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1c list of infobases is empty what to do. What is a list of databases and where is it stored

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1C 8.2. Working with the list of infobases.

This article will focus on working with a list of 1C infobases:

    How to add and remove infobases (both in file and client-server mode).

    Where the list of infobases is stored.

    Additional functionality of the infobase list.

And so, if you started 1c 8.2, then we will see the following list:

To add an infobase, we press the "Add" button, after which the computer asks us whether to create a new one, or add an existing infobase:

In the first case, we create an empty base from templates or no configuration at all for programming from scratch. In both cases, the computer will ask where the database to be connected or created should be located (on the server or in the directory):

Accordingly, if you delete the base and the list, you do not physically delete it. It remains in the directory or on the server. And if you want to completely delete the database, then you need to delete the files of this database or delete it from the server (in the case of a client-server version).

That is, if the base is in the variant files, and we want to delete this base completely, then we will first delete the directory of this base (its path is shown in the bottom line when inserting into the list with the name of the base "):

To remove the database from the server, you need to enter the cluster server administration program:

In this program, we can select the option to delete the database:

In this case, the program will ask what to do with the deleted infobase:

That is, you can delete the database altogether, you can simply clear it, you can refuse this action.

Now let's talk about where the list of infobases is stored. Many people mistakenly think that in the registry. No, not in the registry. If your operating system is Windows XP, the list will be stored in the file "C: \ Documents and Settings \% CurrentUser% \ Application Data \ 1C \ 1CEStart \ ibases.v8i":

In Windows 7, the file path will be "C: \ Users \ Quser \ AppData \ Roaming \ 1C \ 1CEStart \ ibases.v8i"

This is what this file contains:

As you can see, paths, names and other parameters of the bases are stored here.

And, in conclusion, about the new feature of the infobase list, which appeared in 8.2. This is the ability to group databases into groups. To do this, we need to go to the settings:

No program is immune to malfunctions. And the products of 1C company in this respect are no exception. Failures in posting documents and recording directory items, problems with license keys and network access occur quite often. It even happens that an error pops up when creating an infobase or adding it to the list of infobases. Our story will go about the possible reasons for the occurrence of exceptional situations at the start of the program and ways to overcome them.

What is a list of databases and where is it stored

Most of the startup errors are related to the list of infobases shown in the startup window. It should be understood that the opened form itself does not store either the base tree, its settings, or the paths to access them.

The list of bases is stored in a separate file. Depending on the version of the program, you can find it:

  1. 7 version stores this list in the Windows registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER-> Software-> 1C-> 1Cv7-> 7.7-> Titles;
  2. Program version 8.1 stores the list of databases in the ibases.v8i file, which is stored in the AppData folder and is unique for each computer user (the full path looks like: AppData-> Roaming-> 1C-> 1Cv81t);
  3. Later versions of the same file with databases are stored in the 1CEstart folder, the location of which is the same as in the previous section.

Thus, knowing the location of this file, an administrator can:

  • By deleting this file, clear the list of databases;
  • After saving the file, restore the list of user bases after reinstalling the operating system;
  • Copy the list of 1c databases from one computer to another;
  • Edit various database parameters yourself by opening this file with notepad.

Empty template error

Creating a new database from a delivery template is an elementary process and has been described more than once:

What to do in such a situation? The answer is simple enough.

The fact is that:

  1. The template is installed to a specific location on the hard disk;
  2. When creating a new infobase, the program does not search for template files at all available addresses, but refers to very specific resources specified in its settings.

In most cases, these two default addresses are the same, but not always. In this case, you need to find out: where the templates were installed (if you changed them to the manual installation location, it is advisable to remember, if everything was done by default, run the installation again before the location selection window and remember the address).

By trying to re-create the base, you can verify that the problem has been resolved.

The problem of uniqueness

Not very often, but it happens, especially for novice users, that the process of adding a new infobase is stalled on a window similar to Fig. 3

In some cases, the warning "Base name not unique" appears. Such errors, as well as the window shown in Fig. 4, are the consequences of the user's carelessness. Most likely, a database with the same name or location is already registered in the list, so the program warns about an exception.

Connection error

Problems with network access to the database, errors in the spelling of the database address, moving the server, changing its IP address can cause the error shown in Fig. 5

If this error occurs, you should, first of all, analyze the reasons for its occurrence. Unavailability of other network resources may indicate network problems.

Errors when creating a database on the server

Creation of an infobase on the server and errors related to this is a separate conversation. If you simulate and fully analyze all the possible options, you can probably write a doctoral dissertation.

List of errors typical for the server version of the work:

  1. The user "postgres" is not authenticated (usually resolved by replacing ident with md5 in pg_hba.conf line "host all 168.31.0 / 24 ident");
  2. Could not translate host name ... An error occurs if the administrator does not correctly represent the scheme of the program in client-server mode. Usually solved by installing a local DNS server and a little dancing with the setting;
  3. DATABASE is not usable. Congratulations, you either have a server version that is not compatible with 1C, or some libraries are not registered;
  4. Type "mvchar" does not exist. It occurs when standard 1C tools were not used when creating a database;
  5. Could not load library V [email protected] versions 9.1 and 9.2, the library contains a bug that has not yet been fixed. Previous builds worked fine and as a solution, you can roll back to them.

In any case, if any of the above errors occur, you should not panic. Most of the problems that arise have already been described in sufficient detail and solved in the vast expanses of the world network.

System 1C: Enterprise can operate in two modes. The first one is called "1C: Enterprise", the second - "Configurator". Development of applied solutions is carried out in the configurator, and their execution - that is, the work of users with them - in 1C: Enterprise mode.

When speaking about the 1C: Enterprise software system, remember that there are the concepts of "platform" and "configuration". Platform is the environment in which configurations are developed and executed. And configuration can be compared to a set of commands that require a platform to execute.

When you start the program, first of all, a window appears on the screen. Launch of 1C: Enterprise(fig. 1.1). In it, you need, firstly, to indicate the desired configuration, and secondly, to select the mode of its launch. If not on the list yet information bases- the launch of the program will be accompanied by a message that the list information bases empty and a proposal to add a new base to it.

Rice. 1.1.

In the area of Information bases there is a list of connected information bases... This list is currently empty.

The window contains the following buttons:

  • 1C: Enterprise... System launch in 1C: Enterprise mode.
  • Configurator... Starting the system in the Configurator mode.
  • Add... Starting the process of adding a new to the list information base.
  • Change... Opens a window for changing the parameters of the added information base.
  • Delete... Removes from the list information base.
  • Customization... Allows you to customize the appearance of the list Information bases, set a directory to search for configuration templates and updates.

Click on the button Add(or we will answer Yes to the question of creating a new database). A window will appear Adding an infobase / group... In fact, this is a wizard that walks you through a few steps to add a base to the list (Figure 1.2).

Rice. 1.2.

Here we can go in two ways:

  • Creation of a new information base.
  • Adding an existing one to the list information base.

We are interested in the first point, since we will have to create a base for the subsequent development of a training configuration in it. Select it and click on the button Further... A window will appear where you can select the option to create a new information base(fig. 1.3).

Rice. 1.3.

If you have previously installed templates of any configurations in the system, their list can be found in this window. We are not interested in ready-made configurations in this course, so we choose the option of creating information base no configuration. It is intended either for developing a new configuration, or for loading into an empty configuration unloaded earlier information base or configuration from a file. Pressing the button again Further we get into the next window, which serves to indicate the name and type of location of the base (Fig. 1.4).

Rice. 1.4.

In our case, the name will be "Development Basics", location type - On this computer or on a computer in the local network... The second option is used if you are dealing with a network version of the program and are going to place the database on the 1C: Enterprise server.

Rice. 1.5.

Here we set the directory information base and language.

Press Ready- an empty one will be created information base, the name of the new database will appear in the list of bases (Fig. 1.6).

Rice. 1.6.

Note that when the button is pressed Delete dedicated information base will be removed only from the start window list, but not from the system.

The directory just created is empty information base(Fig. 1.7) there is a 1Cv8.1CD file and a 1Cv8Log folder. The file is information base... Now it has a very small size - 256 KB. The size will grow as the configuration is developed and data is entered by users of the system.

Rice. 1.7.

Now, after creating a new empty configuration, we are ready to run it for the first time in the configurator mode. Select its name and click on the button Configurator... The configurator window will open - it will be completely empty. Let's execute the command

Step-by-step creation (recovery) of the 1C 8 database from a file 1Cv8.dt:

1. On the hard drive, for example, "D: \" (preferably not on the one where the operating system is installed) create a folder with intuitiveclear name. For example, "1C8". We will store information bases in it.

2. Inside the "1C8" directory, create a folder (information base). It is advisable to come up with a clear and unique name for the catalog. We'll call it "Base".

3. Launch the installed platform 1C Enterprise 8.3.

4. If the list of infobases is empty, the question "Add infobase to the list" appears? The answer is: Yes. Or

press the "Add" button.

5. Leave the sign "Creating a new infobase" and click "Next".

7. We indicate the name of the infobase. For example, the name of the company or the name of the configuration and click "Next".

8. Select the database directory (which we created at the very beginning). Expand it and click "Select Folder".

10. Press the "Finish" button. The database has been added.

11. Launch the selected base in the "Configurator" mode.

12. In the configurator menu, select "Administration - Load information base ...".

13. Select the resulting file 1Cv8.dt. Click the "Open" button.

14. The Configurator will display the question: "After loading the infobase, the work of the Configurator will be terminated. Unsaved data in open windows may be lost! Continue? ". Click" Yes. "take a few minutes.

15. After loading the data, the program will ask the question "Information has been loaded successfully. The work of the Configurator will be terminated. Restart the Configurator? ". If we answer" Yes ", the Configurator will restart again. But there is no need for this."No" - this completes the work of the configurator.

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