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1s section bar is empty. Custom reshaping

1C: Enterprise Accounting, edition 3.0 - the first version of the configuration, which provides the ability to customize the interface. On the one hand, this feature compensates for the fundamental differences in the appearance of the new version from the previous one - 1C 8.2. On the other hand, it gives users flexible options for customizing the workspace, focusing only on existing needs, their own convenience and individual taste.

It is worth noting that during the existence of edition 3.0, which works accordingly on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, the interface has undergone several changes. In particular, the number of available interface options has been increased, including:

  • Standard (as in previous versions of 1C: Accounting 8)
  • Taxi


When version 3.0 was released, its interface was identical in structure to version 8.2, but differed in design: the names of the sub-items of the upper horizontal menu were expanded, and icons were added.

A visual comparison of editions 3.0 and 2.0 shows that the interface structure has remained unchanged.

Clicking on a menu item brought up a drop-down list, and in the new version, sub-items are displayed as tabs.

Since this type of interface was the first, it remains the most popular. You can change its structure by going to "Administration-Program Settings" - item "Interface".

allows you to access a submenu without closing the active window.*

*Horizontal menus:

  • Section panel, located directly below the main menu;
  • Panel of actions or commands available in the selected section.

The vertical navigation bar displays the structure of the section content.

Using the menu sub-items, you can customize the contents of the panels and their display as desired by the user.

(next item) allows you to add and remove sections, as well as items of the main horizontal menu, up to its complete removal.

allows you to open additional windows under the main menu - standard reports, information, contacting technical support (the horses essentially duplicate the vertical panel).

allows you to add/remove submenu items, which previously could only be done with the participation of programmers.


In the Taxi interface, the sections panel is initially located on the left.

Implementation of panel settings in this interface is carried out by dragging and grouping panels at the request of the user in a special editor window.

The panel editor window allows you to group by dragging, add and remove panels such as the section panel, the open panel, the toolbar*, the current section functions panel, the favorites panel, the history panel.

*The panels at the top of the editor window are currently active.

Section sub-items are configured (the section panel is vertical) after they are activated (the sub-item settings button is located in the upper right corner).

The action bar settings window allows you to add and remove sections, up to complete removal.

Interface nuance: favorite sub-items are marked with asterisks

*Often external improvements are added here

Similar to version 7.7 interface

The menu structure is very similar to the standard version.

The ability to customize the 7.7 interface is located on the top panel on the right (down arrow), which allows you to add and remove buttons. It is active on all interfaces.

The managed form in 8.2 is not drawn, as in 8.0 and 8.1, but is described by the programmer. It is made in order to optimize the amount of transmitted data on thin communication channels (thin client or web client, although a managed form is also possible on a thick client).

A managed form consists of the following sections:

  • Section bar
  • Navigation bar
  • Action bar
  • Workspace
  • When necessary, other areas are opened, such as the notification area.

Sections panel.

The partition bar is at the top of the desktop:

The section bar corresponds to the subsystems in the "General" branch in the metadata tree in configurator mode.

And in order for the corresponding section to appear, it is enough to add a subsystem and subordinate the necessary configuration objects to it. To add a section picture in the subsystem element editing window on the "General" tab, select the "Picture" field and select the picture we need or add our own, otherwise such a picture is added by default

The Desktop section will always be present by default.

To make some subsystem invisible to the user, you need to set the rights or hide it in the "Configuration command interface" menu, called from the configuration context menu.

If there is no subsystem in the configuration, then the section panel will not be displayed at all.

Navigation bar.

The navigation bar is on the side and shows links to various configuration objects:

The navigation bar is configured from the context menu of the subsystem:

And we can remove or check the visibility of the elements that are included in this subsystem, as well as swap the elements in places by moving the arrows:

The navigation bar is also available for other configuration objects, and is configured on the “Command interface of the form” tab.

The navigation bar consists of several groups:

  • Important
  • Normal
  • Go
  • see also

The Normal and Go groups are shown in simple font. The first exists in the subsystem, the author exists in directories (for example, a subordinate directory), documents (a register in which movements are made), etc.

At the very bottom of the navigation panel is the group "See. also" are additional links.

In addition to these groups, the programmer can create his own navigation panel groups.

The navigation bar, like the section bar, may also not be.

Action bar

The action bar is located at the top, below the section bar and above the workspace:

It allows you to call service windows, such as constants, reports or processing.

It is configured in the same menus as the navigation bar, but, as a rule, in subsystems.

Like the navigation bar, the action bar has its own groups:

  • Create
  • Reports
  • Service

The first group creates windows for creating elements, the second one calls up reports, the third one calls up processing, constants, and other service information.


The work area occupies the main part of the form.

Typically, a list of selected configuration objects is displayed here. When you select another configuration object, the workspace is replaced by the list of the new object.


The desktop occupies the first tab if we have a section bar, and the entire form if there is no section bar. That is, the desktop always exists. The desktop can have both a navigation bar and an action bar. You can display any managed forms on the working area of ​​the desktop. As a rule, this is the most important information for the user.

2 items of the configuration context menu are “responsible” for setting up the desktop

The "Open desktop command interface" item allows you to customize the navigation bar and desktop action bar

Unlike other editing forms, in the navigation panel and desktop actions editing form, you can select any objects from the left side of the "Available commands".

The workspace can be configured through the "Open desktop workspace" item. It is this part that the user sees first. We see that there are desktop templates - in one column, in two columns of the same width and in two columns of different widths.

Below we place any managed forms that a particular user uses most often and adjust the visibility and height.

Publishing the fourth chapter of my book

Chapter 4

In the final chapter of the first part of this book, we will analyze the features of user work with the appearance of a managed application - Taxi. We will get acquainted with the type of "Taxi" in more detail and in depth, because. this is the main type of work of the 1C client application at the moment.

Figure 1.4.1 shows the appearance of the Taxi interface using the example of my configuration, which we will do from the next part.

Rice. 1.4.1. Appearance of "Taxi"

Our first acquaintance with the Taxi interface will begin with the panels. If in the views there were only three panels (sections, actions and navigation), then in the Taxi there were six panels (see Fig. 1.4.2).

Let's briefly analyze each panel from Figure 1.4.2 (below, we will study in detail all the panels separately):

1 - Partition panel - displays the command interface of the top-level subsystems.

2 - Function bar of the current section - includes commands that correspond to the current section.

3 - Toolbar - serves for quick access to a number of user functions.

4 - Favorites bar - displays favorite navigation links.

5 - Open panel - displays the forms that are open in the current client session.

6 - History panel - a list of navigation links to previously opened objects.

7 - Workspace.

Rice. 1.4.2. Taxi Appearance Panels

We figured out the total number and purpose of the panels, now we will learn how to configure the location of the panels at the development stage. To do this, go to the configuration properties (see Fig. 1.4.3).

Rice. 1.4.3. Path to configuration properties

In the palette that opens, we are interested in the "Client Application Interface" property (see Fig. 1.4.4).

Rice. 1.4.4. Client Application Interface Property

Rice. 1.4.5. Client application interface configuration window

The client application settings form is divided into two parts. On the left - groups of panels location relative to the workspace. On the right are the panels themselves. In the window on the right, opposite some panels, a gray square is displayed, this is a mark that this panel is already in the interface. By moving panels from the left window to the right window with the mouse, the configuration developer can independently customize the interface of the client application with one limitation: the same panel cannot be selected twice. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. It is possible, for example, to place all panels on one side, as in figure 1.4.5. True, the client application will most likely not be very convenient.

Rice. 1.4.6. Not the smartest example of setting up a client application

The panel settings specified in the "Client Application Interface" configuration property will be displayed to the user in the event that he did not set up the application interface on his own. Let's learn how to customize the layout of panels in 1C:Enterprise. To do this, the user needs to go to the panel editor through the main menu (see Figure 1.4.7).

Rice. 1.4.7. Path to panel editor

Rice. 1.4.8. Panel Editor

The panel editor (see Fig. 1.4.8) is divided into two parts. The upper part shows a schematic layout of the panels in the client application relative to the workspace. At the bottom (highlighted in gray) are panels that are not included in the interface. Using the mouse, the user can independently position any panel relative to the workspace, moving them from the bottom to the top. It is also possible to move panels relative to each other along the top of the panel editor. After the user has configured the desired view, you must click the "Apply" button in order for everything to be displayed in the client application. In the event that the user wants to return to the view provided by the configuration developer, he just needs to click the "Standard" button.

home page

Rice. 1.4.24. Setting up navigation in the Taxi interface

There's also an "Important" group, things in bold, a "General" group, and a "See" group. also". If the section has a subsection, as in our case, then it is also allocated to a separate group, where there are subgroups "Important" and "Normal". The user can independently move commands from one group to another, delete, add and perform other manipulations. To set the standard settings specified by the configuration developer, you must click the "More" button and select the "Set default settings" item in the drop-down menu (see Fig. 1.4.25).

Rice. 1.4.25. Setting default navigation settings

Let's set the standard settings for our navigation and see how the menu of functions and the function panel of the section will change (see fig. 1.4.26 - 1.4.28). Compare them with what happened before, in figures 1.4.20 and 1.4.21.

Rice. 1.4.26. Setting default navigation settings

Rice. 1.4.27. Function menu at standard settings

Rice. 1.4.28. Function panel of the current section with standard settings

With action settings, everything is also simple (see Fig. 1.4.29). They are similar to the action bar settings from the previous chapter. Similarly, there are three groups: Create, Reports, and Service. In the "Create" group there are commands for creating new directories or documents, in the "Reports" group - commands for opening reports, in the "Service" group - commands for starting processing.

Rice. 1.4.29. Action Tincture

By analogy with the navigation settings, you can set the default settings set by the developer using the "More" - "Set default settings" menu.

Let's get acquainted with one interesting feature that appeared in the Taxi interface - a menu search. It often happens in practice that there are many commands in the function menu, and it can be problematic to quickly find the right command. To do this, the platform developers have implemented a menu search. The function menu search input field is located in the upper right corner of the menu (see Fig. 1.4.30).

Rice. 1.4.30. Search field in function menu

It is enough to start typing when the function menu is open and the search will be carried out automatically (see Fig. 1.4.31).

Rice. 1.4.31. Function menu search

The search is case-insensitive.

And finally, we learn about two more ways to open the function menu. The first way is by using the toolbar, where there is a special icon corresponding to the function menu (see Fig. 1.4.32). The second way is by using the F10 key.

Rice. 1.4.32. Icon in the toolbar to open the function menu

Panel open

We mentioned above that the user can navigate between open windows using the navigation arrows, as well as using the open bar. Let's analyze it in more detail. Let me remind you that you can independently place this panel in any part of the 1C:Enterprise interface using the panel editor (see Figure 1.4.8).

Rice. 1.4.33. Panel open in the interface "Taxi"

The open panel contains a list of all forms that have been opened by the user during the 1C:Enterprise session. This list is sorted by the time the form was opened, as a result, each newly opened form is placed at the end of the list. When the user activates the desired list item, the form corresponding to this item is displayed in the workspace, and the selected item is highlighted in green (see Fig. 1.4.33).

In order to close an element, it is necessary to click on the cross located in the upper right corner of the element display in the list. Moreover, you can close both the active element, the form of which is active in the workspace, and any other element from the list. When the active element is closed, the form at the very end of the list becomes the current one.

We continue to study the arrangement of forms in the workspace. In the "Taxi" interface, it is possible to attach the desired form to any side of the workspace, for this you need either to call the context menu of the element in the open panel (see Fig. 1.4.34), or in the system commands area, click on the "Show with other window or secure” (see Fig. 1.4.35).

Rice. 1.4.34. Context menu of the open panel element

Rice. 1.4.35. Menu of the "Show with another window or dock" button of the system command area

Now let's fix the sales report form from Figure 1.4.33 on the right. The appearance of the 1C:Enterprise interface will change (see Figure 1.4.36).

Rice. 1.4.36. Appearance of 1C:Enterprise with the sales report form attached to the right

Moreover, only one form can be attached and in one part of the workspace. In the 1C 8.3.9 platform, it is not possible to attach different forms from different sides. If you want to pin another form, the current form will be unpinned.

The same rule will remain in platform editions 8.3.10 and 8.3.11, only the window pinning mechanism will be improved.

In addition to the docking mechanism, there is a mechanism for merging forms: You can make two forms appear together on the workspace, grouped either horizontally or vertically.

To do this, in the context menu of the form (Fig. 1.4.34 and 1.4.35) select either the item "Show together with others vertically" or the item "Show together with others horizontally". These items have a continuation (see Fig. 1.4.37), where you need to choose which form you want to show along with the current one.

Rice. 1.4.37. Choosing a shape to merge

In the context of our example, we will merge horizontally the "Incoming Goods" form into the "Outgoing Goods" form. In Figure 1.4.38 you can see what appearance 1C:Enterprise will acquire after these actions.

Rice. 1.4.38. Horizontally merged list shapes

In the 1C platform 8.3.9 (and this rule, most likely, will also be in platforms 8.3.10 and 8.3.11), you cannot attach combined forms. If you try to pin one of the merged forms, their merging will be reset.

Navigation links

Starting from platform 8.1. navigation links appeared in 1C:Enterprise. A navigation link is a text representation of any object (catalogue item, document, list form, etc.) that can be used to open this object in 1C:Enterprise. Let's take them into practice. You can work with navigation links through the area of ​​system commands (see Fig. 1.4.39).

Rice. 1.4.39. System command area

Let's open some document in my training configuration and execute the "Get link..." command (see Fig. 1.4.42).

After executing the command, a form for obtaining a link will open, where the form field will contain a link to the desired object. Here is the text: "e1cib/data/Document.Incoming Goods?ref=8a6f00235402431011e6e3299dc1822e" and is a link to the document "Arrival of goods No. 000000001 dated 01/25/2017". After we copy the link to this document to the clipboard, we can open it from anywhere in this database. Moreover, you can send it by mail or some messenger to a colleague who works over the network with this database, and he will easily open this link (if he has the rights to at least view this object). Opening a link is just as easy: to do this, use the "Go to the link ..." command in the system commands area (see Fig. 1.4.43) or in the main menu. And especially fast ones can work with the Shift + F11 key combination.

After executing this command, the "Following the link" form will open. In the only field of this form, you need to copy the saved link and click the "Go" button (see Fig. 1.4.43).

After these steps, a document will appear in the workspace, the link of which we clicked on.

Favorites bar

As you can see from Figures 1.4.42 and 1.4.44, the "Get Link" and "Follow Link" forms have an "Add to Favorites" button. Favorites are some kind of object, and any object: processing, report, directory element, document, list form, etc., with which the user can work very often. You can add to favorites in several ways.

The first way is with the help of the “Get a link…” and “Following a link…” commands already known to us, in the windows of these commands there is a button “Add to favorites” (see Fig. 1.4.42 and 1.4.44). By clicking on this button, you will add to your favorites the object, the link to which is indicated in the input field.

The second way is that you can click on the "Star" icon next to the title of any object located in the workspace. Somehow: a document (see Figure 1.4.45), a list of documents (see Figure 1.4.46), or a report (see Figure 1.4.47).

Rice. 1.4.45. Add to favorites icon for a document

Rice. 1.4.46. Icon for adding to favorites in the list of documents

Rice. 1.4.47. Icon for adding to favorites near the report form

Rice. 1.4.48. Positioning the Favorites Bar in the Panel Editor

Rice. 1.4.49. Favorites panel in 1C:Enterprise

Working with the favorites panel is quite simple: you need to click on the desired link with the mouse, and it will be displayed in the workspace. If you need to edit the list of favorites, you can do this by calling the favorites form. This form can be called in three ways.

The first way is to click on the word "Favorites" in the Favorites panel itself (see Fig. 1.4.50). The second way is to use the toolbar, where you need to click on the Star icon (see Fig. 1.4.51). And the third - using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + B.

Rice. 1.4.50. Go to favorites settings, through the favorites panel

Rice. 1.4.51 Access to favorites settings via the toolbar

After the above actions, the favorites form will open (see Fig. 1.4.52), where the user can perform a number of actions.

Rice. 1.4.52. Favorite form.

Let's analyze all the user's options for working with the favorites form.

And we'll start with a search. As well as in the Taxi interface in general, the user can search for favorites, this is done in the field in the upper right corner of the form. In order for the search to start working, it is enough just to type the text when the window is open, or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F. After the search is completed, those objects whose names contain the desired combination of characters will remain in the favorites (see Fig. 1.4.53). The search is case-insensitive.

Rice. 1.4.53. Search in favorites form

You can cancel the search by pressing the Esc key.

Also in the form of favorites you have the ability to manipulate the list of objects. For example, you can edit the name of an object by hovering over the object and clicking on the "Pencil" icon (see Fig. 1.4.54).

Rice. 1.4.54. Editing an object in the favorites form

In this case, you will only edit the representation of the object in the favorites form. Nothing will happen to the representation of the object in other windows.

In addition to editing, you can safely delete an object. To do this, just select the desired object and click on the cross next to the selected object (see Fig. 1.4.55).

Rice. 1.4.55. Deleting an item in the favorites form

And you can also move objects around the list. You can do this either with the mouse (drag the object up or down), or with the help of the context menu (see Fig. 1.4.56), using which, by the way, you can edit and delete the desired objects.

Rice. 1.4.56. Context menu in favorites form

I will note one more peculiarity when working with the form and the favorites panel: when you add a new object to favorites (as in Fig. 1.4.45 - 1.4.47), then all other objects are shifted down. But in the favorites form, it is possible to pin the desired object so that it always remains at the top of the list. To do this, select the object and click on the Paperclip icon (see Fig. 1.4.57).

Rice. 1.4.57. Pinning an object in the favorites form

Having applied these actions, you will see that the object is highlighted in bold text, and it will automatically move to the top of the favorites panel after the form is closed (Fig. 1.4.58).

Fig.1.4.58. Favorites bar with item selected

And before I finish studying the favorites panel, I will note some of its features. As you may have guessed, you cannot delete, edit, move and attach objects in the favorites panel itself (only through the favorites form). In addition, when the favorites bar is opened vertically, only the first 10 items are displayed, when the favorites bar is opened, only those items that fit are displayed. At the time of this writing, there are no scrollbars on the favorites bar.

Story panels

Those who worked in 1C as a user know that very often there is a need to open some document or report that they have worked with before. Previously when running on 8.0 platforms. and 8.1. I had to either remember or search in all sorts of tricky ways.

But already from platform 8.2. it became possible to work with the history of the use of objects. And already in the Taxi interface of platform 8.3. this mechanism has acquired a more convenient and user-friendly look. Now the user can view all the objects with which he previously dealt.

For example, the user launched the 1C program and, using the section panel and the function menu, opened the list form of the document "Arrival of goods", it is immediately recorded in the history that the user worked with the corresponding object. Then he opened a document, and this is also recorded in history. And that's it. Whatever he does with the document: he posted it, changed the details, marked it for deletion - the history only shows that he was working with a specific document. From the history, we cannot find out what actions were performed with this document. There are other mechanisms for this. The history is needed only so that the user can quickly go to the desired object (by clicking on it with the mouse), and not look for it in the program interface. Moreover, if the user opened the same object several times a day (for example, ran a report), then the history will contain only one entry about the use of this object and with the latest time. I note that the history is stored in the infobase, i.e. when clearing the cache or when moving the database from one device to another, the history is saved.

You can work with the history of using objects using two forms: the history form (Fig. 1.4.59) and the history panel (1.4.60).

Rice. 1.4.59. The shape of the stories

Rice. 1.4.60. Stories Panel

Moreover, in the form of stories you can see all used objects grouped by days (maximum can be 400 records for each user). And in the panel of stories, or the first 10 with a vertical arrangement of the panel, or as many as you like with a horizontal one. The question of how to place the story panel in 1C:Enterprise will not cause much difficulty for you: once again we will use the panel editor. But there are several ways to get into the form of stories. The first way is to click on the "History" heading or the corresponding icon on the right in the history panel (see Fig. 1.4.61).

Rice. 1.4.61. Switching to the stories form via panels

The second way is using the toolbar already familiar to us, where you need to click on the corresponding icon (see Fig. 1.4.62).

Fig.1.4.62. Switching to the history form via the toolbar

And with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + H.

Let's take the form of stories. As can be seen from Figure 1.4.59, the history of all objects is grouped by day and sorted by time in descending order. To the left of the list of objects, sometimes there are icons "Star", which means that the object has been added to favorites. You yourself can add an object to your favorites from the history form or remove it from there by putting or deleting a star.

In the same way as in the form of favorites, in the form of history you can use the search. It is enough to start writing a word or use the key combination Ctrl+F (see Fig. 1.4.63).

Rice. 1.4.63. Search in the stories panel

The principle of searching in the stories panel is exactly the same as in the favorites panel, so we will not focus on it.


The toolbar is required for quick access to four 1C:Enterprise functions.

  • Function menu (Fig. 1.4.64)
  • Favorite form (Fig. 1.4.65)
  • History form (Fig. 1.4.66)
  • Full-text search form (Fig. 1.4.67).

Rice. 1.4.64. Accessing the function menu

Rice. 1.4.65. Access to the favorites form

Rice. 1.4.66. Accessing the history form

Rice. 1.4.67. Accessing the full text search form

You are already familiar with the favorites and history forms, as well as with the menu of section functions, so we will not focus on them, but will deal with the full-text search form (see Fig. 1.4.68). In addition to the toolbar, it can also be called using the key combination Ctrl + Shift + F.

Rice. 1.4.68. Full text search form

The full-text search mechanism allows you to quickly find the information you need in the 1C:Enterprise database and reference information.

Custom reshaping

In a managed application, the user can independently modify forms: add, delete, move form elements, and also change the composition of form tables. Consider the basic principles of changing forms on the example of the document "Sale of goods". Figure 1.4.69 shows the default form of this document.

Rice. 1.4.69. Appearance of the document "Sale of goods"

To edit a form, go to the "More" form group and click the "Edit form" button (see 1.4.70).

Rice. 1.4.70. The Reshape command of the More group

The developer can forbid changing the form, then this button will not be in the "More" group. We will learn how to disable form edits in Part 3 of this course.

After executing the "Change form" command, the form settings window will open (see Fig. 1.4.71).

Rice. 1.4.71. Form settings window

In this window, you can remove visibility from the fields, move them relative to each other, add subordinate fields, and also create your own groups for a more convenient arrangement of fields.

Let's consider all these possibilities of editing the form in more detail.

In order to remove visibility from the desired element, it is enough to uncheck the flag next to this element. For example, let's remove the visibility of the "Type of sale" field (see Fig. 1.4.72) and see how the form changes (see Fig. 1.4.73).

Rice. 1.4.72. Removed visibility in the "Type of sale" element

Rice. 1.4.73. The "Type of sale" element is not displayed on the form

Elements can be moved relative to each other. Using the arrows "Move up", "Move down" and with the mouse (you need to "drag" the element to the desired position). Let's move the "Contractor" and "Warehouse" elements below the invoice number and invoice date (see Fig. 1.4.74 and 1.4.75).

Rice. 1.4.74. Shifted the fields "Warehouse" and "Contractor"

Rice. 1.4.75. Form with the "Warehouse" and "Contractor" fields shifted down

It is very convenient sometimes to group elements, for example, let's make the "Number" and "Date" fields horizontal.

To do this, you need to add a new group by clicking on the "Add group" button of the form settings, in the group properties you can remove the flag from the "Display title" property and set the "Grouping" property to the value "Horizontal" (see Fig. 1.4.76).

Rice. 1.4.76. Adding a new group and setting group properties

After that, we will move the required fields (Date and Number) to this group (see Fig. 1.4.77).

Rice. 1.4.77. Moving fields into a group

To move a field to the required group, select this field with the mouse and, while holding down the right mouse button, “drag” the field to the desired group.

After all the settings, the document form should take the following form (see Fig. 1.4.78).

Rice. 1.4.78. Grouped the fields "Date" and "Number"

Similarly, it is possible to group columns of form tables (see Fig. 1.4.79 and 1.4.80).

Rice. 1.4.79. Grouping form table columns

Rice. 1.4.80. Grouping columns on a form

This is where we will finish studying the user principles of working with the Taxi interface. These principles must be known and be able to use them, since a good developer must know how the program works from the user's point of view.
The book “Fundamentals of development in 1C: Taxi. Development in a managed application in 12 steps»

Easy and fast development of programming in 1C with the help of my books: and "Fundamentals of Development in 1C: Taxi"

Sometimes it seems that learning a programming language in 1C is difficult and difficult. In fact, programming in 1C is easy. My books will help you easily and quickly master programming in 1C: and "Fundamentals of development in 1C: Taxi"

This book is suitable for those who have already started programming and are experiencing certain difficulties with this topic and those who have been programming for a long time, but have never worked with 1C managed forms.

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  2. Over 600 pages of practical material;
  3. Each example is accompanied by a picture (screenshot);

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