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  • 1c the exchange message was previously received. Error "Editing data for this period is prohibited

1c the exchange message was previously received. Error "Editing data for this period is prohibited

  • The file with the message has already been loaded into the receiving base. It is necessary to unload it from the source database again.

Error "An error occurred while copying a file from an FTP resource... Error working with the Internet: Timeout was reached"

  • From the site through which the exchange passes, it is not possible to copy the desired file. This may be due to your slow internet connection or problems with the site itself.
  • You need to try to repeat the exchange in 15-30 minutes.

Error "Editing data for this period is prohibited. Changes cannot be recorded…”

  • The uploaded data contains documents from a closed period.
  • It is necessary to carry out an exchange under users who have the right to change documents in this period.

Error "You need to perform database configuration updates. The update can be done in the configurator mode"

Reason: Programmers changed the configuration in the center. Solution: Update the modified configuration in the edge base. For this:
  • Go to the configurator.
  • Execute the menu item "Configurator / Update database configuration".
  • If a question is displayed with answers only "Repeat", "Cancel", "Update dynamically", click the button "Update dynamically".
  • If a question is issued with answers only "Retry" and "Cancel".
    • all users to exit 1C.
    • press the "Repeat" button.
  • Answer the remaining questions in the affirmative: “Yes”, “Accept”, “OK”.
  • Close the configurator.
  • Retry the download from the center.

Error "Configuration does not match what was expected", "Attempting to accept changes from an unknown configuration"

  • Database error.
  • You need to contact the experts.

The exchange takes a very long time, freezes

Possible reasons:
  • Lots of data coming in.
    • Find out from the sender whether he performed a group change of documents (posting, replacing details, etc.).
    • If so, leave the computer with the exchange overnight.
  • A large file cannot be downloaded from the Internet.
    • If the file is large (80-100 MB or more), then perhaps 1C simply cannot download it.
    • You need to download the file and upload it to 1C manually (possibly with the help of specialists).
      • menu item "Operations" / Exchange plans / Full / Button on the panel "Read message".
  • Base damaged:
    • Try
  • If these steps do not help, you will have to contact specialists.
  • If the error cannot be corrected, call the emergency support number +7 (8512) 64-55-05.
  • Our specialist will help you, no matter what city you are in.

The error “Message number is less than or equal to the previously received one” is probably familiar to anyone who has ever dealt with exchanges in 1C programs. Let's consider why such an error occurs, and suggest downloading a processing to correct the situation.

When data is exchanged, the system usually makes special notes in the database about whether an upload took place or not. Nodes of exchange plans have two special standard attributes - the number of the received message and the number of the sent message (details - ). It is in these details that 1C stores information about downloaded / unloaded packages.

For correct data exchange, the message numbers must match in pairs in the exchange bases. Those. if in the source base the number of the sent message is equal to 300, then the number of the received message in the receiver base must be equal to 300.

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Processing Registration of changes for 1C exchange

But there are situations when the message numbers begin to diverge. This can happen in various cases. For example, if one of the databases was restored from an archive. In this case, it is necessary to align the message codes of the exchange nodes.

To change the number of messages, the easiest way is to use the typical processing - "Change registration for exchange".

Processing exists as for a normal application:

So for the managed:

To correct an error, click on the hyperlink with message numbers (or the Change message numbers button).

In the window that opens, set the messages to zero and click the "Record" button:

Attention! If you set the values ​​to zero, you will lose the registration of changes for the exchange, i.e. the system will not unload the latest batch of changes.

The treatments described above are usually part of typical configurations.

In this article, we will look at how to use processing , which is present in most typical configurations and greatly simplifies the elimination of various errors associated with data exchange in 1C.

To begin with, let's say a few words about how data is exchanged in 1C.

To describe the exchange procedure in the configuration, there is an object Exchange Plan. For each data exchange option, a plan is created. For example, an exchange plan between the Enterprise Accounting and Trade Management configurations.

Each communication plan contains elements (nodes). These nodes register objects that are to be transferred in the next data exchange. It is impractical to transfer all objects (directories, documents) during each exchange, because, firstly, there may be too many of them, and the exchange will be delayed for a day, and secondly, not all objects have been changed by users, so most of them have already is in the base-receiver in the right form.

In addition, exchange plan nodes have two special attributes: and The number of the received message. Each time a data packet is uploaded for exchange, it is assigned a sequence number. He's recording in props Sent message number. Similarly, when a data package is loaded from another infobase, it also has a sequence number. In case of successful data upload, this number is recorded in the props Received message number.

The numbers are needed so that there is no confusion in the transmitted data packets. If a package with a number, for example, 152, arrives in the database, and is already registered in the database Received message number 169, then such a packet will be ignored. This will show an error:

The message number is less than or equal to the previously received

And if a package with number 170 or more arrives, it will be loaded into the database and props Received message number number will be assigned.

In the course of working with data exchange in 1C, other non-standard situations may arise that require work with message numbers, registration or deregistration of objects in nodes, etc.

So the processing Registering Changes for Exchange allows you to make changes to the exchange nodes, i.e. forcibly register objects and unregister them, change the numbers of received and sent messages, view registered objects.

Examples of cases where this might be needed:

  1. The numbering of exchange messages has gone astray. This can happen, for example, when one of the databases was restored from a backup.
  2. It is necessary to retransmit already transferred objects. For example, if the exchange rules have changed.
  3. You need to cancel the transfer of individual objects, etc.

How to use processing Registering Changes for Exchange:

  1. In the upper field, select the exchange node for which actions will be performed. In this case, the large field at the bottom will be filled with objects included in the Exchange Plan. In a collumn Auto-registration shows the status of auto-registration of changes and the number of objects currently registered.
  2. Button Register all... includes all objects provided by the exchange plan in the node.
  3. Button Delete all registration... clears the exchange plan node registration. Attention! The action is irreversible.
  4. Button Register by alone... deletes all existing registrations and registers one object of each type. Attention! The action is irreversible.
  5. Button Edit message numbers... allows you to set arbitrary values ​​of attributes Sent message number and The number of the received message.
  6. The button with a cross allows you to delete the registration of an arbitrary infobase object. At the same time, you can create a query and remove the registration of all objects received as a result of its execution.
  7. The plus button allows you to add registration of an arbitrary infobase object. In this case, you can compose a query and add registration of all objects obtained as a result of its execution.
  8. Button Show changes logged for a given type shows infobase objects registered in the exchange node. Before pressing the button, you need to highlight the type of objects of interest.
  9. Button Standard upload result shows how the infobase object will look like when uploaded for exchange in XML format. Before clicking, you need to highlight the object of interest.

If you have problems with the exchange between 1C information bases and you can’t solve it on your own, our specialists will be happy to help you with this as soon as possible.

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