, but also of material resources, energy or equipment that ensure this process. The costs of social labor for the production and delivery of these supporting means to the place of implementation of the technological process we are considering, in turn, can also be expressed by a certain amount of costs of social time. From this follows a well-grounded conclusion - social time is a universal general indicator of any technological processes.

    In accordance with the above definition, information technology is a concentrated expression of scientific knowledge and practical experience, presented in a design form, which allows one to rationally organize one or another information process to save labor, energy or material resources.

    Information processes are widely used in various fields of activity of modern society. They are often components of other, more complex processes - social, management, production.

    The main distinguishing feature of information technologies lies in their targeted focus on optimizing information processes, the output of which is information. As a general criterion for the effectiveness of information technology, we will use the saving of social time required for the implementation of the information process, organized in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of this technology.

    The criterion of saving social time requires, first of all, the improvement of the most massive information processes, the optimization of which should give the greatest benefit due to their wide and repeated use.

    2.2.2. Basic methods of processing economic information

    One of the main purposes of information technology is the collection, processing and provision of information for making management decisions. In this regard, it is convenient to consider the methods of processing economic information in terms of the phases of the life cycle of the management decision-making process: 1) diagnostics of problems; 2) development (generation) of alternatives; 3) choice of solution; 4) implementation of the solution.

    The methods used in the problem diagnosis phase provide the most accurate and complete description of the problem. They include (Fig. 2.2) methods of comparison, factor analysis, modeling (economic and mathematical methods, methods of queuing theory, theory of reserves, economic analysis) and forecasting (qualitative and quantitative methods). All these methods collect, store, process and analyze information, record the most important events. The set of methods depends on the nature and content of the problem, the timing and funds that are allocated at the stage of setting.

    Methods for developing (generating) alternatives are shown in Fig. 2.3. At this stage, methods of collecting information are also used, but in contrast to the first stage, at which the search for answers to questions like "What happened?" and “For what reasons?"

    When developing alternatives (methods of management actions to achieve the set goal), methods are used as an individual

    dual and collective problem solving. Individual methods are characterized by the least time investment, but these solutions are not always optimal. When generating alternatives, an intuitive approach or methods of logical (rational) problem solving are used. Problem solving experts are recruited to assist the decision maker (DM) and are involved in developing alternatives (Figure 2.4). Collective problem solving is carried out according to the brainstorming / storming model (Fig. 2.5), Delphi and nominal group technique.

    In a brainstorming session, we are dealing with an unlimited discussion, which is conducted mainly in groups of 4-10 participants. Alone brainstorming is also possible. The greater the difference between the participants, the more fruitful the result (due to different experiences, temperaments, work spheres).

    Participants do not need deep and lengthy preparation and experience in this method. However, the quality of the ideas put forward and the time taken will show how familiar the individual participants or target groups are with the principles and basic rules of this method. It is positive that the participants have knowledge and experience in the area under consideration. The duration of a session within the framework of a brainstorming session can be selected in the range from several minutes to several hours, the generally accepted duration is 20-30 minutes.

    When using the brainstorming method in small groups, one should strictly adhere to two principles: refrain from evaluating ideas (here quantity turns into quality) and observe four basic rules - criticism is excluded, free association is encouraged, the number of options is desirable, combinations and improvements are sought.

    The choice of a solution occurs most often in conditions of certainty, risk and uncertainty (Fig. 2.6). The difference between these states of the environment is determined by the amount of information, the degree of the decision maker's knowledge of the essence of phenomena, the conditions for making decisions.

    Certainty conditions are such conditions for making decisions (the state of knowledge about the essence of phenomena), when the decision maker can determine in advance the result (outcome) of each alternative proposed for choice. This situation is typical for tactical

    short-term solutions. In this case, the decision maker has detailed information, i.e. comprehensive knowledge of the situation to make a decision.

    Risk conditions are characterized by such a state of knowledge about the essence of the phenomenon when the decision maker knows the probabilities of possible consequences of the implementation of each alternative. Risk and uncertainty conditions are characterized by the so-called conditions of multivalued expectations of the future situation in the external environment. In this case, the decision maker must make a choice of an alternative without having an accurate understanding of the factors of the external environment and their influence on the result. Under these conditions, the outcome, the result of each alternative is a function of conditions - environmental factors (utility function), which is not always able to predict the decision maker. To provide and analyze the results of the selected alternative strategies, a decision matrix is ​​used, also called a payment matrix.

    Uncertainty conditions are such a state of the environment (knowledge of the essence of phenomena), when each alternative can have several results, and the probability of these outcomes is unknown. The uncertainty of the decision-making environment depends on the relationship between the amount of information and its reliability. The more uncertain the external environment, the more difficult it is to make effective decisions. The decision-making environment also depends on the degree of dynamics, mobility of the environment, i.e. the speed of changes in the conditions for making a decision. Changes in conditions can occur as a result of the development of the organization, i.e. her acquisition of the ability to solve new problems, the ability to update, and under the influence of factors external to the organization that cannot be regulated by the organization. The choice of the best solution in conditions of uncertainty essentially depends on the degree of this uncertainty, i.e. on what information the decision maker has. The choice of the best solution in conditions of uncertainty, when the probabilities of possible variants of conditions are unknown, but there are principles of approach to assessing the results of actions, provides the use of the following four criteria: Wald's maximin criterion; minimax Savage criterion; Hurwitz pessimism-optimism criterion; Laplace's test or Bayesian test.

    When implementing decisions, methods of planning, organizing and monitoring the implementation of decisions are used (Fig. 2.7). Drawing up a plan for implementing a solution involves getting an answer to the questions "what, to whom and with whom, how, where and when to do it?" The answers to these questions should be documented. The main methods used in planning management decisions are network modeling and separation of duties (Figure 2.8). The main tools for network modeling are network matrices (Fig. 2.9), where the network schedule is combined with a calendar-scale time grid.

    The methods of organizing the implementation of the decision include methods of compiling an information table for implementing decisions (ITRR) and methods of influence and motivation.

    Methods of control over the implementation of decisions are divided into control over intermediate and final results and control over deadlines (operations in ITRR). The main purpose of control is to create a system of guarantees for the implementation of decisions, a system to ensure the highest possible quality of decisions.

    5. Technology of processing economic information

    It is advisable to process economic information in the created ASOEI on the platform of the "client-server" technology. In this case, the information is stored on the server. The user in the process of work requests the necessary data, the information is processed on the server and the user receives the generated data on his computer (workstation). This form of organization of the database files provides network access to information for many users at the same time.

    The ASOEI being developed should exclude duplication of data entry by different users of the system. Information must be entered once. Further, on the basis of the created programs, users should be able to receive the entered information in its original and structured form.

    If it is necessary to interact with other ASOEI via the Internet, then it is necessary to ensure the comparability of information and the compatibility of interacting program modules. For example, to work with a bank current account (accounts), it is advisable to install a client-bank system.

    6. System maintenance

    Maintenance of ASOEI should be carried out regularly by the system administrator and programmers. In order to preserve the information used in the system, it is necessary to create archival copies of the data used. Modern means of information processing allow for automatic archiving of data at specified intervals.

    In addition, the computer performing the functions of the server should have 2 hard disks, one of which will contain the working database files, and the other will function in the "mirroring" mode - to automatically record all changes on the first disk.

    In order to protect information from viruses, it is necessary to install antivirus programs at each workplace, which will work in real time. It is necessary to constantly update the versions of these anti-virus programs in order to achieve high efficiency of their application.

    In the event of failure situations in the operation of the hardware complex and general system software, the system administrator should eliminate the problem. In the event of error situations in the operation of the application software, the problem must be eliminated by the programmer.

    7. Protection of information

    The information contained in the ASOEI must be protected from unauthorized access and its possible use for unscrupulous purposes. Therefore, it is necessary to have a security system for the information used in the ASOEI. First of all, this is the delimitation of access to information depending on the functions and powers that each employee is endowed with. Next, you need to use a password system to access information. Access to passwords should be as difficult as possible in order to exclude possible information leakage, the passwords themselves should be changed periodically.

    The enterprise should create a governing document that defines the tasks, procedures for working with information and the responsibility of employees for violation of the established mode of working with information.

    In addition, it is necessary to use a set of hardware tools to ensure information security, which will include electronic keys - devices connected to a computer, combination locks to restrict access to information. The server must keep a record of work with information for each user, while providing the ability to obtain data on who and when used certain files of the system, what operations and procedures were performed at the same time.

    The security service should play an important role in protecting information.

    8. Evaluation of the effectiveness of ASOEI

    The created ASOEI should be effective from various points of view. The system from the hardware and software side will allow you to quickly and efficiently enter and exchange data both inside the network and outside it. The network topology allows us to speak about the stability of the created network, since the minimum number of intermediate links is involved in its design.

    Many of the frequently performed tasks of the enterprise ASOEI are automated.

    The development and maintenance costs of the created ASOEI system will be approximately:

    - for the purchase of computers, office equipment and network equipment - 25 thousand US dollars;

    - purchase of licensed software, software packages - 8 thousand US dollars;

    - for laying, installation and adjustment of the network - 3 thousand US dollars.

    - maintenance of the client-bank system, updating the legal and anti-virus database - USD 0.3 thousand;

    - for the purchase of consumables for the operation of the network - USD 0.2 thousand.

    Thus, the total cost of creating an ASOEI will amount to 35 thousand US dollars, monthly maintenance - not less than 0.5 thousand US dollars.


    The market of information products and services is the most dynamically developing today. Information today is considered as one of the most important resources for the development of society, along with material, energy and human resources.

    The developed ASOEI system of an advertising company should have high flexibility, adaptability, reliability and simplicity, have an open architecture, communication, provide communication with the external environment of the enterprise via the Internet or a corporate network.

    The costs for the development, maintenance and operation of the created ASOEI system should be optimal.

    It is advisable to equip the workplaces of the company's employees in order to optimize the costs of creating an ASOEI based on the characteristics, volumes and technology of information processing.

    Maintenance of ASOEI should be carried out regularly by the system administrator and programmers. In order to preserve the information used in the system, it is necessary to create archival copies of the data used.

    The information contained in the ASOEI must be protected from unauthorized access and its possible use for unscrupulous purposes. Therefore, it is necessary to have a security system for the information used in the ASOEI.

    The total cost of creating an ASOEI will amount to 35 thousand US dollars, monthly maintenance - not less than 0.5 thousand US dollars.

    List of used literature

    1. Smooth A.A. 1C: Enterprise 8.0. - SPb: Triton, 2005.

    2. Tambovtsev V.L. "The Fifth Market: Economic Problems of Information Production". M .; Moscow State University Publishing House. 2003.

    3. "Prospects for the informatization of society." Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences. Series: Information, Science, Society. 2003.

    4. Shreider Yu. "On the phenomenon of information product" // NTI Ser. 1. 2004. No. 11.

    The economic information system in its composition resembles an enterprise for the processing of data and the production of output information. As in any production process, in the EIS there is a technology for converting source data into result information. The concept of technology is defined as a system of interrelated methods of processing materials and methods of manufacturing products in the production process.

    Information technology (IT) is understood as a system of methods and methods for collecting, accumulating, storing, searching and processing information based on the use of computer technology.

    An ordered sequence of interrelated actions that are performed from the moment information appears until the result is obtained is called a technological process.

    Thus, the concept of information technology is inseparable from the specific environment in which it is implemented, i.e. from the technical and software environment. It should be noted that information technology is a fairly general concept and as a tool can be used by various users, both non-professionals in the computer field and developers of new IT.

    The functional part of the EIS is always associated with the subject area and the concept of information technology. Generally speaking, technology as a certain process is present in any subject area. So, for example, the technology of issuing a loan by a bank may have its own characteristics depending on the type of loan, type of collateral, etc. In the course of these technological processes, a bank employee processes the relevant information.

    The solution of economic and managerial problems is always closely related to the performance of a number of operations to collect the information necessary for solving these problems, to process it according to some algorithms and to issue it to the decision-maker (DM) in a convenient form. It is obvious that decision-making technology has always had an information basis, although data processing was carried out manually. However, with the introduction of computer technology in the management process, a special term information technology appeared.

    In order to distinguish terminologically the traditional technology for solving economic and managerial problems, we will introduce the term subject technology, which is a sequence of technological stages for modifying primary information into resultant information. For example, accounting technology assumes the receipt of primary documentation, which is transformed into the form of an accounting entry. The latter, changing the state of analytical accounting, leads to a change in the accounts of synthetic accounting and then the balance sheet.

    IT differ in the type of information processed (Figure 2.1), but can be combined into integrated technologies.

    Rice. 2.1.

    The selection proposed in this figure is somewhat arbitrary, since most of these ITs allow supporting other types of information as well. So, in word processors, the ability to perform primitive calculations is provided, table processors can process not only digital, but also text information, and also have a built-in graphics generation apparatus. However, each of these technologies is still more focused on processing information of a certain type.

    It is obvious that the modification of the elements that make up the concept of IT makes it possible to form a huge number of them in various computer environments.

    And today we can talk about supporting IT (IT) and functional IT (FIT).

    Supporting IT - information processing technologies that can be used as a toolkit in various subject areas for solving various problems. Information technologies of the supporting type can be classified in relation to the classes of tasks for which they are oriented. The supporting technologies are based on completely different platforms, which is due to the difference in the types of computers and software environments, therefore, when they are combined on the basis of subject technology, the problem of system integration arises. It consists in the need to bring various IT to a single standard interface.

    Functional IT is such a modification of supporting IT, in which any of the subject technologies is implemented. For example, the work of an employee of the credit department of a bank using a computer necessarily involves the use of a set of banking technologies for assessing the creditworthiness of a borrower, forming a loan agreement and urgent obligations, calculating a payment schedule and other technologies implemented in any information technology: DBMS, word processor, etc. ... The transformation of a providing information technology in its pure form into a functional one (modification of some commonly used toolkit into a special one) can be done both by a specialist designer and by the user himself. It depends on how difficult such a transformation is, i.e. on the extent to which it is available to the user himself; economist. These possibilities are expanding more and more, as the supporting technologies become more user-friendly from year to year. Thus, in the arsenal of an employee of the credit department, there may be both supporting technologies with which he constantly works: text and table processors, and special functional technologies: table processors, DBMS, expert systems that implement subject technologies.

    Subject technology and information technology influence each other. So, for example, the presence of plastic cards as a carrier of financial information fundamentally changes the subject technology, providing such opportunities that were simply absent without this carrier. On the other hand, subject technologies, filling them with specific content of IT, accentuate them on quite specific functions. Such technologies can be typical or unique, depending on the degree of unification of the technology for performing these functions.

    As an example, we can cite the banking technology of working with card index No. 3, which contains documents received for processing and not executed due to the closure of a personal account for reasons of financial control. In this case, the account is closed first. Then, if information technology is used, this record is marked with the number of the filing cabinet so that the rest of the documents that reduce the account balance would fall into this filing cabinet. In the structure of the operational and accounting department of the bank, the first and second functions can be performed either by one performer or by two different tellers. In addition, the processes for performing these functions can be separated in time. Thus, the mark in the personal account, made when it was temporarily closed by one clerk, is used by another clerk in the process of processing incoming documents for payment. At the same time, this note can be made by the operator who is the responsible executor for this account (opens, closes accounts, ensures account transactions, interest accrual, etc.).

    Classification of IT by the type of user interface (Figure 2.2) allows us to talk about the system and application interface. And if the latter is associated with the implementation of some functional IT, then the system interface is a set of methods for interacting with a computer, which is implemented by the operating system or its superstructure. Modern operating systems support the command, W1MP, and SILK interfaces. At present, the problem of creating a social interface has been posed.

    Rice. 2.2.

    The command interface is the simplest. It provides a system prompt on the screen to enter a command. For example, on MS-DOS, the prompt looks like C:>, and on UNIX, it's usually a dollar sign.

    WlMP interface stands for Windows Image Menu Pointer. The screen displays a window containing images of programs and a menu of actions. The pointer is used to select one of them.

    SlLK-ishperface stands for -Spich (speech) Image (image) Language (language) Knowledge (knowledge). When using the SILK-interface on the screen by a speech command, there is a movement from one search image to another according to the semantic semantic. connections.

    The public interface will include the best WIMP and SILK interfaces. It is assumed that when using the public interface, you will not need to understand the menu. Screen images will clearly show the way forward. Moving from one search image to another will take place along semantic semantic links.

    Operating systems (OS) are divided into single-program, multi-program and multi-user. Single-program operating systems include, for example, MS-DOS, etc. Multi-program operating systems, such as UNIX (XENIX), Windows, starting from version 3.1, DOS7.0, OS / 2, etc., allow multiple applications to run simultaneously. They differ in the time-sharing algorithm. If single-program systems operate either in batch mode or in interactive mode, then multi-program systems can combine the indicated modes. Thus, these systems provide batch and conversational technologies.

    Multi-user systems are implemented by network operating systems. They provide remote networking technologies as well as batch and conversational technologies for workplace communication. All three types of information technologies are most widely used in economic information systems.

    Most of the supporting and functional IT can be used by a managerial worker without additional intermediaries (programmers). In this case, the user can influence the sequence of application of certain technologies. Thus, from the point of view of participation or non-participation of the user in the process of performing functional IT, they can all be divided into packaged and interactive.

    Economic problems solved in batch mode are characterized by the following properties:

      the algorithm for solving the problem is formalized, the process of solving it does not require human intervention;

      there is a large amount of input and output data, a significant part of which is stored on magnetic media;

      the calculation is performed for most records of the input files;

      long time for solving the problem is due to large amounts of data;

      regulation, i.e. tasks are solved with a specified frequency. Dialogue mode is not an alternative to batch, but its development, if the use of batch mode allows you to reduce user intervention in the process of solving a problem, then the dialog mode assumes the absence of a rigidly fixed sequence of data processing operations (if it is not due to subject technology).

    A special place is occupied by network technologies that ensure the interaction of many users.

    Information technologies differ in the degree of their interaction with each other (Fig. 2.3). They can be implemented by various technical means: diskette and network interaction, as well as using various concepts of data processing and storage: distributed information base and distributed data processing.

    Rice. 2.3. Classification of IT according to the degree of their interaction

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